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Analysis-level tau class. More...
#include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Tau.h"
Public Types | |
typedef std::pair< std::string, float > | IdPair |
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typedef reco::BaseTau | base_type |
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enum | TrackType { noTrackType, recoTrackType, gsfTrackType } |
track type More... | |
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typedef int | Charge |
electric charge type More... | |
typedef CandidateCollection | daughters |
collection of daughter candidates More... | |
typedef unsigned int | index |
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector | LorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef math::XYZPoint | Point |
point in the space More... | |
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector | PolarLorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef math::XYZVector | Vector |
point in the space More... | |
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enum | { dimension = 3 } |
enum | { size = dimension * (dimension + 1)/2 } |
matix size More... | |
typedef int | Charge |
electric charge type More... | |
typedef candidate::const_iterator | const_iterator |
typedef math::Error< dimension > ::type | CovarianceMatrix |
covariance error matrix (3x3) More... | |
typedef unsigned int | index |
index type More... | |
typedef candidate::iterator | iterator |
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector | LorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef math::XYZPoint | Point |
point in the space More... | |
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector | PolarLorentzVector |
Lorentz vector. More... | |
typedef size_t | size_type |
typedef math::XYZVector | Vector |
point in the space More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
const std::vector< std::string > | availableJECLevels (const int &set=0) const |
const std::vector< std::string > | availableJECLevels (const std::string &set) const |
const std::vector< std::string > | availableJECSets () const |
float | bremsRecoveryEOverPLead () const |
float | caloComp () const |
const pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific & | caloSpecific () const |
return CaloTau info or throw exception 'not CaloTau' More... | |
reco::CaloTauTagInfoRef | caloTauTagInfoRef () const |
virtual Tau * | clone () const |
required reimplementation of the Candidate's clone method More... | |
const LorentzVector & | correctedP4 (const std::string &level, const std::string &set="") const |
const LorentzVector & | correctedP4 (const unsigned int &level, const unsigned int &set=0) const |
Tau | correctedTauJet (const std::string &level, const std::string &set="") const |
Tau | correctedTauJet (const unsigned int &level, const unsigned int &set=0) const |
std::string | currentJECLevel () const |
return the name of the current step of jet energy corrections More... | |
std::string | currentJECSet () const |
returns the label of the current set of jet energy corrections More... | |
int | decayMode () const |
reconstructed tau decay mode (specific to PFTau) More... | |
double | dxy () const |
double | dxy_error () const |
const reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::Point & | dxy_PCA () const |
double | dxy_Sig () const |
float | ecalStripSumEOverPLead () const |
bool | electronPreIDDecision () const |
float | electronPreIDOutput () const |
const reco::TrackRef & | electronPreIDTrack () const |
void | embedIsolationPFCands () |
method to store the isolation candidates internally More... | |
void | embedIsolationPFChargedHadrCands () |
method to store the isolation charged hadrons candidates internally More... | |
void | embedIsolationPFGammaCands () |
method to store the isolation gamma candidates internally More... | |
void | embedIsolationPFNeutralHadrCands () |
method to store the isolation neutral hadrons candidates internally More... | |
void | embedIsolationTracks () |
method to store the isolation tracks internally More... | |
void | embedLeadPFCand () |
void | embedLeadPFChargedHadrCand () |
method to store the leading charged hadron candidate internally More... | |
void | embedLeadPFNeutralCand () |
method to store the leading neutral candidate internally More... | |
void | embedLeadTrack () |
method to store the leading track internally More... | |
void | embedSignalPFCands () |
method to store the signal candidates internally More... | |
void | embedSignalPFChargedHadrCands () |
method to store the signal charged hadrons candidates internally More... | |
void | embedSignalPFGammaCands () |
method to store the signal gamma candidates internally More... | |
void | embedSignalPFNeutralHadrCands () |
method to store the signal neutral hadrons candidates internally More... | |
void | embedSignalTracks () |
method to store the signal tracks internally More... | |
float | emFraction () const |
float | etaetaMoment () const |
float | etaphiMoment () const |
bool | ExistIsolationCands () const |
bool | ExistSignalCands () const |
const reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::Vector & | flightLength () const |
reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::CovMatrix | flightLengthCov () const |
double | flightLengthSig () const |
const reco::GenJet * | genJet () const |
return matched GenJet, built from the visible particles of a generated tau More... | |
bool | hasSecondaryVertex () const |
float | hcal3x3OverPLead () const |
float | hcalMaxOverPLead () const |
float | hcalTotOverPLead () const |
bool | isCaloTau () const |
Returns true if this pat::Tau was made from a reco::CaloTau. More... | |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | isolationCands () const |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | isolationChargedHadrCands () const |
float | isolationECALhitsEtSum () const |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | isolationGammaCands () const |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | isolationNeutrHadrCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | isolationPFCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | isolationPFChargedHadrCands () const |
float | isolationPFChargedHadrCandsPtSum () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | isolationPFGammaCands () const |
float | isolationPFGammaCandsEtSum () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | isolationPFNeutrHadrCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::RecoTauPiZero > & | isolationPiZeroCandidates () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFRecoTauChargedHadron > & | isolationTauChargedHadronCandidates () const |
const reco::TrackRefVector & | isolationTracks () const |
override the reco::BaseTau::isolationTracks method, to access the internal storage of the isolation tracks More... | |
float | isolationTracksPtSum () const |
bool | isPFTau () const |
Returns true if this pat::Tau was made from a reco::PFTau. More... | |
bool | isTauIDAvailable (const std::string &name) const |
Returns true if a specific ID is available in this pat::Tau. More... | |
float | jecFactor (const std::string &level, const std::string &set="") const |
float | jecFactor (const unsigned int &level, const unsigned int &set=0) const |
