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PixelCPEGeneric Class Reference

#include <PixelCPEGeneric.h>

Inheritance diagram for PixelCPEGeneric:
PixelCPEBase PixelClusterParameterEstimator


struct  ClusterParamGeneric

Public Member Functions

 PixelCPEGeneric (edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *, const TrackerGeometry &, const TrackerTopology &, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *, const SiPixelGenErrorDBObject *, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *)
 The constructor. More...
 ~PixelCPEGeneric ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelCPEBase
ReturnType getParameters (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
ReturnType getParameters (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, const LocalTrajectoryParameters &ltp) const
 PixelCPEBase (edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *mag, const TrackerGeometry &geom, const TrackerTopology &ttopo, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *lorentzAngle, const SiPixelGenErrorDBObject *genErrorDBObject, const SiPixelTemplateDBObject *templateDBobject, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *lorentzAngleWidth, int flag=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelClusterParameterEstimator
unsigned int clusterProbComputationFlag () const
virtual ReturnType getParameters (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos) const
virtual VLocalValues localParametersV (const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd) const
virtual VLocalValues localParametersV (const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd, TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos) const
 PixelClusterParameterEstimator ()
virtual ~PixelClusterParameterEstimator ()

Private Member Functions

void collect_edge_charges (ClusterParam &theClusterParam, float &Q_f_X, float &Q_l_X, float &Q_f_Y, float &Q_l_Y) const
ClusterParamcreateClusterParam (const SiPixelCluster &cl) const
float err2X (bool &, int &) const
float err2Y (bool &, int &) const
float generic_position_formula (int size, float Q_f, float Q_l, float upper_edge_first_pix, float lower_edge_last_pix, float lorentz_shift, float theThickness, float cot_angle, float pitch, bool first_is_big, bool last_is_big, float eff_charge_cut_low, float eff_charge_cut_high, float size_cut) const
LocalError localError (DetParam const &theDetParam, ClusterParam &theClusterParam) const
LocalPoint localPosition (DetParam const &theDetParam, ClusterParam &theClusterParam) const

Private Attributes

bool DoCosmics_
float EdgeClusterErrorX_
float EdgeClusterErrorY_
bool inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle
bool inflate_errors
bool IrradiationBiasCorrection_
bool isUpgrade_
float the_eff_charge_cut_highX
float the_eff_charge_cut_highY
float the_eff_charge_cut_lowX
float the_eff_charge_cut_lowY
float the_size_cutX
float the_size_cutY
std::vector< SiPixelGenErrorStorethePixelGenError_
bool TruncatePixelCharge_
bool UseErrorsFromTemplates_
std::vector< float > xerr_barrel_l1_
float xerr_barrel_l1_def_
std::vector< float > xerr_barrel_ln_
float xerr_barrel_ln_def_
std::vector< float > xerr_endcap_
float xerr_endcap_def_
std::vector< float > yerr_barrel_l1_
float yerr_barrel_l1_def_
std::vector< float > yerr_barrel_ln_
float yerr_barrel_ln_def_
std::vector< float > yerr_endcap_
float yerr_endcap_def_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PixelClusterParameterEstimator
typedef std::pair< LocalPoint,
using ReturnType = std::tuple< LocalPoint, LocalError, SiPixelRecHitQuality::QualWordType >
typedef std::vector< LocalValuesVLocalValues
- Protected Types inherited from PixelCPEBase
typedef GloballyPositioned
< double > 
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelCPEBase
bool alpha2Order
bool DoLorentz_
const SiPixelGenErrorDBObjectgenErrorDBObject_
const TrackerGeometrygeom_
float lAOffset_
float lAWidthBPix_
float lAWidthFPix_
bool LoadTemplatesFromDB_
const SiPixelLorentzAnglelorentzAngle_
const SiPixelLorentzAnglelorentzAngleWidth_
const MagneticFieldmagfield_
const SiPixelTemplateDBObjecttemplateDBobject_
int theFlag_
int theVerboseLevel
const TrackerTopologyttopo_
bool useLAOffsetFromConfig_
bool useLAWidthFromConfig_
bool useLAWidthFromDB_
- Protected Attributes inherited from PixelClusterParameterEstimator
unsigned int clusterProbComputationFlag_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 56 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PixelCPEGeneric::PixelCPEGeneric ( edm::ParameterSet const &  conf,
const MagneticField mag,
const TrackerGeometry geom,
const TrackerTopology ttopo,
const SiPixelLorentzAngle lorentzAngle,
const SiPixelGenErrorDBObject genErrorDBObject,
const SiPixelLorentzAngle lorentzAngleWidth = 0 

The constructor.

Definition at line 31 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DoCosmics_, EdgeClusterErrorX_, EdgeClusterErrorY_, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::exists(), PixelCPEBase::genErrorDBObject_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle, inflate_errors, IrradiationBiasCorrection_, isUpgrade_, PixelCPEBase::LoadTemplatesFromDB_, LogDebug, PixelCPEBase::PixelCPEBase(), SiPixelGenError::pushfile(), SiPixelTemplate::pushfile(), PixelCPEBase::templateDBobject_, the_eff_charge_cut_highX, the_eff_charge_cut_highY, the_eff_charge_cut_lowX, the_eff_charge_cut_lowY, the_size_cutX, the_size_cutY, thePixelGenError_, PixelCPEBase::theVerboseLevel, TruncatePixelCharge_, UseErrorsFromTemplates_, xerr_barrel_l1_, xerr_barrel_l1_def_, xerr_barrel_ln_, xerr_barrel_ln_def_, xerr_endcap_, xerr_endcap_def_, yerr_barrel_l1_, yerr_barrel_l1_def_, yerr_barrel_ln_, yerr_barrel_ln_def_, yerr_endcap_, and yerr_endcap_def_.

