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edm Namespace Reference

A PluginFactory for concrete instances of class KalmanAlignmentMetricsUpdator. More...




class  ActivityRegistry
class  Adjuster
class  AdjusterBase
class  AliasProductHolder
class  AllowedLabelsDescription
class  AllowedLabelsDescription< ParameterSetDescription >
class  AllowedLabelsDescription< std::vector< ParameterSet > >
class  AllowedLabelsDescriptionBase
class  AnalyzerWrapper
class  ANDGroupDescription
class  AsciiOutputModule
class  AssertHandler
class  Association
class  AssociationMap
class  AssociationVector
class  AssociativeIterator
class  atomic_value_ptr
struct  atomic_value_ptr_traits
class  AtomicPtrCache
class  BaseFlatGunProducer
class  BaseWithDict
class  BasicAnalyzer
class  BasicFilter
class  BasicHandle
class  BeamHaloProducer
struct  BeginLuminosityBlockProducer
struct  BeginRunProducer
class  BMixingModule
class  BoolCache
class  BranchChildren
class  BranchDescription
class  BranchID
class  BranchIDListHelper
class  BranchKey
class  CallNTimesNoWait
class  CallOnceNoWait
class  CFWriter
struct  CheckAbility
struct  CheckAbility< ABILITY >
struct  CheckAbility< ABILITY, T, VArgs...>
struct  ClonePolicy
class  CloningPtr
struct  CommonParams
class  Compare_Index
class  Compare_Index_Run
class  Compare_Run_Lumi_EventEntry
struct  CompareRefDetSet
class  ConditionsInEventBlock
class  ConditionsInLumiBlock
class  ConditionsInRunBlock
class  ConfigurationDescriptions
struct  ConfigurationHandshake
class  ConstProductRegistry
class  ConstPtrCache
class  ConstRespectingPtr
class  ConsumesCollector
class  ContainerMask
class  ContainerMaskTraits
class  ContainerMaskTraits< edm::LazyGetter< T > >
class  ContainerMaskTraits< edmNew::DetSetVector< T > >
struct  CopyPolicy
class  CosMuoGenProducer
class  CountAndLimit
class  CPUTimer
class  CurrentModuleOnThread
class  CustomStreamer
struct  DaqProvenanceHelper
class  DataFrame
class  DataFrameContainer
class  DataMixingEcalDigiWorkerProd
class  DataMixingEMDigiWorker
class  DataMixingEMWorker
class  DataMixingGeneralTrackWorker
class  DataMixingHcalDigiWorker
class  DataMixingHcalDigiWorkerProd
class  DataMixingHcalWorker
class  DataMixingModule
class  DataMixingMuonWorker
class  DataMixingPileupCopy
class  DataMixingSiPixelWorker
class  DataMixingSiStripMCDigiWorker
class  DataMixingSiStripRawWorker
class  DataMixingSiStripWorker
class  debugging_allocator
struct  debugvalue
class  DelayedReader
class  DescriptionFillerForESProducers
class  DescriptionFillerForESSources
class  DescriptionFillerForServices
class  DetSet
class  DetSetLazyVector
class  DetSetRefVector
class  DetSetVector
class  DigiAccumulatorMixModFactory
struct  do_nothing_deleter
struct  DoAssign
class  DocFormatHelper
struct  DoFillView
struct  DoHasIsProductEqual
struct  DoIsProductEqual
struct  DoMergeProduct
struct  DoNotFillView
struct  DoNotHasIsProductEqual
struct  DoNotIsProductEqual
struct  DoNotMergeProduct
struct  DoNotPostInsert
struct  DoNotRecordParents
struct  DoNotSetPtr
struct  DoNotSortUponInsertion
struct  DoPostInsert
struct  DoSetPtr
struct  DoSwap
class  DummyProvenanceReader
class  DuplicateChecker
class  DuplicateTreeSentry
class  EarlyDeleteHelper
class  EcalNoiseStorage
class  EDAnalyzer
class  EDCollection
class  EDConsumerBase
class  EDFilter
class  EDGetToken
class  EDGetTokenT
class  EDInputSource
class  EDLooper
class  EDLooperBase
class  EdmEventItemGetter
 Helper class that fetches some type of Ref given ProductID and index, using the edm::Event. More...
class  EDProducer
class  EDProductGetter
class  ELextendedID
class  ELseverityLevel
struct  ELslProxy
class  EmptyESSource
class  EmptyGroupDescription
class  EmptySource
struct  EndLuminosityBlockProducer
struct  EndRunProducer
class  Entry
class  ErrorObj
struct  ErrorSummaryEntry
class  ESHandle
class  ESHandleBase
class  ESHandleExceptionFactory
class  ESInputTag
class  ESOutlet
class  ESProducer
class  ESProducerLooper
struct  ESProducts
class  ESProxyFactoryProducer
class  ESRecordAuxiliary
class  ESTransientHandle
class  ESWatcher
class  Event
class  EventAux
class  EventAuxiliary
class  EventAuxiliaryHistoryProducer
class  EventBase
class  EventBuffer
class  EventContentAnalyzer
class  EventEntryDescription
class  EventEntryInfo
class  EventID
class  EventMsg
class  EventPrincipal
class  EventProcessHistoryID
class  EventProcessor
class  EventRange
class  EventSelector
class  EventSetup
class  EventSetupCacheIdentifierChecker
class  EventSetupRecordDataGetter
class  EventSetupRecordIntervalFinder
class  EventSignalsSentry
class  EventSkipperByID
struct  EventSummary
class  EventTime
struct  EventTimingSummary
class  Exception
class  ExceptionCollector
class  ExceptionToActionTable
class  ExpoRandomPtGunProducer
class  ExtensionCord
class  Factory
class  FileBlock
class  FileCatalogItem
class  FileFormatVersion
class  FileID
class  FileIndex
class  FileInPath
class  FileLocator
class  FileRandomKEThetaGunProducer
struct  FilledProductPtr
class  FilterObjectWrapper
class  FilterWrapper
struct  FindRegion
struct  FindValue
class  FixedPUGenerator
class  FlatBaseThetaGunProducer
class  FlatEGunASCIIWriter
class  FlatRandomEGunProducer
class  FlatRandomEThetaGunProducer
class  FlatRandomOneOverPtGunProducer
class  FlatRandomPtGunProducer
class  FlatRandomPtThetaGunProducer
class  FromFiles
class  FullProvenanceReader
class  FunctionWithDict
class  FunctorESHandleExceptionFactory
class  FunctorHandleExceptionFactory
class  FwdPtr
class  FwdPtrCollectionFilter
 Selects a list of FwdPtr's to a product T (templated) that satisfy a method S(T) (templated). Can also handle input as View<T>. Can also have a factory class to create new instances of clones if desired. More...
class  FwdPtrFromProductFactory
class  FwdPtrProducer
 Produces a list of FwdPtr's to an input collection. More...
class  FwdRef
struct  FWGenericObject
 This class is just a 'tag' used to allow a specialization of edm::Handle. More...
class  FWLiteFilterWrapper
class  GeneratorFilter
struct  GenericObject
 This class is just a 'tag' used to allow a specialization of edm::Handle. More...
class  GenericSelectorByValueMap
class  GenHIEvent
class  GetProductCheckerOutputModule
class  GetterOfProducts
struct  GlobalCache
class  GlobalContext
class  GlobalSchedule
class  Guid
class  HadronizerFilter
class  Handle
class  Handle< FWGenericObject >
class  Handle< GenericObject >
class  HandleBase
class  HandleExceptionFactory
struct  has_fillView
struct  has_fillView< AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > >
struct  has_fillView< edm::DetSetVector< T > >
struct  has_fillView< edm::OwnArray< T, M, P > >
struct  has_fillView< edm::OwnVector< T, P > >
struct  has_fillView< edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT > >
struct  has_fillView< PtrVector< T > >
struct  has_fillView< RefToBaseVector< T > >
struct  has_fillView< RefVector< C, T, F > >
struct  has_fillView< std::deque< T, A > >
struct  has_fillView< std::list< T, A > >
struct  has_fillView< std::set< T, A > >
struct  has_fillView< std::vector< bool, A > >
struct  has_fillView< std::vector< T, A > >
struct  has_setPtr
struct  has_setPtr< edm::OwnArray< T, M, P > >
struct  has_setPtr< edm::OwnVector< T, P > >
struct  has_setPtr< edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT > >
struct  has_setPtr< std::deque< T, A > >
struct  has_setPtr< std::list< T, A > >
struct  has_setPtr< std::set< T, A > >
struct  has_setPtr< std::vector< bool, A > >
struct  has_setPtr< std::vector< T, A > >
class  Hash
class  HcalNoiseStorage
class  HepMCProduct
class  HiMixingModule
class  HiMixingWorker
class  HiMixingWorkerBase
class  History
class  HistoryAppender
class  HLTGlobalStatus
class  HLTPathStatus
class  IDVectorMap
class  IEventProcessor
class  IfExistsDescription
class  IllegalParameters
class  IndexIntoFile
class  InitMsg
class  InputAnalyzer
class  InputFile
class  InputFileCatalog
class  InputProductHolder
class  InputSource
struct  InputSourceDescription
class  InputSourceFactory
class  InputTag
class  InputTagMatch
class  InputTagSelector
class  InternalContext
class  IOVSyncValue
struct  IsMergeable
struct  IsNotMergeable
class  IterateNTimesLooper
class  IterWithDict
class  IterWithDictBase
class  JobReport
struct  key_traits
struct  key_traits< std::pair< U, V > >
struct  key_traits< std::string >
class  LazyAdapter
class  LazyGetter
class  LazyUnpacker
struct  LHEProvenanceHelper
class  LimitAndTimespan
class  LogAbsolute
class  LogDebug_
class  LogError
class  LogErrorHarvester
class  LogImportant
class  LogInfo
class  LogPrint
class  LogProblem
class  LogSystem
class  LogTrace_
class  LogVerbatim
class  LogWarning
class  Lumi3DReWeighting
class  LuminosityBlock
class  LuminosityBlockAux
class  LuminosityBlockAuxiliary
class  LuminosityBlockBase
struct  LuminosityBlockCache
class  LuminosityBlockID
class  LuminosityBlockIndex
class  LuminosityBlockPrincipal
class  LuminosityBlockRange
struct  LuminosityBlockSummaryCache
class  LumiReWeighting
struct  MainParameterSet
class  MakeDummyProvenanceReader
class  MakeFullProvenanceReader
class  MakeModuleHelper
class  MakeModuleHelper< edm::stream::EDAnalyzerAdaptorBase >
class  MakeModuleHelper< edm::stream::EDFilterAdaptorBase >
class  MakeModuleHelper< edm::stream::EDProducerAdaptorBase >
struct  MakeModuleParams
class  MakeOldProvenanceReader
class  MakeProvenanceReader
class  Maker
class  MakeReducedProvenanceReader
class  MallocOptionSetter
struct  MallocOpts
class  MapOfVectors
class  MCFileSource
class  MemberWithDict
struct  MergeableCounter
struct  MessageDrop
class  MessageLoggerQ
class  MessageSender
class  MixingModule
class  MixingWorker
class  MixingWorkerBase
class  ModelFilter
class  ModuleCallingContext
class  ModuleChanger
class  ModuleContextSentry
class  ModuleDescription
struct  ModuleInPathSummary
struct  ModuleInPathTimingSummary
class  ModuleLabelMatch
class  ModuleRegistry
class  ModuleTime
class  MsgCode
class  MultiAssociation
class  MultiParticleInConeGunProducer
class  NavigateEventsLooper
struct  NewPolicy
class  NoProcessProductHolder
class  ObjectWithDict
class  OccurrenceTraits
class  OccurrenceTraits< EventPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin >
class  OccurrenceTraits< LuminosityBlockPrincipal, BranchActionGlobalBegin >
class  OccurrenceTraits< LuminosityBlockPrincipal, BranchActionGlobalEnd >
class  OccurrenceTraits< LuminosityBlockPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin >
class  OccurrenceTraits< LuminosityBlockPrincipal, BranchActionStreamEnd >
class  OccurrenceTraits< RunPrincipal, BranchActionGlobalBegin >
class  OccurrenceTraits< RunPrincipal, BranchActionGlobalEnd >
class  OccurrenceTraits< RunPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin >
class  OccurrenceTraits< RunPrincipal, BranchActionStreamEnd >
class  OldProvenanceReader
class  OneToMany
class  OneToManyWithQuality
class  OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
class  OneToOne
class  OneToOneGeneric
class  OneToValue
class  ORGroupDescription
class  OrphanHandle
class  OrphanHandleBase
struct  Other
class  OutletBase
class  OutputHandle
class  OutputModule
class  OutputModuleCommunicator
class  OutputModuleCommunicatorT
struct  OutputModuleDescription
class  OwnArray
class  OwnVector
class  ParameterDescription
class  ParameterDescription< ParameterSetDescription >
class  ParameterDescription< std::vector< ParameterSet > >
class  ParameterDescriptionBase
class  ParameterDescriptionCases
class  ParameterDescriptionNode
class  ParameterSet
class  ParameterSetBlob
class  ParameterSetConverter
class  ParameterSetDescription
class  ParameterSetDescriptionFiller
class  ParameterSetDescriptionFillerBase
class  ParameterSetEntry
class  ParameterSwitch
class  ParameterSwitchBase
struct  ParameterTypeToEnum
class  ParameterWildcard
class  ParameterWildcard< ParameterSetDescription >
class  ParameterWildcard< std::vector< ParameterSet > >
class  ParameterWildcardBase
class  Parentage
class  ParentageRegistry
class  ParentContext
class  PassEventID
class  Path
class  PathContext
struct  PathSummary
struct  PathTimingSummary
class  PileUp
class  PlaceInPathContext
class  PoissonPUGenerator
class  PoolOutputModule
class  PoolSource
class  PreallocationConfiguration
class  Prescaler
class  Presence
class  PresenceFactory
class  Principal
class  PrincipalCache
class  PrincipalGetAdapter
class  PrintEventSetupContent
class  PrintEventSetupDataRetrieval
class  ProblemTracker
class  ProcessConfiguration
class  ProcessContext
class  ProcessDesc
class  ProcessHistory
class  ProcessHistoryRegistry
class  ProcessingController
class  ProcessMatch
class  ProducedProductHolder
class  ProducerBase
class  ProducerSourceBase
class  ProducerSourceFromFiles
struct  ProductData
class  ProductDeletedException
class  ProductFromFwdPtrFactory
class  ProductFromFwdPtrProducer
 Produces a list of objects "by value" that correspond to the FwdPtr's from an input collection. More...
class  ProductHolderBase
class  ProductHolderIndexAndSkipBit
class  ProductHolderIndexHelper
class  ProductID
class  ProductProvenance
class  ProductProvenanceRetriever
class  ProductRegistry
class  ProductRegistryHelper
class  ProductSelector
class  ProductSelectorRules
class  Provenance
class  ProvenanceAdaptor
class  ProvenanceCheckerOutputModule
class  ProvenanceReaderBase
class  Ptr
class  PtrHolder
class  PtrVector
class  PtrVectorBase
class  PtrVectorItr
class  PUGenerator
class  RandomEngineSentry
class  RandomEngineStates
class  RandomFilter
class  RandomNumberGenerator
class  RangeMap
class  RawInputSource
class  RawInputSourceFromFiles
class  RecordEventID
struct  RecordInParentfull
struct  RecordInParentless
class  ReducedProvenanceReader
class  Ref
class  Ref< std::vector< E >, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< std::vector< E > >::value, typename refhelper::FindTrait< std::vector< E >, typename refhelper::ValueTrait< std::vector< E > >::value >::value >
class  RefBase
class  RefCore
class  RefCoreStreamer
class  RefCoreWithIndex
class  RefCoreWithIndexStreamer
class  RefGetter
class  RefProd
class  RefToBase
class  RefToBaseProd
class  RefToBaseVector
class  RefVector
class  RefVectorBase
class  RefVectorIterator
class  RegionIndex
class  ReusableObjectHolder
class  RootAutoLibraryLoader
class  RootDebug
class  RootDelayedReader
class  RootFile
class  RootFileEventFinder
class  RootHandlers
class  RootInputFileSequence
class  RootOutputFile
class  RootOutputTree
class  RootServiceChecker
class  RootTree
class  Run
class  RunAux
class  RunAuxiliary
class  RunBase
struct  RunCache
class  RunID
class  RunIndex
class  RunLumiEntryInfo
class  RunningAverage
class  RunPrincipal
struct  RunSummaryCache
class  Schedule
class  ScheduledProductHolder
class  ScheduleInfo
struct  ScheduleItems
class  SecondaryEventProvider
class  SecSourceAnalyzer
class  SendEvent
class  SendJobHeader
class  SerialTaskQueue
class  Service
class  ServiceRegistry
class  ServiceToken
class  SharedResourceNames
class  SharedResourcesAcquirer
class  SharedResourcesRegistry
class  SignallingProductRegistry
class  SimpleOutlet
class  SingleConsumerQ
class  SiteLocalConfig
class  SoATuple
class  SortedCollection
class  SourceProductHolder
class  StatsCount
struct  StoredProductProvenance
struct  StreamCache
class  StreamContext
class  StreamDQMDeserializer
class  StreamDQMSerializer
class  StreamedProduct
class  StreamerFileReader
class  StreamerFileWriter
struct  StreamerFileWriterEventParams
struct  StreamerFileWriterHeaderParams
class  StreamerInputFile
class  StreamerInputModule
class  StreamerInputSource
class  StreamerOutputModule
class  StreamerOutputModuleBase
class  StreamID
class  StreamProcessingTask
class  StreamSchedule
class  StreamSerializer
struct  StrictWeakOrdering
class  SubProcess
class  Suppress_LogDebug_
class  SystemTimeKeeper
class  TerminationOrigin
class  TestHandle
class  TestMix
class  TestMixedSource
struct  TimeOfDay
class  TimeoutPoolOutputModule
class  Timestamp
class  TimingServiceBase
class  TRandomAdaptor
class  TransientDataFrame
class  Trie
class  TrieFactory
class  TrieNode
 this class represent the node of a trie, it contains a link to a sub node and a link to a brother (node which have the same father) More...
class  TrieNodeIter
class  TriggerNames
struct  TriggerPath
struct  TriggerReport
class  TriggerResultInserter
class  TriggerResults
class  TriggerResultsByName
struct  TriggerTimingReport
class  TypeBases
class  TypeDataMembers
class  TypeFunctionMembers
class  TypeID
class  TypeIDBase
struct  TypeIDHasher
class  TypeInBranchType
class  TypeToGet
class  TypeWithDict
class  UnknownModuleException
 Exception thrown when trying to instance a module which is not registered to the system. More...
class  UnscheduledCallProducer
class  UnscheduledHandler
class  UnscheduledProductHolder
class  UpdateGetterAdapter
class  ValidityInterval
class  value_ptr
struct  value_ptr_traits
struct  value_ptr_traits< IndexIntoFile::IndexIntoFileItrImpl >
struct  value_ptr_traits< ParameterDescriptionNode >
class  ValueHolderECGetter
class  ValueMap
class  VecArray
class  VectorInputSource
class  VectorInputSourceFactory
class  View
class  View< T >
class  ViewBase
class  VParameterSetEntry
class  WaitingTaskList
struct  WatchInputFiles
class  WillGetIfMatch
class  Worker
class  WorkerInPath
class  WorkerMaker
class  WorkerManager
struct  WorkerParams
class  WorkerRegistry
 The Registry of all workers that where requested Holds all instances of workers. In this implementation, Workers are owned. More...
struct  WorkerSummary
class  WorkerT
struct  WorkerTimingSummary
class  Wrapper
class  WrapperBase
class  XORGroupDescription
class  ZombieKillerService