bool | jecSetAvailable (const std::string &set) const |
bool | jecSetAvailable (const unsigned int &set) const |
bool | jecSetsAvailable () const |
const reco::CandidatePtr | leadCand () const |
return the PFCandidate if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD More... | |
const reco::CandidatePtr | leadChargedHadrCand () const |
const reco::CandidatePtr | leadNeutralCand () const |
return the PFCandidate if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD More... | |
const reco::PFCandidatePtr | leadPFCand () const |
const reco::PFCandidatePtr | leadPFChargedHadrCand () const |
float | leadPFChargedHadrCandsignedSipt () const |
const reco::PFCandidatePtr | leadPFNeutralCand () const |
reco::PFRecoTauChargedHadronRef | leadTauChargedHadronCandidate () const |
reco::TrackRef | leadTrack () const |
override the reco::BaseTau::leadTrack method, to access the internal storage of the leading track More... | |
float | leadTrackHCAL3x3hitsEtSum () const |
float | leadTrackHCAL3x3hottesthitDEta () const |
float | leadTracksignedSipt () const |
float | maximumHCALhitEt () const |
float | maximumHCALPFClusterEt () const |
bool | muonDecision () const |
size_t | numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs () const |
const reco::Candidate::LorentzVector & | p4Jet () const |
const pat::tau::TauPFEssential & | pfEssential () const |
const reco::PFJetRef & | pfJetRef () const |
const pat::tau::TauPFSpecific & | pfSpecific () const |
return PFTau info or throw exception 'not PFTau' More... | |
float | phiphiMoment () const |
const reco::VertexRef & | primaryVertex () const |
const reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::CovMatrix & | primaryVertexCov () const |
const reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::Point & | primaryVertexPos () const |
const reco::VertexRef & | secondaryVertex () const |
const reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::CovMatrix & | secondaryVertexCov () const |
const reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::Point & | secondaryVertexPos () const |
float | segComp () const |
void | setDecayMode (int) |
set decay mode More... | |
void | setGenJet (const reco::GenJetRef &ref) |
set the matched GenJet More... | |
void | setIsolationChargedHadrCands (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &ptrs) |
void | setIsolationGammaCands (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &ptrs) |
void | setIsolationNeutralHadrCands (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &ptrs) |
void | setSignalChargedHadrCands (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &ptrs) |
setters for the PtrVectors (for miniAOD) More... | |
void | setSignalGammaCands (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &ptrs) |
void | setSignalNeutralHadrCands (const reco::CandidatePtrVector &ptrs) |
void | setTauIDs (const std::vector< IdPair > &ids) |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | signalCands () const |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | signalChargedHadrCands () const |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | signalGammaCands () const |
reco::CandidatePtrVector | signalNeutrHadrCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | signalPFCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | signalPFChargedHadrCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | signalPFGammaCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFCandidatePtr > & | signalPFNeutrHadrCands () const |
const std::vector < reco::RecoTauPiZero > & | signalPiZeroCandidates () const |
const std::vector < reco::PFRecoTauChargedHadron > & | signalTauChargedHadronCandidates () const |
const reco::TrackRefVector & | signalTracks () const |
override the reco::BaseTau::signalTracks method, to access the internal storage of the signal tracks More... | |
float | signalTracksInvariantMass () const |
reco::CandidatePtr | sourceCandidatePtr (size_type i) const |
get the source candidate pointer with index i More... | |
Tau () | |
default constructor More... | |
Tau (const reco::BaseTau &aTau) | |
constructor from a reco tau More... | |
Tau (const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > &aTauRef) | |
constructor from a RefToBase to a reco tau (to be superseded by Ptr counterpart) More... | |
Tau (const edm::Ptr< reco::BaseTau > &aTauRef) | |
constructor from a Ptr to a reco tau More... | |
float | tauID (const std::string &name) const |
float | tauID (const char *name) const |
const std::vector< IdPair > & | tauIDs () const |
float | TracksInvariantMass () const |
virtual | ~Tau () |
destructor More... | |
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float | caloIso () const |
float | chargedHadronIso () const |
float | ecalIso () const |
const IsoDeposit * | ecalIsoDeposit () const |
void | ecalIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep) |
const reco::GenParticle * | genLepton () const |
float | hcalIso () const |
const IsoDeposit * | hcalIsoDeposit () const |
void | hcalIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep) |
const IsoDeposit * | isoDeposit (IsolationKeys key) const |
Returns the IsoDeposit associated with some key, or a null pointer if it is not available. More... | |
Lepton () | |
Lepton (const reco::BaseTau &aLepton) | |
Lepton (const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > &aLeptonRef) | |
Lepton (const edm::Ptr< reco::BaseTau > &aLeptonRef) | |
float | neutralHadronIso () const |
float | particleIso () const |
float | photonIso () const |
float | puChargedHadronIso () const |
void | setEcalIso (float caloIso) |
Sets ecal isolation variable. More... | |
void | setGenLepton (const reco::GenParticleRef &gl, bool embed=false) |
void | setHcalIso (float caloIso) |
Sets hcal isolation variable. More... | |
void | setIsoDeposit (IsolationKeys key, const IsoDeposit &dep) |
Sets the IsoDeposit associated with some key; if it is already existent, it is overwritten. More... | |
void | setIsolation (IsolationKeys key, float value) |
void | setTrackIso (float trackIso) |
Sets tracker isolation variable. More... | |
void | setUserIso (float value, uint8_t index=0) |
Sets user isolation variable index. More... | |
float | trackIso () const |
const IsoDeposit * | trackIsoDeposit () const |
void | trackIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep) |
float | userIso (uint8_t index=0) const |
const IsoDeposit * | userIsoDeposit (uint8_t index=0) const |
void | userIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep, uint8_t index=0) |
float | userIsolation (IsolationKeys key) const |
float | userIsolation (const std::string &key) const |
virtual | ~Lepton () |
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void | addGenParticleRef (const reco::GenParticleRef &ref) |
void | addTriggerObjectMatch (const TriggerObjectStandAlone &trigObj) |
add a trigger match More... | |
void | addUserCand (const std::string &label, const reco::CandidatePtr &data) |
Set user-defined int. More... | |
void | addUserData (const std::string &label, const T &data, bool transientOnly=false) |
void | addUserDataFromPtr (const std::string &label, const edm::Ptr< pat::UserData > &data) |
void | addUserFloat (const std::string &label, float data) |
Set user-defined float. More... | |
