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L1GtFdlWord Class Reference

#include <L1GtFdlWord.h>

Public Member Functions

const cms_uint16_t boardId () const
 get/set board ID More...
const int bxInEvent () const
 get/set bunch cross in the GT event record More...
const cms_uint16_t bxNr () const
 get/set BxNr - bunch cross number of the actual bx More...
const cms_uint32_t eventNr () const
 get/set event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL More...
const cms_uint16_t finalOR () const
 get/set "Final OR" bits More...
const unsigned int getSize () const
 get the size of the FDL block in GT DAQ record (in multiple of 8 bits) More...
const bool globalDecision () const
const DecisionWordgtDecisionWord () const
 get/set/print algorithms bits (decision word) More...
const DecisionWordExtendedgtDecisionWordExtended () const
 get/set extended algorithms bits (extended decision word) More...
const cms_uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo () const
const cms_uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech () const
 get/set index of the set of prescale factors More...
const TechnicalTriggerWordgtTechnicalTriggerWord () const
 get/set technical trigger bits More...
 L1GtFdlWord ()
 constructors More...
 L1GtFdlWord (cms_uint16_t boardIdValue, int bxInEventValue, cms_uint16_t bxNrValue, cms_uint32_t eventNrValue, const TechnicalTriggerWord &gtTechnicalTriggerWordValue, const DecisionWord &gtDecisionWordValue, const DecisionWordExtended &gtDecisionWordExtendedValue, cms_uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue, cms_uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue, cms_uint16_t noAlgoValue, cms_uint16_t finalORValue, cms_uint32_t orbitNrValue, cms_uint16_t lumiSegmentNrValue, cms_uint16_t localBxNrValue)
const cms_uint16_t localBxNr () const
 get/set local bunch cross number of the actual bx More...
const cms_uint16_t lumiSegmentNr () const
 get/set luminosity segment number of the actual bx More...
const cms_uint16_t noAlgo () const
 get/set NoAlgo More...
bool operator!= (const L1GtFdlWord &) const
 unequal operator More...
bool operator== (const L1GtFdlWord &) const
 equal operator More...
const cms_uint32_t orbitNr () const
 get/set orbit number More...
const cms_uint16_t physicsDeclared () const
 get/set "physics declared" bit More...
void print (std::ostream &myCout) const
 pretty print the content of a L1GtFdlWord More...
void printGtDecisionWord (std::ostream &myCout) const
void printGtDecisionWordExtended (std::ostream &myCout) const
void printGtTechnicalTriggerWord (std::ostream &myCout) const
void reset ()
 reset the content of a L1GtFdlWord More...
void setBoardId (const cms_uint16_t &boardIdValue)
 set BoardId from a BoardId value More...
void setBoardId (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the BoardId value from a 64-bits word More...
void setBoardIdWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setBxInEvent (const int bxInEventValue)
void setBxInEvent (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the BxInEvent value from a 64-bits word More...
void setBxInEventWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setBxNr (const cms_uint16_t &bxNrValue)
void setBxNr (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the BxNr value from a 64-bits word More...
void setBxNrWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setEventNr (const cms_uint32_t &eventNrValue)
void setEventNr (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the EventNr value from a 64-bits word More...
void setEventNrWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setFinalOR (const cms_uint16_t &finalORValue)
void setFinalOR (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the "Final OR" bits from a 64-bits word More...
void setFinalORWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setGtDecisionWord (const DecisionWord &gtDecisionWordValue)
void setGtDecisionWordA (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
void setGtDecisionWordAWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setGtDecisionWordB (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
void setGtDecisionWordBWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setGtDecisionWordExtended (const DecisionWordExtended &gtDecisionWordExtendedValue)
void setGtDecisionWordExtended (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the extended algorithms bits from a 64-bits word More...
void setGtDecisionWordExtendedWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo (const cms_uint16_t &gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue)
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo from a 64-bits word More...
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech (const cms_uint16_t &gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue)
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the GtPrescaleFactorIndexTech from a 64-bits word More...
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setGtTechnicalTriggerWord (const TechnicalTriggerWord &gtTechnicalTriggerWordValue)
void setGtTechnicalTriggerWord (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the technical trigger bits from a 64-bits word More...
void setGtTechnicalTriggerWordWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setLocalBxNr (const cms_uint16_t &localBxNrValue)
void setLocalBxNr (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the local bunch cross number bits from a 64-bits word More...
void setLocalBxNrWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setLumiSegmentNr (const cms_uint16_t &lumiSegmentNrValue)
void setLumiSegmentNr (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the luminosity segment number bits from a 64-bits word More...
void setLumiSegmentNrWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setNoAlgo (const cms_uint16_t &noAlgoValue)
void setNoAlgo (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the NoAlgo from a 64-bits word More...
void setNoAlgoWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setOrbitNr (const cms_uint32_t &orbitNrValue)
void setOrbitNr (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the orbit number bits from a 64-bits word More...
void setOrbitNrWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setPhysicsDeclared (const cms_uint16_t &physicsDeclaredValue)
void setPhysicsDeclared (const cms_uint64_t &word64)
 set the "physics declared" bit from a 64-bits word More...
void setPhysicsDeclaredWord64 (cms_uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void unpack (const unsigned char *fdlPtr)
virtual ~L1GtFdlWord ()
 destructor More...

Private Attributes

cms_uint16_t m_boardId
 board identifier More...
int m_bxInEvent
 bunch cross in the GT event record More...
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
 bunch cross number of the actual bx More...
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
 event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL More...
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
 algorithm bits More...
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
 extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128 More...
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
 technical trigger bits More...
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
 luminosity segment number More...
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
 true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered More...
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
 orbit number More...
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
 set to true when physics declared More...

