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TtHadEvtSolution Class Reference

#include <TtHadEvtSolution.h>

Public Member Functions

pat::Jet getCalHadb () const
pat::Jet getCalHadbbar () const
pat::Jet getCalHadj () const
pat::Jet getCalHadk () const
pat::Jet getCalHadp () const
pat::Jet getCalHadq () const
reco::Particle getCalHadt () const
reco::Particle getCalHadtbar () const
reco::Particle getCalHadW_minus () const
reco::Particle getCalHadW_plus () const
std::string getDecay () const
pat::Particle getFitHadb () const
pat::Particle getFitHadbbar () const
pat::Particle getFitHadj () const
pat::Particle getFitHadk () const
pat::Particle getFitHadp () const
pat::Particle getFitHadq () const
reco::Particle getFitHadt () const
reco::Particle getFitHadtbar () const
reco::Particle getFitHadW_minus () const
reco::Particle getFitHadW_plus () const
const edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > & getGenEvent () const
const reco::GenParticlegetGenHadb () const
const reco::GenParticlegetGenHadbbar () const
const reco::GenParticlegetGenHadj () const
const reco::GenParticlegetGenHadk () const
const reco::GenParticlegetGenHadp () const
const reco::GenParticlegetGenHadq () const
pat::Jet getHadb () const
pat::Jet getHadbbar () const
pat::Jet getHadj () const
pat::Jet getHadk () const
pat::Jet getHadp () const
pat::Jet getHadq () const
int getJetParametrisation () const
int getLRBestJetComb () const
double getLRJetCombLRval () const
double getLRJetCombObsVal (unsigned int) const
double getLRJetCombProb () const
double getLRSignalEvtLRval () const
double getLRSignalEvtObsVal (unsigned int) const
double getLRSignalEvtProb () const
double getMCBestAngleHadb () const
double getMCBestAngleHadbbar () const
double getMCBestAngleHadj () const
double getMCBestAngleHadk () const
double getMCBestAngleHadp () const
double getMCBestAngleHadq () const
int getMCBestJetComb () const
double getMCBestSumAngles () const
int getMCChangeW1Q () const
int getMCChangeW2Q () const
double getProbChi2 () const
pat::Jet getRecHadb () const
pat::Jet getRecHadbbar () const
pat::Jet getRecHadj () const
pat::Jet getRecHadk () const
pat::Jet getRecHadp () const
pat::Jet getRecHadq () const
reco::Particle getRecHadt () const
reco::Particle getRecHadtbar () const
reco::Particle getRecHadW_minus () const
reco::Particle getRecHadW_plus () const
int getSimpleBestJetComb () const
void setFitHadb (const pat::Particle &aFitHadb)
void setFitHadbbar (const pat::Particle &aFitHadbbar)
void setFitHadj (const pat::Particle &aFitHadj)
void setFitHadk (const pat::Particle &aFitHadk)
void setFitHadp (const pat::Particle &aFitHadp)
void setFitHadq (const pat::Particle &aFitHadq)
void setGenEvt (const edm::Handle< TtGenEvent > &aGenEvt)
void setHadb (const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
void setHadbbar (const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
void setHadj (const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
void setHadk (const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
void setHadp (const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
void setHadq (const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
void setJetCorrectionScheme (int scheme)
void setJetParametrisation (int jp)
void setLRBestJetComb (int lrbs)
void setLRJetCombLRval (double clr)
void setLRJetCombObservables (const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > &varval)
void setLRJetCombProb (double plr)
void setLRSignalEvtLRval (double clr)
void setLRSignalEvtObservables (const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > &varval)
void setLRSignalEvtProb (double plr)
void setMCBestAngleHadb (double adr)
void setMCBestAngleHadbbar (double adr)
void setMCBestAngleHadj (double adr)
void setMCBestAngleHadk (double adr)
void setMCBestAngleHadp (double adr)
void setMCBestAngleHadq (double adr)
void setMCBestJetComb (int mcbs)
void setMCBestSumAngles (double sdr)
void setMCChangeW1Q (int w1q)
void setMCChangeW2Q (int w2q)
void setProbChi2 (double c)
void setSimpleBestJetComb (int sbs)
 TtHadEvtSolution ()
virtual ~TtHadEvtSolution ()