void | addUserInt (const std::string &label, int32_t data) |
Set user-defined int. More... | |
std::vector< std::pair < std::string, pat::LookupTableRecord > > | efficiencies () const |
Returns the efficiencies as <name,value> pairs (by value) More... | |
const pat::LookupTableRecord & | efficiency (const std::string &name) const |
Returns an efficiency given its name. More... | |
const std::vector< std::string > & | efficiencyNames () const |
Returns the list of the names of the stored efficiencies. More... | |
const std::vector < pat::LookupTableRecord > & | efficiencyValues () const |
Returns the list of the values of the stored efficiencies (the ordering is the same as in efficiencyNames()) More... | |
void | embedGenParticle () |
const reco::GenParticle * | genParticle (size_t idx=0) const |
reco::GenParticleRef | genParticleById (int pdgId, int status, uint8_t autoCharge=0) const |
reco::GenParticleRef | genParticleRef (size_t idx=0) const |
std::vector< reco::GenParticleRef > | genParticleRefs () const |
size_t | genParticlesSize () const |
Number of generator level particles stored as ref or embedded. More... | |
const pat::CandKinResolution & | getKinResolution (const std::string &label="") const |
bool | hasKinResolution (const std::string &label="") const |
Check if the kinematic resolutions are stored into this object (possibly specifying a label for them) More... | |
bool | hasOverlaps (const std::string &label) const |
Returns true if there was at least one overlap for this test label. More... | |
bool | hasUserCand (const std::string &key) const |
Return true if there is a user-defined int with a given name. More... | |
bool | hasUserData (const std::string &key) const |
Check if user data with a specific type is present. More... | |
bool | hasUserFloat (const std::string &key) const |
Return true if there is a user-defined float with a given name. More... | |
bool | hasUserFloat (const char *key) const |
a CINT-friendly interface More... | |
bool | hasUserInt (const std::string &key) const |
Return true if there is a user-defined int with a given name. More... | |
const reco::Candidate * | originalObject () const |
access to the original object; returns zero for null Ref and throws for unavailable collection More... | |
const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > & | originalObjectRef () const |
reference to original object. Returns a null reference if not available More... | |
const std::vector< std::string > & | overlapLabels () const |
Returns the labels of the overlap tests that found at least one overlap. More... | |
const reco::CandidatePtrVector & | overlaps (const std::string &label) const |
PATObject () | |
default constructor More... | |
PATObject (const reco::BaseTau &obj) | |
constructor from a base object (leaves invalid reference to original object!) More... | |
PATObject (const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > &ref) | |
constructor from reference More... | |
PATObject (const edm::Ptr< reco::BaseTau > &ref) | |
constructor from reference More... | |
double | resolE (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on energy, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolEt (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on et, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolEta (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on eta, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolM (const std::string &label="") const |
double | resolP (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on p, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolPhi (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on phi, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolPInv (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on 1/p, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolPt (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on pt, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolPx (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on px, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolPy (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on py, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolPz (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on pz, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
double | resolTheta (const std::string &label="") const |
Resolution on theta, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More... | |
void | setEfficiency (const std::string &name, const pat::LookupTableRecord &value) |
void | setGenParticle (const reco::GenParticle &particle) |
Set the generator level particle from a particle not in the Event (embedding it, of course) More... | |
void | setGenParticleRef (const reco::GenParticleRef &ref, bool embed=false) |
Set the generator level particle reference. More... | |
void | setKinResolution (const pat::CandKinResolution &resol, const std::string &label="") |
Add a kinematic resolution to this object (possibly with a label) More... | |
void | setOverlaps (const std::string &label, const reco::CandidatePtrVector &overlaps) |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatch (const size_t idx=0) const |
get one matched trigger object by index More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCollection (const std::string &coll, const size_t idx=0) const |
get one matched trigger object from a certain collection by index More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCollection (const char *coll, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCondition (const std::string &nameCondition, const size_t idx=0) const |
get one matched L1 object used in a succeeding object combination of a certain L1 condition by index More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCondition (const char *nameCondition, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByFilter (const std::string &labelFilter, const size_t idx=0) const |
get one matched HLT object used in a certain HLT filter by index More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByFilter (const char *labelFilter, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByFilterID (const unsigned triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const std::string &namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const char *namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const std::string &namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const char *namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByType (const trigger::TriggerObjectType triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const |
get one matched trigger object of a certain type by index More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByType (const unsigned triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection & | triggerObjectMatches () const |
get all matched trigger objects More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCollection (const std::string &coll) const |
get all matched trigger objects from a certain collection More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCollection (const char *coll) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCondition (const std::string &nameCondition) const |
