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6 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
7 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
9 //#define DebugLog
10 enum { kHOSizePreLS1 = 2160, kHFSizePreLS1 = 1728 } ;
13  const HcalDDDSimConstants& hc) :
14  hpar(hp), hcons(hc) {
16 #ifdef DebugLog
17  std::cout << "HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalDDDRecConstants (const HcalParameters* hp) constructor" << std::endl;
18 #endif
19  initialize();
20 }
23 #ifdef DebugLog
24  std::cout << "HcalDDDRecConstants::destructed!!!" << std::endl;
25 #endif
26 }
28 std::vector<HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin>
29 HcalDDDRecConstants::getEtaBins(const int itype) const {
31  std::vector<HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin> bins;
32  unsigned int type = (itype == 0) ? 0 : 1;
33  unsigned int lymax = (type == 0) ? 17 : 19;
34  for (int ieta = iEtaMin[type]; ieta <= iEtaMax[type]; ++ieta) {
35  int nfi = (int)((20.001*nModule[itype]*CLHEP::deg)/phibin[ieta-1]);
36  HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin etabin = HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin(ieta, etaTable[ieta-1], etaTable[ieta], nfi, hpar->phioff[type], phibin[ieta-1]);
37  int dstart = -1;
38  if (layerGroupSize( ieta-1 ) > 0) {
39  int lmin(0), lmax(0);
40  int dep = layerGroup( ieta-1, 0 );
41  if (type == 1 && ieta == iEtaMin[type]) dep = 3;
42  unsigned lymx0 = (layerGroupSize( ieta-1 ) > lymax) ? lymax : layerGroupSize( ieta-1 );
43  for (unsigned int l=0; l<lymx0; ++l) {
44  if ((int)layerGroup( ieta-1, l ) == dep) {
45  if (lmin == 0) lmin = l + 1;
46  lmax = l + 1;
47  } else if ((int)layerGroup( ieta-1, l ) > dep) {
48  if (dstart < 0) dstart = dep;
49  etabin.layer.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(lmin,lmax));
50  lmin = (l + 1);
51  lmax = l;
52  dep = layerGroup( ieta-1, l );
53  }
54  if (type == 0 && ieta == iEtaMax[type] && dep > 2) break;
55  }
56  if (lmax >= lmin) {
57  if (ieta+1 == hpar->noff[1]) {
58  } else if (ieta == hpar->noff[1]) {
59  HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin etabin0 = HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin(ieta-1, etaTable[ieta-2], etaTable[ieta], nfi, hpar->phioff[type], phibin[ieta-1]);
60  etabin0.depthStart = dep;
61  etabin0.layer.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(lmin,lmax));
62  bins.push_back(etabin0);
63  } else {
64  etabin.layer.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(lmin,lmax));
65  if (dstart < 0) dstart = dep;
66  }
67  }
68  }
69  etabin.depthStart = dstart;
70  bins.push_back(etabin);
71  }
72 #ifdef DebugLog
73  std::cout << "Prepares " << bins.size() << " eta bins for type " << type
74  << std::endl;
75  for (unsigned int i=0; i<bins.size(); ++i) {
76  std::cout << "Bin[" << i << "]: Eta = (" << bins[i].ieta << ":"
77  << bins[i].etaMin << ":" << bins[i].etaMax << ") Phi = ("
78  << bins[i].nPhi << ":" << bins[i].phi0 << ":" << bins[i].dphi
79  << ") and " << bins[i].layer.size() << " depths (start) "
80  << bins[i].depthStart << " :";
81  for (unsigned int k=0; k<bins[i].layer.size(); ++k)
82  std::cout << " [" << k << "] " << bins[i].layer[k].first << ":"
83  << bins[i].layer[k].second;
84  std::cout << std::endl;
85  }
86 #endif
87  return bins;
88 }
90 std::pair<double,double>
91 HcalDDDRecConstants::getEtaPhi(int subdet, int ieta, int iphi) const {
92  int ietaAbs = (ieta > 0) ? ieta : -ieta;