template<typename T >
using AlignedVec = Aligned< T, 16 >
typedef unsigned int BranchDescriptionIndex
typedef std::vector
< BranchID::value_type
typedef std::vector< BranchIDListBranchIDLists
typedef unsigned short BranchListIndex
typedef std::vector
< BranchListIndex
typedef void(* CFUNC )(int, siginfo_t *, void *)
typedef DigiAccumulatorMixMod *( DAFunc )(ParameterSet const &, one::EDProducerBase &, ConsumesCollector &)
typedef uint32_t det_id_type
< DAFunc
typedef std::list
< ELdestination * > 
typedef std::list< ELstringELlist_string
typedef std::map< ELstring
const, ELseverityLevel::ELsev_
typedef std::map< ELextendedID,
typedef std::map< ELstring,
typedef std::map< ELextendedID,
typedef ELseverityLevel const ELslGen ()
typedef std::string ELstring
typedef Hash
< EntryDescriptionType
typedef std::map
< EntryDescriptionID,
typedef std::vector
< EventEntryInfo
typedef unsigned int EventNumber_t
typedef ParameterSetID EventSelectionID
typedef std::vector
< EventSelectionID
typedef Handle< FWGenericObjectFWGenericHandle
typedef Handle< GenericObjectGenericHandle
typedef std::shared_ptr
< reftobase::RefHolderBase
typedef std::shared_ptr
< reftobase::RefVectorHolderBase
typedef long long int HRTimeDiffType
typedef unsigned long long int HRTimeType
< ISFunc
typedef InputSource *( ISFunc )(ParameterSet const &, InputSourceDescription const &)
typedef VectorInputSource *( ISVecFunc )(ParameterSet const &, InputSourceDescription const &)
typedef std::vector
< LHCTransportLink
typedef RunLumiEntryInfo LumiEntryInfo
typedef unsigned int LuminosityBlockNumber_t
typedef unsigned int LumiNumber_t
< Maker *()> 
typedef Hash
< ModuleDescriptionType
< ParameterSetDescriptionFillerBase
typedef Hash< ParameterSetTypeParameterSetID
typedef std::map
< ParameterSetID,
typedef Hash< ParentageTypeParentageID
typedef std::string PassID
typedef std::vector< PCaloHitPCaloHitContainer
typedef std::shared_ptr
< Pointer_to_new_exception_on_heap
typedef std::shared_ptr
< edm::Exception
typedef PoolSource PoolRASource
typedef Presence *( PresenceFunc )()
< Presence *()> 
typedef Hash
< ProcessConfigurationType
typedef std::vector
< ProcessConfiguration
typedef Hash< ProcessHistoryTypeProcessHistoryID
typedef std::map
< ProcessHistoryID,
typedef std::vector
< ProcessHistory
typedef unsigned short ProcessIndex
typedef std::string ProcessingTask
typedef unsigned int ProductHolderIndex
typedef unsigned short ProductIndex
typedef std::vector
< ProductProvenance
typedef std::vector< PSimHitPSimHitContainer
typedef std::multimap
< EventSetupRecordKey,
typedef std::string ReleaseVersion
typedef RunLumiEntryInfo RunEntryInfo
typedef unsigned int RunNumber_t
typedef std::vector
< BranchDescription const * > 
typedef boost::array
< SelectedProducts,
typedef std::vector
< BranchDescription
typedef std::vector
< StreamedProduct
typedef std::vector< SimTrackSimTrackContainer
typedef std::vector< SimVertexSimVertexContainer
typedef edm::Ref< std::vector
< SimVertex > > 
typedef edm::RefProd
< std::vector< SimVertex > > 
typedef edm::RefVector
< std::vector< SimVertex > > 
typedef std::vector
< StoredProductProvenance
typedef std::set< std::string > StringSet
typedef std::vector< std::string > StringVector
typedef unsigned long long TimeValue_t
typedef std::map< std::string,
char > 
typedef std::vector
< edm::BranchDescription const * > 
< ISVecFunc
typedef std::vector< ParameterSetVParameterSet
typedef std::vector< std::string > vstring


