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Functions | Variables
cmsTiming_parser Namespace Reference


def manipulate_log


string default = ''
string dest = 'profile'
string help = 'The profile to manipulate'
tuple parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
tuple startevt = float(options.startevt)
string usage = ' <options>'

Function Documentation

def cmsTiming_parser.manipulate_log (   outdir,
Parses logfile_name and create an html report
    with information and plots, at the outdir path.
    Graphs' production is also done here.

Definition at line 10 of file

References getDQMSummary.iter, bookConverter.max, min(),, and mathSSE.sqrt().

11 def manipulate_log(outdir, logfile_name, secsperbin):
12  """ Parses logfile_name and create an html report
13  with information and plots, at the outdir path.
14  Graphs' production is also done here.
15  """
16  ################################
17  #### Parse of the log file. ####
18  ################################
19  logfile = open(logfile_name,'r')
20  logfile_lines = iter(logfile.readlines())
21  logfile.close()
22  data = {}
23  report = ''
24  for line in logfile_lines:
25  # Retrieve cpu time of every event.
26  if 'TimeEvent>' in line:
27  line = line[:-1] #no \n!
28  content = line.split(' ')
29  event = int(content[1])
30  seconds = float(content[3])
31  data[event] = seconds
32  # Fill the time report.
33  elif 'TimeReport' in line:
34  if '[sec]' in line:
35  report += line.replace('TimeReport', '\n')
36  elif 'headings' in line:
37  continue
38  elif 'complete' in line:
39  report += line.replace('TimeReport', '\n')
40  for count in range(12):
41  line = next(logfile_lines)
42  report += line
43  break
44  else:
45  report += line.replace('TimeReport', '')
47  ##############################
48  #### Graph and Histogram ####
49  ##############################
50  __argv = sys.argv # trick for a strange behaviour of the TApp..
51  sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]
52  ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle("Plain") # style paranoia
53  sys.argv = __argv
54  #Cannot use this option when the logfile includes
55  #a large number of events... PyRoot seg-faults.
56  #Set ROOT in batch mode to avoid canvases popping up!
57  ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1)
59  # Save in file
60  rootfilename = '%s/graphs.root' %outdir
61  myfile = ROOT.TFile(rootfilename,'RECREATE')
63  # Set limits
64  min_val = data[min(data, key=data.get)]
65  max_val = data[max(data, key=data.get)]
66  interval = max_val-min_val
67  min_val = min_val - (interval*0.2)
68  max_val = max_val + (interval*0.2)
69  interval = max_val - min_val
70  nbins = int(interval/secsperbin)
72  # Initialize Histogram
73  histo = ROOT.TH1F('Seconds per event','Seconds per event', nbins, min_val, max_val)
74  histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle("s")
75  # Initialize Graph
76  npoints = len(data)
77  graph = ROOT.TGraph(npoints)
78  graph.SetMarkerStyle(8)
79  graph.SetMarkerSize(.7)
80  graph.SetMarkerColor(1)
81  graph.SetLineWidth(3)
82  graph.SetLineColor(2)
83  graph.SetTitle('Seconds per event')
84  graph.SetName('SecondsPerEvent')
85  graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Event")
86  last_event = max(data)
87  graph.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, last_event)
88  graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3)
89  graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("s")
90  graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, max_val)
91  # Fill them
92  total_time = 0
93  for event_num in data.keys():
94  seconds = data[event_num]
95  graph.SetPoint(event_num-1, event_num, seconds)
96  histo.Fill(seconds)
97  total_time += seconds
98  # A line which represents the average is drawn in the TGraph
99  avg = histo.GetMean()
100  avg_line = ROOT.TLine(1,avg,last_event, avg)
101  avg_line.SetLineColor(4)
102  avg_line.SetLineWidth(2)
103  # Draw and save!
104  graph_canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('graph_canvas')
106  graph.Draw("ALP")
107  avg_line.Draw("Same")
110  # Write graph to file
111  graph_canvas.Print("%s/graph.png" %outdir,"png")
112  graph.Write()
113  graph_canvas.Write()
114  histo_canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('histo_canvas')
116  histo.Draw('')
118  # Write histogram to file
119  histo_canvas.Print("%s/histo.png" %outdir,"png")
120  histo.Write()
121  histo_canvas.Write()
123  myfile.Close()
125  ########################
126  #### The html page! ####
127  ########################
128  titlestring = '<b>Report executed with release %s on %s.</b>\n<br>\n<hr>\n'\
129  %(os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION'], time.asctime())
130  html_file_name = '%s/%s_TimingReport.html' %(outdir, logfile_name[:-4])
131  html_file = open(html_file_name,'w')
132  html_file.write('<html>\n<body>\n'+\
133  titlestring)
134  html_file.write('<table>\n'+\
135  '<tr>\n<td><img src=graph.png></img></td>\n'+\
136  '<td><img src=histo.png></img></td>\n</tr>\n'+\
137  '</table>\n')
138  html_file.write('<hr>\n<h2>Time Report</h2>\n<pre>\n' + report + '</pre>\n')
139  html_file.write('</body>\n</html>')
140  html_file.close()
142  ##########################
143  #### Print statistics ####
144  ##########################
145  total_events = max(data)
146  average_time = total_time / total_events
147  sum = 0.
148  for i in range(1, max(data)+1):
149  sum += (data[i]-average_time)**2
150  denominator = total_events**2 - total_events
151  uncertainty = sqrt(sum/denominator)
152  # Comment out next 2 line to round uncertainty to the most significant digit
153  #rounded_uncertainty=round(uncertainty, -int(floor(log10(uncertainty))))
154  #print 'Rounded uncertainty=' , rounded_uncertainty
155  print '------ Statistics ------'
156  print 'last event = {}'.format(last_event)
157  print 'Minval = {} maxval = {} interval = {}'.format(min_val, max_val, interval)
158  print 'Total Time = {}'.format(total_time)
159  print 'Average Time = {}'.format(average_time)
160  print 'Uncertainty of Average Time = {} +/- {}'.format(average_time, uncertainty)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58

Variable Documentation

string cmsTiming_parser.default = ''

Definition at line 170 of file

string cmsTiming_parser.dest = 'profile'

Definition at line 171 of file

string = 'The profile to manipulate'

Definition at line 169 of file

tuple cmsTiming_parser.parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)

Definition at line 167 of file

tuple cmsTiming_parser.startevt = float(options.startevt)

Definition at line 194 of file

string cmsTiming_parser.usage = ' <options>'

Definition at line 166 of file