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reco::Track Class Reference

#include <DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h>

Inheritance diagram for reco::Track:
reco::TrackBase reco::CandidatePtrTransientTrack reco::GsfTrack reco::TrackTransientTrack reco::GsfTransientTrack

Public Member Functions

const TrackExtraRefextra () const
 reference to "extra" object More...
CovarianceMatrixfillInner (CovarianceMatrix &v) const
CovarianceMatrixfillOuter (CovarianceMatrix &v) const
 fill outermost trajectory state curvilinear errors More...
unsigned short found () const
 Number of valid hits on track. More...
unsigned int innerDetId () const
 DetId of the detector on which surface the innermost state is located. More...
const math::XYZVectorinnerMomentum () const
 momentum vector at the innermost hit position More...
bool innerOk () const
 return true if the innermost hit is valid More...
const math::XYZPointinnerPosition () const
 position of the innermost hit More...
CovarianceMatrix innerStateCovariance () const
 innermost trajectory state curvilinear errors More...
unsigned short lost () const
 Number of lost (=invalid) hits on track. More...
unsigned int outerDetId () const
 DetId of the detector on which surface the outermost state is located. More...
double outerEta () const
 pseudorapidity of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
const math::XYZVectorouterMomentum () const
 momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
bool outerOk () const
 return true if the outermost hit is valid More...
double outerP () const
 magnitude of momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
double outerPhi () const
 azimuthal angle of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
const math::XYZPointouterPosition () const
 position of the outermost hit More...
double outerPt () const
 transverse momentum at the outermost hit position More...
double outerPx () const
 x coordinate of momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
double outerPy () const
 y coordinate of momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
double outerPz () const
 z coordinate of momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
double outerRadius () const
 polar radius of the outermost hit position More...
CovarianceMatrix outerStateCovariance () const
 outermost trajectory state curvilinear errors More...
double outerTheta () const
 polar angle of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position More...
double outerX () const
 x coordinate of the outermost hit position More...
double outerY () const
 y coordinate of the outermost hit position More...
double outerZ () const
 z coordinate of the outermost hit position More...
TrackingRecHitRef recHit (size_t i) const
 Get i-th hit on the track. More...
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsBegin () const
 Iterator to first hit on the track. More...
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsEnd () const
 Iterator to last hit on the track. More...
size_t recHitsSize () const
 Get number of RecHits. (Warning, this includes invalid hits, which are not physical hits). More...
const TrackResidualsresiduals () const
double residualX (int position) const
double residualY (int position) const
PropagationDirection seedDirection () const
 direction of how the hits were sorted in the original seed More...
edm::RefToBase< TrajectorySeedseedRef () const
void setExtra (const TrackExtraRef &ref)
 set reference to "extra" object More...
 Track ()
 default constructor More...
 Track (double chi2, double ndof, const Point &referencePoint, const Vector &momentum, int charge, const CovarianceMatrix &, TrackAlgorithm=undefAlgorithm, TrackQuality quality=undefQuality)
 constructor from fit parameters and error matrix More...
virtual ~Track ()
 virtual destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::TrackBase
TrackAlgorithm algo () const
AlgoMask algoMask () const
unsigned long long algoMaskUL () const
std::string algoName () const
bool appendHitPattern (const TrackingRecHit &hit, const TrackerTopology &ttopo)
 append a single hit to the HitPattern More...
bool appendHitPattern (const DetId &id, TrackingRecHit::Type hitType, const TrackerTopology &ttopo)
template<typename C >
bool appendHits (const C &c, const TrackerTopology &ttopo)
 append hit patterns from vector of hit references More...
template<typename I >
bool appendHits (const I &begin, const I &end, const TrackerTopology &ttopo)
bool appendMuonHitPattern (const DetId &id, TrackingRecHit::Type hitType)
bool appendTrackerHitPattern (uint16_t subdet, uint16_t layer, uint16_t stereo, TrackingRecHit::Type hitType)
int charge () const
 track electric charge More...
double chi2 () const
 chi-squared of the fit More...
CovarianceMatrix covariance () const
 return track covariance matrix More...
double covariance (int i, int j) const
 (i,j)-th element of covariance matrix (i, j = 0, ... 4) More...
double d0 () const
 dxy parameter in perigee convention (d0 = -dxy) More...
double d0Error () const
 error on d0 More...
double dsz () const