38  : PixelCPEBase(conf, mag, geom, ttopo, lorentzAngle, genErrorDBObject, 0,lorentzAngleWidth,0) {
39 #else
41  const MagneticField * mag,
42  const TrackerGeometry& geom,
43  const TrackerTopology& ttopo,
44  const SiPixelLorentzAngle * lorentzAngle,
45  const SiPixelGenErrorDBObject * genErrorDBObject,
46  const SiPixelTemplateDBObject * templateDBobject,
47  const SiPixelLorentzAngle * lorentzAngleWidth=0)
48  : PixelCPEBase(conf, mag, geom, ttopo, lorentzAngle, genErrorDBObject, templateDBobject,lorentzAngleWidth,0) {
49 #endif
51  if (theVerboseLevel > 0)
52  LogDebug("PixelCPEGeneric")
53  << " constructing a generic algorithm for ideal pixel detector.\n"
54  << " CPEGeneric:: VerboseLevel = " << theVerboseLevel;
56  // Externally settable cuts
57  the_eff_charge_cut_lowX = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_lowX");
58  the_eff_charge_cut_lowY = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_lowY");
59  the_eff_charge_cut_highX = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_highX");
60  the_eff_charge_cut_highY = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_highY");
61  the_size_cutX = conf.getParameter<double>("size_cutX");
62  the_size_cutY = conf.getParameter<double>("size_cutY");
64  EdgeClusterErrorX_ = conf.getParameter<double>("EdgeClusterErrorX");
65  EdgeClusterErrorY_ = conf.getParameter<double>("EdgeClusterErrorY");
67  // Externally settable flags to inflate errors
68  inflate_errors = conf.getParameter<bool>("inflate_errors");
69  inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle = conf.getParameter<bool>("inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle");
71  UseErrorsFromTemplates_ = conf.getParameter<bool>("UseErrorsFromTemplates");
72  TruncatePixelCharge_ = conf.getParameter<bool>("TruncatePixelCharge");
73  IrradiationBiasCorrection_ = conf.getParameter<bool>("IrradiationBiasCorrection");
74  DoCosmics_ = conf.getParameter<bool>("DoCosmics");
75  //LoadTemplatesFromDB_ = conf.getParameter<bool>("LoadTemplatesFromDB");
77  // no clear what upgrade means, is it phase1, phase2? Probably delete.
78  isUpgrade_= false;
79  if ( conf.exists("Upgrade") && conf.getParameter<bool>("Upgrade")) isUpgrade_=true;
81  // Select the position error source
82  // For upgrde and cosmics force the use simple errors
83  if( isUpgrade_ || (DoCosmics_) ) UseErrorsFromTemplates_ = false;
85  if ( !UseErrorsFromTemplates_ && ( TruncatePixelCharge_ ||
86  IrradiationBiasCorrection_ ||
87  LoadTemplatesFromDB_ ) ) {
88  throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::PixelCPEGeneric: ")
89  << "\nERROR: UseErrorsFromTemplates_ is set to False in "
90  << " In this case it does not make sense to set any of the following to True: "
91  << " TruncatePixelCharge_, IrradiationBiasCorrection_, DoCosmics_, LoadTemplatesFromDB_ !!!"
92  << "\n\n";
93  }
95  // Use errors from templates or from GenError
96  if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ ) {
98 #ifdef NEW_CPEERROR
100  if ( LoadTemplatesFromDB_ ) { // From DB
101  if ( !SiPixelGenError::pushfile( *genErrorDBObject_, thePixelGenError_) )
102  throw cms::Exception("InvalidCalibrationLoaded")
103  << "ERROR: GenErrors not filled correctly. Check the sqlite file. Using SiPixelTemplateDBObject version "
104  << ( *genErrorDBObject_ ).version();
105  if(MYDEBUG) cout<<"Loaded genErrorDBObject v"<<( *genErrorDBObject_ ).version()<<endl;
106  } else { // From file
107  if ( !SiPixelGenError::pushfile( -999, thePixelGenError_ ) )
108  throw cms::Exception("InvalidCalibrationLoaded")
109  << "ERROR: GenErrors not loaded correctly from text file. Reconstruction will fail.";
110  } // if load from DB
112 #else
114  if ( LoadTemplatesFromDB_ ) {
115  // Initialize template store to the selected ID [Morris, 6/25/08]
116  if ( !SiPixelTemplate::pushfile( *templateDBobject_, thePixelTemp_) )
117  throw cms::Exception("InvalidCalibrationLoaded")
118  << "ERROR: Templates not filled correctly. Check the sqlite file. Using SiPixelTemplateDBObject version "
119  << ( *templateDBobject_ ).version();
120  if(MYDEBUG) cout<<"Loaded templateDBobject "<<( *templateDBobject_ ).version()<<endl;
122  } else {
123  if ( !SiPixelTemplate::pushfile( -999, thePixelTemp_ ) )
124  throw cms::Exception("InvalidCalibrationLoaded")
125  << "ERROR: Templates not loaded correctly from text file. Reconstruction will fail.";
126  } // if load from DB
128 #endif // NEW_CPEERROR
130  } else {
131  if(MYDEBUG) cout<<" Use simple parametrised errors "<<endl;
132  } // if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
135  // Rechit errors in case other, more correct, errors are not vailable
136  // This are constants. Maybe there is a more efficienct way to store them.
137  if(!isUpgrade_) { // normal case
138  xerr_barrel_l1_= {0.00115, 0.00120, 0.00088};
139  xerr_barrel_l1_def_=0.01030;
140  yerr_barrel_l1_= {0.00375,0.00230,0.00250,0.00250,0.00230,0.00230,0.00210,0.00210,0.00240};
141  yerr_barrel_l1_def_=0.00210;
142  xerr_barrel_ln_= {0.00115, 0.00120, 0.00088};
143  xerr_barrel_ln_def_=0.01030;
144  yerr_barrel_ln_= {0.00375,0.00230,0.00250,0.00250,0.00230,0.00230,0.00210,0.00210,0.00240};
145  yerr_barrel_ln_def_=0.00210;
146  xerr_endcap_= {0.0020, 0.0020};
147  xerr_endcap_def_=0.0020;
148  yerr_endcap_= {0.00210};
149  yerr_endcap_def_=0.00075;
150  } else { // isUpgrade=true, funny case
151  xerr_barrel_ln_= {0.00114,0.00104,0.00214};
152  xerr_barrel_ln_def_=0.00425;
153  yerr_barrel_ln_= {0.00299,0.00203,0.0023,0.00237,0.00233,0.00243,0.00232,0.00259,0.00176};
154  yerr_barrel_ln_def_=0.00245;
155  xerr_endcap_= {0.00151,0.000813,0.00221};
156  xerr_endcap_def_=0.00218;
157  yerr_endcap_= {0.00261,0.00107,0.00264};
158  yerr_endcap_def_=0.00357;
160  if ( conf.exists("SmallPitch") && conf.getParameter<bool>("SmallPitch")) {
161  xerr_barrel_l1_= {0.00104, 0.000691, 0.00122};
162  xerr_barrel_l1_def_=0.00321;
163  yerr_barrel_l1_= {0.00199,0.00136,0.0015,0.00153,0.00152,0.00171,0.00154,0.00157,0.00154};
164  yerr_barrel_l1_def_=0.00164;
165  } else {
166  xerr_barrel_l1_= {0.00114,0.00104,0.00214};
167  xerr_barrel_l1_def_=0.00425;
168  yerr_barrel_l1_= {0.00299,0.00203,0.0023,0.00237,0.00233,0.00243,0.00232,0.00259,0.00176};
169  yerr_barrel_l1_def_=0.00245;
170  }
171  } // if isUpgrade
173  if(MYDEBUG) {
174  cout << "From PixelCPEGeneric::PixelCPEGeneric(...)" << endl;
175  cout << "(int)UseErrorsFromTemplates_ = " << (int)UseErrorsFromTemplates_ << endl;
176  cout << "TruncatePixelCharge_ = " << (int)TruncatePixelCharge_ << endl;
177  cout << "IrradiationBiasCorrection_ = " << (int)IrradiationBiasCorrection_ << endl;
178  cout << "(int)DoCosmics_ = " << (int)DoCosmics_ << endl;
179  cout << "(int)LoadTemplatesFromDB_ = " << (int)LoadTemplatesFromDB_ << endl;
180  }
183 }
#define LogDebug(id)
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
static bool pushfile(int filenum, std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > &thePixelTemp_)
bool exists(std::string const &parameterName) const
checks if a parameter exists
PixelCPEGeneric(edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *, const TrackerGeometry &, const TrackerTopology &, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *, const SiPixelGenErrorDBObject *, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *)
The constructor.
tuple conf
static const int theVerboseLevel
PixelCPEBase(edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *mag, const TrackerGeometry &geom, const TrackerTopology &ttopo, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *lorentzAngle, const SiPixelGenErrorDBObject *genErrorDBObject, const SiPixelTemplateDBObject *templateDBobject, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *lorentzAngleWidth, int flag=0)
tuple cout
static bool pushfile(int filenum, std::vector< SiPixelGenErrorStore > &thePixelTemp_)
PixelCPEGeneric::~PixelCPEGeneric ( )

Definition at line 95 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

95 {;}

Member Function Documentation

void PixelCPEGeneric::collect_edge_charges ( ClusterParam theClusterParamBase,
float &  Q_f_X,
float &  Q_l_X,
float &  Q_f_Y,
float &  Q_l_Y 
) const

Collect the edge charges in x and y, in a single pass over the pixel vector. Calculate charge in the first and last pixel projected in x and y and the inner cluster charge, projected in x and y.

theClusterParamBaseinput, the cluster
Q_f_Xoutput, Q first in X
Q_l_Xoutput, Q last in X
Q_f_Youtput, Q first in Y
Q_l_Youtput, Q last in Y

Definition at line 575 of file

References SiPixelCluster::Pixel::adc, i, SiPixelCluster::maxPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::maxPixelRow(), min(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), SiPixelCluster::pixel(), PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::pixmx, SiPixelCluster::size(), PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::theCluster, TruncatePixelCharge_, UseErrorsFromTemplates_, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmax, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmin, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::ymax, and SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::ymin.

Referenced by localPosition().

581 {
582  ClusterParamGeneric & theClusterParam = static_cast<ClusterParamGeneric &>(theClusterParamBase);
584  // Initialize return variables.
585  Q_f_X = Q_l_X = 0.0;
586  Q_f_Y = Q_l_Y = 0.0;
589  // Obtain boundaries in index units
590  int xmin = theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelRow();
591  int xmax = theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelRow();
592  int ymin = theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelCol();
593  int ymax = theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelCol();
596  // Iterate over the pixels.
597  int isize = theClusterParam.theCluster->size();
598  for (int i = 0; i != isize; ++i)
599  {
600  auto const & pixel = theClusterParam.theCluster->pixel(i);
601  // add pixel charge truncation
602  float pix_adc = pixel.adc;
604  pix_adc = std::min(pix_adc, theClusterParam.pixmx );
606  //
607  // X projection
608  if ( pixel.x == xmin ) Q_f_X += pix_adc;
609  if ( pixel.x == xmax ) Q_l_X += pix_adc;
610  //
611  // Y projection
612  if ( pixel.y == ymin ) Q_f_Y += pix_adc;
613  if ( pixel.y == ymax ) Q_l_Y += pix_adc;
614  }
616  return;
617 }
int i
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam * PixelCPEGeneric::createClusterParam ( const SiPixelCluster cl) const

Implements PixelCPEBase.

Definition at line 185 of file

186 {
187  return new ClusterParamGeneric(cl);
188 }
float PixelCPEGeneric::err2X ( bool &  ,
int &   
) const
float PixelCPEGeneric::err2Y ( bool &  ,
int &   
) const
float PixelCPEGeneric::generic_position_formula ( int  size,
float  Q_f,
float  Q_l,
float  upper_edge_first_pix,
float  lower_edge_last_pix,
float  lorentz_shift,
float  theThickness,
float  cot_angle,
float  pitch,
bool  first_is_big,
bool  last_is_big,
float  eff_charge_cut_low,
float  eff_charge_cut_high,
float  size_cut 
) const

A generic version of the position formula. Since it works for both X and Y, in the interest of the simplicity of the code, all parameters are passed by the caller. The only class variable used by this method is the theThickness, since that's common for both X and Y.

sizeSize of this projection.
Q_fCharge in the first pixel.
Q_lCharge in the last pixel.
upper_edge_first_pixAs the name says.
lower_edge_last_pixAs the name says.
cot_anglecot of alpha_ or beta_
pitchthePitchX or thePitchY
first_is_bigtrue if the first is big
last_is_bigtrue if the last is big
eff_charge_cut_lowUse edge if > W_eff (in pix) &&&
eff_charge_cut_highUse edge if < W_eff (in pix) &&&
size_cutUse edge when size == cuts

Definition at line 450 of file

References funct::abs().

