Classes | |
class | isEqual |
Private Member Functions | |
virtual void | algoAnalyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override |
void | algoAnalyzeTheTree () |
virtual void | algoBeginRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) override |
void | algoComputeMPVandGain () |
virtual void | algoEndJob () override |
SiStripApvGain * | getNewObject () override |
void | getPeakOfLandau (TH1 *InputHisto, double *FitResults, double LowRange=50, double HighRange=5400) |
bool | IsFarFromBorder (TrajectoryStateOnSurface *trajState, const uint32_t detid, const edm::EventSetup *iSetup) |
bool | IsGoodLandauFit (double *FitResults) |
void | MakeCalibrationMap () |
bool | produceTagFilter () |
void | storeOnTree () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Types inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer | |
typedef EDAnalyzer | ModuleType |
Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase | |
typedef ProductLabels | Labels |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer | |
static const std::string & | baseType () |
static void | fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) |
static void | prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripApvGain > | |
void | setDoStore (const bool doStore) |
When set to false the payload will not be written to the db. More... | |
void | storeOnDbNow () |
cond::Time_t | timeOfLastIOV () |
Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase | |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> | |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
EDGetToken | consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B> | |
EDGetToken | consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
ConsumesCollector | consumesCollector () |
Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More... | |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> | |
void | consumesMany () |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<BranchType B> | |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> | |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B> | |
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
Definition at line 112 of file
explicit |
Definition at line 202 of file
References AlgoMode, AllowSaturation, CalibrationLevel, dbe, FirstSetOfConstants, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), harvestingMode, m_calibrationPath, MaxChi2OverNDF, MaxMPVError, MaxNrStrips, MaxTrackChiOverNdf, MaxTrackEta, MaxTrackMomentum, MinNrEntries, MinTrackEta, MinTrackHits, MinTrackMomentum, OldGainRemoving, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, OutputGains, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, tagCondition_GoodFrac, tagCondition_NClusters, theTracksLabel, useCalibration, Validation, and VInputFiles.
SiStripGainFromCalibTree::~SiStripGainFromCalibTree | ( | ) |
Definition at line 778 of file
overrideprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripApvGain >.
Definition at line 804 of file
References a, AlgoMode, AllowSaturation, SiStripCluster::amplitudes(), sistrip::APV, APVsColl, stAPVGain::CalibGain, RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, Charge_Vs_Index, Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB, reco::TrackBase::chi2(), SiStripRecHit1D::cluster(), SiStripRecHit2D::cluster(), edm::AssociationMap< edm::OneToOne< std::vector< Trajectory >, reco::TrackCollection, unsigned short > >::const_iterator, ERun, stAPVGain::Eta, reco::TrackBase::eta(), edm::false, MonitorElement::Fill(), FirstSetOfConstants, SiStripCluster::firstStrip(), TrackingRecHit::geographicalId(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), h, harvestingMode, edm::EventBase::id(), stAPVGain::Index, IsFarFromBorder(), edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localDirection(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), MaxNrStrips, MaxTrackChiOverNdf, MaxTrackEta, MaxTrackMomentum, Trajectory::measurements(), MinTrackEta, MinTrackHits, MinTrackMomentum, SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::monoCluster(), SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::monoId(), NCluster, reco::TrackBase::ndof(), NEvent, NTrack, NULL, reco::TrackBase::numberOfValidHits(), OldGainRemoving, reco::TrackBase::p(), CSCOverlapsAlignmentAlgorithm_cff::Path, stAPVGain::PreviousGain, DetId::rawId(), edm::EventID::run(), alignCSCRings::s, SRun, SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::stereoCluster(), SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::stereoId(), stAPVGain::SubDet, StripSubdetector::TEC, theTracksLabel, stAPVGain::Thickness, StripSubdetector::TIB, StripSubdetector::TID, StripSubdetector::TOB, testEve_cfg::tracks, useCalibration, Validation, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().
private |
Definition at line 413 of file
References AllowSaturation, sistrip::APV, APVsColl, stAPVGain::CalibGain, RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, Charge_Vs_Index, Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB, ERun, stAPVGain::Eta, edm::false, MonitorElement::Fill(), FirstSetOfConstants, i, stAPVGain::Index, MaxNrStrips, MaxTrackChiOverNdf, MaxTrackEta, MaxTrackMomentum, MinTrackEta, MinTrackHits, MinTrackMomentum, NCluster, NEvent, NTrack, NULL, OldGainRemoving, fed_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::path, stAPVGain::PreviousGain, cond::runnumber, alignCSCRings::s, SRun, stAPVGain::SubDet, StripSubdetector::TEC, stAPVGain::Thickness, StripSubdetector::TIB, StripSubdetector::TID, StripSubdetector::TOB, MainPageGenerator::tree, funct::true, useCalibration, Validation, and VInputFiles.
Referenced by algoEndJob().
overrideprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripApvGain >.
