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16 #include <sys/stat.h>
17 #include <sys/types.h>
18 #include <unistd.h>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <vector>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <fstream>
23 #include <utility>
24 #include <TString.h>
25 #include <TSystem.h>
27 #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
28 #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
29 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
30 #include <boost/format.hpp>
32 //--------------------------------------------------------
34 const std::string DQMFileSaver::streamSuffix_("Histograms");
36 //--------------------------------------------------------
37 static void
39 {
40  value = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>(name, value);
41  if (value < 1 && value != -1)
42  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
43  << "Invalid '" << name << "' parameter '" << value
44  << "'. Must be -1 or >= 1.";
45 }
47 static std::string
49 {
50  std::string extension;
51  if (fileFormat == DQMFileSaver::ROOT)
52  extension = ".root";
53  else if (fileFormat == DQMFileSaver::PB)
54  extension = ".pb";
55  return extension;
56 }
58 static std::string
59 onlineOfflineFileName(const std::string &fileBaseName,
60  const std::string &suffix,
61  const std::string &workflow,
62  const std::string &child,
63  DQMFileSaver::FileFormat fileFormat)
64 {
65  size_t pos = 0;
66  std::string wflow;
67  wflow.reserve(workflow.size() + 3);
68  wflow = workflow;
69  while ((pos = wflow.find('/', pos)) != std::string::npos)
70  wflow.replace(pos++, 1, "__");
72  std::string filename = fileBaseName + suffix + wflow + child + dataFileExtension(fileFormat);
73  return filename;
74 }
76 void
78 {
79  char suffix[64];
80  sprintf(suffix, "R%09d", run);
82  dbe_->savePB(filename, filterName_);
83 }
85 void
87 {
88  char suffix[64];
89  sprintf(suffix, "R%09d", run);
91  char rewrite[128];
92  if (lumi == 0) // save for run
93  sprintf(rewrite, "\\1Run %d/\\2/Run summary", run);
94  else
95  sprintf(rewrite, "\\1Run %d/\\2/By Lumi Section %d-%d", run, lumi, lumi);
99  if (lumi == 0) // save for run
100  {
101  // set run end flag
102  dbe_->cd();
103  dbe_->setCurrentFolder("Info/ProvInfo");
105  // do this, because ProvInfo is not yet run in offline DQM
106  MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get("Info/ProvInfo/CMSSW");
107  if (!me) me = dbe_->bookString("CMSSW", edm::getReleaseVersion().c_str() );
109  me = dbe_->get("Info/ProvInfo/runIsComplete");
110  if (!me) me = dbe_->bookFloat("runIsComplete");
112  if (me)
113  {
114  if (runIsComplete_)
115  me->Fill(1.);
116  else
117  me->Fill(0.);
118  }
120  dbe_->save(filename,
121  "",
122  "^(Reference/)?([^/]+)",
123  rewrite,
124  enableMultiThread_ ? run : 0,
125  lumi,
128  fileUpdate_ ? "UPDATE" : "RECREATE");
129  }
130  else // save EventInfo folders for luminosity sections
131  {
132  std::vector<std::string> systems = (dbe_->cd(), dbe_->getSubdirs());
134  edm::LogAbsolute msg("fileAction");
135  msg << "DQMFileSaver: storing EventInfo folders for Run: "
136  << run << ", Lumi Section: " << lumi << ", Subsystems: " ;
138  for (size_t i = 0, e = systems.size(); i != e; ++i) {
139  if (systems[i] != "Reference") {
140  dbe_->cd();
141  msg << systems[i] << " " ;
143  dbe_->save(filename,
144  systems[i]+"/EventInfo", "^(Reference/)?([^/]+)",
145  rewrite,
146  enableMultiThread_ ? run : 0,
147  lumi,
150  fileUpdate_ ? "UPDATE" : "RECREATE");
152  // from now on update newly created file
153  if (fileUpdate_.load() == 0) fileUpdate_ = 1;
154  }
155  }
156  }
157 }
159 static void
161  int run,
162  bool enableMultiThread,
163  const std::string &filename,
164  const std::string &directory,
165  const std::string &rxpat,
166  const std::string &rewrite,
168  int saveRefQMin,
169  const std::string &filterName,
170  DQMFileSaver::FileFormat fileFormat)
171 {
172  // TODO(rovere): fix the online case. so far we simply rely on the
173  // fact that we assume we will not run multithreaded in online.
