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objects.autophobj Namespace Reference


tuple fourVectorType
tuple genParticleType


tuple genParticleWithAncestryType
tuple genParticleWithLinksType
tuple genParticleWithMotherId
tuple isoTrackType


tuple jetType


tuple jetTypeExtra
tuple leptonType


tuple leptonTypeExtra
tuple metType


tuple objectFloat
tuple objectInt
tuple particleType
tuple photonType


tuple tauType


tuple twoVectorType
tuple weightsInfoType

Variable Documentation

tuple objects.autophobj.fourVectorType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("fourVector", variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("pt", lambda x :,
3  NTupleVariable("eta", lambda x : x.eta()),
4  NTupleVariable("phi", lambda x : x.phi()),
5  NTupleVariable("mass", lambda x : x.mass()),
6  NTupleVariable("p4", lambda x : x, "TLorentzVector", default=ROOT.reco.Particle.LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.), filler = lambda vector, obj: vector.SetPtEtaPhiM(, obj.eta(), obj.phi(), obj.mass())),
7  # ^^^^------- Note: p4 normally is not saved unless 'saveTLorentzVectors' is enabled in the tree producer
8 ])

Definition at line 20 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.genParticleType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("genParticle", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.threeCharge()/3.0, float),
3  NTupleVariable("status", lambda x : x.status(),int),
4 ])


Definition at line 203 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.genParticleWithAncestryType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("genParticleWithAncestry", baseObjectTypes = [ genParticleType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("motherId", lambda x : x.motherId, int, help="pdgId of the mother of the particle"),
3  NTupleVariable("grandmotherId", lambda x : x.grandmotherId, int, help="pdgId of the grandmother of the particle"),
4  NTupleVariable("sourceId", lambda x : x.sourceId, int, help="origin of the particle (heaviest ancestor): 6=t, 25=h, 23/24=W/Z"),
5 ])

Definition at line 211 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.genParticleWithLinksType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("genParticleWithLinks", baseObjectTypes = [ genParticleWithAncestryType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("motherIndex", lambda x : x.motherIndex, int, help="index of the mother in the generatorSummary")
3 ])

Definition at line 216 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.genParticleWithMotherId
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("genParticleWithMotherId", baseObjectTypes = [ genParticleType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("motherId", lambda x : x.mother(0).pdgId() if x.mother(0) else 0, int, help="pdgId of the mother of the particle"),
3  NTupleVariable("grandmotherId", lambda x : x.mother(0).mother(0).pdgId() if x.mother(0) and x.mother(0).mother(0) else 0, int, help="pdgId of the grandmother of the particle")
4 ])

Definition at line 207 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.isoTrackType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("isoTrack", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.charge(), int),
3  NTupleVariable("dz", lambda x : , help="d_{z} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
4  NTupleVariable("absIso", lambda x : x.absIso, float, mcOnly=False, help="abs charged iso with condition for isolation such that Min(0.2*pt, 8 GeV)"),
5  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
6 ])


Definition at line 133 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.jetType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("jet", baseObjectTypes = [ fourVectorType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("id", lambda x : x.jetID("POG_PFID") , int, mcOnly=False,help="POG Loose jet ID"),
3  NTupleVariable("puId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'puJetIdPassed', -99), int, mcOnly=False, help="puId (full MVA, loose WP, 5.3.X training on AK5PFchs: the only thing that is available now)"),
4  NTupleVariable("btagCSV", lambda x : x.btag('pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags'), help="CSV-IVF v2 discriminator"),
5  NTupleVariable("btagCMVA", lambda x : x.btag('pfCombinedMVABJetTags'), help="CMVA discriminator"),
6  NTupleVariable("rawPt", lambda x : * x.rawFactor(), help="p_{T} before JEC"),
7  NTupleVariable("mcPt", lambda x : if getattr(x,"mcJet",None) else 0., mcOnly=True, help="p_{T} of associated gen jet"),
8  NTupleVariable("mcFlavour", lambda x : x.partonFlavour(), int, mcOnly=True, help="parton flavour (physics definition, i.e. including b's from shower)"),
9  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
10 ])


