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1 import copy
2 import inspect
3 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
4 from FWCore.ParameterSet.Mixins import *
5 from os import path
7 #### patches needed for deepcopy of sorted dicts ####
9 import FWCore.ParameterSet.DictTypes as dicttypes
12  return self.__class__(self)
13 dicttypes.SortedKeysDict.__copy__ = new_SortedKeysDict__copy__
15 def new_SortedKeysDict__deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
16  from copy import deepcopy
17  if memo is None:
18  memo = {}
19  d = memo.get(id(self), None)
20  if d is not None:
21  return d
22  memo[id(self)] = d = self.__class__()
23  d.__init__(deepcopy(self.items(), memo))
24  return d
25 dicttypes.SortedKeysDict.__deepcopy__ = new_SortedKeysDict__deepcopy__
28 class parameter:
29  pass
31 ### Base class for object oriented designed tools
35  """ Base class for PAT tools
36  """
37  _label="ConfigToolBase"
38  _defaultValue="No default value. Set parameter value."
39  _path = ""
40  def __init__(self):
41  self._parameters=dicttypes.SortedKeysDict()
42  self._description=self.__doc__
43  self._comment = ''
44  self.parAccepted=True
45  saveOrigin(self,1)
46  self._path = path.realpath(self._filename)
47  self._path = self._path.split("/src/")
48  self._path = self._path[1].replace("/python","")
49  #self._path = "".join(self._path)
50  self._path = self._path.replace("/",".")
51  self._path = self._path.replace(".py","")
54  def __call__(self,process):
55  """ Call the instance
56  """
57  raise NotImplementedError
59  def apply(self,process):
61  if hasattr(process, "addAction"):
62  process.disableRecording()
64  try:
65  comment=inspect.stack(2)[2][4][0].rstrip("\n")
66  if comment.startswith("#"):
67  self.setComment(comment.lstrip("#"))
68  except:
69  pass
71  self.toolCode(process)
73  if hasattr(process, "addAction"):
74  process.enableRecording()
75  action=self.__copy__()
76  process.addAction(action)
78  def toolCode(self, process):
79  raise NotImplementedError
82  ### __copy__(self) returns a copy of the tool
83  def __copy__(self):
84  c=type(self)()
85  c.setParameters(copy.deepcopy(self._parameters))
86  c.setComment(self._comment)
87  return c
88  def reset(self):
89  self._parameters=copy.deepcopy(self._defaultParameters)
90  def getvalue(self,name):
91  """ Return the value of parameter 'name'
92  """
93  return self._parameters[name].value
94  def description(self):
95  """ Return a string with a detailed description of the action.
96  """
97  return self._description
99  ### use addParameter method in the redefinition of tool constructor in order to add parameters to the tools
100  ### each tool is defined by its label, default value, description, type and allowedValues (the last two attribute can be ignored
101  ### if the user gives a valid default values and if there is not a list of allowed values)
102  def addParameter(self,dict,parname, parvalue, description,Type=None, allowedValues=None, acceptNoneValue=False):
103  """ Add a parameter with its label, value, description and type to self._parameters
104  """
105  par=parameter()
107  par.value=parvalue
108  par.description=description
109  if Type==None:
110  par.type=type(parvalue)
111  else: par.type=Type
112  par.allowedValues=allowedValues
113  par.acceptNoneValue=acceptNoneValue
114  dict[]=par
115  def getParameters(self):
116  """ Return a copy of the dict of the parameters.
