![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
tuple | combineME11 = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_combineME11"] == "True") |
tuple | cout = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string("ERROR")) |
tuple | destinations = cms.untracked.vstring("cout") |
tuple | disks = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_DISKS"] == "True") |
tuple | errorFromRMS = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_errorFromRMS"] == "True") |
tuple | fiducial = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_fiducial"] == "True") |
tuple | fillME11holes = eval(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_FILLME11HOLES"]) |
list | globaltag = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_GLOBALTAG"] |
list | inputdb = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_INPUTDB"] |
list | inputfiles = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_INPUTFILES"] |
tuple | iteration = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_ITERATION"]) |
tuple | jobnumber = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_JOBNUMBER"]) |
tuple | maxdrdz = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_maxdrdz"]) |
tuple | maxRedChi2 = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_maxRedChi2"]) |
tuple | minHitsPerChamber = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minHitsPerChamber"]) |
tuple | minP = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minP"]) |
tuple | minStationsInTrackRefits = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minStationsInTrackRefits"]) |
tuple | minTracksPerOverlap = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minTracksPerOverlap"]) |
list | mode = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MODE"] |
tuple | photogrammetry = eval(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_PHOTOGRAMMETRY"]) |
tuple | process = cms.Process("GATHER") |
tuple | slm = eval(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_SLM"]) |
tuple | slopeFromTrackRefit = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_slopeFromTrackRefit"] == "True") |
tuple | truncateOffsetResid = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_truncateOffsetResid"]) |
tuple | truncateSlopeResid = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_truncateSlopeResid"]) |
tuple | useHitWeights = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_useHitWeights"] == "True") |
tuple | useTrackWeights = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_useTrackWeights"] == "True") |
tuple gatherBH_cfg.combineME11 = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_combineME11"] == "True") |
Definition at line 23 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.cout = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string("ERROR")) |
Definition at line 36 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.destinations = cms.untracked.vstring("cout") |
Definition at line 35 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.disks = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_DISKS"] == "True") |
Definition at line 13 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.errorFromRMS = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_errorFromRMS"] == "True") |
Definition at line 25 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.fiducial = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_fiducial"] == "True") |
Definition at line 19 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.fillME11holes = eval(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_FILLME11HOLES"]) |
Definition at line 12 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
list gatherBH_cfg.globaltag = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_GLOBALTAG"] |
Definition at line 9 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
list gatherBH_cfg.inputdb = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_INPUTDB"] |
Definition at line 8 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
list gatherBH_cfg.inputfiles = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_INPUTFILES"] |
Definition at line 4 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.iteration = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_ITERATION"]) |
Definition at line 5 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.jobnumber = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_JOBNUMBER"]) |
Definition at line 6 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.maxdrdz = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_maxdrdz"]) |
Definition at line 17 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.maxRedChi2 = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_maxRedChi2"]) |
Definition at line 18 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.minHitsPerChamber = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minHitsPerChamber"]) |
Definition at line 16 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.minP = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minP"]) |
Definition at line 15 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.minStationsInTrackRefits = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minStationsInTrackRefits"]) |
Definition at line 28 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.minTracksPerOverlap = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_minTracksPerOverlap"]) |
Definition at line 26 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
list gatherBH_cfg.mode = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MODE"] |
Definition at line 7 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.photogrammetry = eval(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_PHOTOGRAMMETRY"]) |
Definition at line 10 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.process = cms.Process("GATHER") |
Definition at line 30 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.slm = eval(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_SLM"]) |
Definition at line 11 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.slopeFromTrackRefit = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_slopeFromTrackRefit"] == "True") |
Definition at line 27 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.truncateOffsetResid = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_truncateOffsetResid"]) |
Definition at line 22 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.truncateSlopeResid = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_truncateSlopeResid"]) |
Definition at line 21 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.useHitWeights = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_useHitWeights"] == "True") |
Definition at line 20 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.
tuple gatherBH_cfg.useTrackWeights = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_useTrackWeights"] == "True") |
Definition at line 24 of file gatherBH_cfg.py.