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HLT_PIon_cff Namespace Reference


tuple AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator
tuple caloDetIdAssociator
tuple CaloTopologyBuilder = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTopologyBuilder" )
tuple CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder
tuple CastorDbProducer
tuple ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer
list cmsswVersion = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION']
tuple cosmicsNavigationSchoolESProducer
tuple CSCChannelMapperESProducer
tuple CSCChannelMapperESSource
tuple CSCIndexerESProducer
tuple CSCINdexerESSource
tuple datasets
tuple ecalDetIdAssociator
tuple ecalSeverityLevel
tuple hcalDetIdAssociator
tuple hcalRecAlgos
tuple HLT_CaloJet260_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet200 + hltPreCaloJet260 + HLTAK4CaloJetsSequence + hltSingleCaloJet260 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WP85_Gsf_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleIsoEG25er + hltPreEle27eta2p1WP85Gsf + HLTEle27erWP85GsfSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_Mu50_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu16ORSingleMu25 + hltPreMu50 + hltL1fL1sMu16orMu25L1Filtered0 + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltL2fL1sMu16orMu25L1f0L2Filtered16Q + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + hltL3fL1sMu16orMu25L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered50Q + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_PFJet260_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet200 + hltPrePFJet260 + HLTAK4CaloJetsSequence + hltSingleCaloJet210 + HLTAK4PFJetsSequence + hltPFJetsCorrectedMatchedToCaloJets210 + hltSinglePFJet260 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_Photon20_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG10 + hltPrePhoton20CaloIdVLIsoL + HLTPhoton20CaloIdVLIsoLSequence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_Physics_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPrePhysics + HLTEndSequence )
tuple hltAK4CaloJets
tuple hltAK4CaloJetsCorrected
tuple hltAK4CaloJetsCorrectedIDPassed
tuple HLTAK4CaloJetsCorrectionSequence = cms.Sequence( hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCalo + hltAK4CaloJetsCorrected + hltAK4CaloJetsCorrectedIDPassed )
tuple hltAK4CaloJetsIDPassed
tuple hltAK4CaloJetsPF
tuple hltAK4CaloJetsPFEt5
tuple HLTAK4CaloJetsPrePFRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequencePF + hltAK4CaloJetsPF )
tuple HLTAK4CaloJetsReconstructionSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltAK4CaloJets + hltAK4CaloJetsIDPassed )
tuple HLTAK4CaloJetsSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTAK4CaloJetsReconstructionSequence + HLTAK4CaloJetsCorrectionSequence )
tuple hltAK4Iter0TrackJets4Iter1
tuple hltAK4Iter1TrackJets4Iter2
tuple hltAK4PFJets
tuple hltAK4PFJetsCorrected
tuple HLTAK4PFJetsCorrectionSequence = cms.Sequence( hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAll + hltAK4PFJetsCorrected )
tuple HLTAK4PFJetsReconstructionSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoSequence + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + HLTTrackReconstructionForPF + HLTParticleFlowSequence + hltAK4PFJets )
tuple HLTAK4PFJetsSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTPreAK4PFJetsRecoSequence + HLTAK4PFJetsReconstructionSequence + HLTAK4PFJetsCorrectionSequence )
tuple HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( hltL1GtTrigReport + hltTrigReport )
tuple HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple hltBoolEnd
tuple hltBoolFalse
tuple hltCombinedSecondaryVertex
tuple HLTConfigVersion
tuple hltCsc2DRecHits
tuple hltCscSegments
tuple hltDisplacedDijethltESPPromptTrackCountingESProducer
tuple hltDisplacedDijethltESPTrackCounting2D1st
tuple HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalWithoutPreshowerSequence + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )
tuple HLTDoCaloSequencePF = cms.Sequence( HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalWithoutPreshowerSequence + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForPF )
tuple HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalDigis + hltEcalPreshowerDigis + hltEcalUncalibRecHit + hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered + hltEcalRecHit + hltEcalPreshowerRecHit )
tuple HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalWithoutPreshowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalDigis + hltEcalUncalibRecHit + hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered + hltEcalRecHit )
tuple HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )
tuple HLTDoLocalHcalWithTowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco + hltTowerMakerForAll )
tuple HLTDoLocalPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltSiPixelClusters + hltSiPixelClustersCache + hltSiPixelRecHits )
tuple HLTDoLocalStripSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer + hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility + hltSiStripClusters )
tuple hltDt1DRecHits
tuple hltDt4DSegments
tuple hltDummyConditions
tuple hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered
tuple hltEcalDigis
tuple hltEcalPreshowerDigis
tuple hltEcalPreshowerRecHit
tuple hltEcalRecHit
tuple hltEcalUncalibRecHit
tuple hltEG20CaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltEG20CaloIdVLHEFilter
tuple hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLEcalIsoFilter
tuple hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLHcalIsoFilter
tuple hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLTrackIsoFilter
tuple hltEG20EtFilter
tuple hltEG27EtFilter
tuple hltEgammaCandidates
tuple hltEgammaCkfTrackCandidatesForGSF
tuple hltEgammaClusterShape
tuple hltEgammaEcalPFClusterIso
tuple hltEgammaElectronPixelSeeds
tuple hltEgammaEleGsfTrackIso
tuple hltEgammaGsfElectrons
tuple hltEgammaGsfTracks
tuple hltEgammaGsfTrackVars
tuple hltEgammaHcalPFClusterIso
tuple hltEgammaHollowTrackIso
tuple hltEgammaHoverE
tuple hltEGL1SingleEG12Filter
tuple hltEGL1SingleIsoEG25erFilter
tuple HLTEle27erWP85GsfSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalSequence + HLTPFClusteringForEgamma + hltEgammaCandidates + hltEGL1SingleIsoEG25erFilter + hltEG27EtFilter + hltEgammaClusterShape + hltEle27WP85ClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithTowerSequence + HLTFastJetForEgamma + hltEgammaHoverE + hltEle27WP85HEFilter + hltEgammaEcalPFClusterIso + hltEle27WP85EcalIsoFilter + HLTPFHcalClusteringForEgamma + hltEgammaHcalPFClusterIso + hltEle27WP85HcalIsoFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltMixedLayerPairs + hltEgammaElectronPixelSeeds + hltEle27WP85PixelMatchFilter + HLTGsfElectronSequence + hltEle27WP85GsfOneOEMinusOneOPFilter + hltEle27WP85GsfMissingHitsFilter + hltEle27WP85GsfDetaFilter + hltEle27WP85GsfDphiFilter + HLTTrackReconstructionForIsoElectronIter02 + hltEgammaEleGsfTrackIso + hltEle27WP85GsfTrackIsoFilter )
tuple hltEle27WP85ClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85EcalIsoFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85GsfDetaFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85GsfDphiFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85GsfMissingHitsFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85GsfOneOEMinusOneOPFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85GsfTrackIsoFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85HcalIsoFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85HEFilter
tuple hltEle27WP85PixelMatchFilter
tuple hltElectronsVertex
tuple HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )
tuple hltESPAK4CaloAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPAK4CaloCorrection
tuple hltESPAK4CaloFastJetCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPAK4CaloRelativeCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPAK4PFAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPAK4PFCorrection
tuple hltESPAK4PFFastJetCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPAK4PFRelativeCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPAnalyticalPropagator
tuple hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator
tuple hltESPBwdElectronPropagator
tuple hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator16
tuple hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30
tuple hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator9
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30
tuple hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D
tuple hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry
tuple hltESPElectronMaterialEffects
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPFittingSmootherIT
tuple hltESPFittingSmootherRK
tuple hltESPFwdElectronPropagator
tuple hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry
tuple hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother
tuple hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmoother
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader
tuple hltESPKFUpdator
tuple hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D
tuple hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
tuple hltESPPixelCPEGeneric
tuple hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator
tuple hltESPSmartPropagator
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite
tuple hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPStripCPEfromTrackAngle
tuple hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK
tuple hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly
tuple hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle
tuple hltESSBTagRecord
tuple hltESSEcalSeverityLevel
tuple hltESSHcalSeverityLevel
tuple HLTFastJetForEgamma = cms.Sequence( hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCaloForMuons )
tuple hltFEDSelector
tuple hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAll
tuple hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCalo
tuple hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCaloForMuons
tuple hltGctDigis
tuple hltGetConditions
tuple hltGetRaw
tuple HLTGsfElectronSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEgammaCkfTrackCandidatesForGSF + hltEgammaGsfTracks + hltEgammaGsfElectrons + hltEgammaGsfTrackVars )
tuple hltGtDigis
tuple hltHbhereco
tuple hltHcalDigis
tuple hltHfreco
tuple hltHoreco
tuple hltIter0ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter0ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter0ElectronsPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
tuple hltIter0ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple HLTIter0HighPtTkMuPSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons
tuple hltIter0PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter0PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons
tuple hltIter0PFLowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
tuple hltIter0PFlowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracksForPhotons
tuple hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons
tuple HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple HLTIter0TrackAndTauJet4Iter1Sequence = cms.Sequence( hltTrackIter0RefsForJets4Iter1 + hltAK4Iter0TrackJets4Iter1 + hltIter0TrackAndTauJets4Iter1 )
tuple hltIter0TrackAndTauJets4Iter1
tuple hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter1ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons
tuple hltIter1ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter1ElectronsClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter1ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter1ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
tuple hltIter1ElectronsPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter1ElectronsPixelSeeds
tuple hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose
tuple hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityTight
tuple hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
tuple hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons
tuple hltIter1Merged
tuple hltIter1MergedForElectrons
tuple hltIter1MergedForPhotons
tuple hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons
tuple hltIter1PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter1PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons
tuple hltIter1PFlowPixelSeeds
tuple hltIter1PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLooseForPhotons
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight
tuple hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTightForPhotons
tuple hltIter1PixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter1PixelLayerTripletsForPhotons
tuple HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter1TrackAndTauJets4Iter2
tuple HLTIter1TrackAndTauJets4Iter2Sequence = cms.Sequence( hltIter1TrackRefsForJets4Iter2 + hltAK4Iter1TrackJets4Iter2 + hltIter1TrackAndTauJets4Iter2 )
tuple hltIter1TrackRefsForJets4Iter2
tuple hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter2ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons
tuple hltIter2ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter2ElectronsClustersRefRemoval
tuple hltIter2ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter2ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
tuple hltIter2ElectronsPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter2ElectronsPixelSeeds
tuple hltIter2ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple HLTIter2HighPtTkMuPSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple HLTIter2HighPtTkMuPSetTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
tuple hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons
tuple hltIter2Merged
tuple hltIter2MergedForElectrons
tuple hltIter2MergedForPhotons
tuple hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidates
tuple hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons
tuple hltIter2PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks
tuple hltIter2PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons
tuple hltIter2PFlowPixelSeeds
tuple hltIter2PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons
tuple hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
tuple hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons
tuple hltIter2PixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter2PixelLayerPairsForPhotons