Definition at line 165 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.jetTypeExtra
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("jetExtra", baseObjectTypes = [ jetType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("area", lambda x : x.jetArea(), help="Catchment area of jet"),
3  # QG variables:
4  NTupleVariable("qgl", lambda x : getattr(x,'qgl', 0) , float, mcOnly=False,help="QG Likelihood"),
5  NTupleVariable("ptd", lambda x : getattr(x,'ptd', 0), float, mcOnly=False,help="QG input variable: ptD"),
6  NTupleVariable("axis2", lambda x : getattr(x,'axis2', 0) , float, mcOnly=False,help="QG input variable: axis2"),
7  NTupleVariable("mult", lambda x : getattr(x,'mult', 0) , int, mcOnly=False,help="QG input variable: total multiplicity"),
8  NTupleVariable("partonId", lambda x : getattr(x,'partonId', 0), int, mcOnly=True, help="parton flavour (manually matching to status 23 particles)"),
9  NTupleVariable("partonMotherId", lambda x : getattr(x,'partonMotherId', 0), int, mcOnly=True, help="parton flavour (manually matching to status 23 particles)"),
10  NTupleVariable("nLeptons", lambda x : len(x.leptons) if hasattr(x,'leptons') else 0 , float, mcOnly=False,help="Number of associated leptons"),
11 ])

Definition at line 175 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.leptonType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("lepton", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.charge(), int),
3  # Identification
4  NTupleVariable("tightId", lambda x : x.tightId(), int, help="POG Tight ID (for electrons it's configured in the analyzer)"),
5  NTupleVariable("eleCutIdCSA14_25ns_v1", lambda x : (1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Veto") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Loose") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Medium") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Tight")) if abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 else -1, int, help="Electron cut-based id (POG CSA14_25ns_v1): 0=none, 1=veto, 2=loose, 3=medium, 4=tight"),
6  NTupleVariable("eleCutIdCSA14_50ns_v1", lambda x : (1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Veto") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Loose") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Medium") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Tight")) if abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 else -1, int, help="Electron cut-based id (POG CSA14_50ns_v1): 0=none, 1=veto, 2=loose, 3=medium, 4=tight"),
7  # Impact parameter
8  NTupleVariable("dxy", lambda x : x.dxy(), help="d_{xy} with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
9  NTupleVariable("dz", lambda x : , help="d_{z} with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
10  NTupleVariable("edxy", lambda x : x.edB(), help="#sigma(d_{xy}) with respect to PV, in cm"),
11  NTupleVariable("edz", lambda x : x.edz(), help="#sigma(d_{z}) with respect to PV, in cm"),
12  NTupleVariable("ip3d", lambda x : x.ip3D() , help="d_{3d} with respect to PV, in cm (absolute value)"),
13  NTupleVariable("sip3d", lambda x : x.sip3D(), help="S_{ip3d} with respect to PV (significance)"),
14  # Conversion rejection
15  NTupleVariable("convVeto", lambda x : x.passConversionVeto() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 1, int, help="Conversion veto (always true for muons)"),
16  NTupleVariable("lostHits", lambda x : (x.gsfTrack() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else x.innerTrack()).hitPattern().numberOfLostHits(ROOT.reco.HitPattern.MISSING_INNER_HITS), int, help="Number of lost hits on inner track"),
17  # Isolations with the two radia
18  NTupleVariable("relIso03", lambda x : x.relIso03, help="PF Rel Iso, R=0.3, pile-up corrected"),
19  NTupleVariable("relIso04", lambda x : x.relIso04, help="PF Rel Iso, R=0.4, pile-up corrected"),
20  NTupleVariable("miniRelIso", lambda x : x.miniRelIso if hasattr(x,'miniRelIso') else -999, help="PF Rel miniRel, pile-up corrected"),
21  # Charge flip rejection criteria
22  NTupleVariable("tightCharge", lambda lepton : ( lepton.isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent() + lepton.isGsfScPixChargeConsistent() ) if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 11 else 2*(lepton.innerTrack().ptError()/lepton.innerTrack().pt() < 0.2), int, help="Tight charge criteria: for electrons, 2 if isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent, 1 if only isGsfScPixChargeConsistent, 0 otherwise; for muons, 2 if ptError/pt < 0.20, 0 otherwise "),
23  # MC-match info
24  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
25  NTupleVariable("mcMatchAny", lambda x : x.mcMatchAny, int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom"),
26  NTupleVariable("mcMatchTau", lambda x : x.mcMatchTau, int, mcOnly=True, help="True if the leptons comes from a tau"),
27  NTupleVariable("mcPt", lambda x : if getattr(x,"mcLep",None) else 0., mcOnly=True, help="p_{T} of associated gen lepton"),
28  NTupleVariable("mediumMuonId", lambda x : x.muonID("POG_ID_Medium") if abs(x.pdgId())==13 else 1, int, help="Muon POG Medium id"),
29 ])
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22



Definition at line 42 of file

Referenced by TopGenEvent.numberOfLeptons().