Private Attributes

double angleHadb_
double angleHadbbar_
double angleHadj_
double angleHadk_
double angleHadp_
double angleHadq_
int changeW1Q_
int changeW2Q_
std::string decay_
std::vector< pat::ParticlefitHadb_
std::vector< pat::ParticlefitHadbbar_
std::vector< pat::ParticlefitHadj_
std::vector< pat::ParticlefitHadk_
std::vector< pat::ParticlefitHadp_
std::vector< pat::ParticlefitHadq_
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadb_
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadbbar_
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadj_
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadk_
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadp_
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadq_
int jetCorrScheme_
int jetParam_
int lrBestJetComb_
double lrJetCombLRval_
double lrJetCombProb_
std::vector< std::pair
< unsigned int, double > > 
double lrSignalEvtLRval_
double lrSignalEvtProb_
std::vector< std::pair
< unsigned int, double > > 
int mcBestJetComb_
double probChi2_
int simpleBestJetComb_
double sumAnglejp_
edm::RefProd< TtGenEventtheGenEvt_


class TtFullHadKinFitter
class TtHadEvtSolutionMaker
class TtHadLRJetCombCalc
class TtHadLRJetCombObservables

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TtHadEvtSolution::TtHadEvtSolution ( )

Definition at line 8 of file

References angleHadb_, angleHadbbar_, angleHadj_, angleHadk_, angleHadp_, angleHadq_, changeW1Q_, changeW2Q_, jetCorrScheme_, lrBestJetComb_, lrJetCombLRval_, lrJetCombProb_, lrSignalEvtLRval_, lrSignalEvtProb_, mcBestJetComb_, probChi2_, simpleBestJetComb_, and sumAnglejp_.

9 {
10  jetCorrScheme_ = 0;
11  sumAnglejp_ = -999.;
12  angleHadp_ = -999.;
13  angleHadq_ = -999.;
14  angleHadb_ = -999.;
15  angleHadj_ = -999.;
16  angleHadk_ = -999.;
17  angleHadbbar_ = -999.;
18  changeW1Q_ = -999;
19  changeW2Q_ = -999;
20  probChi2_ = -999.;
21  mcBestJetComb_ = -999;
22  simpleBestJetComb_ = -999;
23  lrBestJetComb_ = -999;
24  lrJetCombLRval_ = -999.;
25  lrJetCombProb_ = -999.;
26  lrSignalEvtLRval_ = -999.;
27  lrSignalEvtProb_ = -999.;
28 }
TtHadEvtSolution::~TtHadEvtSolution ( )

Definition at line 30 of file

31 {
32 }

Member Function Documentation

pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadb ( ) const

Definition at line 77 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References getHadb().

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo(), and getCalHadt().

77 { return this->getHadb(); };
pat::Jet getHadb() const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadbbar ( ) const

Definition at line 78 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References getHadbbar().

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo(), and getCalHadtbar().

78 { return this->getHadbbar(); };
pat::Jet getHadbbar() const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadj ( ) const

Definition at line 81 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References getHadj().

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo(), getCalHadtbar(), and getCalHadW_minus().

81 { return this->getHadj(); };
pat::Jet getHadj() const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadk ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References getHadk().

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo(), getCalHadtbar(), and getCalHadW_minus().

82 { return this->getHadk(); };
pat::Jet getHadk() const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadp ( ) const

Definition at line 79 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References getHadp().

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo(), getCalHadt(), and getCalHadW_plus().

79 { return this->getHadp(); };
pat::Jet getHadp() const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadq ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References getHadq().

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo(), getCalHadt(), and getCalHadW_plus().

80 { return this->getHadq(); };
pat::Jet getHadq() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadt ( ) const

Definition at line 163 of file

References getCalHadb(), getCalHadp(), getCalHadq(), and p4.

164 {
165  return reco::Particle(0,this->getCalHadp().p4()+this->getCalHadq().p4()+this->getCalHadb().p4());
166 }
pat::Jet getCalHadq() const
pat::Jet getCalHadp() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Jet getCalHadb() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadtbar ( ) const

Definition at line 168 of file

References getCalHadbbar(), getCalHadj(), getCalHadk(), and p4.

169 {
170  return reco::Particle(0,this->getCalHadj().p4()+this->getCalHadk().p4()+this->getCalHadbbar().p4());
171 }
pat::Jet getCalHadj() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Jet getCalHadk() const
pat::Jet getCalHadbbar() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadW_minus ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file

References getCalHadj(), getCalHadk(), and p4.

