26 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig
bool m_algorithmTriggersUnprescaled
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskVetoAlgoTrig
bool m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord
logical flag to produce the L1 GT object map record
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmVetoAlgo
const std::vector< std::vector< int > > * m_prescaleFactorsAlgoTrig
bool m_writePsbL1GtDaqRecord
logical flag to write the PSB content in the L1 GT DAQ record
int m_L1DataBxInEvent
Bx expected in Data coming to GT.
bool m_algorithmTriggersUnmasked
unsigned int m_numberPhysTriggers
number of physics triggers
boost::uint16_t m_activeBoardsGtDaq
active boards in L1 GT DAQ record
unsigned int m_numberDaqPartitions
number of DAQ partitions
int m_totalBxInEvent
total number of Bx's in the event coming from EventSetup
int m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits
const GlobalStableParameters * m_l1GtStablePar
cached stuff
unsigned long long m_l1GtParCacheID
const L1GtPrescaleFactors * m_l1GtPfAlgo
prescale factors
unsigned int m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq
unsigned long long m_l1GtStableParCacheID
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID
unsigned int m_bstLengthBytes
length of BST record (in bytes) from event setup
const L1GtParameters * m_l1GtPar
unsigned long long m_l1GtBMCacheID
const L1GtBoardMaps * m_l1GtBM
board maps - cache only the record
bool m_produceL1GtDaqRecord
logical flag to produce the L1 GT DAQ readout record
const GtBoard * gtBrd() const
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmAlgo
trigger masks & veto masks
GtProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &)
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID
edm::InputTag m_caloInputTag
input tag for calorimeter collections from GCT
edm::InputTag m_muInputTag
input tag for muon collection from GMT
virtual void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
int m_psBstLengthBytes
length of BST record (in bytes) from parameter set
int m_verbosity
verbosity level
unsigned long long m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID