1 from PhysicsTools.Heppy.analyzers.core.Analyzer
import Analyzer
2 from PhysicsTools.Heppy.analyzers.core.AutoHandle
import AutoHandle
3 from PhysicsTools.Heppy.physicsobjects.Electron
import Electron
4 from PhysicsTools.Heppy.physicsobjects.Muon
import Muon
8 from PhysicsTools.Heppy.physicsutils.RochesterCorrections
import rochcor
9 from PhysicsTools.Heppy.physicsutils.MuScleFitCorrector
import MuScleFitCorr
10 from PhysicsTools.Heppy.physicsutils.ElectronCalibrator
import EmbeddedElectronCalibrator
17 from ROOT
import heppy
23 def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):
24 super(LeptonAnalyzer,self).
25 if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections
and self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections !=
26 if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections
not in [
"rereco-sync" ]:
27 raise RuntimeError,
'doMuScleFitCorrections must be one of "none", "prompt", "prompt-sync", "rereco", "rereco-sync"'
28 rereco = (
"prompt" not in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
29 sync = (
"sync" in self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections)
30 self.
muscleCorr = MuScleFitCorr(cfg_comp.isMC, rereco, sync)
31 if hasattr(self.cfg_ana,
and self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
32 raise RuntimeError,
"You can't run both Rochester and MuScleFit corrections!"
34 self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections =
36 self.electronEnergyCalibrator = EmbeddedElectronCalibrator()
40 if hasattr(cfg_ana,
41 self.eleIsoCut = cfg_ana.loose_electron_isoCut
43 self.eleIsoCut =
lambda ele : (
44 ele.relIso03 <= self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_relIso
45 ele.absIso03 < getattr(self.cfg_ana,
46 if hasattr(cfg_ana,
47 self.muIsoCut = cfg_ana.loose_muon_isoCut
49 self.muIsoCut =
lambda mu : (
50 mu.relIso03 <= self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_relIso
51 mu.absIso03 < getattr(self.cfg_ana,
55 self.
eleEffectiveArea = getattr(cfg_ana,
56 self.
muEffectiveArea = getattr(cfg_ana,
58 self.doMiniIsolation = getattr(cfg_ana,
59 if self.doMiniIsolation:
63 raise RuntimeError,
"miniIsolationVetoLeptons should be None, or 'any' (all reco leptons), or 'inclusive' (all inclusive leptons)"
77 self.handles[
'muons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.muons,
78 self.handles[
'electrons'] = AutoHandle(self.cfg_ana.electrons,
81 self.handles[
'rhoMu'] = AutoHandle( self.cfg_ana.rhoMuon,
83 self.handles[
'rhoEle'] = AutoHandle( self.cfg_ana.rhoElectron,
85 if self.doMiniIsolation:
86 self.handles[
'packedCandidates'] = AutoHandle( self.cfg_ana.packedCandidates,
88 super(LeptonAnalyzer,self).
