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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: CaloGeometryBuilder
4 // Class: CaloGeometryBuilder
5 //
13 //
14 // Original Author: Jeremiah Mans
15 // Created: Mon Oct 3 11:35:27 CDT 2005
16 //
17 //
20 // user include files
34 //
35 // member functions
36 //
38 {
39  //the following line is needed to tell the framework what
40  // data is being produced
41  setWhatProduced( this,
44  //now do what ever other initialization is needed
46  theCaloList = iConfig.getParameter< std::vector<std::string> >("SelectedCalos");
47  if ( theCaloList.size() == 0 ) throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
48  << "No calorimeter specified for geometry, aborting";
49 }
51 // ------------ method called to produce the data ------------
55 {
58  ReturnType pCalo ( new CaloGeometry() ) ;
60  // loop on selected calorimeters
62  for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ite ( theCaloList.begin() ) ;
63  ite != theCaloList.end(); ++ite )
64  {
65  // look for HCAL parts
66  // assume 'HCAL' for all of HCAL.
67  if ( (*ite) == HcalGeometry::producerTag() )
68  {
69  edm::LogInfo("CaloGeometryBuilder") << "Building HCAL reconstruction geometry";
71  iRecord.getRecord< HcalGeometryRecord >().get( HcalGeometry::producerTag(), pG );
72  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry( DetId::Hcal, HcalBarrel , pG.product() );
73  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry( DetId::Hcal, HcalEndcap , pG.product() );
74  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry( DetId::Hcal, HcalOuter , pG.product() );
75  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry( DetId::Hcal, HcalForward, pG.product() );
76  }
77  else if ( (*ite) == ZdcGeometry::producerTag() )
78  {
79  edm::LogInfo("CaloGeometryBuilder") << "Building ZDC reconstruction geometry";
80  iRecord.getRecord< ZDCGeometryRecord >().get( ZdcGeometry::producerTag(), pG );
81  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry( DetId::Calo, HcalZDCDetId::SubdetectorId,pG.product());
82  }
83  else if ( (*ite) == CastorGeometry::producerTag() )
84  {
85  edm::LogInfo("CaloGeometryBuilder") << "Building CASTOR reconstruction geometry";
87  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry( DetId::Calo, HcalCastorDetId::SubdetectorId,pG.product());
88  }
89  // look for Ecal Barrel
90  else if ( (*ite) == EcalBarrelGeometry::producerTag() )
91  {
92  edm::LogInfo("CaloGeometryBuilder") << "Building EcalBarrel reconstruction geometry";
94  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry(DetId::Ecal,EcalBarrel,pG.product());
95  }
96  // look for Ecal Endcap
97  else if ( (*ite) == EcalEndcapGeometry::producerTag() )
98  {
99  edm::LogInfo("CaloGeometryBuilder") << "Building EcalEndcap reconstruction geometry";
101  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry(DetId::Ecal,EcalEndcap,pG.product());
102  }
103  // look for Ecal Preshower
104  else if ( (*ite) == EcalPreshowerGeometry::producerTag() )
105  {
106  edm::LogInfo("CaloGeometryBuilder") << "Building EcalPreshower reconstruction geometry";
108  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry(DetId::Ecal,EcalPreshower,pG.product());
109  }
110  // look for TOWER parts
111  else if ( (*ite) == CaloTowerGeometry::producerTag() )
112  {
113  edm::LogInfo("CaloGeometryBuilder") << "Building TOWER reconstruction geometry";
115  pCalo->setSubdetGeometry(DetId::Calo,1,pG.product());
116  }
117  else
118  {
119  edm::LogWarning("CaloGeometryBuilder")
120  << "Reconstrcution geometry requested for a not implemented sub-detector: "
121  << (*ite);
122  }
123  }
124  return pCalo ;
125 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
static std::string producerTag()
Definition: ZdcGeometry.h:46
static std::string producerTag()
Definition: HcalGeometry.h:54
static std::string producerTag()
CaloGeometryBuilder(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
void setWhatProduced(T *iThis, const es::Label &iLabel=es::Label())
Definition: ESProducer.h:115
static std::string producerTag()
static std::string producerTag()
std::vector< std::string > theCaloList
boost::shared_ptr< CaloGeometry > ReturnType
static const int SubdetectorId
static std::string producerTag()
static const int SubdetectorId
Definition: HcalZDCDetId.h:20
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
static std::string producerTag()
ReturnType produceAligned(const CaloGeometryRecord &iRecord)