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9 #include <iostream>
12 namespace CastorUnpacker_impl {
13  template <class DigiClass>
14  const HcalQIESample* unpack(const HcalQIESample* startPoint, const HcalQIESample* limit, DigiClass& digi, int presamples, const CastorElectronicsId& eid, int startSample, int endSample, int expectedTime, const HcalHTRData& hhd) {
15  // set parameters
16  digi.setPresamples(presamples);
17  int fiber=startPoint->fiber();
18  int fiberchan=startPoint->fiberChan();
19  uint32_t zsmask=hhd.zsBunchMask()>>startSample;
20  digi.setZSInfo(hhd.isUnsuppressed(),hhd.wasMarkAndPassZS(fiber,fiberchan),zsmask);
22  // digi.setReadoutIds(eid);
23  // setReadoutIds is missing in CastorDataFrame class digi.setReadoutIds(eid);
24  if (expectedTime>=0 && !hhd.isUnsuppressed()) {
25  // std::cout << hhd.getFibOrbMsgBCN(fiber) << " " << expectedTime << " fiber="<<fiber<< std::endl;
26  digi.setFiberIdleOffset(hhd.getFibOrbMsgBCN(fiber)-expectedTime);
27  }
28  // what is my sample number?
29  int myFiberChan=startPoint->fiberAndChan();
30  int ncurr=0,ntaken=0;
31  const HcalQIESample* qie_work=startPoint;
32  while (qie_work!=limit && qie_work->fiberAndChan()==myFiberChan) {
33  if (ncurr>=startSample && ncurr<=endSample) {
34  digi.setSample(ntaken,*qie_work);
35  ++ntaken;
36  }
37  ncurr++;
38  qie_work++;
39  }
40  digi.setSize(ntaken);
41  return qie_work;
42  }
43 }
45 namespace { inline bool isTPGSOI(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample& s) {
46  return (s.raw()&0x200)!=0;
47 }
48 }
51 CastorUnpacker::CastorUnpacker(int sourceIdOffset, int beg, int end) : sourceIdOffset_(sourceIdOffset) , expectedOrbitMessageTime_(-1)
52 {
53  if ( beg >= 0 && beg <= CastorDataFrame::MAXSAMPLES -1 ) {
54  startSample_ = beg;
55  } else {
56  startSample_ = 0;
57  }
58  if ( end >= 0 && end <= CastorDataFrame::MAXSAMPLES -1 && end >= beg ) {
59  endSample_ = end;
60  } else {
62  }
63 }
65 static int slb(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample& theSample) { return ((theSample.raw()>>13)&0x7); }
66 static int slbChan(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample& theSample) { return (theSample.raw()>>11)&0x3; }
67 static int slbAndChan(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample& theSample) { return (theSample.raw()>>11)&0x1F; }
74  if (raw.size()<16) {
75  if (!silent) edm::LogWarning("Invalid Data") << "Empty/invalid DCC data, size = " << raw.size();
76  return;
77  }
79  // get the DCC header
80  const HcalDCCHeader* dccHeader=(const HcalDCCHeader*)(;
81  int dccid=dccHeader->getSourceId()-sourceIdOffset_;
83  // check the summary status
85  // walk through the HTR data...