Static Private Attributes

static const int BlockSize = 7
static const cms_uint64_t BoardIdMask = 0xFFFF000000000000ULL
static const int BoardIdShift = 48
static const int BoardIdWord = 0
static const cms_uint64_t BxInEventMask = 0x0000F00000000000ULL
static const int BxInEventShift = 44
static const int BxInEventWord = 0
static const cms_uint64_t BxNrMask = 0x00000FFF00000000ULL
static const int BxNrShift = 32
static const int BxNrWord = 0
static const cms_uint64_t EventNrMask = 0x0000000000FFFFFFULL
static const int EventNrShift = 0
static const int EventNrWord = 0
static const cms_uint64_t FinalORMask = 0x00000000000000FFULL
static const int FinalORShift = 0
static const int FinalORWord = 5
static const cms_uint64_t GtDecisionWordAMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
static const int GtDecisionWordAShift = 0
static const int GtDecisionWordAWord = 2
static const cms_uint64_t GtDecisionWordBMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
static const int GtDecisionWordBShift = 0
static const int GtDecisionWordBWord = 3
static const cms_uint64_t GtDecisionWordExtendedMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedShift = 0
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedWord = 4
static const cms_uint64_t GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoMask = 0x000000FF00000000ULL
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoShift = 32
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord = 5
static const cms_uint64_t GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechMask = 0x00FF000000000000ULL
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechShift = 48
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord = 5
static const cms_uint64_t GtTechnicalTriggerWordMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift = 0
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord = 1
static const cms_uint64_t LocalBxNrMask = 0x0000000000000FFFULL
static const int LocalBxNrShift = 0
static const int LocalBxNrWord = 6
static const cms_uint64_t LumiSegmentNrMask = 0x00000000FFFF0000ULL
static const int LumiSegmentNrShift = 16
static const int LumiSegmentNrWord = 6
static const cms_uint64_t NoAlgoMask = 0x0000000000000100ULL
static const int NoAlgoShift = 8
static const int NoAlgoWord = 5
static const cms_uint64_t OrbitNrMask = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL
static const int OrbitNrShift = 32
static const int OrbitNrWord = 6
static const cms_uint64_t PhysicsDeclaredMask = 0x8000000000000000ULL
static const int PhysicsDeclaredShift = 63
static const int PhysicsDeclaredWord = 5

Detailed Description

Description: L1 Global Trigger - FDL block in the readout record.

Implementation: <TODO: enter implementation details>

: Vasile Mihai Ghete - HEPHY Vienna

Description: see header file.

Implementation: <TODO: enter implementation details>

: Vasile Mihai Ghete - HEPHY Vienna

Definition at line 29 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1GtFdlWord::L1GtFdlWord ( )


Definition at line 32 of file

References m_boardId, m_bxInEvent, m_bxNr, m_eventNr, m_finalOR, m_gtDecisionWord, m_gtDecisionWordExtended, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech, m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord, m_localBxNr, m_lumiSegmentNr, m_noAlgo, m_orbitNr, m_physicsDeclared, L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::NumberPhysTriggers, L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::NumberPhysTriggersExtended, and L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::NumberTechnicalTriggers.

33 {
35  m_boardId = 0;
36  m_bxInEvent = 0;
37  m_bxNr = 0;
38  m_eventNr = 0;
40  // technical triggers std::vector<bool>
46  // decision word std::vector<bool>
47  m_gtDecisionWord.reserve(
49  m_gtDecisionWord.assign(
52  // extended decision word std::vector<bool>
62  m_noAlgo = 0;
64  m_finalOR = 0;
67  m_orbitNr = 0;
68  m_lumiSegmentNr = 0;
69  m_localBxNr = 0;
71 }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
static const unsigned int NumberTechnicalTriggers
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
static const unsigned int NumberPhysTriggersExtended
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
static const unsigned int NumberPhysTriggers
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
L1GtFdlWord::L1GtFdlWord ( cms_uint16_t  boardIdValue,
int  bxInEventValue,
cms_uint16_t  bxNrValue,
cms_uint32_t  eventNrValue,
const TechnicalTriggerWord gtTechnicalTriggerWordValue,
const DecisionWord gtDecisionWordValue,
const DecisionWordExtended gtDecisionWordExtendedValue,
cms_uint16_t  gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue,
cms_uint16_t  gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue,
cms_uint16_t  noAlgoValue,
cms_uint16_t  finalORValue,
cms_uint32_t  orbitNrValue,
cms_uint16_t  lumiSegmentNrValue,
cms_uint16_t  localBxNrValue 

Definition at line 74 of file

References m_physicsDeclared.

83  :
84  m_boardId(boardIdValue), m_bxInEvent(bxInEventValue), m_bxNr(bxNrValue),
85  m_eventNr(eventNrValue),
86  m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord(gtTechnicalTriggerWordValue),
87  m_gtDecisionWord(gtDecisionWordValue),
88  m_gtDecisionWordExtended(gtDecisionWordExtendedValue),
89  m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech(gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue),
90  m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo(gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue),
91  m_noAlgo(noAlgoValue), m_finalOR(finalORValue),
92  m_orbitNr(orbitNrValue), m_lumiSegmentNr(lumiSegmentNrValue),
93  m_localBxNr(localBxNrValue)
95 {
98  // the rest done in initialization list
99 }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
L1GtFdlWord::~L1GtFdlWord ( )


Definition at line 102 of file

103 {
105  // empty now
106 }

Member Function Documentation

const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::boardId ( ) const

get/set board ID

get BoardId value

Definition at line 69 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_boardId.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

70  {
71  return m_boardId;
72  }
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
const int L1GtFdlWord::bxInEvent ( ) const

get/set bunch cross in the GT event record

Definition at line 90 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_bxInEvent.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

91  {
92  return m_bxInEvent;
93  }
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::bxNr ( ) const

get/set BxNr - bunch cross number of the actual bx

Definition at line 110 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_bxNr.

Referenced by L1TGT::analyze(), L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

111  {
112  return m_bxNr;
113  }
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
const cms_uint32_t L1GtFdlWord::eventNr ( ) const

get/set event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL

Definition at line 130 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_eventNr.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

131  {
132  return m_eventNr;
133  }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::finalOR ( ) const

get/set "Final OR" bits

Definition at line 306 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_finalOR.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

307  {
308  return m_finalOR;
309  }
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
const unsigned int L1GtFdlWord::getSize ( ) const

get the size of the FDL block in GT DAQ record (in multiple of 8 bits)

Definition at line 392 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References BlockSize, and L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::UnitLength.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL(), L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi::produce(), L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::produce(), L1GTDigiToRaw::produce(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::produce().

393  {
394  int unitLengthBits = L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::UnitLength;
396  return BlockSize*unitLengthBits;
397  }
static const int UnitLength
one unit in the word is UnitLength bits
static const int BlockSize
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:416
const bool L1GtFdlWord::globalDecision ( ) const

Definition at line 325 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_finalOR.

326  {
327  return static_cast<bool> (m_finalOR);
328  }
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
const DecisionWord& L1GtFdlWord::gtDecisionWord ( ) const

get/set/print algorithms bits (decision word)

Definition at line 171 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtDecisionWord.

Referenced by TrackerDpgAnalysis::analyze(), L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL(), and HSCPTreeBuilder::filter().

172  {
173  return m_gtDecisionWord;
174  }
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
const DecisionWordExtended& L1GtFdlWord::gtDecisionWordExtended ( ) const

get/set extended algorithms bits (extended decision word)

Definition at line 203 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtDecisionWordExtended.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL(), and HSCPTreeBuilder::filter().

204  {
206  }
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo ( ) const

Definition at line 267 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo.

