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PFMuonSelector Class Reference

#include <PFMuonSelector.h>

Inheritance diagram for PFMuonSelector:
Selector< pat::Muon >

Public Types

enum  Version_t { TOPPAG12_LJETS, N_VERSIONS }
- Public Types inherited from Selector< pat::Muon >
typedef std::binary_function
< pat::Muon, pat::strbitset,
bool > 
typedef std::pair< index_type,
size_t > 
typedef std::vector
< cut_flow_item
typedef pat::Muon data_type
typedef std::map< index_type,
double > 
typedef pat::strbitset::index_type index_type
typedef std::map< index_type, int > int_map

Public Member Functions

void initialize (Version_t version, double chi2=10.0, int minTrackerLayers=6, int minValidMuonHits=1, double maxIp=0.2, int minPixelHits=1, int minNMatches=2, double pfiso=0.12)
bool operator() (const pat::Muon &muon, pat::strbitset &ret)
 This provides the interface for base classes to select objects. More...
 PFMuonSelector ()
 PFMuonSelector (edm::ParameterSet const &parameters, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)
 PFMuonSelector (edm::ParameterSet const &parameters)
bool TopPag12LjetsCuts (const pat::Muon &muon, pat::strbitset &ret)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Selector< pat::Muon >
void clear (std::string const &s)
 Turn off a given selection cut. More...
void clear (index_type const &i)
bool considerCut (std::string const &s) const
 consider the cut at index "s" More...
bool considerCut (index_type const &i) const
int cut (index_type const &i, int val) const
 Access the int cut values at index "s". More...
double cut (index_type const &i, double val) const
 Access the double cut values at index "s". More...
int cut (std::string s, int val) const
 Access the int cut values at index "s". More...
double cut (std::string s, double val) const
 Access the double cut values at index "s". More...
pat::strbitset getBitTemplate () const
 Get an empty bitset with the proper names. More...
double getPasses (std::string const &s) const
 Return the number of passing cases. More...
double getPasses (index_type const &i) const
bool ignoreCut (std::string const &s) const
 ignore the cut at index "s" More...
bool ignoreCut (index_type const &i) const
virtual bool operator() (pat::Muonconst &t)
 This provides an alternative signature without the second ret. More...
virtual bool operator() (pat::Muonconst &t, edm::EventBase const &e, pat::strbitset &ret)
 This provides an alternative signature that includes extra information. More...
virtual bool operator() (pat::Muonconst &t, edm::EventBase const &e)
 This provides an alternative signature that includes extra information. More...
bool operator[] (std::string const &s) const
bool operator[] (index_type const &i) const
void passCut (pat::strbitset &ret, std::string const &s)
 Passing cuts. More...
void passCut (pat::strbitset &ret, index_type const &i)
void print (std::ostream &out) const
 Print the cut flow. More...
void printActiveCuts (std::ostream &out) const
 Print the cuts being considered. More...
virtual void push_back (std::string const &s)
 This is the registration of an individual cut string. More...
virtual void push_back (std::string const &s, int cut)
 This is the registration of an individual cut string, with an int cut value. More...
virtual void push_back (std::string const &s, double cut)
 This is the registration of an individual cut string, with a double cut value. More...
 Selector ()
 Constructor clears the bits. More...
void set (std::string const &s, bool val=true)
 Set a given selection cut, on or off. More...
void set (index_type const &i, bool val=true)
void set (std::string const &s, int cut, bool val=true)
 Set a given selection cut, on or off, and reset int cut value. More...
void set (index_type const &i, int cut, bool val=true)
void set (std::string const &s, double cut, bool val=true)
 Set a given selection cut, on or off, and reset int cut value. More...
void set (index_type const &i, double cut, bool val=true)
void setIgnored (pat::strbitset &ret)
 set ignored bits More...
void setIgnoredCuts (std::vector< std::string > const &bitsToIgnore)
 set the bits to ignore from a vector More...
virtual ~Selector ()

Public Attributes

bool verbose_

Private Attributes

index_type indexChi2_
index_type indexMaxIp_
index_type indexmaxPfRelIso_
index_type indexMinTrackerLayers_
index_type indexminValidMuHits_
index_type indexPixHits_
index_type indexStations_
Version_t version_