86  HcalHTRData htr;
87  const unsigned short* daq_first, *daq_last, *tp_first, *tp_last;
88  const HcalQIESample* qie_begin, *qie_end, *qie_work;
89  const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample *tp_begin, *tp_end, *tp_work;
90  for (int spigot=0; spigot<HcalDCCHeader::SPIGOT_COUNT; spigot++) {
91  if (!dccHeader->getSpigotPresent(spigot)) continue;
93  int retval=dccHeader->getSpigotData(spigot,htr,raw.size());
94  if (retval!=0) {
95  if (retval==-1) {
96  if (!silent) edm::LogWarning("Invalid Data") << "Invalid HTR data (data beyond payload size) observed on spigot " << spigot << " of DCC with source id " << dccHeader->getSourceId();
97  report.countSpigotFormatError();
98  }
99  continue;
100  }
101  // check
102  if (dccHeader->getSpigotCRCError(spigot)) {
103  if (!silent)
104  edm::LogWarning("Invalid Data") << "CRC Error on HTR data observed on spigot " << spigot << " of DCC with source id " << dccHeader->getSourceId();
105  report.countSpigotFormatError();
106  continue;
107  }
108  if (!htr.check()) {
109  if (!silent)
110  edm::LogWarning("Invalid Data") << "Invalid HTR data observed on spigot " << spigot << " of DCC with source id " << dccHeader->getSourceId();
111  report.countSpigotFormatError();
112  continue;
113  }
114  if (htr.isHistogramEvent()) {
115  if (!silent)
116  edm::LogWarning("Invalid Data") << "Histogram data passed to non-histogram unpacker on spigot " << spigot << " of DCC with source id " << dccHeader->getSourceId();
117  continue;
119  }
120  if ((htr.getFirmwareFlavor()&0xE0)==0x80) { // some kind of TTP data
121  if (colls.ttp!=0) {
122  HcalTTPUnpacker ttpUnpack;
123  colls.ttp->push_back(HcalTTPDigi());
124  ttpUnpack.unpack(htr,colls.ttp->back());
125  } else {
126  LogDebug("CastorUnpackerHcalTechTrigProcessor") << "Skipping data on spigot " << spigot << " of DCC with source id " << dccHeader->getSourceId() << " which is from the TechTrigProcessor (use separate unpacker!)";
127  }
128  continue;
129  }
130  if (htr.getFirmwareFlavor()>=0x80) {
131  if (!silent) edm::LogWarning("CastorUnpacker") << "Skipping data on spigot " << spigot << " of DCC with source id " << dccHeader->getSourceId() << " which is of unknown flavor " << htr.getFirmwareFlavor();
132  continue;
133  }
134  // calculate "real" number of presamples
135  int nps=htr.getNPS()-startSample_;
137  // get pointers
138  htr.dataPointers(&daq_first,&daq_last,&tp_first,&tp_last);
139  unsigned int smid=htr.getSubmodule();
140  int htr_tb=smid&0x1;
141  int htr_slot=(smid>>1)&0x1F;
142  int htr_cr=(smid>>6)&0x1F;
144  tp_begin=(HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample*)tp_first;
145  tp_end=(HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample*)(tp_last+1); // one beyond last..
148  int currFiberChan=0x3F; // invalid fiber+channel...
149  int ncurr=0;
150  bool valid=false;
152  bool tpgSOIbitInUse=htr.getFormatVersion()>=3; // version 3 and later
153  // bool isHOtpg=htr.getFormatVersion()>=3 && htr.getFirmwareFlavor()==0; // HO is flavor zero
154  int npre=0;
155  /*
156  Unpack the trigger primitives
157  */
158  // lookup the right channel
159  bool dotp = true;
160  CastorElectronicsId eid(0,1,spigot,dccid);
161  eid.setHTR(htr_cr,htr_slot,htr_tb);
162  DetId did=emap.lookup(eid);
163  if ( did.null() ) dotp = false;
164  HcalCastorDetId id1(did);
165  HcalCastorDetId id((id1.zside()==0),id1.sector(),1);
166  if ( id1.module() > 12 ) dotp = false;
167  if ( dotp ) {