Referenced by localPosition().

465 {
467  //cout<<" in PixelCPEGeneric:generic_position_formula - "<<endl; //dk
469  float geom_center = 0.5f * ( upper_edge_first_pix + lower_edge_last_pix );
471  //--- The case of only one pixel in this projection is separate. Note that
472  //--- here first_pix == last_pix, so the average of the two is still the
473  //--- center of the pixel.
474  if ( size == 1 ) {return geom_center;}
476  //--- Width of the clusters minus the edge (first and last) pixels.
477  //--- In the note, they are denoted x_F and x_L (and y_F and y_L)
478  float W_inner = lower_edge_last_pix - upper_edge_first_pix; // in cm
480  //--- Predicted charge width from geometry
481  float W_pred = theThickness * cot_angle // geometric correction (in cm)
482  - lorentz_shift; // (in cm) &&& check fpix!
484  //cout<<" in PixelCPEGeneric:generic_position_formula - "<<W_inner<<" "<<W_pred<<endl; //dk
486  //--- Total length of the two edge pixels (first+last)
487  float sum_of_edge = 2.0f;
488  if (first_is_big) sum_of_edge += 1.0f;
489  if (last_is_big) sum_of_edge += 1.0f;
492  //--- The `effective' charge width -- particle's path in first and last pixels only
493  float W_eff = std::abs( W_pred ) - W_inner;
496  //--- If the observed charge width is inconsistent with the expectations
497  //--- based on the track, do *not* use W_pred-W_innner. Instead, replace
498  //--- it with an *average* effective charge width, which is the average
499  //--- length of the edge pixels.
500  //
501  // bool usedEdgeAlgo = false;
502  if ( (size >= size_cut) || (
503  ( W_eff/pitch < eff_charge_cut_low ) |
504  ( W_eff/pitch > eff_charge_cut_high ) ) )
505  {
506  W_eff = pitch * 0.5f * sum_of_edge; // ave. length of edge pixels (first+last) (cm)
507  // usedEdgeAlgo = true;
508 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
509  nRecHitsUsedEdge_++;
510 #endif
511  }
514  //--- Finally, compute the position in this projection
515  float Qdiff = Q_l - Q_f;
516  float Qsum = Q_l + Q_f;
518  //--- Temporary fix for clusters with both first and last pixel with charge = 0
519  if(Qsum==0) Qsum=1.0f;
520  //float hit_pos = geom_center + 0.5f*(Qdiff/Qsum) * W_eff + half_lorentz_shift;
521  float hit_pos = geom_center + 0.5f*(Qdiff/Qsum) * W_eff;
523  //cout<<" in PixelCPEGeneric:generic_position_formula - "<<hit_pos<<" "<<lorentz_shift*0.5<<endl; //dk
525  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
526  //--- Debugging output
527 #warning "Debug printouts in has been commented because they cannot be compiled"
528  /* This part is commented because some variables used here are not defined !!
529  if (theVerboseLevel > 20) {
530  if ( theDetParam.thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel || theDetParam.thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::P1PXB ) {
531  cout << "\t >>> We are in the Barrel." ;
532  } else if ( theDetParam.thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap ||
533  theDetParam.thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::P1PXEC ||
534  theDetParam.thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::P2PXEC ) {
535  cout << "\t >>> We are in the Forward." ;
536  } else {
537  cout << "\t >>> We are in an unexpected subdet " << theDetParam.thePart;
538  }
539  cout
540  << "\n\t >>> cot(angle) = " << cot_angle << " pitch = " << pitch << " size = " << size
541  << "\n\t >>> upper_edge_first_pix = " << upper_edge_first_pix
542  << "\n\t >>> lower_edge_last_pix = " << lower_edge_last_pix
543  << "\n\t >>> geom_center = " << geom_center
544  << "\n\t >>> half_lorentz_shift = " << half_lorentz_shift
545  << "\n\t >>> W_inner = " << W_inner
546  << "\n\t >>> W_pred = " << W_pred
547  << "\n\t >>> W_eff(orig) = " << fabs( W_pred ) - W_inner
548  << "\n\t >>> W_eff(used) = " << W_eff
549  << "\n\t >>> sum_of_edge = " << sum_of_edge
550  << "\n\t >>> Qdiff = " << Qdiff << " Qsum = " << Qsum
551  << "\n\t >>> hit_pos = " << hit_pos
552  << "\n\t >>> RecHits: total = " << nRecHitsTotal_
553  << " used edge = " << nRecHitsUsedEdge_
554  << endl;
555  if (usedEdgeAlgo)
556  cout << "\n\t >>> Used Edge algorithm." ;
557  else
558  cout << "\n\t >>> Used angle information." ;
559  cout << endl;
560  }
561  */
562 #endif
564  return hit_pos;
565 }
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
tuple size
Write out results.
LocalError PixelCPEGeneric::localError ( DetParam const &  theDetParam,
ClusterParam theClusterParam 
) const

Implements PixelCPEBase.

Definition at line 626 of file

References RectangularPixelTopology::containsBigPixelInX(), RectangularPixelTopology::containsBigPixelInY(), gather_cfg::cout, EdgeClusterErrorX_, EdgeClusterErrorY_, Exception, f, GeomDet::geographicalId(), inflate_errors, GeomDetEnumerators::isBarrel(), RectangularPixelTopology::isItBigPixelInX(), RectangularPixelTopology::isItBigPixelInY(), RectangularPixelTopology::isItEdgePixelInX(), RectangularPixelTopology::isItEdgePixelInY(), GeomDetEnumerators::isTrackerPixel(), TrackerTopology::layer(), likely, SiPixelCluster::maxPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::maxPixelRow(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::qBin_, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sigmax, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sigmay, SiPixelCluster::sizeX(), SiPixelCluster::sizeY(), mathSSE::sqrt(), PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sx1, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sx2, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sy1, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sy2, PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::theCluster, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::theDet, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::thePart, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::thePitchX, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::thePitchY, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::theRecTopol, PixelCPEBase::ttopo_, UseErrorsFromTemplates_, xerr_barrel_l1_, xerr_barrel_l1_def_, xerr_barrel_ln_, xerr_barrel_ln_def_, xerr_endcap_, xerr_endcap_def_, yerr_barrel_l1_, yerr_barrel_l1_def_, yerr_barrel_ln_, yerr_barrel_ln_def_, yerr_endcap_, and yerr_endcap_def_.

