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FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder Class Reference

#include <FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h>

Inheritance diagram for FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder:
FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< reco::PFCluster > FWSimpleProxyBuilder FWProxyBuilderBase FWPFEcalClusterLegoProxyBuilder FWPFHcalClusterLegoProxyBuilder

Public Member Functions

 FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder ()
virtual bool havePerViewProduct (FWViewType::EType) const
virtual void localModelChanges (const FWModelId &iId, TEveElement *el, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *vc)
const std::string & purpose () const
virtual void scaleProduct (TEveElementList *parent, FWViewType::EType, const FWViewContext *vc)
const std::string & typeName () const
const std::string & view () const
virtual ~FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< reco::PFCluster >
 FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
 FWSimpleProxyBuilder (const std::type_info &iType)
virtual ~FWSimpleProxyBuilder ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
void build ()
virtual bool canHandle (const FWEventItem &)
const fireworks::Contextcontext () const
TEveElementList * createProduct (FWViewType::EType, const FWViewContext *)
 FWProxyBuilderBase ()
bool getHaveWindow () const
virtual bool haveSingleProduct () const
const FWEventItemitem () const
virtual void itemBeingDestroyed (const FWEventItem *)
void itemChanged (const FWEventItem *)
int layer () const
void modelChanges (const FWModelIds &)
void removePerViewProduct (FWViewType::EType, const FWViewContext *vc)
void scaleChanged (const FWViewContext *)
void setHaveWindow (bool iFlag)
virtual void setInteractionList (FWInteractionList *, const std::string &)
virtual void setItem (const FWEventItem *iItem)
void setupAddElement (TEveElement *el, TEveElement *parent, bool set_color=true) const
void setupElement (TEveElement *el, bool color=true) const
virtual bool willHandleInteraction () const
virtual ~FWProxyBuilderBase ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const std::string & classPurpose ()
static const std::string & classRegisterTypeName ()
static const std::string & classTypeName ()
static const std::string & classView ()
static std::string typeOfBuilder ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
static std::string typeOfBuilder ()
 Used by the plugin system to determine how the proxy uses the data from FWEventItem. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
static bool representsSubPart ()
static std::string typeOfBuilder ()
 Used by the plugin system to determine how the proxy uses the data from FWEventItem. More...

Protected Member Functions

float calculateEt (const reco::PFCluster &cluster, float E)
void sharedBuild (const reco::PFCluster &, TEveElement &, const FWViewContext *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< reco::PFCluster >
virtual void build (const void *iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, const FWViewContext *context)
virtual void build (const reco::PFCluster &iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, const FWViewContext *)
virtual void buildViewType (const void *iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *context)
virtual void buildViewType (const reco::PFCluster &iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *)
const reco::PFClustermodelData (int index)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
virtual void build (const FWEventItem *iItem, TEveElementList *product, const FWViewContext *)
virtual void buildViewType (const FWEventItem *iItem, TEveElementList *product, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *)
virtual void clean ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
virtual void cleanLocal ()
TEveCompound * createCompound (bool set_color=true, bool propagate_color_to_all_children=false) const
 FWProxyBuilderBase (const FWProxyBuilderBase &)
void increaseComponentTransparency (unsigned int index, TEveElement *holder, const std::string &name, Char_t transpOffset)
virtual void modelChanges (const FWModelIds &, Product *)
const FWProxyBuilderBaseoperator= (const FWProxyBuilderBase &)

Private Member Functions

 FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder (const FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder &)
const FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilderoperator= (const FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder &)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
typedef std::vector< Product * >
- Protected Attributes inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
FWSimpleProxyHelper m_helper
- Protected Attributes inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
std::vector< Product * > m_products

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder ( )

Definition at line 37 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

37 {}
virtual FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::~FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder ( )

Definition at line 38 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

38 {}
FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder ( const FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder )

Member Function Documentation

float FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::calculateEt ( const reco::PFCluster cluster,
float  E 
static const std::string& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::classPurpose ( )
static const std::string& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::classRegisterTypeName ( )
static const std::string& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::classTypeName ( )
static const std::string& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::classView ( )
virtual bool FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::havePerViewProduct ( FWViewType::EType  ) const

Reimplemented from FWProxyBuilderBase.

Definition at line 44 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

44 { return true; }
void FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::localModelChanges ( const FWModelId iId,
TEveElement *  el,
FWViewType::EType  viewType,
const FWViewContext vc 

Reimplemented from FWProxyBuilderBase.