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Selector< pat::Muon >
pat::strbitset bits_
 the bitset indexed by strings More...
cut_flow_map cutFlow_
 map of cut flows in "human" order More...
double_map doubleCuts_
 the double-value cut map More...
int_map intCuts_
 the int-value cut map More...
pat::strbitset retInternal_
 internal ret if users don't care about return bits More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 22 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PFMuonSelector::PFMuonSelector ( )

Definition at line 24 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

24 {}
PFMuonSelector::PFMuonSelector ( edm::ParameterSet const &  parameters,
edm::ConsumesCollector &&  iC 

Definition at line 27 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

27  :
29  {}
dictionary parameters
PFMuonSelector::PFMuonSelector ( edm::ParameterSet const &  parameters)

Definition at line 32 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

References Exception, edm::ParameterSet::exists(), Selector< pat::Muon >::getBitTemplate(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), initialize(), N_VERSIONS, Selector< pat::Muon >::retInternal_, Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnoredCuts(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, TOPPAG12_LJETS, verbose_, and relval_steps::version.

32  {
34  verbose_ = false;
36  std::string versionStr = parameters.getParameter<std::string>("version");
40  if ( versionStr == "TOPPAG12_LJETS" ) {
41  version = TOPPAG12_LJETS;
42  }
43  else {
44  throw cms::Exception("InvalidInput") << "Expect version to be one of SPRING11" << std::endl;
45  }
47  initialize( version,
48  parameters.getParameter<double>("Chi2"),
49  parameters.getParameter<int> ("minTrackerLayers"),
50  parameters.getParameter<int> ("minValidMuHits"),
51  parameters.getParameter<double>("maxIp"),
52  parameters.getParameter<int> ("minPixelHits"),
53  parameters.getParameter<int> ("minMatchedStations"),
54  parameters.getParameter<double>("maxPfRelIso")
55  );
56  if ( parameters.exists("cutsToIgnore") )
57  setIgnoredCuts( parameters.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("cutsToIgnore") );
61  }
dictionary parameters
pat::strbitset retInternal_
internal ret if users don&#39;t care about return bits
Definition: Selector.h:287
void initialize(Version_t version, double chi2=10.0, int minTrackerLayers=6, int minValidMuonHits=1, double maxIp=0.2, int minPixelHits=1, int minNMatches=2, double pfiso=0.12)
pat::strbitset getBitTemplate() const
Get an empty bitset with the proper names.
Definition: Selector.h:212
void setIgnoredCuts(std::vector< std::string > const &bitsToIgnore)
set the bits to ignore from a vector
Definition: Selector.h:167

Member Function Documentation

void PFMuonSelector::initialize ( Version_t  version,
double  chi2 = 10.0,
int  minTrackerLayers = 6,
int  minValidMuonHits = 1,
double  maxIp = 0.2,
int  minPixelHits = 1,
int  minNMatches = 2,
double  pfiso = 0.12 

Definition at line 63 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

References Selector< pat::Muon >::bits_, indexChi2_, indexMaxIp_, indexmaxPfRelIso_, indexMinTrackerLayers_, indexminValidMuHits_, indexPixHits_, indexStations_, HLT_25ns14e33_v1_cff::minPixelHits, Selector< pat::Muon >::push_back(), Selector< pat::Muon >::set(), TOPPAG12_LJETS, relval_steps::version, and version_.

Referenced by PFMuonSelector().