179 {
180  return reco::Particle(0,this->getCalHadj().p4()+this->getCalHadk().p4());
181 }
pat::Jet getCalHadj() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Jet getCalHadk() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getCalHadW_plus ( ) const

Definition at line 173 of file

References getCalHadp(), getCalHadq(), and p4.

174 {
175  return reco::Particle(0,this->getCalHadp().p4()+this->getCalHadq().p4());
176 }
pat::Jet getCalHadq() const
pat::Jet getCalHadp() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
std::string TtHadEvtSolution::getDecay ( ) const

Definition at line 101 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References decay_.

101 { return decay_; }
pat::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadb ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadb_.

Referenced by getFitHadt().

91 { return (fitHadb_.size()>0 ? fitHadb_.front() : pat::Particle()); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadb_
Analysis-level particle class.
Definition: Particle.h:32
pat::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadbbar ( ) const

Definition at line 92 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadbbar_.

Referenced by getFitHadtbar().

92 { return (fitHadbbar_.size()>0 ? fitHadbbar_.front() : pat::Particle()); };
Analysis-level particle class.
Definition: Particle.h:32
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadbbar_
pat::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadj ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadj_.

Referenced by getFitHadtbar(), and getFitHadW_minus().

95 { return (fitHadj_.size()>0 ? fitHadj_.front() : pat::Particle()); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadj_
Analysis-level particle class.
Definition: Particle.h:32
pat::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadk ( ) const

Definition at line 96 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadk_.

Referenced by getFitHadtbar(), and getFitHadW_minus().

96 { return (fitHadk_.size()>0 ? fitHadk_.front() : pat::Particle()); };
Analysis-level particle class.
Definition: Particle.h:32
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadk_
pat::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadp ( ) const

Definition at line 93 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadp_.

Referenced by getFitHadt(), and getFitHadW_plus().

93 { return (fitHadp_.size()>0 ? fitHadp_.front() : pat::Particle()); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadp_
Analysis-level particle class.
Definition: Particle.h:32
pat::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadq ( ) const

Definition at line 94 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadq_.

Referenced by getFitHadt(), and getFitHadW_plus().

94 { return (fitHadq_.size()>0 ? fitHadq_.front() : pat::Particle()); };
Analysis-level particle class.
Definition: Particle.h:32
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadq_
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadt ( ) const

Definition at line 186 of file

References getFitHadb(), getFitHadp(), getFitHadq(), and p4.

187 {
188  // FIXME: provide the correct charge from generated event
189  return reco::Particle(0, this->getFitHadp().p4()+this->getFitHadq().p4()+this->getFitHadb().p4());
190 }
pat::Particle getFitHadp() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Particle getFitHadb() const
pat::Particle getFitHadq() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadtbar ( ) const

Definition at line 192 of file

References getFitHadbbar(), getFitHadj(), getFitHadk(), and p4.

193 {
194  // FIXME: provide the correct charge from generated event
195  return reco::Particle(0, this->getFitHadj().p4()+this->getFitHadk().p4()+this->getFitHadbbar().p4());
196 }
pat::Particle getFitHadk() const
pat::Particle getFitHadj() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Particle getFitHadbbar() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadW_minus ( ) const

Definition at line 204 of file

References getFitHadj(), getFitHadk(), and p4.

205 {
206  // FIXME: provide the correct charge from generated event
207  return reco::Particle(0, this->getFitHadj().p4()+this->getFitHadk().p4());
208 }
pat::Particle getFitHadk() const
pat::Particle getFitHadj() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getFitHadW_plus ( ) const

Definition at line 198 of file

References getFitHadp(), getFitHadq(), and p4.

199 {
200  // FIXME: provide the correct charge from generated event
201  return reco::Particle(0, this->getFitHadp().p4()+this->getFitHadq().p4());
202 }
pat::Particle getFitHadp() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Particle getFitHadq() const
const edm::RefProd<TtGenEvent>& TtHadEvtSolution::getGenEvent ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References theGenEvt_.

50 { return theGenEvt_; };
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
const reco::GenParticle* TtHadEvtSolution::getGenHadb ( ) const

Definition at line 51 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References theGenEvt_.

51 { if (!theGenEvt_) return 0; else return theGenEvt_->b(); };
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
const reco::GenParticle* TtHadEvtSolution::getGenHadbbar ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References theGenEvt_.

