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DDHGCalHEAlgo Class Reference

#include <DDHGCalHEAlgo.h>

Inheritance diagram for DDHGCalHEAlgo:


struct  HGCalHEPar

Public Member Functions

 DDHGCalHEAlgo ()
void execute (DDCompactView &cpv)
void initialize (const DDNumericArguments &nArgs, const DDVectorArguments &vArgs, const DDMapArguments &mArgs, const DDStringArguments &sArgs, const DDStringVectorArguments &vsArgs)
virtual ~DDHGCalHEAlgo ()

Protected Member Functions

void constructLayers (DDLogicalPart, DDCompactView &cpv)
HGCalHEPar parameterLayer (double rinF, double routF, double rinB, double routB, double zi, double zo)
HGCalHEPar parameterLayer (int type, double rinF, double routF, double rinB, double routB, double zi, double zo)
double rMax (double z)

Private Attributes

std::vector< int > copyNumber
std::vector< int > heightType
std::string idName
std::string idNameSpace
std::vector< int > layerType
std::vector< std::string > materials
std::vector< std::string > names
std::vector< double > rMaxFront
std::string rotstr
int sectors
double slopeB
std::vector< double > slopeT
std::vector< double > thick
double thickModule
std::vector< int > type
std::vector< double > zFront
std::vector< double > zMinBlock

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDHGCalHEAlgo::DDHGCalHEAlgo ( )

Definition at line 20 of file

20  {
21  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalHEAlgo info: Creating an instance";
22 }
DDHGCalHEAlgo::~DDHGCalHEAlgo ( )

Definition at line 24 of file

24 {}

Member Function Documentation

void DDHGCalHEAlgo::constructLayers ( DDLogicalPart  module,
DDCompactView cpv 

Definition at line 87 of file

References DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::alp, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::bl1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::bl2, filterCSVwithJSON::copy, copyNumber, dbl_to_string(), DDBase< N, C >::ddname(), DDSplit(), plotBeamSpotDB::first, heightType, i, idNameSpace, cuy::ii, layerType, materials, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, DDBase< N, C >::name(), names, parameterLayer(), DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::phi, DDCompactView::position(), diffTwoXMLs::r1, rMax(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, rotstr, edm::second(), slopeB, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::theta, thick, thickModule, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::tl1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::tl2, DDSolidFactory::trap(), DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::xpos, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::yh1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::yh2, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::ypos, zMinBlock, and DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::zpos.

Referenced by execute().