72  {
73  version_ = version;
75  push_back("GlobalMuon", true);
76  push_back("TrackerMuon", true);
77  push_back("Chi2", chi2 );
78  push_back("minTrackerLayers", minTrackerLayers);
79  push_back("minValidMuHits", minValidMuonHits );
80  push_back("maxIp", maxIp );
81  push_back("minPixelHits", minPixelHits);
82  push_back("minMatchedStations", minNMatches);
83  push_back("maxPfRelIso", pfiso );
85  set("GlobalMuon");
86  set("TrackerMuon");
87  set("Chi2");
88  set("minTrackerLayers");
89  set("minValidMuHits");
90  set("maxIp");
91  set("minPixelHits");
92  set("minMatchedStations");
93  set("maxPfRelIso");
95  indexChi2_ = index_type(&bits_, "Chi2" );
96  indexMinTrackerLayers_ = index_type(&bits_, "minTrackerLayers" );
97  indexminValidMuHits_ = index_type(&bits_, "minValidMuHits" );
98  indexMaxIp_ = index_type(&bits_, "maxIp" );
99  indexPixHits_ = index_type(&bits_, "minPixelHits" );
100  indexStations_ = index_type(&bits_, "minMatchedStations");
101  indexmaxPfRelIso_ = index_type(&bits_, "maxPfRelIso" );
104  if (version_ == TOPPAG12_LJETS ){
105  set("TrackerMuon", false);
106  }
108  }
void set(std::string const &s, bool val=true)
Set a given selection cut, on or off.
Definition: Selector.h:105
index_type indexPixHits_
Version_t version_
pat::strbitset::index_type index_type
Definition: Selector.h:29
index_type indexStations_
index_type indexminValidMuHits_
pat::strbitset bits_
the bitset indexed by strings
Definition: Selector.h:286
virtual void push_back(std::string const &s)
This is the registration of an individual cut string.
Definition: Selector.h:46
index_type indexMinTrackerLayers_
index_type indexMaxIp_
index_type indexmaxPfRelIso_
index_type indexChi2_
bool PFMuonSelector::operator() ( const pat::Muon t,
pat::strbitset ret 

This provides the interface for base classes to select objects.

Implements Selector< pat::Muon >.

Definition at line 111 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

References TOPPAG12_LJETS, TopPag12LjetsCuts(), and version_.

112  {
113  if (version_ == TOPPAG12_LJETS ) return TopPag12LjetsCuts(muon, ret);
114  else {
115  return false;
116  }
117  }
Version_t version_
bool TopPag12LjetsCuts(const pat::Muon &muon, pat::strbitset &ret)
bool PFMuonSelector::TopPag12LjetsCuts ( const pat::Muon muon,
pat::strbitset ret 

Definition at line 121 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

References Selector< pat::Muon >::cut(), pat::Muon::dB(), pat::Muon::globalTrack(), Selector< pat::Muon >::ignoreCut(), indexChi2_, indexMaxIp_, indexmaxPfRelIso_, indexMinTrackerLayers_, indexminValidMuHits_, indexPixHits_, indexStations_, pat::Muon::innerTrack(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isAvailable(), reco::Muon::isGlobalMuon(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), GeomDetEnumerators::isTracker(), reco::Muon::isTrackerMuon(), HLT_25ns14e33_v1_cff::minPixelHits, pat::Muon::normChi2(), reco::Muon::numberOfMatches(), Selector< pat::Muon >::passCut(), pat::PfChargedHadronIso, pat::PfGammaIso, pat::PfNeutralHadronIso, EnergyCorrector::pt, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), run_regression::ret, pat::strbitset::set(), Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnored(), pat::Muon::track(), and pat::Lepton< LeptonType >::userIsolation().

Referenced by operator()().