Referenced by L1TGT::analyze(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

268  {
270  }
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech ( ) const

get/set index of the set of prescale factors

Definition at line 248 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech.

249  {
251  }
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
const TechnicalTriggerWord& L1GtFdlWord::gtTechnicalTriggerWord ( ) const

get/set technical trigger bits

Definition at line 149 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL(), and HSCPTreeBuilder::filter().

150  {
152  }
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::localBxNr ( ) const

get/set local bunch cross number of the actual bx

Definition at line 372 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_localBxNr.

Referenced by L1TGT::analyze(), L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

373  {
374  return m_localBxNr;
375  }
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::lumiSegmentNr ( ) const

get/set luminosity segment number of the actual bx

Definition at line 352 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_lumiSegmentNr.

Referenced by L1TGT::analyze(), L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi::produce(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::produce().

353  {
354  return m_lumiSegmentNr;
355  }
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::noAlgo ( ) const

get/set NoAlgo

Definition at line 286 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_noAlgo.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), and L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL().

287  {
288  return m_noAlgo;
289  }
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
bool L1GtFdlWord::operator!= ( const L1GtFdlWord result) const

unequal operator

Definition at line 177 of file

178 {
180  return !( result == *this);
182 }
bool L1GtFdlWord::operator== ( const L1GtFdlWord result) const

equal operator

Definition at line 109 of file

References m_boardId, m_bxInEvent, m_bxNr, m_eventNr, m_finalOR, m_gtDecisionWord, m_gtDecisionWordExtended, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech, m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord, m_localBxNr, m_lumiSegmentNr, m_noAlgo, m_orbitNr, and m_physicsDeclared.

110 {
112  if (m_boardId != result.m_boardId) {
113  return false;
114  }
116  if (m_bxInEvent != result.m_bxInEvent) {
117  return false;
118  }
120  if (m_bxNr != result.m_bxNr) {
121  return false;
122  }
123  if (m_eventNr != result.m_eventNr) {
124  return false;
125  }
128  return false;
129  }
131  if (m_gtDecisionWord != result.m_gtDecisionWord) {
132  return false;
133  }
136  return false;
137  }
139  if (m_physicsDeclared != result.m_physicsDeclared) {
140  return false;
141  }
144  return false;
145  }
148  return false;
149  }
151  if (m_noAlgo != result.m_noAlgo) {
152  return false;
153  }
155  if (m_finalOR != result.m_finalOR) {
156  return false;
157  }
159  if (m_orbitNr != result.m_orbitNr) {
160  return false;
161  }
163  if (m_lumiSegmentNr != result.m_lumiSegmentNr) {
164  return false;
165  }
167  if (m_localBxNr != result.m_localBxNr) {
168  return false;
169  }
171  // all members identical
172  return true;
174 }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
const cms_uint32_t L1GtFdlWord::orbitNr ( ) const

get/set orbit number

Definition at line 332 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_orbitNr.

Referenced by L1TGT::analyze().

333  {
334  return m_orbitNr;
335  }
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
const cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::physicsDeclared ( ) const

get/set "physics declared" bit

Definition at line 227 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_physicsDeclared.

Referenced by HLTPhysicsDeclared::filter(), PhysDecl::filter(), DQMDcsInfo::makeGtInfo(), DQMProvInfo::makeGtInfo(), and pat::PATTriggerEventProducer::produce().

228  {
229  return m_physicsDeclared;
230  }
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
void L1GtFdlWord::print ( std::ostream &  myCout) const

pretty print the content of a L1GtFdlWord

Definition at line 766 of file

References TauDecayModes::dec, m_boardId, m_bxInEvent, m_bxNr, m_eventNr, m_finalOR, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech, m_localBxNr, m_lumiSegmentNr, m_noAlgo, m_orbitNr, m_physicsDeclared, printGtDecisionWord(), printGtDecisionWordExtended(), and printGtTechnicalTriggerWord().

Referenced by L1GtPackUnpackAnalyzer::analyzeGT(), L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL(), L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi::produce(), L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::produce(), L1GTDigiToRaw::produce(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::produce().

767 {
769  myCout << "\n L1GtFdlWord::print \n" << std::endl;
771  int iWord = 0;
773  myCout << "\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
775  myCout << " Board Id: "
776  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << m_boardId
777  << std::setfill(' ')
778  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_boardId
779  << std::endl;
780  //
782  int baseValue = 16; // using hexadecimal values;
783  int hexBxInEvent = (m_bxInEvent + baseValue)%baseValue;
785  myCout << " BxInEvent: "
786  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(1) << hexBxInEvent
787  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_bxInEvent
788  << std::endl;
790  myCout << " BxNr: "
791  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << m_bxNr
792  << std::setfill(' ')
793  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_bxNr
794  << std::endl;
797  myCout << " EventNr: "
798  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << m_eventNr
799  << std::setfill(' ')
800  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_eventNr
801  << std::endl;
803  // technical triggers
805  iWord++;
806  myCout << "\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
809  myCout << std::endl;
811  // physics triggers (2 words!)
813  iWord++;
814  myCout << "\n Word " << iWord;
815  iWord++;
816  myCout << " and word " << iWord;
818  printGtDecisionWord(myCout);
819  myCout << std::endl;
821  // decision word extended (64 bits)
823  iWord++;
824  myCout << "\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
827  myCout << std::endl;
829  //
830  iWord++;
831  myCout << "\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
833  myCout << " PhysicsDeclared: "
834  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0')
836  << std::setfill(' ')
837  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_physicsDeclared
838  << std::endl;
840  myCout << " GtPrescaleFactorIndexTech: "
841  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0')
843  << std::setfill(' ')
844  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
845  << std::endl;
847  myCout << " GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo: "
848  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0')
850  << std::setfill(' ')
851  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
852  << std::endl;
854  myCout << " NoAlgo: "
855  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(1) << std::setfill('0') << m_noAlgo
856  << std::setfill(' ')
857  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_noAlgo
858  << std::endl;
860  myCout << " FinalOR: "
861  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << m_finalOR
862  << std::setfill(' ')
863  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_finalOR
864  << std::endl;
866  iWord++;
867  myCout << "\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
869  myCout << " OrbitNr: "
870  << std::hex << " hex: " << "" << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << m_orbitNr
871  << std::setfill(' ')
872  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_orbitNr
873  << std::endl;
875  myCout << " LumiSegmentNr: "
876  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << m_lumiSegmentNr
877  << std::setfill(' ')
878  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_lumiSegmentNr
879  << std::endl;
881  myCout << " LocalBxNr: "
882  << std::hex << " hex: " << " " << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << m_localBxNr
883  << std::setfill(' ')
884  << std::dec << " dec: " << m_localBxNr
885  << std::endl;
887 }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
void printGtDecisionWord(std::ostream &myCout) const
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
void printGtDecisionWordExtended(std::ostream &myCout) const
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
void printGtTechnicalTriggerWord(std::ostream &myCout) const
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
void L1GtFdlWord::printGtDecisionWord ( std::ostream &  myCout) const

Definition at line 345 of file

References m_gtDecisionWord, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL(), and print().