87  {
89  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalHEAlgo test: \t\tInside Layers";
92  //Pointers to the Rotation Matrices and to the Materials
95  double zz(zMinBlock[0]);
96  for (unsigned int i=0; i<layerType.size(); i++) {
97  int ii = layerType[i];
98  int copy = copyNumber[ii];
99  ++copyNumber[ii];
100  int ityp = type[ii];
101  type[ii] =-ityp;
102  double zi = zMinBlock[ii];
104  if (heightType[i] == 0) zz = zi;
106  double zlayer = zz + 2*thickModule;
107  if((i % 6)>2) zlayer = zz + thickModule;
109  double zo = zi + thick[ii];
110  double rinF = zi * slopeB;
111  double rinB = zlayer * slopeB;
113  double routF = (heightType[i] == 0) ? rMax(zi) : rMax(zz);
114  if((i % 6)>2) routF = (heightType[i] == 0) ? rMax(zi-thickModule) : rMax(zz-thickModule);
116  double routB = rMax(zo);
117  std::string name = "HGCal"+names[ii]+dbl_to_string(copy);
118  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalEEAlgo test: Layer " << i << ":"
119  << ii << ":" << ityp << " Front " << zi << ", "
120  << rinF << ", " << routF << " Back " << zo
121  << ", " << rinB << ", " << routB;
122  DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar parm = (ityp == 0) ?
123  parameterLayer(rinF, routF, rinB, routB, zi, zo) :
124  parameterLayer(ityp, rinF, routF, rinB, routB, zi, zo);
126  0.5*thick[ii], parm.theta,
127  parm.phi, parm.yh1, parm.bl1,
128  parm.tl1, parm.alp, parm.yh2,
129  parm.bl2, parm.tl2, parm.alp);
131  DDName matName(DDSplit(materials[ii]).first,
132  DDSplit(materials[ii]).second);
133  DDMaterial matter(matName);
134  DDLogicalPart glog = DDLogicalPart(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
135  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalHEAlgo test: "
136  << << " Trap made of " << matName
137  << " of dimensions " << 0.5*thick[ii] << ", "
138  << parm.theta/CLHEP::deg << ", "
139  << parm.phi/CLHEP::deg << ", " << parm.yh1
140  << ", " << parm.bl1 << ", " << parm.tl1
141  << ", " << parm.alp/CLHEP::deg << ", "
142  << parm.yh2 << ", " << parm.bl2 << ", "
143  << parm.tl2 << ", " << parm.alp/CLHEP::deg;
144  DDTranslation r1(parm.xpos, parm.ypos, parm.zpos);
145  cpv.position(glog, module, copy, r1, rot);
146  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalHEAlgo test: " <<
147  << " number " << copy << " positioned in "
148  << << " at " << r1 << " with "
149  << rot;
150  } // End of loop on layers
151 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
int i
std::vector< double > zMinBlock
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:49
const N & name() const
Definition: DDBase.h:78
double rMax(double z)
DDMaterial is used to define and access material information.
Definition: DDMaterial.h:41
void position(const DDLogicalPart &self, const DDLogicalPart &parent, std::string copyno, const DDTranslation &trans, const DDRotation &rot, const DDDivision *div=NULL)
DDName is used to identify DDD entities uniquely.
Definition: DDName.h:14
std::string dbl_to_string(const double &in)
Converts only the integer part of a double to a string.
int ii
std::vector< int > layerType
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:50
A DDSolid represents the shape of a part.
Definition: DDSolid.h:35
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double > > DDTranslation
Definition: DDTranslation.h:7
Represents a uniquely identifyable rotation matrix.
Definition: DDTransform.h:66
double thickModule
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:52
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
A DDLogicalPart aggregates information concerning material, solid and sensitveness ...
Definition: DDLogicalPart.h:88
std::vector< std::string > names
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:44
std::vector< int > heightType
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:51
std::vector< std::string > materials
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:43
static DDSolid trap(const DDName &name, double pDz, double pTheta, double pPhi, double pDy1, double pDx1, double pDx2, double pAlp1, double pDy2, double pDx3, double pDx4, double pAlp2)
HGCalHEPar parameterLayer(double rinF, double routF, double rinB, double routB, double zi, double zo)
std::string rotstr
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:45
std::string idNameSpace
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:60
std::pair< std::string, std::string > DDSplit(const std::string &n)
split into (name,namespace), separator = &#39;:&#39;
std::vector< double > thick
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:47
std::vector< int > copyNumber
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:46
const N & ddname() const
Definition: DDBase.h:80
void DDHGCalHEAlgo::execute ( DDCompactView cpv)

Definition at line 80 of file

References constructLayers(), and dbtoconf::parent.

80  {
82  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "==>> Constructing DDHGCalHEAlgo...";
83  constructLayers (parent(), cpv);
84  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "<<== End of DDHGCalHEAlgo construction ...";
85 }
list parent
void constructLayers(DDLogicalPart, DDCompactView &cpv)
void DDHGCalHEAlgo::initialize ( const DDNumericArguments nArgs,
const DDVectorArguments vArgs,
const DDMapArguments mArgs,
const DDStringArguments sArgs,
const DDStringVectorArguments vsArgs 

Definition at line 26 of file

References copyNumber, dbl_to_int(), heightType, i, idName, idNameSpace, layerType, materials, names, DDCurrentNamespace::ns(), dbtoconf::parent, rMaxFront, rotstr, sectors, slopeB, slopeT, thick, thickModule, zFront, and zMinBlock.