627 {
629  ClusterParamGeneric & theClusterParam = static_cast<ClusterParamGeneric &>(theClusterParamBase);
631  const bool localPrint = false;
632  // Default errors are the maximum error used for edge clusters.
633  // These are determined by looking at residuals for edge clusters
634  float xerr = EdgeClusterErrorX_ * micronsToCm;
635  float yerr = EdgeClusterErrorY_ * micronsToCm;
638  // Find if cluster is at the module edge.
639  int maxPixelCol = theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelCol();
640  int maxPixelRow = theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelRow();
641  int minPixelCol = theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelCol();
642  int minPixelRow = theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelRow();
644  bool edgex = ( theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItEdgePixelInX( minPixelRow ) ) || ( theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItEdgePixelInX( maxPixelRow ) );
645  bool edgey = ( theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItEdgePixelInY( minPixelCol ) ) || ( theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItEdgePixelInY( maxPixelCol ) );
647  unsigned int sizex = theClusterParam.theCluster->sizeX();
648  unsigned int sizey = theClusterParam.theCluster->sizeY();
649  if(MYDEBUG) {
650  if( int(sizex) != (maxPixelRow - minPixelRow+1) ) cout<<" wrong x"<<endl;
651  if( int(sizey) != (maxPixelCol - minPixelCol+1) ) cout<<" wrong y"<<endl;
652  }
654  // Find if cluster contains double (big) pixels.
655  bool bigInX = theDetParam.theRecTopol->containsBigPixelInX( minPixelRow, maxPixelRow );
656  bool bigInY = theDetParam.theRecTopol->containsBigPixelInY( minPixelCol, maxPixelCol );
658  if(localPrint) {
659  cout<<" endge clus "<<xerr<<" "<<yerr<<endl; //dk
660  if(bigInX || bigInY) cout<<" big "<<bigInX<<" "<<bigInY<<endl;
661  if(edgex || edgey) cout<<" edge "<<edgex<<" "<<edgey<<endl;
662  cout<<" before if "<<UseErrorsFromTemplates_<<" "<<theClusterParam.qBin_<<endl;
663  if(theClusterParam.qBin_ == 0)
664  cout<<" qbin 0! "<<edgex<<" "<<edgey<<" "<<bigInX<<" "<<bigInY<<" "
665  <<sizex<<" "<<sizey<<endl;
666  }
669  //
670  // Use template errors
671  //cout << "Track angles are known. We can use either errors from templates or the error parameterization from DB." << endl;
673  if ( !edgex ) { // Only use this for non-edge clusters
674  if ( sizex == 1 ) {
675  if ( !bigInX ) {xerr = theClusterParam.sx1;}
676  else {xerr = theClusterParam.sx2;}
677  } else {xerr = theClusterParam.sigmax;}
678  }
680  if ( !edgey ) { // Only use for non-edge clusters
681  if ( sizey == 1 ) {
682  if ( !bigInY ) {yerr = theClusterParam.sy1;}
683  else {yerr = theClusterParam.sy2;}
684  } else {yerr = theClusterParam.sigmay;}
685  }
687  if(localPrint) {
688  cout<<" in if "<<edgex<<" "<<edgey<<" "<<sizex<<" "<<sizey<<endl;
689  cout<<" errors "<<xerr<<" "<<yerr<<" "<<theClusterParam.sx1<<" "<<theClusterParam.sx2<<" "<<theClusterParam.sigmax<<endl; //dk
690  }
692  } else { // simple errors
694  // This are the simple errors, hardcoded in the code
695  //cout << "Track angles are not known " << endl;
696  //cout << "Default angle estimation which assumes track from PV (0,0,0) does not work." << endl;
698  if ( GeomDetEnumerators::isTrackerPixel(theDetParam.thePart) ) {
699  if(GeomDetEnumerators::isBarrel(theDetParam.thePart)) {
701  DetId id = (theDetParam.theDet->geographicalId());
702  int layer=ttopo_.layer(id);
703  if ( layer==1 ) {
704  if ( !edgex ) {
705  if ( sizex<=xerr_barrel_l1_.size() ) xerr=xerr_barrel_l1_[sizex-1];
706  else xerr=xerr_barrel_l1_def_;
707  }
709  if ( !edgey ) {
710  if ( sizey<=yerr_barrel_l1_.size() ) yerr=yerr_barrel_l1_[sizey-1];
711  else yerr=yerr_barrel_l1_def_;
712  }
713  } else{ // layer 2,3
714  if ( !edgex ) {
715  if ( sizex<=xerr_barrel_ln_.size() ) xerr=xerr_barrel_ln_[sizex-1];
716  else xerr=xerr_barrel_ln_def_;
717  }
719  if ( !edgey ) {
720  if ( sizey<=yerr_barrel_ln_.size() ) yerr=yerr_barrel_ln_[sizey-1];
721  else yerr=yerr_barrel_ln_def_;
722  }
723  }
725  } else { // EndCap
727  if ( !edgex ) {
728  if ( sizex<=xerr_endcap_.size() ) xerr=xerr_endcap_[sizex-1];
729  else xerr=xerr_endcap_def_;
730  }
732  if ( !edgey ) {
733  if ( sizey<=yerr_endcap_.size() ) yerr=yerr_endcap_[sizey-1];
734  else yerr=yerr_endcap_def_;
735  }
736  } // end endcap
737  }
739  if(inflate_errors) {
740  int n_bigx = 0;
741  int n_bigy = 0;
743  for (int irow = 0; irow < 7; ++irow) {
744  if ( theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInX( irow+minPixelRow ) ) ++n_bigx;
745  }
747  for (int icol = 0; icol < 21; ++icol) {
748  if ( theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInY( icol+minPixelCol ) ) ++n_bigy;
749  }
751  xerr = (float)(sizex + n_bigx) * theDetParam.thePitchX / std::sqrt( 12.0f );
752  yerr = (float)(sizey + n_bigy) * theDetParam.thePitchY / std::sqrt( 12.0f );
754  } // if(inflate_errors)
756  } // end
758 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
759  if ( !(xerr > 0.0) )
760  throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localError")
761  << "\nERROR: Negative pixel error xerr = " << xerr << "\n\n";
763  if ( !(yerr > 0.0) )
764  throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localError")
765  << "\nERROR: Negative pixel error yerr = " << yerr << "\n\n";
766 #endif
768  //if(localPrint) {
769  //cout<<" errors "<<xerr<<" "<<yerr<<endl; //dk
770  //if(theClusterParam.qBin_ == 0) cout<<" qbin 0 "<<xerr<<" "<<yerr<<endl;
771  //}
773  auto xerr_sq = xerr*xerr;
774  auto yerr_sq = yerr*yerr;
776  return LocalError( xerr_sq, 0, yerr_sq );
778 }
std::vector< float > xerr_barrel_l1_
std::vector< float > xerr_barrel_ln_
bool isBarrel(GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector m)
std::vector< float > yerr_endcap_
#define likely(x)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
double f[11][100]
std::vector< float > xerr_endcap_
Definition: DetId.h:18
const TrackerTopology & ttopo_
Definition: PixelCPEBase.h:243
std::vector< float > yerr_barrel_l1_
bool isTrackerPixel(const GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector m)
unsigned int layer(const DetId &id) const
std::vector< float > yerr_barrel_ln_
tuple cout
LocalPoint PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition ( DetParam const &  theDetParam,
ClusterParam theClusterParamBase 
) const