93  const double fiveDegInRad = 2*M_PI/72;
94  double eta(0), phi(0);
95  if ((subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) ||
96  (subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) ||
97  (subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter))) { // Use Eta Table
98  int unit = (int)(phibin[ietaAbs-1]/fiveDegInRad+0.5);
99  int kphi = (unit == 2) ? ((iphi-1)/2 + 1) : iphi;
100  double foff = (ietaAbs <= iEtaMax[0]) ? hpar->phioff[0] : hpar->phioff[1];
101  eta = 0.5*(etaTable[ietaAbs-1]+etaTable[ietaAbs]);
102  phi = foff + (kphi-0.5)*phibin[ietaAbs-1];
103  } else {
104  ietaAbs -= iEtaMin[3];
105  int unit = (int)(hpar->phitable[ietaAbs-1]/fiveDegInRad+0.5);
106  int kphi = (unit == 4) ? ((iphi-3)/4 + 1) : ((iphi-1)/2 + 1);
107  double foff = (unit > 2) ? hpar->phioff[4] : hpar->phioff[2];
108  eta = 0.5*(hpar->etaTableHF[ietaAbs-1]+hpar->etaTableHF[ietaAbs]);
109  phi = foff + (kphi-0.5)*hpar->phitable[ietaAbs-1];
110  }
111  if (ieta < 0) eta = -eta;
112  if (phi > M_PI) phi -= (2*M_PI);
113 #ifdef DebugLog
114  std::cout << "getEtaPhi: subdet|ieta|iphi " << subdet << "|" << ieta << "|"
115  << iphi << " eta|phi " << eta << "|" << phi << std::endl;
116 #endif
117  return std::pair<double,double>(eta,phi);
118 }
121 HcalDDDRecConstants::getHCID(int subdet, int ieta, int iphi, int lay,
122  int idepth) const {
124  int eta(ieta), phi(iphi), depth(idepth);
125  if ((subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)) ||
126  ((subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) && (lay > 17))) {
127  subdet= static_cast<int>(HcalOuter);
128  depth = 4;
129  } else if (subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel) ||
130  subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
131  eta = ietaMap[ieta-1];
132  int unit = phiUnitS[ieta-1];
133  int phi0 = (iphi-1)/(hpar->phigroup[eta-1]);
134  if (unit == 2) {
135  phi0 = (iphi+1)/2;
136  phi0 = (phi0-1)/(hpar->phigroup[eta-1]);
137  } else if (unit == 4) {
138  phi0 = (iphi+5)/4;
139  phi0 = (phi0-1)/(hpar->phigroup[eta-1]);
140  }
141  ++phi0;
142  unit = hcons.unitPhi(phibin[eta-1]);
143  phi = hcons.phiNumber(phi0,unit);
144  depth = layerGroup( eta-1, lay-1 );
145  if (eta == iEtaMin[1]) {
146  if (subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) {
147  if (depth > 2) depth = 2;
148  } else {
149  if (depth < 3) depth = 3;
150  }
151  } else if (eta == hpar->noff[0] && lay > 1) {
152  int kphi = phi + int((hpar->phioff[3]+0.1)/phibin[eta-1]);
153  kphi = (kphi-1)%4 + 1;
154  if (kphi == 2 || kphi == 3) depth = layerGroup( eta-1, lay-2 );
155  } else if (eta == hpar->noff[1] && depth > 2) {
156  eta = hpar->noff[1]-1;
157  }
158  }
159 #ifdef DebugLog
160  std::cout << "getHCID: input " << subdet << ":" << ieta << ":" << iphi
161  << ":" << idepth << ":" << lay << " output " << eta << ":" << phi
162  << ":" << depth << std::endl;
163 #endif
164  return HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalID(subdet,eta,phi,depth);
165 }
168 double HcalDDDRecConstants::getRZ(int subdet, int ieta, int depth) const {
170  int ietaAbs = (ieta > 0) ? ieta : -ieta;
171  double rz(0);
172 #ifdef DebugLog
173  int lay(0);
174 #endif
175  if (ietaAbs < hpar->etaMax[1]) {
176  for (unsigned int k=0; k< layerGroupSize( ietaAbs-1 ); ++k) {
177  if (depth == (int)layerGroup( ietaAbs-1, k )) {
178  rz = ((subdet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) ? (gconsHB[k].first) :
179  (gconsHE[k].first));
180  if (rz > 10.) {