174  if (fileFormat == DQMFileSaver::ROOT)
175  store->save(filename,
176  directory,
177  rxpat,
178  rewrite,
179  enableMultiThread ? run : 0,
180  0,
181  saveref,
182  saveRefQMin);
183  else if (fileFormat == DQMFileSaver::PB)
184  store->savePB(filename,
185  filterName,
186  enableMultiThread ? run : 0);
187 }
189 void
191 {
192  // The file name contains the Online workflow name,
193  // as we do not want to look inside the DQMStore,
194  // and the @a suffix, defined in the run/lumi transitions.
195  // TODO(diguida): add the possibility to change the dir structure with rewrite.
198  filename,
199  "", "^(Reference/)?([^/]+)", "\\1\\2",
202  filterName_,
203  PB);
204 }
206 void
208 {
209  std::vector<std::string> systems = (dbe_->cd(), dbe_->getSubdirs());
211  for (size_t i = 0, e = systems.size(); i != e; ++i)
212  {
213  if (systems[i] != "Reference")
214  {
215  dbe_->cd();
216  if (MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(systems[i] + "/EventInfo/processName"))
217  {
219  fileBaseName_ + me->getStringValue() + suffix + child_ + ".root",
220  "", "^(Reference/)?([^/]+)", rewrite,
223  "", ROOT);
224  return;
225  }
226  }
227  }
229  // look for EventInfo folder in an unorthodox location
230  for (size_t i = 0, e = systems.size(); i != e; ++i)
231  if (systems[i] != "Reference")
232  {
233  dbe_->cd();
234  std::vector<MonitorElement*> pNamesVector = dbe_->getMatchingContents("^" + systems[i] + "/.*/EventInfo/processName",lat::Regexp::Perl);
235  if (pNamesVector.size() > 0){
237  fileBaseName_ + systems[i] + suffix + child_ + ".root",
238  "", "^(Reference/)?([^/]+)", rewrite,
241  "", ROOT);
242  pNamesVector.clear();
243  return;
244  }
245  }
247  // if no EventInfo Folder is found, then store subsystem wise
248  for (size_t i = 0, e = systems.size(); i != e; ++i)
249  if (systems[i] != "Reference")
251  fileBaseName_ + systems[i] + suffix + child_ + ".root",
252  systems[i], "^(Reference/)?([^/]+)", rewrite,
255  "", ROOT);
256 }
259 boost::property_tree::ptree
260 DQMFileSaver::fillJson(int run, int lumi, const std::string& dataFilePathName, const std::string transferDestinationStr, evf::FastMonitoringService *fms)
261 {
262  namespace bpt = boost::property_tree;
263  namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
265  bpt::ptree pt;
267  int hostnameReturn;
268  char host[32];
269  hostnameReturn = gethostname(host ,sizeof(host));
270  if (hostnameReturn == -1)
271  throw cms::Exception("fillJson")
272  << "Internal error, cannot get host name";
274  int pid = getpid();
275  std::ostringstream oss_pid;
276  oss_pid << pid;
278  int nProcessed = fms ? (fms->getEventsProcessedForLumi(lumi)) : -1;
280  // Stat the data file: if not there, throw
281  std::string dataFileName;
282  struct stat dataFileStat;
283  dataFileStat.st_size=0;
284  if (nProcessed) {
285  if (stat(dataFilePathName.c_str(), &dataFileStat) != 0)
286  throw cms::Exception("fillJson")
287  << "Internal error, cannot get data file: "
288  << dataFilePathName;
289  // Extract only the data file name from the full path
290  dataFileName = bfs::path(dataFilePathName).filename().string();
291  }
292  // The availability test of the FastMonitoringService was done in the ctor.