tuple HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple HLTIter3PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple HLTIter3PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple HLTIter4PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple HLTIter4PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronIter02 = cms.Sequence( HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronsIteration0 + HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronsIteration1 + hltIter1MergedForElectrons + HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronsIteration2 + hltIter2MergedForElectrons )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronsIteration0 = cms.Sequence( hltIter0ElectronsPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks + hltIter0ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter0ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter0ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronsIteration1 = cms.Sequence( hltIter1ElectronsClustersRefRemoval + hltIter1ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent + hltIter1ElectronsPixelLayerTriplets + hltIter1ElectronsPixelSeeds + hltIter1ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter1ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose + hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityTight + hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronsIteration2 = cms.Sequence( hltIter2ElectronsClustersRefRemoval + hltIter2ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent + hltIter2ElectronsPixelLayerPairs + hltIter2ElectronsPixelSeeds + hltIter2ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter2ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter2ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIter02 = cms.Sequence( HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIteration0 + HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIteration1 + hltIter1MergedForPhotons + HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIteration2 + hltIter2MergedForPhotons )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIteration0 = cms.Sequence( hltIter0PFlowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracksForPhotons + hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons + hltIter0PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons + hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIteration1 = cms.Sequence( hltIter1ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons + hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons + hltIter1PixelLayerTripletsForPhotons + hltIter1PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons + hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons + hltIter1PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLooseForPhotons + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTightForPhotons + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIteration2 = cms.Sequence( hltIter2ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons + hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons + hltIter2PixelLayerPairsForPhotons + hltIter2PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons + hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons + hltIter2PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons + hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIter02 = cms.Sequence( HLTIterativeTrackingIteration0 + HLTIter0TrackAndTauJet4Iter1Sequence + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration1 + hltIter1Merged + HLTIter1TrackAndTauJets4Iter2Sequence + HLTIterativeTrackingIteration2 + hltIter2Merged )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration0 = cms.Sequence( hltIter0PFLowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks + hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter0PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration1 = cms.Sequence( hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval + hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent + hltIter1PixelLayerTriplets + hltIter1PFlowPixelSeeds + hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter1PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight + hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity )
tuple HLTIterativeTrackingIteration2 = cms.Sequence( hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval + hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent + hltIter2PixelLayerPairs + hltIter2PFlowPixelSeeds + hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidates + hltIter2PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks + hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity )
tuple hltL1extraParticles
tuple hltL1fL1sMu16orMu25L1Filtered0
tuple hltL1GtObjectMap
tuple hltL1GtTrigReport
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG10
tuple hltL1sL1SingleIsoEG25er
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet200
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu16ORSingleMu25
tuple HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )
tuple hltL2fL1sMu16orMu25L1f0L2Filtered16Q
tuple hltL2MuonCandidates
tuple HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds + hltL2MuonSeeds + hltL2Muons )
tuple HLTL2muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL2MuonCandidates )
tuple hltL2Muons
tuple hltL2MuonSeeds
tuple hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds
tuple hltL3fL1sMu16orMu25L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered50Q
tuple hltL3MuonCandidates
tuple HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonTkCandidateSequence + hltL3TkTracksMergeStep1 + hltL3TkTracksFromL2 + hltL3MuonsLinksCombination + hltL3Muons )
tuple HLTL3muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL3MuonCandidates )
tuple hltL3Muons
tuple hltL3MuonsIOHit
tuple hltL3MuonsLinksCombination
tuple hltL3MuonsOIHit
tuple hltL3MuonsOIState
tuple HLTL3muonTkCandidateSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + hltL3TrajSeedOIState + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState + hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState + hltL3MuonsOIState + hltL3TrajSeedOIHit + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit + hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit + hltL3MuonsOIHit + hltL3TkFromL2OICombination + hltPixelLayerTriplets + hltPixelLayerPairs + hltMixedLayerPairs + hltL3TrajSeedIOHit + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit + hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit + hltL3MuonsIOHit + hltL3TrajectorySeed + hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2 )
tuple hltL3TkFromL2OICombination
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit
tuple hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState
tuple hltL3TkTracksMergeStep1
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit
tuple hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState
tuple hltL3TrajectorySeed
tuple hltL3TrajSeedIOHit
tuple hltL3TrajSeedOIHit
tuple hltL3TrajSeedOIState
tuple hltLightPFTracks
tuple hltMixedLayerPairs
tuple hltMuonCSCDigis
tuple hltMuonDTDigis
tuple hltMuonLinks
tuple HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuonDTDigis + hltDt1DRecHits + hltDt4DSegments + hltMuonCSCDigis + hltCsc2DRecHits + hltCscSegments + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRpcRecHits )
tuple hltMuonRPCDigis
tuple hltMuons
tuple hltOnlineBeamSpot
tuple hltParticleFlow
tuple hltParticleFlowBlock
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterECALL1Seeded
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedL1Seeded
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedUnseeded
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterECALUnseeded
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterHCAL
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterHCALForEgamma
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterHFEM
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterHFHAD
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterPSL1Seeded
tuple hltParticleFlowClusterPSUnseeded
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitECALL1Seeded
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitECALUnseeded
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitHCALForEgamma
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitPSL1Seeded
tuple hltParticleFlowRecHitPSUnseeded
tuple HLTParticleFlowSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTPreshowerSequence + hltParticleFlowRecHitECALUnseeded + hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL + hltParticleFlowRecHitPSUnseeded + hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedUnseeded + hltParticleFlowClusterPSUnseeded + hltParticleFlowClusterECALUnseeded + hltParticleFlowClusterHCAL + hltParticleFlowClusterHFEM + hltParticleFlowClusterHFHAD + hltLightPFTracks + hltParticleFlowBlock + hltParticleFlow )
tuple hltParticleFlowSuperClusterECALL1Seeded
tuple HLTPFClusteringForEgamma = cms.Sequence( hltRechitInRegionsECAL + hltRechitInRegionsES + hltParticleFlowRecHitECALL1Seeded + hltParticleFlowRecHitPSL1Seeded + hltParticleFlowClusterPSL1Seeded + hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedL1Seeded + hltParticleFlowClusterECALL1Seeded + hltParticleFlowSuperClusterECALL1Seeded )
tuple HLTPFHcalClusteringForEgamma = cms.Sequence( hltRegionalTowerForEgamma + hltParticleFlowRecHitHCALForEgamma + hltParticleFlowClusterHCALForEgamma )
tuple hltPFJetsCorrectedMatchedToCaloJets210
tuple hltPFMuonMerging
tuple HLTPhoton20CaloIdVLIsoLSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalSequence + HLTPFClusteringForEgamma + hltEgammaCandidates + hltEGL1SingleEG12Filter + hltEG20EtFilter + hltEgammaClusterShape + hltEG20CaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalWithTowerSequence + HLTFastJetForEgamma + hltEgammaHoverE + hltEG20CaloIdVLHEFilter + hltEgammaEcalPFClusterIso + hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLEcalIsoFilter + HLTPFHcalClusteringForEgamma + hltEgammaHcalPFClusterIso + hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLHcalIsoFilter + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTTrackReconstructionForIsoForPhotons + hltEgammaHollowTrackIso + hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLTrackIsoFilter )
tuple hltPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltPixelLayerTriplets
tuple HLTPixelTrackingForElectron = cms.Sequence( hltElectronsVertex + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecoPixelVertexingForElectronSequence )
tuple hltPixelTracks
tuple hltPixelTracksElectrons
tuple hltPixelVertices
tuple hltPixelVerticesElectrons
tuple hltPixelVerticesForPhotons
tuple HLTPreAK4PFJetsRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTAK4CaloJetsPrePFRecoSequence + hltAK4CaloJetsPFEt5 )
tuple hltPreCaloJet260
tuple hltPreEle27eta2p1WP85Gsf
tuple hltPreMu50
tuple hltPrePFJet260
tuple hltPrePhoton20CaloIdVLIsoL
tuple hltPrePhysics
tuple HLTPreshowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalPreshowerDigis + hltEcalPreshowerRecHit )
tuple HLTPSetbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter
tuple HLTPSetCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter
tuple HLTPSetCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit
tuple HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryBuilder
tuple HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter
tuple HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder
tuple HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter
tuple HLTPSetPvClusterComparer
tuple HLTPSetPvClusterComparerForBTag
tuple HLTPSetPvClusterComparerForIT
tuple HLTPSetTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons
tuple HLTPSetTrajectoryFilterForElectrons
tuple HLTPSetTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple HLTPSetTrajectoryFilterL3
tuple hltRechitInRegionsECAL
tuple hltRechitInRegionsES
tuple HLTRecoPixelVertexingForElectronSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelLayerTriplets + hltPixelTracksElectrons + hltPixelVerticesElectrons )
tuple HLTRecoPixelVertexingForPhotonsSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelLayerTriplets + hltPixelTracks + hltPixelVerticesForPhotons )
tuple HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelLayerTriplets + hltPixelTracks + hltPixelVertices + hltTrimmedPixelVertices )
tuple hltRegionalTowerForEgamma
tuple HLTriggerFinalPath = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltScalersRawToDigi + hltFEDSelector + hltTriggerSummaryAOD + hltTriggerSummaryRAW )
tuple HLTriggerFirstPath = cms.Path( hltGetConditions + hltGetRaw + hltBoolFalse )
tuple hltRpcRecHits
tuple hltScalersRawToDigi
tuple HLTSchedule = cms.Schedule( *(HLTriggerFirstPath, HLT_CaloJet260_v1, HLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WP85_Gsf_v1, HLT_Mu50_v1, HLT_PFJet260_v1, HLT_Photon20_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v1, HLT_Physics_v1, HLTriggerFinalPath, HLTAnalyzerEndpath ))
tuple HLTSeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator
tuple HLTSeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator
tuple hltSingleCaloJet210
tuple hltSingleCaloJet260
tuple hltSinglePFJet260
tuple hltSiPixelClusters
tuple hltSiPixelClustersCache
tuple hltSiPixelDigis
tuple hltSiPixelRecHits
tuple hltSiStripClusters
tuple hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer
tuple hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility
tuple hltTowerMakerForAll
tuple hltTowerMakerForPF
tuple hltTrackIter0RefsForJets4Iter1
tuple HLTTrackReconstructionForIsoElectronIter02 = cms.Sequence( HLTPixelTrackingForElectron + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronIter02 )
tuple HLTTrackReconstructionForIsoForPhotons = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecoPixelVertexingForPhotonsSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIter02 )
tuple HLTTrackReconstructionForPF = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingIter02 + hltPFMuonMerging + hltMuonLinks + hltMuons )
tuple hltTriggerSummaryAOD
tuple hltTriggerSummaryRAW
tuple hltTriggerType
tuple hltTrigReport
tuple hltTrimmedPixelVertices
tuple hoDetIdAssociator
tuple MaterialPropagator
tuple MaterialPropagatorParabolicMF
tuple muonDetIdAssociator
tuple navigationSchoolESProducer
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagator
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagatorParabolicMF
tuple ParabolicParametrizedMagneticFieldProducer
tuple preshowerDetIdAssociator
tuple siPixelQualityESProducer
tuple siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer" )
tuple siStripBackPlaneCorrectionDepESProducer
tuple siStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer
tuple SteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple streams
tuple trackerTopologyConstants
tuple TransientTrackBuilderESProducer