enum  { kChildSucceed, kChildExitBadly, kChildSegv, kMaxChildAction }
enum  BranchActionType { BranchActionGlobalBegin = 0, BranchActionStreamBegin = 1, BranchActionStreamEnd = 2, BranchActionGlobalEnd = 3 }
enum  BranchType { InEvent = 0, InLumi = 1, InRun = 2, NumBranchTypes }
enum  HashedTypes {
  ModuleDescriptionType, ParameterSetType, ProcessHistoryType, ProcessConfigurationType,
  EntryDescriptionType, ParentageType
enum  InputType { InputType::Primary, InputType::SecondaryFile, InputType::SecondarySource }
enum  JobMode { GridJobMode, ReleaseValidationJobMode, AnalysisJobMode, NilJobMode }
enum  ParameterTypes {
  k_int32 = 'I', k_vint32 = 'i', k_uint32 = 'U', k_vuint32 = 'u',
  k_int64 = 'L', k_vint64 = 'l', k_uint64 = 'X', k_vuint64 = 'x',
  k_double = 'D', k_vdouble = 'd', k_bool = 'B', k_string = 'S',
  k_vstring = 's', k_EventID = 'E', k_VEventID = 'e', k_LuminosityBlockID = 'M',
  k_VLuminosityBlockID = 'm', k_InputTag = 't', k_VInputTag = 'v', k_FileInPath = 'F',
  k_LuminosityBlockRange = 'A', k_VLuminosityBlockRange = 'a', k_EventRange = 'R', k_VEventRange = 'r',
  k_PSet = 'Q', k_VPSet = 'q'
enum  ProductHolderIndexValues { ProductHolderIndexValuesBit = 1U << 30, ProductHolderIndexInvalid = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), ProductHolderIndexInitializing = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() - 1, ProductHolderIndexAmbiguous = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() - 2 }
enum  TerminationOrigin { TerminationOrigin::ExceptionFromThisContext, TerminationOrigin::ExceptionFromAnotherContext, TerminationOrigin::ExternalSignal }
enum  TypeMemberQuery { InheritedDefault = Reflex::INHERITEDMEMBERS_DEFAULT, InheritedNo = Reflex::INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO, InheritedAlso = Reflex::INHERITEDMEMBERS_ALSO }
enum  Verbosity { Silent =0, Concise =2, Normal =5, Detailed =10 }
enum  WildcardValidationCriteria { RequireZeroOrMore, RequireAtLeastOne, RequireExactlyOne }