293  bpt::ptree data;
294  bpt::ptree processedEvents, acceptedEvents, errorEvents, bitmask, fileList, fileSize, inputFiles, fileAdler32, transferDestination;
296  processedEvents.put("", nProcessed); // Processed events
297  acceptedEvents.put("", nProcessed); // Accepted events, same as processed for our purposes
299  errorEvents.put("", 0); // Error events
300  bitmask.put("", 0); // Bitmask of abs of CMSSW return code
301  fileList.put("", dataFileName); // Data file the information refers to
302  fileSize.put("", dataFileStat.st_size); // Size in bytes of the data file
303  inputFiles.put("", ""); // We do not care about input files!
304  fileAdler32.put("", -1); // placeholder to match output json definition
305  transferDestination.put("", transferDestinationStr); // SM Transfer destination field
307  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", processedEvents));
308  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", acceptedEvents));
309  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", errorEvents));
310  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", bitmask));
311  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", fileList));
312  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", fileSize));
313  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", inputFiles));
314  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", fileAdler32));
315  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", transferDestination));
317  pt.add_child("data", data);
319  if (fms == nullptr) {
320  pt.put("definition", "/fakeDefinition.jsn");
321  } else {
322  // The availability test of the EvFDaqDirector Service was done in the ctor.
323  bfs::path outJsonDefName(edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->baseRunDir()); //we assume this file is written bu the EvF Output module
324  outJsonDefName /= (std::string("output_") + oss_pid.str() + std::string(".jsd"));
325  pt.put("definition", outJsonDefName.string());
326  }
328  char sourceInfo[64]; //host and pid information
329  sprintf(sourceInfo, "%s_%d", host, pid);
330  pt.put("source", sourceInfo);
332  return pt;
333 }
335 void
336 DQMFileSaver::saveForFilterUnit(const std::string& rewrite, int run, int lumi, const DQMFileSaver::FileFormat fileFormat) const
337 {
338  // get from DAQ2 services where to store the files according to their format
339  namespace bpt = boost::property_tree;
341  std::string openJsonFilePathName;
342  std::string jsonFilePathName;
343  std::string openHistoFilePathName;
344  std::string histoFilePathName;
346  // create the files names
347  if (fakeFilterUnitMode_) {
348  std::string runDir = str(boost::format("%s/run%06d") % dirName_ % run);
349  std::string baseName = str(boost::format("%s/run%06d_ls%04d_%s") % runDir % run % lumi % stream_label_ );
351  boost::filesystem::create_directories(runDir);
353  jsonFilePathName = baseName + ".jsn";
354  openJsonFilePathName = jsonFilePathName + ".open";
356  histoFilePathName = baseName + dataFileExtension(fileFormat);
357  openHistoFilePathName = histoFilePathName + ".open";
358  } else {
359  openJsonFilePathName = edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->getOpenOutputJsonFilePath(lumi, stream_label_);
360  jsonFilePathName = edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->getOutputJsonFilePath(lumi, stream_label_);
362  if (fileFormat == ROOT) {
363  openHistoFilePathName = edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->getOpenRootHistogramFilePath(lumi, stream_label_);
364  histoFilePathName = edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->getRootHistogramFilePath(lumi, stream_label_);
365  } else if (fileFormat == PB) {
366  openHistoFilePathName = edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->getOpenProtocolBufferHistogramFilePath(lumi, stream_label_);
367  histoFilePathName = edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->getProtocolBufferHistogramFilePath(lumi, stream_label_);
368  }
369  }
371  if (fms_ ? fms_->getEventsProcessedForLumi(lumi) : true) {
372  if (fileFormat == ROOT)
373  {
374  // Save the file with the full directory tree,
375  // modifying it according to @a rewrite,
376  // but not looking for MEs inside the DQMStore, as in the online case,
377  // nor filling new MEs, as in the offline case.