 dsz parameter (THIS IS NOT the SZ impact parameter to (0,0,0) if refPoint is far from (0,0,0): see parametrization definition above for details) More...
double dsz (const Point &myBeamSpot) const
 dsz parameter with respect to a user-given beamSpot (WARNING: this quantity can only be interpreted as the distance in the S-Z plane to the beamSpot, if the beam spot is reasonably close to the refPoint, since linear approximations are involved). This is a good approximation for Tracker tracks. More...
double dszError () const
 error on dsz More...
double dxy () const
 dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close to (0,0,0): see parametrization definition above for details). See also function dxy(myBeamSpot). More...
double dxy (const Point &myBeamSpot) const
 dxy parameter with respect to a user-given beamSpot (WARNING: this quantity can only be interpreted as a minimum transverse distance if beamSpot, if the beam spot is reasonably close to the refPoint, since linear approximations are involved). This is a good approximation for Tracker tracks. More...
double dxy (const BeamSpot &theBeamSpot) const
 dxy parameter with respect to the beamSpot taking into account the beamspot slopes (WARNING: this quantity can only be interpreted as a minimum transverse distance if beamSpot, if the beam spot is reasonably close to the refPoint, since linear approximations are involved). This is a good approximation for Tracker tracks. More...
double dxyError () const
 error on dxy More...
double dz () const
 dz parameter (= dsz/cos(lambda)). This is the track z0 w.r.t (0,0,0) only if the refPoint is close to (0,0,0). See also function dz(myBeamSpot) More...
double dz (const Point &myBeamSpot) const
 dz parameter with respect to a user-given beamSpot (WARNING: this quantity can only be interpreted as the track z0, if the beamSpot is reasonably close to the refPoint, since linear approximations are involved). This is a good approximation for Tracker tracks. More...
double dzError () const
 error on dz More...
double error (int i) const
 error on specified element More...
double eta () const
 pseudorapidity of momentum vector More...
double etaError () const
 error on eta More...
CovarianceMatrixfill (CovarianceMatrix &v) const
 fill SMatrix More...
const HitPatternhitPattern () const
 Access the hit pattern, indicating in which Tracker layers the track has hits. More...
bool isAlgoInMask (TrackAlgorithm a) const
bool isLooper () const
double lambda () const
 Lambda angle. More...
double lambdaError () const
 error on lambda More...
const Vectormomentum () const
 track momentum vector More...
double ndof () const
 number of degrees of freedom of the fit More...
signed char nLoops () const
double normalizedChi2 () const
 chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. (or chi-squared * 1e6 if n.d.o.f. is zero) More...
unsigned short numberOfLostHits () const
 number of cases where track crossed a layer without getting a hit. More...
unsigned short numberOfValidHits () const
 number of valid hits found More...
TrackAlgorithm originalAlgo () const
double p () const
 momentum vector magnitude More...
double parameter (int i) const
 i-th parameter ( i = 0, ... 4 ) More...
ParameterVector parameters () const
 Track parameters with one-to-one correspondence to the covariance matrix. More...
double phi () const
 azimuthal angle of momentum vector More...
double phiError () const
 error on phi More...
double pt () const
 track transverse momentum More...
double ptError () const
 error on Pt (set to 1000 TeV if charge==0 for safety) More...
double px () const
 x coordinate of momentum vector More...
double py () const
 y coordinate of momentum vector More...
double pz () const
 z coordinate of momentum vector More...
double qoverp () const
 q / p More...
double qoverpError () const
 error on signed transverse curvature More...
bool quality (const TrackQuality) const
 Track quality. More...
int qualityMask () const
const PointreferencePoint () const
 Reference point on the track. More...
void resetHitPattern ()
 Sets HitPattern as empty. More...
void setAlgoMask (AlgoMask a)
void setAlgorithm (const TrackAlgorithm a)
 Track algorithm. More...
void setNLoops (signed char value)
void setOriginalAlgorithm (const TrackAlgorithm a)
void setQuality (const TrackQuality)
void setQualityMask (int qualMask)
double theta () const
 polar angle More...
double thetaError () const
 error on theta More...
 TrackBase ()
 default constructor More...
 TrackBase (double chi2, double ndof, const Point &vertex, const Vector &momentum, int charge, const CovarianceMatrix &cov, TrackAlgorithm=undefAlgorithm, TrackQuality quality=undefQuality, signed char nloops=0)
 constructor from fit parameters and error matrix More...
double validFraction () const
 fraction of valid hits on the track More...
const Pointvertex () const
 reference point on the track. This method is DEPRECATED, please use referencePoint() instead More...
double vx () const
 x coordinate of the reference point on track More...
double vy () const
 y coordinate of the reference point on track More...
double vz () const
 z coordinate of the reference point on track More...
virtual ~TrackBase ()
 virtual destructor More...