void addContextAndPrintException (char const *context, cms::Exception &ex, bool disablePrint)
 all_output_communicators_ ()
template<class FP >
bool asm_isnan (FP x)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
bool binary_search_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
 wrappers for std::binary_search More...
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum , typename Predicate >
bool binary_search_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d, Predicate p)
std::string const & BranchTypeToAuxBranchName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToAuxiliaryBranchName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToBranchEntryInfoBranchName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToInfoTreeName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToMajorIndexName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToMetaDataTreeName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToMinorIndexName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToProductProvenanceBranchName (BranchType const &BranchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToProductStatusBranchName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToProductTreeName (BranchType const &branchType)
std::string const & BranchTypeToString (BranchType const &branchType)
template<typename TReturn >
TReturn callWithTryCatchAndPrint (std::function< TReturn(void)> iFunc, char const *context=0, bool disablePrint=false)
static void check (Principal const &p, std::string const &id, edm::ModuleCallingContext const *mcc)
void checkDictionaries (std::string const &name, bool noComponents=false)
void checkForWrongProduct (ProductID const &keyID, ProductID const &refID)
static void cleanup (const Factory::MakerMap::value_type &v)
void clearLoggedErrorsSummary (unsigned int iStreamID)
void clearMessageLog ()
bool combinable (BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b)
bool contains (LuminosityBlockRange const &lh, LuminosityBlockID const &rh)
bool contains (LuminosityBlockRange const &lh, LuminosityBlockRange const &rh)
bool contains (EventRange const &lh, EventID const &rh)
bool contains (EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
bool contains_ (EventRange const &lh, EventID const &rh)
template<class FwdIter >
FwdIter contextual_find (FwdIter b, FwdIter e, char first, char sep, char last)
template<class FwdIter >
FwdIter contextual_find_not (FwdIter b, FwdIter e, char first, char sep, char last)
void conversion (LuminosityBlockAux const &from, LuminosityBlockAuxiliary &to)
void conversion (RunAux const &from, RunAuxiliary &to)
void conversion (EventAux const &from, EventAuxiliary &to)
template<typename T >
void convert_handle (BasicHandle &&bh, Handle< T > &result)
void convert_handle (BasicHandle const &orig, Handle< FWGenericObject > &result)
 specialize this function forFWGenericHandle More...
void convert_handle (BasicHandle &&orig, Handle< GenericObject > &result)
 specialize this function for GenericHandle More...
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Func >
Func copy_all (ForwardSequence &s, Func f)
 wrappers for copy More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename ToT >
void copyFromTo (ESProducts< T1, T2, T3 > &iFrom, ToT &iTo)
std::string createGlobalIdentifier ()
bool decode (bool &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< bool > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (int &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< int > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (unsigned int &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< unsigned int > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (long long &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< long long > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (unsigned long long &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< unsigned long long > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (double &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< double > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::string &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< std::string > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (edm::FileInPath &, std::string const &)
bool decode (edm::InputTag &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< edm::InputTag > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (edm::ESInputTag &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< edm::ESInputTag > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (edm::EventID &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< edm::EventID > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (edm::LuminosityBlockID &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockID > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (edm::LuminosityBlockRange &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockRange > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (edm::EventRange &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< edm::EventRange > &, std::string const &)
bool decode (ParameterSet &, std::string const &)
bool decode (std::vector< ParameterSet > &, std::string const &)
unsigned int decodeInt (unsigned char *v)
std::string const & dictionaryPlugInPrefix ()
void disableAllSigs (sigset_t *oldset)
bool DisableLoggedErrorsSummary ()
void disableRTSigs ()
void disableSignal (sigset_t *newset, int signum)
bool distinct (LuminosityBlockRange const &lh, LuminosityBlockRange const &rh)
bool distinct (EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
void doBuildRealData (const std::string &name)
void edmodule_mightGet_config (ConfigurationDescriptions &iDesc)
ELseverityLevel const ELdebugGen ()
ELseverityLevel const ELerrorGen ()
ELseverityLevel const ELhighestSeverityGen ()
ELseverityLevel const ELinfoGen ()
ELseverityLevel const ELsevereGen ()
ELseverityLevel const ELunspecifiedGen ()
ELseverityLevel const ELwarningGen ()
ELseverityLevel const ELzeroSeverityGen ()
bool EnableLoggedErrorsSummary ()
void enableSignal (sigset_t *newset, int signum)
bool encode (std::string &, bool)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< bool > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, int)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< int > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, unsigned int)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< unsigned int > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, long long)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< long long > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, unsigned long long)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< unsigned long long > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, double)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< double > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::string const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< std::string > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, edm::FileInPath const &)
bool encode (std::string &, edm::InputTag const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< edm::InputTag > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, edm::ESInputTag const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< edm::ESInputTag > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, edm::EventID const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< edm::EventID > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, edm::LuminosityBlockID const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockID > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, edm::LuminosityBlockRange const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockRange > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, edm::EventRange const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< edm::EventRange > const &)
bool encode (std::string &, ParameterSet const &)
bool encode (std::string &, std::vector< ParameterSet > const &)
void encodeInt (unsigned int i, unsigned char *v)
 endpathsAreActive_ (true)
void ep_sigusr2 (int, siginfo_t *, void *)
bool eq (const ELstring &s1, const ELstring s2)
bool eq_nocase (const ELstring &s1, const char s2[])
template<class FP >
bool equal_isnan (FP x)
void fillDescriptionFromPSet (ParameterSet const &pset, ParameterSetDescription &desc)
boost::shared_ptr< EDLooperBasefillLooper (eventsetup::EventSetupsController &esController, eventsetup::EventSetupProvider &cp, ParameterSet &params)
static void fillModuleInPathSummary (Path const &path, size_t which, ModuleInPathSummary &sum)
static void fillPathSummary (Path const &path, PathSummary &sum)
template<typename T , typename A >
void fillPtrVector (std::vector< T, A > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
template<typename T , typename A >
void fillPtrVector (std::list< T, A > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
template<typename T , typename A >
void fillPtrVector (std::deque< T, A > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
template<typename T , typename A , typename Comp >
void fillPtrVector (std::set< T, A, Comp > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void fillPtrVector (SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &obj, std::type_info const &toType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &indices, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs)
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void fillPtrVector (OwnArray< T, M, P > const &obj, std::type_info const &toType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &indices, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs)
template<typename T , typename P >
void fillPtrVector (OwnVector< T, P > const &obj, std::type_info const &toType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &indices, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs)
template<class T , class A >
void fillView (std::vector< T, A > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
template<class T , class A >
void fillView (std::list< T, A > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
template<class T , class A >
void fillView (std::deque< T, A > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
template<class T , class A , class Comp >
void fillView (std::set< T, A, Comp > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
template<typename T >
void fillView (PtrVector< T > const &obj, std::vector< void const * > &pointers)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
void fillView (RefVector< C, T, F > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &pointers, helper_vector &helpers)
template<typename T >
void fillView (RefToBaseVector< T > const &obj, std::vector< void const * > &pointers)
template<typename KeyRefProd , typename CVal , typename KeyRef , typename SizeType , typename KeyReferenceHelper >
void fillView (AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &pointers, helper_vector &helpers)
template<class T >
void fillView (DetSetVector< T > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &pointers, helper_vector &helpers)
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void fillView (OwnArray< T, M, P > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &pointers, helper_vector &helpers)
template<typename T , typename P >
void fillView (OwnVector< T, P > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &pointers, helper_vector &helpers)
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void fillView (SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &obj, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &pointers, helper_vector &helpers)
static void fillWorkerSummary (Worker const *pw, WorkerSummary &sum)
static void fillWorkerSummaryAux (Worker const &w, WorkerSummary &sum)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator find_if_in_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Predicate const &p)
 wrappers for std::find More...
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::iterator find_if_in_all (ForwardSequence &s, Predicate const &p)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator find_in_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
 wrappers for std::find More...
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::iterator find_in_all (ForwardSequence &s, Datum const &d)
bool find_nested_type_named (std::string const &nested_type, TypeWithDict const &type_to_search, TypeWithDict &found_type)
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value const & findOrAssert (std::map< Key, Value > const &m, Key const &k)
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value & findOrAssert (std::map< Key, Value > &m, Key const &k)
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value const & findOrDefault (std::map< Key, Value > const &m, Key const &k, Value const &defaultValue)
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value & findOrDefault (std::map< Key, Value > &m, Key const &k, Value &defaultValue)
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value findOrDefault (std::map< Key, Value > const &m, Key const &k)
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value & findOrInsert (std::map< Key, Value > &m, Key const &k)
template<typename T , typename U >
T first (std::pair< T, U > const &p)
void FlushMessageLog ()
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Func >
Func for_all (ForwardSequence &s, Func f)
 wrapper for std::for_each More...
template<typename S , typename T >
S & formatFile (T const &f, S &os)
StringSetfoundTypes ()
bool FreshErrorsExist (unsigned int iStreamID)
std::vector< std::string > const & getAllTriggerNames ()
void getCodeTable (Exception::CodeMap *&setme)
std::string getEnvironmentVariable (std::string const &name, std::string const &defaultValue=std::string())
EventBuffergetEventBuffer (int event_size_max, int queue_depth_max)
int getFileFormatVersion ()
MallocOptionSettergetGlobalOptionSetter ()
ParameterSet const & getParameterSet (ParameterSetID const &id)
std::string getPassID ()
ParameterSet const & getProcessParameterSet ()
template<typename T >
T const * getProduct (RefCore const &ref)
template<typename PROD >
std::shared_ptr< Wrapper< PROD >
const > 
getProductByTag (Principal const &ep, InputTag const &tag, ModuleCallingContext const *mcc)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F , typename KEY >
T const * getPtr (RefCore const &product, KEY const &iKey)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F , typename KEY >
T const * getPtr_ (RefCore const &product, KEY const &key)
template<typename C >
helper::MatcherGetRef< C >
getRef (const Handle< C > &c, size_t k)
std::string getReleaseVersion ()
TClass * getTClass (const std::type_info &ti)
UnscheduledHandlergetUnscheduledHandler (EventPrincipal const &ep)
std::string getUuid (TTree *uuidTree)
std::unique_ptr< WrapperBasegetWrapperBasePtr (void *p, int offset)
std::string glob2reg (std::string const &pattern)
void GroupLogStatistics (std::string const &category)
void HaltMessageLogging ()
HRTimeType hrRealTime ()
void installCustomHandler (int signum, CFUNC func)
void installSig (int signum, CFUNC func)
bool is_glob (std::string const &pattern)
bool is_PtrVector (TypeWithDict const &possible_ref_vector, TypeWithDict &value_type)
bool is_RefToBaseVector (TypeWithDict const &possible_ref_vector, TypeWithDict &value_type)
bool is_RefVector (TypeWithDict const &possible_ref_vector, TypeWithDict &value_type)
bool isAncestor (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b)
bool isDebugEnabled ()
bool isDescendant (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b)
bool isErrorEnabled ()
template<typename T >
bool isFinite (T x)
bool isFinite (float x)
bool isFinite (double x)
bool isFinite (long double x)
bool isInfoEnabled ()
bool isMessageProcessingSetUp ()
bool isnan (float f)
bool isnan (double d)
bool isnan (long double q)
template<typename T >
bool isNotFinite (T x)
bool isSameEvent (EventAuxiliary const &a, EventAuxiliary const &b)
bool isSameEvent (EventPrincipal const &a, EventPrincipal const &b)
bool isTransientEqual (ParameterSet const &a, ParameterSet const &b)
bool isWarningEnabled ()
template<typename V , typename T >
bool iterateTrieLeaves (V &v, TrieNode< T > const &n, std::string const &label="")
 visits only leaf nodes More...
static std::string const kBaseType ("Source")
static const std::string kBaseType ("EDProducer")
static const std::string kBaseType ("EDFilter")
static const std::string kBaseType ("EDAnalyzer")
static const std::string kBaseType ("OutputModule")
bool lessThan (LuminosityBlockRange const &lh, LuminosityBlockRange const &rh)
bool lessThan (EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
bool lessThanSpecial (EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
void loadCap (const std::string &name)
void loadExtraClasses ()
static ELmap const & loadMap ()
void loadMissingDictionaries ()
std::vector< ErrorSummaryEntryLoggedErrorsOnlySummary (unsigned int iStreamID)
std::vector< ErrorSummaryEntryLoggedErrorsSummary (unsigned int iStreamID)
void LogStatistics ()
void longBranchPrint (TTree *tr)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator lower_bound_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
 wrappers for std::lower_bound More...
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::iterator lower_bound_all (ForwardSequence &s, Datum const &d)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator lower_bound_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d, Predicate p)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::iterator lower_bound_all (ForwardSequence &s, Datum const &d, Predicate p)
template<typename T >
< ESHandleExceptionFactory
makeESHandleExceptionFactory (T &&iFunctor)
template<typename T >
< HandleExceptionFactory
makeHandleExceptionFactory (T &&iFunctor)
std::unique_ptr< InputSourcemakeInput (ParameterSet &params, CommonParams const &common, ProductRegistry &preg, std::shared_ptr< BranchIDListHelper > branchIDListHelper, std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > areg, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, PreallocationConfiguration const &allocations)
static std::shared_ptr
< cms::Exception
makeNotFoundException (char const *where, KindOfType kindOfType, TypeID const &productType, std::string const &label, std::string const &instance, std::string const &process)
void makeParameterSets (std::string const &configtext, std::shared_ptr< ParameterSet > &main)
 essentially the same as the previous method More...
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename
HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > 
makeRefTo (const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator itIter)
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename
HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > 
makeRefToDetSetLazyVector (const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator itIter)
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename
HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > 
makeRefToDetSetLazyVector (const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::iterator itIter)
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename
HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > 
makeRefToDetSetRefVector (const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator itIter)
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename
HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > 
makeRefToDetSetRefVector (const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::iterator itIter)
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename
HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > 
makeRefToDetSetVector (const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::iterator itIter)
template<typename T >
Ref< LazyGetter< T >, T,
FindValue< T > > 
makeRefToLazyGetter (const Handle< LazyGetter< T > > &handle, const uint32_t index)
std::string match (BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b, std::string const &fileName)
EventID const & max (EventID const &lh, EventID const &rh)
LuminosityBlockID const & max (LuminosityBlockID const &lh, LuminosityBlockID const &rh)
const unsigned int maxIDlength (200)
static void maybeThrowMissingDictionaryException (TypeID const &productType, bool isElement, std::vector< std::string > const &missingDictionaries)
bool merge (LuminosityBlockRange &lh, LuminosityBlockRange &rh)
EventID const & min (EventID const &lh, EventID const &rh)
LuminosityBlockID const & min (LuminosityBlockID const &lh, LuminosityBlockID const &rh)
StringSetmissingTypes ()
std::string moduleName (Provenance const &provenance)
 moduleRegistry_ (new ModuleRegistry())
EDProductGetter const * mustBeNonZero (EDProductGetter const *prodGetter, std::string refType, ProductID const &productID)
static Principal::CacheIdentifier_t nextIdentifier ()
Long64_t numEntries (TFile *hdl, std::string const &trname)
TFile * openFileHdl (std::string const &fname)
bool operator!= (FileID const &lh, FileID const &rh)
bool operator!= (RunLumiEntryInfo const &a, RunLumiEntryInfo const &b)
bool operator!= (EventEntryInfo const &a, EventEntryInfo const &b)
bool operator!= (ProductID const &lh, ProductID const &rh)
bool operator!= (EventEntryDescription const &a, EventEntryDescription const &b)
bool operator!= (TypeID const &a, TypeID const &b)
bool operator!= (BranchKey const &a, BranchKey const &b)
bool operator!= (Parentage const &a, Parentage const &b)
bool operator!= (const TypeIDBase &a, const TypeIDBase &b)
template<class X , class Y >
bool operator!= (debugging_allocator< X > const &, debugging_allocator< Y > const &) throw ()
bool operator!= (ProcessConfiguration const &a, ProcessConfiguration const &b)
bool operator!= (ProductProvenance const &a, ProductProvenance const &b)
bool operator!= (RefCore const &lhs, RefCore const &rhs)
bool operator!= (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b)
template<typename KEY >
bool operator!= (RefVectorBase< KEY > const &lhs, RefVectorBase< KEY > const &rhs)
 Inequality operator. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (FwdPtr< T > const &lhs, FwdPtr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (View< T > const &, View< T > const &)
bool operator!= (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh)
bool operator!= (ProductRegistry const &a, ProductRegistry const &b)
bool operator!= (TypeWithDict const &a, TypeWithDict const &b)
bool operator!= (ELseverityLevel const &e1, ELseverityLevel const &e2)
bool operator!= (Entry const &a, Entry const &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (RefToBaseProd< T > const &lhs, RefToBaseProd< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (atomic_value_ptr< T > const &lhs, U const &rhs)
template<typename C >
bool operator!= (RefProd< C > const &lhs, RefProd< C > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator!= (RefVector< C, T, F > const &lhs, RefVector< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (U const &lhs, atomic_value_ptr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (value_ptr< T > const &lhs, U const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (U const &lhs, value_ptr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (Ptr< T > const &lhs, Ptr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator!= (FwdRef< C, T, F > const &lhs, FwdRef< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator!= (Ref< C, T, F > const &lhs, FwdRef< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator!= (FwdRef< C, T, F > const &lhs, Ref< C, T, F > const &rhs)
bool operator!= (ParameterSet const &a, ParameterSet const &b)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator!= (Ref< C, T, F > const &lhs, Ref< C, T, F > const &rhs)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator&& (ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_left, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator&& (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_left, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator&& (ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_left, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator&& (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_left, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_right)
ParameterSet::Bool operator&& (ParameterSet::Bool a, ParameterSet::Bool b)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
RefVectorIterator< C, T, Foperator+ (typename RefVectorIterator< C, T, F >::difference n, RefVectorIterator< C, T, F > const &iter)
template<typename C >
Association< C > operator+ (const Association< C > &a1, const Association< C > &a2)
template<typename T >
ValueMap< Toperator+ (const ValueMap< T > &a1, const ValueMap< T > &a2)
bool operator< (EventProcessHistoryID const &lh, EventProcessHistoryID const &rh)
bool operator< (RunLumiEntryInfo const &a, RunLumiEntryInfo const &b)
bool operator< (StoredProductProvenance const &a, StoredProductProvenance const &b)
bool operator< (EventEntryInfo const &a, EventEntryInfo const &b)
bool operator< (BranchKey const &a, BranchKey const &b)
bool operator< (ProductID const &lh, ProductID const &rh)
bool operator< (ProcessConfiguration const &a, ProcessConfiguration const &b)
bool operator< (ProductProvenance const &a, ProductProvenance const &b)
template<class T >
bool operator< (DetSet< T > const &x, DetSet< T > const &y)
template<class T >
bool operator< (DetSet< T > const &x, det_id_type y)
template<class T >
bool operator< (det_id_type x, DetSet< T > const &y)
bool operator< (RefCore const &lhs, RefCore const &rhs)
bool operator< (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (FwdPtr< T > const &lhs, FwdPtr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (View< T > const &, View< T > const &)
bool operator< (TypeWithDict const &a, TypeWithDict const &b)
bool operator< (ELseverityLevel const &e1, ELseverityLevel const &e2)
bool operator< (BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (RefToBaseProd< T > const &lhs, RefToBaseProd< T > const &rhs)
template<typename C >
bool operator< (RefProd< C > const &lhs, RefProd< C > const &rhs)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (Ptr< T > const &lhs, Ptr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator< (FwdRef< C, T, F > const &lhs, FwdRef< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator< (Ref< C, T, F > const &lhs, FwdRef< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator< (FwdRef< C, T, F > const &lhs, Ref< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator< (Ref< C, T, F > const &lhs, Ref< C, T, F > const &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, TimeOfDay const &tod)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ParameterSetBlob const &blob)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, FileID const &id)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchType const &branchType)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, PlaceInPathContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchID const &id)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, InternalContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, FileFormatVersion const &ff)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, RunLumiEntryInfo const &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, EventEntryInfo const &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ProductSelector &gs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, ProcessContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, PathContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, EventEntryDescription const &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ost, const MallocOpts &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Parentage const &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProductID const &id)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oStream, LuminosityBlockRange const &iID)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, ParentContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, GlobalContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, TypeID const &id)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RunAuxiliary &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oStream, EventRange const &iID)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LuminosityBlockAuxiliary &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchKey const &bk)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProductProvenance const &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ost, InputTag const &tag)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, StreamContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProcessConfiguration const &pc)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, ModuleCallingContext const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oStream, RunID const &iID)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ModuleDescription const &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EventAuxiliary &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Provenance const &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ParameterSetEntry const &psetEntry)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, JobReport::RunReport const &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ost, const HLTGlobalStatus &hlt)
 Formatted printout of trigger tbale. More...
template<class T >
ErrorObjoperator<< (ErrorObj &e, const T &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ost, ProcessHistory const &ph)
ErrorObjoperator<< (ErrorObj &e, const char s[])
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oStream, EventID const &iID)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oStream, LuminosityBlockID const &iID)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const edm::FileInPath &fip)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, VParameterSetEntry const &vpsetEntry)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, FileIndex const &fileIndex)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProductRegistry const &pr)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, TypeWithDict const &id)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProductHolderBase const &phb)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, BranchDescription const &p)
template<typename PROD >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Handle< PROD > const &h)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ELseverityLevel &sev)
template<int I>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Hash< I > const &h)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, RefVector< C, T, F > const &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, JobReport::OutputFile const &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ParameterSet const &pset)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Entry const &entry)
bool operator<= (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh)
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (View< T > const &, View< T > const &)
bool operator<= (ELseverityLevel const &e1, ELseverityLevel const &e2)
bool operator== (FileID const &lh, FileID const &rh)
bool operator== (RunLumiEntryInfo const &a, RunLumiEntryInfo const &b)
bool operator== (ProductID const &lh, ProductID const &rh)
bool operator== (EventEntryInfo const &a, EventEntryInfo const &b)
bool operator== (EventEntryDescription const &a, EventEntryDescription const &b)
bool operator== (BranchKey const &a, BranchKey const &b)
bool operator== (Parentage const &a, Parentage const &b)
bool operator== (ProcessConfiguration const &a, ProcessConfiguration const &b)
template<class X , class Y >
bool operator== (debugging_allocator< X > const &, debugging_allocator< Y > const &) throw ()
bool operator== (ProductProvenance const &a, ProductProvenance const &b)
bool operator== (RefCore const &lhs, RefCore const &rhs)
template<class T >
bool operator== (RefToBaseVector< T > const &a, RefToBaseVector< T > const &b)
bool operator== (ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b)
template<typename KEY >
bool operator== (RefVectorBase< KEY > const &lhs, RefVectorBase< KEY > const &rhs)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator== (Provenance const &a, Provenance const &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (FwdPtr< T > const &lhs, FwdPtr< T > const &rhs)
bool operator== (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (View< T > const &, View< T > const &)
bool operator== (edm::FileInPath const &a, edm::FileInPath const &b)
bool operator== (ProductRegistry const &a, ProductRegistry const &b)
bool operator== (TypeWithDict const &a, TypeWithDict const &b)
bool operator== (ELseverityLevel const &e1, ELseverityLevel const &e2)
bool operator== (Entry const &a, Entry const &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (RefToBaseProd< T > const &lhs, RefToBaseProd< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (atomic_value_ptr< T > const &lhs, U const &rhs)
bool operator== (BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b)
template<typename C >
bool operator== (RefProd< C > const &lhs, RefProd< C > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator== (RefVector< C, T, F > const &lhs, RefVector< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (U const &lhs, atomic_value_ptr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (value_ptr< T > const &lhs, U const &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (U const &lhs, value_ptr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (Ptr< T > const &lhs, Ptr< T > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator== (FwdRef< C, T, F > const &lhs, FwdRef< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator== (Ref< C, T, F > const &lhs, FwdRef< C, T, F > const &rhs)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator== (FwdRef< C, T, F > const &lhs, Ref< C, T, F > const &rhs)
bool operator== (ParameterSet const &a, ParameterSet const &b)
template<typename T , typename SORT , typename ALLOC >
bool operator== (SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &c, std::vector< T, ALLOC > const &v)
template<typename T , typename SORT >
bool operator== (SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &a, SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &b)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool operator== (Ref< C, T, F > const &lhs, Ref< C, T, F > const &rhs)
bool operator> (TypeID const &a, TypeID const &b)
bool operator> (const TypeIDBase &a, const TypeIDBase &b)
bool operator> (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (View< T > const &, View< T > const &)
bool operator> (ELseverityLevel const &e1, ELseverityLevel const &e2)
bool operator>= (FileIndex::Element const &lh, FileIndex::Element const &rh)
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (View< T > const &, View< T > const &)
bool operator>= (ELseverityLevel const &e1, ELseverityLevel const &e2)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, FileInPath &fip)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< bool > > 
operator>> (bool caseValue, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< int > > 
operator>> (int caseValue, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< std::string > > 
operator>> (std::string const &caseValue, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< std::string > > 
operator>> (char const *caseValue, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< bool > > 
operator>> (bool caseValue, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< int > > 
operator>> (int caseValue, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< std::string > > 
operator>> (std::string const &caseValue, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< std::string > > 
operator>> (char const *caseValue, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator^ (ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_left, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator^ (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_left, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator^ (ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_left, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator^ (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_left, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< bool > > 
operator|| (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< bool > >, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< bool > >)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< int > > 
operator|| (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< int > >, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< int > >)
< ParameterDescriptionCases
< std::string > > 
operator|| (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > >, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > >)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator|| (ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_left, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator|| (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_left, ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator|| (ParameterDescriptionNode const &node_left, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_right)
< ParameterDescriptionNode
operator|| (std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_left, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > node_right)
static std::atomic< int > ourSerial (0)
bool overlaps (LuminosityBlockRange const &lh, LuminosityBlockRange const &rh)
bool overlaps (EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
ParameterSet const & parameterSet (Provenance const &provenance)
std::string ParameterSet::getParameter< std::string > (std::string const &name) const
std::string ParameterSet::getParameter< std::string > (char const *name) const
std::vector< double > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< double > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< double > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< double > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< ESInputTagParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< ESInputTagParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< EventIDParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventID > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< EventIDParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventID > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< EventRangeParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< EventRangeParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< InputTagParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< InputTagParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< int > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< int > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< int > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< int > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< long long > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< long long > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< long long > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< long long > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockIDParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockIDParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRangeParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRangeParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< PdtEntryParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< PdtEntryParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< std::string > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< std::string > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< std::string > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< std::string > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< unsigned int > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< unsigned int > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< unsigned long long > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< unsigned long long > ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< std::string > ParameterSet::getParameterNamesForType< std::vector< PdtEntry > > (bool trackiness) const
std::string ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > (std::string const &name, std::string const &defaultValue) const
std::string ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > (std::string const &name) const
std::string ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > (char const *name, std::string const &defaultValue) const
std::string ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > (char const *name) const
std::vector< double > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< double > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< double > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< double > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< double > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > (char const *name, std::vector< double > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< ESInputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< ESInputTag > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< ESInputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< ESInputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > (char const *name, std::vector< ESInputTag > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< ESInputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< EventIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< EventIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< EventID > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< EventIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< EventIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > (char const *name, std::vector< EventID > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< EventRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< EventRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< EventRange > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< EventRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< EventRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > (char const *name, std::vector< EventRange > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< InputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< InputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< InputTag > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< InputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< InputTagParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > (char const *name, std::vector< InputTag > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< int > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > (char const *name, std::vector< int > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< long long > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > (char const *name, std::vector< long long > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockIDParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > (char const *name, std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRangeParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > (char const *name, std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< PdtEntryParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > (char const *name, std::vector< PdtEntry > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< PdtEntryParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< PdtEntryParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< PdtEntryParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< PdtEntry > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< std::string > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< std::string > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< std::string > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< std::string > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > (char const *name, std::vector< std::string > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< std::string > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< unsigned int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< unsigned int > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< unsigned int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< unsigned int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > (char const *name, std::vector< unsigned int > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< unsigned int > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< unsigned long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > (std::string const &name, std::vector< unsigned long long > const &defaultValue) const
std::vector< unsigned long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > (std::string const &name) const
std::vector< unsigned long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > (char const *name) const
std::vector< unsigned long long > ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > (char const *name, std::vector< unsigned long long > const &defaultValue) const
std::string parameterTypeEnumToString (ParameterTypes iType)
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::string > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< double > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< EventID > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< EventRange > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< InputTag > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< int > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< long long > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< std::string > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< unsigned > > ()
ParameterTypes ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ()
std::auto_ptr< ParameterSetpopSubProcessParameterSet (ParameterSet &parameterSet)
static void postIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists (TFile *tfl, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
static void postIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis (TFile *tfl, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
 preallocConfig_ (prealloc)
static void preIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists (TFile *, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
static void preIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis (TFile *, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
template<typename S >
S & print (S &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
template<typename S >
S & print (S &os, JobReport::OutputFile const &f)
template<typename S >
S & print (S &os, JobReport::RunReport const &rep)
template<typename RecordT >
void print_eventsetup_record_dependencies (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iIndent=std::string())
template<typename T >
void print_eventsetup_record_dependencies (std::ostream &, std::string, T const *, T const *)
template<typename TFirst , typename TEnd >
void print_eventsetup_record_dependencies (std::ostream &oStream, std::string iIndent, TFirst const *, TEnd const *iEnd)
template<typename RecordT >
void print_eventsetup_record_dependencies_recursive (std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iIndent, boost::mpl::true_)
template<typename RecordT >
void print_eventsetup_record_dependencies_recursive (std::ostream &, std::string const &, boost::mpl::false_)
void printBranchNames (TTree *tree)
void printCmsException (cms::Exception &e, edm::JobReport *jobRep=0, int rc=-1)
void printCmsExceptionWarning (char const *behavior, cms::Exception const &e, edm::JobReport *jobRep=0, int rc=-1)
void printEventLists (TFile *tfl)
void printEventsInLumis (TFile *tfl)
void printTrees (TFile *hdl)
void printUuids (TTree *uuidTree)
BranchID productIDToBranchID (ProductID const &pid, BranchIDLists const &lists, BranchListIndexes const &indexes)
void public_base_classes (TypeWithDict const &type, std::vector< TypeWithDict > &baseTypes)
std::string pythonFileToConfigure (const std::string &iPythonFileName)
void pythonToCppException (const std::string &iType)
void read_from_cin (std::string &output)
std::string read_whole_file (std::string const &filename)
 only does the yacc interpretation More...
std::shared_ptr< ParameterSetreadConfig (std::string const &config)
std::shared_ptr< ParameterSetreadConfig (std::string const &config, int argc, char *argv[])
 same, but with arguments More...
std::shared_ptr< ParameterSetreadPSetsFrom (std::string const &fileOrString)
void reenableSigs (sigset_t *oldset)
template<typename C >
Ptr< typename C::value_type > refToPtr (Ref< C, typename C::value_type, refhelper::FindUsingAdvance< C, typename C::value_type > > const &ref)
std::vector< std::vector
< std::string >
::const_iterator > 
regexMatch (std::vector< std::string > const &strings, boost::regex const &regexp)
std::vector< std::vector
< std::string >
::const_iterator > 
regexMatch (std::vector< std::string > const &strings, std::string const &pattern)
static const
< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller
< HiMixingModule > > 
s_filler__LINE__ ("HiMixingModule")
static const
< edm::WorkerMaker
< HiMixingModule > > 
s_maker__LINE__ ("HiMixingModule")
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
bool search_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Predicate >
bool search_if_in_all (ForwardSequence const &s, Predicate const &p)
template<typename T , typename U >
second (std::pair< T, U > const &p)
template<typename T >
void SetCustomStreamer ()
template<typename T >
void SetCustomStreamer (T const &)
void setMaxLoggedErrorsSummaryIndicies (unsigned int iMax)
template<typename T , typename A >
void setPtr (std::vector< T, A > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
template<typename T , typename A >
void setPtr (std::list< T, A > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
template<typename T , typename A >
void setPtr (std::deque< T, A > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
template<typename T , typename A , typename Comp >
void setPtr (std::set< T, A, Comp > const &obj, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void setPtr (SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &obj, std::type_info const &toType, unsigned long index, void const *&ptr)
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void setPtr (OwnArray< T, M, P > const &obj, std::type_info const &toType, unsigned long index, void const *&ptr)
template<typename T , typename P >
void setPtr (OwnVector< T, P > const &obj, std::type_info const &toType, unsigned long index, void const *&ptr)
void setRefCoreStreamer (bool resetAll=false)
EDProductGetter const * setRefCoreStreamer (EDProductGetter const *ep)
void setStandAloneMessageThreshold (edm::ELseverityLevel const &severity)
void sigInventory ()
 size_ (0)
 size_ (n)
template<typename RandomAccessSequence >
void sort_all (RandomAccessSequence &s)
 wrappers for std::sort More...
template<typename RandomAccessSequence , typename Predicate >
void sort_all (RandomAccessSequence &s, Predicate p)
< LuminosityBlockRange > & 
sortAndRemoveOverlaps (std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > &lumiRange)
std::vector< EventRange > & sortAndRemoveOverlaps (std::vector< EventRange > &eventRange)
static std::string const source ("source")
template<class OutIter >
bool split (OutIter result, std::string const &string_to_split, char first, char sep, char last)
void squelchStandAloneMessageCategory (std::string const &category)
template<typename RandomAccessSequence >
void stable_sort_all (RandomAccessSequence &s)
 wrappers for std::stable_sort More...
template<typename RandomAccessSequence , typename Predicate >
void stable_sort_all (RandomAccessSequence &s, Predicate p)
std::string stripLeadingDirectoryTree (const std::string &file)
std::string stripNamespace (std::string const &theName)
bool stripTemplate (std::string &theName)
void swap (ProductID &a, ProductID &b)
void swap (ProductData &a, ProductData &b)
void swap (Parentage &a, Parentage &b)
template<class T , class P >
void swap (CloningPtr< T, P > &a, CloningPtr< T, P > &b)
void swap (OrphanHandleBase &a, OrphanHandleBase &b)
template<class T >
void swap (RefToBaseVector< T > &a, RefToBaseVector< T > &b)
void swap (ProcessHistory &a, ProcessHistory &b)
void swap (TriggerResults &lhs, TriggerResults &rhs)
void swap (ESHandleBase &a, ESHandleBase &b)
void swap (HLTGlobalStatus &lhs, HLTGlobalStatus &rhs)
 Free swap function. More...
void swap (OutputHandle &a, OutputHandle &b)
template<typename C >
void swap (Association< C > &lhs, Association< C > &rhs)
template<class T >
void swap (DetSet< T > &a, DetSet< T > &b)
template<typename KEY >
void swap (RefVectorBase< KEY > &a, RefVectorBase< KEY > &b)
 swap two vectors More...
void swap (edm::RefCore &lhs, edm::RefCore &rhs)
void swap (BasicHandle &a, BasicHandle &b)
void swap (edm::RefCoreWithIndex &lhs, edm::RefCoreWithIndex &rhs)
void swap (HandleBase &a, HandleBase &b)
void swap (ErrorObj &a, ErrorObj &b)
void swap (FileInPath &a, FileInPath &b)
template<typename K , typename T >
void swap (MapOfVectors< K, T > &lhs, MapOfVectors< K, T > &rhs)
template<class T >
void swap (EDCollection< T > &a, EDCollection< T > &b)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
void swap (RefVector< C, T, F > &a, RefVector< C, T, F > &b)
template<class T >
void swap (RefGetter< T > &a, RefGetter< T > &b)
template<typename ID , typename C , typename P >
void swap (IDVectorMap< ID, C, P > &a, IDVectorMap< ID, C, P > &b)
template<typename T >
void swap (PtrVector< T > &lhs, PtrVector< T > &rhs)
void swap (DataFrameContainer &lhs, DataFrameContainer &rhs)
template<typename T >
void swap (value_ptr< T > &vp1, value_ptr< T > &vp2)
template<typename T >
void swap (edm::RefToBaseProd< T > const &lhs, edm::RefToBaseProd< T > const &rhs)
template<typename ID , typename C , typename P >
void swap (RangeMap< ID, C, P > &a, RangeMap< ID, C, P > &b)
template<int I>
void swap (Hash< I > &a, Hash< I > &b)
template<typename C >
void swap (RefProd< C > const &lhs, RefProd< C > const &rhs)
void swap (InputProductHolder &a, InputProductHolder &b)
template<class T >
void swap (DetSetLazyVector< T > &a, DetSetLazyVector< T > &b)
template<typename KeyRefProd , typename CVal , typename KeyRef , typename SizeType , typename KeyReferenceHelper >
void swap (AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > &a, AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > &b)
template<typename T >
void swap (ValueMap< T > &lhs, ValueMap< T > &rhs)
template<typename T , typename C >
void swap (DetSetRefVector< T, C > &a, DetSetRefVector< T, C > &b)
template<typename C >
void swap (MultiAssociation< C > &lhs, MultiAssociation< C > &rhs)
void swap (ParameterSet &a, ParameterSet &b)
void swap (ScheduledProductHolder &a, ScheduledProductHolder &b)
void swap (UnscheduledProductHolder &a, UnscheduledProductHolder &b)
template<class T >
void swap (RefToBase< T > &a, RefToBase< T > &b)
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void swap (SortedCollection< T, SORT > &a, SortedCollection< T, SORT > &b)
template<typename T >
void swap (View< T > &lhs, View< T > &rhs)
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void swap (OwnArray< T, M, P > &a, OwnArray< T, M, P > &b)
template<typename T , typename P >
void swap (OwnVector< T, P > &a, OwnVector< T, P > &b)
template<class T >
void swap (DetSetVector< T > &a, DetSetVector< T > &b)
void swap (SourceProductHolder &a, SourceProductHolder &b)
template<class T >
void swap (LazyGetter< T > &a, LazyGetter< T > &b)
static void throwAmbiguousException (const char *where, TypeID const &productType, std::string const &label, std::string const &instance, std::string const &process)
static void throwCorruptionException (char const *where, std::string const &branchName)
void throwExceptionWithText (char const *txt)
void throwMissingDictionariesException ()
static void throwProductDeletedException (const char *where, TypeID const &productType, std::string const &label, std::string const &instance, std::string const &process)
static void throwProductDeletedException (ProductID const &pid, edm::EventPrincipal::ConstProductHolderPtr const phb)
static void throwProductNotFoundException (char const *where, errors::ErrorCodes error, BranchID const &bid)
std::vector< std::string > tokenize (std::string const &input, std::string const &separator)
 breaks the input string into tokens, delimited by the separator More...
template<typename T >
boost::python::list toPythonList (const std::vector< T > &v)
template<typename T >
std::vector< TtoVector (boost::python::list &l)
static std::string const triggerResults ("TriggerResults")
static std::string const triggerResultsInserter ("TriggerResultsInserter")
std::string typeDemangle (char const *mangledName)
std::string uniqueSharedResourceName ()
bool untaintString (char const *pattern, char const *regexp)
bool value_type_of (TypeWithDict const &t, TypeWithDict &found_type)
template<typename InputType , typename Function >
auto vector_transform (std::vector< InputType > const &input, Function predicate) -> std::vector< typename std::remove_cv< typename std::remove_reference< decltype(predicate(input.front()))>::type >::type >
template<typename V , typename T >
void walkTrie (V &v, TrieNode< T > const &n, std::string const &label="")
 visit each node of the trie More...
 wantSummary_ (tns.wantSummary())
std::string withoutQuotes (std::string const &from)
std::string wrappedClassName (std::string const &iFullName)
bool wrapper_type_of (TypeWithDict const &possible_wrapper, TypeWithDict &found_wrapped_type)


