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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: JetFlavourClustering
4 // Class: JetFlavourClustering
5 //
72 //
73 // Original Author: Dinko Ferencek
74 // Created: Wed Nov 6 00:49:55 CET 2013
75 //
76 //
79 // system include files
80 #include <memory>
82 // user include files
100 #include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
101 #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
102 #include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
103 #include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
105 //
106 // constants, enums and typedefs
107 //
108 typedef boost::shared_ptr<fastjet::ClusterSequence> ClusterSequencePtr;
109 typedef boost::shared_ptr<fastjet::JetDefinition> JetDefPtr;
111 //
112 // class declaration
113 //
114 class GhostInfo : public fastjet::PseudoJet::UserInfoBase{
115  public:
116  GhostInfo(const bool & isHadron,
117  const bool & isbHadron,
118  const bool & isParton,
119  const bool & isLepton,
121  m_particleRef(particleRef)
122  {
123  m_type = 0;
124  if( isHadron ) m_type |= ( 1 << 0 );
125  if( isbHadron ) m_type |= ( 1 << 1 );
126  if( isParton ) m_type |= ( 1 << 2 );
127  if( isLepton ) m_type |= ( 1 << 3 );
128  }
130  const bool isHadron() const { return ( m_type & (1 << 0) ); }
131  const bool isbHadron() const { return ( m_type & (1 << 1) ); }
132  const bool isParton() const { return ( m_type & (1 << 2) ); }
133  const bool isLepton() const { return ( m_type & (1 << 3) ); }
134  const reco::GenParticleRef & particleRef() const { return m_particleRef; }
136  protected:
138  int m_type;
139 };
142  public:
143  explicit JetFlavourClustering(const edm::ParameterSet&);
146  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
148  private:
149  virtual void produce(edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&);
152  const double ghostRescaling,
153  const bool isHadron, const bool isbHadron, const bool isParton, const bool isLepton,
154  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet>& constituents);
157  const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet>& matchedJets,
158  std::vector<int>& matchedIndices);
160  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& matchedJets,
161  std::vector<int>& matchedIndices);
162  void matchSubjets(const std::vector<int>& groomedIndices,
163  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& groomedJets,
164  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& subjets,
165  std::vector<std::vector<int> >& matchedIndices);
167  void setFlavours(const reco::GenParticleRefVector& clusteredbHadrons,
168  const reco::GenParticleRefVector& clusteredcHadrons,
169  const reco::GenParticleRefVector& clusteredPartons,
170  int& hadronFlavour,
171  int& partonFlavour);
173  void assignToSubjets(const reco::GenParticleRefVector& clusteredParticles,
174  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& subjets,
175  const std::vector<int>& subjetIndices,
176  std::vector<reco::GenParticleRefVector>& assignedParticles);
178  // ----------member data ---------------------------
179  const edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Jet> > jetsToken_; // Input jet collection
180  const edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Jet> > groomedJetsToken_; // Input groomed jet collection
181  const edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Jet> > subjetsToken_; // Input subjet collection
188  const double rParam_;
189  const double jetPtMin_;
190  const double ghostRescaling_;
191  const double relPtTolerance_;
193  const bool useSubjets_;
194  const bool useLeptons_;
198 };
200 //
201 // static data member definitions
202 //
204 //
205 // constructors and destructor
206 //
209  jetsToken_(consumes<edm::View<reco::Jet> >( iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jets")) ),
210  groomedJetsToken_(mayConsume<edm::View<reco::Jet> >( iConfig.exists("groomedJets") ? iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("groomedJets") : edm::InputTag() )),
211  subjetsToken_(mayConsume<edm::View<reco::Jet> >( iConfig.exists("subjets") ? iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("subjets") : edm::InputTag() )),
212  bHadronsToken_(consumes<reco::GenParticleRefVector>( iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("bHadrons") )),