get all matched L1 objects used in a succeeding object combination of a certain L1 condition More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCondition (const char *nameCondition) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByFilter (const std::string &labelFilter) const |
get all matched HLT objects used in a certain HLT filter More... | |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByFilter (const char *labelFilter) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByFilterID (const unsigned triggerObjectType) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const std::string &namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const char *namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const std::string &namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const char *namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByType (const trigger::TriggerObjectType triggerObjectType) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByType (const unsigned triggerObjectType) const |
void | unpackTriggerObjectPathNames (const edm::TriggerNames &names) |
unpack path names of matched trigger objects (if they were packed before embedding, which is not normally the case) More... | |
reco::CandidatePtr | userCand (const std::string &key) const |
const std::vector< std::string > & | userCandNames () const |
Get list of user-defined cand names. More... | |
const T * | userData (const std::string &key) const |
Returns user-defined data. Returns NULL if the data is not present, or not of type T. More... | |
const void * | userDataBare (const std::string &key) const |
const std::vector< std::string > & | userDataNames () const |
Get list of user data object names. More... | |
const std::string & | userDataObjectType (const std::string &key) const |
Get human-readable type of user data object, for debugging. More... | |
float | userFloat (const std::string &key) const |
float | userFloat (const char *key) const |
a CINT-friendly interface More... | |
const std::vector< std::string > & | userFloatNames () const |
Get list of user-defined float names. More... | |
int32_t | userInt (const std::string &key) const |
const std::vector< std::string > & | userIntNames () const |
Get list of user-defined int names. More... | |
virtual | ~PATObject () |
destructor More... | |
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math::XYZTLorentzVector | alternatLorentzVect () const |
BaseTau () | |
BaseTau (Charge q, const LorentzVector &, const Point &=Point(0, 0, 0)) | |
void | setalternatLorentzVect (const math::XYZTLorentzVector &) |
void | setisolationTracks (const TrackRefVector &) |
void | setleadTrack (const TrackRef &) |
void | setsignalTracks (const TrackRefVector &) |
virtual | ~BaseTau () |
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virtual const Track * | bestTrack () const |
best track pointer More... | |
virtual TrackBaseRef | bestTrackRef () const |
best track RefToBase More... | |
virtual TrackType | bestTrackType () const |
track type More... | |
virtual CaloTowerRef | caloTower () const |
reference to a CaloTower More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | combinedMuon () const |
reference to a stand-alone muon Track More... | |
virtual reco::GsfTrackRef | gsfTrack () const |
reference to a GsfTrack More... | |
virtual size_t | numberOfTracks () const |
number of multiple Tracks More... | |
RecoCandidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
template<typename P4 > | |
RecoCandidate (Charge q, const P4 &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0) | |
constructor from values More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | standAloneMuon () const |
reference to a stand-alone muon Track More... | |
virtual reco::SuperClusterRef | superCluster () const |
reference to a SuperCluster More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | track () const |
reference to a Track More... | |
virtual reco::TrackRef | track (size_t) const |
reference to one of multiple Tracks More... | |
virtual | ~RecoCandidate () |
destructor More... | |
![]() | |
virtual const_iterator | begin () const |
first daughter const_iterator More... | |
virtual iterator | begin () |
first daughter iterator More... | |
template<typename S > | |
daughter_iterator< S >::type | beginFilter (const S &s) const |
virtual Vector | boostToCM () const |
virtual int | charge () const |
electric charge More... | |
virtual const Candidate * | daughter (size_type) const |
return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
virtual Candidate * | daughter (size_type) |
return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
virtual Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
virtual const Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) const |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
virtual const_iterator | end () const |
last daughter const_iterator More... | |
virtual iterator | end () |
last daughter iterator More... | |
template<typename S > | |
daughter_iterator< S >::type | endFilter (const S &s) const |
virtual double | energy () const |
energy More... | |
virtual double | et () const |
transverse energy More... | |
virtual float | eta () const |
momentum pseudorapidity More... | |
virtual void | fillVertexCovariance (CovarianceMatrix &v) const |
fill SMatrix More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
virtual bool | hasMasterClone () const |
virtual bool | hasMasterClonePtr () const |
virtual bool | isCaloMuon () const |
virtual bool | isConvertedPhoton () const |
virtual bool | isElectron () const |
virtual bool | isGlobalMuon () const |
virtual bool | isJet () const |
virtual bool | isMuon () const |
virtual bool | isPhoton () const |
virtual bool | isStandAloneMuon () const |
virtual bool | isTrackerMuon () const |
LeafCandidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
LeafCandidate (const Candidate &c) | |
template<typename P4 > | |
LeafCandidate (Charge q, const P4 &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | |
constructor from Any values More... | |
LeafCandidate (Charge q, const PtEtaPhiMass &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | |
constructor from values More... | |
LeafCandidate (Charge q, const LorentzVector &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | |
constructor from values More... | |
LeafCandidate (Charge q, const PolarLorentzVector &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | |
constructor from values More... | |
LeafCandidate (Charge q, const GlobalVector &p3, float iEnergy, bool massless, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | |
constructor from values More... | |
LeafCandidate (Charge q, const GlobalVector &p3, float iEnergy, float imass, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true) | |
constructor from values More... | |
virtual bool | longLived () const |
is long lived? More... | |
virtual float | mass () const |
mass More... | |
virtual bool | massConstraint () const |
do mass constraint? More... | |
virtual float | massSqr () const |
mass squared More... | |
virtual const CandidateBaseRef & | masterClone () const |
virtual const CandidatePtr & | masterClonePtr () const |
template<typename Ref > | |
Ref | masterRef () const |
cast master clone reference to a concrete type More... | |
virtual Vector | momentum () const |