181 #ifdef DebugLog
182  lay = k;
183 #endif
184  break;
185  }
186  }
187  }
188  }
189 #ifdef DebugLog
190  std::cout << "getRZ: subdet|ieta|depth " << subdet << "|" << ieta << "|"
191  << depth << " lay|rz " << lay << "|" << rz << std::endl;
192 #endif
193  return rz;
194 }
196 std::vector<HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalActiveLength>
199  std::vector<HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalActiveLength> actives;
200  std::vector<HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin> bins = getEtaBins(type);
201 #ifdef DebugLog
202  unsigned int kount(0);
203 #endif
204  for (unsigned int k=0; k<bins.size(); ++k) {
205  int ieta = bins[k].ieta;
206  double eta = 0.5*(bins[k].etaMin+bins[k].etaMax);
207  double theta = 2*atan(exp(-eta));
208  double scale = 1.0/((type == 0) ? sin(theta) : cos(theta));
209  int depth = bins[k].depthStart;
210  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bins[k].layer.size(); ++i) {
211  double thick(0);
212  for (int j = bins[k].layer[i].first; j <= bins[k].layer[i].second; ++j) {
213  if (type == 0 || j > 1)
214  thick += ((type == 0) ? gconsHB[j-1].second : gconsHE[j-1].second);
215  }
216  thick *= (2.*scale);
217  HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalActiveLength active(ieta,depth,eta,thick);
218  actives.push_back(active);
219  ++depth;
220 #ifdef DebugLog
221  kount++;
222  std::cout << "getThickActive: [" << kount << "] eta:" << active.ieta
223  << ":" << active.eta << " depth " << active.depth << " thick "
224  << active.thick << std::endl;
225 #endif
226  }
227  }
228  return actives;
229 }
231 std::vector<HcalCellType>
234  if (subdet == HcalBarrel || subdet == HcalEndcap) {
235  std::vector<HcalCellType> cells;
236  int isub = (subdet == HcalBarrel) ? 0 : 1;
237  std::vector<HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin> etabins = getEtaBins(isub);
238  for (unsigned int bin=0; bin<etabins.size(); ++bin) {
239  std::vector<HcalCellType> temp;
240  std::vector<int> count;
241  std::vector<double> dmin, dmax;
242  for (unsigned int il=0; il<etabins[bin].layer.size(); ++il) {
243  HcalCellType cell(subdet, 0, 0, 0, HcalCellType::HcalCell());
244  temp.push_back(cell);
245  count.push_back(0);
246  dmin.push_back(0);
247  dmax.push_back(0);
248  }
249  int ieta = etabins[bin].ieta;
250  for (int keta=etaSimValu[ieta-1].first; keta<=etaSimValu[ieta-1].second;
251  ++keta) {
252  std::vector<HcalCellType> cells = hcons.HcalCellTypes(subdet,keta,-1);
253  for (unsigned int ic=0; ic<cells.size(); ++ic) {
254  for (unsigned int il=0; il<etabins[bin].layer.size(); ++il) {
255  if (cells[ic].depthSegment() >= etabins[bin].layer[il].first &&
256  cells[ic].depthSegment() <= etabins[bin].layer[il].second) {
257  if (count[il] == 0) {
258  temp[il] = cells[ic];
259  dmin[il] = cells[ic].depthMin();
260  dmax[il] = cells[ic].depthMax();
261  }
262  ++count[il];
263  if (cells[ic].depthMin() < dmin[il]) dmin[il] = cells[ic].depthMin();
264  if (cells[ic].depthMax() > dmax[il]) dmax[il] = cells[ic].depthMax();
265  break;
266  }
267  }
268  }
269  }
270  int unit = hcons.unitPhi(etabins[bin].dphi);
271  for (unsigned int il=0; il<etabins[bin].layer.size(); ++il) {
272  int depth = etabins[bin].depthStart + (int)(il);
273  temp[il].setEta(ieta,etabins[bin].etaMin,etabins[bin].etaMax);
274  temp[il].setPhi(etabins[bin].nPhi,unit,etabins[bin].dphi/CLHEP::deg,
275  hpar->phioff[isub]/CLHEP::deg);
276  temp[il].setDepth(depth,dmin[il],dmax[il]);
