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generateEDF Namespace Reference


class  LumiInfo

LumiInfo Class

class  LumiInfoCont

LumiInfoCont Class



def loadEvents

General Functions

def makeEDFplot


string action = 'store_true'
list allowedEDF = ['time', 'instLum', 'instIntLum']

## Main

tuple cont = LumiInfoCont(args[0], **options.__dict__)
 load Luminosity info ## More...
string default = 'Empirical Distribution Function'
 done = False
string help = 'title of plot (default %default)'
tuple inputGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Input Options")
tuple modeGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Mode Options")
tuple nonSpaceRE = re.compile(r'\S')
tuple parser = optparse.OptionParser("Usage: %prog [options] lumi.csv events.txt output.png", description='Script for generating EDF curves. See for more details.')
tuple pieces = sepRE.split(line)
tuple plotGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Plot Options")
int prevRecLumi = 0
tuple rangeGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Range Options")
int recLumIndex = 0
list recLumis = []
 look for which runs correspond to what total ## recorded integrated luminosity ## More...
tuple recLumValue = float(piece)
tuple sepRE = re.compile(r'[\s,;:]+')
string type = 'string'

Function Documentation

def generateEDF.loadEvents (   filename,

General Functions

Definition at line 234 of file

References python.multivaluedict.append().

235 def loadEvents (filename, cont, options):
236  eventsDict = {}
237  print "loading events from '%s'" % filename
238  events = open (filename, 'r')
239  runIndex, lumiIndex, eventIndex, weightIndex = 0, 1, 2, 3
240  if options.relOrder:
241  lumiIndex, eventIndex = 2,1
242  minPieces = 3
243  totalWeight = 0.
244  if options.weights:
245  minPieces = 4
246  for line in events:
247  pieces = sepRE.split (line.strip())
248  if len (pieces) < minPieces:
249  if (line):
250  print "skipping", line
251  continue
252  try:
253  run, lumi, event = int( pieces[runIndex] ), \
254  int( pieces[lumiIndex] ), \
255  int( pieces[eventIndex] )
256  except:
257  continue
258  key = (run, lumi)
259  if not cont.has_key (key):
260  if options.ignore:
261  print "Warning, %s is not found in the lumi information" \
262  % key.__str__()
263  continue
264  else:
265  raise RuntimeError, "%s is not found in lumi information. Use '--ignoreNoLumiEvents' option to ignore these events and continue." \
266  % key.__str__()
267  if options.edfMode != 'time' and not cont[key].xingInfo:
268  if options.ignore:
269  print "Warning, %s does not have Xing information" \
270  % key.__str__()
271  continue
272  else:
273  raise RuntimeError, "%s does not have Xing information. Use '--ignoreNoLumiEvents' option to ignore these events and continue." \
274  % key.__str__()
275  if options.weights:
276  weight = float (pieces[weightIndex])
277  else:
278  weight = 1
279  eventsDict.setdefault( key, []).append( (event, weight) )
280  totalWeight += weight
281  events.close()
282  return eventsDict, totalWeight
def loadEvents
General Functions
def generateEDF.makeEDFplot (   lumiCont,

Definition at line 284 of file

References bookConverter.max, and min().