static int const bufSize = 128
debugvalue debugit
ELslProxy< ELdebugGen > const ELdebug
ELslGen ELdebugGen
ELslProxy< ELerrorGen > const ELerror
ELslGen ELerrorGen
< ELhighestSeverityGen > const 
ELslGen ELhighestSeverityGen
ELslProxy< ELinfoGen > const ELinfo
ELslGen ELinfoGen
ELslProxy< ELsevereGen > const ELsevere
ELslGen ELsevereGen
ELslProxy< ELunspecifiedGen > const ELunspecified
ELslGen ELunspecifiedGen
ELslProxy< ELwarningGen > const ELwarning
ELslGen ELwarningGen
ELslProxy< ELzeroSeverityGen >
ELslGen ELzeroSeverityGen
volatile std::atomic< bool >
static char const * fmt_Guid
static StringSet foundTypes_
MallocOptionSetter global_malloc_options
const int init_size = 1024*1024
EventNumber_t const invalidEventNumber = 0U
LuminosityBlockNumber_t const invalidLuminosityBlockNumber = 0U
RunNumber_t const invalidRunNumber = 0U
static unsigned long long const kAveEventPerSec = 200ULL
static unsigned long long const kNanoSecPerSec = 1000000000ULL
static StringSet missingTypes_
static const unsigned char MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR = 29
static ProcessHistory const s_emptyProcessHistory
static std::atomic
< Principal::CacheIdentifier_t
thread_local EDProductGetter
const * 
s_productGetter = 0
static unsigned int const shift = 8 * sizeof(unsigned int)
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag
static pset::TypeTrans const sTypeTranslations