89 self.counters.addCounter(
90 count = self.counters.counter(
91 count.register(
'all events')
100 event.inclusiveLeptons = []
103 event.selectedLeptons = []
104 event.selectedMuons = []
105 event.selectedElectrons = []
106 event.otherLeptons = []
108 if self.doMiniIsolation:
109 self.IsolationComputer.setPackedCandidates(self.handles[
111 for lep
in self.handles[
112 self.IsolationComputer.addVeto(lep)
113 for lep
in self.handles[
114 self.IsolationComputer.addVeto(lep)
124 inclusiveElectrons = []
126 if (mu.track().isNonnull()
and mu.muonID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_id)
127 mu.pt()>self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_pt
and abs(mu.eta())<self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_eta
128 abs(mu.dxy())<self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_dxy
and abs(mu.dz())<self.cfg_ana.inclusive_muon_dz):
129 inclusiveMuons.append(mu)
130 for ele
in allelectrons:
131 if ( ele.electronID(self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_id)
132 ele.pt()>self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_pt
and abs(ele.eta())<self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_eta
133 abs(ele.dxy())<self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_dxy
and abs(ele.dz())<self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_dz
134 ele.lostInner()<=self.cfg_ana.inclusive_electron_lostHits ):
135 inclusiveElectrons.append(ele)
136 event.inclusiveLeptons = inclusiveMuons + inclusiveElectrons
138 if self.doMiniIsolation:
140 for lep
in event.inclusiveLeptons:
141 self.IsolationComputer.addVeto(lep)
142 for lep
in event.inclusiveLeptons:
146 for mu
in inclusiveMuons:
147 if (mu.muonID(self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_id)
148 mu.pt() > self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_pt
and abs(mu.eta()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_eta
149 abs(mu.dxy()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_dxy
and abs(mu.dz()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_muon_dz
151 mu.looseIdSusy =
152 event.selectedLeptons.append(mu)
153 event.selectedMuons.append(mu)
155 mu.looseIdSusy =
156 event.otherLeptons.append(mu)
157 looseMuons = event.selectedLeptons[:]
158 for ele
in inclusiveElectrons:
159 if (ele.electronID(self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_id)
160 ele.pt()>self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_pt
and abs(ele.eta())<self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_eta
161 abs(ele.dxy()) < self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_dxy
and abs(ele.dz())<self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_dz
162 self.eleIsoCut(ele)
163 ele.lostInner() <= self.cfg_ana.loose_electron_lostHits
164 (
True if getattr(self.cfg_ana,
else (
bestMatch(ele, looseMuons)[1] > (self.cfg_ana.min_dr_electron_muon**2)) )):
165 event.selectedLeptons.append(ele)
166 event.selectedElectrons.append(ele)
167 ele.looseIdSusy =
169 event.otherLeptons.append(ele)
170 ele.looseIdSusy =
172 event.otherLeptons.sort(key =
lambda l : l.pt(), reverse =
173 event.selectedLeptons.sort(key =
lambda l : l.pt(), reverse =
174 event.selectedMuons.sort(key =
lambda l : l.pt(), reverse =
175 event.selectedElectrons.sort(key =
lambda l : l.pt(), reverse =
176 event.inclusiveLeptons.sort(key =
lambda l : l.pt(), reverse =
178 for lepton
in event.selectedLeptons:
179 if hasattr(self,
180 self.efficiency.attachToObject(lepton)
184 make a list of all muons, and apply basic corrections to them
187 allmuons =
map( Muon, self.handles[
'muons'].product() )
190 if self.cfg_ana.doMuScleFitCorrections:
192 self.muscleCorr.correct(mu, event.run)
193 elif self.cfg_ana.doRochesterCorrections:
195 corp4 = rochcor.corrected_p4(mu, event.run)
199 if self.cfg_ana.doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning:
200 isgood = cmgMuonCleanerBySegments.clean( self.handles[
'muons'].product() )
202 for i,mu
in enumerate(allmuons):
203 if isgood[i]: newmu.append(mu)
208 mu.rho = float(self.handles[
210 if aeta < 1.0 : mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.382;
211 elif aeta < 1.47 : mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.317;
212 elif aeta < 2.0 : mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.242;
213 elif aeta < 2.2 : mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.326;
214 elif aeta < 2.3 : mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.462;
215 else : mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.372;
216 if aeta < 1.0 : mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.674;
217 elif aeta < 1.47 : mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.565;
218 elif aeta < 2.0 : mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.442;
219 elif aeta < 2.2 : mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.515;
220 elif aeta < 2.3 : mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.821;
221 else : mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.660;
224 if aeta < 0.800: mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.0913
225 elif aeta < 1.300: mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.0765
226 elif aeta < 2.000: mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.0546
