const LorentzVector & p4() const
Four-momentum Lorentz vector. Note this is taken from the first SimTrack only.
genp_iterator genParticle_begin() const
TrackingParticleSelector(double ptMin, double minRapidity, double maxRapidity, double tip, double lip, int minHit, bool signalOnly, bool chargedOnly, bool stableOnly, const std::vector< int > &pdgId=std::vector< int >())
std::vector< int > pdgId_
float charge() const
Electric charge. Note this is taken from the first SimTrack only.
int numberOfTrackerLayers() const
The number of tracker layers with a hit.
bool operator()(const TrackingParticle &tp) const
Operator() performs the selection: e.g. if (tPSelector(tp)) {...}.
genp_iterator genParticle_end() const
EncodedEventId eventId() const
Signal source, crossing number.
Monte Carlo truth information used for tracking validation.
static TrackingParticleSelector make(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg, edm::ConsumesCollector &iC)