346 {
348  // decision word (in 64bits words)
349  int sizeW64 = 64; // 64 bits words
351  int iBit = 0;
352  int jBit = m_gtDecisionWord.size();
353  int nrDecWord = m_gtDecisionWord.size()/sizeW64;
355  std::ostringstream stream64;
357  std::vector<std::string> decWord;
358  decWord.reserve(nrDecWord);
360  for (std::vector<bool>::const_reverse_iterator ritBit = m_gtDecisionWord.rbegin();
361  ritBit != m_gtDecisionWord.rend(); ++ritBit) {
363  stream64 << (*ritBit ? '1' : '0');
365  if ( (((iBit + 1)%16) == (sizeW64%16)) ) {
366  stream64 << " ";
367  }
369  if ( ((iBit + 1)%sizeW64) == 0) {
370  std::string iW = stream64.str();
371  stream64.str("");
373  decWord.push_back(iW);
374  }
377  iBit++;
378  jBit--;
379  }
381  int iWord = 0;
383  for (std::vector<std::string>::reverse_iterator ritWord = decWord.rbegin();
384  ritWord != decWord.rend(); ++ritWord) {
386  myCout << std::endl;
387  myCout << " DecisionWord (bitset style): bits "
388  << iWord*sizeW64 + sizeW64 - 1 << " : " << iWord*sizeW64 << "\n ";
389  myCout << *ritWord;
391  iWord++;
393  }
394 }
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
void L1GtFdlWord::printGtDecisionWordExtended ( std::ostream &  myCout) const

Definition at line 503 of file

References m_gtDecisionWordExtended.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL(), and print().

504 {
506  myCout << " DecisionWordExtended (bitset style): \n " ;
508  int sizeW64 = 64; // 64 bits words
509  int iBit = 0;
511  for (std::vector<bool>::const_reverse_iterator ritBit = m_gtDecisionWordExtended.rbegin();
512  ritBit != m_gtDecisionWordExtended.rend(); ++ritBit) {
514  myCout << (*ritBit ? '1' : '0');
516  if ( (((iBit + 1)%16) == (sizeW64%16)) && (iBit != 63) ) {
517  myCout << " ";
518  }
520  iBit++;
522  }
524 }
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
void L1GtFdlWord::printGtTechnicalTriggerWord ( std::ostream &  myCout) const

Definition at line 271 of file

References m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.

Referenced by L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer::compareFDL(), L1GtHwValidation::compareFDL(), and print().

272 {
274  myCout << " Technical triggers (bitset style): \n " ;
276  int sizeW64 = 64; // 64 bits words
277  int iBit = 0;
279  for (std::vector<bool>::const_reverse_iterator ritBit = m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.rbegin();
280  ritBit != m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.rend(); ++ritBit) {
282  myCout << (*ritBit ? '1' : '0');
284  if ( (((iBit + 1)%16) == (sizeW64%16)) && (iBit != 63) ) {
285  myCout << " ";
286  }
288  iBit++;
289  }
292 }
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
void L1GtFdlWord::reset ( void  )

reset the content of a L1GtFdlWord

Definition at line 732 of file

References m_boardId, m_bxInEvent, m_bxNr, m_eventNr, m_finalOR, m_gtDecisionWord, m_gtDecisionWordExtended, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo, m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech, m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord, m_localBxNr, m_lumiSegmentNr, m_noAlgo, m_orbitNr, m_physicsDeclared, L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::NumberPhysTriggers, L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::NumberPhysTriggersExtended, and L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetup::NumberTechnicalTriggers.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi::produce(), L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::produce(), and L1GlobalTriggerFDL::reset().

733 {
735  m_boardId = 0;
736  m_bxInEvent = 0;
737  m_bxNr = 0;
738  m_eventNr = 0;
740  // technical triggers std::vector<bool>
744  // decision word std::vector<bool>
745  m_gtDecisionWord.assign(
748  // extended decision word std::vector<bool>
752  m_physicsDeclared = 0;
756  m_noAlgo = 0;
757  m_finalOR = 0;
759  m_orbitNr = 0;
760  m_lumiSegmentNr = 0;
761  m_localBxNr = 0;
763 }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
static const unsigned int NumberTechnicalTriggers
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
static const unsigned int NumberPhysTriggersExtended
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
static const unsigned int NumberPhysTriggers
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
void L1GtFdlWord::setBoardId ( const cms_uint16_t boardIdValue)

set BoardId from a BoardId value

Definition at line 75 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_boardId.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

76  {
77  m_boardId = boardIdValue;
78  }
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
void L1GtFdlWord::setBoardId ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the BoardId value from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 188 of file

References BoardIdMask, BoardIdShift, and m_boardId.

189 {
190  m_boardId = (word64 & BoardIdMask) >> BoardIdShift;
192 }
static const cms_uint64_t BoardIdMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:427
static const int BoardIdShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:433
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
void L1GtFdlWord::setBoardIdWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the BoardId value in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 196 of file

References BoardIdShift, BoardIdWord, and m_boardId.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

197 {
199  if (iWord == BoardIdWord) {
200  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_boardId) << BoardIdShift);
201  }
203 }
static const int BoardIdShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:433
static const int BoardIdWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:421
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:498
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setBxInEvent ( const int  bxInEventValue)

Definition at line 95 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_bxInEvent.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

96  {
97  m_bxInEvent = bxInEventValue;
98  }
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
void L1GtFdlWord::setBxInEvent ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the BxInEvent value from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 207 of file

References BxInEventMask, BxInEventShift, and m_bxInEvent.

208 {
209  int baseValue = 16; // using hexadecimal values;
210  int hexBxInEvent = (word64 & BxInEventMask) >> BxInEventShift;
211  m_bxInEvent = (hexBxInEvent + baseValue/2)%baseValue - baseValue/2;
213 }
static const int BxInEventShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:434
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
static const cms_uint64_t BxInEventMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:428
void L1GtFdlWord::setBxInEventWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the BxInEvent value in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 217 of file

References BxInEventShift, BxInEventWord, and m_bxInEvent.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

218 {
220  if (iWord == BxInEventWord) {
221  int baseValue = 16; // using hexadecimal values;
222  int hexBxInEvent = (m_bxInEvent + baseValue)%baseValue;
223  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (hexBxInEvent)
224  << BxInEventShift);
225  }
227 }
static const int BxInEventShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:434
static const int BxInEventWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:422
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:501
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setBxNr ( const cms_uint16_t bxNrValue)

Definition at line 115 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_bxNr.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

116  {
117  m_bxNr = bxNrValue;
118  }
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
void L1GtFdlWord::setBxNr ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the BxNr value from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 231 of file

References BxNrMask, BxNrShift, and m_bxNr.