213  cHadronsToken_(consumes<reco::GenParticleRefVector>( iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("cHadrons") )),
214  partonsToken_(consumes<reco::GenParticleRefVector>( iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("partons") )),
215  leptonsToken_(mayConsume<reco::GenParticleRefVector>( iConfig.exists("leptons") ? iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("leptons") : edm::InputTag() )),
216  jetAlgorithm_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("jetAlgorithm")),
217  rParam_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("rParam")),
218  jetPtMin_(0.), // hardcoded to 0. since we simply want to recluster all input jets which already had some PtMin applied
219  ghostRescaling_(iConfig.exists("ghostRescaling") ? iConfig.getParameter<double>("ghostRescaling") : 1e-18),
220  relPtTolerance_(iConfig.exists("relPtTolerance") ? iConfig.getParameter<double>("relPtTolerance") : 1e-03), // 0.1% relative difference in Pt should be sufficient to detect possible misconfigurations
221  hadronFlavourHasPriority_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("hadronFlavourHasPriority")),
222  useSubjets_(iConfig.exists("groomedJets") && iConfig.exists("subjets")),
223  useLeptons_(iConfig.exists("leptons"))
225 {
226  // register your products
227  produces<reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection>();
228  if( useSubjets_ )
229  produces<reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection>("SubJets");
231  // set jet algorithm
232  if (jetAlgorithm_=="Kt")
233  fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr( new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm, rParam_) );
234  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="CambridgeAachen")
235  fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr( new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm, rParam_) );
236  else if (jetAlgorithm_=="AntiKt")
237  fjJetDefinition_= JetDefPtr( new fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, rParam_) );
238  else
239  throw cms::Exception("InvalidJetAlgorithm") << "Jet clustering algorithm is invalid: " << jetAlgorithm_ << ", use CambridgeAachen | Kt | AntiKt" << std::endl;
240 }
244 {
246  // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
247  // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
249 }
252 //
253 // member functions
254 //
256 // ------------ method called to produce the data ------------
257 void
259 {
261  iEvent.getByToken(jetsToken_, jets);
263  edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> > groomedJets;
265  if( useSubjets_ )
266  {
267  iEvent.getByToken(groomedJetsToken_, groomedJets);
268  iEvent.getByToken(subjetsToken_, subjets);
269  }
272  iEvent.getByToken(bHadronsToken_, bHadrons);
275  iEvent.getByToken(cHadronsToken_, cHadrons);
278  iEvent.getByToken(partonsToken_, partons);
281  if( useLeptons_ )
282  iEvent.getByToken(leptonsToken_, leptons);
284  std::auto_ptr<reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection> jetFlavourInfos( new reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection(reco::JetRefBaseProd(jets)) );
285  std::auto_ptr<reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection> subjetFlavourInfos;
286  if( useSubjets_ )
287  subjetFlavourInfos = std::auto_ptr<reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection>( new reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection(reco::JetRefBaseProd(subjets)) );
289  // vector of constituents for reclustering jets and "ghosts"
290  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjInputs;
291  // loop over all input jets and collect all their constituents
292  for(edm::View<reco::Jet>::const_iterator it = jets->begin(); it != jets->end(); ++it)
293  {
294  std::vector<edm::Ptr<reco::Candidate> > constituents = it->getJetConstituents();
295  std::vector<edm::Ptr<reco::Candidate> >::const_iterator m;
296  for( m = constituents.begin(); m != constituents.end(); ++m )
297  {
298  reco::CandidatePtr constit = *m;
299  if(constit->pt() == 0)
300  {
301  edm::LogWarning("NullTransverseMomentum") << "dropping input candidate with pt=0";
302  continue;
303  }
304  fjInputs.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(constit->px(),constit->py(),constit->pz(),constit->energy()));
