virtual reco::RecoToSimCollection | associateRecoToSim (const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Track > &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const override |
| Association Reco To Sim with Collections. More...
virtual reco::RecoToSimCollection | associateRecoToSim (edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > > &tCH, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tPCH, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const override |
| compare reco to sim the handle of reco::Track and TrackingParticle collections More...
reco::RecoToSimCollectionSeed | associateRecoToSim (edm::Handle< edm::View< TrajectorySeed > > &, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const override |
virtual reco::SimToRecoCollection | associateSimToReco (const edm::RefToBaseVector< reco::Track > &, const edm::RefVector< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const override |
| Association Sim To Reco with Collections. More...
virtual reco::SimToRecoCollection | associateSimToReco (edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > > &tCH, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tPCH, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const override |
| compare reco to sim the handle of reco::Track and TrackingParticle collections More...
reco::SimToRecoCollectionSeed | associateSimToReco (edm::Handle< edm::View< TrajectorySeed > > &, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const override |
template<typename iter > |
int | getDoubleCount (iter, iter, TrackerHitAssociator *, TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator) const |
template<typename iter > |
int | getDoubleCount (iter begin, iter end, TrackerHitAssociator *associate, TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator t) const |
template<typename iter > |
void | getMatchedIds (std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &, std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &, int &, iter, iter, TrackerHitAssociator *) const |
template<typename iter > |
void | getMatchedIds (std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &matchedIds, std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &SimTrackIds, int &ri, iter begin, iter end, TrackerHitAssociator *associate) const |
int | getShared (std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &, std::vector< SimHitIdpr > &, TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator) const |
| TrackAssociatorByHits (const edm::ParameterSet &) |
| ~TrackAssociatorByHits () |
reco::RecoToSimCollectionTCandidate | associateRecoToSim (edm::Handle< TrackCandidateCollection > &, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const |
reco::SimToRecoCollectionTCandidate | associateSimToReco (edm::Handle< TrackCandidateCollection > &, edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &, const edm::Event *event, const edm::EventSetup *setup) const |
| TrackAssociatorBase () |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~TrackAssociatorBase () |
| Destructor. More...