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7 #include "TGeoBBox.h"
8 #include "TColor.h"
9 #include "TROOT.h"
10 #include "TEveBox.h"
11 #include "TEveScalableStraightLineSet.h"
12 #include "TEveStraightLineSet.h"
13 #include "TEveTrans.h"
14 #include "TEveGeoNode.h"
16 #include <math.h>
17 #include <time.h>
19 namespace fireworks
20 {
21  std::pair<double,double> getPhiRange( const std::vector<double>& phis, double phi )
22  {
23  double min = 100;
24  double max = -100;
26  for( std::vector<double>::const_iterator i = phis.begin();
27  i != phis.end(); ++i )
28  {
29  double aphi = *i;
30  // make phi continuous around jet phi
31  if( aphi - phi > M_PI ) aphi -= 2*M_PI;
32  if( phi - aphi > M_PI ) aphi += 2*M_PI;
33  if( aphi > max ) max = aphi;
34  if( aphi < min ) min = aphi;
35  }
37  if( min > max ) return std::pair<double,double>( 0, 0 );
39  return std::pair<double,double>( min, max );
40  }
42  TEveGeoShape* getShape( const char* name,
43  TGeoBBox* shape,
44  Color_t color )
45  {
46  TEveGeoShape* egs = new TEveGeoShape( name );
47  TColor* c = gROOT->GetColor( color );
48  Float_t rgba[4] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 };
49  if( c )
50  {
51  rgba[0] = c->GetRed();
52  rgba[1] = c->GetGreen();
53  rgba[2] = c->GetBlue();
54  }
55  egs->SetMainColorRGB( rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2] );
56  egs->SetShape( shape );
57  return egs;
58  }
60  void addRhoZEnergyProjection( FWProxyBuilderBase* pb, TEveElement* container,
61  double r_ecal, double z_ecal,
62  double theta_min, double theta_max,
63  double phi )
64  {
65  TEveGeoManagerHolder gmgr( TEveGeoShape::GetGeoMangeur());
66  double z1 = r_ecal / tan( theta_min );
67  if( z1 > z_ecal ) z1 = z_ecal;
68  if( z1 < -z_ecal ) z1 = -z_ecal;
69  double z2 = r_ecal / tan( theta_max );
70  if( z2 > z_ecal ) z2 = z_ecal;
71  if( z2 < -z_ecal ) z2 = -z_ecal;
72  double r1 = z_ecal * fabs( tan( theta_min ));
73  if( r1 > r_ecal ) r1 = r_ecal;
74  if( phi < 0 ) r1 = -r1;
75  double r2 = z_ecal * fabs( tan( theta_max ));
76  if( r2 > r_ecal ) r2 = r_ecal;
77  if( phi < 0 ) r2 = -r2;
79  if( fabs(r2 - r1) > 1 )
80  {
81  TGeoBBox *sc_box = new TGeoBBox( 0., fabs( r2 - r1 ) / 2, 1 );
82  TEveGeoShape *element = new TEveGeoShape("r-segment");
83  element->SetShape(sc_box);
84  TEveTrans &t = element->RefMainTrans();
85  t(1,4) = 0;
86  t(2,4) = (r2+r1)/2;
87  t(3,4) = fabs(z2)>fabs(z1) ? z2 : z1;
88  pb->setupAddElement(element, container);
89  }
90  if( fabs(z2 - z1) > 1 )
91  {
92  TGeoBBox *sc_box = new TGeoBBox( 0., 1, ( z2 - z1 ) / 2 );
93  TEveGeoShape *element = new TEveGeoShape("z-segment");
94  element->SetShape( sc_box );
95  TEveTrans &t = element->RefMainTrans();
96  t(1,4) = 0;
97  t(2,4) = fabs(r2)>fabs(r1) ? r2 : r1;
98  t(3,4) = (z2+z1)/2;
99  pb->setupAddElement(element, container);
100  }
101  }
104  {
105  time_t t( event.time().value() >> 32 );
106  std::string text( asctime( gmtime( &t ) ) );
107  size_t pos = text.find( '\n' );
108  if( pos != std::string::npos ) text = text.substr( 0, pos );
109  text += " GMT";
110  return text;
111  }
114  {
116  time_t t( event.time().value() >> 32 );
117  struct tm * xx = localtime( &t );
118  std::string text( asctime(xx) );
119  size_t pos = text.find('\n');
120  if( pos != std::string::npos ) text = text.substr( 0, pos );
121  text += " ";
122  if( xx->tm_isdst )
123  text += tzname[1];
124  else
125  text += tzname[0];
126  return text;
127  }
129  void invertBox( std::vector<float> &corners )
130  {
131  std::swap( corners[0], corners[9] );
132  std::swap( corners[1], corners[10] );
133  std::swap( corners[2], corners[11] );
135  std::swap( corners[3], corners[6] );
136  std::swap( corners[4], corners[7] );
137  std::swap( corners[5], corners[8] );
139  std::swap( corners[12], corners[21] );
140  std::swap( corners[13], corners[22] );
141  std::swap( corners[14], corners[23] );
143  std::swap( corners[15], corners[18] );
144  std::swap( corners[16], corners[19] );