305  }
306  }
307  // insert "ghost" b hadrons in the vector of constituents
308  insertGhosts(bHadrons, ghostRescaling_, true, true, false, false, fjInputs);
309  // insert "ghost" c hadrons in the vector of constituents
310  insertGhosts(cHadrons, ghostRescaling_, true, false, false, false, fjInputs);
311  // insert "ghost" partons in the vector of constituents
312  insertGhosts(partons, ghostRescaling_, false, false, true, false, fjInputs);
313  // if used, insert "ghost" leptons in the vector of constituents
314  if( useLeptons_ )
315  insertGhosts(leptons, ghostRescaling_, false, false, false, true, fjInputs);
317  // define jet clustering sequence
318  fjClusterSeq_ = ClusterSequencePtr( new fastjet::ClusterSequence( fjInputs, *fjJetDefinition_ ) );
319  // recluster jet constituents and inserted "ghosts"
320  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> inclusiveJets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt( fjClusterSeq_->inclusive_jets(jetPtMin_) );
322  if( inclusiveJets.size() < jets->size() )
323  edm::LogError("TooFewReclusteredJets") << "There are fewer reclustered (" << inclusiveJets.size() << ") than original jets (" << jets->size() << "). Please check that the jet algorithm and jet size match those used for the original jet collection.";
325  // match reclustered and original jets
326  std::vector<int> reclusteredIndices;
327  matchReclusteredJets(jets,inclusiveJets,reclusteredIndices);
329  // match groomed and original jets
330  std::vector<int> groomedIndices;
331  if( useSubjets_ )
332  {
333  if( groomedJets->size() > jets->size() )
334  edm::LogError("TooManyGroomedJets") << "There are more groomed (" << groomedJets->size() << ") than original jets (" << jets->size() << "). Please check that the two jet collections belong to each other.";
336  matchGroomedJets(jets,groomedJets,groomedIndices);
337  }
339  // match subjets and original jets
340  std::vector<std::vector<int> > subjetIndices;
341  if( useSubjets_ )
342  {
343  matchSubjets(groomedIndices,groomedJets,subjets,subjetIndices);
344  }
346  // determine jet flavour
347  for(size_t i=0; i<jets->size(); ++i)
348  {
349  reco::GenParticleRefVector clusteredbHadrons;
350  reco::GenParticleRefVector clusteredcHadrons;
351  reco::GenParticleRefVector clusteredPartons;
352  reco::GenParticleRefVector clusteredLeptons;
354  // if matching reclustered to original jets failed
355  if( < 0 )
356  {
357  // set an empty JetFlavourInfo for this jet
358  (*jetFlavourInfos)[jets->refAt(i)] = reco::JetFlavourInfo(clusteredbHadrons, clusteredcHadrons, clusteredPartons, clusteredLeptons, 0, 0);
359  }
360  else if( jets->at(i).pt() == 0 )
361  {
362  edm::LogWarning("NullTransverseMomentum") << "The original jet " << i << " has Pt=0. This is not expected so the jet will be skipped.";
364  // set an empty JetFlavourInfo for this jet
365  (*jetFlavourInfos)[jets->refAt(i)] = reco::JetFlavourInfo(clusteredbHadrons, clusteredcHadrons, clusteredPartons, clusteredLeptons, 0, 0);
367  // if subjets are used
368  if( useSubjets_ &&>0 )
369  {
370  // loop over subjets
371  for(size_t sj=0; sj<; ++sj)
372  {
373  // set an empty JetFlavourInfo for this subjet
374  (*subjetFlavourInfos)[subjets->refAt(] = reco::JetFlavourInfo(reco::GenParticleRefVector(), reco::GenParticleRefVector(), reco::GenParticleRefVector(), reco::GenParticleRefVector(), 0, 0);
375  }
376  }
377  }
378  else
379  {
380  // since the "ghosts" are extremely soft, the configuration and ordering of the reclustered and original jets should in principle stay the same
381  if( ( std::abs( - jets->at(i).pt() ) / jets->at(i).pt() ) > relPtTolerance_ )
382  {
383  if( jets->at(i).pt() < 10. ) // special handling for low-Pt jets (Pt<10 GeV)
384  edm::LogWarning("JetPtMismatchAtLowPt") << "The reclustered and original jet " << i << " have different Pt's (" << << " vs " << jets->at(i).pt() << " GeV, respectively).\n"
385  << "Please check that the jet algorithm and jet size match those used for the original jet collection and also make sure the original jets are uncorrected. In addition, make sure you are not using CaloJets which are presently not supported.\n"
386  << "Since the mismatch is at low Pt (Pt<10 GeV), it is ignored and only a warning is issued.\n"
