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pfNoPUMET_cff Namespace Reference


tuple ak4PFJetSequenceForPFNoPUMEt = cms.Sequence(calibratedAK4PFJetsForPFNoPUMEt)
tuple calibratedAK4PFJetsForPFNoPUMEt
tuple jvfJetIdForPFNoPUMEt
tuple pfCandidateToVertexAssociationForPFNoPUMEt
tuple pfMETcorrType0ForPFNoPUMEt
tuple pfNoPUMEt
tuple pfNoPUMEtData
tuple pfNoPUMEtSequence = cms.Sequence()
tuple puJetIdForPFNoPUMEt

Variable Documentation

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.ak4PFJetSequenceForPFNoPUMEt = cms.Sequence(calibratedAK4PFJetsForPFNoPUMEt)

Definition at line 10 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.calibratedAK4PFJetsForPFNoPUMEt
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer('PFJetCorrectionProducer',
2  src = cms.InputTag('ak4PFJets'),
3  correctors = cms.vstring('ak4PFL1FastL2L3') # NOTE: use "ak4PFL1FastL2L3" for MC / "ak4PFL1FastL2L3Residual" for Data
4 )

Definition at line 6 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.jvfJetIdForPFNoPUMEt
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("JVFJetIdProducer",
2  srcJets = cms.InputTag('calibratedAK4PFJetsForPFNoPUMEt'),
3  srcPFCandidates = cms.InputTag('particleFlow'),
4  srcPFCandToVertexAssociations = cms.InputTag('pfCandidateToVertexAssociationForPFNoPUMEt'),
5  srcHardScatterVertex = cms.InputTag('selectedPrimaryVertexHighestPtTrackSumForPFMEtCorrType0'),
6  minTrackPt = cms.double(1.),
7  dZcut = cms.double(0.2), # cm
8  JVFcut = cms.double(0.75),
9  neutralJetOption = cms.string("noPU")
10 )

Definition at line 44 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.pfCandidateToVertexAssociationForPFNoPUMEt
Initial value:
1 = pfCandidateToVertexAssociation.clone(
2  MaxNumberOfAssociations = cms.int32(1),
3  doReassociation = cms.bool(False),
4  FinalAssociation = cms.untracked.int32(1),
5  nTrackWeight = cms.double(0.)
6 )

Definition at line 32 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.pfMETcorrType0ForPFNoPUMEt
Initial value:
1 = pfMETcorrType0.clone(
2  srcPFCandidateToVertexAssociations = cms.InputTag('pfCandidateToVertexAssociationForPFNoPUMEt')
3 )

Definition at line 39 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.pfNoPUMEt
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("NoPileUpPFMEtProducer",
2  srcMEt = cms.InputTag('pfMet'),
3  srcMEtCov = cms.InputTag(''), # NOTE: leave empty to take MET covariance matrix from reco::PFMET object //MM 08/29/14, bypass hardcoded as this variable has never been used so far
4  srcMVAMEtData = cms.InputTag('pfNoPUMEtData'),
5  srcLeptons = cms.VInputTag(), # NOTE: you need to set this to collections of electrons, muons and tau-jets
6  # passing the lepton reconstruction & identification criteria applied in your analysis
7  srcMVAMEtDataLeptonMatch = cms.InputTag('pfNoPUMEtData'),
8  srcType0Correction = cms.InputTag('pfMETcorrType0ForPFNoPUMEt'),
9  sfNoPUjets = cms.double(1.0),
10  sfNoPUjetOffsetEnCorr = cms.double(0.0),
11  sfPUjets = cms.double(1.0),
12  sfNoPUunclChargedCands = cms.double(1.0),
13  sfPUunclChargedCands = cms.double(1.0),
14  sfUnclNeutralCands = cms.double(0.6),
15  sfType0Correction = cms.double(1.0),
16  sfLeptonIsoCones = cms.double(0.6),
17  resolution = met_config.METSignificance_params,
18  sfMEtCovMin = cms.double(0.6),
19  sfMEtCovMax = cms.double(1.0),
20  saveInputs = cms.bool(True),
21  verbosity = cms.int32(0)
22 )

Definition at line 76 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.pfNoPUMEtData
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("NoPileUpPFMEtDataProducer",
2  srcJets = cms.InputTag('calibratedAK4PFJetsForPFNoPUMEt'),
3  srcJetIds = cms.InputTag('puJetIdForPFNoPUMEt', 'full53xId'),
4  #srcJetIds = cms.InputTag('jvcJetIdForPFNoPUMEt', 'Id'),
5  minJetPt = cms.double(30.0),
6  jetIdSelection = cms.string('loose'),
7  jetEnOffsetCorrLabel = cms.string("ak4PFL1Fastjet"),
8  srcPFCandidates = cms.InputTag('particleFlow'),
9  srcPFCandToVertexAssociations = cms.InputTag('pfCandidateToVertexAssociationForPFNoPUMEt'),
10  srcJetsForMEtCov = cms.InputTag('ak4PFJets'),
11  minJetPtForMEtCov = cms.double(10.),
12  # minJetPtForMEtCov = cms.double(8.), # FOR TESTING ONLY !!
13  srcHardScatterVertex = cms.InputTag('selectedPrimaryVertexHighestPtTrackSumForPFMEtCorrType0'),
14  dZcut = cms.double(0.2), # cm
15  resolution = met_config.METSignificance_params,
16  verbosity = cms.int32(0)
17 )

Definition at line 57 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.pfNoPUMEtSequence = cms.Sequence()

Definition at line 3 of file

tuple pfNoPUMET_cff.puJetIdForPFNoPUMEt
Initial value:
1 = pileupJetIdEvaluator.clone(
2  algos = cms.VPSet(
3  full_53x,
4  cutbased,
5  PhilV1
6  ),
7 # label = cms.string("fullId"), #MM does not work for weird reasons, cannot be cloned properly
8  produceJetIds = cms.bool(True),
9  runMvas = cms.bool(True),
10  jets = cms.InputTag("calibratedAK4PFJetsForPFNoPUMEt"),
11  applyJec = cms.bool(False),
12  inputIsCorrected = cms.bool(True),
13  )

Definition at line 15 of file