Detailed Description

A PluginFactory for concrete instances of class KalmanAlignmentMetricsUpdator.

why defined in namespace edm:: ?? (L.L.)

classes declaration

Find a non-event-data file, given a relative path.

HLT enums.

A PluginFactory for updators for the KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm.

This class manages the storage and retrieval of correlations between Alignables for the AlignmentParameterStore. This implementation does not stores the entries of the "big covariance matrix" itself, but the statistical correlations, i.e. R_ij=C_ij/sqrt(C_ii*C_jj) rather than C_ij.

If a correlation exceeds a certain value (especially corrupted correlations with an absolute value bigger than 1) it is downweighted.

This module is an source module reading continously file as they are copied in the input directory. The processed file is moved to directoryt inprocessDir before being processed. Once it is processed it is moved to processedDir. To prevent processing files before their transfer is finished, it is waited than file size is stable during one second before the file is processed. This protection is obviously not full proof, especially to transfer lag.

Description: Forward declare standard edm::fillPtrVector functions


Description: Forward declare the standard setPtr functions



The edm::FwdRef<> is a storable reference to an item in a stored "forward" container, which also contains a reference to an item in a "backward" container that the "forward" container is derived from.

For example, you could use one to hold a reference back to one particular track within a derived std::vector<> of tracks, but you want to keep the original Ref's to the original std::vector<> of tracks (for instance, if you've made a selection on the tracks in the list and want to remove the unnecessary ones from the event).


The edm::FwdRef<> works just like a pointer

edm::FwdRef<Foo> fooPtr = ... //set the value
functionTakingConstFoo(*fooPtr); //get the Foo object
fooPtr->bar(); //call a method of the held Foo object

The main purpose of an edm::FwdRef<> is it can be used as a member datum for a class that is to be stored in the edm::Event where the user can simultaneously check the "backwards" ref as well as the default "forward" ref.


The edm::FwdRef<> takes three template parameters, and both "forward" and "backward" refs must be the same types:

1) C: The type of the container which is holding the item

2) T: The type of the item. This defaults to C::value_type

3) F: A helper class (a functor) which knows how to find a particular 'T' within the container given an appropriate key. The type of the key is deduced from F::second_argument. The default for F is refhelper::FindTrait<C,T>::value. If no specialization of FindTrait<> is available for the combination (C,T) then it defaults to getting the iterator to be beginning of the container and using std::advance() to move to the appropriate key in the container.

It is possible to customize the 'lookup' algorithm used.

1) The helper class F should inherit from std::binary_function<const C&, typename IndexT, const T*> (or must provide the typedefs obtained from that inheritance directly).

2) The helper class F must define the function call operator in such a way that the following call is well-formed: f is an instance of type F coll is an instance of type C k is an instance of type F::key_type

     result_type r = f(coll,k);     

 If one wishes to make a specialized lookup the default lookup for
 the container/type pair then one needs to partially specialize
 the templated class edm::refhelper::FindTrait<C,T> such that it
 has a typedef named 'value' which refers to the specialized
 helper class (i.e., F)

 The class template FwdRef<C,T,F> supports 'null' references.

