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3 static const unsigned int nPartons=6;
7  jetsToken_ (consumes<std::vector<pat::Jet> >(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jets"))),
8  matchToken_ (mayConsume<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("match"))),
9  useOnlyMatch_ (cfg.getParameter<bool>("useOnlyMatch")),
10  bTagAlgo_ (cfg.getParameter<std::string>("bTagAlgo")),
11  minBTagValueBJet_ (cfg.getParameter<double>("minBTagValueBJet")),
12  maxBTagValueNonBJet_ (cfg.getParameter<double>("maxBTagValueNonBJet")),
13  useBTagging_ (cfg.getParameter<bool>("useBTagging")),
14  bTags_ (cfg.getParameter<unsigned int>("bTags")),
15  jetCorrectionLevel_ (cfg.getParameter<std::string>("jetCorrectionLevel")),
16  maxNJets_ (cfg.getParameter<int>("maxNJets")),
17  maxNComb_ (cfg.getParameter<int>("maxNComb")),
18  maxNrIter_ (cfg.getParameter<unsigned int>("maxNrIter")),
19  maxDeltaS_ (cfg.getParameter<double>("maxDeltaS")),
20  maxF_ (cfg.getParameter<double>("maxF")),
21  jetParam_ (cfg.getParameter<unsigned>("jetParametrisation")),
22  constraints_ (cfg.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned> >("constraints")),
23  mW_ (cfg.getParameter<double>("mW" )),
24  mTop_ (cfg.getParameter<double>("mTop")),
25  jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors_(cfg.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors")),
26  jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning_ (cfg.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning"))
27 {
28  if(cfg.exists("udscResolutions") && cfg.exists("bResolutions")){
29  udscResolutions_ = cfg.getParameter <std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("udscResolutions");
30  bResolutions_ = cfg.getParameter <std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("bResolutions");
31  }
32  else if(cfg.exists("udscResolutions") || cfg.exists("bResolutions")){
33  if(cfg.exists("udscResolutions")) throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "Parameter 'bResolutions' is needed if parameter 'udscResolutions' is defined!\n";
34  else throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "Parameter 'udscResolutions' is needed if parameter 'bResolutions' is defined!\n";
35  }
37  // define kinematic fit interface
43  // produces the following collections
44  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsB");
45  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsBBar");
46  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsLightQ");
47  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsLightQBar");
48  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsLightP");
49  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsLightPBar");
51  produces< std::vector<std::vector<int> > >();
52  produces< std::vector<double> >("Chi2");
53  produces< std::vector<double> >("Prob");
54  produces< std::vector<int> >("Status");
55 }
59 {
60  delete kinFitter;
61 }
64 void
66 {
67  // get jet collection
69  event.getByToken(jetsToken_, jets);
71  // get match in case that useOnlyMatch_ is true
72  std::vector<int> match;
73  bool invalidMatch=false;
74  if(useOnlyMatch_) {
76  // in case that only a ceratin match should be used, get match here
78  event.getByToken(matchToken_, matches);
79  match = *(matches->begin());
80  // check if match is valid
81  if( match.size()!=nPartons ){
82  invalidMatch=true;
83  }
84  else {
85  for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<match.size(); ++idx) {
86  if(match[idx]<0 || match[idx]>=(int)jets->size()) {
87  invalidMatch=true;
88  break;
89  }
90  }
91  }
93  kinFitter->setMatch(match);
94  }
97  kinFitter->setMatchInvalidity(invalidMatch);
99  std::list<TtFullHadKinFitter::KinFitResult> fitResults = kinFitter->fit(*jets);
101  // pointer for output collections
102  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsB( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
103  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsBBar( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
104  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsLightQ ( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
105  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsLightQBar( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
106  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsLightP ( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
107  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsLightPBar( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