387  << "\nIn extremely rare instances the mismatch could be caused by a difference in the machine precision in which case make sure the original jet collection is produced and reclustering is performed in the same job.";
388  else
389  edm::LogError("JetPtMismatch") << "The reclustered and original jet " << i << " have different Pt's (" << << " vs " << jets->at(i).pt() << " GeV, respectively).\n"
390  << "Please check that the jet algorithm and jet size match those used for the original jet collection and also make sure the original jets are uncorrected. In addition, make sure you are not using CaloJets which are presently not supported.\n"
391  << "\nIn extremely rare instances the mismatch could be caused by a difference in the machine precision in which case make sure the original jet collection is produced and reclustering is performed in the same job.";
392  }
394  // get jet constituents (sorted by Pt)
395  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> constituents = fastjet::sorted_by_pt( );
397  // loop over jet constituents and try to find "ghosts"
398  for(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet>::const_iterator it = constituents.begin(); it != constituents.end(); ++it)
399  {
400  if( !it->has_user_info() ) continue; // skip if not a "ghost"
402  // "ghost" hadron
403  if( it->user_info<GhostInfo>().isHadron() )
404  {
405  // "ghost" b hadron
406  if( it->user_info<GhostInfo>().isbHadron() )
407  clusteredbHadrons.push_back(it->user_info<GhostInfo>().particleRef());
408  // "ghost" c hadron
409  else
410  clusteredcHadrons.push_back(it->user_info<GhostInfo>().particleRef());
411  }
412  // "ghost" parton
413  else if( it->user_info<GhostInfo>().isParton() )
414  clusteredPartons.push_back(it->user_info<GhostInfo>().particleRef());
415  // "ghost" lepton
416  else if( it->user_info<GhostInfo>().isLepton() )
417  clusteredLeptons.push_back(it->user_info<GhostInfo>().particleRef());
418  }
420  int hadronFlavour = 0; // default hadron flavour set to 0 (= undefined)
421  int partonFlavour = 0; // default parton flavour set to 0 (= undefined)
423  // set hadron- and parton-based flavours
424  setFlavours(clusteredbHadrons, clusteredcHadrons, clusteredPartons, hadronFlavour, partonFlavour);
426  // set the JetFlavourInfo for this jet
427  (*jetFlavourInfos)[jets->refAt(i)] = reco::JetFlavourInfo(clusteredbHadrons, clusteredcHadrons, clusteredPartons, clusteredLeptons, hadronFlavour, partonFlavour);
428  }
430  // if subjets are used, determine their flavour
431  if( useSubjets_ )
432  {
433  if( ) continue; // continue if the original jet does not have subjets assigned
435  // define vectors of GenParticleRefVectors for hadrons and partons assigned to different subjets
436  std::vector<reco::GenParticleRefVector> assignedbHadrons(,reco::GenParticleRefVector());
437  std::vector<reco::GenParticleRefVector> assignedcHadrons(,reco::GenParticleRefVector());
438  std::vector<reco::GenParticleRefVector> assignedPartons(,reco::GenParticleRefVector());
439  std::vector<reco::GenParticleRefVector> assignedLeptons(,reco::GenParticleRefVector());
441  // loop over clustered b hadrons and assign them to different subjets based on smallest dR
442  assignToSubjets(clusteredbHadrons, subjets,, assignedbHadrons);
443  // loop over clustered c hadrons and assign them to different subjets based on smallest dR
444  assignToSubjets(clusteredcHadrons, subjets,, assignedcHadrons);
445  // loop over clustered partons and assign them to different subjets based on smallest dR
446  assignToSubjets(clusteredPartons, subjets,, assignedPartons);
447  // if used, loop over clustered leptons and assign them to different subjets based on smallest dR
448  if( useLeptons_ )
449  assignToSubjets(clusteredLeptons, subjets,, assignedLeptons);
451  // loop over subjets and determine their flavour
452  for(size_t sj=0; sj<; ++sj)
453  {
454  int subjetHadronFlavour = 0; // default hadron flavour set to 0 (= undefined)
455  int subjetPartonFlavour = 0; // default parton flavour set to 0 (= undefined)
457  // set hadron- and parton-based flavours
458  setFlavours(,,, subjetHadronFlavour, subjetPartonFlavour);
460  // set the JetFlavourInfo for this subjet
461  (*subjetFlavourInfos)[subjets->refAt(] = reco::JetFlavourInfo(,,,, subjetHadronFlavour, subjetPartonFlavour);