Hit position in the local frame (in cm). Unlike other CPE's, this one converts everything from the measurement frame (in channel numbers) into the local frame (in centimeters).

< Q of the first pixel in X

< Q of the last pixel in X

< Q of the first pixel in Y

< Q of the last pixel in Y

Implements PixelCPEBase.

Definition at line 198 of file

References PixelCPEBase::DetParam::bz, SiPixelCluster::charge(), collect_edge_charges(), PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::cotalpha, PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::cotbeta, gather_cfg::cout, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::deltax, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::deltay, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::detTemplateId, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::dx1, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::dx2, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::dy1, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::dy2, generic_position_formula(), IrradiationBiasCorrection_, RectangularPixelTopology::isItBigPixelInX(), RectangularPixelTopology::isItBigPixelInY(), PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::loc_trk_pred, Topology::localPosition(), PixelCPEBase::DetParam::lorentzShiftInCmX, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::lorentzShiftInCmY, SiPixelGenError::lorxwidth(), SiPixelGenError::lorywidth(), SiPixelCluster::maxPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::maxPixelRow(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::pixmx, SiPixelGenError::qbin(), SiPixelTemplate::qbin(), PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::qBin_, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sigmax, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sigmay, SiPixelCluster::sizeX(), SiPixelCluster::sizeY(), PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sx1, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sx2, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sy1, PixelCPEGeneric::ClusterParamGeneric::sy2, the_eff_charge_cut_highX, the_eff_charge_cut_highY, the_eff_charge_cut_lowX, the_eff_charge_cut_lowY, the_size_cutX, the_size_cutY, PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::theCluster, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::thePitchX, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::thePitchY, thePixelGenError_, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::theRecTopol, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::theThickness, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::theTopol, PixelCPEBase::theVerboseLevel, UseErrorsFromTemplates_, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::widthLAFractionX, PixelCPEBase::DetParam::widthLAFractionY, PixelCPEBase::ClusterParam::with_track_angle, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), SiPixelCluster::x(), xPos, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), SiPixelCluster::y(), and yPos.

