3 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
11 Config.optionxform = str
20 files=files.splitlines()
28 modules=Config.get(
29 modules=modules.splitlines()
30 for module
in modules:
31 if(module!=
"" and path!=
32 self.btag_modules.extend([cms.InputTag(module)])
33 self.btag_modules_string.extend([module])
34 self.btag_pathes.extend([path])
40 modules=Config.get(
41 modules=modules.splitlines()
42 for module
in modules:
43 if(module!=
"" and path!=
44 self.vertex_modules.extend([cms.InputTag(module)])
45 self.vertex_pathes.extend([path])
49 print "Reading ", self.fileName
51 print "denominatorTriggerPath = ",self.denominatorTriggerPath
52 print "maxEvents = ",self.maxEvents
53 print "CMSSWVER = ",self.CMSSWVER
54 print "processname = ",self.processname
55 print "jets (for matching) = ",self.jets
56 print "files = ",self.files
57 print "btag_modules ",self.btag_modules
58 print "btag_pathes ",self.btag_pathes
59 print "vertex_modules ",self.vertex_modules
60 print "vertex_pathes ",self.vertex_pathes