Private Attributes

TrackExtraRef extra_
 Reference to additional information stored only on RECO. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from reco::TrackBase
enum  { dimension = 5 }
 parameter dimension More...
enum  { covarianceSize = dimension * (dimension + 1) / 2 }
 error matrix size More...
enum  {
  i_qoverp = 0, i_lambda, i_phi, i_dxy,
 enumerator provided indices to the five parameters More...
typedef std::bitset< algoSizeAlgoMask
 algo mask More...
typedef math::Error< dimension >
 5 parameter covariance matrix More...
typedef unsigned int index
 index type More...
typedef math::Vector
< dimension >::type 
 parameter vector More...
typedef math::XYZPoint Point
 point in the space More...
enum  TrackAlgorithm {
  undefAlgorithm = 0, ctf = 1, rs = 2, cosmics = 3,
  initialStep = 4, lowPtTripletStep = 5, pixelPairStep = 6, detachedTripletStep = 7,
  mixedTripletStep = 8, pixelLessStep = 9, tobTecStep = 10, jetCoreRegionalStep = 11,
  conversionStep = 12, muonSeededStepInOut = 13, muonSeededStepOutIn = 14, outInEcalSeededConv = 15,
  inOutEcalSeededConv = 16, nuclInter = 17, standAloneMuon = 18, globalMuon = 19,
  cosmicStandAloneMuon = 20, cosmicGlobalMuon = 21, iter1LargeD0 = 22, iter2LargeD0 = 23,
  iter3LargeD0 = 24, iter4LargeD0 = 25, iter5LargeD0 = 26, bTagGhostTracks = 27,
  beamhalo = 28, gsf = 29, hltPixel = 30, hltIter0 = 31,
  hltIter1 = 32, hltIter2 = 33, hltIter3 = 34, hltIter4 = 35,
  hltIterX = 36, hiRegitMuInitialStep = 37, hiRegitMuLowPtTripletStep = 38, hiRegitMuPixelPairStep = 39,
  hiRegitMuDetachedTripletStep = 40, hiRegitMuMixedTripletStep = 41, hiRegitMuPixelLessStep = 42, hiRegitMuTobTecStep = 43,
  hiRegitMuMuonSeededStepInOut = 44, hiRegitMuMuonSeededStepOutIn = 45, algoSize = 46
 track algorithm More...
enum  TrackQuality {
  undefQuality = -1, loose = 0, tight = 1, highPurity = 2,
  confirmed = 3, goodIterative = 4, looseSetWithPV = 5, highPuritySetWithPV = 6,
  discarded = 7, qualitySize = 8
 track quality More...
typedef math::XYZVector Vector
 spatial vector More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from reco::TrackBase
static TrackAlgorithm algoByName (const std::string &name)
static std::string algoName (TrackAlgorithm)
static index covIndex (index i, index j)
 covariance matrix index in array More...
static TrackQuality qualityByName (const std::string &name)
static std::string qualityName (TrackQuality)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from reco::TrackBase
static const std::string algoNames []
static const std::string qualityNames []

Detailed Description

This class describes the reconstructed tracks that are stored in the AOD and RECO. It also contains a reference to more detailed information about each track, that is stoed in the TrackExtra object, available only in RECO.