145  std::swap( corners[17], corners[20] );
146  }
148  void addBox( const std::vector<float> &corners, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb )
149  {
150  TEveBox* eveBox = new TEveBox( "Box" );
151  eveBox->SetDrawFrame( false );
152  eveBox->SetPickable( true );
153  eveBox->SetVertices( &corners[0] );
155  pb->setupAddElement( eveBox, comp );
156  }
158  void addCircle( double eta, double phi, double radius, const unsigned int nLineSegments, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb )
159  {
160  TEveStraightLineSet* container = new TEveStraightLineSet;
162  for( unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < nLineSegments; ++iphi )
163  {
164  container->AddLine( eta + radius * cos( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * iphi ),
165  phi + radius * sin( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * iphi ),
166  0.01,
167  eta + radius * cos( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * ( iphi + 1 )),
168  phi + radius * sin( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * ( iphi + 1 )),
169  0.01 );
170  }
171  pb->setupAddElement( container, comp );
172  }
174  void addDashedArrow( double phi, double size, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb )
175  {
176  TEveScalableStraightLineSet* marker = new TEveScalableStraightLineSet;
177  marker->SetLineWidth( 1 );
178  marker->SetLineStyle( 2 );
179  marker->AddLine( 0, 0, 0, size * cos( phi ), size * sin( phi ), 0 );
180  marker->AddLine( size * 0.9 * cos( phi + 0.03 ), size * 0.9 * sin( phi + 0.03 ), 0, size * cos( phi ), size * sin( phi ), 0 );
181  marker->AddLine( size * 0.9 * cos( phi - 0.03 ), size * 0.9 * sin( phi - 0.03 ), 0, size * cos( phi ), size * sin( phi ), 0 );
182  pb->setupAddElement( marker, comp );
183  }
185  void addDashedLine( double phi, double theta, double size, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb )
186  {
187  double r( 0 );
188  if( theta < pb->context().caloTransAngle() || M_PI - theta < pb->context().caloTransAngle())
189  r = pb->context().caloZ2() / fabs( cos( theta ));
190  else
191  r = pb->context().caloR1() / sin( theta );
193  TEveStraightLineSet* marker = new TEveStraightLineSet;
194  marker->SetLineWidth( 2 );
195  marker->SetLineStyle( 2 );
196  marker->AddLine( r * cos( phi ) * sin( theta ), r * sin( phi ) * sin( theta ), r * cos( theta ),
197  ( r + size ) * cos( phi ) * sin( theta ), ( r + size ) * sin( phi ) * sin( theta ), ( r + size ) * cos( theta ));
198  pb->setupAddElement( marker, comp );
199  }
201  void addDoubleLines( double phi, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb )
202  {
203  TEveStraightLineSet* mainLine = new TEveStraightLineSet;
204  mainLine->AddLine( -5.191, phi, 0.01, 5.191, phi, 0.01 );
205  pb->setupAddElement( mainLine, comp );
207  phi = phi > 0 ? phi - M_PI : phi + M_PI;
208  TEveStraightLineSet* secondLine = new TEveStraightLineSet;
209  secondLine->SetLineStyle( 7 );
210  secondLine->AddLine( -5.191, phi, 0.01, 5.191, phi, 0.01 );
211  pb->setupAddElement( secondLine, comp );
212  }
214  //______________________________________________________________________________
215  void energyScaledBox3DCorners( const float* corners, float scale, std::vector<float>& scaledCorners, bool invert)
216  {
217  std::vector<float> centre( 3, 0 );
219  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
220  {
221  centre[0] += corners[i];
222  centre[1] += corners[i + 1];
223  centre[2] += corners[i + 2];
224  }
226  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
227  centre[i] *= 1.0f / 8.0f;
229  // Coordinates for a scaled version of the original box
230  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
231  {
232  scaledCorners[i] = centre[0] + ( corners[i] - centre[0] ) * scale;
233  scaledCorners[i + 1] = centre[1] + ( corners[i + 1] - centre[1] ) * scale;
234  scaledCorners[i + 2] = centre[2] + ( corners[i + 2] - centre[2] ) * scale;
235  }
237  if( invert )
238  invertBox( scaledCorners );
239  }