108  // pointer for meta information
109  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<std::vector<int> > > pCombi ( new std::vector<std::vector<int> > );
110  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<double> > pChi2 ( new std::vector<double> );
111  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<double> > pProb ( new std::vector<double> );
112  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<int> > pStatus( new std::vector<int> );
114  unsigned int iComb = 0;
115  for(std::list<TtFullHadKinFitter::KinFitResult>::const_iterator res = fitResults.begin(); res != fitResults.end(); ++res){
116  if(maxNComb_>=1 && iComb==(unsigned int)maxNComb_){
117  break;
118  }
119  ++iComb;
121  pPartonsB ->push_back( res->B );
122  pPartonsBBar ->push_back( res->BBar );
123  pPartonsLightQ ->push_back( res->LightQ );
124  pPartonsLightQBar->push_back( res->LightQBar );
125  pPartonsLightP ->push_back( res->LightP );
126  pPartonsLightPBar->push_back( res->LightPBar );
128  pCombi ->push_back( res->JetCombi );
129  pChi2 ->push_back( res->Chi2 );
130  pProb ->push_back( res->Prob );
131  pStatus->push_back( res->Status );
133  }
135  event.put(pCombi);
136  event.put(pPartonsB , "PartonsB" );
137  event.put(pPartonsBBar , "PartonsBBar" );
138  event.put(pPartonsLightQ , "PartonsLightQ" );
139  event.put(pPartonsLightQBar, "PartonsLightQBar");
140  event.put(pPartonsLightP , "PartonsLightP" );
141  event.put(pPartonsLightPBar, "PartonsLightPBar");
142  event.put(pChi2 , "Chi2" );
143  event.put(pProb , "Prob" );
144  event.put(pStatus , "Status" );
145 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
static const unsigned int nPartons
tuple cfg
TtFullHadKinFitter::KinFit * kinFitter
kinematic fit interface
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > matchToken_
input tag for matches (in case the fit should be performed on certain matches)
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
void setUseOnlyMatch(bool useOnlyMatch)
set useOnlyMatch
bool exists(std::string const &parameterName) const
checks if a parameter exists
unsigned int jetParam_
numbering of different possible jet parametrizations
double mTop_
top mass value used for constraints
std::vector< unsigned > constraints_
numbering of different possible kinematic constraints
default destructor
double mW_
W mass value used for constraints.
std::list< TtFullHadKinFitter::KinFitResult > fit(const std::vector< pat::Jet > &jets)
do the fitting and return fit result
std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > udscResolutions_
store the resolutions for the jets
class that does the fitting
bool useBTagging_
switch to tell whether to use b-tagging or not
void setMatch(const std::vector< int > &match)
set match to be used
std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > bResolutions_
vector< PseudoJet > jets
virtual void produce(edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
produce fitted object collections and meta data describing fit quality
int maxNComb_
maximal number of combinations to be written to the event
std::string jetCorrectionLevel_
correction level for jets
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
double maxF_
maximal deviation for contstraints
double maxDeltaS_
maximal chi2 equivalent
tuple idx
DEBUGGING if hasattr(process,&quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012&quot;): print &quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012 D...
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< pat::Jet > > jetsToken_
input tag for jets
unsigned int maxNrIter_
maximal number of iterations to be performed for the fit
std::string bTagAlgo_
input tag for b-tagging algorithm
std::vector< double > jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors_
scale factors for jet energy resolution
std::pair< typename Association::data_type::first_type, double > match(Reference key, Association association, bool bestMatchByMaxValue)
Generic matching function.
Definition: Utils.h:10
int maxNJets_
maximal number of jets (-1 possible to indicate &#39;all&#39;)
double maxBTagValueNonBJet_
max value of bTag for a non-b-jet
unsigned int bTags_
minimal number of b-jets
std::vector< double > jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning_
double minBTagValueBJet_
min value of bTag for a b-jet
void setup(std::vector< TH2F > &depth, std::string name, std::string units="")
TtFullHadKinFitProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
default constructor
void setMatchInvalidity(bool invalidMatch)
set the validity of a match