232 {
233  m_bxNr = (word64 & BxNrMask) >> BxNrShift;
235 }
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
static const int BxNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:435
static const cms_uint64_t BxNrMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:429
void L1GtFdlWord::setBxNrWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the BxNr value in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 239 of file

References BxNrShift, BxNrWord, and m_bxNr.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

240 {
242  if (iWord == BxNrWord) {
243  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_bxNr) << BxNrShift);
244  }
246 }
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:504
static const int BxNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:435
static const int BxNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:423
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setEventNr ( const cms_uint32_t eventNrValue)

Definition at line 135 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_eventNr.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

136  {
137  m_eventNr = eventNrValue;
138  }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
void L1GtFdlWord::setEventNr ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the EventNr value from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 250 of file

References EventNrMask, EventNrShift, and m_eventNr.

251 {
252  m_eventNr = (word64 & EventNrMask) >> EventNrShift;
254 }
static const cms_uint64_t EventNrMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:430
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
static const int EventNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:436
void L1GtFdlWord::setEventNrWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the EventNr value in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 258 of file

References EventNrShift, EventNrWord, and m_eventNr.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

259 {
261  if (iWord == EventNrWord) {
262  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_eventNr) << EventNrShift);
263  }
265 }
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:507
static const int EventNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:436
static const int EventNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:424
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setFinalOR ( const cms_uint16_t finalORValue)

Definition at line 311 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_finalOR.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

312  {
313  m_finalOR = finalORValue;
314  }
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
void L1GtFdlWord::setFinalOR ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the "Final OR" bits from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 656 of file

References FinalORMask, FinalORShift, and m_finalOR.

657 {
658  m_finalOR = (word64 & FinalORMask) >> FinalORShift;
660 }
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
static const int FinalORShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:479
static const cms_uint64_t FinalORMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:473
void L1GtFdlWord::setFinalORWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the "Final OR" bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 664 of file

References FinalORShift, FinalORWord, and m_finalOR.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

665 {
667  if (iWord == FinalORWord) {
668  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_finalOR)
669  << FinalORShift);
670  }
672 }
cms_uint16_t m_finalOR
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:534
static const int FinalORWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:467
static const int FinalORShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:479
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWord ( const DecisionWord gtDecisionWordValue)

Definition at line 176 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtDecisionWord.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run().

177  {
178  m_gtDecisionWord = gtDecisionWordValue;
179  }
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWordA ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the algorithms bits from two 64-bits words WordA: bits 0-63

Definition at line 398 of file

References GtDecisionWordAMask, GtDecisionWordAShift, and m_gtDecisionWord.

Referenced by unpack().

399 {
401  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8; // well, it should be 64, if not... :-)
404  cms_uint64_t one64 = 1ULL;
406  for (int iBit = 0; iBit < word64Size; ++iBit) {
407 = wordA & (one64 << iBit);
408  }
410 }
static const cms_uint64_t GtDecisionWordAMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:447
static const int GtDecisionWordAShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:448
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWordAWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the algorithms bits in two 64-bits word, having the first index iWord in the GTFE raw record WordA: bits 0-63

Definition at line 435 of file

References GtDecisionWordAShift, GtDecisionWordAWord, and m_gtDecisionWord.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

436 {
438  if (iWord == GtDecisionWordAWord) {
440  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8;
441  cms_uint64_t wordA = 0x0000000000000000ULL;
443  int iBit = 0;
444  cms_uint64_t iDecision = 0ULL;
446  for (std::vector<bool>::const_iterator itBit = m_gtDecisionWord.begin();
447  itBit != m_gtDecisionWord.end(); ++itBit) {
449  iDecision = static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (*itBit);//(*itBit ? 1 : 0);
450  wordA = wordA | (iDecision << iBit);
452  iBit++;
453  if (iBit >= word64Size) {
454  break;
455  }
457  }
459  word64 = word64 | (wordA << GtDecisionWordAShift);
461  }
463 }
static const int GtDecisionWordAShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:448
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
static const int GtDecisionWordAWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:446
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWordB ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the algorithms bits from two 64-bits words WordB: bits 64-128

Definition at line 414 of file

References GtDecisionWordBMask, GtDecisionWordBShift, and m_gtDecisionWord.

Referenced by unpack().

415 {
417  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8;
420  cms_uint64_t one64 = 1ULL;
422  for (int iBit = 0; iBit < word64Size; ++iBit) {
423 + word64Size) = wordB & (one64 << iBit);
425  }
427 }
static const int GtDecisionWordBShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:454
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
static const cms_uint64_t GtDecisionWordBMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:453
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWordBWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the algorithms bits in two 64-bits word, having the first index iWord in the GTFE raw record WordB: bits 64-128

Definition at line 471 of file

References GtDecisionWordBShift, GtDecisionWordBWord, and m_gtDecisionWord.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

472 {
474  if (iWord == GtDecisionWordBWord) {
476  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8;
477  cms_uint64_t wordB = 0x0000000000000000ULL;
479  int iBit = 0;
480  cms_uint64_t iDecision = 0ULL;
482  for (std::vector<bool>::const_iterator itBit = m_gtDecisionWord.begin();
483  itBit != m_gtDecisionWord.end(); ++itBit) {
485  if (iBit >= word64Size) {
486  // skip first word64Size bits, they go in wordA
487  iDecision = static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (*itBit);//(*itBit ? 1 : 0);
488  wordB = wordB | ( iDecision << (iBit - word64Size) );
489  }
491  iBit++;
493  }
495  word64 = word64 | (wordB << GtDecisionWordBShift);
496  }
498 }
static const int GtDecisionWordBShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:454
static const int GtDecisionWordBWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:452
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:515
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWordExtended ( const DecisionWordExtended gtDecisionWordExtendedValue)

Definition at line 208 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtDecisionWordExtended.

Referenced by unpack().

209  {
210  m_gtDecisionWordExtended = gtDecisionWordExtendedValue;
211  }
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWordExtended ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the extended algorithms bits from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 527 of file

References GtDecisionWordExtendedMask, GtDecisionWordExtendedShift, and m_gtDecisionWordExtended.