462  }
463  }
464  }
466  // put jet flavour infos in the event
467  iEvent.put( jetFlavourInfos );
468  // put subjet flavour infos in the event
469  if( useSubjets_ )
470  iEvent.put( subjetFlavourInfos, "SubJets" );
471 }
473 // ------------ method that inserts "ghost" particles in the vector of jet constituents ------------
474 void
476  const double ghostRescaling,
477  const bool isHadron, const bool isbHadron, const bool isParton, const bool isLepton,
478  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet>& constituents)
479 {
480  // insert "ghost" particles in the vector of jet constituents
481  for(reco::GenParticleRefVector::const_iterator it = particles->begin(); it != particles->end(); ++it)
482  {
483  if((*it)->pt() == 0)
484  {
485  edm::LogInfo("NullTransverseMomentum") << "dropping input ghost candidate with pt=0";
486  continue;
487  }
488  fastjet::PseudoJet p((*it)->px(),(*it)->py(),(*it)->pz(),(*it)->energy());
489  p*=ghostRescaling; // rescale particle momentum
490  p.set_user_info(new GhostInfo(isHadron, isbHadron, isParton, isLepton, *it));
491  constituents.push_back(p);
492  }
493 }
495 // ------------ method that matches reclustered and original jets based on minimum dR ------------
496 void
498  const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet>& reclusteredJets,
499  std::vector<int>& matchedIndices)
500 {
501  std::vector<bool> matchedLocks(reclusteredJets.size(),false);
503  for(size_t j=0; j<jets->size(); ++j)
504  {
505  double matchedDR2 = 1e9;
506  int matchedIdx = -1;
508  for(size_t rj=0; rj<reclusteredJets.size(); ++rj)
509  {
510  if( ) continue; // skip jets that have already been matched
512  double tempDR2 = reco::deltaR2( jets->at(j).rapidity(), jets->at(j).phi(),, );
513  if( tempDR2 < matchedDR2 )
514  {
515  matchedDR2 = tempDR2;
516  matchedIdx = rj;
517  }
518  }
520  if( matchedIdx>=0 )
521  {
522  if ( matchedDR2 > rParam_*rParam_ )
523  {
524  edm::LogError("JetMatchingFailed") << "Matched reclustered jet " << matchedIdx << " and original jet " << j <<" are separated by dR=" << sqrt(matchedDR2) << " which is greater than the jet size R=" << rParam_ << ".\n"
525  << "This is not expected so please check that the jet algorithm and jet size match those used for the original jet collection.";
526  }
527  else
528 = true;
529  }
530  else
531  edm::LogError("JetMatchingFailed") << "Matching reclustered to original jets failed. Please check that the jet algorithm and jet size match those used for the original jet collection.";
533  matchedIndices.push_back(matchedIdx);
534  }
535 }
537 // ------------ method that matches groomed and original jets based on minimum dR ------------
538 void
540  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& groomedJets,
541  std::vector<int>& matchedIndices)
542 {
543  std::vector<bool> jetLocks(jets->size(),false);
544  std::vector<int> jetIndices;
546  for(size_t gj=0; gj<groomedJets->size(); ++gj)
547  {
548  double matchedDR2 = 1e9;
549  int matchedIdx = -1;
551  if( groomedJets->at(gj).pt()>0. ) // skip pathological cases of groomed jets with Pt=0
552  {
553  for(size_t j=0; j<jets->size(); ++j)
554  {
555  if( ) continue; // skip jets that have already been matched
557  double tempDR2 = reco::deltaR2( jets->at(j).rapidity(), jets->at(j).phi(), groomedJets->at(gj).rapidity(), groomedJets->at(gj).phi() );
558  if( tempDR2 < matchedDR2 )
559  {
560  matchedDR2 = tempDR2;
561  matchedIdx = j;
562  }
563  }
564  }
566  if( matchedIdx>=0 )
567  {
568  if ( matchedDR2 > rParam_*rParam_ )
569  {
570  edm::LogWarning("MatchedJetsFarApart") << "Matched groomed jet " << gj << " and original jet " << matchedIdx <<" are separated by dR=" << sqrt(matchedDR2) << " which is greater than the jet size R=" << rParam_ << ".\n"
571  << "This is not expected so the matching of these two jets has been discarded. Please check that the two jet collections belong to each other.";
572  matchedIdx = -1;
573  }
574  else
575 = true;
576  }
577  jetIndices.push_back(matchedIdx);
578  }
580  for(size_t j=0; j<jets->size(); ++j)
581  {
582  std::vector<int>::iterator matchedIndex = std::find( jetIndices.begin(), jetIndices.end(), j );
584  matchedIndices.push_back( matchedIndex != jetIndices.end() ? std::distance(jetIndices.begin(),matchedIndex) : -1 );
