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trackingPlots Namespace Reference


class  TrackingValidation


tuple _chargemisid
dictionary _common = {"ymin": 0, "ymax": 1.025}
tuple _dedx
tuple _dupandfake1
tuple _dupandfake2
tuple _effandfake1
tuple _effandfake2
tuple _effvspos
tuple _hitsAndPt
tuple _iterModuleMap
list _maxEff = [0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025]
list _maxFake = [0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025]
tuple _ntracks
tuple _pixelTiming
tuple _pulls
tuple _resolutionsEta
tuple _resolutionsPt
tuple _timing
tuple _tplifetime
dictionary _tracks_map
tuple _tuning
tuple plotter
tuple timePlotter
tuple tpPlotter

Variable Documentation

tuple trackingPlots._chargemisid
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("chargemisid", [
2  Plot("chargeMisIdRate", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="charge mis-id rate vs #eta", ymax=0.05),
3  Plot("chargeMisIdRate_Pt", xtitle="p_{t}", ytitle="charge mis-id rate vs p_{t}", xmax=300, ymax=0.1, xlog=True),
4  Plot("chargeMisIdRate_hit", xtitle="hits", ytitle="charge mis-id rate vs hits", title=""),
5  Plot("chargeMisIdRate_phi", xtitle="#phi", ytitle="charge mis-id rate vs #phi", title="", ymax=0.01),
6  Plot("chargeMisIdRate_dxy", xtitle="dxy", ytitle="charge mis-id rate vs dxy", ymax=0.1),
7  Plot("chargeMisIdRate_dz", xtitle="dz", ytitle="charge mis-id rate vs dz", ymax=0.1)
8 ])

Definition at line 67 of file

dictionary trackingPlots._common = {"ymin": 0, "ymax": 1.025}

Definition at line 47 of file

tuple trackingPlots._dedx
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("dedx", [
2  Plot("h_dedx_estim1", normalizeToUnitArea=True, xtitle="dE/dx, harm2", **_common),
3  Plot("h_dedx_estim2", normalizeToUnitArea=True, xtitle="dE/dx, trunc40", **_common),
4  Plot("h_dedx_nom1", **_common),
5  Plot("h_dedx_sat1", **_common),
6  ],
7  legendDy=-0.35
8 )

Definition at line 58 of file

tuple trackingPlots._dupandfake1
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("dupandfake1", [
2  Plot("fakerate", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="fakerate vs #eta", ymax=_maxFake),
3  Plot("duplicatesRate", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="duplicates rate vs #eta", ymax=_maxFake),
4  Plot("fakeratePt", xtitle="p_{t}", ytitle="fakerate vs p_{t}", xmax=300, xlog=True, ymax=_maxFake),
5  Plot("duplicatesRate_Pt", title="", xtitle="p_{t}", ytitle="duplicates rate vs p_{t}", xmin=0.2, xmax=300, ymax=_maxFake, xlog=True),
6  Plot("fakerate_vs_hit", xtitle="hits", ytitle="fakerate vs hits", ymax=_maxFake),
7  Plot("duplicatesRate_hit", xtitle="hits", ytitle="duplicates rate vs hits", ymax=_maxFake)
8 ])

Definition at line 30 of file

tuple trackingPlots._dupandfake2
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("dupandfake2", [
2  Plot("fakerate_vs_phi", xtitle="#phi", ytitle="fakerate vs #phi", ymax=_maxFake),
3  Plot("duplicatesRate_phi", xtitle="#phi", ytitle="duplicates rate vs #phi", ymax=_maxFake),
4  Plot("fakerate_vs_dxy", xtitle="dxy", ytitle="fakerate vs dxy", ymax=_maxFake),
5  Plot("duplicatesRate_dxy", title="", xtitle="dxy", ytitle="duplicates rate vs dxy", ymax=_maxFake),
6  Plot("fakerate_vs_dz", xtitle="dz", ytitle="fakerate vs dz", ymax=_maxFake),
7  Plot("duplicatesRate_dz", xtitle="dz", ytitle="duplicates rate vs dz", ymax=_maxFake),
8 ])