 -- a default-constructed FwdRef is 'null'; furthermore, it also
    has an invalid (or 'null') ProductID.
 -- a FwdRef constructed through the single-arguement constructor
    that takes a ProductID is also null.        

Definition of common HLT enums

Martin Grunewald

Declaration of the enum HashedTypes, used in defining several "id" classes.

W. David Dagenhart, created 1 August, 2014

Functions to return atomic properties of the material A_eff and Z_eff are computed as the A-weighted sums of the A's and the Z's of Pb, W and O

Patrick Janot
: 25-Jan-2004

Functions to return atomic properties of the material A_eff and Z_eff are computed as the A-weighted sums of the A's and the Z's of Cu and Zn (brass) - For now assume it is all Copper, and it'll be good enough.

Patrick Janot
: 25-Jan-2004

A filter for particles in the user-defined kinematic acceptabce.

Patrick Janot

Parameters used in the hadron fast simulation

getAllTriggerNames getAllTriggerNames.h "FWCore/Framework/interface/getAllTriggerNames.h"

Description: Returns a list of all the trigger names in the current process Usage: <usage>

Helper functions for making stream modules

Description: [one line class summary]

Usage: <usage>


This struct is used to communication parameters into the module factory.



This struct is used to communication parameters into the worker factory.

Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

FileInPath knows how to take a string, interpreted as a relative path to a file, and to interpret using the "standard CMS non-event-data file searching mechanism".

The mechanism using the environment variables: CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH: may be set by the end-user CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE: should be set by a site administrator CMSSW_DATA_PATH: should be set by a site administrator

CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH is a 'search path' limited to 1 to 3 components. The legal values are:

  "." or "LOCAL", which means to search for files under
       the top level of the "local working area", which is
       defined as ${SCRAMRT_LOCALRT}/src

  "CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE", which means search the "official place",
        defined by the value of the CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE environment
        variable, for files.

  "CMSSW_DATA_PATH", which means search the "official place",
        defined by the value of the CMSSW_DATA_PATH environment
        variable, for files.

         which means look first in the current working
         directory, then in the "official place", for files.

         which means look first in the current working
         directory, then in the "official place", for files.

         which means look first in the current working
         directory, then in both "official places", for files.

How ParameterSets are nested inside ParameterSets The main feature is that they're made persistent using a ParameterSetID, and only reconstituted as needed, when the value_ptr = 0;

A singleton for managing the plugin feedback function and assert hook function. It is unclear how this will react in a multithreaded application.

It is possible that in the future this object will allow arbitrary state object to be pushed in and pulled out so that when asserts occur, good state information can be printed.

connect_but_block_self connect_but_block_self.h FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/connect_but_block_self.h

Description: Connects a functional object to a signal, but guarantees that the functional object will never see a signal caused by its own action.

Usage: <usage>

A ThreadSafeRegistry is used to keep track of the instances of some type 'value_typed'. These objects are each associated with a given 'key_type' object, which must be retrievable from the value_type object, and which must uniquely identify the value_type's value.

This class is sufficiently thread-safe to be usable in a thread-safe manner. Don't let the name mislead you into thinking it provides more guarantee than that!

If 'm' is of type 'value_type const&', the expression

key_type k =;

must be legal, and must return the unique key associated with the value of 'm'.

//////////////////////////////////////// Stacked Tracker Simulations /// Written by: /// Andrew W. Rose /// 2008 /// ////////////////////////////////////////

class HLTJetPairDzMatchFilter an HLT filter which picks up a JetCollection (supposedly, of L2 tau jets) and passes only events with at least one pair of non-overlapping jets with vertices within some dz

HLT filter by muon+track mass (taken from two RecoChargedCandidate collections). Tracks are subject to quality and momentum cuts. The match with previous muon (and possibly track, if run after another mass filter) candidates is checked.

Description: Producer for EcalRecHits to be used for pi0/eta ECAL calibration.

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

See header file for a description of this class.

Jo. Weng - CERN, Ph Division & Uni Karlsruhe
F.Moortgat - CERN, Ph Division


Utility class for translating streamer message objects into DQM objects (monitor elements)


Utility class for translating DQM objects (monitor elements) into streamer message objects.

Utility class for deserializing streamer message objects into DQM objects (monitor elements)

Utility class for serializing DQM objects (monitor elements) into streamer message objects.

Utility class for serializing framework objects (e.g. ProductRegistry and EventPrincipal) into streamer message objects.

jet parton energy corrections

The ModelFilter class will select events in a "soup" MC (like the SUSY signal MC) from the comments of LHEEventProduct that match "modelTag". The user can require the value of that parameter to lie between a min and max value.

Description: simple NxN ( 3x3 etc) clustering ,( for low energy photon reconstrution, currently used for pi0/eta HLT path)

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

A HitTripletGenerator from HitPairGenerator and vector of Layers. The HitPairGenerator provides a set of hit pairs. For each pair the search for compatible hit(s) is done among provided Layers

A MultiHitGenerator from HitPairGenerator and vector of Layers. The HitPairGenerator provides a set of hit pairs. For each pair the search for compatible hit(s) is done among provided Layers

class: BeamFitter.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer

author: Francisco Yumiceva, Fermilab ( Geng-Yuan Jeng, UC Riverside (

class: PVFitter.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer

author: Francisco Yumiceva, Fermilab ( Geng-Yuan Jeng, UC Riverside (

Converts digis back into analog signals, to be used as noise

Typedef Documentation

template<typename T >
using edm::AlignedVec = typedef Aligned<T,16>

Definition at line 104 of file SoATuple.h.

typedef unsigned int edm::BranchDescriptionIndex

Definition at line 28 of file BranchDescriptionIndex.h.

Definition at line 18 of file BranchIDList.h.

typedef std::vector<BranchIDList> edm::BranchIDLists

Definition at line 19 of file BranchIDList.h.

typedef unsigned short edm::BranchListIndex

Definition at line 17 of file BranchListIndex.h.

Definition at line 18 of file BranchListIndex.h.

typedef void(* edm::CFUNC)(int, siginfo_t *, void *)

Definition at line 21 of file UnixSignalHandlers.h.

Definition at line 14 of file DigiAccumulatorMixModFactory.h.

typedef uint32_t edm::det_id_type

Definition at line 21 of file DetSet.h.

Definition at line 15 of file DigiAccumulatorMixModFactory.h.

typedef std::list<ELdestination *> edm::ELlist_dest

Definition at line 39 of file ELlist.h.

Definition at line 42 of file ELlist.h.

typedef std::map< ELstring const, ELseverityLevel::ELsev_ > edm::ELmap

Definition at line 59 of file

Definition at line 101 of file ELmap.h.

Definition at line 99 of file ELmap.h.

typedef std::map< ELextendedID , StatsCount > edm::ELmap_stats

Definition at line 103 of file ELmap.h.

typedef ELseverityLevel const edm::ELslGen()

Definition at line 60 of file ELseverityLevel.h.

typedef std::string edm::ELstring

Definition at line 26 of file ELstring.h.

Definition at line 9 of file EntryDescriptionID.h.

Definition at line 47 of file RootFile.h.

Definition at line 57 of file EventEntryInfo.h.

typedef unsigned int edm::EventNumber_t

Definition at line 30 of file EventRange.h.

Definition at line 16 of file EventSelectionID.h.

Definition at line 17 of file EventSelectionID.h.

Definition at line 140 of file FWGenericHandle.h.

Definition at line 132 of file GenericHandle.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<reftobase::RefHolderBase> edm::helper_ptr

Definition at line 45 of file EDProductfwd.h.

Definition at line 46 of file EDProductfwd.h.

Definition at line 47 of file EDProductfwd.h.

typedef long long int edm::HRTimeDiffType

Definition at line 81 of file HRRealTime.h.

typedef unsigned long long int edm::HRTimeType

Definition at line 82 of file HRRealTime.h.

Definition at line 14 of file InputSourceFactory.h.

typedef InputSource*( edm::ISFunc)(ParameterSet const &, InputSourceDescription const &)

Definition at line 12 of file InputSourceFactory.h.

typedef VectorInputSource*( edm::ISVecFunc)(ParameterSet const &, InputSourceDescription const &)

Definition at line 14 of file VectorInputSourceFactory.h.

Definition at line 8 of file LHCTransportLinkContainer.h.

Definition at line 49 of file RunLumiEntryInfo.h.

typedef unsigned int edm::LuminosityBlockNumber_t

Definition at line 13 of file RunLumiEventNumber.h.

typedef unsigned int edm::LumiNumber_t

Definition at line 31 of file EventRange.h.

Definition at line 15 of file Factory.h.

Definition at line 55 of file classes.h.

Definition at line 30 of file ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory.h.

Definition at line 22 of file ParameterSetID.h.

Definition at line 40 of file ParameterSetConverter.h.

Definition at line 9 of file ParentageID.h.

typedef std::string edm::PassID

Definition at line 8 of file PassID.h.

typedef std::vector<PCaloHit> edm::PCaloHitContainer

Definition at line 8 of file PCaloHitContainer.h.

Definition at line 13 of file ConfigurationHandshake.h.

Definition at line 10 of file ConfigurationHandshake.h.

Definition at line 78 of file PoolSource.h.

typedef Presence*( edm::PresenceFunc)()

Definition at line 13 of file PresenceFactory.h.

Definition at line 11 of file PresenceFactory.h.

Definition at line 9 of file ProcessConfigurationID.h.

Definition at line 64 of file ProcessConfiguration.h.

Definition at line 9 of file ProcessHistoryID.h.

Definition at line 15 of file ProcessHistoryRegistry.h.

Definition at line 16 of file ProcessHistoryRegistry.h.

typedef unsigned short edm::ProcessIndex

Definition at line 25 of file ProductID.h.

typedef std::string edm::ProcessingTask

Definition at line 8 of file ProcessingTask.h.

typedef unsigned int edm::ProductHolderIndex

Definition at line 8 of file ProductHolderIndex.h.

typedef unsigned short edm::ProductIndex

Definition at line 26 of file ProductID.h.

Definition at line 83 of file ProductProvenance.h.

typedef std::vector<PSimHit> edm::PSimHitContainer

Definition at line 11 of file PSimHitContainer.h.

Definition at line 29 of file

typedef std::string edm::ReleaseVersion

Definition at line 7 of file ReleaseVersion.h.

Definition at line 50 of file RunLumiEntryInfo.h.

typedef unsigned int edm::RunNumber_t

Definition at line 32 of file EventRange.h.

typedef std::vector<BranchDescription const *> edm::SelectedProducts

Definition at line 10 of file SelectedProducts.h.

Definition at line 12 of file SelectedProducts.h.

typedef std::vector<BranchDescription> edm::SendDescs

Definition at line 98 of file StreamedProducts.h.

typedef std::vector<StreamedProduct> edm::SendProds

Definition at line 66 of file StreamedProducts.h.

typedef std::vector<SimTrack> edm::SimTrackContainer

Definition at line 12 of file SimTrackContainer.h.

typedef std::vector<SimVertex> edm::SimVertexContainer

Definition at line 13 of file SimVertexContainer.h.

typedef edm::Ref<std::vector<SimVertex> > edm::SimVertexRef

Definition at line 14 of file SimVertexContainer.h.

Definition at line 15 of file SimVertexContainer.h.

Definition at line 16 of file SimVertexContainer.h.

Definition at line 34 of file StoredProductProvenance.h.

typedef std::set<std::string> edm::StringSet

Definition at line 17 of file DictionaryTools.h.

typedef std::vector<std::string> edm::StringVector

Definition at line 17 of file ParameterSetConverter.h.

typedef unsigned long long edm::TimeValue_t

Definition at line 28 of file Timestamp.h.