277  cells.push_back(temp[il]);
278  }
279  }
280 #ifdef DebugLog
281  std::cout << "HcalDDDRecConstants: found " << cells.size() << " cells for sub-detector type " << isub << std::endl;
282  for (unsigned int ic=0; ic<cells.size(); ++ic)
283  std::cout << "Cell[" << ic << "] " << cells[ic] << std::endl;
284 #endif
285  return cells;
286  } else {
287  return hcons.HcalCellTypes(subdet,-1,-1);
288  }
289 }
293  if (subdet == HcalBarrel || subdet == HcalEndcap) {
294  unsigned int num = 0;
295  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes = HcalCellTypes(subdet);
296  for (unsigned int i=0; i<cellTypes.size(); i++) {
297  num += (unsigned int)(cellTypes[i].nPhiBins());
298  if (cellTypes[i].nHalves() > 1)
299  num += (unsigned int)(cellTypes[i].nPhiBins());
300  num -= (unsigned int)(cellTypes[i].nPhiMissingBins());
301  }
302 #ifdef DebugLog
303  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDRecConstants:numberOfCells "
304  << cellTypes.size() << " " << num
305  << " for subdetector " << subdet;
306 #endif
307  return num;
308  } else {
309  return hcons.numberOfCells(subdet);
310  }
311 }
313 unsigned int HcalDDDRecConstants::nCells(HcalSubdetector subdet) const {
315  if (subdet == HcalBarrel || subdet == HcalEndcap) {
316  int isub = (subdet == HcalBarrel) ? 0 : 1;
317  std::vector<HcalDDDRecConstants::HcalEtaBin> etabins = getEtaBins(isub);
318  unsigned int ncell(0);
319  for (unsigned int i=0; i<etabins.size(); ++i) {
320  ncell += (((unsigned int)(etabins[i].nPhi))*(etabins[i].layer.size()));
321  }
322  return ncell;
323  } else if (subdet == HcalOuter) {
324  return kHOSizePreLS1;
325  } else if (subdet == HcalForward) {
326  return kHFSizePreLS1;
327  } else {
328  return 0;
329  }
330 }
332 unsigned int HcalDDDRecConstants::nCells() const {
334 }
338  //Eta grouping
339  int nEta = (int)(hpar->etagroup.size());
340  if (nEta != (int)(hpar->phigroup.size())) {
341  edm::LogError("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDRecConstants: sizes of the vectors "
342  << " etaGroup (" << nEta << ") and phiGroup ("
343  << hpar->phigroup.size() << ") do not match";
344  throw cms::Exception("DDException") << "HcalDDDRecConstants: inconsistent array sizes" << nEta << ":" << hpar->phigroup.size();
345  }
347  // First eta table
348  iEtaMin = hpar->etaMin;
349  iEtaMax = hpar->etaMax;
350  etaTable.clear(); ietaMap.clear(); etaSimValu.clear();
351  int ieta(0), ietaHB(0), ietaHE(0);
352  etaTable.push_back(hpar->etaTable[ieta]);
353  for (int i=0; i<nEta; ++i) {
354  int ef = ieta+1;
355  ieta += (hpar->etagroup[i]);
356  if (ieta >= (int)(hpar->etaTable.size())) {
357  edm::LogError("HCalGeom") << "Going beyond the array boundary "
358  << hpar->etaTable.size() << " at index " << i
359  << " of etaTable from SimConstant";
360  throw cms::Exception("DDException") << "Going beyond the array boundary "
361  << hpar->etaTable.size()
362  << " at index " << i
363  << " of etaTable from SimConstant";
364  } else {
365  etaTable.push_back(hpar->etaTable[ieta]);
366  etaSimValu.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(ef,ieta));
367  }
368  for (int k=0; k<(hpar->etagroup[i]); ++k) ietaMap.push_back(i+1);
369  if (ieta <= hpar->etaMax[0]) ietaHB = i+1;
370  if (ieta <= hpar->etaMin[1]) ietaHE = i+1;
371  }
372  iEtaMin[1] = ietaHE;
373  iEtaMax[0] = ietaHB;
375  // Then Phi bins
376  ieta = 0;
377  phibin.clear(); phiUnitS.clear();
378  for (int i=0; i<nEta; ++i) {