241  void drawEnergyScaledBox3D( const float* corners, float scale, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb, bool invert )
242  {
243  std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
244  energyScaledBox3DCorners(corners, scale, scaledCorners, invert);
245  addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
246  }
247  //______________________________________________________________________________
249  void etScaledBox3DCorners( const float* corners, float energy, float maxEnergy, std::vector<float>& scaledCorners, bool invert)
250  {
251  std::vector<float> centre( 3, 0 );
253  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
254  {
255  centre[0] += corners[i];
256  centre[1] += corners[i + 1];
257  centre[2] += corners[i + 2];
258  }
260  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
261  centre[i] *= 1.0f / 8.0f;
263  TEveVector c( centre[0], centre[1], centre[2] );
264  float scale = energy / maxEnergy * sin( c.Theta());
266  // Coordinates for a scaled version of the original box
267  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
268  {
269  scaledCorners[i] = centre[0] + ( corners[i] - centre[0] ) * scale;
270  scaledCorners[i + 1] = centre[1] + ( corners[i + 1] - centre[1] ) * scale;
271  scaledCorners[i + 2] = centre[2] + ( corners[i + 2] - centre[2] ) * scale;
272  }
274  if( invert )
275  invertBox( scaledCorners );
276  }
278  void drawEtScaledBox3D( const float* corners, float energy, float maxEnergy, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb, bool invert )
279  {
280  std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
281  etScaledBox3DCorners(corners, energy, maxEnergy, scaledCorners, invert);
282  addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
283  }
285  //______________________________________________________________________________
286  void energyTower3DCorners( const float* corners, float scale, std::vector<float>& scaledCorners, bool reflect)
287  {
288  for( int i = 0; i < 24; ++i )
289  scaledCorners[i] = corners[i];
290  // Coordinates of a front face scaled
291  if( reflect )
292  {
293  // We know, that an ES rechit geometry in -Z needs correction.
294  // The back face is actually its front face.
295  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
296  {
297  TEveVector diff( corners[i] - corners[i + 12], corners[i + 1] - corners[i + 13], corners[i + 2] - corners[i + 14] );
298  diff.Normalize();
299  diff *= scale;
301  scaledCorners[i] = corners[i] + diff.fX;
302  scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 1] + diff.fY;
303  scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 2] + diff.fZ;
304  }
305  }
306  else
307  {
308  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
309  {
310  TEveVector diff( corners[i + 12] - corners[i], corners[i + 13] - corners[i + 1], corners[i + 14] - corners[i + 2] );
311  diff.Normalize();
312  diff *= scale;
314  scaledCorners[i] = corners[i + 12];
315  scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 13];
316  scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 14];
318  scaledCorners[i + 12] = corners[i + 12] + diff.fX;
319  scaledCorners[i + 13] = corners[i + 13] + diff.fY;
320  scaledCorners[i + 14] = corners[i + 14] + diff.fZ;
321  }
322  }
323  }
325  void drawEnergyTower3D( const float* corners, float scale, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb, bool reflect )
326  {
327  std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
328  energyTower3DCorners(corners, scale, scaledCorners, reflect);
329  addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
330  }
332  //______________________________________________________________________________
334  void etTower3DCorners( const float* corners, float scale, std::vector<float>& scaledCorners, bool reflect)
335  {
336  for( int i = 0; i < 24; ++i )
337  scaledCorners[i] = corners[i];
338  // Coordinates of a front face scaled
339  if( reflect )
340  {
341  // We know, that an ES rechit geometry in -Z needs correction.
