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pat::JetSelector< JetType > Class Template Reference

Selects good Jets. More...

#include "PhysicsTools/PatUtils/JetSelector.h"

Public Member Functions

const ParticleStatus filter (const unsigned int &index, const edm::View< JetType > &Jets, const JetValueMap *JetMap) const
 JetSelector (const JetSelection &config)
 ~JetSelector ()

Private Attributes

std::auto_ptr< CaloJetSelectorCaloJetSelector_
JetSelection config_

Detailed Description

template<typename JetType>
class pat::JetSelector< JetType >

Selects good Jets.

The Jet selector returns a flag (see pat::ParticleStatus) based on one of the possible selections: either cut-based or custom (user-defined set of cuts). This is driven by the configuration parameters (see the PATJetCleaner documentation for configuration details).

The parameters are passed to the selector through a JetSelection struct. (An adapter exists for use in CMSSW: reco::modules::ParameterAdapter<pat::JetSelector<JetIn>>.)

C. Autermann (Uni Hamburg)
JetSelector.h,v 1.4 2008/03/05 14:51:02 fronga Exp

Definition at line 37 of file JetSelector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename JetType >
pat::JetSelector< JetType >::JetSelector ( const JetSelection config)
template<typename JetType >
pat::JetSelector< JetType >::~JetSelector ( )

Definition at line 42 of file JetSelector.h.

42 {}

Member Function Documentation

template<typename JetType >
const ParticleStatus pat::JetSelector< JetType >::filter ( const unsigned int &  index,
const edm::View< JetType > &  Jets,
const JetValueMap JetMap 
) const

Returns 0 if Jet matches criteria, a flag otherwise. Criteria depend on the selector's configuration. Jet IDs only need to be provided if selection is based on it (cut, neural net or likelihood). Cluster shapes are for custom selection only.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename JetType >
std::auto_ptr<CaloJetSelector> pat::JetSelector< JetType >::CaloJetSelector_

Definition at line 60 of file JetSelector.h.

template<typename JetType >
JetSelection pat::JetSelector< JetType >::config_

Definition at line 58 of file JetSelector.h.