Variable Documentation

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator" ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" )
5 )

Definition at line 532 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.caloDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "CaloDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 610 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CaloTopologyBuilder = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTopologyBuilder" )

Definition at line 543 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  MapFile = cms.untracked.string( "Geometry/CaloTopology/data/" )
4 )

Definition at line 544 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CastorDbProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CastorDbProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
3 )

Definition at line 548 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "ClusterShapeHitFilter" ),
3  PixelShapeFile = cms.string( "RecoPixelVertexing/PixelLowPtUtilities/data/pixelShape.par" )
4 )

Definition at line 551 of file

list HLT_PIon_cff.cmsswVersion = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION']

Definition at line 7653 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.cosmicsNavigationSchoolESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "NavigationSchoolESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "CosmicNavigationSchool" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 617 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCChannelMapperESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CSCChannelMapperESProducer",
2  AlgoName = cms.string( "CSCChannelMapperPostls1" )
3 )

Definition at line 537 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCChannelMapperESSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "CSCChannelMapperRecord" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 414 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCIndexerESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CSCIndexerESProducer",
2  AlgoName = cms.string( "CSCIndexerPostls1" )
3 )

Definition at line 540 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.CSCINdexerESSource
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "CSCIndexerRecord" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 409 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.datasets
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  InitialPD = cms.vstring( 'HLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WP85_Gsf_v1',
3  'HLT_Mu50_v1',
4  'HLT_PFJet260_v1',
5  'HLT_Physics_v1' ),
6  Templates = cms.vstring( 'HLT_CaloJet260_v1',
7  'HLT_Photon20_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v1' )
8 )

Definition at line 385 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.ecalDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "EcalDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.02 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 300 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 360 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 621 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.ecalSeverityLevel

Definition at line 628 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hcalDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "HcalDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 666 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hcalRecAlgos

Definition at line 673 of file

Definition at line 7639 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WP85_Gsf_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleIsoEG25er + hltPreEle27eta2p1WP85Gsf + HLTEle27erWP85GsfSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 7640 of file

Definition at line 7641 of file

Definition at line 7642 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_Photon20_CaloIdVL_IsoL_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG10 + hltPrePhoton20CaloIdVLIsoL + HLTPhoton20CaloIdVLIsoLSequence + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 7643 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLT_Physics_v1 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPrePhysics + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 7644 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4CaloJets

Definition at line 1801 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4CaloJetsCorrected
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CaloJetCorrectionProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJets" ),
3  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK4CaloCorrection' )
4 )

Definition at line 1881 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4CaloJetsCorrectedIDPassed
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CaloJetCorrectionProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJetsIDPassed" ),
3  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK4CaloCorrection' )
4 )

Definition at line 1885 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAK4CaloJetsCorrectionSequence = cms.Sequence( hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCalo + hltAK4CaloJetsCorrected + hltAK4CaloJetsCorrectedIDPassed )

Definition at line 7589 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4CaloJetsIDPassed
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HLTCaloJetIDProducer",
2  min_N90 = cms.int32( -2 ),
3  min_N90hits = cms.int32( 2 ),
4  min_EMF = cms.double( 1.0E-6 ),
5  jetsInput = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJets" ),
6  JetIDParams = cms.PSet(
7  useRecHits = cms.bool( True ),
8  hbheRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
9  hoRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHoreco" ),
10  hfRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" ),
11  ebRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
12  eeRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' )
13  ),
14  max_EMF = cms.double( 999.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 1861 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4CaloJetsPF

Definition at line 4995 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4CaloJetsPFEt5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "EtMinCaloJetSelector",
2  filter = cms.bool( False ),
3  src = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJetsPF" ),
4  etMin = cms.double( 5.0 )
5 )

Definition at line 5055 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAK4CaloJetsPrePFRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequencePF + hltAK4CaloJetsPF )

Definition at line 7615 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAK4CaloJetsReconstructionSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltAK4CaloJets + hltAK4CaloJetsIDPassed )

Definition at line 7588 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAK4CaloJetsSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTAK4CaloJetsReconstructionSequence + HLTAK4CaloJetsCorrectionSequence )

Definition at line 7590 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4Iter0TrackJets4Iter1

Definition at line 5216 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4Iter1TrackJets4Iter2

Definition at line 5550 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4PFJets

Definition at line 6775 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltAK4PFJetsCorrected
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFJetCorrectionProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4PFJets" ),
3  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK4PFCorrection' )
4 )

Definition at line 6840 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAK4PFJetsCorrectionSequence = cms.Sequence( hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAll + hltAK4PFJetsCorrected )

Definition at line 7628 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAK4PFJetsReconstructionSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoSequence + HLTL3muonrecoSequence + HLTTrackReconstructionForPF + HLTParticleFlowSequence + hltAK4PFJets )

Definition at line 7627 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAK4PFJetsSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTPreAK4PFJetsRecoSequence + HLTAK4PFJetsReconstructionSequence + HLTAK4PFJetsCorrectionSequence )

Definition at line 7629 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( hltL1GtTrigReport + hltTrigReport )

Definition at line 7646 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot )

Definition at line 7583 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 7584 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBoolEnd
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( True )
3 )

Definition at line 1899 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltBoolFalse
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( False )
3 )

Definition at line 1334 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCombinedSecondaryVertex

Definition at line 733 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTConfigVersion
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  tableName = cms.string('/dev/CMSSW_7_3_0/PIon/V7')
3 )

Definition at line 6 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCsc2DRecHits

Definition at line 3656 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltCscSegments

Definition at line 3704 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDisplacedDijethltESPPromptTrackCountingESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PromptTrackCountingESProducer",
2  maxImpactParameterSig = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
3  deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  minimumImpactParameter = cms.double( -1.0 ),
5  maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
6  impactParameterType = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
8  deltaRmin = cms.double( 0.0 ),
9  maxImpactParameter = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  useSignedImpactParameterSig = cms.bool( True ),
11  maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
12  nthTrack = cms.int32( -1 )
13 )

Definition at line 440 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDisplacedDijethltESPTrackCounting2D1st
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrackCountingESProducer",
2  b_pT = cms.double( 0.3684 ),
3  deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  minimumImpactParameter = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  a_dR = cms.double( -0.001053 ),
6  min_pT = cms.double( 120.0 ),
7  maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 9999999.0 ),
8  max_pT = cms.double( 500.0 ),
9  impactParameterType = cms.int32( 1 ),
10  trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
11  useVariableJTA = cms.bool( False ),
12  min_pT_dRcut = cms.double( 0.5 ),
13  max_pT_trackPTcut = cms.double( 3.0 ),
14  max_pT_dRcut = cms.double( 0.1 ),
15  b_dR = cms.double( 0.6263 ),
16  a_pT = cms.double( 0.005263 ),
17  maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
18  nthTrack = cms.int32( 1 ),
19  useSignedImpactParameterSig = cms.bool( False )
20 )

Definition at line 420 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalWithoutPreshowerSequence + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )

Definition at line 7587 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoCaloSequencePF = cms.Sequence( HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalWithoutPreshowerSequence + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForPF )

Definition at line 7614 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalDigis + hltEcalPreshowerDigis + hltEcalUncalibRecHit + hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered + hltEcalRecHit + hltEcalPreshowerRecHit )

Definition at line 7592 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoFullUnpackingEgammaEcalWithoutPreshowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalDigis + hltEcalUncalibRecHit + hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered + hltEcalRecHit )

Definition at line 7585 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )

Definition at line 7586 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalHcalWithTowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco + hltTowerMakerForAll )

Definition at line 7594 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltSiPixelClusters + hltSiPixelClustersCache + hltSiPixelRecHits )

Definition at line 7597 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTDoLocalStripSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer + hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility + hltSiStripClusters )

Definition at line 7598 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDt1DRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "DTRecHitProducer",
2  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet(
4  tTrigMode = cms.string( "DTTTrigSyncFromDB" ),
5  minTime = cms.double( -3.0 ),
6  stepTwoFromDigi = cms.bool( False ),
7  doVdriftCorr = cms.bool( True ),
8  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
9  maxTime = cms.double( 420.0 ),
10  tTrigModeConfig = cms.PSet(
11  vPropWire = cms.double( 24.4 ),
12  doTOFCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
13  tofCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
14  wirePropCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
15  tTrigLabel = cms.string( "" ),
16  doWirePropCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
17  doT0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False )
19  ),
20  useUncertDB = cms.bool( True )
21  ),
22  dtDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonDTDigis" ),
23  recAlgo = cms.string( "DTLinearDriftFromDBAlgo" )
24 )

Definition at line 3547 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDt4DSegments

Definition at line 3571 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltDummyConditions
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( True )
3  )

Definition at line 7659 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalDetIdToBeRecovered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalDetIdToBeRecoveredProducer",
2  ebIntegrityChIdErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityChIdErrors' ),
3  ebDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.string( "ebDetId" ),
4  integrityTTIdErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityTTIdErrors' ),
5  eeIntegrityGainErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainErrors' ),
6  ebFEToBeRecovered = cms.string( "ebFE" ),
7  ebIntegrityGainErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainErrors' ),
8  eeDetIdToBeRecovered = cms.string( "eeDetId" ),
9  eeIntegrityGainSwitchErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainSwitchErrors' ),
10  eeIntegrityChIdErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityChIdErrors' ),
11  ebIntegrityGainSwitchErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityGainSwitchErrors' ),
12  ebSrFlagCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalDigis" ),
13  eeFEToBeRecovered = cms.string( "eeFE" ),
14  integrityBlockSizeErrors = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','EcalIntegrityBlockSizeErrors' ),
15  eeSrFlagCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalDigis" )
16 )

Definition at line 1458 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToDigi",
2  tccUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
3  FedLabel = cms.InputTag( "listfeds" ),
4  orderedDCCIdList = cms.vint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 ),
5  srpUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
6  syncCheck = cms.bool( True ),
7  silentMode = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
8  numbTriggerTSamples = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  orderedFedList = cms.vint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 ),
10  eventPut = cms.bool( True ),
11  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
12  numbXtalTSamples = cms.int32( 10 ),
13  feIdCheck = cms.bool( True ),
14  FEDs = cms.vint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 ),
15  DoRegional = cms.bool( False ),
16  feUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
17  forceToKeepFRData = cms.bool( False ),
18  headerUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
19  memUnpacking = cms.bool( True )
20 )

Definition at line 1423 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalPreshowerDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ESRawToDigi",
2  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  debugMode = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
4  InstanceES = cms.string( "" ),
5  LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ),
6  ESdigiCollection = cms.string( "" )
7 )

Definition at line 1918 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalPreshowerRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ESRecHitProducer",
2  ESRecoAlgo = cms.int32( 0 ),
3  ESrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsES" ),
4  algo = cms.string( "ESRecHitWorker" ),
5  ESdigiCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalPreshowerDigis" )
6 )

Definition at line 1925 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalRecHit

Definition at line 1474 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEcalUncalibRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalUncalibRecHitProducer",
2  EEdigiCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','eeDigis' ),
3  alphaEB = cms.double( 1.138 ),
4  alphaEE = cms.double( 1.89 ),
5  EBdigiCollection = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalDigis','ebDigis' ),
6  EEhitCollection = cms.string( "EcalUncalibRecHitsEE" ),
7  AlphaBetaFilename = cms.untracked.string( "NOFILE" ),
8  betaEB = cms.double( 1.655 ),
9  MinAmplEndcap = cms.double( 14.0 ),
10  MinAmplBarrel = cms.double( 8.0 ),
11  algo = cms.string( "EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerWeights" ),
12  betaEE = cms.double( 1.4 ),
13  UseDynamicPedestal = cms.bool( True ),
14  EBhitCollection = cms.string( "EcalUncalibRecHitsEB" )
15 )

Definition at line 1443 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20CaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.04 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.024 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEgammaClusterShape','sigmaIEtaIEta5x5' ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20EtFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 6901 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20CaloIdVLHEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaHoverE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20CaloIdVLClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 6919 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLEcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 5.5 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.012 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 5.5 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaEcalPFClusterIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20CaloIdVLHEFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 6937 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLHcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 3.5 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.005 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.005 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 3.5 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaHcalPFClusterIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20CaloIdVLHEFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 6955 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLTrackIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 3.5 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.002 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.002 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 3.5 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaHollowTrackIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG20CaloIdVLIsoLHcalIsoFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 7535 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG20EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGL1SingleEG12Filter" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 20.0 ),
8  etcutEE = cms.double( 20.0 ),
9  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 )
10 )

Definition at line 6891 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEG27EtFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaEtFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
4  relaxed = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
6  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEGL1SingleIsoEG25erFilter" ),
7  etcutEB = cms.double( 27.0 ),
8  etcutEE = cms.double( 27.0 ),
9  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 )
10 )