spatial momentum vector More... | |
virtual const Candidate * | mother (size_type) const |
return mother at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
virtual double | mt () const |
transverse mass More... | |
virtual double | mtSqr () const |
transverse mass squared More... | |
template<typename T > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
virtual size_t | numberOfDaughters () const |
number of daughters More... | |
virtual size_t | numberOfMothers () const |
number of mothers More... | |
virtual double | p () const |
magnitude of momentum vector More... | |
virtual const LorentzVector & | p4 () const |
four-momentum Lorentz vector More... | |
virtual int | pdgId () const |
PDG identifier. More... | |
virtual float | phi () const |
momentum azimuthal angle More... | |
virtual const PolarLorentzVector & | polarP4 () const |
four-momentum Lorentz vector More... | |
virtual float | pt () const |
transverse momentum More... | |
virtual double | px () const |
x coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
virtual double | py () const |
y coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
virtual double | pz () const |
z coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
virtual double | rapidity () const |
rapidity More... | |
virtual void | setCharge (Charge q) |
set electric charge More... | |
virtual void | setLongLived () |
set long lived flag More... | |
virtual void | setMass (double m) |
set particle mass More... | |
virtual void | setMassConstraint () |
set mass constraint flag More... | |
virtual void | setP4 (const LorentzVector &p4) |
set 4-momentum More... | |
virtual void | setP4 (const PolarLorentzVector &p4) |
set 4-momentum More... | |
virtual void | setPdgId (int pdgId) |
virtual void | setPz (double pz) |
virtual void | setStatus (int status) |
set status word More... | |
virtual void | setThreeCharge (Charge qx3) |
set electric charge More... | |
virtual void | setVertex (const Point &vertex) |
set vertex More... | |
virtual int | status () const |
status word More... | |
virtual double | theta () const |
momentum polar angle More... | |
virtual int | threeCharge () const |
electric charge More... | |
virtual const Point & | vertex () const |
vertex position (overwritten by PF...) More... | |
virtual double | vertexChi2 () const |
chi-squares More... | |
virtual double | vertexCovariance (int i, int j) const |
(i, j)-th element of error matrix, i, j = 0, ... 2 More... | |
CovarianceMatrix | vertexCovariance () const |
return SMatrix More... | |
virtual double | vertexNdof () const |
virtual double | vertexNormalizedChi2 () const |
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. More... | |
virtual double | vx () const |
x coordinate of vertex position More... | |
virtual double | vy () const |
y coordinate of vertex position More... | |
virtual double | vz () const |
z coordinate of vertex position More... | |
virtual double | y () const |
rapidity More... | |
virtual | ~LeafCandidate () |
destructor More... | |
![]() | |
template<typename S > | |
daughter_iterator< S >::type | beginFilter (const S &s) const |
Candidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
template<typename S > | |
daughter_iterator< S >::type | endFilter (const S &s) const |
template<typename T > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename Ref > | |
Ref | masterRef () const |
cast master clone reference to a concrete type More... | |
template<typename T > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
virtual void | setSourceCandidatePtr (const CandidatePtr &ptr) |
Set the ptr to the source Candidate. More... | |
virtual | ~Candidate () |
destructor More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | addJECFactors (const TauJetCorrFactors &jec) |
add more sets of energy correction factors More... | |
void | currentJECLevel (const unsigned int &level) |
update the current JEC level; used by correctedJet More... | |
void | currentJECSet (const unsigned int &set) |
update the current JEC set; used by correctedJet More... | |
void | initializeJEC (unsigned int level, const unsigned int set=0) |
initialize the jet to a given JEC level during creation starting from Uncorrected More... | |
int | jecSet (const std::string &label) const |
![]() | |
template<typename R > | |
bool | checkOverlap (const R &r1, const R &r2) const |
check if two components overlap More... | |
![]() | |
void | cacheCartesian () const |
set internal cache More... | |
void | cachePolar () const |
set internal cache More... | |
void | clearCache () const |
clear internal cache More... | |
Friends | |
class | PATTauProducer |
class | PATTauSlimmer |
std::ostream & | reco::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Tau &obj) |
pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Tau with PFTopProjectors) More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static double | dmass (GlobalVector v, double e) |
static double | magd (GlobalVector v) |
![]() | |
static const unsigned int | longLivedTag = 65536 |
long lived flag More... | |
static const unsigned int | massConstraintTag = 131072 |
do mass constraint flag More... | |
![]() | |
typedef std::vector< std::pair < IsolationKeys, pat::IsoDeposit > > | IsoDepositPairs |
![]() | |
IsoDepositPairs | isoDeposits_ |
std::vector< float > | isolations_ |
![]() | |
std::vector< std::string > | efficiencyNames_ |
vector of the efficiencies (names) More... | |
std::vector < pat::LookupTableRecord > | efficiencyValues_ |
vector of the efficiencies (values) More... | |
std::vector< reco::GenParticle > | genParticleEmbedded_ |
vector to hold an embedded generator level particle More... | |
std::vector< reco::GenParticleRef > | genParticleRef_ |
Reference to a generator level particle. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | kinResolutionLabels_ |
std::vector < pat::CandKinResolution > | kinResolutions_ |
Kinematic resolutions. More... | |
std::vector < reco::CandidatePtrVector > | overlapItems_ |
Overlapping items (sorted by distance) More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | overlapLabels_ |
Overlapping test labels (only if there are any overlaps) More... | |
edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > | refToOrig_ |
TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesEmbedded_ |
vector of trigger matches More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | userCandLabels_ |
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > | userCands_ |
std::vector< std::string > | userDataLabels_ |
User data object. More... | |
pat::UserDataCollection | userDataObjects_ |
std::vector< std::string > | userFloatLabels_ |
std::vector< float > | userFloats_ |
std::vector< std::string > | userIntLabels_ |
std::vector< int32_t > | userInts_ |
![]() | |
bool | cacheCartesianFixed_ |
bool | cachePolarFixed_ |
has cache been set? More... | |
float | eta_ |
float | mass_ |
LorentzVector | p4Cartesian_ |
internal cache for p4 More... | |
PolarLorentzVector | p4Polar_ |
internal cache for p4 More... | |
int | pdgId_ |
PDG identifier. More... | |
float | phi_ |
float | pt_ |
four-momentum Lorentz vector More... | |
Charge | qx3_ |
electric charge More... | |
int | status_ |
status word More... | |
Point | vertex_ |
vertex position More... | |
Analysis-level tau class.
