17 A very simple script to plot the beam spot data stored in condDB
19 usage: %prog -t <tag name>
20 -a, --auth = AUTH: DB authorization path. online(/nfshome0/popcondev/conddb).
21 -b, --batch : Run ROOT in batch mode.
22 -c, --create = CREATE: name for beam spot data file.
23 -d, --data = DATA: input beam spot data file.
24 -D, --destDB = DESTDB: destination DB string. online(oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_COND_31X_BEAMSPOT).
25 -i, --initial = INITIAL: First IOV. Options: run number, or run:lumi, eg. \"133200:21\"
26 -f, --final = FINAL: Last IOV. Options: run number, or run:lumi
27 -o, --output = OUTPUT: filename of ROOT file with plots.
28 -x, --xcrossing = XCROSSING : Bunch crossing number.
30 Francisco Yumiceva (yumiceva@fnal.gov)
36 import os, string, re, sys, math
38 from BeamSpotObj
import BeamSpot
39 from IOVObj
import IOV
40 from CommonMethods
import *
45 print "\nCannot load PYROOT, make sure you have setup ROOT in the path"
46 print "and pyroot library is also defined in the variable PYTHONPATH, try:\n"
47 if (os.getenv(
48 print " setenv PYTHONPATH ${PYTHONPATH}:$ROOTSYS/lib\n"
50 print " setenv PYTHONPATH $ROOTSYS/lib\n"
54 from array
import array
64 run0 = int(json[i][0])
65 run1 = int(json[i][1])
66 if run>= run0
and run<=run1:
71 if __name__ ==
77 runsfile = open(
79 if line.find(
'fill:') != -1:
84 FillList[int(afill)] = [int(run0),int(run1)]
94 Float_t widthError[3];\
96 Float_t slopeError[2];\
104 fntuple = TFile(
105 tbylumi = TTree(
'beam spot data lumi by lumi' )
106 tbylumi.Branch(
'fill', AddressOf( bntuple,
'fill/I' )
107 tbylumi.Branch(
'run', AddressOf( bntuple,
'run/I' )
108 tbylumi.Branch(
'lumi', AddressOf( bntuple,
'lumi[2]/I' )
109 tbylumi.Branch(
'position', AddressOf( bntuple,
110 tbylumi.Branch(
'posErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
111 tbylumi.Branch(
'width', AddressOf( bntuple,
112 tbylumi.Branch(
'widthErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
113 tbylumi.Branch(
'slope', AddressOf( bntuple,
114 tbylumi.Branch(
'slopeErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
115 tbylumi.Branch(
'time', AddressOf( bntuple,
117 tbyIOV = TTree(
'beam spot data by IOV' )
118 tbyIOV.Branch(
'fill', AddressOf( bntuple,
'fill/I' )
119 tbyIOV.Branch(
'run', AddressOf( bntuple,
'run/I' )
120 tbyIOV.Branch(
'lumi', AddressOf( bntuple,
'lumi[2]/I' )
121 tbyIOV.Branch(
'position', AddressOf( bntuple,
122 tbyIOV.Branch(
'posErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
123 tbyIOV.Branch(
'width', AddressOf( bntuple,
124 tbyIOV.Branch(
'widthErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
125 tbyIOV.Branch(
'slope', AddressOf( bntuple,
126 tbyIOV.Branch(
'slopeErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
127 tbyIOV.Branch(
'time', AddressOf( bntuple,
129 tbyrun = TTree(
'beam spot data by run' )
130 tbyrun.Branch(
'fill', AddressOf( bntuple,
'fill/I' )
131 tbyrun.Branch(
'run', AddressOf( bntuple,
'run/I' )
132 tbyrun.Branch(
'lumi', AddressOf( bntuple,
'lumi[2]/I' )
133 tbyrun.Branch(
'position', AddressOf( bntuple,
134 tbyrun.Branch(
'posErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
135 tbyrun.Branch(
'width', AddressOf( bntuple,
136 tbyrun.Branch(
'widthErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
137 tbyrun.Branch(
'slope', AddressOf( bntuple,
138 tbyrun.Branch(
'slopeErr', AddressOf( bntuple,
139 tbyrun.Branch(
'time', AddressOf( bntuple,
144 option,args =
145 if not args
and not option:
148 print " need to provide beam spot data file"
152 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch()
154 datafilename =
156 datafilename = option.create
164 lastRun =
167 firstRun = option.initial
169 lastRun = option.final
176 print " read DB to get list of IOVs for the given tag"
177 acommand =
'cmscond_list_iov -c frontier://PromptProd/CMS_COND_31X_BEAMSPOT -P /afs/cern.ch/cms/DB/conddb -t '+ tag
178 tmpstatus = commands.getstatusoutput( acommand )
179 tmplistiov = tmpstatus[1].
185 totlines = len(tmplistiov)
186 for line
in tmplistiov:
188 if line.find(
'since') != -1:
191 if passline
and iline > jline
and iline < totlines-1:
192 linedata = line.split()
195 aIOV.since = int(linedata[0])
196 aIOV.till = int(linedata[1])
197 iovlist.append( aIOV )
200 print " total number of IOVs = " + str(len(iovlist))
208 otherArgs =
" -d " + option.destDB
210 otherArgs = otherArgs +
" -a "+ option.auth
212 print " get beam spot data from DB for IOVs. This can take a few minutes ..."