585  }
586 }
588 // ------------ method that matches subjets and original jets ------------
589 void
590 JetFlavourClustering::matchSubjets(const std::vector<int>& groomedIndices,
591  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& groomedJets,
592  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& subjets,
593  std::vector<std::vector<int> >& matchedIndices)
594 {
595  for(size_t g=0; g<groomedIndices.size(); ++g)
596  {
597  std::vector<int> subjetIndices;
599  if(>=0 )
600  {
601  for(size_t s=0; s<groomedJets->at(; ++s)
602  {
603  const edm::Ptr<reco::Candidate> & subjet = groomedJets->at(;
605  for(size_t sj=0; sj<subjets->size(); ++sj)
606  {
607  if( subjet == edm::Ptr<reco::Candidate>(subjets->ptrAt(sj)) )
608  {
609  subjetIndices.push_back(sj);
610  break;
611  }
612  }
613  }
615  if( subjetIndices.size() == 0 )
616  edm::LogError("SubjetMatchingFailed") << "Matching subjets to original jets failed. Please check that the groomed jet and subjet collections belong to each other.";
618  matchedIndices.push_back(subjetIndices);
619  }
620  else
621  matchedIndices.push_back(subjetIndices);
622  }
623 }
625 // ------------ method that sets hadron- and parton-based flavours ------------
626 void
628  const reco::GenParticleRefVector& clusteredcHadrons,
629  const reco::GenParticleRefVector& clusteredPartons,
630  int& hadronFlavour,
631  int& partonFlavour)
632 {
633  reco::GenParticleRef hardestParton;
634  reco::GenParticleRef hardestLightParton;
635  reco::GenParticleRef flavourParton;
637  // loop over clustered partons (already sorted by Pt)
638  for(reco::GenParticleRefVector::const_iterator it = clusteredPartons.begin(); it != clusteredPartons.end(); ++it)
639  {
640  // hardest parton
641  if( hardestParton.isNull() )
642  hardestParton = (*it);
643  // hardest light-flavour parton
644  if( hardestLightParton.isNull() )
645  {
646  if( CandMCTagUtils::isLightParton( *(*it) ) )
647  hardestLightParton = (*it);
648  }
649  // c flavour
650  if( flavourParton.isNull() && ( std::abs( (*it)->pdgId() ) == 4 ) )
651  flavourParton = (*it);
652  // b flavour gets priority
653  if( std::abs( (*it)->pdgId() ) == 5 )
654  {
655  if( flavourParton.isNull() )
656  flavourParton = (*it);
657  else if( std::abs( flavourParton->pdgId() ) != 5 )
658  flavourParton = (*it);
659  }
660  }
662  // set hadron-based flavour
663  if( clusteredbHadrons.size()>0 )
664  hadronFlavour = 5;
665  else if( clusteredcHadrons.size()>0 && clusteredbHadrons.size()==0 )
666  hadronFlavour = 4;
667  // set parton-based flavour
668  if( flavourParton.isNull() )
669  {
670  if( hardestParton.isNonnull() ) partonFlavour = hardestParton->pdgId();
671  }
672  else
673  partonFlavour = flavourParton->pdgId();
675  // if enabled, check for conflicts between hadron- and parton-based flavours and give priority to the hadron-based flavour
677  {
678  if( hadronFlavour==0 && (std::abs(partonFlavour)==4 || std::abs(partonFlavour)==5) )
679  partonFlavour = ( hardestLightParton.isNonnull() ? hardestLightParton->pdgId() : 0 );
680  else if( hadronFlavour!=0 && std::abs(partonFlavour)!=hadronFlavour )
681  partonFlavour = hadronFlavour;
682  }
683 }
685 // ------------ method that assigns clustered particles to subjets ------------
686 void
688  const edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Jet> >& subjets,
689  const std::vector<int>& subjetIndices,
690  std::vector<reco::GenParticleRefVector>& assignedParticles)
691 {
692  // loop over clustered particles and assign them to different subjets based on smallest dR
693  for(reco::GenParticleRefVector::const_iterator it = clusteredParticles.begin(); it != clusteredParticles.end(); ++it)
694  {
695  std::vector<double> dR2toSubjets;
697  for(size_t sj=0; sj<subjetIndices.size(); ++sj)
698  dR2toSubjets.push_back( reco::deltaR2( (*it)->rapidity(), (*it)->phi(), subjets->at(, subjets->at( ) );
700  // find the closest subjet
701  int closestSubjetIdx = std::distance( dR2toSubjets.begin(), std::min_element(dR2toSubjets.begin(), dR2toSubjets.end()) );
703 *it );
704  }
705 }
707 // ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the module ------------
708 void
710  //The following says we do not know what parameters are allowed so do no validation