378  dbe_->save(openHistoFilePathName,
379  "",
380  "^(Reference/)?([^/]+)",
381  rewrite,
382  enableMultiThread_ ? run : 0,
383  lumi,
386  fileUpdate_ ? "UPDATE" : "RECREATE",
387  true);
388  }
389  else if (fileFormat == PB)
390  {
391  // Save the file in the open directory.
392  dbe_->savePB(openHistoFilePathName,
393  filterName_,
394  enableMultiThread_ ? run : 0,
395  lumi,
396  true);
397  }
398  else
399  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
400  << "Internal error, can save files"
401  << " only in ROOT or ProtocolBuffer format.";
403  // Now move the the data and json files into the output directory.
404  rename(openHistoFilePathName.c_str(), histoFilePathName.c_str());
405  }
407  // Write the json file in the open directory.
408  bpt::ptree pt = fillJson(run, lumi, histoFilePathName, transferDestination_, fms_);
409  write_json(openJsonFilePathName, pt);
410  rename(openJsonFilePathName.c_str(), jsonFilePathName.c_str());
411 }
413 void
415 {
417  // Report the file to job report service.
419  if (jr.isAvailable())
420  {
421  std::map<std::string, std::string> info;
422  info["Source"] = "DQMStore";
423  info["FileClass"] = "DQM";
424  jr->reportAnalysisFile(filename, info);
425  }
427 }
429 //--------------------------------------------------------
431  : convention_ (Offline),
432  fileFormat_(ROOT),
433  workflow_ (""),
434  producer_ ("DQM"),
435  stream_label_ (""),
436  dirName_ ("."),
437  child_ (""),
438  filterName_(""),
439  version_ (1),
440  runIsComplete_ (false),
441  enableMultiThread_ (false),
442  saveByLumiSection_ (-1),
443  saveByRun_ (-1),
444  saveAtJobEnd_ (false),
445  saveReference_ (DQMStore::SaveWithReference),
446  saveReferenceQMin_ (dqm::qstatus::STATUS_OK),
447  forceRunNumber_ (-1),
448  fileBaseName_ (""),
449  fileUpdate_ (0),
450  dbe_ (&*edm::Service<DQMStore>()),
451  nrun_ (0),
452  nlumi_ (0),
453  irun_ (0),
454  fms_(nullptr)
455 {
456  // Determine the file saving convention, and adjust defaults accordingly.
457  std::string convention = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("convention", "Offline");
458  fakeFilterUnitMode_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("fakeFilterUnitMode", false);
460  if (convention == "Offline")
462  else if (convention == "Online")
464  else if (convention == "FilterUnit")
466  else
467  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
468  << "Invalid 'convention' parameter '" << convention << "'."
469  << " Expected one of 'Online' or 'Offline' or 'FilterUnit'.";
471  // If this is neither online nor FU convention, check workflow.
472  // In this way, FU is treated as online, so we cannot specify a workflow. TBC
474  {
476  if (workflow_.empty()
477  || workflow_[0] != '/'
478  || *workflow_.rbegin() == '/'
479  || std::count(workflow_.begin(), workflow_.end(), '/') != 3
480  || workflow_.find_first_not_of("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
481  "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
482  "0123456789"
483  "-_/") != std::string::npos)
484  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
485  << "Invalid 'workflow' parameter '" << workflow_
486  << "'. Expected '/A/B/C'.";
487  }
488  else if (! ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("workflow", "").empty())
489  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
490  << "The 'workflow' parameter must be empty in 'Online' and 'FilterUnit' conventions.";
491  else // for online set parameters
492  {
493  workflow_="/Global/Online/P5";
494  }
496  // Determine the file format, and adjust defaults accordingly.
