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ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff Namespace Reference


tuple endPath
tuple eventInfo
 endPath More...
tuple eventVtxInfoNtuple
 Primary vertex info. More...
tuple generalEventInfoPath
tuple globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAA
 sequences and path for tight cuts... More...
tuple globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAsta
tuple globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAtrk
tuple globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAB
tuple goodZToMuMu1HLTPath
tuple goodZToMuMu1HLTPathLoose
tuple goodZToMuMu2HLTPath
tuple goodZToMuMu2HLTPathLoose
tuple goodZToMuMuAB1HLTPath
tuple goodZToMuMuAB1HLTPathLoose
tuple goodZToMuMuBB2HLTPath
tuple goodZToMuMuBB2HLTPathLoose
tuple goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonPath
tuple goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonPathLoose
 goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTPathLoose = cms.Path( dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ goodZToMuMuSameChargeLoose + goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTLoose ) More...
tuple goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonPath
tuple goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonPathLoose
tuple goodZToMuMuOneTrackPath
tuple goodZToMuMuOneTrackPathLoose
tuple goodZToMuMuPath
tuple goodZToMuMuPathLoose
 paths for loose cuts, not notIso ones, not 1HLT and 2HLT: only ZGolden, zMuSta, zMuTk, zMuTrackerMuon and ZGoldenSameCharge. More...
tuple goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLTPath
tuple goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTPath
tuple goodZToMuMuSameChargePath
tuple goodZToMuMuSameChargePathLoose
tuple initialGoodZToMuMuPath
tuple nonIsolatedZToMuMuPath
tuple NtuplesOut
tuple oneNonIsolatedZToMuMuPath
tuple twoNonIsolatedZToMuMuPath
tuple VtxedNtuplesOut
tuple zmumuSaMassHistogram
 for zmusta modelling... More...

Variable Documentation

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.endPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.EndPath(
2  NtuplesOut +
3  VtxedNtuplesOut
4 )

Definition at line 316 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.eventInfo
Initial value:
1 = cms.OutputModule(
2  "AsciiOutputModule"
3 )


Definition at line 299 of file

Referenced by PCLTrackerAlProducer.analyze(), edm.BranchTypeToInfoTreeName(), AlignmentProducer.duringLoop(), and PileupSummaryInfoSlimmer.produce().

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.eventVtxInfoNtuple
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer(
2  "EventVtxInfoNtupleDumper",
3  primaryVertices=cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices")
4 )

Primary vertex info.

Definition at line 31 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.generalEventInfoPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  eventVtxInfoNtuple
3  )

Definition at line 37 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAA
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer(
2  "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis",
3  src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMu"),
4  ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
5  massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
6  massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"),
7  etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"),
8  etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"),
9  trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"),
10  chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"),
11  nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10)
12  )

sequences and path for tight cuts...

Definition at line 132 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAsta
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer(
2  "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis",
3  src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon"),
4  ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
5  massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
6  massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"),
7  etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"),
8  etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"),
9  trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"),
10  chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"),
11  nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10)
12  )

Definition at line 171 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAtrk
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer(
2  "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis",
3  src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuon"),
4  ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
5  massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
6  massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"),
7  etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"),
8  etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"),
9  trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"),
10  chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"),
11  nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10)
12  )

Definition at line 158 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAB
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer(
2  "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis",
3  src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMuAB"),
4  ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
5  massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"),
6  massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"),
7  etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"),
8  etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"),
9  trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"),
10  chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"),
11  nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10)
12  )

Definition at line 145 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMu1HLTPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMu +
3  goodZToMuMu1HLT
4  )

Definition at line 205 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMu1HLTPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMuLoose +
3  goodZToMuMu1HLTLoose
4  )

Definition at line 57 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMu2HLTPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMu +
3  goodZToMuMu2HLT
4  )

Definition at line 199 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMu2HLTPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMuLoose +
3  goodZToMuMu2HLTLoose
4  )

Definition at line 52 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuAB1HLTPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMuNotFiltered + ## not filtered
3  zToMuMuAB+
4  goodZToMuMuAB+
5  goodZToMuMuAB1HLT
6 ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAB
7 )

Definition at line 210 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuAB1HLTPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMuNotFiltered+ ## not filtered
3  zToMuMuABLoose+
4  goodZToMuMuABLoose+
5  goodZToMuMuAB1HLTLoose
6 )