pat::Tau implements the analysis-level tau class within the 'pat' namespace. It inherits from reco::BaseTau, copies all the information from the source reco::CaloTau or reco::PFTau, and adds some PAT-specific variable.
Please post comments and questions to the Physics Tools hypernews: https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/CMS/get/physTools.html
typedef std::pair<std::string, float> pat::Tau::IdPair |
pat::Tau::Tau | ( | ) |
default constructor
Referenced by clone().
pat::Tau::Tau | ( | const reco::BaseTau & | aTau | ) |
constructor from a reco tau
pat::Tau::Tau | ( | const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > & | aTauRef | ) |
constructor from a RefToBase to a reco tau (to be superseded by Ptr counterpart)
pat::Tau::Tau | ( | const edm::Ptr< reco::BaseTau > & | aTauRef | ) |
constructor from a Ptr to a reco tau
virtual |
inlineprotected |
add more sets of energy correction factors
Definition at line 421 of file Tau.h.
References jec_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
const std::vector<std::string> pat::Tau::availableJECLevels | ( | const int & | set = 0 | ) | const |
inline |
Definition at line 367 of file Tau.h.
References availableJECLevels(), and jecSet().
Referenced by availableJECLevels().
const std::vector<std::string> pat::Tau::availableJECSets | ( | ) | const |
-— methods for jet corrections -— returns the labels of all available sets of jet energy corrections
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 242 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::bremsRecoveryEOverPLead_, and pfSpecific().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 254 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::caloComp_, and pfSpecific().
const pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific& pat::Tau::caloSpecific | ( | ) | const |
return CaloTau info or throw exception 'not CaloTau'
Referenced by caloTauTagInfoRef(), isolationECALhitsEtSum(), isolationTracksPtSum(), leadTrackHCAL3x3hitsEtSum(), leadTrackHCAL3x3hottesthitDEta(), leadTracksignedSipt(), maximumHCALhitEt(), signalTracksInvariantMass(), and TracksInvariantMass().
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 130 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::CaloTauTagInfoRef_.
inlinevirtual |
required reimplementation of the Candidate's clone method
Reimplemented from pat::Lepton< reco::BaseTau >.
Definition at line 78 of file Tau.h.
References Tau().
inline |
p4 of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use
Definition at line 399 of file Tau.h.
References correctedTauJet(), and reco::LeafCandidate::p4().
inline |
p4 of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use
Definition at line 404 of file Tau.h.
References correctedTauJet(), and reco::LeafCandidate::p4().
Tau pat::Tau::correctedTauJet | ( | const std::string & | level, |
const std::string & | set = "" |
) | const |
copy of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use
Referenced by correctedP4().
Tau pat::Tau::correctedTauJet | ( | const unsigned int & | level, |
const unsigned int & | set = 0 |
) | const |
copy of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use
inline |
return the name of the current step of jet energy corrections
Definition at line 382 of file Tau.h.
References currentJECLevel_, currentJECSet_, jec_, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
inlineprotected |
update the current JEC level; used by correctedJet
Definition at line 419 of file Tau.h.
References currentJECLevel_, and testEve_cfg::level.
inline |
returns the label of the current set of jet energy corrections
Definition at line 378 of file Tau.h.
References currentJECSet_, jec_, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
inlineprotected |
update the current JEC set; used by correctedJet
Definition at line 417 of file Tau.h.
References currentJECSet_.
inline |
reconstructed tau decay mode (specific to PFTau)
Definition at line 337 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFEssential::decayMode_, and pfEssential().
inline |
Definition at line 315 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFEssential::dxy_, and pfEssential().
Referenced by HTauTauElectron.HTauTauElectron::__str__().
inline |
Definition at line 316 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFEssential::dxy_error_, and pfEssential().
inline |
-— Tau lifetime information -— Filled from PFTauTIPAssociation. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 314 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFEssential::dxy_PCA_, and pfEssential().
double pat::Tau::dxy_Sig | ( | ) | const |
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 239 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::ecalStripSumEOverPLead_, and pfSpecific().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 251 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::electronPreIDDecision_, and pfSpecific().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 248 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::electronPreIDOutput_, and pfSpecific().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 245 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::electronPreIDTrack_, and pfSpecific().