214 tmpfile = open(datafilename,
218 tmprunfirst = firstRun
221 tmplumilast = 9999999
222 if IOVbase==
227 tmprunfirst =
pack( int(firstRun.split(
":")[0]) , int(firstRun.split(
":")[1]) )
228 tmprunlast =
pack( int(lastRun.split(
":")[0]) , int(lasstRun.split(
":")[1]) )
230 if iIOV.since >= int(tmprunfirst)
and int(tmprunlast) < 0
and iIOV.since <= int(tmprunfirst):
231 print " IOV: " + str(iIOV.since)
233 if iIOV.since >= int(tmprunfirst)
and int(tmprunlast) > 0
and iIOV.till <= int(tmprunlast):
234 print " IOV: " + str(iIOV.since) +
" to " + str(iIOV.till)
236 if iIOV.since >= int(tmprunlast)
and iIOV.till >= 4294967295:
237 print " IOV: " + str(iIOV.since) +
" to " + str(iIOV.till)
240 acommand =
'getBeamSpotDB.py -t '+ tag +
" -r " + str(iIOV.since) +otherArgs
241 if IOVbase==
244 acommand =
'getBeamSpotDB.py -t '+ tag +
" -r " + str(tmprun) +
" -l "+tmplumi +otherArgs
245 status = commands.getstatusoutput( acommand )
246 tmpfile.write(status[1])
248 print " beam spot data collected and stored in file " + datafilename
258 if os.path.isdir(option.data):
259 tmp = commands.getstatusoutput(
"ls "+option.data)
261 datafilename =
262 output = open(datafilename,
265 if os.path.isdir(option.data+
is False:
266 input = open(option.data +
267 output.writelines(input.readlines())
269 print " data files have been collected in "+datafilename
271 elif os.path.exists(option.data):
272 datafilename = option.data
274 print " input beam spot data DOES NOT exist, file " + option.data
282 print "List of bunch crossings in the file:"
284 listbeam = listmap[option.Xrossing]
293 for ii
in range(0,len(listbeam)):
297 bntuple.position = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.X), float(ibeam.Y), float(ibeam.Z)])
298 bntuple.posError = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.Xerr),float(ibeam.Yerr),float(ibeam.Zerr)])
299 bntuple.width = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.beamWidthX), float(ibeam.beamWidthY), float(ibeam.sigmaZ)])
300 bntuple.widthError = array(
301 bntuple.run = int(ibeam.Run)
302 bntuple.fill = int(
getFill( FillList, int(ibeam.Run) ) )
303 bntuple.lumi = array(
'i', [int(ibeam.IOVfirst),int(ibeam.IOVlast)])
304 line = ibeam.IOVBeginTime
305 begintime = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[0] +
" " + line.split()[1] +
" " + line.split()[2],
"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
306 line = ibeam.IOVEndTime
307 endtime = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[0] +
" " + line.split()[1] +
" " + line.split()[2],
"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
308 bntuple.time = array(
'f', [begintime, endtime])
315 for ii
in range(0,len(iovlist)):
319 bntuple.position = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.X), float(ibeam.Y), float(ibeam.Z)])
320 bntuple.posError = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.Xerr),float(ibeam.Yerr),float(ibeam.Zerr)])
321 bntuple.width = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.beamWidthX), float(ibeam.beamWidthY), float(ibeam.sigmaZ)])
322 bntuple.widthError = array(
323 bntuple.run = int(ibeam.Run)
324 bntuple.fill = int(
getFill( FillList, int(ibeam.Run) ) )
325 bntuple.lumi = array(
'i', [int(ibeam.IOVfirst),int(ibeam.IOVlast)])
326 line = ibeam.IOVBeginTime
327 begintime = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[0] +
" " + line.split()[1] +
" " + line.split()[2],
"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
328 line = ibeam.IOVEndTime
329 endtime = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[0] +
" " + line.split()[1] +
" " + line.split()[2],
"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
330 bntuple.time = array(
'f', [begintime, endtime])
334 weightedlist = listbeam
337 for ii
in range(0,len(weightedlist)):
339 ibeam = weightedlist[ii]
341 bntuple.position = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.X), float(ibeam.Y), float(ibeam.Z)])
342 bntuple.posError = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.Xerr),float(ibeam.Yerr),float(ibeam.Zerr)])
343 bntuple.width = array(
'f', [float(ibeam.beamWidthX), float(ibeam.beamWidthY), float(ibeam.sigmaZ)])
344 bntuple.widthError = array(
345 bntuple.run = int(ibeam.Run)
346 bntuple.fill = int(
getFill( FillList, int(ibeam.Run) ) )
347 bntuple.lumi = array(
'i', [int(ibeam.IOVfirst),int(ibeam.IOVlast)])
348 line = ibeam.IOVBeginTime
349 begintime = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[0] +
" " + line.split()[1] +
" " + line.split()[2],
"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
350 line = ibeam.IOVEndTime
351 endtime = time.mktime( time.strptime(line.split()[0] +
" " + line.split()[1] +
" " + line.split()[2],
"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %Z") )
352 bntuple.time = array(
'f', [begintime, endtime])
357 os.system(
'rm tmp.txt')
Evaluator * parse(const T &text)
def createWeightedPayloads
def sortAndCleanBeamList
Sort and clean list of data for consecutive duplicates and bad fits.