528 {
530  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8;
531  cms_uint64_t wordE = (word64 & GtDecisionWordExtendedMask)
534  cms_uint64_t one64 = 1ULL;
536  for (int iBit = 0; iBit < word64Size; ++iBit) {
537 = wordE & (one64 << iBit);
538  }
541 }
static const cms_uint64_t GtDecisionWordExtendedMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:459
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:460
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtDecisionWordExtendedWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the extended algorithms bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 545 of file

References GtDecisionWordExtendedShift, GtDecisionWordExtendedWord, and m_gtDecisionWordExtended.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

546 {
548  if (iWord == GtDecisionWordExtendedWord) {
550  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8;
551  cms_uint64_t wordE = 0x0000000000000000ULL;
553  int iBit = 0;
554  cms_uint64_t iDecision = 0ULL;
556  for (std::vector<bool>::const_iterator itBit = m_gtDecisionWordExtended.begin();
557  itBit != m_gtDecisionWordExtended.end(); ++itBit) {
559  iDecision = static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (*itBit);//(*itBit ? 1 : 0);
560  wordE = wordE | (iDecision << iBit);
562  iBit++;
563  if (iBit >= word64Size) {
564  break;
565  }
567  }
569  word64 = word64 | (wordE << GtDecisionWordExtendedShift);
571  }
573 }
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:458
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:518
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:460
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo ( const cms_uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue)

Definition at line 272 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

273  {
274  m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo = gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue;
275  }
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 616 of file

References GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoMask, GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoShift, and m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo.

616  {
619 }
static const cms_uint64_t GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:471
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:477
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 623 of file

References GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoShift, GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord, and m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

624  {
626  if (iWord == GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord) {
627  word64 = word64
628  | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo)
630  }
632 }
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:527
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:465
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:477
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech ( const cms_uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue)

Definition at line 253 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

254  {
255  m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech = gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue;
256  }
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the GtPrescaleFactorIndexTech from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 596 of file

References GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechMask, GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechShift, and m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech.

596  {
599 }
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:476
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
static const cms_uint64_t GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:470
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the GtPrescaleFactorIndexTech bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 603 of file

References GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechShift, GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord, and m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

604  {
606  if (iWord == GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord) {
607  word64 = word64
608  | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech)
610  }
612 }
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:476
cms_uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:526
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:464
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtTechnicalTriggerWord ( const TechnicalTriggerWord gtTechnicalTriggerWordValue)

Definition at line 154 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

155  {
156  m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord = gtTechnicalTriggerWordValue;
157  }
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtTechnicalTriggerWord ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the technical trigger bits from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 295 of file

References GtTechnicalTriggerWordMask, GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift, and m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.

296 {
298  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8;
299  cms_uint64_t wordTT = (word64 & GtTechnicalTriggerWordMask)
302  cms_uint64_t one64 = 1ULL;
303  for (int iBit = 0; iBit < word64Size; ++iBit) {
304 = wordTT & (one64 << iBit);
305  }
307 }
static const cms_uint64_t GtTechnicalTriggerWordMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:441
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:442
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
void L1GtFdlWord::setGtTechnicalTriggerWordWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the technical trigger bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 311 of file

References GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift, GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord, and m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

312 {
314  if (iWord == GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord) {
316  int word64Size = sizeof(word64)*8;
317  cms_uint64_t wordTT = 0x0000000000000000ULL;
319  int iBit = 0;
320  cms_uint64_t iDecision = 0ULL;
322  for (std::vector<bool>::const_iterator itBit = m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.begin();
323  itBit != m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord.end(); ++itBit) {
325  iDecision = static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (*itBit);//(*itBit ? 1 : 0);
326  wordTT = wordTT | (iDecision << iBit);
328  iBit++;
329  if (iBit >= word64Size) {
330  break;
331  }
333  }
335  word64 = word64 | (wordTT << GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift);
337  }
339 }
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:442
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:440
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:512
void L1GtFdlWord::setLocalBxNr ( const cms_uint16_t localBxNrValue)

Definition at line 377 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_localBxNr.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

378  {
379  m_localBxNr = localBxNrValue;
380  }
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
void L1GtFdlWord::setLocalBxNr ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the local bunch cross number bits from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 712 of file

References LocalBxNrMask, LocalBxNrShift, and m_localBxNr.

713 {
714  m_localBxNr = (word64 & LocalBxNrMask) >> LocalBxNrShift;
715 }
static const cms_uint64_t LocalBxNrMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:488
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
static const int LocalBxNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:492
void L1GtFdlWord::setLocalBxNrWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the local bunch cross number bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 719 of file

References LocalBxNrShift, LocalBxNrWord, and m_localBxNr.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

720 {
722  if (iWord == LocalBxNrWord) {
723  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_localBxNr)
724  << LocalBxNrShift);
725  }
727 }
cms_uint16_t m_localBxNr
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:546
static const int LocalBxNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:492
static const int LocalBxNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:484
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setLumiSegmentNr ( const cms_uint16_t lumiSegmentNrValue)

Definition at line 357 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_lumiSegmentNr.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi::produce(), L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::produce(), L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

358  {
359  m_lumiSegmentNr = lumiSegmentNrValue;
360  }
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
void L1GtFdlWord::setLumiSegmentNr ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the luminosity segment number bits from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 694 of file

References LumiSegmentNrMask, LumiSegmentNrShift, and m_lumiSegmentNr.

694  {
696 }
static const int LumiSegmentNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:491
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
static const cms_uint64_t LumiSegmentNrMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:487
void L1GtFdlWord::setLumiSegmentNrWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the luminosity segment number bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 700 of file

References LumiSegmentNrShift, LumiSegmentNrWord, and m_lumiSegmentNr.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

701  {
703  if (iWord == LumiSegmentNrWord) {
704  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_lumiSegmentNr)
705  << LumiSegmentNrShift);
706  }
708 }
static const int LumiSegmentNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:491
cms_uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:542
static const int LumiSegmentNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:483
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void L1GtFdlWord::setNoAlgo ( const cms_uint16_t noAlgoValue)

Definition at line 291 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_noAlgo.

Referenced by unpack().

292  {
293  m_noAlgo = noAlgoValue;
294  }
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
void L1GtFdlWord::setNoAlgo ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the NoAlgo from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 635 of file

References m_noAlgo, NoAlgoMask, and NoAlgoShift.

636 {
637  m_noAlgo = (word64 & NoAlgoMask) >> NoAlgoShift;
638 }
static const cms_uint64_t NoAlgoMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:472
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
static const int NoAlgoShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:478
void L1GtFdlWord::setNoAlgoWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the NoAlgo bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 642 of file

References m_noAlgo, NoAlgoShift, and NoAlgoWord.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

643 {
645  if (iWord == NoAlgoWord) {
646  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_noAlgo)
647  << NoAlgoShift);
648  }
650 }
cms_uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:530
static const int NoAlgoShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:478
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
static const int NoAlgoWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:466
void L1GtFdlWord::setOrbitNr ( const cms_uint32_t orbitNrValue)

Definition at line 337 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_orbitNr.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), and unpack().