52 { if (!theGenEvt_) return 0; else return theGenEvt_->bBar(); };
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
const reco::GenParticle* TtHadEvtSolution::getGenHadj ( ) const

Definition at line 55 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References theGenEvt_.

55 { if (!theGenEvt_) return 0; else return theGenEvt_->daughterQuarkOfWMinus(); };
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
const reco::GenParticle* TtHadEvtSolution::getGenHadk ( ) const

Definition at line 56 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References theGenEvt_.

56 { if (!theGenEvt_) return 0; else return theGenEvt_->daughterQuarkBarOfWMinus(); };
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
const reco::GenParticle* TtHadEvtSolution::getGenHadp ( ) const

Definition at line 53 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References theGenEvt_.

53 { if (!theGenEvt_) return 0; else return theGenEvt_->daughterQuarkOfWPlus(); };
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
const reco::GenParticle* TtHadEvtSolution::getGenHadq ( ) const

Definition at line 54 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References theGenEvt_.

54 { if (!theGenEvt_) return 0; else return theGenEvt_->daughterQuarkBarOfWPlus(); };
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getHadb ( ) const

Definition at line 37 of file

References hadb_, and jetCorrScheme_.

Referenced by getCalHadb(), getRecHadb(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), and TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

38 {
39  // WARNING this is obsolete and only
40  // kept for backwards compatibility
41  if(jetCorrScheme_==1){
42  //jet calibrated according to MC truth
43  return hadb_->correctedJet("HAD", "B");
44  }
45  else if(jetCorrScheme_==2){
46  return hadb_->correctedJet("HAD", "B");
47  }
48  else{
49  return *hadb_;
50  }
51 }
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadb_
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getHadbbar ( ) const

Definition at line 85 of file

References hadbbar_, and jetCorrScheme_.

Referenced by getCalHadbbar(), getRecHadbbar(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), and TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

86 {
87  // WARNING this is obsolete and only
88  // kept for backwards compatibility
89  if(jetCorrScheme_==1){
90  //jet calibrated according to MC truth
91  return hadbbar_->correctedJet("HAD", "B");
92  }
93  else if(jetCorrScheme_==2){
94  return hadbbar_->correctedJet("HAD", "B");
95  }
96  else{
97  return *hadbbar_;
98  }
99 }
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadbbar_
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getHadj ( ) const

Definition at line 101 of file

References hadj_, and jetCorrScheme_.

Referenced by getCalHadj(), getRecHadj(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), and TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

102 {
103  // WARNING this is obsolete and only
104  // kept for backwards compatibility
105  if(jetCorrScheme_==1){
106  //jet calibrated according to MC truth
107  return hadj_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
108  }
109  else if(jetCorrScheme_==2){
110  return hadj_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
111  }
112  else{
113  return *hadj_;
114  }
115 }
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadj_
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getHadk ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file

References hadk_, and jetCorrScheme_.

Referenced by getCalHadk(), getRecHadk(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), and TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

118 {
119  // WARNING this is obsolete and only
120  // kept for backwards compatibility
121  if(jetCorrScheme_==1){
122  //jet calibrated according to MC truth
123  return hadk_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
124  }
125  else if(jetCorrScheme_==2){
126  return hadk_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
127  }
128  else{
129  return *hadk_;
130  }
131 }
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadk_
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getHadp ( ) const

Definition at line 53 of file

References hadp_, and jetCorrScheme_.

Referenced by getCalHadp(), getRecHadp(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), and TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

54 {
55  // WARNING this is obsolete and only
56  // kept for backwards compatibility
57  if(jetCorrScheme_==1){
58  //jet calibrated according to MC truth
59  return hadp_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
60  }
61  else if(jetCorrScheme_==2){
62  return hadp_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
63  }
64  else{
65  return *hadp_;
66  }
67 }
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadp_
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getHadq ( ) const

Definition at line 69 of file

References hadq_, and jetCorrScheme_.

Referenced by getCalHadq(), getRecHadq(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), and TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

70 {
71  // WARNING this is obsolete and only
72  // kept for backwards compatibility
73  if(jetCorrScheme_==1){
74  //jet calibrated according to MC truth
75  return hadq_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
76  }
77  else if(jetCorrScheme_==2){
78  return hadq_->correctedJet("HAD", "UDS");
79  }
80  else{
81  return *hadq_;
82  }
83 }
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadq_
int TtHadEvtSolution::getJetParametrisation ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References jetParam_.