117  """
118  return copy.deepcopy(self._parameters)
119  def setParameter(self, name, value, typeNone=False):
120  """ Change parameter 'name' to a new value
121  """
122  self._parameters[name].value=value
123  ### check about input value type
124  self.typeError(name)
125  ### check about input value (it works if allowedValues for the specific parameter is set)
126  if self._defaultParameters[name].allowedValues is not None: self.isAllowed(name,value )
127  def setParameters(self, parameters):
128  self._parameters=copy.deepcopy(parameters)
129  #def dumpPython(self):
130  # """ Return the python code to perform the action
131  # """
132  # raise NotImplementedError
134  def dumpPython(self):
135  """ Return the python code to perform the action
136  """
137  dumpPythonImport = "\nfrom "+self._path+" import *\n"
138  dumpPython=''
139  if self._comment!="":
140  dumpPython = '#'+self._comment
141  dumpPython += "\n"+self._label+"(process "
142  for key in self._parameters.keys():
143  if repr(self._parameters[key].value)!=repr(self._defaultParameters[key].value):
144  dumpPython+= ", "+str(key)+" = "
145  if self._parameters[key].type is str:
146  string = "'"+str(self.getvalue(key))+"'"
147  else:
148  string = str(self.getvalue(key))
149  dumpPython+= string
150  dumpPython+=")"+'\n'
151  return (dumpPythonImport,dumpPython)
153  def setComment(self, comment):
154  """ Write a comment in the configuration file
155  """
156  self._comment = str(comment)
157  def comment(self):
158  """ Return the comment set for this tool
159  """
160  return self._comment
161  def errorMessage(self,value,type):
162  return "The type for parameter "+'"'+str(value)+'"'+" is not "+'"'+str(type)+'"'
163  ### method isAllowed is called by setParameter to check input values for a specific parameter
164  def isAllowed(self,name,value):
165  self.parAccepted=True
166  if value==[]:
167  self.parAccepted=False
168  elif (isinstance(value,dict)) and (isinstance(self._parameters[name].allowedValues,list)):
169  for key in value.keys():
170  if (key not in self._parameters[name].allowedValues):
171  raise ValueError("The input key value "+'"'+str(key)+'"'+" for parameter "+'"'+name+'"'+" is not supported. Supported ones are: "+str(self._parameters[name].allowedValues)[1:-1])
172  elif (isinstance(value,list)) and (isinstance(self._parameters[name].allowedValues,list )):
173  for val in value:
174  if (val not in self._parameters[name].allowedValues) :
175  raise ValueError("The input value "+'"'+str(val)+'"'+" for parameter "+'"'+name+'"'+" is not supported. Supported ones are: "+str(self._parameters[name].allowedValues)[1:-1])
176  elif (not isinstance(value,list))and (isinstance(self._parameters[name].allowedValues,list)) :
177  if (value not in self._parameters[name].allowedValues and value == None) and (not self._parameters[name].acceptNoneValue) :
178  self.parAccepted=False
179  elif not isinstance(self._parameters[name].allowedValues,list):
180  if (value!=self._parameters[name].allowedValues and value == None) and (not self._parameters[name].acceptNoneValue) :
181  self.parAccepted=False
182  if self.parAccepted==False:
183  raise ValueError("The input value "+'"'+str(value)+'"'+" for parameter "+'"'+name+'"'+" is not supported. Supported ones are: "+str(self._parameters[name].allowedValues)[1:-1])
184  ### check about input value type
185  def typeError(self,name):
186  if self._parameters[name].acceptNoneValue is False:
187  if not isinstance(self._parameters[name].value,self._parameters[name].type):
188  raise TypeError(self.errorMessage(self._parameters[name].value,self._parameters[name].type))
189  else:
190  if not (isinstance(self._parameters[name].value,self._parameters[name].type) or self._parameters[name].value is None):
191  raise TypeError(self.errorMessage(self._parameters[name].value,self._parameters[name].type))
192  def getAllowedValues(self,name):
193  return self._defaultParameters[name].allowedValues
def isAllowed
method isAllowed is called by setParameter to check input values for a specific parameter ...
def saveOrigin
def typeError
check about input value type
def addParameter
use addParameter method in the redefinition of tool constructor in order to add parameters to the too...
def new_SortedKeysDict__deepcopy__
list object
def __copy__
copy(self) returns a copy of the tool
def new_SortedKeysDict__copy__