Note that most of the functions provided in this Track class rely on the existance of the TrackExtra object, so will not work on AOD.

The most useful functions are those provided in the TrackBase class from which this inherits, all of which work on AOD.

Luca Lista, INFN

Definition at line 28 of file Track.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

reco::Track::Track ( )

default constructor

Definition at line 34 of file Track.h.

34 { }
Track::~Track ( )

virtual destructor

Definition at line 13 of file

14 {
16 }
Track::Track ( double  chi2,
double  ndof,
const Point referencePoint,
const Vector momentum,
int  charge,
const CovarianceMatrix cov,
TrackAlgorithm  algo = undefAlgorithm,
TrackQuality  quality = undefQuality 

constructor from fit parameters and error matrix

Definition at line 5 of file

7  :
8  TrackBase(chi2, ndof, vertex, momentum, charge, cov, algo, quality)
9 {
10  ;
11 }
default constructor
TrackAlgorithm algo() const
Definition: TrackBase.h:484
const Point & vertex() const
reference point on the track. This method is DEPRECATED, please use referencePoint() instead ...
Definition: TrackBase.h:674
double chi2() const
chi-squared of the fit
Definition: TrackBase.h:536
double ndof() const
number of degrees of freedom of the fit
Definition: TrackBase.h:542
int charge() const
track electric charge
Definition: TrackBase.h:554

Member Function Documentation

const TrackExtraRef& reco::Track::extra ( ) const
CovarianceMatrix& reco::Track::fillInner ( CovarianceMatrix v) const

Definition at line 89 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

89  {
90  return extra_->fillInner(v);
91  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
CovarianceMatrix& reco::Track::fillOuter ( CovarianceMatrix v) const

fill outermost trajectory state curvilinear errors

Definition at line 85 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

85  {
86  return extra_->fillOuter(v);
87  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
unsigned short reco::Track::found ( ) const
unsigned int reco::Track::innerDetId ( ) const
const math::XYZVector& reco::Track::innerMomentum ( ) const
bool reco::Track::innerOk ( ) const
const math::XYZPoint& reco::Track::innerPosition ( ) const

position of the innermost hit

Definition at line 55 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by TrackAnalyzer::analyze(), TrackDetectorAssociator::associate(), ConversionProducer::buildCollection(), TrackEfficiencyMonitor::checkSemiCylinder(), helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), PFEGammaProducer::createSingleLegConversions(), TrackDetectorAssociator::crossedIP(), AlignmentTrackSelector::detailedHitsCheck(), directionAlongMomentum(), fw::estimate_field(), TrackAnalyzer::fillHistosForState(), MillePedeMonitor::fillTrack(), CSCEfficiency::filter(), AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState(), trajectoryStateTransform::innerFreeState(), reco::modules::CosmicTrackSplitter::makeCandidate(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::makeCandidate(), TrackMerger::merge(), fireworks::prepareTrack(), PrintRecoObjects::print(), helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::processMuon(), helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager::processTrack(), TrackListCombiner::produce(), MuonTrackProducer::produce(), L3TkMuonProducer::produce(), SimpleTrackListMerger::produce(), TrackListMerger::produce(), CosmicTrackSelector::produce(), DuplicateTrackMerger::produce(), TrackMultiSelector::produce(), DuplicateListMerger::produce(), reco::modules::TrackFullCloneSelectorBase< Selector >::produce(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::produce(), spr::propagateCosmicCALO(), AnalyticalTrackSelector::run(), PropagateToMuon::startingState(), and SiStripFineDelayTOF::trackParameters().

55  {
56  return extra_->innerPosition();
57  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
CovarianceMatrix reco::Track::innerStateCovariance ( ) const
unsigned short reco::Track::lost ( ) const

Number of lost (=invalid) hits on track.

Definition at line 199 of file Track.h.

References reco::TrackBase::numberOfLostHits().

Referenced by ApeEstimator::fillTrackVariables(), and GlobalMuonToMuonProducer::printTrackRecHits().