342  // The back face is actually its front face.
343  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
344  {
345  TEveVector diff( corners[i] - corners[i + 12], corners[i + 1] - corners[i + 13], corners[i + 2] - corners[i + 14] );
346  diff.Normalize();
347  diff *= ( scale * sin( diff.Theta()));
349  scaledCorners[i] = corners[i] + diff.fX;
350  scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 1] + diff.fY;
351  scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 2] + diff.fZ;
352  }
353  }
354  else
355  {
356  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
357  {
358  TEveVector diff( corners[i + 12] - corners[i], corners[i + 13] - corners[i + 1], corners[i + 14] - corners[i + 2] );
359  diff.Normalize();
360  diff *= ( scale * sin( diff.Theta()));
362  scaledCorners[i] = corners[i + 12];
363  scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 13];
364  scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 14];
366  scaledCorners[i + 12] = corners[i + 12] + diff.fX;
367  scaledCorners[i + 13] = corners[i + 13] + diff.fY;
368  scaledCorners[i + 14] = corners[i + 14] + diff.fZ;
369  }
370  }
371  }
374  void drawEtTower3D( const float* corners, float scale, TEveElement* comp, FWProxyBuilderBase* pb, bool reflect )
375  {
376  std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
377  etTower3DCorners(corners, scale, scaledCorners, reflect);
378  addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
379  }
382 } // namespace fireworks
const fireworks::Context & context() const
int i
std::pair< double, double > getPhiRange(const std::vector< double > &phis, double phi)
void addDoubleLines(double phi, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
void etTower3DCorners(const float *corners, float scale, std::vector< float > &, bool reflect=false)
void drawEnergyScaledBox3D(const float *corners, float scale, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool invert=false)
void setupAddElement(TEveElement *el, TEveElement *parent, bool set_color=true) const
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
static float caloZ2(bool offset=true)
T eta() const
void addDashedLine(double phi, double theta, double size, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
void drawEtTower3D(const float *corners, float scale, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool reflect=false)
void swap(edm::DataFrameContainer &lhs, edm::DataFrameContainer &rhs)
void invertBox(std::vector< float > &corners)
void addDashedArrow(double phi, double size, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
static float caloR1(bool offset=true)
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
double f[11][100]
tuple text
void addCircle(double eta, double phi, double radius, const unsigned int nLineSegments, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
#define M_PI
std::string getTimeGMT(const edm::EventBase &event)
void energyTower3DCorners(const float *corners, float scale, std::vector< float > &, bool reflect=false)
void addRhoZEnergyProjection(FWProxyBuilderBase *, TEveElement *, double r_ecal, double z_ecal, double theta_min, double theta_max, double phi)
void energyScaledBox3DCorners(const float *corners, float scale, std::vector< float > &, bool invert=false)
void addBox(const std::vector< float > &corners, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *)
std::string getLocalTime(const edm::EventBase &event)
void etScaledBox3DCorners(const float *corners, float energy, float maxEnergy, std::vector< float > &scaledCorners, bool reflect=false)
void drawEnergyTower3D(const float *corners, float scale, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool reflect=false)
TEveGeoShape * getShape(const char *name, TGeoBBox *shape, Color_t color)
TimeValue_t value() const
Definition: Timestamp.h:56
tuple size
Write out results.
edm::Timestamp time() const
Definition: EventBase.h:61
void drawEtScaledBox3D(const float *corners, float energy, float maxEnergy, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool reflect=false)
Definition: DDAxes.h:10