285 def makeEDFplot (lumiCont, eventsDict, totalWeight, outputFile, options):
286  # make TGraph
287  xVals = [0]
288  yVals = [0]
289  expectedVals = [0]
290  predVals = [0]
291  weight = 0
292  expectedChunks = []
293  ########################
294  ## Time Ordering Mode ##
295  ########################
296  if 'time' == options.edfMode:
297  # if we have a minimum run number, clear the lists
298  if lumiCont.minRun or lumiCont.minIntLum:
299  xVals = []
300  yVals = []
301  expectedVals = []
302  predVals = []
303  # loop over events
304  for key, eventList in sorted( eventsDict.iteritems() ):
305  usePoints = True
306  # should we add this point?
307  if lumiCont.minRun and lumiCont.minRun > key[0] or \
308  lumiCont.maxRun and lumiCont.maxRun < key[0]:
309  usePoints = False
310  for event in eventList:
311  weight += event[1]
312  if not usePoints:
313  continue
314  factor = weight / totalWeight
315  try:
316  intLum = lumiCont[key].totalRecorded
317  except:
318  raise RuntimeError, "key %s not found in lumi information" \
319  % key.__str__()
320  if lumiCont.minIntLum and lumiCont.minIntLum > intLum or \
321  lumiCont.maxIntLum and lumiCont.maxIntLum < intLum:
322  continue
323  lumFrac = intLum / lumiCont.totalRecLum
324  xVals.append( lumiCont[key].totalRecorded)
325  yVals.append (factor)
326  expectedVals.append (lumFrac)
327  predVals.append (lumFrac * options.pred)
328  # put on the last point if we aren't giving a maximum run
329  if not lumiCont.maxRun and not lumiCont.maxIntLum:
330  xVals.append (lumiCont.totalRecLum)
331  yVals.append (1)
332  expectedVals.append (1)
333  predVals.append (options.pred)
334  ####################
335  ## Reset Expected ##
336  ####################
337  if options.resetExpected:
338  slope = (yVals[-1] - yVals[0]) / (xVals[-1] - xVals[0])
339  print "slope", slope
340  for index, old in enumerate (expectedVals):
341  expectedVals[index] = yVals[0] + \
342  slope * (xVals[index] - xVals[0])
343  #############################################
344  ## Break Expected by Integrated Luminosity ##
345  #############################################
346  if options.breakExpectedIntLum:
347  breakExpectedIntLum = []
348  for chunk in options.breakExpectedIntLum:
349  pieces = sepRE.split (chunk)
350  try:
351  for piece in pieces:
352  breakExpectedIntLum.append( float(piece) )
353  except:
354  raise RuntimeError, "'%s' from '%s' is not a valid float" \
355  % (piece, chunk)
356  breakExpectedIntLum.sort()
357  boundaries = []
358  breakIndex = 0
359  done = False
360  for index, xPos in enumerate (xVals):
361  if xPos > breakExpectedIntLum[breakIndex]:
362  boundaries.append (index)
363  while breakIndex < len (breakExpectedIntLum):
364  breakIndex += 1
365  if breakIndex >= len (breakExpectedIntLum):
366  done = True
367  break
368  # If this next position is different, than
369  # we're golden. Otherwise, let it go through
370  # the loop again.
371  if xPos <= breakExpectedIntLum[breakIndex]:
372  break
373  if done:
374  break
375  # do we have any boundaries?
376  if not boundaries:
377  raise RuntimeError, "No values of 'breakExpectedIntLum' are in current range."
378  # is the first boundary at 0? If not, add 0
379  if boundaries[0]:
380  boundaries.insert (0, 0)
381  # is the last boundary at the end? If not, make the end a
382  # boundary
383  if boundaries[-1] != len (xVals) - 1:
384  boundaries.append( len (xVals) - 1 )
385  rangeList = zip (boundaries, boundaries[1:])
386  for thisRange in rangeList:
387  upper = thisRange[1]
388  lower = thisRange[0]
389  slope = (yVals[upper] - yVals[lower]) / \
390  (xVals[upper] - xVals[lower])
391  print "slope", slope
392  # now go over the range inclusively
393  pairList = []
394  for index in range (lower, upper + 1):
395  newExpected = yVals[lower] + \
396  slope * (xVals[index] - xVals[lower])
397  pairList.append( (xVals[index], newExpected) )
398  expectedVals[index] = newExpected
399  expectedChunks.append (pairList)
400  ###########################################
401  ## Instantanous Luminosity Ordering Mode ##
402  ###########################################
403  elif 'instLum' == options.edfMode or 'instIntLum' == options.edfMode:
404  eventTupList = []
405  if not lumiCont.xingInfo:
406  raise RuntimeError, "Luminosity Xing information missing."
407  for key, eventList in sorted( eventsDict.iteritems() ):
408  try:
409  lumi = lumiCont[key]
410  instLum = lumi.aveInstLum
411  fracAXIL = lumi.fracAXILrecorded
412  totalAXIL = lumi.totalAXILrecorded
413  except:
414  raise RuntimeError, "key %s not found in lumi information" \
415  % key.__str__()
416  for event in eventList:
417  eventTupList.append( (instLum, fracAXIL, totalAXIL, key,