30  {
32  materials = vsArgs["MaterialNames"];
33  names = vsArgs["VolumeNames"];
34  thick = vArgs["Thickness"];
35  type = dbl_to_int(vArgs["Type"]);
36  copyNumber = dbl_to_int(vArgs["Offsets"]);
37  zMinBlock = vArgs["ZMinType"];
38  rotstr = sArgs["Rotation"];
39  layerType = dbl_to_int(vArgs["LayerType"]);
40  heightType = dbl_to_int(vArgs["HeightType"]);
41  thickModule = nArgs["ThickModule"];
42  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalHEAlgo: " << materials.size()
43  << " volumes to be put with rotation " << rotstr
44  << " in " << layerType.size() << " layers and "
45  << "module thickness " << thickModule;
46  for (unsigned int i=0; i<names.size(); ++i)
47  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "Volume [" << i << "] " << names[i]
48  << " filled with " << materials[i] << " of type "
49  << type[i] << " thickness " << thick[i]
50  << " first copy number " << copyNumber[i]
51  << " starting at " << zMinBlock[i];
52  for (unsigned int i=0; i<layerType.size(); ++i)
53  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "Layer [" << i << "] with material type "
54  << layerType[i] << " height type "
55  << heightType[i];
57  sectors = (int)(nArgs["Sectors"]);
58  slopeB = nArgs["SlopeBottom"];
59  slopeT = vArgs["SlopeTop"];
60  zFront = vArgs["ZFront"];
61  rMaxFront = vArgs["RMaxFront"];
62  idName = parent().name().name();
64  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalHEAlgo: Bottom slope " << slopeB
65  << " " << slopeT.size() << " slopes for top";
66  for (unsigned int i=0; i<slopeT.size(); ++i)
67  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "Block [" << i << "] Zmin " << zFront[i]
68  << " Rmax " << rMaxFront[i] << " Slope "
69  << slopeT[i];
70  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalHEAlgo: Sectors " << sectors
71  << "\tNameSpace:Name " << idNameSpace
72  << ":" << idName;
74 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
int i
std::vector< double > zMinBlock
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:49
std::vector< double > zFront
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:56
list parent
static std::string & ns()
std::vector< int > layerType
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:50
double thickModule
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:52
std::vector< int > dbl_to_int(const std::vector< double > &vecdbl)
Converts a std::vector of doubles to a std::vector of int.
std::vector< std::string > names
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:44
std::vector< int > heightType
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:51
std::vector< std::string > materials
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:43
std::string rotstr
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:45
std::string idNameSpace
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:60
std::vector< double > thick
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:47
std::string idName
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:59
std::vector< double > slopeT
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:55
std::vector< double > rMaxFront
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:57
std::vector< int > copyNumber
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:46
DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar DDHGCalHEAlgo::parameterLayer ( double  rinF,
double  routF,
double  rinB,
double  routB,
double  zi,
double  zo 

Definition at line 155 of file

References DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::alp, alpha, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::bl1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::bl2, funct::cos(), DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::phi, pi, sectors, funct::sin(), funct::tan(), DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::theta, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::tl1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::tl2, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::xpos, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::yh1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::yh2, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::ypos, and DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::zpos.

Referenced by constructLayers().

156  {
159  //Given rin, rout compute parameters of the trapezoid and
160  //position of the trapezoid for a standrd layer
161  double alpha = CLHEP::pi/sectors;
162  double rout = routF;
163  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "Input: Front " << rinF << " " << routF << " "
164  << zi << " Back " << rinB << " " << routB << " "
165  << zo << " Alpha " << alpha/CLHEP::deg << " Rout "
166  << rout;
168  parm.yh2 = parm.yh1 = 0.5 * (rout*cos(alpha) - rinB);
169  parm.bl2 = parm.bl1 = rinB * tan(alpha);
170  parm.tl2 = parm.tl1 = rout * sin(alpha);
171  parm.xpos = 0.5*(rout*cos(alpha)+rinB);
172  parm.ypos = 0.0;
173  parm.zpos = 0.5*(zi+zo);
174  parm.alp = parm.theta = parm.phi = 0;
175  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "Output Dimensions " << parm.yh1 << " "
176  << parm.bl1 << " " << parm.tl1 << " " << parm.yh2
177  << " " << parm.bl2 << " " << parm.tl2 << " "
178  << parm.alp/CLHEP::deg <<" "<<parm.theta/CLHEP::deg
179  << " " << parm.phi/CLHEP::deg << " Position "
180  << parm.xpos << " " << parm.ypos <<" " <<parm.zpos;
181  return parm;
182 }
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
const Double_t pi
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar DDHGCalHEAlgo::parameterLayer ( int  type,
double  rinF,
double  routF,
double  rinB,
double  routB,
double  zi,
double  zo 

Definition at line 185 of file

References DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::alp, alpha, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::bl1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::bl2, funct::cos(), alignCSCRings::e, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::phi, pi, alignCSCRings::r, sectors, funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), funct::tan(), DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::theta, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::tl1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::tl2, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::xpos, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::yh1, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::yh2, DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::ypos, and DDHGCalHEAlgo::HGCalHEPar::zpos.