379  double dphi = (hpar->phigroup[i])*(hpar->phibin[ieta]);
380  phibin.push_back(dphi);
381  ieta += (hpar->etagroup[i]);
382  }
383  for (unsigned int i=1; i<hpar->etaTable.size(); ++i) {
384  int unit = hcons.unitPhi(hpar->phibin[i-1]);
385  phiUnitS.push_back(unit);
386  }
388 #ifdef DebugLog
389  std::cout << "Modified eta/deltaphi table for " << nEta << " bins" << std::endl;
390  for (int i=0; i<nEta; ++i)
391  std::cout << "Eta[" << i << "] = " << etaTable[i] << ":" << etaTable[i+1]
392  << ":" << etaSimValu[i].first << ":" << etaSimValu[i].second
393  << " PhiBin[" << i << "] = " << phibin[i]/CLHEP::deg <<std::endl;
394  std::cout << "PhiUnitS";
395  for (unsigned int i=0; i<phiUnitS.size(); ++i)
396  std::cout << " [" << i << "] = " << phiUnitS[i];
397  std::cout << std::endl;
398  std::cout << "EtaTableHF";
399  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hpar->etaTableHF.size(); ++i)
400  std::cout << " [" << i << "] = " << hpar->etaTableHF[i];
401  std::cout << std::endl;
402  std::cout << "PhiBinHF";
403  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hpar->phitable.size(); ++i)
404  std::cout << " [" << i << "] = " << hpar->phitable[i];
405  std::cout << std::endl;
406 #endif
408  //Now the depths
410  maxDepth[0] = maxDepth[1] = 0;
411  for (int i=0; i<nEta; ++i) {
412  unsigned int imx = layerGroupSize(i);
413  int laymax = (imx > 0) ? layerGroup(i,imx-1) : 0;
414  if (i < iEtaMax[0]) {
415  int laymax0 = (imx > 16) ? layerGroup(i,16) : laymax;
416  if (i+1 == iEtaMax[0] && laymax0 > 2) laymax0 = 2;
417 #ifdef DebugLog
418  std::cout << "HB " << i << " " << imx << " " << laymax << " " << laymax0 << std::endl;
419 #endif
420  if (maxDepth[0] < laymax0) maxDepth[0] = laymax0;
421  }
422  if (i >= iEtaMin[1]-1 && i < iEtaMax[1]) {
423 #ifdef DebugLog
424  std::cout << "HE " << i << " " << imx << " " << laymax << std::endl;
425 #endif
426  if (maxDepth[1] < laymax) maxDepth[1] = laymax;
427  }
428  }
429 #ifdef DebugLog
430  for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
431  std::cout << "Detector Type[" << i << "] iEta " << iEtaMin[i] << ":"
432  << iEtaMax[i] << " MaxDepth " << maxDepth[i] << std::endl;
433 #endif
435  //Now the geometry constants
436  nModule[0] = hpar->modHB[0];
437  nHalves[0] = hpar->modHB[1];
438  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hpar->rHB.size(); ++i) {
439  gconsHB.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(hpar->rHB[i]/CLHEP::cm,
440  hpar->drHB[i]/CLHEP::cm));
441  }
442 #ifdef DebugLog
443  std::cout << "HB with " << nModule[0] << " modules and " << nHalves[0]
444  <<" halves and " << gconsHB.size() << " layers" << std::endl;
445  for (unsigned int i=0; i<gconsHB.size(); ++i)
446  std::cout << "rHB[" << i << "] = " << gconsHB[i].first << " +- "
447  << gconsHB[i].second << std::endl;
448 #endif
449  nModule[1] = hpar->modHE[0];
450  nHalves[1] = hpar->modHE[1];
451  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hpar->zHE.size(); ++i) {
452  gconsHE.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(hpar->zHE[i]/CLHEP::cm,
453  hpar->dzHE[i]/CLHEP::cm));
454  }
455 #ifdef DebugLog
456  std::cout << "HE with " << nModule[1] << " modules and " << nHalves[1]
457  <<" halves and " << gconsHE.size() << " layers" << std::endl;
458  for (unsigned int i=0; i<gconsHE.size(); ++i)
459  std::cout << "zHE[" << i << "] = " << gconsHE[i].first << " +- "
460  << gconsHE[i].second << std::endl;
461 #endif
462 }
464 unsigned int
466 {