168  // std::cout << " tp_first="<< tp_first << " tp_last="<< tp_last<< " tb="<<htr_tb<<" slot="<<htr_slot<<" crate="<<htr_cr<<" dccid="<< dccid<< std::endl;
169  // regular TPs (not HO)
170  for (tp_work=tp_begin; tp_work!=tp_end; tp_work++) {
171  // std::cout << "raw=0x"<<std::hex<< tp_work->raw()<<std::dec <<std::endl;
172  if (tp_work->raw()==0xFFFF) continue; // filler word
173  if (slbAndChan(*tp_work)!=currFiberChan) { // start new set
174  npre=0;
175  currFiberChan=slbAndChan(*tp_work);
177  // std::cout<< " NEW SET "<<std::endl;
178  //HcalElectronicsId eid(tp_work->slbChan(),tp_work->slb(),spigot,dccid,htr_cr,htr_slot,htr_tb);
179  //DetId did=emap.lookupTrigger(eid);
180  //if (did.null()) {
181  //report.countUnmappedTPDigi(eid);
182  //if (unknownIdsTrig_.find(eid)==unknownIdsTrig_.end()) {
183  //if (!silent) edm::LogWarning("HCAL") << "HcalUnpacker: No trigger primitive match found for electronics id :" << eid;
184  //unknownIdsTrig_.insert(eid);
185  //}
186  //valid=false;
187  //continue;
188  //} else if (did==HcalTrigTowerDetId::Undefined ||
189  //(did.det()==DetId::Hcal && did.subdetId()==0)) {
191  //valid=false;
192  //continue;
193  //}
195  colls.tpCont->push_back(CastorTriggerPrimitiveDigi(id));
196  // set the various bits
197  if (!tpgSOIbitInUse) colls.tpCont->back().setPresamples(nps);
198  colls.tpCont->back().setZSInfo(htr.isUnsuppressed(),htr.wasMarkAndPassZSTP(slb(*tp_work),slbChan(*tp_work)));
200  // no hits recorded for current
201  ncurr=0;
202  valid=true;
203  }
204  // add the word (if within settings or recent firmware [recent firmware ignores startSample/endSample])
205  if (valid && ((tpgSOIbitInUse && ncurr<10) || (ncurr>=startSample_ && ncurr<=endSample_))) {
206  colls.tpCont->back().setSample(colls.tpCont->back().size(),*tp_work);
207  colls.tpCont->back().setSize(colls.tpCont->back().size()+1);
208  }
209  // set presamples,if SOI
210  if (valid && tpgSOIbitInUse && isTPGSOI(*tp_work)) {
211  colls.tpCont->back().setPresamples(ncurr);
212  }
213  ncurr++;
214  npre++;
215  }
216  }
219  qie_begin=(HcalQIESample*)daq_first;
220  qie_end=(HcalQIESample*)(daq_last+1); // one beyond last..
223  currFiberChan=0x3F; // invalid fiber+channel...
224  ncurr=0;
225  valid=false;
227  for (qie_work=qie_begin; qie_work!=qie_end; ) {
228  if (qie_work->raw()==0xFFFF) {
229  qie_work++;
230  continue; // filler word
231  }
232  // always at the beginning ...
233  currFiberChan=qie_work->fiberAndChan();
235  // lookup the right channel
236  CastorElectronicsId eid(qie_work->fiberChan(),qie_work->fiber(),spigot,dccid);
237  eid.setHTR(htr_cr,htr_slot,htr_tb);
238  DetId did=emap.lookup(eid);
240  if (!did.null()) {
241  colls.castorCont->push_back(CastorDataFrame(HcalCastorDetId(did)));
242  qie_work=CastorUnpacker_impl::unpack<CastorDataFrame>(qie_work, qie_end, colls.castorCont->back(), nps, eid, startSample_, endSample_, expectedOrbitMessageTime_, htr);
243  } else {
244  report.countUnmappedDigi();
245  if (unknownIds_.find(eid)==unknownIds_.end()) {
246  if (!silent)
247  edm::LogWarning("CASTOR") << "CastorUnpacker: No match found for electronics id :" << eid;
248  unknownIds_.insert(eid);
249  }
250  for (int fiberC=qie_work->fiberAndChan();
251  qie_work!=qie_end && qie_work->fiberAndChan()==fiberC;
252  qie_work++);
253  }
254  }
255  }
256 }
#define LogDebug(id)
uint16_t raw() const
get the raw word
Definition: HcalQIESample.h:20
bool check() const
Check for a good event Requires a minimum length, matching wordcount and length, not an empty event...