227 elif aeta < 2.200: mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.0728
228 else: mu.EffectiveArea03 = 0.1177
229 if aeta < 0.800: mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.1564
230 elif aeta < 1.300: mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.1325
231 elif aeta < 2.000: mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.0913
232 elif aeta < 2.200: mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.1212
233 else: mu.EffectiveArea04 = 0.2085
234 else:
raise RuntimeError,
"Unsupported value for mu_effectiveAreas: can only use Data2012 (rho: ?) and Phys14_v1 (rho: fixedGridRhoFastjetAll)"
237 mu.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
if len(event.goodVertices)>0
else event.vertices[0]
241 if self.cfg_ana.mu_isoCorr==
"rhoArea" :
242 mu.absIso03 = (mu.pfIsolationR03().sumChargedHadronPt +
max( mu.pfIsolationR03().sumNeutralHadronEt + mu.pfIsolationR03().sumPhotonEt - mu.rho * mu.EffectiveArea03,0.0))
243 mu.absIso04 = (mu.pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt +
max( mu.pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt + mu.pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt - mu.rho * mu.EffectiveArea04,0.0))
244 elif self.cfg_ana.mu_isoCorr==
"deltaBeta" :
245 mu.absIso03 = (mu.pfIsolationR03().sumChargedHadronPt +
max( mu.pfIsolationR03().sumNeutralHadronEt + mu.pfIsolationR03().sumPhotonEt - mu.pfIsolationR03().sumPUPt/2,0.0))
246 mu.absIso04 = (mu.pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt +
max( mu.pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt + mu.pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt - mu.pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt/2,0.0))
248 raise RuntimeError,
"Unsupported mu_isoCorr name '" + str(self.cfg_ana.mu_isoCorr) +
"'! For now only 'rhoArea' and 'deltaBeta' are supported."
249 mu.relIso03 = mu.absIso03/mu.pt()
250 mu.relIso04 = mu.absIso04/mu.pt()
255 make a list of all electrons, and apply basic corrections to them
257 allelectrons =
map( Electron, self.handles[
'electrons'].product() )
261 for e
in allelectrons:
263 for e2
in allelenodup:
264 if abs(e.pt()-e2.pt()) < 1e-6
and abs(e.eta()-e2.eta()) < 1e-6
and abs(e.phi()-e2.phi()) < 1e-6
and e.charge() == e2.charge():
267 if not dup: allelenodup.append(e)
268 allelectrons = allelenodup
271 for ele
in allelectrons:
272 ele.rho = float(self.handles[
275 SCEta =
276 if SCEta < 1.0 : ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.13
277 elif SCEta < 1.479: ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.14
278 elif SCEta < 2.0 : ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.07
279 elif SCEta < 2.2 : ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.09
280 elif SCEta < 2.3 : ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.11
281 elif SCEta < 2.4 : ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.11
282 else : ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.14
283 if SCEta < 1.0 : ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.208;
284 elif SCEta < 1.479: ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.209;
285 elif SCEta < 2.0 : ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.115;
286 elif SCEta < 2.2 : ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.143;
287 elif SCEta < 2.3 : ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.183;
288 elif SCEta < 2.4 : ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.194;
289 else : ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.261;
291 aeta =
292 if aeta < 0.800: ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.1013
293 elif aeta < 1.300: ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.0988
294 elif aeta < 2.000: ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.0572
295 elif aeta < 2.200: ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.0842
296 else: ele.EffectiveArea03 = 0.1530
297 if aeta < 0.800: ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.1830
298 elif aeta < 1.300: ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.1734
299 elif aeta < 2.000: ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.1077
300 elif aeta < 2.200: ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.1565
301 else: ele.EffectiveArea04 = 0.2680
302 else:
raise RuntimeError,
"Unsupported value for ele_effectiveAreas: can only use Data2012 (rho: ?) and Phys14_v1 (rho: fixedGridRhoFastjetAll)"
305 if self.cfg_ana.doElectronScaleCorrections:
306 for ele
in allelectrons:
307 self.electronEnergyCalibrator.correct(ele, event.run)
310 for ele
in allelectrons:
311 ele.associatedVertex = event.goodVertices[0]
if len(event.goodVertices)>0
else event.vertices[0]
314 for ele
in allelectrons:
315 if self.cfg_ana.ele_isoCorr==
"rhoArea" :
316 ele.absIso03 = (ele.chargedHadronIsoR(0.3) +
317 ele.absIso04 = (ele.chargedHadronIsoR(0.4) +
318 elif self.cfg_ana.ele_isoCorr==
"deltaBeta" :
319 ele.absIso03 = (ele.chargedHadronIsoR(0.3) +
max( ele.neutralHadronIsoR(0.3)+ele.photonIsoR(0.3) - ele.puChargedHadronIsoR(0.3)/2, 0.0))
320 ele.absIso04 = (ele.chargedHadronIsoR(0.4) +
max( ele.neutralHadronIsoR(0.4)+ele.photonIsoR(0.4) - ele.puChargedHadronIsoR(0.4)/2, 0.0))
322 raise RuntimeError,
"Unsupported ele_isoCorr name '" + str(self.cfg_ana.ele_isoCorr) +
"'! For now only 'rhoArea' and 'deltaBeta' are supported."