418  event[0], event[1], ) )
419  eventTupList.sort()
420  for eventTup in eventTupList:
421  weight += eventTup[5]
422  factor = weight / totalWeight
423  if 'instLum' == options.edfMode:
424  xVals.append (eventTup[0])
425  else:
426  xVals.append (eventTup[2])
427  yVals.append (factor)
428  expectedVals.append (eventTup[1])
429  predVals.append (eventTup[1] * options.pred)
430  else:
431  raise RuntimeError, "It looks like Charles screwed up if you are seeing this."
433  size = len (xVals)
434  step = int (math.sqrt(size) / 2 + 1)
435  if options.printValues:
436  for index in range (size):
437  print "%8f %8f %8f" % (xVals[index], yVals[index], expectedVals[index]),
438  if index > step:
439  denom = xVals[index] - xVals[index - step]
440  numer = yVals[index] - yVals[index - step]
441  if denom:
442  print " %8f" % (numer / denom),
443  if 0 == index % step:
444  print " **", ## indicates statistically independent
445  ## slope measurement
446  print
447  print
449  xArray = array.array ('d', xVals)
450  yArray = array.array ('d', yVals)
451  expected = array.array ('d', expectedVals)
452  graph = ROOT.TGraph( size, xArray, yArray)
453  graph.SetTitle (options.title)
454  graph.SetMarkerStyle (20)
455  expectedGraph = ROOT.TGraph( size, xArray, expected)
456  expectedGraph.SetLineColor (ROOT.kRed)
457  expectedGraph.SetLineWidth (3)
458  if options.noDataPoints:
459  expectedGraph.SetLineStyle (2)
461  # run statistical tests
462  if options.weights:
463  print "average weight per event:", weight / ( size - 1)
464  maxDistance = ROOT.TMath.KolmogorovTest (size, yArray,
465  size, expected,
466  "M")
467  prob = ROOT.TMath.KolmogorovProb( maxDistance * math.sqrt( size ) )
469  # display everything
470  ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle('Plain')
471  ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch()
472  c1 = ROOT.TCanvas()
473  graph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser (min (xVals), max (xVals))
474  minValue = min (min(yVals), min(expected))
475  if options.pred:
476  minValue = min (minValue, min (predVals))
477  graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser (minValue,
478  max (max(yVals), max(expected), max(predVals)))
479  graph.SetLineWidth (3)
480  if options.noDataPoints:
481  graph.Draw ("AL")
482  else:
483  graph.Draw ("ALP")
484  if 'instLum' == options.edfMode:
485  graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle ("Average Xing Inst. Luminosity (1/ub/s)")
486  graph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser (0., lumiCont.max('aveInstLum'))
487  else:
488  if 'instIntLum' == options.edfMode:
489  graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle ("Integrated Luminosity - Inst. Lum. Ordered (1/%s)" \
490  % lumiCont.invunits)
491  else:
492  graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle ("Integrated Luminosity (1/%s)" \
493  % lumiCont.invunits)
494  graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle ("Fraction of Events Seen")
495  expectedGraphs = []
496  if expectedChunks:
497  for index, chunk in enumerate (expectedChunks):
498  expectedXarray = array.array ('d', [item[0] for item in chunk])
499  expectedYarray = array.array ('d', [item[1] for item in chunk])
500  expectedGraph = ROOT.TGraph( len(chunk),
501  expectedXarray,
502  expectedYarray )
503  expectedGraph.SetLineWidth (3)
504  if options.noDataPoints:
505  expectedGraph.SetLineStyle (2)
506  if index % 2:
507  expectedGraph.SetLineColor (ROOT.kBlue)
508  else:
509  expectedGraph.SetLineColor (ROOT.kRed)
510  expectedGraph.Draw("L")
511  expectedGraphs.append (expectedGraph)
512  exptectedGraph = expectedGraphs[0]
513  else:
514  expectedGraph.Draw ("L")
515  green = 0
516  if options.pred:
517  predArray = array.array ('d', predVals)
518  green = ROOT.TGraph (size, xArray, predArray)
519  green.SetLineWidth (3)
520  green.SetLineColor (8)
521  green.Draw ('l')
522  legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.15, 0.65, 0.50, 0.85)
523  legend.SetFillStyle (0)
524  legend.SetLineColor(ROOT.kWhite)
525  observed = 'Observed'
526  if options.weights:
527  observed += ' (weighted)'
528  legend.AddEntry(graph, observed,"PL")
529  if options.resetExpected:
530  legend.AddEntry(expectedGraph, "Expected from partial yield","L")
531  else:
532  legend.AddEntry(expectedGraph, "Expected from total yield","L")
533  if options.pred:
534  legend.AddEntry(green, options.predLabel,"L")
535  legend.AddEntry("","D_{stat}=%.3f, N=%d" % (maxDistance, size),"")
536  legend.AddEntry("","P_{KS}=%.3f" % prob,"")
537  legend.Draw()
539  # save file
540  c1.Print (outputFile)
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58