497  std::string fileFormat = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileFormat", "ROOT");
498  if (fileFormat == "ROOT")
499  fileFormat_ = ROOT;
500  else if (fileFormat == "PB")
501  fileFormat_ = PB;
502  else
503  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
504  << "Invalid 'fileFormat' parameter '" << fileFormat << "'."
505  << " Expected one of 'ROOT' or 'PB'.";
507  // Allow file producer to be set to specific values in certain conditions.
509  // Setting the same constraints on file producer both for online and FilterUnit conventions
510  // TODO(diguida): limit the producer for FilterUnit to be 'DQM' or 'HLTDQM'?
511  // TODO(diguida): how to handle histograms produced in the playback for the FU case?
513  && producer_ != "DQM"
514  && producer_ != "HLTDQM"
515  && producer_ != "Playback")
516  {
517  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
518  << "Invalid 'producer' parameter '" << producer_
519  << "'. Expected 'DQM', 'HLTDQM' or 'Playback'.";
520  }
521  else if (convention_ != Online
522  && convention != FilterUnit
523  && producer_ != "DQM")
524  {
525  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
526  << "Invalid 'producer' parameter '" << producer_
527  << "'. Expected 'DQM'.";
528  }
532  // version number to be used in filename
533  version_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("version", version_);
534  // flag to signal that file contains data from complete run
535  runIsComplete_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("runIsComplete", runIsComplete_);
537  // Check how we should save the references.
538  std::string refsave = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("referenceHandling", "default");
539  if (refsave == "default")
540  ;
541  else if (refsave == "skip")
542  {
544  // std::cout << "skip saving all references" << std::endl;
545  }
546  else if (refsave == "all")
547  {
549  // std::cout << "saving all references" << std::endl;
550  }
551  else if (refsave == "qtests")
552  {
554  // std::cout << "saving qtest references" << std::endl;
555  }
556  else
557  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
558  << "Invalid 'referenceHandling' parameter '" << refsave
559  << "'. Expected 'default', 'skip', 'all' or 'qtests'.";
561  // Check minimum required quality test result for which reference is saved.
562  saveReferenceQMin_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("referenceRequireStatus", saveReferenceQMin_);
564  // Get and check the output directory.
565  struct stat s;
567  if (dirName_.empty() || stat(dirName_.c_str(), &s) == -1)
568  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
569  << "Invalid 'dirName' parameter '" << dirName_ << "'.";
572  // Find out when and how to save files. The following contraints apply:
573  // - For online, filter unit, and offline, allow files to be saved per lumi
574  // - For online, allow files to be saved per run, at event and time intervals.
575  // - For offline allow files to be saved per run, at job end, and run number to be overridden (for mc data).
577  {
578  getAnInt(ps, saveByLumiSection_, "saveByLumiSection");
579  }
581  if (convention_ == Online)
582  {
583  getAnInt(ps, saveByRun_, "saveByRun");
584  }
586  if (convention_ == Offline)
587  {
588  getAnInt(ps, saveByRun_, "saveByRun");
589  getAnInt(ps, forceRunNumber_, "forceRunNumber");
590  saveAtJobEnd_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("saveAtJobEnd", saveAtJobEnd_);
591  }
593  // Set up base file name:
594  // - for online and offline, follow the convention <dirName>/<producer>_V<4digits>_
595  // - for FilterUnit, we need to follow the DAQ2 convention, so we need the run and lumisection:
596  // the path is provided by the DAQ director service.