120 { return jetParam_; }
int TtHadEvtSolution::getLRBestJetComb ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrBestJetComb_.

143 { return lrBestJetComb_; }
double TtHadEvtSolution::getLRJetCombLRval ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrJetCombLRval_.

145 { return lrJetCombLRval_; }
double TtHadEvtSolution::getLRJetCombObsVal ( unsigned int  selObs) const

Definition at line 227 of file

References plotBeamSpotDB::first, lrJetCombVarVal_, and python.connectstrParser::o.

Referenced by TtHadLRJetCombCalc::operator()().

228 {
229  double val = -999.;
230  for(size_t o=0; o<lrJetCombVarVal_.size(); o++){
231  if(lrJetCombVarVal_[o].first == selObs) val = lrJetCombVarVal_[o].second;
232  }
233  return val;
234 }
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > lrJetCombVarVal_
double TtHadEvtSolution::getLRJetCombProb ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrJetCombProb_.

146 { return lrJetCombProb_; }
double TtHadEvtSolution::getLRSignalEvtLRval ( ) const

Definition at line 134 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrSignalEvtLRval_.

134 { return lrSignalEvtLRval_; }
double TtHadEvtSolution::getLRSignalEvtObsVal ( unsigned int  selObs) const

Definition at line 214 of file

References plotBeamSpotDB::first, lrSignalEvtVarVal_, and python.connectstrParser::o.

Referenced by TtHadLRSignalSelCalc::operator()().

215 {
216  double val = -999.;
217  for(size_t o=0; o<lrSignalEvtVarVal_.size(); o++){
218  if(lrSignalEvtVarVal_[o].first == selObs) val = lrSignalEvtVarVal_[o].second;
219  }
220  return val;
221 }
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > lrSignalEvtVarVal_
double TtHadEvtSolution::getLRSignalEvtProb ( ) const

Definition at line 135 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrSignalEvtProb_.

135 { return lrSignalEvtProb_; }
double TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestAngleHadb ( ) const

Definition at line 111 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadb_.

111 { return angleHadb_; };
double TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestAngleHadbbar ( ) const

Definition at line 112 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadbbar_.

112 { return angleHadbbar_; };
double TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestAngleHadj ( ) const

Definition at line 109 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadj_.

109 { return angleHadj_; };
double TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestAngleHadk ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadk_.

110 { return angleHadk_; };
double TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestAngleHadp ( ) const

Definition at line 107 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadp_.

107 { return angleHadp_; };
double TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestAngleHadq ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadq_.

108 { return angleHadq_; };
int TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestJetComb ( ) const

Definition at line 141 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References mcBestJetComb_.

141 { return mcBestJetComb_; }
double TtHadEvtSolution::getMCBestSumAngles ( ) const

Definition at line 106 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References sumAnglejp_.

106 { return sumAnglejp_; };
int TtHadEvtSolution::getMCChangeW1Q ( ) const

Definition at line 113 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References changeW1Q_.

113 { return changeW1Q_; };
int TtHadEvtSolution::getMCChangeW2Q ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References changeW2Q_.

114 { return changeW2Q_;};
double TtHadEvtSolution::getProbChi2 ( ) const

Definition at line 127 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References probChi2_.

Referenced by TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

127 { return probChi2_; }
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadb ( ) const

Definition at line 66 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References pat::Jet::correctedJet(), and getHadb().

Referenced by getRecHadt().

66 { return this->getHadb().correctedJet("RAW"); };
pat::Jet getHadb() const
Jet correctedJet(const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadbbar ( ) const

Definition at line 67 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References pat::Jet::correctedJet(), and getHadbbar().

Referenced by getRecHadtbar().

67 { return this->getHadbbar().correctedJet("RAW"); };
pat::Jet getHadbbar() const
Jet correctedJet(const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadj ( ) const

Definition at line 70 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References pat::Jet::correctedJet(), and getHadj().

Referenced by getRecHadtbar(), and getRecHadW_minus().

70 { return this->getHadj().correctedJet("RAW"); };
pat::Jet getHadj() const
Jet correctedJet(const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadk ( ) const

Definition at line 71 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References pat::Jet::correctedJet(), and getHadk().

Referenced by getRecHadtbar(), and getRecHadW_minus().

71 { return this->getHadk().correctedJet("RAW"); };
pat::Jet getHadk() const
Jet correctedJet(const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadp ( ) const

Definition at line 68 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References pat::Jet::correctedJet(), and getHadp().