199 {
201  ClusterParamGeneric & theClusterParam = static_cast<ClusterParamGeneric &>(theClusterParamBase);
203  //cout<<" in PixelCPEGeneric:localPosition - "<<endl; //dk
205  float chargeWidthX = (theDetParam.lorentzShiftInCmX * theDetParam.widthLAFractionX);
206  float chargeWidthY = (theDetParam.lorentzShiftInCmY * theDetParam.widthLAFractionY);
207  float shiftX = 0.5f*theDetParam.lorentzShiftInCmX;
208  float shiftY = 0.5f*theDetParam.lorentzShiftInCmY;
210  //cout<<" main la width "<<chargeWidthX<<" "<<chargeWidthY<<endl;
212  if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ ) {
214  float qclus = theClusterParam.theCluster->charge();
215  float locBz =;
216  //cout << "PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(...) : locBz = " << locBz << endl;
218  theClusterParam.pixmx = -999.9; // max pixel charge for truncation of 2-D cluster
219  theClusterParam.sigmay = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-error for multi-pixel cluster
220  theClusterParam.deltay = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-bias for multi-pixel cluster
221  theClusterParam.sigmax = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-error for multi-pixel cluster
222  theClusterParam.deltax = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-bias for multi-pixel cluster
223  theClusterParam.sy1 = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-error for single single-pixel
224  theClusterParam.dy1 = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-bias for single single-pixel cluster
225  theClusterParam.sy2 = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-error for single double-pixel cluster
226  theClusterParam.dy2 = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-bias for single double-pixel cluster
227  theClusterParam.sx1 = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-error for single single-pixel cluster
228  theClusterParam.dx1 = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-bias for single single-pixel cluster
229  theClusterParam.sx2 = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-error for single double-pixel cluster
230  theClusterParam.dx2 = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-bias for single double-pixel cluster
233 #ifdef NEW_CPEERROR
236  int gtemplID_ = theDetParam.detTemplateId;
238  //int gtemplID0 = genErrorDBObject_->getGenErrorID(theDetParam.theDet->geographicalId().rawId());
239  //if(gtemplID0!=gtemplID_) cout<<" different id "<< gtemplID_<<" "<<gtemplID0<<endl;
241  theClusterParam.qBin_ = gtempl.qbin( gtemplID_, theClusterParam.cotalpha, theClusterParam.cotbeta, locBz, qclus,
242  theClusterParam.pixmx, theClusterParam.sigmay, theClusterParam.deltay,
243  theClusterParam.sigmax, theClusterParam.deltax, theClusterParam.sy1,
244  theClusterParam.dy1, theClusterParam.sy2, theClusterParam.dy2, theClusterParam.sx1,
245  theClusterParam.dx1, theClusterParam.sx2, theClusterParam.dx2 );
247  // now use the charge widths stored in the new generic template headers (change to the
248  // incorrect sign convention of the base class)
249  bool useLAWidthFromGenError = false;
250  if(useLAWidthFromGenError) {
251  chargeWidthX = (-micronsToCm*gtempl.lorxwidth());
252  chargeWidthY = (-micronsToCm*gtempl.lorywidth());
253  if(MYDEBUG) cout<< " redefine la width (gen-error) "<< chargeWidthX<<" "<< chargeWidthY <<endl;
254  }
255  if(MYDEBUG) cout<<" GenError: "<<gtemplID_<<endl;
257 #else // select templates
259  SiPixelTemplate templ(thePixelTemp_);
260  int templID_ = theDetParam.detTemplateId;
262  theClusterParam.qBin_ = templ.qbin( templID_, theClusterParam.cotalpha, theClusterParam.cotbeta, locBz, qclus, // inputs
263  theClusterParam.pixmx, // returned by reference
264  theClusterParam.sigmay, theClusterParam.deltay, theClusterParam.sigmax, theClusterParam.deltax, // returned by reference
265  theClusterParam.sy1, theClusterParam.dy1, theClusterParam.sy2, theClusterParam.dy2, theClusterParam.sx1, theClusterParam.dx1, theClusterParam.sx2, theClusterParam.dx2 ); // returned by reference
267  //if(MYDEBUG) {
268  //cout<<" errors "<<templID_<<" "<<theClusterParam.qBin_<<" "<<theClusterParam.sigmax<<" "<<theClusterParam.sigmay<<endl;
269  //int templID0 = templateDBobject_->getTemplateID(theDetParam.theDet->geographicalId().rawId());
270  //if(templID0!=templID_) cout<<" different id"<< templID_<<" "<<templID0<<endl;
271  //}
273 #endif // NEW_CPEERROR
275  // These numbers come in microns from the qbin(...) call. Transform them to cm.
276  theClusterParam.deltax = theClusterParam.deltax * micronsToCm;
277  theClusterParam.dx1 = theClusterParam.dx1 * micronsToCm;
278  theClusterParam.dx2 = theClusterParam.dx2 * micronsToCm;
280  theClusterParam.deltay = theClusterParam.deltay * micronsToCm;
281  theClusterParam.dy1 = theClusterParam.dy1 * micronsToCm;
282  theClusterParam.dy2 = theClusterParam.dy2 * micronsToCm;
284  theClusterParam.sigmax = theClusterParam.sigmax * micronsToCm;
285  theClusterParam.sx1 = theClusterParam.sx1 * micronsToCm;
286  theClusterParam.sx2 = theClusterParam.sx2 * micronsToCm;
288  theClusterParam.sigmay = theClusterParam.sigmay * micronsToCm;
289  theClusterParam.sy1 = theClusterParam.sy1 * micronsToCm;
290  theClusterParam.sy2 = theClusterParam.sy2 * micronsToCm;
292  } // if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
294  float Q_f_X = 0.0;
295  float Q_l_X = 0.0;
296  float Q_f_Y = 0.0;
297  float Q_l_Y = 0.0;
298  collect_edge_charges( theClusterParam,
299  Q_f_X, Q_l_X,
300  Q_f_Y, Q_l_Y );
302  //--- Find the inner widths along X and Y in one shot. We
303  //--- compute the upper right corner of the inner pixels
304  //--- (== lower left corner of upper right pixel) and
305  //--- the lower left corner of the inner pixels
306  //--- (== upper right corner of lower left pixel), and then
307  //--- subtract these two points in the formula.
309  //--- Upper Right corner of Lower Left pixel -- in measurement frame
310  MeasurementPoint meas_URcorn_LLpix( theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelRow()+1.0,
311  theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelCol()+1.0 );
313  //--- Lower Left corner of Upper Right pixel -- in measurement frame
314  MeasurementPoint meas_LLcorn_URpix( theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelRow(),
315  theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelCol() );
317  //--- These two now converted into the local
318  LocalPoint local_URcorn_LLpix;
319  LocalPoint local_LLcorn_URpix;
321  // PixelCPEGeneric can be used with or without track angles
322  // If PixelCPEGeneric is called with track angles, use them to correct for bows/kinks:
323  if ( theClusterParam.with_track_angle ) {
324  local_URcorn_LLpix = theDetParam.theTopol->localPosition(meas_URcorn_LLpix, theClusterParam.loc_trk_pred);
325  local_LLcorn_URpix = theDetParam.theTopol->localPosition(meas_LLcorn_URpix, theClusterParam.loc_trk_pred);
326  } else {
327  local_URcorn_LLpix = theDetParam.theTopol->localPosition(meas_URcorn_LLpix);
328  local_LLcorn_URpix = theDetParam.theTopol->localPosition(meas_LLcorn_URpix);
329  }
331  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
332  if (theVerboseLevel > 20) {
333  cout
334  << "\n\t >>> theClusterParam.theCluster->x = " << theClusterParam.theCluster->x()
335  << "\n\t >>> theClusterParam.theCluster->y = " << theClusterParam.theCluster->y()
336  << "\n\t >>> cluster: minRow = " << theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelRow()
337  << " minCol = " << theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelCol()
338  << "\n\t >>> cluster: maxRow = " << theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelRow()
339  << " maxCol = " << theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelCol()
340  << "\n\t >>> meas: inner lower left = " << meas_URcorn_LLpix.x()
341  << "," << meas_URcorn_LLpix.y()
342  << "\n\t >>> meas: inner upper right = " << meas_LLcorn_URpix.x()
343  << "," << meas_LLcorn_URpix.y()
344  << endl;
345  }
346 #endif
348  //--- &&& Note that the cuts below should not be hardcoded (like in Orca and
349  //--- &&& CPEFromDetPosition/PixelCPEInitial), but rather be
350  //--- &&& externally settable (but tracked) parameters.
352  //--- Position, including the half lorentz shift
354  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
355  if (theVerboseLevel > 20)
356  cout << "\t >>> Generic:: processing X" << endl;
357 #endif
359  float xPos =
360  generic_position_formula( theClusterParam.theCluster->sizeX(),
361  Q_f_X, Q_l_X,
362  local_URcorn_LLpix.x(), local_LLcorn_URpix.x(),
363  chargeWidthX, // lorentz shift in cm
364  theDetParam.theThickness,
365  theClusterParam.cotalpha,
366  theDetParam.thePitchX,
367  theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInX( theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelRow() ),
368  theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInX( theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelRow() ),
371  the_size_cutX); // cut for eff charge width &&&
374  // apply the lorentz offset correction
375  xPos = xPos + shiftX;
377 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
378  if (theVerboseLevel > 20)
379  cout << "\t >>> Generic:: processing Y" << endl;
380 #endif
382  float yPos =
383  generic_position_formula( theClusterParam.theCluster->sizeY(),
384  Q_f_Y, Q_l_Y,
385  local_URcorn_LLpix.y(), local_LLcorn_URpix.y(),
386  chargeWidthY, // lorentz shift in cm
387  theDetParam.theThickness,
388  theClusterParam.cotbeta,
389  theDetParam.thePitchY,
390  theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInY( theClusterParam.theCluster->minPixelCol() ),
391  theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInY( theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelCol() ),
394  the_size_cutY); // cut for eff charge width &&&
396  // apply the lorentz offset correction
397  yPos = yPos + shiftY;
399  // Apply irradiation corrections. NOT USED FOR NOW
401  if ( theClusterParam.theCluster->sizeX() == 1 ) { // size=1
402  //, 02/03/09 : for size = 1, the Lorentz shift is already accounted by the irradiation correction
403  //float tmp1 = (0.5 * theDetParam.lorentzShiftInCmX);
404  //cout << "Apply correction correction_dx1 = " << theClusterParam.dx1 << " to xPos = " << xPos;
405  xPos = xPos - (0.5 * theDetParam.lorentzShiftInCmX);
406  // Find if pixel is double (big).
407  bool bigInX = theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInX( theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelRow() );
408  if ( !bigInX ) xPos -= theClusterParam.dx1;
409  else xPos -= theClusterParam.dx2;
410  //cout<<" to "<<xPos<<" "<<(tmp1+theClusterParam.dx1)<<endl;
411  } else { // size>1
412  //cout << "Apply correction correction_deltax = " << theClusterParam.deltax << " to xPos = " << xPos;
413  xPos -= theClusterParam.deltax;
414  //cout<<" to "<<xPos<<endl;
415  }
417  if ( theClusterParam.theCluster->sizeY() == 1 ) {
418  //, 02/03/09 : for size = 1, the Lorentz shift is already accounted by the irradiation correction
419  yPos = yPos - (0.5 * theDetParam.lorentzShiftInCmY);
421  // Find if pixel is double (big).
422  bool bigInY = theDetParam.theRecTopol->isItBigPixelInY( theClusterParam.theCluster->maxPixelCol() );
423  if ( !bigInY ) yPos -= theClusterParam.dy1;
424  else yPos -= theClusterParam.dy2;
426  } else {
427  //cout << "Apply correction correction_deltay = " << theClusterParam.deltay << " to yPos = " << yPos << endl;
428  yPos -= theClusterParam.deltay;
429  }
431  } // if ( IrradiationBiasCorrection_ )
433  //cout<<" in PixelCPEGeneric:localPosition - pos = "<<xPos<<" "<<yPos<<endl; //dk
435  //--- Now put the two together
436  LocalPoint pos_in_local( xPos, yPos );
437  return pos_in_local;
438 }
float the_eff_charge_cut_highY
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
std::vector< SiPixelGenErrorStore > thePixelGenError_
bool IrradiationBiasCorrection_
double xPos
float the_eff_charge_cut_lowX
void collect_edge_charges(ClusterParam &theClusterParam, float &Q_f_X, float &Q_l_X, float &Q_f_Y, float &Q_l_Y) const
double yPos
float generic_position_formula(int size, float Q_f, float Q_l, float upper_edge_first_pix, float lower_edge_last_pix, float lorentz_shift, float theThickness, float cot_angle, float pitch, bool first_is_big, bool last_is_big, float eff_charge_cut_low, float eff_charge_cut_high, float size_cut) const
float the_eff_charge_cut_lowY
tuple cout
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
float the_eff_charge_cut_highX