Definition at line 38 of file

tuple trackingPlots._effandfake1
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effandfake1", [
2  Plot("effic", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="efficiency vs #eta", ymax=_maxEff),
3  Plot(FakeDuplicate("fakeduprate_vs_eta", assoc="num_assoc(recoToSim)_eta", dup="num_duplicate_eta", reco="num_reco_eta", title="fake+duplicates vs #eta"),
4  xtitle="#eta", ytitle="fake+duplicates vs #eta", ymax=_maxFake),
5  Plot("efficPt", title="", xtitle="p_{t}", ytitle="efficiency vs p_{t}", xmax=300, xlog=True),
6  Plot(FakeDuplicate("fakeduprate_vs_pT", assoc="num_assoc(recoToSim)_pT", dup="num_duplicate_pT", reco="num_reco_pT", title=""),
7  xtitle="p_{t}", ytitle="fake+duplicates rate vs p_{t}", ymax=_maxFake, xmin=0.2, xmax=300, xlog=True),
8  Plot("effic_vs_hit", xtitle="hits", ytitle="efficiency vs hits"),
9  Plot(FakeDuplicate("fakeduprate_vs_hit", assoc="num_assoc(recoToSim)_hit", dup="num_duplicate_hit", reco="num_reco_hit", title="fake+duplicates vs hit"),
10  xtitle="hits", ytitle="fake+duplicates rate vs hits", ymax=_maxFake),
11 ])

Definition at line 7 of file

tuple trackingPlots._effandfake2
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effandfake2", [
2  Plot("effic_vs_phi", xtitle="#phi", ytitle="efficiency vs #phi", ymax=_maxEff),
3  Plot(FakeDuplicate("fakeduprate_vs_phi", assoc="num_assoc(recoToSim)_phi", dup="num_duplicate_phi", reco="num_reco_phi", title="fake+duplicates vs #phi"),
4  xtitle="#phi", ytitle="fake+duplicates rate vs #phi", ymax=_maxFake),
5  Plot("effic_vs_dxy", title="", xtitle="dxy", ytitle="efficiency vs dxy", ymax=_maxEff),
6  Plot(FakeDuplicate("fakeduprate_vs_dxy", assoc="num_assoc(recoToSim)_dxy", dup="num_duplicate_dxy", reco="num_reco_dxy", title=""),
7  xtitle="dxy", ytitle="fake+duplicates rate vs dxy", ymax=_maxFake),
8  Plot("effic_vs_dz", xtitle="dz", ytitle="efficiency vs dz", ymax=_maxEff),
9  Plot(FakeDuplicate("fakeduprate_vs_dz", assoc="num_assoc(recoToSim)_dz", dup="num_duplicate_dz", reco="num_reco_dz", title="fake+duplicates vs dz"),
10  xtitle="dz", ytitle="fake+duplicates rate vs dz", ymax=_maxFake),
11 ])

Definition at line 18 of file

tuple trackingPlots._effvspos
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effvspos", [
2  Plot("effic_vs_vertpos", xtitle="TP vert xy pos", ytitle="efficiency vs vert xy pos", **_common),
3  Plot("effic_vs_zpos", xtitle="TP vert z pos", ytitle="efficiency vs vert z pos", **_common),
4  Plot("effic_vs_dr", xlog=True, xtitle="#DeltaR", ytitle="efficiency vs #DeltaR", **_common),
5  Plot("fakerate_vs_dr", xlog=True, title="", xtitle="#DeltaR", ytitle="Fake rate vs #DeltaR", ymin=0, ymax=_maxFake)
6 ],
7  legendDy=-0.025
8 )

Definition at line 48 of file

tuple trackingPlots._hitsAndPt
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("hitsAndPt", [
2  Plot("missing_inner_layers", stat=True, normalizeToUnitArea=True, drawStyle="hist"),
3  Plot("missing_outer_layers", stat=True, normalizeToUnitArea=True, drawStyle="hist"),
4  Plot("nhits_vs_eta", stat=True, statx=0.38, profileX=True, xtitle="#eta", ytitle="<hits> vs #eta", ymin=8, ymax=24, statyadjust=[0,0,-0.15]),
5  Plot("hits", stat=True, xtitle="hits", xmin=0, xmax=40, drawStyle="hist"),
6  Plot("num_simul_pT", stat=True, normalizeToUnitArea=True, xtitle="p_{t}", xmin=0, xmax=10, drawStyle="hist"),
7  Plot("num_reco_pT", stat=True, normalizeToUnitArea=True, xtitle="p_{t}", xmin=0, xmax=10, drawStyle="hist")
8 ])