void pat::Tau::embedIsolationPFCands | ( | ) |
method to store the isolation candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedIsolationPFChargedHadrCands | ( | ) |
method to store the isolation charged hadrons candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedIsolationPFGammaCands | ( | ) |
method to store the isolation gamma candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedIsolationPFNeutralHadrCands | ( | ) |
method to store the isolation neutral hadrons candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedIsolationTracks | ( | ) |
method to store the isolation tracks internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedLeadPFCand | ( | ) |
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedLeadPFChargedHadrCand | ( | ) |
method to store the leading charged hadron candidate internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedLeadPFNeutralCand | ( | ) |
method to store the leading neutral candidate internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedLeadTrack | ( | ) |
method to store the leading track internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedSignalPFCands | ( | ) |
method to store the signal candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedSignalPFChargedHadrCands | ( | ) |
method to store the signal charged hadrons candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedSignalPFGammaCands | ( | ) |
method to store the signal gamma candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedSignalPFNeutralHadrCands | ( | ) |
method to store the signal neutral hadrons candidates internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::embedSignalTracks | ( | ) |
method to store the signal tracks internally
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 227 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::emFraction_, and pfSpecific().
float pat::Tau::etaetaMoment | ( | ) | const |
float pat::Tau::etaphiMoment | ( | ) | const |
bool pat::Tau::ExistIsolationCands | ( | ) | const |
bool pat::Tau::ExistSignalCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
inline |
Definition at line 322 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFEssential::flightLength_, and pfEssential().
reco::PFTauTransverseImpactParameter::CovMatrix pat::Tau::flightLengthCov | ( | ) | const |
inline |
Definition at line 323 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFEssential::flightLengthSig_, and pfEssential().
const reco::GenJet* pat::Tau::genJet | ( | ) | const |
return matched GenJet, built from the visible particles of a generated tau
inline |
Definition at line 321 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFEssential::hasSV_, and pfEssential().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 236 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::hcal3x3OverPLead_, and pfSpecific().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 233 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::hcalMaxOverPLead_, and pfSpecific().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 230 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::hcalTotOverPLead_, and pfSpecific().
protected |
initialize the jet to a given JEC level during creation starting from Uncorrected
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
inline |
Returns true if this pat::Tau was made from a reco::CaloTau.
Definition at line 125 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific_.
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::isolationCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::isolationChargedHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 151 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::isolationECALhitsEtSum_.
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::isolationGammaCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::isolationNeutrHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::isolationPFCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::isolationPFChargedHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 218 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::isolationPFChargedHadrCandsPtSum_, and pfSpecific().
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::isolationPFGammaCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 221 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::isolationPFGammaCandsEtSum_, and pfSpecific().
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::isolationPFNeutrHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
const std::vector<reco::RecoTauPiZero>& pat::Tau::isolationPiZeroCandidates | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
const std::vector<reco::PFRecoTauChargedHadron>& pat::Tau::isolationTauChargedHadronCandidates | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
virtual |
override the reco::BaseTau::isolationTracks method, to access the internal storage of the isolation tracks
Reimplemented from reco::BaseTau.
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 148 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::isolationTracksPtSum_.
inline |
Returns true if this pat::Tau was made from a reco::PFTau.
Definition at line 158 of file Tau.h.
References pfSpecific_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
bool pat::Tau::isTauIDAvailable | ( | const std::string & | name | ) | const |
Returns true if a specific ID is available in this pat::Tau.
float pat::Tau::jecFactor | ( | const std::string & | level, |
const std::string & | set = "" |
) | const |
correction factor to the given level for a specific set of correction factors, starting from the current level
Referenced by Jet.Jet::rawFactor(), and Jet.Jet::setRawFactor().
float pat::Tau::jecFactor | ( | const unsigned int & | level, |
const unsigned int & | set = 0 |
) | const |
correction factor to the given level for a specific set of correction factors, starting from the current level
Referenced by Jet.Jet::rawFactor(), and Jet.Jet::setRawFactor().
protected |
index of the set of jec factors with given label; returns -1 if no set of jec factors exists with the given label
Referenced by availableJECLevels(), and jecSetAvailable().
inline |
inline |
inline |
const reco::CandidatePtr pat::Tau::leadCand | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidate if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD
const reco::CandidatePtr pat::Tau::leadChargedHadrCand | ( | ) | const |
--— Methods returning associated PFCandidates that work on PAT+AOD, PAT+embedding and miniAOD --— return the PFCandidate if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD
const reco::CandidatePtr pat::Tau::leadNeutralCand | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidate if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD
const reco::PFCandidatePtr pat::Tau::leadPFCand | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
const reco::PFCandidatePtr pat::Tau::leadPFChargedHadrCand | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 173 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::leadPFChargedHadrCandsignedSipt_, and pfSpecific().
const reco::PFCandidatePtr pat::Tau::leadPFNeutralCand | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
reco::PFRecoTauChargedHadronRef pat::Tau::leadTauChargedHadronCandidate | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
virtual |
override the reco::BaseTau::leadTrack method, to access the internal storage of the leading track
Reimplemented from reco::BaseTau.
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 136 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::leadTrackHCAL3x3hitsEtSum_.
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 139 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::leadTrackHCAL3x3hottesthitDEta_.
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 133 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::leadTracksignedSipt_.
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 154 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::maximumHCALhitEt_.
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 224 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::maximumHCALPFClusterEt_, and pfSpecific().
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 260 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::muonDecision_, and pfSpecific().
virtual |
--— Top Projection business ----— get the number of non-null PFCandidates
Reimplemented from reco::LeafCandidate.
const reco::Candidate::LorentzVector& pat::Tau::p4Jet | ( | ) | const |
Methods copied from reco::Jet. (accessible from reco::CaloTau/reco::PFTau via reco::CaloTauTagInfo/reco::PFTauTagInfo)
const pat::tau::TauPFEssential& pat::Tau::pfEssential | ( | ) | const |
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 164 of file Tau.h.
References pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::pfJetRef_, and pfSpecific().