Member Data Documentation

bool PixelCPEGeneric::DoCosmics_

Definition at line 150 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::EdgeClusterErrorX_

Definition at line 156 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::EdgeClusterErrorY_

Definition at line 157 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

bool PixelCPEGeneric::inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle

Definition at line 147 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric().

bool PixelCPEGeneric::inflate_errors

Definition at line 146 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

bool PixelCPEGeneric::IrradiationBiasCorrection_

Definition at line 153 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

bool PixelCPEGeneric::isUpgrade_

Definition at line 154 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::the_eff_charge_cut_highX

Definition at line 141 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::the_eff_charge_cut_highY

Definition at line 142 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::the_eff_charge_cut_lowX

Definition at line 139 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::the_eff_charge_cut_lowY

Definition at line 140 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::the_size_cutX

Definition at line 143 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::the_size_cutY

Definition at line 144 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

std::vector< SiPixelGenErrorStore > PixelCPEGeneric::thePixelGenError_

Definition at line 165 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

bool PixelCPEGeneric::TruncatePixelCharge_

Definition at line 152 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by collect_edge_charges(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

bool PixelCPEGeneric::UseErrorsFromTemplates_
std::vector<float> PixelCPEGeneric::xerr_barrel_l1_

Definition at line 159 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::xerr_barrel_l1_def_

Definition at line 161 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

std::vector<float> PixelCPEGeneric::xerr_barrel_ln_

Definition at line 159 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::xerr_barrel_ln_def_

Definition at line 161 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

std::vector<float> PixelCPEGeneric::xerr_endcap_

Definition at line 160 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::xerr_endcap_def_

Definition at line 162 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

std::vector<float> PixelCPEGeneric::yerr_barrel_l1_

Definition at line 159 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::yerr_barrel_l1_def_

Definition at line 161 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

std::vector<float> PixelCPEGeneric::yerr_barrel_ln_

Definition at line 160 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::yerr_barrel_ln_def_

Definition at line 162 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

std::vector<float> PixelCPEGeneric::yerr_endcap_

Definition at line 160 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::yerr_endcap_def_

Definition at line 162 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().