Definition at line 75 of file

tuple trackingPlots._iterModuleMap

Definition at line 157 of file

list trackingPlots._maxEff = [0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025]

Definition at line 4 of file

list trackingPlots._maxFake = [0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025]

Definition at line 5 of file

tuple trackingPlots._ntracks
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("ntracks", [
2 # Plot("num_simul_eta", xtitle="#eta", **_common),
3 # Plot("num_reco_eta", xtitle="#eta", **_common),
4  Plot("num_simul_dr", xtitle="#DeltaR", **_common),
5  Plot("num_reco_dr", xtitle="#DeltaR", **_common),
6  Plot("num_simul_dxy", xtitle="dxy", **_common),
7  Plot("num_reco_dxy", xtitle="dxy", **_common),
8  Plot("num_simul_dz", xtitle="dz", **_common),
9  Plot("num_reco_dz", xtitle="dz", **_common),
10 ],
11 # legendDy=-0.025
12  legendDy=-0.02, legendDh=-0.01
13 )

Definition at line 84 of file

tuple trackingPlots._pixelTiming
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("pixelTiming", [
2  Plot(AggregateBins("pixel", "reconstruction_step_module_average", {"pixelTracks": ["pixelTracks"]}), ytitle="Average processing time [ms]", title="Average processing time / event", drawStyle="HIST")
3 ])

Definition at line 256 of file

tuple trackingPlots._pulls
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("pulls", [
2  Plot("pullPt", **_common),
3  Plot("pullQoverp", **_common),
4  Plot("pullPhi", **_common),
5  Plot("pullTheta", **_common),
6  Plot("pullDxy", **_common),
7  Plot("pullDz", **_common),
8 ],
9  legendDx=0.1, legendDw=-0.1, legendDh=-0.015
10 )

Definition at line 104 of file

tuple trackingPlots._resolutionsEta
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("resolutionsEta", [
2  Plot("phires_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta #phi) [rad]", ymin=0.000009, ymax=0.01, **_common),
3  Plot("cotThetares_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta cot(#theta))", ymin=0.00009, ymax=0.03, **_common),
4  Plot("dxyres_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta d_{0}) [cm]", ymin=0.00009, ymax=0.05, **_common),
5  Plot("dzres_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z_{0}) [cm]", ymin=0.0009, ymax=0.1, **_common),
6  Plot("ptres_vs_eta_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta p_{t}/p_{t})", ymin=0.0059, ymax=0.08, **_common),
7 ],
8  legendDy=-0.02, legendDh=-0.01
9 )

Definition at line 115 of file

tuple trackingPlots._resolutionsPt
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("resolutionsPt", [
2  Plot("phires_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta #phi) [rad]", ymin=0.000009, ymax=0.01, **_common),
3  Plot("cotThetares_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta cot(#theta))", ymin=0.00009, ymax=0.03, **_common),
4  Plot("dxyres_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta d_{0}) [cm]", ymin=0.00009, ymax=0.05, **_common),
5  Plot("dzres_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z_{0}) [cm]", ymin=0.0009, ymax=0.1, **_common),
6  Plot("ptres_vs_pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta p_{t}/p_{t})", ymin=0.003, ymax=2.2, **_common),
7 ],
8  legendDy=-0.02, legendDh=-0.01
9 )

Definition at line 125 of file

tuple trackingPlots._timing
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("timing", [
2  Plot(AggregateBins("iterative", "reconstruction_step_module_average", _iterModuleMap), ytitle="Average processing time [ms]", title="Average processing time / event", drawStyle="HIST", xbinlabelsize=0.03),
3 # Plot(AggregateBins("iterative_norm", "reconstruction_step_module_average", _iterModuleMap), ytitle="Average processing time", title="Average processing time / event (normalized)", drawStyle="HIST", xbinlabelsize=0.03, normalizeToUnitArea=True)
4  Plot(AggregateBins("iterative_norm", "reconstruction_step_module_average", _iterModuleMap, normalizeTo="ak7CaloJets"), ytitle="Average processing time / ak7CaloJets", title="Average processing time / event (normalized to ak7CaloJets)", drawStyle="HIST", xbinlabelsize=0.03)
6  ],
7  legendDx=-0.1, legendDw=-0.35, legendDy=0.39,
8 )