338  {
339  m_orbitNr = orbitNrValue;
340  }
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
void L1GtFdlWord::setOrbitNr ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the orbit number bits from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 676 of file

References m_orbitNr, OrbitNrMask, and OrbitNrShift.

676  {
677  m_orbitNr = (word64 & OrbitNrMask) >> OrbitNrShift;
678 }
static const int OrbitNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:490
static const cms_uint64_t OrbitNrMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:486
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
void L1GtFdlWord::setOrbitNrWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the orbit number bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 682 of file

References m_orbitNr, OrbitNrShift, and OrbitNrWord.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

682  {
684  if (iWord == OrbitNrWord) {
685  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_orbitNr)
686  << OrbitNrShift);
687  }
689 }
static const int OrbitNrShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:490
static const int OrbitNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:482
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
cms_uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:539
void L1GtFdlWord::setPhysicsDeclared ( const cms_uint16_t physicsDeclaredValue)

Definition at line 232 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

References m_physicsDeclared.

Referenced by unpack().

233  {
234  m_physicsDeclared = physicsDeclaredValue;
235  }
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
void L1GtFdlWord::setPhysicsDeclared ( const cms_uint64_t word64)

set the "physics declared" bit from a 64-bits word

Definition at line 577 of file

References m_physicsDeclared, PhysicsDeclaredMask, and PhysicsDeclaredShift.

578 {
580 }
static const int PhysicsDeclaredShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:475
static const cms_uint64_t PhysicsDeclaredMask
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:469
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
void L1GtFdlWord::setPhysicsDeclaredWord64 ( cms_uint64_t word64,
const int  iWord 

set the "physics declared" bit bits in a 64-bits word, having the index iWord in the GTFE raw record

Definition at line 584 of file

References m_physicsDeclared, PhysicsDeclaredShift, and PhysicsDeclaredWord.

Referenced by L1GTDigiToRaw::packFDL(), and L1GTEvmDigiToRaw::packFDL().

585 {
587  if (iWord == PhysicsDeclaredWord) {
588  word64 = word64 | (static_cast<cms_uint64_t> (m_physicsDeclared)
590  }
592 }
static const int PhysicsDeclaredShift
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:475
static const int PhysicsDeclaredWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:463
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
cms_uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:522
void L1GtFdlWord::unpack ( const unsigned char *  fdlPtr)

unpack FDL fdlPtr pointer to the beginning of the FDL block in the raw data

Definition at line 891 of file

References BlockSize, BoardIdWord, BxInEventWord, BxNrWord, compareJSON::const, TauDecayModes::dec, EventNrWord, FinalORWord, GtDecisionWordAWord, GtDecisionWordBWord, GtDecisionWordExtendedWord, GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord, GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord, GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord, edm::isDebugEnabled(), LocalBxNrWord, LogDebug, LogTrace, LumiSegmentNrWord, NoAlgoWord, OrbitNrWord, PhysicsDeclaredWord, setBoardId(), setBxInEvent(), setBxNr(), setEventNr(), setFinalOR(), setGtDecisionWordA(), setGtDecisionWordB(), setGtDecisionWordExtended(), setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo(), setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech(), setGtTechnicalTriggerWord(), setLocalBxNr(), setLumiSegmentNr(), setNoAlgo(), setOrbitNr(), and setPhysicsDeclared().

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi::produce(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::produce().

892 {
893  LogDebug("L1GtFdlWord")
894  << "\nUnpacking FDL block.\n"
895  << std::endl;
897  const cms_uint64_t* payload =
898  reinterpret_cast<cms_uint64_t const*>(fdlPtr);
900  setBoardId(payload[BoardIdWord]);
901  setBxInEvent(payload[BxInEventWord]);
902  setBxNr(payload[BxNrWord]);
903  setEventNr(payload[EventNrWord]);
916  setNoAlgo(payload[NoAlgoWord]);
917  setFinalOR(payload[FinalORWord]);
919  setOrbitNr(payload[OrbitNrWord]);
921  setLocalBxNr(payload[LocalBxNrWord]);
923  if ( edm::isDebugEnabled() ) {
925  for (int iWord = 0; iWord < BlockSize; ++iWord) {
926  LogTrace("L1GtFdlWord")
927  << std::setw(4) << iWord << " "
928  << std::hex << std::setfill('0')
929  << std::setw(16) << payload[iWord]
930  << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')
931  << std::endl;
932  }
934  }
936 }
#define LogDebug(id)
void setGtDecisionWordB(const cms_uint64_t &word64)
bool isDebugEnabled()
void setBoardId(const cms_uint16_t &boardIdValue)
set BoardId from a BoardId value
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:75
void setFinalOR(const cms_uint16_t &finalORValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:311
void setPhysicsDeclared(const cms_uint16_t &physicsDeclaredValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:232
void setEventNr(const cms_uint32_t &eventNrValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:135
static const int FinalORWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:467
void setLocalBxNr(const cms_uint16_t &localBxNrValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:377
void setGtDecisionWordA(const cms_uint64_t &word64)
static const int GtDecisionWordBWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:452
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:465
void setGtTechnicalTriggerWord(const TechnicalTriggerWord &gtTechnicalTriggerWordValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:154
void setLumiSegmentNr(const cms_uint16_t &lumiSegmentNrValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:357
static const int BlockSize
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:416
static const int LumiSegmentNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:483
static const int EventNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:424
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo(const cms_uint16_t &gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:272
static const int BoardIdWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:421
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech(const cms_uint16_t &gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:253
static const int BxInEventWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:422
#define LogTrace(id)
void setNoAlgo(const cms_uint16_t &noAlgoValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:291
static const int GtDecisionWordAWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:446
static const int BxNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:423
string const
static const int PhysicsDeclaredWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:463
static const int OrbitNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:482
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:440
static const int LocalBxNrWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:484
void setOrbitNr(const cms_uint32_t &orbitNrValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:337
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:458
void setBxInEvent(const int bxInEventValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:95
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
void setBxNr(const cms_uint16_t &bxNrValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:115
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:464
static const int NoAlgoWord
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:466
void setGtDecisionWordExtended(const DecisionWordExtended &gtDecisionWordExtendedValue)
Definition: L1GtFdlWord.h:208

Member Data Documentation

const int L1GtFdlWord::BlockSize = 7

Definition at line 416 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by getSize(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::BoardIdMask = 0xFFFF000000000000ULL

Definition at line 427 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBoardId().