Definition at line 2242 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
2  scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltParticleFlowSuperClusterECALL1Seeded','hltParticleFlowSuperClusterECALEndcapWithPreshower' ),
3  scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltParticleFlowSuperClusterECALL1Seeded','hltParticleFlowSuperClusterECALBarrel' ),
4  recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 2222 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaCkfTrackCandidatesForGSF
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaElectronPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( True ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( True ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( True ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 1000000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 2701 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaClusterShape
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTClusterShapeProducer",
2  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
3  ecalRechitEB = cms.InputTag( 'hltRechitInRegionsECAL','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
4  ecalRechitEE = cms.InputTag( 'hltRechitInRegionsECAL','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
5  isIeta = cms.bool( True )
6 )

Definition at line 2252 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaEcalPFClusterIso
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTEcalPFClusterIsolationProducer",
2  energyEndcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
3  effectiveAreaBarrel = cms.double( 0.149 ),
4  etaStripBarrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
5  rhoProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCaloForMuons" ),
6  pfClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterECALL1Seeded" ),
7  etaStripEndcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  drVetoBarrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
9  drMax = cms.double( 0.3 ),
10  doRhoCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
11  energyBarrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
12  effectiveAreaEndcap = cms.double( 0.097 ),
13  drVetoEndcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
14  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
15  rhoMax = cms.double( 9.9999999E7 ),
16  rhoScale = cms.double( 1.0 )
17 )

Definition at line 2315 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaElectronPixelSeeds

Definition at line 2619 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaEleGsfTrackIso
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTElectronTrackIsolationProducers",
2  egTrkIsoStripEndcap = cms.double( 0.03 ),
3  egTrkIsoVetoConeSizeBarrel = cms.double( 0.03 ),
4  useGsfTrack = cms.bool( True ),
5  useSCRefs = cms.bool( True ),
6  trackProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2MergedForElectrons" ),
7  egTrkIsoStripBarrel = cms.double( 0.03 ),
8  electronProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaGsfElectrons" ),
9  egTrkIsoConeSize = cms.double( 0.3 ),
10  egTrkIsoRSpan = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
11  egTrkIsoVetoConeSizeEndcap = cms.double( 0.03 ),
12  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
13  beamSpotProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
14  egTrkIsoPtMin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
15  egTrkIsoZSpan = cms.double( 0.15 )
16 )

Definition at line 3466 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaGsfElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTPixelMatchElectronProducers",
2  BSProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
3  UseGsfTracks = cms.bool( True ),
4  TrackProducer = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  GsfTrackProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaGsfTracks" )
6 )

Definition at line 2736 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaGsfTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "GsfTrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCkfTrackCandidatesForGSF" ),
3  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
4  producer = cms.string( "" ),
5  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
6  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother" ),
7  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
8  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
9  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "gsf" ),
10  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
11  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
12  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
13  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
14  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFwdElectronPropagator" )
15 )

Definition at line 2721 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaGsfTrackVars
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTGsfTrackVarProducer",
2  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
3  beamSpotProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
4  upperTrackNrToRemoveCut = cms.int32( 9999 ),
5  lowerTrackNrToRemoveCut = cms.int32( -1 ),
6  inputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaGsfTracks" )
7 )

Definition at line 2742 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaHcalPFClusterIso
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTHcalPFClusterIsolationProducer",
2  energyEndcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
3  useHF = cms.bool( False ),
4  effectiveAreaBarrel = cms.double( 0.06 ),
5  etaStripBarrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  pfClusterProducerHFHAD = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterHFHADForEgamma" ),
7  rhoProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCaloForMuons" ),
8  etaStripEndcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
9  drVetoBarrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
10  pfClusterProducerHCAL = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterHCALForEgamma" ),
11  drMax = cms.double( 0.3 ),
12  doRhoCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
13  energyBarrel = cms.double( 0.0 ),
14  effectiveAreaEndcap = cms.double( 0.089 ),
15  drVetoEndcap = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
17  rhoMax = cms.double( 9.9999999E7 ),
18  pfClusterProducerHFEM = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterHFEMForEgamma" ),
19  rhoScale = cms.double( 1.0 )
20 )

Definition at line 2463 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaHollowTrackIso
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTPhotonTrackIsolationProducersRegional",
2  egTrkIsoStripEndcap = cms.double( 0.03 ),
3  egTrkIsoConeSize = cms.double( 0.29 ),
4  trackProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2MergedForPhotons" ),
5  egTrkIsoStripBarrel = cms.double( 0.03 ),
6  countTracks = cms.bool( False ),
7  egTrkIsoRSpan = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
8  egTrkIsoVetoConeSize = cms.double( 0.06 ),
9  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  egTrkIsoPtMin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
11  egTrkIsoZSpan = cms.double( 999999.0 )
12 )

Definition at line 7523 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEgammaHoverE
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTBcHcalIsolationProducersRegional",
2  caloTowerProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForAll" ),
3  effectiveAreaBarrel = cms.double( 0.105 ),
4  outerCone = cms.double( 0.14 ),
5  innerCone = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  useSingleTower = cms.bool( False ),
7  rhoProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCaloForMuons" ),
8  depth = cms.int32( -1 ),
9  doRhoCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
10  effectiveAreaEndcap = cms.double( 0.17 ),
11  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
12  rhoMax = cms.double( 9.9999999E7 ),
13  etMin = cms.double( 0.0 ),
14  rhoScale = cms.double( 1.0 ),
15  doEtSum = cms.bool( False )
16 )

Definition at line 2281 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGL1SingleEG12Filter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
5  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
7  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
8  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
9  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
10  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
11  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleEG10" ),
12  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
13  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 )
15 )

Definition at line 6876 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEGL1SingleIsoEG25erFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 ),
4  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
5  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
7  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
8  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
9  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
10  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
11  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleIsoEG25er" ),
12  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
13  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 )
15 )

Definition at line 2227 of file

Definition at line 7607 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85ClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.033 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.011 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEgammaClusterShape','sigmaIEtaIEta5x5' ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEG27EtFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2258 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85EcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.12 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.16 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaEcalPFClusterIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85HEFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2332 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85GsfDetaFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.01 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.005 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEgammaGsfTrackVars','Deta' ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85GsfMissingHitsFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2785 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85GsfDphiFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.03 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.03 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEgammaGsfTrackVars','Dphi' ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85GsfDetaFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2803 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85GsfMissingHitsFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEgammaGsfTrackVars','MissingHits' ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85GsfOneOEMinusOneOPFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2767 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85GsfOneOEMinusOneOPFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 0.009 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEgammaGsfTrackVars','OneOESuperMinusOneOP' ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85PixelMatchFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2749 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85GsfTrackIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.05 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.05 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaEleGsfTrackIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85GsfDphiFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 3482 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85HcalIsoFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.3 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.2 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( True ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaHcalPFClusterIso" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85EcalIsoFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2483 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85HEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
3  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
4  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
6  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  thrRegularEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.2 ),
9  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
10  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.15 ),
11  thrRegularEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
13  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
14  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
15  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaHoverE" ),
16  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85ClusterShapeFilter" ),
17  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "" )
18 )

Definition at line 2297 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltEle27WP85PixelMatchFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  s2_threshold = cms.double( 0.4 ),
4  npixelmatchcut = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  tanhSO10InterThres = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
7  s_a_phi1B = cms.double( 0.0069 ),
8  s_a_phi1F = cms.double( 0.0076 ),
9  s_a_phi1I = cms.double( 0.0088 ),
10  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaCandidates" ),
11  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEle27WP85HcalIsoFilter" ),
12  tanhSO10ForwardThres = cms.double( 1.0 ),
13  L1IsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaElectronPixelSeeds" ),
14  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "" ),
15  ncandcut = cms.int32( 1 ),
16  tanhSO10BarrelThres = cms.double( 0.35 ),
17  s_a_rF = cms.double( 0.04 ),
18  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsTag = cms.InputTag( "" ),
19  s_a_rI = cms.double( 0.027 ),
20  s_a_phi2I = cms.double( 7.0E-4 ),
21  useS = cms.bool( False ),
22  s_a_phi2B = cms.double( 3.7E-4 ),
23  s_a_zB = cms.double( 0.012 ),
24  s_a_phi2F = cms.double( 0.00906 )
25 )

Definition at line 2676 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltElectronsVertex
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "VertexFromTrackProducer",
2  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  useTriggerFilterElectrons = cms.bool( False ),
4  beamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  isRecoCandidate = cms.bool( True ),
6  trackLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltEgammaGsfElectrons" ),
7  useTriggerFilterMuons = cms.bool( False ),
8  useBeamSpot = cms.bool( True ),
9  vertexLabel = cms.InputTag( "None" ),
10  triggerFilterElectronsSrc = cms.InputTag( "None" ),
11  triggerFilterMuonsSrc = cms.InputTag( "None" ),
12  useVertex = cms.bool( False )
13 )

Definition at line 2821 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )

Definition at line 7591 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4CaloAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK4CaloHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L3Absolute" )
5 )

Definition at line 487 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4CaloCorrection
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
2  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK4CaloFastJetCorrectionESProducer',
3  'hltESPAK4CaloRelativeCorrectionESProducer',
4  'hltESPAK4CaloAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 453 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4CaloFastJetCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "L1FastjetCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  srcRho = cms.InputTag( "hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCalo" ),
4  algorithm = cms.string( "AK4CaloHLT" ),
5  level = cms.string( "L1FastJet" )
6 )

Definition at line 465 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4CaloRelativeCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK4CaloHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L2Relative" )
5 )

Definition at line 482 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4PFAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK4PFHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L3Absolute" )
5 )

Definition at line 492 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4PFCorrection
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
2  correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK4PFFastJetCorrectionESProducer',
3  'hltESPAK4PFRelativeCorrectionESProducer',
4  'hltESPAK4PFAbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 459 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4PFFastJetCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "L1FastjetCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  srcRho = cms.InputTag( "hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAll" ),
4  algorithm = cms.string( "AK4PFHLT" ),
5  level = cms.string( "L1FastJet" )
6 )

Definition at line 471 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAK4PFRelativeCorrectionESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  algorithm = cms.string( "AK4PFHLT" ),
4  level = cms.string( "L2Relative" )
5 )

Definition at line 477 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPAnalyticalPropagator" ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" )
5 )

Definition at line 787 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator" ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" )
5 )

Definition at line 792 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPBwdElectronPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPBwdElectronPropagator" ),
5  Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
9 )

Definition at line 797 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator16
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  minGoodStripCharge = cms.double( 1724.0 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator16" ),
4  pTChargeCutThreshold = cms.double( -1.0 ),
5  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 562 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  minGoodStripCharge = cms.double( 1724.0 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30" ),
4  pTChargeCutThreshold = cms.double( -1.0 ),
5  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 30.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 525 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator9
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  minGoodStripCharge = cms.double( 1724.0 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator9" ),
4  pTChargeCutThreshold = cms.double( 15.0 ),
5  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 )
7 )

Definition at line 555 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 30.0 ),
3  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" )
5 )

Definition at line 520 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CloseComponentsMergerESProducer5D",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
3  MaxComponents = cms.int32( 12 ),
4  DistanceMeasure = cms.string( "hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D" )
5 )

Definition at line 806 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetLayerGeometryESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
3 )

Definition at line 811 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPElectronMaterialEffects
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GsfMaterialEffectsESProducer",
2  BetheHeitlerParametrization = cms.string( "BetheHeitler_cdfmom_nC6_O5.par" ),
3  EnergyLossUpdator = cms.string( "GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" ),
5  MultipleScatteringUpdator = cms.string( "MultipleScatteringUpdator" ),
6  Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
7  BetheHeitlerCorrection = cms.int32( 2 )
8 )

Definition at line 814 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
20 )

Definition at line 822 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" )
20 )