Referenced by getRecHadt(), and getRecHadW_plus().

68 { return this->getHadp().correctedJet("RAW"); };
pat::Jet getHadp() const
Jet correctedJet(const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
pat::Jet TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadq ( ) const

Definition at line 69 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References pat::Jet::correctedJet(), and getHadq().

Referenced by getRecHadt(), and getRecHadW_plus().

69 { return this->getHadq().correctedJet("RAW"); };
pat::Jet getHadq() const
Jet correctedJet(const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadt ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file

References getRecHadb(), getRecHadp(), getRecHadq(), and p4.

140 {
141  // FIXME: the charge from the genevent
142  return reco::Particle(0,this->getRecHadp().p4()+this->getRecHadq().p4()+this->getRecHadb().p4());
143 }
pat::Jet getRecHadq() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Jet getRecHadb() const
pat::Jet getRecHadp() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadtbar ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file

References getRecHadbbar(), getRecHadj(), getRecHadk(), and p4.

146 {
147  // FIXME: the charge from the genevent
148  return reco::Particle(0,this->getRecHadj().p4()+this->getRecHadk().p4()+this->getRecHadbbar().p4());
149 }
pat::Jet getRecHadbbar() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Jet getRecHadk() const
pat::Jet getRecHadj() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadW_minus ( ) const

Definition at line 157 of file

References getRecHadj(), getRecHadk(), and p4.

158 {
159  // FIXME: the charge from the genevent
160  return reco::Particle(0,this->getRecHadj().p4()+this->getRecHadk().p4());
161 }
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Jet getRecHadk() const
pat::Jet getRecHadj() const
reco::Particle TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadW_plus ( ) const

Definition at line 151 of file

References getRecHadp(), getRecHadq(), and p4.

152 {
153  // FIXME: the charge from the genevent
154  return reco::Particle(0,this->getRecHadp().p4()+this->getRecHadq().p4());
155 }
pat::Jet getRecHadq() const
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
pat::Jet getRecHadp() const
int TtHadEvtSolution::getSimpleBestJetComb ( ) const

Definition at line 142 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References simpleBestJetComb_.

142 { return simpleBestJetComb_; }
void TtHadEvtSolution::setFitHadb ( const pat::Particle aFitHadb)

Definition at line 179 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadb_.

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo().

179 { fitHadb_.clear(); fitHadb_.push_back(aFitHadb); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadb_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setFitHadbbar ( const pat::Particle aFitHadbbar)

Definition at line 180 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadbbar_.

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo().

180 { fitHadbbar_.clear(); fitHadbbar_.push_back(aFitHadbbar); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadbbar_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setFitHadj ( const pat::Particle aFitHadj)

Definition at line 177 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadj_.

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo().

177 { fitHadj_.clear(); fitHadj_.push_back(aFitHadj); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadj_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setFitHadk ( const pat::Particle aFitHadk)

Definition at line 178 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadk_.

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo().

178 { fitHadk_.clear(); fitHadk_.push_back(aFitHadk); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadk_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setFitHadp ( const pat::Particle aFitHadp)

Definition at line 175 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadp_.

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo().

175 { fitHadp_.clear(); fitHadp_.push_back(aFitHadp); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadp_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setFitHadq ( const pat::Particle aFitHadq)

Definition at line 176 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References fitHadq_.

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo().

176 { fitHadq_.clear(); fitHadq_.push_back(aFitHadq); };
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadq_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setGenEvt ( const edm::Handle< TtGenEvent > &  aGenEvt)

Definition at line 239 of file

References theGenEvt_.

240 {
241  if( !aGenEvt->isFullHadronic() ){
242  edm::LogWarning( "TtGenEventNotFilled" ) << "genEvt is not fully hadronic; TtGenEvent is not filled";
243  return;
244  }
246 }
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setHadb ( const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &  jet,
int  i 

Definition at line 167 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References hadb_, i, and metsig::jet.

int i
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadb_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setHadbbar ( const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &  jet,
int  i 

Definition at line 169 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References hadbbar_, i, and metsig::jet.

int i
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadbbar_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setHadj ( const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &  jet,
int  i 

Definition at line 163 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References hadj_, i, and metsig::jet.

int i
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadj_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setHadk ( const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &  jet,
int  i 

Definition at line 165 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References hadk_, i, and metsig::jet.

edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadk_
int i
void TtHadEvtSolution::setHadp ( const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &  jet,
int  i 

Definition at line 159 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References hadp_, i, and metsig::jet.

int i
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadp_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setHadq ( const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &  jet,
int  i 

Definition at line 161 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References hadq_, i, and metsig::jet.

int i
edm::Ref< std::vector< pat::Jet > > hadq_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setJetCorrectionScheme ( int  scheme)

Definition at line 158 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References jetCorrScheme_.