199  {
200  return numberOfLostHits();
201  }
unsigned short numberOfLostHits() const
number of cases where track crossed a layer without getting a hit.
Definition: TrackBase.h:813
unsigned int reco::Track::outerDetId ( ) const
double reco::Track::outerEta ( ) const

pseudorapidity of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 169 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by BetaCalculatorECAL::addInfoToCandidate(), and EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::tkIso().

169  {
170  return extra_->outerEta();
171  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
const math::XYZVector& reco::Track::outerMomentum ( ) const
bool reco::Track::outerOk ( ) const
double reco::Track::outerP ( ) const

magnitude of momentum vector at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 154 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

154  {
155  return extra_->outerP();
156  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerPhi ( ) const

azimuthal angle of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 164 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by BetaCalculatorECAL::addInfoToCandidate(), and EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::tkIso().

164  {
165  return extra_->outerPhi();
166  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
const math::XYZPoint& reco::Track::outerPosition ( ) const

position of the outermost hit

Definition at line 65 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by PFTrackTransformer::addPoints(), TrackAnalyzer::analyze(), IsolatedTracksNxN::analyze(), TrackDetectorAssociator::associate(), helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), PFEGammaProducer::createSingleLegConversions(), TrackDetectorAssociator::crossedIP(), AlignmentTrackSelector::detailedHitsCheck(), fw::estimate_field(), TrackAnalyzer::fillHistosForState(), MillePedeMonitor::fillTrack(), CSCEfficiency::filter(), reco::modules::CosmicTrackSplitter::makeCandidate(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::makeCandidate(), TrackMerger::merge(), trajectoryStateTransform::outerFreeState(), fireworks::prepareTrack(), helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::processMuon(), helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager::processTrack(), TrackListCombiner::produce(), MuonTrackProducer::produce(), L3TkMuonProducer::produce(), TrackListMerger::produce(), SimpleTrackListMerger::produce(), CosmicTrackSelector::produce(), DuplicateTrackMerger::produce(), TrackMultiSelector::produce(), DuplicateListMerger::produce(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::produce(), reco::modules::TrackFullCloneSelectorBase< Selector >::produce(), spr::propagateCosmicCALO(), spr::propagateTrackerEnd(), AnalyticalTrackSelector::run(), PropagateToMuon::startingState(), and SiStripFineDelayTOF::trackParameters().

65  {
66  return extra_->outerPosition();
67  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerPt ( ) const

transverse momentum at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 159 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

159  {
160  return extra_->outerPt();
161  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerPx ( ) const

x coordinate of momentum vector at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 124 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState(), and TrackExtrapolator::propagateTrackToVolume().

124  {
125  return extra_->outerPx();
126  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerPy ( ) const

y coordinate of momentum vector at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 129 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState(), and TrackExtrapolator::propagateTrackToVolume().

129  {
130  return extra_->outerPy();
131  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerPz ( ) const

z coordinate of momentum vector at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 134 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState(), and TrackExtrapolator::propagateTrackToVolume().

134  {
135  return extra_->outerPz();
136  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerRadius ( ) const

polar radius of the outermost hit position

Definition at line 179 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

179  {
180  return extra_->outerRadius();
181  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
CovarianceMatrix reco::Track::outerStateCovariance ( ) const
double reco::Track::outerTheta ( ) const

polar angle of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position

Definition at line 174 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

174  {
175  return extra_->outerTheta();
176  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerX ( ) const

x coordinate of the outermost hit position

Definition at line 139 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState(), and TrackExtrapolator::propagateTrackToVolume().

139  {
140  return extra_->outerX();
141  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerY ( ) const

y coordinate of the outermost hit position

Definition at line 144 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState(), and TrackExtrapolator::propagateTrackToVolume().

144  {
145  return extra_->outerY();
146  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double reco::Track::outerZ ( ) const

z coordinate of the outermost hit position

Definition at line 149 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState(), and TrackExtrapolator::propagateTrackToVolume().

149  {
150  return extra_->outerZ();
151  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
TrackingRecHitRef reco::Track::recHit ( size_t  i) const
trackingRecHit_iterator reco::Track::recHitsBegin ( ) const

Iterator to first hit on the track.

