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14  theConditions( pset ),
15  theCapacitiveCrosstalk(pset.getParameter<double>("capacativeCrosstalk")),
16  theResistiveCrosstalkScaling(pset.getParameter<double>("resistiveCrosstalkScaling")),
17  theGainsConstant(pset.getParameter<double>("gainsConstant")),
18  doCorrelatedNoise_(pset.getParameter<bool>("doCorrelatedNoise"))
19 {
20 // theCapacitiveCrosstalk = = 1/maxslope/maxsignal) = 1/ (0.00231/0.143);
21 // Howoever, need a bit more. Maybe the slope gets smeared?
22 }
26 {
27  if(theNoisifier != 0) delete theNoisifier;
28 }
32 {
34 }
37 float CSCDbStripConditions::gain(const CSCDetId & id, int channel) const
38 {
39  return theConditions.gain(id, channel) * theGainsConstant;
40 }
43 float CSCDbStripConditions::pedestal(const CSCDetId & id, int channel) const
44 {
45  return theConditions.pedestal(id, channel);
46 }
49 float CSCDbStripConditions::pedestalSigma(const CSCDetId& id, int channel) const
50 {
51  return theConditions.pedestalSigma(id, channel);
52 }
55 void CSCDbStripConditions::crosstalk(const CSCDetId& id, int channel,
56  double stripLength, bool leftRight,
57  float & capacitive, float & resistive) const
58 {
59  resistive = theConditions.crosstalkIntercept(id, channel, leftRight)
61  float slope = theConditions.crosstalkSlope(id, channel, leftRight);
62  // ns before the peak where slope is max
63  float maxSlopeTime = 60.;
64  // some confusion about +/-
65  float capacitiveFraction = fabs(slope)*maxSlopeTime;
66  // theCapacitiveCrosstalk is the number needed for 100% xtalk, so
67  capacitive = theCapacitiveCrosstalk * capacitiveFraction;
68 }
71 void CSCDbStripConditions::fetchNoisifier(const CSCDetId & id, int istrip)
72 {
73  std::vector<float> me(12); // buffer for matrix elements
74  theConditions.noiseMatrixElements( id, istrip, me ); // fill it
77  //TODO get the pedestals right
78  matrix(2,2) = me[0]; // item.elem33;
79  matrix(3,3) = me[3]; // item.elem44;
80  matrix(4,4) = me[6]; // item.elem55;
81  matrix(5,5) = me[9]; // item.elem66;
82  matrix(6,6) = me[11]; // item.elem77;
85  {
86  matrix(2,3) = me[1]; // item.elem34;
87  matrix(2,4) = me[2]; // item.elem35;
88  matrix(3,4) = me[4]; // item.elem45;
89  matrix(3,5) = me[5]; // item.elem46;
90  matrix(4,5) = me[7]; // item.elem56;
91  matrix(4,6) = me[8]; // item.elem57;
92  matrix(5,6) = me[10]; // item.elem67;
93  }
95  // the other diagonal elements can just come from the pedestal sigma
96  float sigma = pedestalSigma(id, istrip);
97  //@@ float scaVariance = 2 * sigma * sigma;
98  //@@ The '2 *' IS strictly correct, but currently the value in the cond db is 2x too large since
99  //@@ it is the rms of the distribution of pedestals of all 8 time samples rather than the rms of
100  //@@ the average of the first two time samples
101  float scaVariance = sigma * sigma;
102  matrix(0,0) = matrix(1,1) = matrix(7,7) = scaVariance;
104  // unknown neighbors can be the average of the known neighbors
105  //float avgNeighbor = (matrix(2,3)+matrix(3,4)+matrix(4,5)+matrix(5,6))/4.;
106  //float avg2away = (matrix(2,4)+matrix(3,5)+matrix(4,6))/3.;
107  //matrix(0,1) = matrix(1,2) = matrix(6,7) = avgNeighbor;
108  //matrix(0,2) = matrix(1,3) = matrix(5,7) = avg2away;
110  if(theNoisifier != 0) delete theNoisifier;
111  theNoisifier = new CSCCorrelatedNoisifier(matrix);
112 }
115 {
116  return theConditions.isInBadChamber( id );
117 }
float pedestalSigma(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
static ped rms in ADC counts
void noiseMatrixElements(const CSCDetId &id, int channel, std::vector< float > &me) const
fill vector (dim 12, must be allocated by caller) with noise matrix elements (scaled to float) ...
static const double slope[3]
math::ErrorD< 8 >::type CSCCorrelatedNoiseMatrix
float pedestal(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
static ped in ADC counts
CSCDbStripConditions(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
virtual float pedestal(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
in ADC counts
void initializeEvent(const edm::EventSetup &es)
fetch database content via EventSetup
float crosstalkSlope(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel, bool leftRight) const
crosstalk slope for left and right
float crosstalkIntercept(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel, bool leftRight) const
crosstalk intercept for left and right
bool isInBadChamber(const CSCDetId &id) const
Is the gven chamber flagged as bad?
float gain(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
gain per channel
virtual float pedestalSigma(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
virtual void fetchNoisifier(const CSCDetId &detId, int istrip)
virtual void initializeEvent(const edm::EventSetup &es)
fetch the maps from the database
virtual bool isInBadChamber(const CSCDetId &id) const
check list of bad chambers from db
virtual float gain(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
channels count from 1
CSCCorrelatedNoisifier * theNoisifier
CorrelatedNoisifier< CSCCorrelatedNoiseMatrix > CSCCorrelatedNoisifier
virtual void crosstalk(const CSCDetId &detId, int channel, double stripLength, bool leftRight, float &capacitive, float &resistive) const