158 { jetCorrScheme_ = scheme; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setJetParametrisation ( int  jp)

Definition at line 199 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References jetParam_.

Referenced by TtHadEvtSolutionMaker::produce().

199 { jetParam_ = jp; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setLRBestJetComb ( int  lrbs)

Definition at line 213 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrBestJetComb_.

213 { lrBestJetComb_ = lrbs; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setLRJetCombLRval ( double  clr)

Definition at line 215 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrJetCombLRval_.

Referenced by TtHadLRJetCombCalc::operator()().

215 {lrJetCombLRval_ = clr;};
void TtHadEvtSolution::setLRJetCombObservables ( const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > &  varval)

Definition at line 252 of file

References lrJetCombVarVal_.

Referenced by TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

253 {
254  lrJetCombVarVal_.clear();
255  for(size_t ijc = 0; ijc<varval.size(); ijc++) lrJetCombVarVal_.push_back(varval[ijc]);
256 }
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > lrJetCombVarVal_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setLRJetCombProb ( double  plr)

Definition at line 216 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrJetCombProb_.

Referenced by TtHadLRJetCombCalc::operator()().

216 {lrJetCombProb_ = plr;};
void TtHadEvtSolution::setLRSignalEvtLRval ( double  clr)

Definition at line 223 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References lrSignalEvtLRval_.

Referenced by TtHadLRSignalSelCalc::operator()().

223 {lrSignalEvtLRval_ = clr;};
void TtHadEvtSolution::setLRSignalEvtObservables ( const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > &  varval)

Definition at line 262 of file

References lrSignalEvtVarVal_.

Referenced by TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()().

263 {
264  lrSignalEvtVarVal_.clear();
265  for(size_t ise = 0; ise<varval.size(); ise++) lrSignalEvtVarVal_.push_back(varval[ise]);
266 }
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > lrSignalEvtVarVal_
void TtHadEvtSolution::setLRSignalEvtProb ( double  plr)

Definition at line 224 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by TtHadLRSignalSelCalc::operator()().

224 {lrSignalEvtProb_ = plr;};
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestAngleHadb ( double  adr)

Definition at line 190 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadb_.

190 { angleHadb_ = adr; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestAngleHadbbar ( double  adr)

Definition at line 191 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadbbar_.

191 { angleHadbbar_ = adr; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestAngleHadj ( double  adr)

Definition at line 188 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadj_.

188 { angleHadj_ = adr; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestAngleHadk ( double  adr)

Definition at line 189 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadk_.

189 { angleHadk_ = adr; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestAngleHadp ( double  adr)

Definition at line 186 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadp_.

186 { angleHadp_ = adr; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestAngleHadq ( double  adr)

Definition at line 187 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References angleHadq_.

187 { angleHadq_ = adr; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestJetComb ( int  mcbs)

Definition at line 211 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References mcBestJetComb_.

211 { mcBestJetComb_ = mcbs; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCBestSumAngles ( double  sdr)

Definition at line 185 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References sumAnglejp_.

185 { sumAnglejp_ = sdr; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCChangeW1Q ( int  w1q)

Definition at line 192 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References changeW1Q_.

192 { changeW1Q_ = w1q; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setMCChangeW2Q ( int  w2q)

Definition at line 193 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References changeW2Q_.

193 { changeW2Q_ = w2q; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setProbChi2 ( double  c)

Definition at line 205 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References EnergyCorrector::c, and probChi2_.

Referenced by TtFullHadKinFitter::addKinFitInfo().

205 { probChi2_ = c; };
void TtHadEvtSolution::setSimpleBestJetComb ( int  sbs)

Definition at line 212 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

References simpleBestJetComb_.