323 ele.relIso03 = ele.absIso03/ele.pt()
324 ele.relIso04 = ele.absIso04/ele.pt()
327 for ele
in allelectrons:
328 if self.cfg_ana.ele_tightId==
"MVA" :
329 ele.tightIdResult = ele.electronID(
330 elif self.cfg_ana.ele_tightId==
"Cuts_2012" :
331 ele.tightIdResult = -1 + 1*ele.electronID(
"POG_Cuts_ID_2012_Veto_full5x5") + 1*ele.electronID(
"POG_Cuts_ID_2012_Loose_full5x5") + 1*ele.electronID(
"POG_Cuts_ID_2012_Medium_full5x5") + 1*ele.electronID(
333 raise RuntimeError,
"Unsupported ele_tightId name '" + str(self.cfg_ana.ele_tightId) +
"'! For now only 'MVA' and 'Cuts_2012' are supported."
339 mu.miniIsoR = 10.0/
max(mu.pt(), 50),200)
342 what =
"mu" if (
abs(mu.pdgId()) == 13)
else (
"eleB" if mu.isEB()
else "eleE")
343 mu.miniAbsIsoCharged = self.IsolationComputer.chargedAbsIso(mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, {
"eleE":0.015}[what], 0.0);
346 mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral = self.IsolationComputer.neutralAbsIsoWeighted(mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.01, 0.5);
348 mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral = ( self.IsolationComputer.photonAbsIsoWeighted( mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.08
if what ==
"eleE" else 0.0, 0.0, self.IsolationComputer.selfVetoNone) +
349 self.IsolationComputer.neutralHadAbsIsoWeighted(mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.0, 0.0, self.IsolationComputer.selfVetoNone) )
352 mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral = self.IsolationComputer.neutralAbsIsoRaw(mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.01, 0.5);
354 mu.miniAbsIsoPho = self.IsolationComputer.photonAbsIsoRaw( mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.08
if what ==
"eleE" else 0.0, 0.0, self.IsolationComputer.selfVetoNone)
355 mu.miniAbsIsoNHad = self.IsolationComputer.neutralHadAbsIsoRaw(mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.0, 0.0, self.IsolationComputer.selfVetoNone)
356 mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral = mu.miniAbsIsoPho + mu.miniAbsIsoNHad
362 mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral =
max(0.0, mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral - mu.rho * mu.EffectiveArea03 * (mu.miniIsoR/0.3)**2)
365 mu.miniAbsIsoPU = self.IsolationComputer.puAbsIso(mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.01, 0.5);
367 mu.miniAbsIsoPU = self.IsolationComputer.puAbsIso(mu.physObj, mu.miniIsoR, 0.015
if what ==
"eleE" else 0.0, 0.0);
368 mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral =
max(0.0, mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral - 0.5*mu.miniAbsIsoPU)
370 raise RuntimeError,
"Unsupported miniIsolationCorr name '" + str(self.cfg_ana.miniIsolationCorr) +
"'! For now only 'rhoArea', 'deltaBeta', 'raw', 'weights' are supported (and 'weights' is not tested)."