const int L1GtFdlWord::BoardIdShift = 48

Definition at line 433 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBoardId(), and setBoardIdWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::BoardIdWord = 0

Definition at line 421 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBoardIdWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::BxInEventMask = 0x0000F00000000000ULL

Definition at line 428 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBxInEvent().

const int L1GtFdlWord::BxInEventShift = 44

Definition at line 434 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBxInEvent(), and setBxInEventWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::BxInEventWord = 0

Definition at line 422 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBxInEventWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::BxNrMask = 0x00000FFF00000000ULL

Definition at line 429 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBxNr().

const int L1GtFdlWord::BxNrShift = 32

Definition at line 435 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBxNr(), and setBxNrWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::BxNrWord = 0

Definition at line 423 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setBxNrWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::EventNrMask = 0x0000000000FFFFFFULL

Definition at line 430 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setEventNr().

const int L1GtFdlWord::EventNrShift = 0

Definition at line 436 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setEventNr(), and setEventNrWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::EventNrWord = 0

Definition at line 424 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setEventNrWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::FinalORMask = 0x00000000000000FFULL

Definition at line 473 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setFinalOR().

const int L1GtFdlWord::FinalORShift = 0

Definition at line 479 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setFinalOR(), and setFinalORWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::FinalORWord = 5

Definition at line 467 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setFinalORWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordAMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL

Definition at line 447 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordA().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordAShift = 0

Definition at line 448 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordA(), and setGtDecisionWordAWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordAWord = 2

Definition at line 446 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordAWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordBMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL

Definition at line 453 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordB().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordBShift = 0

Definition at line 454 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordB(), and setGtDecisionWordBWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordBWord = 3

Definition at line 452 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordBWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordExtendedMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL

Definition at line 459 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordExtended().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordExtendedShift = 0

Definition at line 460 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordExtended(), and setGtDecisionWordExtendedWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtDecisionWordExtendedWord = 4

Definition at line 458 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtDecisionWordExtendedWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoMask = 0x000000FF00000000ULL

Definition at line 471 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoShift = 32
const int L1GtFdlWord::GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord = 5

Definition at line 465 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechMask = 0x00FF000000000000ULL

Definition at line 470 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechShift = 48
const int L1GtFdlWord::GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord = 5

Definition at line 464 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::GtTechnicalTriggerWordMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL

Definition at line 441 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtTechnicalTriggerWord().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift = 0

Definition at line 442 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtTechnicalTriggerWord(), and setGtTechnicalTriggerWordWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord = 1

Definition at line 440 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setGtTechnicalTriggerWordWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::LocalBxNrMask = 0x0000000000000FFFULL

Definition at line 488 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setLocalBxNr().

const int L1GtFdlWord::LocalBxNrShift = 0

Definition at line 492 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setLocalBxNr(), and setLocalBxNrWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::LocalBxNrWord = 6

Definition at line 484 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setLocalBxNrWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::LumiSegmentNrMask = 0x00000000FFFF0000ULL

Definition at line 487 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setLumiSegmentNr().

const int L1GtFdlWord::LumiSegmentNrShift = 16

Definition at line 491 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setLumiSegmentNr(), and setLumiSegmentNrWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::LumiSegmentNrWord = 6

Definition at line 483 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setLumiSegmentNrWord64(), and unpack().

cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_boardId

board identifier

Definition at line 498 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by boardId(), L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setBoardId(), and setBoardIdWord64().

int L1GtFdlWord::m_bxInEvent

bunch cross in the GT event record

Definition at line 501 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by bxInEvent(), L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setBxInEvent(), and setBxInEventWord64().

cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_bxNr

bunch cross number of the actual bx

Definition at line 504 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by bxNr(), L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setBxNr(), and setBxNrWord64().

cms_uint32_t L1GtFdlWord::m_eventNr

event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL

Definition at line 507 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by eventNr(), L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setEventNr(), and setEventNrWord64().

cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_finalOR

FINOR (7:0) Final OR bits. FINOR(i) is connected to Partition (i);

Definition at line 534 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by finalOR(), globalDecision(), L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setFinalOR(), and setFinalORWord64().

DecisionWord L1GtFdlWord::m_gtDecisionWord
DecisionWordExtended L1GtFdlWord::m_gtDecisionWordExtended
cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech

index of the set of prescale factors in the DB/EventSetup for algorithm triggers and technical triggers

Definition at line 526 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech(), L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech(), and setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord64().

TechnicalTriggerWord L1GtFdlWord::m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_localBxNr

local bunch cross number of the actual bx bx number at which the data were written into the ringbuffer

Definition at line 546 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by L1GtFdlWord(), localBxNr(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setLocalBxNr(), and setLocalBxNrWord64().

cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_lumiSegmentNr

luminosity segment number

Definition at line 542 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by L1GtFdlWord(), lumiSegmentNr(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setLumiSegmentNr(), and setLumiSegmentNrWord64().

cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_noAlgo

true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered

Definition at line 530 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by L1GtFdlWord(), noAlgo(), operator==(), print(), reset(), setNoAlgo(), and setNoAlgoWord64().

cms_uint32_t L1GtFdlWord::m_orbitNr

orbit number

Definition at line 539 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), orbitNr(), print(), reset(), setOrbitNr(), and setOrbitNrWord64().

cms_uint16_t L1GtFdlWord::m_physicsDeclared

set to true when physics declared

Definition at line 522 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by L1GtFdlWord(), operator==(), physicsDeclared(), print(), reset(), setPhysicsDeclared(), and setPhysicsDeclaredWord64().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::NoAlgoMask = 0x0000000000000100ULL

Definition at line 472 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setNoAlgo().

const int L1GtFdlWord::NoAlgoShift = 8

Definition at line 478 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setNoAlgo(), and setNoAlgoWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::NoAlgoWord = 5

Definition at line 466 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setNoAlgoWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::OrbitNrMask = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL

Definition at line 486 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setOrbitNr().

const int L1GtFdlWord::OrbitNrShift = 32

Definition at line 490 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setOrbitNr(), and setOrbitNrWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::OrbitNrWord = 6

Definition at line 482 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setOrbitNrWord64(), and unpack().

const cms_uint64_t L1GtFdlWord::PhysicsDeclaredMask = 0x8000000000000000ULL

Definition at line 469 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setPhysicsDeclared().

const int L1GtFdlWord::PhysicsDeclaredShift = 63

Definition at line 475 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setPhysicsDeclared(), and setPhysicsDeclaredWord64().

const int L1GtFdlWord::PhysicsDeclaredWord = 5

Definition at line 463 of file L1GtFdlWord.h.

Referenced by setPhysicsDeclaredWord64(), and unpack().