121  {
123  ret.set(false);
125  bool isGlobal = muon.isGlobalMuon();
126  bool isTracker = muon.isTrackerMuon();
128  double norm_chi2 = 9999999.0;
129  int minTrackerLayers = 0;
130  int minValidMuonHits = 0;
131  int _ip = 0.0;
132  int minPixelHits = 0;
133  if ( muon.globalTrack().isNonnull() && muon.globalTrack().isAvailable() ){
134  norm_chi2 = muon.normChi2();
135  minTrackerLayers = static_cast<int> (muon.track()->hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement());
136  minValidMuonHits = static_cast<int> (muon.globalTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits());
137  _ip = muon.dB();
138  minPixelHits = muon.innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits();
139  }
141  int minMatchedStations = muon.numberOfMatches();
143  double chIso = muon.userIsolation(pat::PfChargedHadronIso);
144  double nhIso = muon.userIsolation(pat::PfNeutralHadronIso);
145  double gIso = muon.userIsolation(pat::PfGammaIso);
146  double pt = ;
148  double pfIso = (chIso + nhIso + gIso) / pt;
150  if ( isGlobal || ignoreCut("GlobalMuon") ) passCut(ret, "GlobalMuon" );
151  if ( isTracker || ignoreCut("TrackerMuon") ) passCut(ret, "TrackerMuon" );
152  if ( norm_chi2 < cut(indexChi2_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexChi2_) ) passCut(ret, indexChi2_ );
153  if ( minTrackerLayers >= cut(indexMinTrackerLayers_,int()) || ignoreCut(indexMinTrackerLayers_)) passCut(ret, indexMinTrackerLayers_ );
154  if ( minValidMuonHits >= cut(indexminValidMuHits_,int()) || ignoreCut(indexminValidMuHits_)) passCut(ret, indexminValidMuHits_ );
155  if ( _ip < cut(indexMaxIp_,double()) || ignoreCut(indexMaxIp_)) passCut(ret, indexMaxIp_ );
156  if ( minPixelHits >= cut(indexPixHits_,int()) || ignoreCut(indexPixHits_)) passCut(ret, indexPixHits_);
157  if ( minMatchedStations >= cut(indexStations_,int()) || ignoreCut(indexStations_)) passCut(ret, indexStations_);
158  if ( pfIso < cut(indexmaxPfRelIso_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexmaxPfRelIso_) ) passCut(ret, indexmaxPfRelIso_ );
160  setIgnored(ret);
162  return (bool)ret;
163  }
bool isAvailable() const
Definition: Ref.h:576
bool isTracker(const GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector m)
reco::TrackRef innerTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in the tracker only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) ...
Definition: Muon.h:72
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:252
reco::TrackRef track() const
reference to Track reconstructed in the tracker only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) ...
bool isTrackerMuon() const
Definition: Muon.h:219
bool isGlobalMuon() const
Definition: Muon.h:218
double dB(IPTYPE type) const
index_type indexPixHits_
void setIgnored(pat::strbitset &ret)
set ignored bits
Definition: Selector.h:224
index_type indexStations_
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
index_type indexminValidMuHits_
void passCut(pat::strbitset &ret, std::string const &s)
Passing cuts.
Definition: Selector.h:176
bool ignoreCut(std::string const &s) const
ignore the cut at index &quot;s&quot;
Definition: Selector.h:159
index_type indexMinTrackerLayers_
reco::TrackRef globalTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector (reimplemented from reco::Muon) ...
Definition: Muon.h:80
index_type indexMaxIp_
float userIsolation(IsolationKeys key) const
Definition: Lepton.h:49
strbitset & set(bool val=true)
set method of all bits
Definition: strbitset.h:144
int numberOfMatches(ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const
get number of chambers with matched segments
index_type indexmaxPfRelIso_
index_type indexChi2_
double normChi2() const
Norm chi2 gives the normalized chi2 of the global track.
int cut(index_type const &i, int val) const
Access the int cut values at index &quot;s&quot;.
Definition: Selector.h:194

Member Data Documentation

index_type PFMuonSelector::indexChi2_

Definition at line 171 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and TopPag12LjetsCuts().

index_type PFMuonSelector::indexMaxIp_

Definition at line 174 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and TopPag12LjetsCuts().

index_type PFMuonSelector::indexmaxPfRelIso_

Definition at line 177 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and TopPag12LjetsCuts().

index_type PFMuonSelector::indexMinTrackerLayers_

Definition at line 172 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and TopPag12LjetsCuts().

index_type PFMuonSelector::indexminValidMuHits_

Definition at line 173 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and TopPag12LjetsCuts().

index_type PFMuonSelector::indexPixHits_

Definition at line 175 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and TopPag12LjetsCuts().

index_type PFMuonSelector::indexStations_

Definition at line 176 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and TopPag12LjetsCuts().

bool PFMuonSelector::verbose_

Definition at line 20 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by PFMuonSelector().

Version_t PFMuonSelector::version_

Definition at line 169 of file PFMuonSelector.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and operator()().