Definition at line 238 of file
References sistrip::APV, stAPVGain::APVId, APVsColl, APVsCollOrdered, BAD, stAPVGain::Bin, Charge_Vs_Index, Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB, gather_cfg::cout, dbe, stAPVGain::DetId, ERun, stAPVGain::Eta, cmsRelvalreport::exit, FirstSetOfConstants, stAPVGain::FitChi2, stAPVGain::FitMPV, stAPVGain::FitMPVErr, stAPVGain::FitWidth, stAPVGain::FitWidthErr, stAPVGain::Gain, edm::EventSetup::get(), GOOD, harvestingMode, i, stAPVGain::Index, stAPVGain::isMasked, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), j, MakeCalibrationMap(), MASKED, NCluster, stAPVGain::NEntries, NEvent, StripTopology::nstrips(), NTrack, stAPVGain::Phi, stAPVGain::PreviousGain, stAPVGain::R, DetId::rawId(), SRun, stAPVGain::SubDet, DetId::subdetId(), StripSubdetector::TEC, stAPVGain::Thickness, StripSubdetector::TIB, StripSubdetector::TID, StripSubdetector::TOB, stAPVGain::x, stAPVGain::y, and stAPVGain::z.
private |
Definition at line 557 of file
References sistrip::APV, stAPVGain::APVId, APVsColl, BAD, stAPVGain::Bin, CalibrationLevel, Charge_Vs_Index, stAPVGain::DetId, stAPVGain::FitChi2, stAPVGain::FitMPV, stAPVGain::FitMPVErr, stAPVGain::FitWidth, stAPVGain::FitWidthErr, stAPVGain::Gain, getPeakOfLandau(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), GOOD, Exhume::I, i, stAPVGain::Index, IsGoodLandauFit(), stAPVGain::isMasked, MASKED, stAPVGain::NEntries, NULL, and stAPVGain::PreviousGain.
Referenced by algoEndJob().
overrideprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from ConditionDBWriter< SiStripApvGain >.
Definition at line 335 of file
References algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoComputeMPVandGain(), AlgoMode, Charge_Vs_Index, Charge_Vs_Index_Absolute, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECM2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP1, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTECP2, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIB, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDM, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTIDP, Charge_Vs_PathlengthTOB, gather_cfg::cout, dbe, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), harvestingMode, TFileService::make(), cppFunctionSkipper::operator, storeOnTree(), and tfs.
overrideprivatevirtual |
Implements ConditionDBWriter< SiStripApvGain >.
Definition at line 741 of file
References a, sistrip::APV, APVsCollOrdered, gather_cfg::cout, stAPVGain::DetId, stAPVGain::Gain, harvestingMode, NULL, getGTfromDQMFile::obj, produceTagFilter(), SiStripApvGain::put(), and ConditionDBWriter< SiStripApvGain >::setDoStore().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file
References MinNrEntries.
Referenced by algoComputeMPVandGain().
private |
Definition at line 975 of file
References Surface::bounds(), gather_cfg::cout, edm::EventSetup::get(), Bounds::length(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localError(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localPosition(), Parameters::parameters, LocalTrajectoryError::positionError(), GeomDet::surface(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and LocalError::yy().
Referenced by algoAnalyze().
private |
Definition at line 405 of file
Referenced by algoComputeMPVandGain().
private |
Definition at line 782 of file
References sistrip::APV, APVsColl, stAPVGain::CalibGain, m_calibrationPath, and useCalibration.
Referenced by algoBeginRun().
private |
Definition at line 727 of file
References BAD, Charge_Vs_Index, gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), GOOD, tagCondition_GoodFrac, and tagCondition_NClusters.
Referenced by getNewObject().
private |
Definition at line 626 of file
References a, AlgoMode, sistrip::APV, stAPVGain::APVId, APVsColl, APVsCollOrdered, BAD, Charge_Vs_Index, stAPVGain::DetId, stAPVGain::Eta, stAPVGain::FitChi2, stAPVGain::FitMPV, stAPVGain::FitMPVErr, stAPVGain::FitWidth, stAPVGain::FitWidthErr, stAPVGain::Gain, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), GOOD, stAPVGain::Index, stAPVGain::isMasked, TFileService::make(), NCluster, stAPVGain::NEntries, NEvent, NTrack, NULL, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, OutputGains, stAPVGain::Phi, stAPVGain::PreviousGain, stAPVGain::R, stAPVGain::SubDet, tfs, stAPVGain::Thickness, stAPVGain::x, stAPVGain::y, and stAPVGain::z.
Referenced by algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 166 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoEndJob(), SiStripGainFromCalibTree(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 153 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 199 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), algoComputeMPVandGain(), MakeCalibrationMap(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 198 of file
Referenced by algoBeginRun(), getNewObject(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 187 of file
Referenced by algoBeginRun(), algoComputeMPVandGain(), produceTagFilter(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 157 of file
Referenced by algoComputeMPVandGain(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 170 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), algoComputeMPVandGain(), algoEndJob(), produceTagFilter(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 171 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 178 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 179 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 176 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 177 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 172 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 175 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 174 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 173 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and algoEndJob().
private |
Definition at line 141 of file
Referenced by algoBeginRun(), algoEndJob(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 185 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and algoBeginRun().
private |
Definition at line 154 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 186 of file
Referenced by algoBeginRun(), algoComputeMPVandGain(), produceTagFilter(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 142 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoBeginRun(), algoEndJob(), getNewObject(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 160 of file
Referenced by MakeCalibrationMap(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 188 of file
Referenced by algoBeginRun(), and algoComputeMPVandGain().
private |
Definition at line 145 of file
Referenced by SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 144 of file
Referenced by SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 150 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 152 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 149 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 147 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 143 of file
Referenced by getPeakOfLandau(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 148 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 151 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 146 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 183 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 182 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), algoBeginRun(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 156 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 167 of file
Referenced by SiStripGainFromCalibTree(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 184 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and algoBeginRun().
private |
Definition at line 163 of file
Referenced by produceTagFilter(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 162 of file
Referenced by produceTagFilter(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 140 of file
Referenced by algoEndJob(), and storeOnTree().
private |
Definition at line 165 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 159 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), MakeCalibrationMap(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 155 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyze(), algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().
private |
Definition at line 168 of file
Referenced by algoAnalyzeTheTree(), and SiStripGainFromCalibTree().