Definition at line 842 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFittingSmootherIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 862 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFittingSmootherRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherRK" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 873 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPFwdElectronPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFwdElectronPropagator" ),
5  Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
9 )

Definition at line 884 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GlobalDetLayerGeometryESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" )
3 )

Definition at line 893 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 896 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GsfTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  Merger = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter" ),
4  MaterialEffectsUpdator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" ),
5  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" ),
6  GeometricalPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPAnalyticalPropagator" )
7 )

Definition at line 907 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "GsfTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  ErrorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" ),
4  Merger = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
5  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother" ),
6  GeometricalPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator" ),
7  MaterialEffectsUpdator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" )
8 )

Definition at line 914 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFFittingSmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 922 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
3  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
4  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
5  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
7  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
8  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon" ),
9  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
10  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
11 )

Definition at line 933 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 944 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 952 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 960 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 969 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 10.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 978 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKFUpdator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFUpdatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" )
3 )

Definition at line 987 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DistanceBetweenComponentsESProducer5D",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D" ),
3  DistanceMeasure = cms.string( "KullbackLeibler" )
4 )

Definition at line 990 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 994 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 1002 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder" )
3 )

Definition at line 1038 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPPixelCPEGeneric
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PixelCPEGenericESProducer",
2  useLAAlignmentOffsets = cms.bool( False ),
3  DoCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
4  eff_charge_cut_highX = cms.double( 1.0 ),
5  eff_charge_cut_highY = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle = cms.bool( False ),
7  eff_charge_cut_lowY = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  eff_charge_cut_lowX = cms.double( 0.0 ),
9  UseErrorsFromTemplates = cms.bool( True ),
10  TruncatePixelCharge = cms.bool( True ),
11  size_cutY = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  size_cutX = cms.double( 3.0 ),
13  useLAWidthFromDB = cms.bool( False ),
14  inflate_errors = cms.bool( False ),
15  Alpha2Order = cms.bool( True ),
16  ClusterProbComputationFlag = cms.int32( 0 ),
17  PixelErrorParametrization = cms.string( "NOTcmsim" ),
18  EdgeClusterErrorX = cms.double( 50.0 ),
19  EdgeClusterErrorY = cms.double( 85.0 ),
20  LoadTemplatesFromDB = cms.bool( True ),
21  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
22  IrradiationBiasCorrection = cms.bool( False )
23 )

Definition at line 1041 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
5  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( True )
9 )

Definition at line 1064 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSmartPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
4  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" ),
5  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagator" )
7 )

Definition at line 1073 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
4  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
5  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" )
7 )

Definition at line 1080 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
4  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
5  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" )
7 )

Definition at line 1087 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LeptonTaggerByDistanceESProducer",
2  distance = cms.double( 0.5 )
3 )

Definition at line 1094 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" )
20 )

Definition at line 1097 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" )
20 )

Definition at line 1117 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPStripCPEfromTrackAngle
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "StripCPEESProducer",
2  ComponentType = cms.string( "StripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPStripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
4  parameters = cms.PSet(
5  mLC_P2 = cms.double( 0.3 ),
6  mLC_P1 = cms.double( 0.618 ),
7  mLC_P0 = cms.double( -0.326 ),
8  useLegacyError = cms.bool( True ),
9  mTEC_P1 = cms.double( 0.471 ),
10  mTEC_P0 = cms.double( -1.885 ),
11  mTOB_P0 = cms.double( -1.026 ),
12  mTOB_P1 = cms.double( 0.253 ),
13  mTIB_P0 = cms.double( -0.742 ),
14  mTIB_P1 = cms.double( 0.202 ),
15  mTID_P0 = cms.double( -1.427 ),
16  mTID_P1 = cms.double( 0.433 )
17  )
18 )

Definition at line 1137 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryCleanerESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
3  fractionShared = cms.double( 0.5 ),
4  ValidHitBonus = cms.double( 100.0 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "TrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
6  MissingHitPenalty = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  allowSharedFirstHit = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1169 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
4  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
5  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
6  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
7  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
8 )

Definition at line 1177 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
3  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
6  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
7  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
8  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
9 )

Definition at line 1185 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
3  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
4  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
5  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" )
7 )

Definition at line 1162 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  StripCPE = cms.string( "hltESPStripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
3  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
4  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
5  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
6  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" )
7 )

Definition at line 1155 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESSBTagRecord
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "JetTagComputerRecord" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 404 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESSEcalSeverityLevel
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "EcalSeverityLevelAlgoRcd" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 399 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltESSHcalSeverityLevel
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
3  recordName = cms.string( "HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd" ),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
5 )

Definition at line 394 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTFastJetForEgamma = cms.Sequence( hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCaloForMuons )

Definition at line 7595 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltFEDSelector
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 1023 )
4 )

Definition at line 7557 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAll
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "FixedGridRhoProducerFastjet",
2  gridSpacing = cms.double( 0.55 ),
3  maxRapidity = cms.double( 5.0 ),
4  pfCandidatesTag = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlow" )
5 )

Definition at line 6835 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCalo
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "FixedGridRhoProducerFastjet",
2  gridSpacing = cms.double( 0.55 ),
3  maxRapidity = cms.double( 5.0 ),
4  pfCandidatesTag = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForAll" )
5 )

Definition at line 1876 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltFixedGridRhoFastjetAllCaloForMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "FixedGridRhoProducerFastjet",
2  gridSpacing = cms.double( 0.55 ),
3  maxRapidity = cms.double( 2.5 ),
4  pfCandidatesTag = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForAll" )
5 )

Definition at line 2276 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGctDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "GctRawToDigi",
2  unpackSharedRegions = cms.bool( False ),
3  numberOfGctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
4  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
5  numberOfRctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
6  inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
7  unpackerVersion = cms.uint32( 0 ),
8  gctFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 745 ),
9  hltMode = cms.bool( True )
10 )

Definition at line 1346 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGetConditions
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "EventSetupRecordDataGetter",
2  toGet = cms.VPSet(
3  ),
4  verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False )
5 )

Definition at line 1326 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGetRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTGetRaw",
2  RawDataCollection = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
3 )

Definition at line 1331 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTGsfElectronSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEgammaCkfTrackCandidatesForGSF + hltEgammaGsfTracks + hltEgammaGsfElectrons + hltEgammaGsfTrackVars )

Definition at line 7599 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltGtDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi",
2  DaqGtFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 813 ),
3  DaqGtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
4  UnpackBxInEvent = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ActiveBoardsMask = cms.uint32( 0xffff )
6 )

Definition at line 1340 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHbhereco

Definition at line 1547 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHcalDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HcalRawToDigi",
2  UnpackZDC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
3  FilterDataQuality = cms.bool( True ),
4  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
5  ComplainEmptyData = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
6  UnpackCalib = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  UnpackTTP = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
8  lastSample = cms.int32( 9 ),
9  firstSample = cms.int32( 0 )
10 )

Definition at line 1537 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHfreco

Definition at line 1612 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltHoreco

Definition at line 1696 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0ElectronsPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 2940 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 2960 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0ElectronsPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
2  useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
3  originHalfLength = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
5  usePV = cms.bool( True ),
6  InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelVerticesElectrons" ),
7  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
8  InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracksElectrons" ),
9  originRadius = cms.double( 0.1 )
10 )

Definition at line 2930 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 2978 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter0HighPtTkMuPSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryFilterIT" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 4 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
7  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30" ),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
9  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
10  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
11  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
12  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
13 )

Definition at line 339 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFLowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 5137 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFlowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracksForPhotons" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 6997 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIter0" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 5157 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 7017 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFLowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
2  useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
3  originHalfLength = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
5  usePV = cms.bool( False ),
6  InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltTrimmedPixelVertices" ),
7  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
8  InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracks" ),
9  originRadius = cms.double( 0.1 )
10 )

Definition at line 5127 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFlowPixelSeedsFromPixelTracksForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
2  useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
3  originHalfLength = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
5  usePV = cms.bool( True ),
6  InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelVerticesForPhotons" ),
7  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
8  InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracks" ),
9  originRadius = cms.double( 0.1 )
10 )

Definition at line 6987 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 5175 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons

Definition at line 7035 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryFilterIT" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
7  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator9" ),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
9  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
10  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
11  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
12  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
13 )

Definition at line 296 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter0PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 309 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter0TrackAndTauJet4Iter1Sequence = cms.Sequence( hltTrackIter0RefsForJets4Iter1 + hltAK4Iter0TrackJets4Iter1 + hltIter0TrackAndTauJets4Iter1 )

Definition at line 7619 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter0TrackAndTauJets4Iter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4Iter0TrackJets4Iter1" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" )
14 )

Definition at line 5276 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackClusterRemover",
2  minNumberOfLayersWithMeasBeforeFiltering = cms.int32( 0 ),
3  maxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 ),
4  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
5  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
7  overrideTrkQuals = cms.InputTag( "" ),
8  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
9  TrackQuality = cms.string( "highPurity" )
10 )

Definition at line 5290 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackClusterRemover",
2  minNumberOfLayersWithMeasBeforeFiltering = cms.int32( 0 ),
3  maxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 ),
4  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons" ),
5  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
7  overrideTrkQuals = cms.InputTag( "" ),
8  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
9  TrackQuality = cms.string( "highPurity" )
10 )

Definition at line 7072 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ElectronsPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 3112 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackClusterRemover",
2  minNumberOfLayersWithMeasBeforeFiltering = cms.int32( 0 ),
3  maxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 ),
4  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
5  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
7  overrideTrkQuals = cms.InputTag( "" ),
8  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
9  TrackQuality = cms.string( "highPurity" )
10 )

Definition at line 3015 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 3132 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventProducer",
2  clustersToSkip = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ElectronsClustersRefRemoval" ),
3  OnDemand = cms.bool( False ),
4  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" )
5 )

Definition at line 3025 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsPixelLayerTriplets

Definition at line 3030 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsPixelSeeds

Definition at line 3061 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose','hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityTight' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose','hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityTight' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 3224 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose

Definition at line 3150 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurityTight

Definition at line 3187 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventProducer",
2  clustersToSkip = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
3  OnDemand = cms.bool( False ),
4  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" )
5 )

Definition at line 5300 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventProducer",
2  clustersToSkip = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons" ),
3  OnDemand = cms.bool( False ),
4  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" )
5 )

Definition at line 7082 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 5523 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1MergedForElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter0ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity','hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter0ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity','hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 3247 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1MergedForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 7304 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFlowPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 5388 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 7169 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIter1" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 5408 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 7189 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowPixelSeeds

Definition at line 5336 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons

Definition at line 7118 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 5500 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLooseForPhotons','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTightForPhotons' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLooseForPhotons','hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTightForPhotons' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 7281 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLoose

Definition at line 5426 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityLooseForPhotons

Definition at line 7207 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTight

Definition at line 5463 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityTightForPhotons

Definition at line 7244 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PixelLayerTriplets

Definition at line 5305 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1PixelLayerTripletsForPhotons

Definition at line 7087 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryFilterIT" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 196 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter1PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.2 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 43 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1TrackAndTauJets4Iter2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TauJetSelectorForHLTTrackSeeding",
2  fractionMinCaloInTauCone = cms.double( 0.7 ),
3  fractionMaxChargedPUInCaloCone = cms.double( 0.3 ),
4  tauConeSize = cms.double( 0.2 ),
5  ptTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.double( 1.4 ),
6  isolationConeSize = cms.double( 0.5 ),
7  inputTrackJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4Iter1TrackJets4Iter2" ),
8  nTrkMaxInCaloCone = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  inputCaloJetTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJetsPFEt5" ),
10  etaMinCaloJet = cms.double( -2.7 ),
11  etaMaxCaloJet = cms.double( 2.7 ),
12  ptMinCaloJet = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  inputTrackTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Merged" )
14 )

