37 myName_(
"CSCRecoBadChannelsAnalyzer" ),
61 using namespace edm::eventsetup;
72 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
myName() <<
"::analyze sees indexer " << theIndexer->name() <<
" in Event Setup" ;
77 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
myName() <<
"::analyze sees mapper " << theMapper->name() <<
" in Event Setup" ;
82 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
" Geometry node for CSCGeom is " << &(*theGeometry) ;
83 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
" There are " << theGeometry->dets().size() <<
" dets" ;
84 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
" There are " << theGeometry->detTypes().size() <<
" types" <<
"\n" ;
94 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
"There are " << vecOfLayers.size() <<
" layers" ;
101 for(
auto it = vecOfLayers.begin(); it != vecOfLayers.end(); ++it ){
108 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
"Layer " <<
id <<
" has " << nstrips <<
" strips" ;
116 bool layerhasbadchannels =
117 for (
short is = 1; is<=nstrips; ++is ) {
120 layerhasbadchannels =
125 for (
short is = 1; is<=nstrips; ++is ) {
127 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
id <<
" strip " << is <<
" is a neighbor of a bad strip" ;
131 if (layerhasbadchannels) ++ibadlayers;
135 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
"WEIRD ERROR: a null CSCLayer* was seen" ;
139 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
"No. of layers with bad strip channels = " << ibadlayers ;
140 edm::LogVerbatim(
"CSCBadChannels") <<
"No. of bad strip channels seen = " << ibadchannels ;
EventNumber_t event() const
virtual void analyze(const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
const int dashedLineWidth_
int numberOfStrips() const
bool nearBadStrip(const CSCDetId &id, int geomStrip, int nstrips) const
Is a neighbour bad?
const std::string dashedLine_
CSCRecoBadChannelsAnalyzer(edm::ParameterSet const &ps)
bool badStrip(const CSCDetId &id, int geomStrip, int nstrips) const
Is the strip bad?
void fillBadChannelWords(const CSCDetId &id)
fill bad strip & bad wiregroup bitsets from conditions data
bool readBadChannels() const
did we request reading bad channel info from db?
const std::string myName_
const std::string & myName()
std::vector< const CSCLayer * > LayerContainer
CSCRecoConditions * recoConditions_
void initializeEvent(const edm::EventSetup &es)
fetch the cond data from the database
const CSCLayerGeometry * geometry() const
virtual ~CSCRecoBadChannelsAnalyzer()