Definition at line 104 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by FWTrackHitsDetailView::addModules(), FWConvTrackHitsDetailView::addModules(), fireworks::addSiStripClusters(), RPCRecHitProbability::analyze(), RPCMonitorDigi::analyze(), TrackSplittingMonitor::analyze(), TestOutliers::analyze(), CosmicSplitterValidation::analyze(), SegmentsTrackAssociator::associate(), QuickTrackAssociatorByHitsImpl::associateRecoToSimImplementation(), QuickTrackAssociatorByHitsImpl::associateSimToRecoImplementation(), MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::attachRecHits(), FWTrackTrackingRecHitProxyBuilder::build(), FWTracksModulesProxyBuilder::build(), AlignmentTrackSelector::checkPrescaledHits(), helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), SiStripFineDelayHit::closestCluster(), helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::clusterRefsOK(), RecoMuonValidator::countMuonHits(), RecoMuonValidator::countTrackerHits(), CalibrationTrackSelector::detailedHitsCheck(), AlignmentTrackSelector::detailedHitsCheck(), TrackQuality::evaluate(), TkAlCaRecoMonitor::fillHitmaps(), MillePedeMonitor::fillTrack(), MuonAlignmentPreFilter::filter(), GlobalCosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder::getTransientRecHits(), GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::getTransientRecHits(), ConvBremSeedProducer::isGsfTrack(), GlobalCosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder::isTraversing(), MuonSegmentMatcher::matchCSC(), MuonSegmentMatcher::matchDT(), spr::matchedSimTrack(), MuonSegmentMatcher::matchRPC(), TrackMerger::merge(), ConversionHitChecker::nSharedHits(), FWTrackResidualDetailView::prepareData(), GlobalMuonToMuonProducer::printTrackRecHits(), helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::processMuon(), helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager::processTrack(), MuonTrackProducer::produce(), FastTrackerRecHitMaskProducer::produce(), L3TkMuonProducer::produce(), TrackListMerger::produce(), CosmicTrackSelector::produce(), SiStripElectronAssociator::produce(), TrackMultiSelector::produce(), DuplicateListMerger::produce(), reco::modules::TrackFullCloneSelectorBase< Selector >::produce(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::produce(), TrackClusterSplitter::produce(), reco::modules::CosmicTrackSplitter::produce(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::produceFromTrack(), fireworks::pushNearbyPixelHits(), fireworks::pushPixelHits(), TSGForRoadSearch::pushTrajectorySeed(), SiStripFineDelayHit::rechit(), reco::TransientTrack::recHitsBegin(), AnalyticalTrackSelector::run(), CosmicTrackSelector::select(), and CosmicMuonLinksProducer::sharedHits().

104  {
105  return extra_->recHitsBegin();
106  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
trackingRecHit_iterator reco::Track::recHitsEnd ( ) const

Iterator to last hit on the track.