Definition at line 5610 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter1TrackAndTauJets4Iter2Sequence = cms.Sequence( hltIter1TrackRefsForJets4Iter2 + hltAK4Iter1TrackJets4Iter2 + hltIter1TrackAndTauJets4Iter2 )

Definition at line 7621 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter1TrackRefsForJets4Iter2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Merged" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 5546 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackClusterRemover",
2  minNumberOfLayersWithMeasBeforeFiltering = cms.int32( 0 ),
3  maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ),
4  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
5  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
6  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
7  overrideTrkQuals = cms.InputTag( "" ),
8  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
9  TrackQuality = cms.string( "highPurity" )
10 )

Definition at line 5624 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackClusterRemover",
2  minNumberOfLayersWithMeasBeforeFiltering = cms.int32( 0 ),
3  maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ),
4  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons" ),
5  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons" ),
6  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
7  overrideTrkQuals = cms.InputTag( "" ),
8  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
9  TrackQuality = cms.string( "highPurity" )
10 )

Definition at line 7327 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ElectronsPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 3368 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ElectronsClustersRefRemoval
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackClusterRemover",
2  minNumberOfLayersWithMeasBeforeFiltering = cms.int32( 0 ),
3  maxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ),
4  trajectories = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
5  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ElectronsClustersRefRemoval" ),
6  stripClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
7  overrideTrkQuals = cms.InputTag( "" ),
8  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
9  TrackQuality = cms.string( "highPurity" )
10 )

Definition at line 3270 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ElectronsCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ElectronsCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 3388 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ElectronsMaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventProducer",
2  clustersToSkip = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ElectronsClustersRefRemoval" ),
3  OnDemand = cms.bool( False ),
4  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" )
5 )

Definition at line 3280 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ElectronsPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 3285 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ElectronsPixelSeeds

Definition at line 3324 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 3406 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter2HighPtTkMuPSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter2HighPtTkMuPSetTrajectoryFilterIT" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
7  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30" ),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
9  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
10  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
11  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
12  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
13  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2HighPtTkMuESPMeasurementTracker" )
14 )

Definition at line 352 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter2HighPtTkMuPSetTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 366 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventProducer",
2  clustersToSkip = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ClustersRefRemoval" ),
3  OnDemand = cms.bool( False ),
4  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" )
5 )

Definition at line 5634 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventProducer",
2  clustersToSkip = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2ClustersRefRemovalForPhotons" ),
3  OnDemand = cms.bool( False ),
4  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" )
5 )

Definition at line 7337 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2Merged
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1Merged','hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1Merged','hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 5799 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2MergedForElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1MergedForElectrons','hltIter2ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1MergedForElectrons','hltIter2ElectronsTrackSelectionHighPurity' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 3443 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2MergedForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1MergedForPhotons','hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltIter1MergedForPhotons','hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 7500 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2PFlowPixelSeeds" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 5724 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons" ),
3  maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
4  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
5  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
6  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
7  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
8  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" )
9  ),
10  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
11  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons" ),
12  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
13  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
14  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
15  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
16  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
17  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT" ) ),
18  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
19  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "" )
20 )

Definition at line 7425 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidates" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEvent" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIter2" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 5744 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowCtfWithMaterialTracksForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2PFlowCkfTrackCandidatesForPhotons" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltIter2MaskedMeasurementTrackerEventForPhotons" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( True ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
18 )

Definition at line 7445 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowPixelSeeds

Definition at line 5678 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowPixelSeedsForPhotons

Definition at line 7381 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity

Definition at line 5762 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurityForPhotons

Definition at line 7463 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 5639 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltIter2PixelLayerPairsForPhotons

Definition at line 7342 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryFilterIT" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 182 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter2PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 32 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter3PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter3PSetTrajectoryFilterIT" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 168 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter3PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 21 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter4PSetTrajectoryBuilderIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTIter4PSetTrajectoryFilterIT" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator16" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
14  minNrOfHitsForRebuild = cms.untracked.int32( 4 )
15 )

Definition at line 153 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTIter4PSetTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 6 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 10 of file

Definition at line 7605 of file

Definition at line 7602 of file

Definition at line 7603 of file

Definition at line 7604 of file

Definition at line 7634 of file

Definition at line 7631 of file

Definition at line 7632 of file

Definition at line 7633 of file

Definition at line 7623 of file

Definition at line 7618 of file

Definition at line 7620 of file

Definition at line 7622 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1extraParticles
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1ExtraParticlesProd",
2  tauJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','tauJets' ),
3  etHadSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
4  isoTauJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','isoTauJets' ),
5  etTotalSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
6  centralBxOnly = cms.bool( True ),
7  centralJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','cenJets' ),
8  etMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
9  hfRingEtSumsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
10  produceMuonParticles = cms.bool( True ),
11  forwardJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','forJets' ),
12  ignoreHtMiss = cms.bool( False ),
13  htMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
14  produceCaloParticles = cms.bool( True ),
15  muonSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
16  isolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','isoEm' ),
17  nonIsolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','nonIsoEm' ),
18  hfRingBitCountsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" )
19 )

Definition at line 1377 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1fL1sMu16orMu25L1Filtered0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
3  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu16ORSingleMu25" ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
8  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( ),
9  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
11 )

Definition at line 3516 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1GtObjectMap
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTrigger",
2  TechnicalTriggersUnprescaled = cms.bool( True ),
3  ProduceL1GtObjectMapRecord = cms.bool( True ),
4  AlgorithmTriggersUnmasked = cms.bool( False ),
5  EmulateBxInEvent = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  AlgorithmTriggersUnprescaled = cms.bool( True ),
7  ProduceL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
8  ReadTechnicalTriggerRecords = cms.bool( True ),
9  RecordLength = cms.vint32( 3, 0 ),
10  TechnicalTriggersUnmasked = cms.bool( False ),
11  ProduceL1GtEvmRecord = cms.bool( False ),
12  GmtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
13  TechnicalTriggersVetoUnmasked = cms.bool( True ),
14  AlternativeNrBxBoardEvm = cms.uint32( 0 ),
15  TechnicalTriggersInputTags = cms.VInputTag( 'simBscDigis' ),
16  CastorInputTag = cms.InputTag( "castorL1Digis" ),
17  GctInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
18  AlternativeNrBxBoardDaq = cms.uint32( 0 ),
19  WritePsbL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
20  BstLengthBytes = cms.int32( -1 )
21 )

Definition at line 1356 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1GtTrigReport
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "L1GtTrigReport",
2  PrintVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32( 10 ),
3  UseL1GlobalTriggerRecord = cms.bool( False ),
4  PrintOutput = cms.untracked.int32( 3 ),
5  L1GtRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" )
6 )

Definition at line 7567 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleEG10
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG10" ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 6860 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleIsoEG25er
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleIsoEG25er" ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 1902 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleJet200
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet200" ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 1407 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL1sL1SingleMu16ORSingleMu25
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu16 OR L1_SingleMu25" ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
5  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
9  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
10  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
11  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 3500 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )

Definition at line 7582 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2fL1sMu16orMu25L1f0L2Filtered16Q
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
4  CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
5  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1fL1sMu16orMu25L1Filtered0" ),
6  MinPt = cms.double( 16.0 ),
7  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
9  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
13  AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 0.9, 1.5, 2.1, 5.0 ),
14  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
16  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
17  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0, 2, 0, 2 )
20 )

Definition at line 4012 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2MuonCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonCandidateProducer",
2  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( 'hltL2Muons','UpdatedAtVtx' )
3 )

Definition at line 4009 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds + hltL2MuonSeeds + hltL2Muons )

Definition at line 7609 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL2muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL2MuonCandidates )

Definition at line 7610 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2Muons

Definition at line 3921 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2MuonSeeds
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonSeedGenerator",
2  ServiceParameters = cms.PSet(
3  Propagators = cms.untracked.vstring( 'SteppingHelixPropagatorAny' ),
4  RPCLayers = cms.bool( True ),
5  UseMuonNavigation = cms.untracked.bool( True )
6  ),
7  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
8  L1MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  OfflineSeedLabel = cms.untracked.InputTag( "hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds" ),
10  L1MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
11  L1MinQuality = cms.uint32( 1 ),
12  GMTReadoutCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
13  UseUnassociatedL1 = cms.bool( False ),
14  UseOfflineSeed = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
15  Propagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
16 )

Definition at line 3905 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds

Definition at line 3812 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3fL1sMu16orMu25L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered50Q
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
2  MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 20.0 ),
3  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2fL1sMu16orMu25L1f0L2Filtered16Q" ),
5  MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
9  MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
11  MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
14  MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
15  MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
16  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonCandidates" ),
17  MinDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( -1.0 ),
18  MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
19  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
20  MinPt = cms.double( 50.0 )
21 )

Definition at line 4892 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3MuonCandidateProducer",
2  InputLinksObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonsLinksCombination" ),
3  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL3Muons" ),
4  MuonPtOption = cms.string( "Tracker" )
5 )

Definition at line 4887 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonTkCandidateSequence + hltL3TkTracksMergeStep1 + hltL3TkTracksFromL2 + hltL3MuonsLinksCombination + hltL3Muons )

Definition at line 7612 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTL3muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL3muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL3MuonCandidates )

Definition at line 7613 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3Muons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3MuonsOIState','hltL3MuonsOIHit','hltL3MuonsIOHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 4884 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsIOHit

Definition at line 4714 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsLinksCombination
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackLinksCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3MuonsOIState','hltL3MuonsOIHit','hltL3MuonsIOHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 4881 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsOIHit

Definition at line 4424 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3MuonsOIState

Definition at line 4162 of file

Definition at line 7611 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkFromL2OICombination
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3MuonsOIState','hltL3MuonsOIHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 4539 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TkTracksMergeStep1','hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 100.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TkTracksMergeStep1','hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 0.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 4858 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( False ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
18 )

Definition at line 4696 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( False ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
18 )

Definition at line 4406 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
4  clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
6  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
7  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
8  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
9  MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
10  AlgorithmName = cms.string( "hltIterX" ),
11  alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
12  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
13  TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
15  GeometricInnerState = cms.bool( True ),
16  useSimpleMF = cms.bool( False ),
17  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
18 )

Definition at line 4144 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TkTracksMergeStep1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState','hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 100.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIState','hltL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 0.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 4835 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCandCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit','hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit','hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState' )
3 )

Definition at line 4832 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrajSeedIOHit" ),
3  reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( False ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
11  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
12  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
13  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
14  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
15  trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
16  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ) ),
17  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
18  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
19  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
20 )

Definition at line 4676 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrajSeedOIHit" ),
3  reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( True ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
11  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
12  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
13  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
14  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
15  trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
16  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ) ),
17  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
18  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
19  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
20 )

Definition at line 4386 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrajSeedOIState" ),
3  reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( True ),
4  TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet(
5  propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
8  ),
9  TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
10  MeasurementTrackerEvent = cms.InputTag( "hltSiStripClusters" ),
11  cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
12  useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
13  RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
14  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
15  trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
16  TrajectoryBuilderPSet = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit" ) ),
17  NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
18  TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit" ),
19  maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
20 )

Definition at line 4124 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajectorySeed
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L3MuonTrajectorySeedCombiner",
2  labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TrajSeedIOHit','hltL3TrajSeedOIState','hltL3TrajSeedOIHit' )
3 )

Definition at line 4829 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajSeedIOHit

Definition at line 4579 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajSeedOIHit

Definition at line 4277 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltL3TrajSeedOIState

Definition at line 4032 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltLightPFTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "LightPFTrackProducer",
2  TrackQuality = cms.string( "none" ),
3  UseQuality = cms.bool( False ),
4  TkColList = cms.VInputTag( 'hltPFMuonMerging' )
5 )

