12 theFitterName(filterName), associatorForParamAtPca(associator)
15 vertexTree =
new TTree(filterName,
"Vertex fit results");
61 TString branchName, branchVariables;
62 for (
int i=0;
i++ ) {
64 branchVariables = branchName +
'[' + index +
78 TDirectory* rootDir = gDirectory;
101 std::cout <<
"Mean of Residual distribution X: "<< resX->GetMean()<<std::endl;
102 std::cout <<
"Mean of Residual distribution Y: "<< resY->GetMean()<<std::endl;
103 std::cout <<
"Mean of Residual distribution Z: "<< resZ->GetMean()<<std::endl;
104 std::cout <<
"RMS of Residual distribution X: "<< resX->GetRMS()<<std::endl;
105 std::cout <<
"RMS of Residual distribution Y: "<< resY->GetRMS()<<std::endl;
106 std::cout <<
"RMS of Residual distribution Z: "<< resZ->GetRMS()<<std::endl;
107 std::cout <<
"Mean of Pull distribution X: "<< pullX->GetMean()<<std::endl;
108 std::cout <<
"Mean of Pull distribution Y: "<< pullY->GetMean()<<std::endl;
109 std::cout <<
"Mean of Pull distribution Z: "<< pullZ->GetMean()<<std::endl;
110 std::cout <<
"RMS of Pull distribution X: "<< pullX->GetRMS()<<std::endl;
111 std::cout <<
"RMS of Pull distribution Y: "<< pullY->GetRMS()<<std::endl;
112 std::cout <<
"RMS of Pull distribution Z: "<< pullZ->GetRMS()<<std::endl;
113 std::cout <<
"Average chi-square probability: "<< chiProb->GetMean()<<std::endl;
114 std::cout <<
"Average normalized chi-square : "<< chiNorm->GetMean()<<std::endl;
170 static std::atomic<int> nFill{0};
171 TDirectory* rootDir = gDirectory;
177 if ( (++nFill)%1000==0 )
void defineTrackBranch(const TString &prefix, const TString &type, const float *(VertexFitterResult::*pfunc)(const int) const, const TString &index)
const int * simTrack_recIndex()
const int * vertexPresent() const
const int * recTrack_simIndex()
void fill(const TransientVertex &recv, const TrackingVertex *simv=0, reco::RecoToSimCollection *recSimColl=0, const float &time=0)
SimpleVertexTree(const char *fitterName="VertexFitter", TrackAssociatorByChi2 *associator=0)
const float * recTrackWeight()
const float * simVertexPos() const
const int * numberSimTracks()
const float * recVertexErr() const
const float * recParameters(const int i) const
const float * refParameters(const int i) const
const int * trackInformation() const
const int * numberRecTracks()
const float * recVertexPos() const
const float * simParameters(const int i) const
const float * chi2Information() const
TString * parameterNames[5]
const float * refErrors(const int i) const
virtual ~SimpleVertexTree()
const float * time() const
VertexFitterResult * result
const float * recErrors(const int i) const