597  if (convention_ != FilterUnit)
598  {
599  char version[8];
600  sprintf(version, "_V%04d_", int(version_));
601  version[7]='\0';
602  fileBaseName_ = dirName_ + "/" + producer_ + version;
603  }
604  else if (fakeFilterUnitMode_)
605  {
606  edm::LogInfo("DQMFileSaver")
607  << "Fake FU mode, files are saved under <dirname>/runXXXXXX/runXXXXXX_lsXXXX_<stream_Label>.pb.\n";
608  }
609  else
610  {
611  // For FU, dirName_ will not be considered at all
612  edm::LogInfo("DQMFileSaver")
613  << "The base dir provided in the configuration '" << dirName_ << "'\n"
614  << " will not be considered: for FU, the DAQ2 services will handle directories\n";
615  //check that DAQ2 services are available: throw if not
619  if (!(fms_ && daqDirector))
620  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
621  << "Internal error, cannot initialize DAQ services.";
622  }
624  // Log some information what we will do.
625  edm::LogInfo("DQMFileSaver")
626  << "DQM file saving settings:\n"
627  << " using base file name '" << fileBaseName_ << "'\n"
628  << " forcing run number " << forceRunNumber_ << "\n"
629  << " saving every " << saveByLumiSection_ << " lumi section(s)\n"
630  << " saving every " << saveByRun_ << " run(s)\n"
631  << " saving at job end: " << (saveAtJobEnd_ ? "yes" : "no") << "\n";
632 }
634 //--------------------------------------------------------
635 void
637 {
638  nrun_ = nlumi_ = irun_ = 0;
640  // Determine if we are running multithreading asking to the DQMStore. Not to be moved in the ctor
641  enableMultiThread_ = dbe_->enableMultiThread_;
644  {
646  }
647 }
649 std::shared_ptr<saverDetails::NoCache>
651 {
652  ++nrun_;
654  // For Filter Unit, create an empty ini file:
655  // it is needed by the HLT deamon in order to start merging
656  // The run number is established in the service
657  // TODO(diguida): check that they are the same?
659  {
661  const std::string initFileName = daqDirector->getInitFilePath(stream_label_);
662  std::ofstream file(initFileName);
663  file.close();
664  }
666  return nullptr;
667 }
669 std::shared_ptr<saverDetails::NoCache>
671 {
672  ++nlumi_;
673  return nullptr;
674 }
677 {
678  //save by event and save by time are not supported
679  //anymore in the threaded framework. please use
680  //savebyLumiSection instead.
681 }
683 void
685 {
686  int ilumi =;
687  int irun =;
688  if (ilumi > 0 && saveByLumiSection_ > 0 )
689  {
691  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
692  << "Internal error, can save files at end of lumi block"
693  << " only in Online, FilterUnit or Offline mode.";
695  if (convention_ == Online && (nlumi_ % saveByLumiSection_) == 0) // insist on lumi section ordering
696  {
697  char suffix[64];
698  char rewrite[128];
699  sprintf(suffix, "_R%09d_L%06d", irun, ilumi);
700  sprintf(rewrite, "\\1Run %d/\\2/By Lumi Section %d-%d", irun, ilumi-nlumi_, ilumi);
701  if (fileFormat_ == ROOT)
702  saveForOnline(irun, suffix, rewrite);
703  else if (fileFormat_ == PB)
704  saveForOnlinePB(irun, suffix);
705  else
706  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
707  << "Internal error, can save files"
708  << " only in ROOT or ProtocolBuffer format.";
709  }
711  // Store at every lumi section end only if some events have been processed.
712  // Caveat: if faking FilterUnit, i.e. not accessing DAQ2 services,
713  // we cannot ask FastMonitoringService the processed events, so we are forced
714  // to save the file at every lumisection, even with no statistics.
715  // Here, we protect the call to get the processed events in a lumi section
716  // by testing the pointer to FastMonitoringService: if not null, i.e. in real FU mode,
717  // we check that the events are not 0; otherwise, we skip the test, so we store at every lumi transition.
718  // TODO(diguida): allow fake FU mode to skip file creation at empty lumi sections.