Definition at line 6579 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMixedLayerPairs

Definition at line 2569 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonCSCDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CSCDCCUnpacker",
2  PrintEventNumber = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
3  UseSelectiveUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
4  UseExaminer = cms.bool( True ),
5  ErrorMask = cms.uint32( 0x0 ),
6  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
7  UseFormatStatus = cms.bool( True ),
8  ExaminerMask = cms.uint32( 0x1febf3f6 ),
9  UnpackStatusDigis = cms.bool( False ),
10  VisualFEDInspect = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
11  FormatedEventDump = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
12  Debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
13  VisualFEDShort = cms.untracked.bool( False )
14 )

Definition at line 3642 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonDTDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "DTUnpackingModule",
2  useStandardFEDid = cms.bool( True ),
3  inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
4  dataType = cms.string( "DDU" ),
5  fedbyType = cms.bool( False ),
6  readOutParameters = cms.PSet(
7  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
8  rosParameters = cms.PSet(
9  writeSC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
10  readingDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
11  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
12  readDDUIDfromDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
13  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
14  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False )
15  ),
16  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
17  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False )
18  ),
19  dqmOnly = cms.bool( False )
20 )

Definition at line 3527 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonLinks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MuonLinksProducerForHLT",
2  pMin = cms.double( 2.5 ),
3  InclusiveTrackerTrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPFMuonMerging" ),
4  shareHitFraction = cms.double( 0.8 ),
5  LinkCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltL3MuonsLinksCombination" ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( 2.5 )
7 )

Definition at line 5845 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuonDTDigis + hltDt1DRecHits + hltDt4DSegments + hltMuonCSCDigis + hltCsc2DRecHits + hltCscSegments + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRpcRecHits )

Definition at line 7608 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuonRPCDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "RPCUnpackingModule",
2  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  doSynchro = cms.bool( False )
4 )

Definition at line 3799 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltMuons

Definition at line 5852 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltOnlineBeamSpot
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotOnlineProducer",
2  maxZ = cms.double( 40.0 ),
3  src = cms.InputTag( "hltScalersRawToDigi" ),
4  gtEvmLabel = cms.InputTag( "" ),
5  changeToCMSCoordinates = cms.bool( False ),
6  setSigmaZ = cms.double( 0.0 ),
7  maxRadius = cms.double( 2.0 )
8 )

Definition at line 1399 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlow

Definition at line 6639 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowBlock

Definition at line 6584 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterECALL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CorrectedECALPFClusterProducer",
2  minimumPSEnergy = cms.double( 0.0 ),
3  inputPS = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterPSL1Seeded" ),
4  energyCorrector = cms.PSet(
5  applyCrackCorrections = cms.bool( False ),
6  algoName = cms.string( "PFClusterEMEnergyCorrector" )
7  ),
8  inputECAL = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedL1Seeded" )
9 )

Definition at line 2174 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedL1Seeded

Definition at line 2067 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedUnseeded

Definition at line 6201 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterECALUnseeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CorrectedECALPFClusterProducer",
2  minimumPSEnergy = cms.double( 0.0 ),
3  inputPS = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterPSUnseeded" ),
4  energyCorrector = cms.PSet(
5  applyCrackCorrections = cms.bool( False ),
6  algoName = cms.string( "PFClusterEMEnergyCorrector" )
7  ),
8  inputECAL = cms.InputTag( "hltParticleFlowClusterECALUncorrectedUnseeded" )
9 )

Definition at line 6367 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterHCAL

Definition at line 6376 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterHCALForEgamma

Definition at line 2396 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterHFEM

Definition at line 6443 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterHFHAD

Definition at line 6511 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterPSL1Seeded

Definition at line 2008 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowClusterPSUnseeded

Definition at line 6308 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitECALL1Seeded

Definition at line 1958 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitECALUnseeded

Definition at line 6113 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitHCAL

Definition at line 6150 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitHCALForEgamma

Definition at line 2358 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitPSL1Seeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFRecHitProducer",
2  producers = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag( 'hltRechitInRegionsES','EcalRecHitsES' ),
4  qualityTests = cms.VPSet(
5  cms.PSet( threshold = cms.double( 7.0E-6 ),
6  name = cms.string( "PFRecHitQTestThreshold" )
7  )
8  ),
9  name = cms.string( "PFPSRecHitCreator" )
10  )
11  ),
12  navigator = cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "PFRecHitPreshowerNavigator" ) )
13 )

Definition at line 1995 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowRecHitPSUnseeded
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFRecHitProducer",
2  producers = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalPreshowerRecHit','EcalRecHitsES' ),
4  qualityTests = cms.VPSet(
5  cms.PSet( threshold = cms.double( 7.0E-6 ),
6  name = cms.string( "PFRecHitQTestThreshold" )
7  )
8  ),
9  name = cms.string( "PFPSRecHitCreator" )
10  )
11  ),
12  navigator = cms.PSet( name = cms.string( "PFRecHitPreshowerNavigator" ) )
13 )

Definition at line 6188 of file

Definition at line 7626 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltParticleFlowSuperClusterECALL1Seeded

Definition at line 2183 of file

Definition at line 7593 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPFHcalClusteringForEgamma = cms.Sequence( hltRegionalTowerForEgamma + hltParticleFlowRecHitHCALForEgamma + hltParticleFlowClusterHCALForEgamma )

Definition at line 7596 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFJetsCorrectedMatchedToCaloJets210
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PFJetsMatchedToFilteredCaloJetsProducer",
2  DeltaR = cms.double( 0.5 ),
3  CaloJetFilter = cms.InputTag( "hltSingleCaloJet210" ),
4  TriggerType = cms.int32( 85 ),
5  PFJetSrc = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4PFJetsCorrected" )
6 )

Definition at line 6844 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPFMuonMerging
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TrackListMerger",
2  ShareFrac = cms.double( 0.19 ),
3  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool( False ),
4  MinPT = cms.double( 0.05 ),
5  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool( True ),
6  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  Epsilon = cms.double( -0.001 ),
8  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TkTracksFromL2','hltIter2Merged' ),
9  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble( 1.0, 1.0 ),
10  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double( 1000.0 ),
11  copyMVA = cms.bool( False ),
12  FoundHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet(
14  cms.PSet( pQual = cms.bool( False ),
15  tLists = cms.vint32( 0, 1 )
16  )
17  ),
18  MinFound = cms.int32( 3 ),
19  hasSelector = cms.vint32( 0, 0 ),
20  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag( 'hltL3TkTracksFromL2','hltIter2Merged' ),
21  LostHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
22  newQuality = cms.string( "confirmed" )
23 )

Definition at line 5822 of file

Definition at line 7636 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 4542 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelLayerTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SeedingLayersEDProducer",
2  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
3  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
4  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
5  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
7  MTOB = cms.PSet( ),
8  TEC = cms.PSet( ),
9  MTID = cms.PSet( ),
10  FPix = cms.PSet(
11  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
12  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
13  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
14  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
15  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
16  ),
17  MTEC = cms.PSet( ),
18  MTIB = cms.PSet( ),
19  TID = cms.PSet( ),
20  TOB = cms.PSet( ),
21  BPix = cms.PSet(
22  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
23  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
24  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
25  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
26  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.006 )
27  ),
28  TIB = cms.PSet( )
29 )

Definition at line 2834 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPixelTrackingForElectron = cms.Sequence( hltElectronsVertex + HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecoPixelVertexingForElectronSequence )

Definition at line 7601 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelTracks

Definition at line 5060 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelTracksElectrons

Definition at line 2863 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelVertices
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PixelVertexProducer",
2  WtAverage = cms.bool( True ),
3  Method2 = cms.bool( True ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  PVcomparer = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetPvClusterComparerForIT" ) ),
6  Verbosity = cms.int32( 0 ),
7  UseError = cms.bool( True ),
8  TrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracks" ),
9  PtMin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  NTrkMin = cms.int32( 2 ),
11  ZOffset = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  Finder = cms.string( "DivisiveVertexFinder" ),
13  ZSeparation = cms.double( 0.05 )
14 )

Definition at line 5106 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelVerticesElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PixelVertexProducer",
2  WtAverage = cms.bool( True ),
3  Method2 = cms.bool( True ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  PVcomparer = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetPvClusterComparer" ) ),
6  Verbosity = cms.int32( 0 ),
7  UseError = cms.bool( True ),
8  TrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracksElectrons" ),
9  PtMin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  NTrkMin = cms.int32( 2 ),
11  ZOffset = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  Finder = cms.string( "DivisiveVertexFinder" ),
13  ZSeparation = cms.double( 0.05 )
14 )

Definition at line 2916 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPixelVerticesForPhotons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PixelVertexProducer",
2  WtAverage = cms.bool( True ),
3  Method2 = cms.bool( True ),
4  beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
5  PVcomparer = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetPvClusterComparer" ) ),
6  Verbosity = cms.int32( 0 ),
7  UseError = cms.bool( True ),
8  TrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracks" ),
9  PtMin = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  NTrkMin = cms.int32( 2 ),
11  ZOffset = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  Finder = cms.string( "DivisiveVertexFinder" ),
13  ZSeparation = cms.double( 0.05 )
14 )

Definition at line 6973 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPreAK4PFJetsRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTAK4CaloJetsPrePFRecoSequence + hltAK4CaloJetsPFEt5 )

Definition at line 7616 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreCaloJet260
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1419 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreEle27eta2p1WP85Gsf
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1914 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPreMu50
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3512 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePFJet260
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 4913 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePhoton20CaloIdVLIsoL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 6872 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltPrePhysics
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 7553 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPreshowerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalPreshowerDigis + hltEcalPreshowerRecHit )

Definition at line 7625 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 54 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 142 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 131 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  useSeedLayer = cms.bool( False ),
8  deltaEta = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  deltaPhi = cms.double( -1.0 ),
10  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30" ),
11  rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
12  propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
13  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
14  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
15  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
16  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
17  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
18  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 271 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  useSeedLayer = cms.bool( True ),
8  deltaEta = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  deltaPhi = cms.double( -1.0 ),
10  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30" ),
11  rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
12  propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
13  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
14  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
15  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
16  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
17  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
18  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
19 )

Definition at line 252 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 )
11 )

Definition at line 98 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 238 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 9 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 120 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator30" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 224 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 10.0 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 109 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetPvClusterComparer
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  track_pt_min = cms.double( 2.5 ),
3  track_pt_max = cms.double( 10.0 ),
4  track_chi2_max = cms.double( 9999999.0 ),
5  track_prob_min = cms.double( -1.0 )
6 )

Definition at line 290 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetPvClusterComparerForBTag
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  track_pt_min = cms.double( 0.1 ),
3  track_pt_max = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  track_chi2_max = cms.double( 20.0 ),
5  track_prob_min = cms.double( -1.0 )
6 )

Definition at line 320 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetPvClusterComparerForIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  track_pt_min = cms.double( 1.0 ),
3  track_pt_max = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  track_chi2_max = cms.double( 20.0 ),
5  track_prob_min = cms.double( -1.0 )
6 )

Definition at line 377 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "hltESPFwdElectronPropagator" ),
3  trajectoryFilter = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetTrajectoryFilterForElectrons" ) ),
4  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
5  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "hltESPBwdElectronPropagator" ),
7  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
8  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator30" ),
9  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
10  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
11  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
13  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 90.0 )
14 )

Definition at line 210 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetTrajectoryFilterForElectrons
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
3  minPt = cms.double( 2.0 ),
4  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( -1 ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
9  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 87 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetTrajectoryFilterIT
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 76 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTPSetTrajectoryFilterL3
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  minPt = cms.double( 0.5 ),
3  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
5  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
6  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 1000000000 ),
7  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
8  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
9  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
10  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
11 )