Referenced by PFMEtSignInterfaceBase::compResolution().
const pat::tau::TauPFSpecific& pat::Tau::pfSpecific | ( | ) | const |
return PFTau info or throw exception 'not PFTau'
Referenced by bremsRecoveryEOverPLead(), caloComp(), ecalStripSumEOverPLead(), electronPreIDDecision(), electronPreIDOutput(), electronPreIDTrack(), emFraction(), hcal3x3OverPLead(), hcalMaxOverPLead(), hcalTotOverPLead(), isolationPFChargedHadrCandsPtSum(), isolationPFGammaCandsEtSum(), leadPFChargedHadrCandsignedSipt(), maximumHCALPFClusterEt(), muonDecision(), pfJetRef(), and segComp().
float pat::Tau::phiphiMoment | ( | ) | const |
inline |
Definition at line 318 of file Tau.h.
References pfEssential(), and pat::tau::TauPFEssential::pv_.
inline |
Definition at line 320 of file Tau.h.
References pfEssential(), and pat::tau::TauPFEssential::pvCov_.
inline |
Definition at line 319 of file Tau.h.
References pfEssential(), and pat::tau::TauPFEssential::pvPos_.
inline |
Definition at line 325 of file Tau.h.
References pfEssential(), and pat::tau::TauPFEssential::sv_.
inline |
Definition at line 327 of file Tau.h.
References pfEssential(), and pat::tau::TauPFEssential::svCov_.
inline |
Definition at line 326 of file Tau.h.
References pfEssential(), and pat::tau::TauPFEssential::svPos_.
inline |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Definition at line 257 of file Tau.h.
References pfSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauPFSpecific::segComp_.
void pat::Tau::setDecayMode | ( | int | ) |
set decay mode
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
void pat::Tau::setGenJet | ( | const reco::GenJetRef & | ref | ) |
set the matched GenJet
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 300 of file Tau.h.
References isolationChargedHadrCandPtrs_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 302 of file Tau.h.
References isolationGammaCandPtrs_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 301 of file Tau.h.
References isolationNeutralHadrCandPtrs_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
setters for the PtrVectors (for miniAOD)
Definition at line 297 of file Tau.h.
References signalChargedHadrCandPtrs_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 299 of file Tau.h.
References signalGammaCandPtrs_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 298 of file Tau.h.
References signalNeutralHadrCandPtrs_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
inline |
Store multiple tau ID values, discarding existing ones The first one in the list becomes the 'default' tau id
Definition at line 356 of file Tau.h.
References tauIDs_.
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::signalCands | ( | ) | const |
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::signalChargedHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::signalGammaCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
reco::CandidatePtrVector pat::Tau::signalNeutrHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
return the PFCandidates if available (reference or embedded), or the PackedPFCandidate on miniAOD note that the vector is returned by value.
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::signalPFCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Referenced by reco::PFMETProducerMVA::chargedFrac().
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::signalPFChargedHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::signalPFGammaCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr>& pat::Tau::signalPFNeutrHadrCands | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
Referenced by pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
const std::vector<reco::RecoTauPiZero>& pat::Tau::signalPiZeroCandidates | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
const std::vector<reco::PFRecoTauChargedHadron>& pat::Tau::signalTauChargedHadronCandidates | ( | ) | const |
Method copied from reco::PFTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::PFTau
virtual |
override the reco::BaseTau::signalTracks method, to access the internal storage of the signal tracks
Reimplemented from reco::BaseTau.
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 142 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::signalTracksInvariantMass_.
virtual |
get the source candidate pointer with index i
Reimplemented from reco::LeafCandidate.
float pat::Tau::tauID | ( | const std::string & | name | ) | const |
Returns a specific tau ID associated to the pat::Tau given its name For cut-based IDs, the value is 1.0 for good, 0.0 for bad. The names are defined within the configuration parameterset "tauIDSources" in PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/python/producersLayer1/tauProducer_cfi.py . Note: an exception is thrown if the specified ID is not available
Referenced by Tau.Tau::electronMVA3Medium().
inline |
Definition at line 348 of file Tau.h.
References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and tauID().
Referenced by Tau.Tau::electronMVA3Medium(), and tauID().
inline |
inline |
Method copied from reco::CaloTau. Throws an exception if this pat::Tau was not made from a reco::CaloTau
Definition at line 145 of file Tau.h.
References caloSpecific(), and pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific::TracksInvariantMass_.
friend |
make friends with PATTauProducer so that it can set the initial jet energy scale unequal to raw calling the private initializeJEC function, which should be non accessible to any other user
friend |
friend |
pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Tau with PFTopProjectors)
private |
holder for CaloTau info, or empty vector if PFTau
Definition at line 481 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by isCaloTau().
private |
Definition at line 492 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by currentJECLevel().
private |
Definition at line 490 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by currentJECLevel(), and currentJECSet().
private |
private |
Definition at line 499 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by setIsolationChargedHadrCands().
private |
Definition at line 501 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by setIsolationGammaCands().
private |
Definition at line 500 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by setIsolationNeutralHadrCands().
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 487 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by addJECFactors(), currentJECLevel(), currentJECSet(), jecSetAvailable(), and jecSetsAvailable().
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 505 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by pat::PATTauProducer::produce().
private |
holder for PFTau info, or empty vector if CaloTau
Definition at line 477 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by isPFTau(), and pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce().
private |
Definition at line 495 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by setSignalChargedHadrCands().
private |
Definition at line 497 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by setSignalGammaCands().
private |
Definition at line 496 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by setSignalNeutralHadrCands().
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 473 of file Tau.h.
Referenced by setTauIDs(), and tauIDs().