Variable Documentation

string generateEDF.action = 'store_true'

Definition at line 570 of file

list generateEDF.allowedEDF = ['time', 'instLum', 'instIntLum']

## Main

command line options ##

Definition at line 554 of file

tuple generateEDF.cont = LumiInfoCont(args[0], **options.__dict__)

load Luminosity info ##

Definition at line 622 of file

Referenced by CaloTowersClient.CaloTowersEndjob(), CaloTowersDQMClient.CaloTowersEndjob(), DTHVStatusHandler.checkForPeriod(), cond::PoolTokenParser.className(), cond::DbSession.classNameForItem(), ora::Database.containerHandle(), ora::Database.createContainer(), CandidateBoostedDoubleSecondaryVertexComputer.discriminator(), ora::DatabaseSession.dropContainer(), ora::Database.erase(), ora::Database.fetch(), ora::Database.fetchItem(), ora::DatabaseSession.fetchObjectByName(), ora::DatabaseSession.fetchTypedObjectByName(), SymmetryFit.findUsableMinMax(), MuScleFitUtils.fitMass(), MuScleFitUtils.fitReso(), ora::DatabaseUtilitySession.importContainer(), ora::DatabaseUtilitySession.importContainerSchema(), cond::IOVImportIterator.importMoreElements(), cond::DbSession.importObject(), DirectMuonNavigation.inOutBackward(), DirectMuonNavigation.inOutBarrel(), DirectMuonNavigation.inOutForward(), ora::Database.insert(), ora::Database.insertItem(), DQMGenericClient.limitedFit(), ora::DatabaseUtility.listMappings(), ora::DatabaseUtility.listMappingVersions(), ora::Database.lockContainer(), DirectMuonNavigation.outInBackward(), DirectMuonNavigation.outInBarrel(), DirectMuonNavigation.outInForward(), cond::PoolTokenParser.parse(), cond::XMLAuthenticationService::XMLAuthenticationService.processFile(), TrackProducerWithSCAssociation.produce(), DAFTrackProducerAlgorithm.runWithCandidate(), HcalSimHitsClient.SimHitsEndjob(), ora::Database.update(), ora::Database.updateItem(), and cond::PoolTokenWriter.write().

string generateEDF.default = 'Empirical Distribution Function'

Definition at line 561 of file

generateEDF.done = False

Definition at line 651 of file

string = 'title of plot (default %default)'

Definition at line 562 of file

tuple generateEDF.inputGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Input Options")

Definition at line 558 of file

tuple generateEDF.modeGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Mode Options")

Definition at line 559 of file

tuple generateEDF.nonSpaceRE = re.compile(r'\S')

Definition at line 12 of file

tuple generateEDF.parser = optparse.OptionParser("Usage: %prog [options] lumi.csv events.txt output.png", description='Script for generating EDF curves. See for more details.')

Definition at line 555 of file

tuple generateEDF.pieces = sepRE.split(line)

Definition at line 635 of file

tuple generateEDF.plotGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Plot Options")

Definition at line 556 of file

generateEDF.prevRecLumi = 0

Definition at line 650 of file

tuple generateEDF.rangeGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Range Options")

Definition at line 557 of file

int generateEDF.recLumIndex = 0

Definition at line 648 of file

list generateEDF.recLumis = []

look for which runs correspond to what total ## recorded integrated luminosity ##

Definition at line 633 of file

list generateEDF.recLumValue = float(piece)

Definition at line 638 of file

tuple generateEDF.sepRE = re.compile(r'[\s,;:]+')

Definition at line 11 of file

string generateEDF.type = 'string'

Definition at line 584 of file