719  if (convention_ == FilterUnit && (fms_ ? fms_->shouldWriteFiles(ilumi) : !fms_))
720  {
721  char rewrite[128];
722  sprintf(rewrite, "\\1Run %d/\\2/By Lumi Section %d-%d", irun, ilumi, ilumi);
723  saveForFilterUnit(rewrite, irun, ilumi, fileFormat_);
724  }
725  if (convention_ == Offline)
726  {
727  if (fileFormat_ == ROOT)
728  saveForOffline(workflow_, irun, ilumi);
729  else
730  // TODO(diguida): do we need to support lumisection saving in Offline for PB?
731  // In this case, for ROOT, we only save EventInfo folders: we can filter them...
732  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
733  << "Internal error, can save files"
734  << " only in ROOT format.";
735  }
737  // after saving per LS, delete the old LS global histograms.
738  dbe_->deleteUnusedLumiHistograms(enableMultiThread_ ? irun : 0, ilumi);
739  }
740 }
742 void
744 {
745  int irun =;
746  irun_ = irun;
747  if (irun > 0 && saveByRun_ > 0 && (nrun_ % saveByRun_) == 0)
748  {
749  if (convention_ == Online)
750  {
751  char suffix[64];
752  sprintf(suffix, "_R%09d", irun);
753  char rewrite[64];
754  sprintf(rewrite, "\\1Run %d/\\2/Run summary", irun);
755  if (fileFormat_ == ROOT)
756  saveForOnline(irun, suffix, rewrite);
757  else if (fileFormat_ == PB)
758  saveForOnlinePB(irun, suffix);
759  else
760  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
761  << "Internal error, can save files"
762  << " only in ROOT or ProtocolBuffer format.";
763  }
764  else if (convention_ == Offline && fileFormat_ == ROOT)
765  saveForOffline(workflow_, irun, 0);
766  else if (convention_ == Offline && fileFormat_ == PB)
768  else
769  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
770  << "Internal error. Can only save files in endRun()"
771  << " in Online and Offline modes.";
772  }
774  // create a fake EoR file for testing purposes.
775  if (fakeFilterUnitMode_) {
776  edm::LogInfo("DQMFileSaver")
777  << "Producing fake EoR file.\n";
779  std::string runDir = str(boost::format("%s/run%06d") % dirName_ % irun);
780  std::string jsonFilePathName = str(boost::format("%s/run%06d_ls0000_EoR.jsn") % runDir % irun);
781  std::string openJsonFilePathName = jsonFilePathName + ".open";
783  boost::filesystem::create_directories(runDir);
785  using namespace boost::property_tree;
786  ptree pt;
787  ptree data;
789  ptree child1, child2, child3;
791  child1.put("", -1); // Processed
792  child2.put("", -1); // Accepted
793  child3.put("", nlumi_); // number of lumi
795  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", child1));
796  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", child2));
797  data.push_back(std::make_pair("", child3));
799  pt.add_child("data", data);
800  pt.put("definition", "/non-existant/");
801  pt.put("source", "--hostname--");
803  std::ofstream file(jsonFilePathName);
804  write_json(file, pt, true);
805  file.close();
807  rename(openJsonFilePathName.c_str(), jsonFilePathName.c_str());
808  }
809 }
811 void
813 {
814  if (saveAtJobEnd_)
815  {
816  if (convention_ == Offline && forceRunNumber_ > 0)
818  else if (convention_ == Offline)
820  else
821  throw cms::Exception("DQMFileSaver")
822  << "Internal error. Can only save files at the end of the"
823  << " job in Offline mode.";
824  }
826  // save JobReport once per job
827  char suffix[64];
828  sprintf(suffix, "R%09d", irun_.load());
830  saveJobReport(filename);
831 }
833 void
834 DQMFileSaver::postForkReacquireResources(unsigned int childIndex, unsigned int numberOfChildren)
835 {
836  // this is copied from IOPool/Output/src/, for consistency
837  unsigned int digits = 0;
838  while (numberOfChildren != 0) {
839  ++digits;
840  numberOfChildren /= 10;
841  }
842  // protect against zero numberOfChildren
843  if (digits == 0) {
844  digits = 3;
845  }
847  char buffer[digits + 2];
848  snprintf(buffer, digits + 2, "_%0*d", digits, childIndex);
849  child_ = std::string(buffer);
850 }
LuminosityBlockID id() const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
DQMFileSaver(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
unsigned int getEventsProcessedForLumi(unsigned int lumi, bool *abortFlag=0)
int forceRunNumber_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:80
int saveReferenceQMin_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:79
static const TGPicture * info(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
RunID const & id() const
Definition: RunBase.h:41
void saveForOffline(const std::string &workflow, int run, int lumi) const
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: RunID.h:39