Definition at line 109 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by FWTrackHitsDetailView::addModules(), FWConvTrackHitsDetailView::addModules(), fireworks::addSiStripClusters(), RPCRecHitProbability::analyze(), RPCMonitorDigi::analyze(), TrackSplittingMonitor::analyze(), TestOutliers::analyze(), CosmicSplitterValidation::analyze(), SegmentsTrackAssociator::associate(), QuickTrackAssociatorByHitsImpl::associateRecoToSimImplementation(), QuickTrackAssociatorByHitsImpl::associateSimToRecoImplementation(), MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster::attachRecHits(), FWTrackTrackingRecHitProxyBuilder::build(), FWTracksModulesProxyBuilder::build(), AlignmentTrackSelector::checkPrescaledHits(), helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), SiStripFineDelayHit::closestCluster(), helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::clusterRefsOK(), RecoMuonValidator::countMuonHits(), RecoMuonValidator::countTrackerHits(), CalibrationTrackSelector::detailedHitsCheck(), AlignmentTrackSelector::detailedHitsCheck(), SiStripFineDelayHit::detId(), TrackQuality::evaluate(), TkAlCaRecoMonitor::fillHitmaps(), MillePedeMonitor::fillTrack(), MuonAlignmentPreFilter::filter(), GlobalCosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder::getTransientRecHits(), GlobalTrajectoryBuilderBase::getTransientRecHits(), ConvBremSeedProducer::isGsfTrack(), GlobalCosmicMuonTrajectoryBuilder::isTraversing(), MuonSegmentMatcher::matchCSC(), MuonSegmentMatcher::matchDT(), spr::matchedSimTrack(), MuonSegmentMatcher::matchRPC(), TrackMerger::merge(), ConversionHitChecker::nSharedHits(), GlobalMuonToMuonProducer::printTrackRecHits(), helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::processMuon(), helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager::processTrack(), MuonTrackProducer::produce(), FastTrackerRecHitMaskProducer::produce(), L3TkMuonProducer::produce(), TrackListMerger::produce(), CosmicTrackSelector::produce(), SiStripElectronAssociator::produce(), TrackMultiSelector::produce(), DuplicateListMerger::produce(), reco::modules::TrackFullCloneSelectorBase< Selector >::produce(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::produce(), TrackClusterSplitter::produce(), reco::modules::CosmicTrackSplitter::produce(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::produceFromTrack(), fireworks::pushNearbyPixelHits(), fireworks::pushPixelHits(), TSGForRoadSearch::pushTrajectorySeed(), SiStripFineDelayHit::rechit(), reco::TransientTrack::recHitsEnd(), AnalyticalTrackSelector::run(), CosmicTrackSelector::select(), and CosmicMuonLinksProducer::sharedHits().

109  {
110  return extra_->recHitsEnd();
111  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
size_t reco::Track::recHitsSize ( ) const
const TrackResiduals& reco::Track::residuals ( ) const

Access the lightweight track residuals; these are stored in TrackExtra and provide residual information with 4 bits of precision per hit

Definition at line 220 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by FWTrackResidualDetailView::prepareData(), SimpleTrackListMerger::produce(), TrackListMerger::produce(), CosmicTrackSelector::produce(), TrackMultiSelector::produce(), DuplicateListMerger::produce(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::produce(), and AnalyticalTrackSelector::run().

220  {
221  return extra_->residuals();
222  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
double Track::residualX ( int  position) const

return the residual (local x/y) for the hit in the ith position; this position is aligned with the position in the HitPattern

Definition at line 18 of file

References extra_, and reco::TrackBase::hitPattern().

Referenced by TrackVertexArbitration< VTX >::trackVertexArbitrator().

19 {
20  return extra_->residuals().residualX(position, hitPattern());
21 }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
const HitPattern & hitPattern() const
Access the hit pattern, indicating in which Tracker layers the track has hits.
Definition: TrackBase.h:437
static int position[264][3]
double Track::residualY ( int  position) const

Definition at line 23 of file

References extra_, and reco::TrackBase::hitPattern().

Referenced by TrackVertexArbitration< VTX >::trackVertexArbitrator().

24 {
25  return extra_->residuals().residualY(position, hitPattern());
26 }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
const HitPattern & hitPattern() const
Access the hit pattern, indicating in which Tracker layers the track has hits.
Definition: TrackBase.h:437
static int position[264][3]
PropagationDirection reco::Track::seedDirection ( ) const
edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed> reco::Track::seedRef ( ) const

return the edm::reference to the trajectory seed in the original seeds collection. If the collection has been dropped from the Event, the reference may be invalid. Its validity should be tested, before the reference is actually used.

Definition at line 213 of file Track.h.

References extra_.

Referenced by TestOutliers::analyze(), PFElecTkProducer::applySelection(), PFElecTkProducer::FindPfRef(), reco::modules::CosmicTrackSplitter::makeCandidate(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::makeCandidate(), TrackListCombiner::produce(), SimpleTrackListMerger::produce(), TrackListMerger::produce(), CosmicTrackSelector::produce(), TrackMultiSelector::produce(), DuplicateListMerger::produce(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::produce(), and AnalyticalTrackSelector::run().

213  {
214  return extra_->seedRef();
215  }
TrackExtraRef extra_
Reference to additional information stored only on RECO.
Definition: Track.h:231
void reco::Track::setExtra ( const TrackExtraRef ref)

Member Data Documentation

TrackExtraRef reco::Track::extra_