711  // Please change this to state exactly what you do use, even if it is no parameters
713  desc.setUnknown();
714  descriptions.addDefault(desc);
715 }
717 //define this as a plug-in
const reco::GenParticleRef & particleRef() const
bool isLightParton(const reco::Candidate &c)
boost::shared_ptr< fastjet::JetDefinition > JetDefPtr
int i
virtual void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:252
void assignToSubjets(const reco::GenParticleRefVector &clusteredParticles, const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Jet > > &subjets, const std::vector< int > &subjetIndices, std::vector< reco::GenParticleRefVector > &assignedParticles)
Clusters hadrons, partons, and jet contituents to determine the jet flavour.
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:457
boost::shared_ptr< fastjet::ClusterSequence > ClusterSequencePtr
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
void insertGhosts(const edm::Handle< reco::GenParticleRefVector > &particles, const double ghostRescaling, const bool isHadron, const bool isbHadron, const bool isParton, const bool isLepton, std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &constituents)
GhostInfo(const bool &isHadron, const bool &isbHadron, const bool &isParton, const bool &isLepton, const reco::GenParticleRef &particleRef)
const reco::GenParticleRef m_particleRef
void setFlavours(const reco::GenParticleRefVector &clusteredbHadrons, const reco::GenParticleRefVector &clusteredcHadrons, const reco::GenParticleRefVector &clusteredPartons, int &hadronFlavour, int &partonFlavour)
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GenParticleRefVector > bHadronsToken_
bool isLepton(const Candidate &part)
Definition: pdgIdUtils.h:19
void matchGroomedJets(const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Jet > > &jets, const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Jet > > &matchedJets, std::vector< int > &matchedIndices)
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:255
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GenParticleRefVector > partonsToken_
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
const bool isParton() const
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:250
const bool isLepton() const
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GenParticleRefVector > cHadronsToken_
int iEvent
void addDefault(ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
OrphanHandle< PROD > put(std::auto_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
Definition: Event.h:115
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
vector< PseudoJet > jets
Class storing the jet flavour information.
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
int j
double deltaR2(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
Definition: deltaR.h:36
JetFlavourClustering(const edm::ParameterSet &)
bool isNull() const
Checks for null.
Definition: Ref.h:249
void matchReclusteredJets(const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Jet > > &jets, const std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > &matchedJets, std::vector< int > &matchedIndices)
const std::string jetAlgorithm_
const edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Jet > > groomedJetsToken_
edm::RefVector< GenParticleCollection > GenParticleRefVector
vector of reference to GenParticle in the same collection
const edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Jet > > jetsToken_
bool isParton(const reco::Candidate &c)
boost::indirect_iterator< typename seq_t::const_iterator > const_iterator
Definition: View.h:85
const bool isbHadron() const
const bool isHadron() const
void push_back(value_type const &ref)
Add a Ref&lt;C, T&gt; to the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:62
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:99
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GenParticleRefVector > leptonsToken_
void matchSubjets(const std::vector< int > &groomedIndices, const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Jet > > &groomedJets, const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Jet > > &subjets, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &matchedIndices)
ClusterSequencePtr fjClusterSeq_
const edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Jet > > subjetsToken_