static int slb(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample &theSample)
int sector() const
get the sector (1-16)
int fiberAndChan() const
get the id channel
Definition: HcalQIESample.h:36
int fiberChan() const
get the fiber channel number
Definition: HcalQIESample.h:34
bool getSpigotCRCError(unsigned int nspigot) const
Read the &quot;CRC-Mismatch&quot; bit for this spigot.
void setHTR(int crate, int slot, int tb)
static bool isTPGSOI(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample &s)
int module() const
get the module (1-2 for EM, 1-12 for HAD)
bool wasMarkAndPassZS(int fiber, int fiberchan) const
Was this channel passed as part of Mark&amp;Pass ZS?
unsigned int getFibOrbMsgBCN(int fiber) const
Get the BCN of the Fiber Orbit Messages.
Definition: HcalHTRData.h:178
static int slbChan(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample &theSample)
int getSpigotData(int nspigot, HcalHTRData &decodeTool, int validSize) const
int getFormatVersion() const
Get the version number of this event.
Definition: HcalHTRData.h:33
size_t size() const
Lenght of the data buffer in bytes.
Definition: FEDRawData.h:47
std::set< CastorElectronicsId > unknownIds_
void unpack(const FEDRawData &raw, const CastorElectronicsMap &emap, CastorRawCollections &conts, HcalUnpackerReport &report, bool silent=false)
For histograms, no begin and end.
bool isUnsuppressed() const
Is this event an unsuppresed event?
tuple report
const DetId lookup(CastorElectronicsId fId) const
lookup the logical detid associated with the given electronics id
CastorUnpacker(int sourceIdOffset, int beg, int end)
for normal data
static int slbAndChan(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample &theSample)
int zside() const
get the z-side of the cell (1/-1)
uint16_t raw() const
get the raw word
int fiber() const
get the fiber number
Definition: HcalQIESample.h:32
bool getSpigotPresent(unsigned int nspigot) const
Read the &quot;PRESENT&quot; bit for this spigot.
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
std::vector< CastorDataFrame > * castorCont
std::vector< CastorTriggerPrimitiveDigi > * tpCont
int getSourceId() const
Definition: HcalDCCHeader.h:32
Definition: DetId.h:18
int sourceIdOffset_
number to subtract from the source id to get the dcc id
int expectedOrbitMessageTime_
Expected orbit bunch time (needed to evaluate time differences)
void dataPointers(const unsigned short **daq_first, const unsigned short **daq_last, const unsigned short **tp_first, const unsigned short **tp_last) const
Obtain the starting and ending pointers for external unpacking of the data.
bool unpack(const HcalHTRData &data, HcalTTPDigi &digi)
bool null() const
is this a null id ?
Definition: DetId.h:45
int getNPS() const
Get the number of presamples in daq data.
int getFirmwareFlavor() const
Get the HTR firmware flavor.
static const int SPIGOT_COUNT
Definition: HcalDCCHeader.h:19
bool wasMarkAndPassZSTP(int slb, int slbchan) const
Was this channel passed as part of Mark&amp;Pass ZS?
const HcalQIESample * unpack(const HcalQIESample *startPoint, const HcalQIESample *limit, DigiClass &digi, int presamples, const CastorElectronicsId &eid, int startSample, int endSample, int expectedTime, const HcalHTRData &hhd)
uint32_t zsBunchMask() const
ZS Bunch Mask (if available)
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
Readout chain identification for Castor Bits for the readout chain : some names need change! [31:26] ...
unsigned int getSubmodule() const
Get the HTR submodule number.
static const int MAXSAMPLES
bool isHistogramEvent() const
Is this event a histogram event? (do not call standard unpack in this case!!!!!)
int startSample_
first sample from fed raw data to copy
int endSample_
last sample from fed raw data to copy (if present)
std::vector< HcalTTPDigi > * ttp