Definition at line 248 of file

tuple trackingPlots._tplifetime
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("tplifetime", [
2  Plot("TPlip", xtitle="TP lip", **_common),
3  Plot("TPtip", xtitle="TP tip", **_common),
4 ])

Definition at line 270 of file

dictionary trackingPlots._tracks_map
Initial value:
1 = {
2  '': { # all tracks
3  'ootb' : 'general_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
4  'initialStep' : 'cutsRecoInitialStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
5  'lowPtTripletStep' : 'cutsRecoLowPtTripletStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
6  'pixelPairStep' : 'cutsRecoPixelPairStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
7  'detachedTripletStep' : 'cutsRecoDetachedTripletStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
8  'mixedTripletStep' : 'cutsRecoMixedTripletStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
9  'pixelLessStep' : 'cutsRecoPixelLessStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
10  'tobTecStep' : 'cutsRecoTobTecStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
11  'jetCoreRegionalStep' : 'cutsRecoJetCoreRegionalStep_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
12  'muonSeededStepInOut' : 'cutsRecoMuonSeededStepInOut_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
13  'muonSeededStepOutIn' : 'cutsRecoMuonSeededStepOutIn_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation'
14  },
15  "highPurity": {
16  'ootb' : 'cutsRecoHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
17  'initialStep' : 'cutsRecoInitialStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
18  'lowPtTripletStep' : 'cutsRecoLowPtTripletStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
19  'pixelPairStep' : 'cutsRecoPixelPairStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
20  'detachedTripletStep' : 'cutsRecoDetachedTripletStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
21  'mixedTripletStep' : 'cutsRecoMixedTripletStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
22  'pixelLessStep' : 'cutsRecoPixelLessStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
23  'tobTecStep' : 'cutsRecoTobTecStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
24  'jetCoreRegionalStep' : 'cutsRecoJetCoreRegionalStepHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
25  'muonSeededStepInOut' : 'cutsRecoMuonSeededStepInOutHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation',
26  'muonSeededStepOutIn' : 'cutsRecoMuonSeededStepOutInHp_trackingParticleRecoAsssociation'
27  }
28 }

Definition at line 283 of file

tuple trackingPlots._tuning
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("tuning", [
2  Plot("chi2", stat=True, normalizeToUnitArea=True, drawStyle="hist", xtitle="#chi^{2}"),
3  Plot("chi2_prob", stat=True, normalizeToUnitArea=True, drawStyle="hist", xtitle="Prob(#chi^{2})"),
4  Plot("chi2_vs_eta", stat=True, profileX=True, title="", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="< #chi^{2} / ndf >", ymax=2.5),
5  Plot("ptres_vs_eta_Mean", stat=True, scale=100, title="", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="< #delta p_{t} / p_{t} > [%]", ymin=-1.5, ymax=1.5)
6 ])

Definition at line 97 of file

tuple trackingPlots.plotter
Initial value:
1 = Plotter([
2  "DQMData/Run 1/Tracking/Run summary/Track",
3  "DQMData/Tracking/Track",
4  "DQMData/Run 1/RecoTrackV/Run summary/Track",
5  "DQMData/RecoTrackV/Track",
6 ],[
7  _effandfake1,
8  _effandfake2,
9  _dupandfake1,
10  _dupandfake2,
11  _effvspos,
12  _dedx,
13  _chargemisid,
14  _hitsAndPt,
15  _ntracks,
16  _tuning,
17  _pulls,
18  _resolutionsEta,
19  _resolutionsPt,
20 ])

Definition at line 135 of file

tuple trackingPlots.timePlotter
Initial value:
1 = Plotter([
2  "DQMData/Run 1/DQM/Run summary/TimerService/Paths",
3  "DQMData/Run 1/DQM/Run summary/TimerService/process RECO/Paths",
4 ],[
5  _timing
6 # _pixelTiming
7 ]
8 )

Definition at line 260 of file

tuple trackingPlots.tpPlotter
Initial value:
1 = Plotter([
2  "DQMData/Run 1/Tracking/Run summary/TrackingMCTruth/TrackingParticle",
3  "DQMData/Tracking/TrackingMCTruth/TrackingParticle",
4 ], [
5  _tplifetime,
6 ])

Definition at line 275 of file