Definition at line 62 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuBB2HLTPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  zToMuMuBB+
3  goodZToMuMuBB2HLT
4 )

Definition at line 218 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuBB2HLTPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  zToMuMuBBLoose+
3  goodZToMuMuBB2HLTLoose
4 )

Definition at line 69 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  ~goodZToMuMu +
3  zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon +
4  goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon +
5  goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonFirstHLT
6 ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAsta
7  )

Definition at line 267 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2 ### I should deny the tight zmumu, otherwise I cut to much....
3  ~goodZToMuMu +
4  zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonLoose +
5  goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonLoose +
6  goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonFirstHLTLoose
7  )

goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTPathLoose = cms.Path( dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ goodZToMuMuSameChargeLoose + goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTLoose )

goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLTPathLoose = cms.Path( dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ goodZToMuMuSameChargeLoose + goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLTLoose )

Definition at line 96 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  ~goodZToMuMu +
3  zToMuMuOneTrackerMuon +
4  goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuon +
5  goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonFirstHLT
6 ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAtrk
7 )

Definition at line 275 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  ### I should deny the tight zmumu, otherwise I cut to much....
3  ~goodZToMuMu +
4  zToMuMuOneTrackerMuonLoose +
5  goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonLoose +
6  goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonFirstHLTLoose
7 )

Definition at line 105 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuOneTrackPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  ~goodZToMuMu +
3  ~zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon +
4  zToMuGlobalMuOneTrack +
5  zToMuMuOneTrack +
6  goodZToMuMuOneTrack +
7  goodZToMuMuOneTrackFirstHLT
8  )

Definition at line 285 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuOneTrackPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  ### I should deny the tight zmumu, otherwise I cut to much....
3  ~goodZToMuMu +
4  ~zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon +
5  zToMuGlobalMuOneTrack +
6  zToMuMuOneTrackLoose +
7  goodZToMuMuOneTrackLoose +
8  goodZToMuMuOneTrackFirstHLTLoose
9  )

Definition at line 115 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMu +
3  goodZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT
4  ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAA
5  )

Definition at line 191 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuPathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
3  goodZToMuMuLoose +
4  goodZToMuMuAtLeast1HLTLoose
5  )

paths for loose cuts, not notIso ones, not 1HLT and 2HLT: only ZGolden, zMuSta, zMuTk, zMuTrackerMuon and ZGoldenSameCharge.

Definition at line 44 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLTPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+
3  goodZToMuMuSameCharge +
4  goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLT
5  )

Definition at line 239 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+
3  goodZToMuMuSameCharge +
4  goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLT
5  )

Definition at line 231 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuSameChargePath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+
3  goodZToMuMuSameCharge +
4  goodZToMuMuSameChargeAtLeast1HLT
5  )

Definition at line 224 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.goodZToMuMuSameChargePathLoose
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+
3  goodZToMuMuSameChargeLoose +
4  goodZToMuMuSameChargeAtLeast1HLTLoose
5  )

Definition at line 74 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.initialGoodZToMuMuPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  goodZToMuMu +
3  zmumuSaMassHistogram
4 )

Definition at line 185 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.nonIsolatedZToMuMuPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  nonIsolatedZToMuMu +
3  nonIsolatedZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT
4 )

Definition at line 247 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.NtuplesOut
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  eventInfo
3  )

Definition at line 305 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.oneNonIsolatedZToMuMuPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  nonIsolatedZToMuMu +
3  oneNonIsolatedZToMuMu +
4  oneNonIsolatedZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT
5 )

Definition at line 253 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.twoNonIsolatedZToMuMuPath
Initial value:
1 = cms.Path(
2  nonIsolatedZToMuMu +
3  twoNonIsolatedZToMuMu +
4  twoNonIsolatedZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT
5 )

Definition at line 260 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.VtxedNtuplesOut
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  eventInfo
3  )

Definition at line 310 of file

tuple ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.zmumuSaMassHistogram
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer(
2  "ZMuMuSaMassHistogram",
3  src_m = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMu"),
4  min = cms.untracked.double(0.0),
5  max = cms.untracked.double(200.0),
6  nbin = cms.untracked.int32(200)
7  # name = cms.untracked.string("zMass")
8  )

for zmusta modelling...

Definition at line 20 of file