186  {
189  //Given rin, rout compute parameters of the trapezoid and
190  //position of the trapezoid for a standrd layer
191  double alpha = CLHEP::pi/sectors;
192  double rout = routF;
193  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "Input " << type << " Front " << rinF << " "
194  << routF << " " << zi << " Back " << rinB << " "
195  << routB << " " << zo <<" Alpha "
196  << alpha/CLHEP::deg << " rout " << rout;
198  parm.yh2 = parm.yh1 = 0.5 * (rout*cos(alpha) - rinB);
199  parm.bl2 = parm.bl1 = 0.5 * rinB * tan(alpha);
200  parm.tl2 = parm.tl1 = 0.5 * rout * sin(alpha);
201  double dx = 0.25* (parm.bl2+parm.tl2-parm.bl1-parm.tl1);
202  double dy = 0.0;
203  parm.xpos = 0.5*(rout*cos(alpha)+rinB);
204  parm.ypos = 0.25*(parm.bl2+parm.tl2+parm.bl1+parm.tl1);
205  parm.zpos = 0.5*(zi+zo);
206  parm.alp = atan(0.5 * tan(alpha));
207  if (type > 0) {
208  parm.ypos = -parm.ypos;
209  } else {
210  parm.alp = -parm.alp;
211  dx = -dx;
212  }
213  double r = sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy);
214  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "dx|dy|r " << dx << ":" << dy << ":" << r;
215  if (r > 1.0e-8) {
216  parm.theta = atan (r/(zo-zi));
217  parm.phi = atan2 (dy, dx);
218  } else {
219  parm.theta = parm.phi = 0;
220  }
221  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "Output Dimensions " << parm.yh1 << " "
222  << parm.bl1 << " " << parm.tl1 << " " << parm.yh2
223  << " " << parm.bl2 << " " << parm.tl2 << " "
224  << parm.alp/CLHEP::deg <<" " <<parm.theta/CLHEP::deg
225  << " " << parm.phi/CLHEP::deg << " Position "
226  << parm.xpos << " " << parm.ypos << " " <<parm.zpos;
227  return parm;
228 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
const Double_t pi
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
double DDHGCalHEAlgo::rMax ( double  z)

Definition at line 230 of file

References relval_steps::k, alignCSCRings::r, rMaxFront, slopeT, and zFront.

Referenced by constructLayers().

230  {
232  double r(0);
233  unsigned int ik(0);
234  for (unsigned int k=0; k<slopeT.size(); ++k) {
235  if (z < zFront[k]) break;
236  r = rMaxFront[k] + (z - zFront[k]) * slopeT[k];
237  ik = k;
238  }
239  edm::LogInfo("HGCalGeom") << "rMax : " << z << ":" << ik << ":" << r ;
240  return r;
241 }
std::vector< double > zFront
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:56
std::vector< double > slopeT
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:55
std::vector< double > rMaxFront
Definition: DDHGCalHEAlgo.h:57

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<int> DDHGCalHEAlgo::copyNumber

Definition at line 46 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::vector<int> DDHGCalHEAlgo::heightType

Definition at line 51 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::string DDHGCalHEAlgo::idName

Definition at line 59 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize().

std::string DDHGCalHEAlgo::idNameSpace

Definition at line 60 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::vector<int> DDHGCalHEAlgo::layerType

Definition at line 50 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::vector<std::string> DDHGCalHEAlgo::materials

Definition at line 43 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::vector<std::string> DDHGCalHEAlgo::names

Definition at line 44 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDHGCalHEAlgo::rMaxFront

Definition at line 57 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and rMax().

std::string DDHGCalHEAlgo::rotstr

Definition at line 45 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

int DDHGCalHEAlgo::sectors

Definition at line 53 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and parameterLayer().

double DDHGCalHEAlgo::slopeB

Definition at line 54 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDHGCalHEAlgo::slopeT

Definition at line 55 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and rMax().

std::vector<double> DDHGCalHEAlgo::thick

Definition at line 47 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

double DDHGCalHEAlgo::thickModule

Definition at line 52 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().

std::vector<int> DDHGCalHEAlgo::type
std::vector<double> DDHGCalHEAlgo::zFront

Definition at line 56 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and rMax().

std::vector<double> DDHGCalHEAlgo::zMinBlock

Definition at line 49 of file DDHGCalHEAlgo.h.

Referenced by constructLayers(), and initialize().