212 { simpleBestJetComb_ = sbs; };

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TtFullHadKinFitter

Definition at line 24 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

friend class TtHadEvtSolutionMaker

Definition at line 23 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

friend class TtHadLRJetCombCalc

Definition at line 26 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

friend class TtHadLRJetCombObservables

Definition at line 25 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Member Data Documentation

double TtHadEvtSolution::angleHadb_

Definition at line 237 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCBestAngleHadb(), setMCBestAngleHadb(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::angleHadbbar_
double TtHadEvtSolution::angleHadj_

Definition at line 237 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCBestAngleHadj(), setMCBestAngleHadj(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::angleHadk_

Definition at line 237 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCBestAngleHadk(), setMCBestAngleHadk(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::angleHadp_

Definition at line 237 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCBestAngleHadp(), setMCBestAngleHadp(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::angleHadq_

Definition at line 237 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCBestAngleHadq(), setMCBestAngleHadq(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

int TtHadEvtSolution::changeW1Q_

Definition at line 238 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCChangeW1Q(), setMCChangeW1Q(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

int TtHadEvtSolution::changeW2Q_

Definition at line 238 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCChangeW2Q(), setMCChangeW2Q(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

std::string TtHadEvtSolution::decay_

Definition at line 235 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getDecay().

std::vector<pat::Particle> TtHadEvtSolution::fitHadb_

Definition at line 233 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getFitHadb(), and setFitHadb().

std::vector<pat::Particle> TtHadEvtSolution::fitHadbbar_

Definition at line 233 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getFitHadbbar(), and setFitHadbbar().

std::vector<pat::Particle> TtHadEvtSolution::fitHadj_

Definition at line 233 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getFitHadj(), and setFitHadj().

std::vector<pat::Particle> TtHadEvtSolution::fitHadk_

Definition at line 233 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getFitHadk(), and setFitHadk().

std::vector<pat::Particle> TtHadEvtSolution::fitHadp_

Definition at line 233 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getFitHadp(), and setFitHadp().

std::vector<pat::Particle> TtHadEvtSolution::fitHadq_

Definition at line 233 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getFitHadq(), and setFitHadq().

edm::Ref<std::vector<pat::Jet> > TtHadEvtSolution::hadb_

Definition at line 232 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getHadb(), and setHadb().

edm::Ref<std::vector<pat::Jet> > TtHadEvtSolution::hadbbar_

Definition at line 232 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getHadbbar(), and setHadbbar().

edm::Ref<std::vector<pat::Jet> > TtHadEvtSolution::hadj_

Definition at line 232 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getHadj(), and setHadj().

edm::Ref<std::vector<pat::Jet> > TtHadEvtSolution::hadk_

Definition at line 232 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getHadk(), and setHadk().

edm::Ref<std::vector<pat::Jet> > TtHadEvtSolution::hadp_

Definition at line 232 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getHadp(), and setHadp().

edm::Ref<std::vector<pat::Jet> > TtHadEvtSolution::hadq_

Definition at line 232 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getHadq(), and setHadq().

int TtHadEvtSolution::jetCorrScheme_
int TtHadEvtSolution::jetParam_

Definition at line 239 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getJetParametrisation(), and setJetParametrisation().

int TtHadEvtSolution::lrBestJetComb_

Definition at line 241 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getLRBestJetComb(), setLRBestJetComb(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::lrJetCombLRval_

Definition at line 242 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getLRJetCombLRval(), setLRJetCombLRval(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::lrJetCombProb_

Definition at line 242 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getLRJetCombProb(), setLRJetCombProb(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, double> > TtHadEvtSolution::lrJetCombVarVal_

Definition at line 244 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getLRJetCombObsVal(), and setLRJetCombObservables().

double TtHadEvtSolution::lrSignalEvtLRval_

Definition at line 243 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getLRSignalEvtLRval(), setLRSignalEvtLRval(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::lrSignalEvtProb_

Definition at line 243 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getLRSignalEvtProb(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, double> > TtHadEvtSolution::lrSignalEvtVarVal_

Definition at line 245 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getLRSignalEvtObsVal(), and setLRSignalEvtObservables().

int TtHadEvtSolution::mcBestJetComb_

Definition at line 241 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCBestJetComb(), setMCBestJetComb(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

double TtHadEvtSolution::probChi2_

Definition at line 240 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getProbChi2(), setProbChi2(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

int TtHadEvtSolution::simpleBestJetComb_
double TtHadEvtSolution::sumAnglejp_

Definition at line 237 of file TtHadEvtSolution.h.

Referenced by getMCBestSumAngles(), setMCBestSumAngles(), and TtHadEvtSolution().

edm::RefProd<TtGenEvent> TtHadEvtSolution::theGenEvt_