Definition at line 65 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRechitInRegionsECAL
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRechitInRegionsProducer",
2  l1LowerThr = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  useUncalib = cms.bool( False ),
5  regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.14 ),
6  ecalhitLabels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltEcalRecHit:EcalRecHitsEB','hltEcalRecHit:EcalRecHitsEE' ),
7  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
8  l1TagNonIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
9  l1UpperThr = cms.double( 999.0 ),
10  l1LowerThrIgnoreIsolation = cms.double( 0.0 ),
11  productLabels = cms.vstring( 'EcalRecHitsEB',
12  'EcalRecHitsEE' ),
13  l1TagIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' )
14 )

Definition at line 1931 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRechitInRegionsES
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRechitInRegionsProducer",
2  l1LowerThr = cms.double( 5.0 ),
3  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
4  useUncalib = cms.bool( False ),
5  regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.14 ),
6  ecalhitLabels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltEcalPreshowerRecHit:EcalRecHitsES' ),
7  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
8  l1TagNonIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
9  l1UpperThr = cms.double( 999.0 ),
10  l1LowerThrIgnoreIsolation = cms.double( 0.0 ),
11  productLabels = cms.vstring( 'EcalRecHitsES' ),
12  l1TagIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' )
13 )

Definition at line 1945 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecoPixelVertexingForElectronSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelLayerTriplets + hltPixelTracksElectrons + hltPixelVerticesElectrons )

Definition at line 7600 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecoPixelVertexingForPhotonsSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelLayerTriplets + hltPixelTracks + hltPixelVerticesForPhotons )

Definition at line 7630 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence = cms.Sequence( hltPixelLayerTriplets + hltPixelTracks + hltPixelVertices + hltTrimmedPixelVertices )

Definition at line 7617 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRegionalTowerForEgamma
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTCaloTowerProducer",
2  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
3  EMin = cms.double( 0.8 ),
4  EtMin = cms.double( 0.5 ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
6  useTowersInCone = cms.double( 0.8 ),
7  towerCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForAll" )
8 )

Definition at line 2350 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTriggerFinalPath = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltScalersRawToDigi + hltFEDSelector + hltTriggerSummaryAOD + hltTriggerSummaryRAW )

Definition at line 7645 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTriggerFirstPath = cms.Path( hltGetConditions + hltGetRaw + hltBoolFalse )

Definition at line 7638 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltRpcRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "RPCRecHitProducer",
2  recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet( ),
3  deadvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCDeadVec.dat" ),
4  rpcDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonRPCDigis" ),
5  maskvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCMaskVec.dat" ),
6  recAlgo = cms.string( "RPCRecHitStandardAlgo" ),
7  deadSource = cms.string( "File" ),
8  maskSource = cms.string( "File" )
9 )

Definition at line 3803 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltScalersRawToDigi
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ScalersRawToDigi",
2  scalersInputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
3 )

Definition at line 1396 of file

Definition at line 7649 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTSeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator" ),
3  propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
4  SeedMomentumForBOFF = cms.double( 5.0 ),
5  OriginTransverseErrorMultiplier = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  MinOneOverPtError = cms.double( 1.0 ),
7  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" )
9 )

Definition at line 330 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTSeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator" ),
3  propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" )
4 )

Definition at line 326 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleCaloJet210
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 210.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJetsCorrectedIDPassed" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 4917 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSingleCaloJet260
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 260.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltAK4CaloJetsCorrectedIDPassed" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 1889 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSinglePFJet260
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1PFJet",
2  saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 260.0 ),
4  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPFJetsCorrectedMatchedToCaloJets210" ),
8  MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
9  triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
10 )

Definition at line 6850 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelClusterProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelDigis" ),
3  ChannelThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
4  maxNumberOfClusters = cms.int32( 20000 ),
5  VCaltoElectronGain = cms.int32( 65 ),
6  MissCalibrate = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
7  SplitClusters = cms.bool( False ),
8  VCaltoElectronOffset = cms.int32( -414 ),
9  payloadType = cms.string( "HLT" ),
10  SeedThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
11  ClusterThreshold = cms.double( 4000.0 )
12 )

Definition at line 2511 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelClustersCache
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelClusterShapeCacheProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
3  onDemand = cms.bool( False )
4 )

Definition at line 2523 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRawToDigi",
2  UseQualityInfo = cms.bool( False ),
3  CheckPixelOrder = cms.bool( False ),
4  IncludeErrors = cms.bool( False ),
5  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
6  ErrorList = cms.vint32( ),
7  Regions = cms.PSet( ),
8  Timing = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
9  UserErrorList = cms.vint32( )
10 )

Definition at line 2501 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiPixelRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRecHitConverter",
2  VerboseLevel = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
3  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
4  CPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" )
5 )

Definition at line 2527 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiStripClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerEventProducer",
2  inactivePixelDetectorLabels = cms.VInputTag( ),
3  stripClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
4  pixelClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelClusters" ),
5  switchOffPixelsIfEmpty = cms.bool( True ),
6  inactiveStripDetectorLabels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer' ),
7  skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "" ),
8  measurementTracker = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" )
9 )

Definition at line 2560 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiStripExcludedFEDListProducer",
2  ProductLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
3 )

Definition at line 2532 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltSiStripRawToClustersFacility
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiStripClusterizerFromRaw",
2  ProductLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
3  DoAPVEmulatorCheck = cms.bool( False ),
4  Algorithms = cms.PSet(
5  SiStripFedZeroSuppressionMode = cms.uint32( 4 ),
6  CommonModeNoiseSubtractionMode = cms.string( "Median" ),
7  PedestalSubtractionFedMode = cms.bool( True ),
8  TruncateInSuppressor = cms.bool( True ),
9  doAPVRestore = cms.bool( False ),
10  useCMMeanMap = cms.bool( False )
11  ),
12  Clusterizer = cms.PSet(
13  ChannelThreshold = cms.double( 2.0 ),
14  MaxSequentialBad = cms.uint32( 1 ),
15  MaxSequentialHoles = cms.uint32( 0 ),
16  Algorithm = cms.string( "ThreeThresholdAlgorithm" ),
17  MaxAdjacentBad = cms.uint32( 0 ),
18  QualityLabel = cms.string( "" ),
19  SeedThreshold = cms.double( 3.0 ),
20  ClusterThreshold = cms.double( 5.0 ),
21  setDetId = cms.bool( True ),
22  RemoveApvShots = cms.bool( True )
23  ),
24  onDemand = cms.bool( True )
25 )

Definition at line 2535 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTowerMakerForAll

Definition at line 1733 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTowerMakerForPF

Definition at line 4927 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrackIter0RefsForJets4Iter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ChargedRefCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltIter0PFlowTrackSelectionHighPurity" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 5212 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTTrackReconstructionForIsoElectronIter02 = cms.Sequence( HLTPixelTrackingForElectron + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForElectronIter02 )

Definition at line 7606 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.HLTTrackReconstructionForIsoForPhotons = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalPixelSequence + HLTRecoPixelVertexingForPhotonsSequence + HLTDoLocalStripSequence + HLTIterativeTrackingForPhotonsIter02 )

Definition at line 7635 of file

Definition at line 7624 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTriggerSummaryAOD
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerAOD",
2  processName = cms.string( "@" )
3 )

Definition at line 7561 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTriggerSummaryRAW
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerRAW",
2  processName = cms.string( "@" )
3 )

Definition at line 7564 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTriggerType
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
2  SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 1 )
3 )

Definition at line 1337 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrigReport
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTrigReport",
2  ReferencePath = cms.untracked.string( "HLTriggerFinalPath" ),
3  ReferenceRate = cms.untracked.double( 100.0 ),
4  serviceBy = cms.untracked.string( "never" ),
5  resetBy = cms.untracked.string( "never" ),
6  reportBy = cms.untracked.string( "job" ),
7  HLTriggerResults = cms.InputTag( 'TriggerResults','','HLT' )
8 )

Definition at line 7573 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hltTrimmedPixelVertices
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PixelVertexCollectionTrimmer",
2  minSumPt2 = cms.double( 0.0 ),
3  PVcomparer = cms.PSet( refToPSet_ = cms.string( "HLTPSetPvClusterComparerForIT" ) ),
4  maxVtx = cms.uint32( 100 ),
5  fractionSumPt2 = cms.double( 0.3 ),
6  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelVertices" )
7 )

Definition at line 5120 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.hoDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "HODetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 30 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 1194 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.MaterialPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
5  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
9 )

Definition at line 569 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.MaterialPropagatorParabolicMF
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMf" ),
5  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
9 )

Definition at line 497 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.muonDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "MuonDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.125 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 48 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 48 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 1201 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.navigationSchoolESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "NavigationSchoolESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
3  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" )
4 )

Definition at line 1208 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.OppositeMaterialPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
5  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
9 )

Definition at line 578 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.OppositeMaterialPropagatorParabolicMF
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  SimpleMagneticField = cms.string( "ParabolicMf" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialParabolicMfOpposite" ),
5  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
6  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
8  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
9 )

Definition at line 506 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.ParabolicParametrizedMagneticFieldProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "ParametrizedMagneticFieldProducer",
2  version = cms.string( "Parabolic" ),
3  parameters = cms.PSet( BValue = cms.string( "" ) ),
4  label = cms.untracked.string( "ParabolicMf" )
5 )

Definition at line 515 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.preshowerDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "PreshowerDetIdAssociator" ),
3  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.1 ),
4  nEta = cms.int32( 60 ),
5  nPhi = cms.int32( 30 ),
6  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 1212 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.siPixelQualityESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelQualityESProducer",
2  ListOfRecordToMerge = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet( record = cms.string( "SiPixelQualityFromDbRcd" ),
4  tag = cms.string( "" )
5  ),
6  cms.PSet( record = cms.string( "SiPixelDetVOffRcd" ),
7  tag = cms.string( "" )
8  )
9  )
10 )

Definition at line 1219 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer" )

Definition at line 1229 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.siStripBackPlaneCorrectionDepESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiStripBackPlaneCorrectionDepESProducer",
2  LatencyRecord = cms.PSet(
3  record = cms.string( "SiStripLatencyRcd" ),
4  label = cms.untracked.string( "" )
5  ),
6  BackPlaneCorrectionDeconvMode = cms.PSet(
7  record = cms.string( "SiStripBackPlaneCorrectionRcd" ),
8  label = cms.untracked.string( "deconvolution" )
9  ),
10  BackPlaneCorrectionPeakMode = cms.PSet(
11  record = cms.string( "SiStripBackPlaneCorrectionRcd" ),
12  label = cms.untracked.string( "peak" )
13  )
14 )

Definition at line 1230 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.siStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer",
2  LatencyRecord = cms.PSet(
3  record = cms.string( "SiStripLatencyRcd" ),
4  label = cms.untracked.string( "" )
5  ),
6  LorentzAngleDeconvMode = cms.PSet(
7  record = cms.string( "SiStripLorentzAngleRcd" ),
8  label = cms.untracked.string( "deconvolution" )
9  ),
10  LorentzAnglePeakMode = cms.PSet(
11  record = cms.string( "SiStripLorentzAngleRcd" ),
12  label = cms.untracked.string( "peak" )
13  )
14 )

Definition at line 1244 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.SteppingHelixPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
3  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
5  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
6  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
7  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
8  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
11  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
12  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
13  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
14  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
15  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
16  debug = cms.bool( False ),
17  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
18  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
19  ComponentName = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
20 )

Definition at line 587 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.streams
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet( A = cms.vstring( 'InitialPD',
2  'Templates' ) )

Definition at line 383 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.trackerTopologyConstants

Definition at line 1258 of file

tuple HLT_PIon_cff.TransientTrackBuilderESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TransientTrackBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "TransientTrackBuilder" )
3 )

Definition at line 607 of file