467  unsigned int k = 0;
468  for( auto const & it : hpar->layerGroupEtaRec )
469  {
470  if( it.layer == eta + 1 )
471  {
472  return it.layerGroup.size();
473  }
474  if( it.layer > eta + 1 )
475  break;
476  k = it.layerGroup.size();
477  }
478  return k;
479 }
481 unsigned int
482 HcalDDDRecConstants::layerGroup( unsigned int eta, unsigned int i ) const
483 {
484  unsigned int k = 0;
485  for( auto const & it : hpar->layerGroupEtaRec )
486  {
487  if( it.layer == eta + 1 )
488  {
489  return i );
490  }
491  if( it.layer > eta + 1 )
492  break;
494  k = i );
495  }
496  return k;
497 }
499 const std::vector<int> &
500 HcalDDDRecConstants::getDepth(const unsigned int i) const
501 {
502  std::vector<HcalParameters::LayerItem>::const_iterator last = hpar->layerGroupEtaRec.begin();
503  for( std::vector<HcalParameters::LayerItem>::const_iterator it = hpar->layerGroupEtaRec.begin(); it != hpar->layerGroupEtaRec.end(); ++it ) {
504  if( it->layer == i + 1 )
505  return it->layerGroup;
506  if( it->layer > i + 1 )
507  return last->layerGroup;
508  last = it;
509  }
510  return last->layerGroup;
511 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
int i
std::vector< double > etaTable
std::vector< int > iEtaMin
std::vector< int > etagroup
int unitPhi(int det, int etaR) const
double getRZ(int subdet, int ieta, int depth) const
std::vector< double > rHB
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > etaSimValu
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
std::vector< int > maxDepth
std::vector< double > etaTableHF
unsigned int numberOfCells(HcalSubdetector) const
std::vector< int > etaMax
std::vector< int > phiUnitS
std::vector< int > modHB
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
const HcalParameters * hpar
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gconsHE
std::vector< double > zHE
std::vector< double > phibin
unsigned int numberOfCells(HcalSubdetector) const
unsigned int layerGroup(unsigned int eta, unsigned int i) const
string unit
susybsm::HSCParticleRefProd hp
Definition: classes.h:27
HcalID getHCID(int subdet, int ieta, int iphi, int lay, int idepth) const
std::vector< double > dzHE
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
std::vector< int > iEtaMax
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:31
int j
std::vector< HcalCellType > HcalCellTypes() const
std::vector< int > ietaMap
std::vector< int > modHE
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > layer
unsigned int layerGroupSize(unsigned int eta) const
std::vector< HcalCellType > HcalCellTypes(HcalSubdetector) const
#define M_PI
std::vector< HcalActiveLength > getThickActive(const int type) const
std::vector< double > phioff
std::vector< double > etaTable
HcalDDDRecConstants(const HcalParameters *hp, const HcalDDDSimConstants &hc)
const std::vector< int > & getDepth(const unsigned int i) const
std::vector< double > phitable
std::vector< double > phibin
std::vector< LayerItem > layerGroupEtaRec
int phiNumber(int phi, int unit) const
std::vector< double > drHB
const HcalDDDSimConstants & hcons
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
std::vector< int > noff
tuple cout
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > gconsHB
std::vector< int > maxDepth
std::vector< int > phigroup
for(const auto &isodef:isoDefs)
std::pair< double, double > getEtaPhi(int subdet, int ieta, int iphi) const
std::vector< int > etaMin
unsigned int nCells() const
std::vector< HcalEtaBin > getEtaBins(const int itype) const