tuple objects.autophobj.leptonTypeExtra


Definition at line 73 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.metType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("met", baseObjectTypes = [ fourVectorType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("sumEt", lambda x : x.sumEt() ),
3  NTupleVariable("genPt", lambda x : x.genMET().pt() , mcOnly=True ),
4  NTupleVariable("genPhi", lambda x : x.genMET().phi(), mcOnly=True ),
5  NTupleVariable("genEta", lambda x : x.genMET().eta(), mcOnly=True ),
6 ])
T eta() const
Definition: DDAxes.h:10


Definition at line 192 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.objectFloat
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("builtInType", variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("", lambda x : x),
3 ])

Definition at line 8 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.objectInt
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("builtInType", variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("", lambda x : x,int),
3 ])

Definition at line 11 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.particleType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("particle", baseObjectTypes = [ fourVectorType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("pdgId", lambda x : x.pdgId(), int),
3 ])

Definition at line 28 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.photonType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("gamma", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("idCutBased", lambda x : x.idCutBased, int, help="1,2,3 if the gamma passes the loose, medium, tight WP of PhotonCutBasedID"),
3  NTupleVariable("hOverE", lambda x : x.hOVERe(), float, help="hoverE for photons"),
4  NTupleVariable("r9", lambda x : x.r9(), float, help="r9 for photons"),
5  NTupleVariable("sigmaIetaIeta", lambda x : x.sigmaIetaIeta(), float, help="sigmaIetaIeta for photons"),
6  #NTupleVariable("chHadIso", lambda x : x.chargedHadronIso(), float, help="chargedHadronIsolation for photons"),
7  #NTupleVariable("neuHadIso", lambda x : x.neutralHadronIso(), float, help="neutralHadronIsolation for photons"),
8  #NTupleVariable("phIso", lambda x : x.photonIso(), float, help="gammaIsolation for photons"),
9  NTupleVariable("chHadIso", lambda x : x.recoChargedHadronIso(), float, help="chargedHadronIsolation for photons (reco::Photon method, deltaR = 0.3)"),
10  NTupleVariable("chHadIso04", lambda x : x.chargedHadronIso(), float, help="chargedHadronIsolation for photons (PAT method, deltaR = 0.4)"),
11  NTupleVariable("neuHadIso", lambda x : x.recoNeutralHadronIso(), float, help="neutralHadronIsolation for photons"),
12  NTupleVariable("phIso", lambda x : x.recoPhotonIso(), float, help="gammaIsolation for photons"),
13  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
14  NTupleVariable("mcPt", lambda x : if getattr(x,"mcGamma",None) else 0., mcOnly=True, help="p_{T} of associated gen photon"),
15 ])


Definition at line 145 of file

Referenced by gen::EvtGenInterface.init().

tuple objects.autophobj.tauType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("tau", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.charge(), int),
3  NTupleVariable("decayMode", lambda x : x.decayMode(), int),
4  NTupleVariable("idDecayMode", lambda x : x.idDecayMode, int),
5  NTupleVariable("idDecayModeNewDMs", lambda x : x.idDecayModeNewDMs, int),
6  NTupleVariable("dxy", lambda x : x.dxy(), help="d_{xy} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
7  NTupleVariable("dz", lambda x : , help="d_{z} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
8  NTupleVariable("idMVA", lambda x : x.idMVA, int, help="1,2,3,4,5,6 if the tau passes the very loose to very very tight WP of the MVA3oldDMwLT discriminator"),
9  NTupleVariable("idMVANewDM", lambda x : x.idMVANewDM, int, help="1,2,3,4,5,6 if the tau passes the very loose to very very tight WP of the MVA3newDMwLT discriminator"),
10  NTupleVariable("idCI3hit", lambda x : x.idCI3hit, int, help="1,2,3 if the tau passes the loose, medium, tight WP of the By<X>CombinedIsolationDBSumPtCorr3Hits discriminator"),
11  NTupleVariable("idAntiMu", lambda x : x.idAntiMu, int, help="1,2 if the tau passes the loose/tight WP of the againstMuon<X>3 discriminator"),
12  NTupleVariable("idAntiE", lambda x : x.idAntiE, int, help="1,2,3,4,5 if the tau passes the v loose, loose, medium, tight, v tight WP of the againstElectron<X>MVA5 discriminator"),
13  NTupleVariable("isoCI3hit", lambda x : x.tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits"), help="byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits raw output discriminator"),
14  # MC-match info
15  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
16 ])


Definition at line 112 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.twoVectorType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("twoVector", variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("pt", lambda x :,
3  NTupleVariable("phi", lambda x : x.phi()),
4 ])

Definition at line 15 of file

tuple objects.autophobj.weightsInfoType
Initial value:
1 = NTupleObjectType("WeightsInfo", variables = [
2  NTupleVariable("id", lambda x :, int),
3  NTupleVariable("wgt", lambda x : x.wgt),
4 ])

Definition at line 32 of file