Definition at line 6 of file

References FWDisplayProperties::color(), FWModelId::index(), FWProxyBuilderBase::item(), j, and FWEventItem::modelInfo().

7 {
8  // Line set marker is not the same colour as line, fixed here
9  if( ( parent )->HasChildren() )
10  {
11  for( TEveElement::List_i j = parent->BeginChildren(); j != parent->EndChildren(); j++ )
12  {
13  FWLegoCandidate *cluster = dynamic_cast<FWLegoCandidate*>( *j );
14  const FWDisplayProperties &dp = FWProxyBuilderBase::item()->modelInfo( iId.index() ).displayProperties();
15  cluster->SetMarkerColor( dp.color() );
16  cluster->ElementChanged();
17  }
18  }
19 }
list parent
const FWEventItem * item() const
Color_t color() const
int index() const
Definition: FWModelId.h:49
int j
ModelInfo modelInfo(int iIndex) const
const FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::operator= ( const FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder )
const std::string& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::purpose ( ) const

Definition at line 49 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

51 :
52  // --------------------- Member Functions --------------------------
void FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::scaleProduct ( TEveElementList *  parent,
FWViewType::EType  type,
const FWViewContext vc 

Reimplemented from FWProxyBuilderBase.

Definition at line 23 of file

References FWProxyBuilderBase::context(), i, and FWLegoCandidate::updateScale().

24 {
25  for (TEveElement::List_i i = parent->BeginChildren(); i!= parent->EndChildren(); ++i)
26  {
27  if ((*i)->HasChildren())
28  {
29  TEveElement* el = (*i)->FirstChild(); // there is only one child added in this proxy builder
30  FWLegoCandidate *cluster = dynamic_cast<FWLegoCandidate*>( el );
31  cluster->updateScale(vc, context());
32  }
33  }
34 }
const fireworks::Context & context() const
int i
list parent
void updateScale(const FWViewContext *vc, const fireworks::Context &)
void FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::sharedBuild ( const reco::PFCluster iData,
TEveElement &  oItemHolder,
const FWViewContext vc 

Definition at line 38 of file

References FWPFMaths::calculateEt(), create_public_lumi_plots::color, FWProxyBuilderBase::context(), relval_parameters_module::energy, reco::PFCluster::energy(), eta, reco::CaloCluster::eta(), FWProxyBuilderBase::item(), phi, reco::CaloCluster::phi(), EnergyCorrector::pt, FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement(), fireworks::Context::voteMaxEtAndEnergy(), reco::CaloCluster::x(), reco::CaloCluster::y(), and reco::CaloCluster::z().

Referenced by FWPFEcalClusterLegoProxyBuilder::build(), and FWPFHcalClusterLegoProxyBuilder::build().

39 {
40  TEveVector centre = TEveVector( iData.x(), iData.y(), iData.z() );
41  float energy =;
42  float et = FWPFMaths::calculateEt( centre, energy );
43  float pt = et;
44  float eta = iData.eta();
45  float phi = iData.phi();
47  context().voteMaxEtAndEnergy( et, energy );
49  FWLegoCandidate *cluster = new FWLegoCandidate( vc, FWProxyBuilderBase::context(), energy, et, pt, eta, phi );
50  cluster->SetMarkerColor( FWProxyBuilderBase::item()->defaultDisplayProperties().color() );
51  setupAddElement( cluster, &oItemHolder );
52 }
const fireworks::Context & context() const
void voteMaxEtAndEnergy(float Et, float energy) const
void setupAddElement(TEveElement *el, TEveElement *parent, bool set_color=true) const
double z() const
z coordinate of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:160
const FWEventItem * item() const
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:163
double x() const
x coordinate of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:154
float calculateEt(const TEveVector &centre, float e)
double energy() const
cluster energy
Definition: PFCluster.h:82
double y() const
y coordinate of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:157
double phi() const
azimuthal angle of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:166
const std::string& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::typeName ( ) const

Definition at line 49 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

51 :
52  // --------------------- Member Functions --------------------------
static std::string FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::typeOfBuilder ( )

Definition at line 34 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

34 { return "simple#"; }
const std::string& FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder::view ( ) const

Definition at line 49 of file FWPFClusterLegoProxyBuilder.h.

51 :
52  // --------------------- Member Functions --------------------------