static std::string dataFileExtension(DQMFileSaver::FileFormat fileFormat)
virtual void globalEndRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) const
Convention convention_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:62
std::string getInitFilePath(std::string const &stream) const
tuple lumi
static boost::property_tree::ptree fillJson(int run, int lumi, const std::string &dataFilePathName, const std::string transferDestinationStr, evf::FastMonitoringService *fms)
evf::FastMonitoringService * fms_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:93
bool shouldWriteFiles(unsigned int lumi, unsigned int *proc=0)
DQMStore * dbe_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:85
string format
Some error handling for the usage.
std::atomic< int > nlumi_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:87
#define nullptr
std::string dirName_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:67
std::string fileBaseName_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:82
virtual void globalEndLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock &, const edm::EventSetup &) const
Definition: DQMStore.h:78
void Fill(long long x)
int saveByLumiSection_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:75
bool enableMultiThread_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:72
std::string transferDestination_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:97
tuple path
else: Piece not in the list, fine.
void saveJobReport(const std::string &filename) const
static void getAnInt(const edm::ParameterSet &ps, int &value, const std::string &name)
bool isAvailable() const
Definition: Service.h:46
RunNumber_t run() const
static std::string onlineOfflineFileName(const std::string &fileBaseName, const std::string &suffix, const std::string &workflow, const std::string &child, DQMFileSaver::FileFormat fileFormat)
void saveForOnline(int run, const std::string &suffix, const std::string &rewrite) const
bool fakeFilterUnitMode_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:73
bool runIsComplete_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:71
std::string stream_label_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:66
static const std::string streamPrefix_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:95
DQMStore * dbe_
std::string workflow_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:64
virtual std::shared_ptr< saverDetails::NoCache > globalBeginRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) const
std::string getReleaseVersion()
string host
std::string producer_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:65
std::string child_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:68
int saveReference_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:78
void saveForOnlinePB(int run, const std::string &suffix) const
std::string filterName_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:69
std::atomic< int > fileUpdate_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:83
tuple pid
FileFormat fileFormat_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:63
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
virtual void analyze(edm::StreamID, const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &) const
std::atomic< int > irun_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:90
virtual std::shared_ptr< saverDetails::NoCache > globalBeginLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock &, const edm::EventSetup &) const
void saveForOfflinePB(const std::string &workflow, int run) const
bool saveAtJobEnd_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:77
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
void reportAnalysisFile(std::string const &fileName, std::map< std::string, std::string > const &fileData)
std::atomic< int > nrun_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:86
static void doSaveForOnline(DQMStore *store, int run, bool enableMultiThread, const std::string &filename, const std::string &directory, const std::string &rxpat, const std::string &rewrite, DQMStore::SaveReferenceTag saveref, int saveRefQMin, const std::string &filterName, DQMFileSaver::FileFormat fileFormat)
tuple filename
static const int STATUS_OK
tuple inputFiles
virtual void postForkReacquireResources(unsigned int childIndex, unsigned int numberOfChildren)
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
virtual void beginJob(void)
virtual void endJob(void)
static const std::string streamSuffix_
Definition: DQMFileSaver.h:96
Definition: Run.h:41
void saveForFilterUnit(const std::string &rewrite, int run, int lumi, const FileFormat fileFormat) const