371 mu.miniAbsIso = mu.miniAbsIsoCharged + mu.miniAbsIsoNeutral
372 mu.miniRelIso = mu.miniAbsIso/mu.pt()
375 def plausible(rec,gen):
376 if abs(rec.pdgId()) == 11
and abs(gen.pdgId()) != 11:
return False
377 if abs(rec.pdgId()) == 13
and abs(gen.pdgId()) != 13:
return False
378 dr =
379 if dr < 0.3:
return True
380 if rec.pt() < 10
and abs(rec.pdgId()) == 13
and gen.pdgId() != rec.pdgId():
return False
381 if dr < 0.7:
return True
382 if min(rec.pt(),gen.pt())/
max(rec.pt(),gen.pt()) < 0.3:
return False
385 leps = event.inclusiveLeptons
if self.cfg_ana.match_inclusiveLeptons
else event.selectedLeptons
387 event.genleps + event.gentauleps,
388 deltaRMax = 1.2, filter = plausible)
391 lep.mcMatchId = (gen.sourceId
if gen !=
None else 0)
392 lep.mcMatchTau = (gen
in event.gentauleps
if gen
else -99)
395 for i
in xrange( particle.numberOfMothers() ):
396 mom = particle.mother(i)
397 momid =
398 if momid / 1000 == bid
or momid / 100 == bid
or momid == bid:
400 elif mom.status() == 2
and self.
isFromB(mom, done=done):
405 event.anyLeptons = [ x
for x
in event.genParticles
if x.status() == 1
and abs(x.pdgId())
in [11,13] ]
406 leps = event.inclusiveLeptons
if hasattr(event,
else event.selectedLeptons
410 lep.mcMatchAny_gp = gen
412 if self.
isFromB(gen): lep.mcMatchAny = 5
413 elif self.
isFromB(gen,bid=4): lep.mcMatchAny = 4
414 else: lep.mcMatchAny = 1
418 if gen !=
None and hasattr(lep,
and lep.mcMatchId == 0:
420 elif not hasattr(lep,
422 if not hasattr(lep,
'mcMatchTau'): lep.mcMatchTau = 0
425 self.readCollections( event.input )
426 self.counters.counter(
'all events')
431 if self.cfg_comp.isMC
and self.cfg_ana.do_mc_match:
438 setattr(LeptonAnalyzer,
440 class_object=LeptonAnalyzer,
442 muons=
443 electrons=
444 rhoMuon=
445 rhoElectron =
448 doMuScleFitCorrections=
449 doRochesterCorrections=
450 doElectronScaleCorrections=
451 doSegmentBasedMuonCleaning=
453 inclusive_muon_id =
454 inclusive_muon_pt = 3,
455 inclusive_muon_eta = 2.4,
456 inclusive_muon_dxy = 0.5,
457 inclusive_muon_dz = 1.0,
459 loose_muon_id =
461 loose_muon_eta = 2.4,
462 loose_muon_dxy = 0.05,
464 loose_muon_relIso = 0.4,
466 inclusive_electron_id =
467 inclusive_electron_pt = 5,
468 inclusive_electron_eta = 2.5,
469 inclusive_electron_dxy = 0.5,
470 inclusive_electron_dz = 1.0,
471 inclusive_electron_lostHits = 1.0,
473 loose_electron_id =
474 loose_electron_pt = 7,
475 loose_electron_eta = 2.4,
476 loose_electron_dxy = 0.05,
477 loose_electron_dz = 0.2,
478 loose_electron_relIso = 0.4,
479 loose_electron_lostHits = 1.0,
481 mu_isoCorr =
"rhoArea" ,
482 mu_effectiveAreas =
484 ele_isoCorr =
"rhoArea" ,
485 el_effectiveAreas =
"Phys14_25ns_v1" ,
486 ele_tightId =
"Cuts_2012" ,
488 min_dr_electron_muon = 0.02,
490 doMiniIsolation =
491 packedCandidates =
492 miniIsolationPUCorr =
493 miniIsolationVetoLeptons =
496 match_inclusiveLeptons =
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2)
Duplicate removal for fast sim (to be checked if still necessary in latest greatest 5...
inclusive leptons = all leptons that could be considered somewhere in the analysis, with minimal requirements (used e.g.
def matchObjectCollection3