Definition at line 45 of file OutputModule.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, char> edm::Type2Code

Definition at line 79 of file

typedef std::vector< edm::BranchDescription const * > edm::VCBDP

Definition at line 16 of file

Definition at line 15 of file VectorInputSourceFactory.h.

typedef std::vector<ParameterSet> edm::VParameterSet

Definition at line 33 of file ParameterSet.h.

typedef std::vector< std::string > edm::vstring

Definition at line 353 of file

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 698 of file


Definition at line 11 of file BranchActionType.h.


Definition at line 11 of file BranchType.h.

11  {
12  InEvent = 0,
13  InLumi = 1,
14  InRun = 2,
16  };
enum edm::InputType

Definition at line 5 of file InputType.h.


Definition at line 15 of file JobMode.h.


Definition at line 5 of file ProductKindOfType.h.


Definition at line 32 of file ParameterDescriptionNode.h.

32  {
33  k_int32 = 'I',
34  k_vint32 = 'i',
35  k_uint32 = 'U',
36  k_vuint32 = 'u',
37  k_int64 = 'L',
38  k_vint64 = 'l',
39  k_uint64 = 'X',
40  k_vuint64 = 'x',
41  k_double = 'D',
42  k_vdouble = 'd',
43  k_bool = 'B',
44  k_string = 'S',
45  k_vstring = 's',
46  k_EventID = 'E',
47  k_VEventID = 'e',
48  k_LuminosityBlockID = 'M',
50  k_InputTag = 't',
51  k_VInputTag = 'v',
52  k_FileInPath = 'F',
55  k_EventRange = 'R',
56  k_VEventRange = 'r',
57  k_PSet = 'Q',
58  k_VPSet = 'q'
59  };

Definition at line 11 of file ProductHolderIndex.h.


Definition at line 28 of file TerminationOrigin.h.


Definition at line 39 of file TypeWithDict.h.

39  {
40  InheritedDefault = Reflex::INHERITEDMEMBERS_DEFAULT,
41  InheritedNo = Reflex::INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO,
42  InheritedAlso = Reflex::INHERITEDMEMBERS_ALSO
43  };

Definition at line 5 of file Verbosity.h.

5  {
6  Silent=0,
7  Concise=2,
8  Normal=5,
9  Detailed=10
10  };

Definition at line 18 of file ParameterWildcardBase.h.

Function Documentation

void edm::addContextAndPrintException ( char const *  context,
cms::Exception ex,
bool  disablePrint 

Definition at line 12 of file

References cms::Exception::addContext(), edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), printCmsException(), cms::Exception::returnCode(), and cms::Exception::setAlreadyPrinted().

Referenced by callWithTryCatchAndPrint(), edm::StreamSchedule::processOneEvent(), edm::GlobalSchedule::processOneGlobal(), edm::WorkerManager::processOneOccurrence(), and edm::StreamSchedule::processOneStream().

14  {
15  if (context != 0 && strlen(context) != 0U) {
16  ex.addContext(context);
17  }
18  if (!disablePrint) {
19  Service<JobReport> jobReportSvc;
20  if (jobReportSvc.isAvailable()) {
21  JobReport *jobRep = jobReportSvc.operator->();
22  edm::printCmsException(ex, jobRep, ex.returnCode());
23  }
24  else {
26  }
27  ex.setAlreadyPrinted(true);
28  }
29  }
void setAlreadyPrinted(bool value)
void addContext(std::string const &context)
int returnCode() const
void printCmsException(cms::Exception &e, edm::JobReport *jobRep=0, int rc=-1)
edm::all_output_communicators_ ( )

Referenced by endpathsAreActive_().

template<class FP >
bool edm::asm_isnan ( FP  x)

Definition at line 43 of file math.h.

References flags.

44  {
45  // I do not know of a preprocessor symbol used to identify the
46  // presence of an x87 floating-point processor.
47 #if defined(__i386__)||defined(__x86_64)
48  u_int16_t flags;
49  __asm__("fxam\n\t"
50  "fstsw %%ax"
51  : "=a" (flags) /* output */
52  : "t" (x) /* input */
53  : /* clobbered */
54  );
55  return (flags & 0x4500)==0x0100;
56 #else
57  #error No asm_isnan for this architecture.
58 #endif
59  }
std::vector< Variable::Flags > flags
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
bool edm::binary_search_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Datum const &  d 
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum , typename Predicate >
bool edm::binary_search_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Datum const &  d,
Predicate  p 

Definition at line 83 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

83  {
84  return std::binary_search(s.begin(), s.end(), d, p);
85  }
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToAuxBranchName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 118 of file

References InEvent, and InRun.

Referenced by fwlite::Event::Event().

118  { // backward compatibility
119  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventAux : ((branchType == InRun) ? runAux : lumiAux)); // backward compatibility
120  } // backward compatibility
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToAuxiliaryBranchName ( BranchType const &  branchType)
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToBranchEntryInfoBranchName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 126 of file

References InEvent, and InRun.

Referenced by fwlite::internal::BranchMapReaderStrategyV8::updateFile(), and ProvenanceDumper::work_().

126  {
127  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventEventEntryInfo : ((branchType == InRun) ? runEventEntryInfo : lumiEventEntryInfo));
128  }
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToInfoTreeName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 110 of file

References ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff::eventInfo, InEvent, InRun, and pileupCalc::lumiInfo.

110  { // backward compatibility
111  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventInfo : ((branchType == InRun) ? runInfo : lumiInfo)); // backward compatibility
112  } // backward compatibility
list lumiInfo
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToMajorIndexName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 134 of file

References InEvent, and InRun.

134  {
135  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventMajorIndex : ((branchType == InRun) ? runMajorIndex : lumiMajorIndex));
136  }
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToMetaDataTreeName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 106 of file

References InEvent, and InRun.

Referenced by ProvenanceDumper::work_().

106  {
107  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventMeta : ((branchType == InRun) ? runMeta : lumiMeta));
108  }
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToMinorIndexName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 138 of file

References InEvent, and InRun.

138  {
139  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventMinorIndex : ((branchType == InRun) ? runMinorIndex : lumiMinorIndex));
140  }
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToProductProvenanceBranchName ( BranchType const &  BranchType)

Definition at line 130 of file

References InEvent, and InRun.

Referenced by edm::ReducedProvenanceReader::ReducedProvenanceReader(), edm::RootOutputFile::RootOutputFile(), and ProvenanceDumper::work_().

130  {
131  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventProductProvenance : ((branchType == InRun) ? runProductProvenance : lumiProductProvenance));
132  }
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToProductStatusBranchName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 122 of file

References InEvent, and InRun.

122  { // backward compatibility
123  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? eventProductStatus : ((branchType == InRun) ? runProductStatus : lumiProductStatus)); // backward compatibility
124  } // backward compatibility
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToProductTreeName ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 102 of file

References patZpeak::events, InEvent, InRun, edmLumisInFiles::lumis, and gather_cfg::runs.

Referenced by ProvenanceDumper::work_().

102  {
103  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? events : ((branchType == InRun) ? runs : lumis));
104  }
tuple runs
tuple events
std::string const & edm::BranchTypeToString ( BranchType const &  branchType)

Definition at line 98 of file

References event(), InEvent, InRun, fjr2json::lumi, and DTTTrigCorrFirst::run.

Referenced by operator<<(), and edm::EDConsumerBase::throwBranchMismatch().

98  {
99  return ((branchType == InEvent) ? event : ((branchType == InRun) ? run : lumi));
100  }
tuple lumi
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
template<typename TReturn >
TReturn edm::callWithTryCatchAndPrint ( std::function< TReturn(void)>  iFunc,
char const *  context = 0,
bool  disablePrint = false 

Definition at line 51 of file ExceptionHelpers.h.

References addContextAndPrintException(), and edm::convertException::wrap().

53  {
55  try {
56  return convertException::wrap([iFunc]() {
57  return iFunc();
58  });
59  }
60  catch(cms::Exception& ex) {
61  addContextAndPrintException(context, ex, disablePrint);
62  throw;
63  }
64  return TReturn();
65  }
void addContextAndPrintException(char const *context, cms::Exception &ex, bool disablePrint)
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
static void edm::check ( Principal const &  p,
std::string const &  id,
edm::ModuleCallingContext const *  mcc 

Definition at line 82 of file

References edm::Principal::begin(), edm::BranchDescription::branchID(), edm::OutputHandle::desc(), edm::Principal::end(), edm::hlt::Exception, edm::Principal::getByLabel(), edm::Principal::getForOutput(), and PRODUCT_TYPE.

Referenced by SegmentsTrackAssociator::associate(), edm::StreamerInputFile::openStreamerFile(), EcalTrivialConditionRetriever::produceEcalLaserAlphas(), edm::DataMixingMuonWorker::putMuon(), edm::GetProductCheckerOutputModule::write(), edm::GetProductCheckerOutputModule::writeLuminosityBlock(), and edm::GetProductCheckerOutputModule::writeRun().

82  {
83  for(Principal::const_iterator it = p.begin(), itEnd = p.end();
84  it != itEnd;
85  ++it) {
86  if(*it) {
87  if (!(*it)->singleProduct()) continue;
89  BranchID branchID = (*it)->branchDescription().branchID();
90  OutputHandle const oh = p.getForOutput(branchID, false, mcc);
92  if(0 != oh.desc() && oh.desc()->branchID() != branchID) {
93  throw cms::Exception("BranchIDMissMatch") << "While processing " << id << " request for BranchID " << branchID << " returned BranchID " << oh.desc()->branchID() << "\n";
94  }
96  TypeID const& tid((*it)->branchDescription().unwrappedTypeID());
97  BasicHandle bh = p.getByLabel(PRODUCT_TYPE, tid,
98  (*it)->branchDescription().moduleLabel(),
99  (*it)->branchDescription().productInstanceName(),
100  (*it)->branchDescription().processName(),
101  nullptr, mcc);
103  /*This doesn't appear to be an error, it just means the Product isn't available, which can be legitimate
104  if(!bh.product()) {
105  throw cms::Exception("GetByLabelFailure") << "While processing " << id << " getByLabel request for " << (*it)->productDescription().moduleLabel()
106  << " '" << (*it)->productDescription().productInstanceName() << "' " << (*it)->productDescription().processName() << " failed\n.";
107  }*/
108  if(0 != bh.provenance() && bh.provenance()->branchDescription().branchID() != branchID) {
109  throw cms::Exception("BranchIDMissMatch") << "While processing " << id << " getByLabel request for " << (*it)->branchDescription().moduleLabel()
110  << " '" << (*it)->branchDescription().productInstanceName() << "' " << (*it)->branchDescription().processName()
111  << "\n should have returned BranchID " << branchID << " but returned BranchID " << bh.provenance()->branchDescription().branchID() << "\n";
112  }
113  }
114  }
115  }
void edm::checkDictionaries ( std::string const &  name,
bool  noComponents = false 

Definition at line 187 of file

References edm::TypeWithDict::byName(), createPayload::checkType, foundTypes(), missingTypes(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and edmStreamStallGrapher::t.

Referenced by edm::PoolOutputModule::beginJob(), loadCap(), loadMissingDictionaries(), and maybeThrowMissingDictionaryException().

187  {
188  TypeWithDict null;
189  TypeWithDict t(TypeWithDict::byName(name));
190  if(t == null) {
191  if(name == std::string("void")) {
192  foundTypes().insert(name);
193  } else {
194  missingTypes().insert(name);
195  }
196  return;
197  }
198  checkType(t, noComponents);
199  }
StringSet & missingTypes()
StringSet & foundTypes()
void edm::checkForWrongProduct ( ProductID const &  keyID,
ProductID const &  refID 

Definition at line 6 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception, and edm::errors::InvalidReference.

Referenced by edm::AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper >::operator[]().

6  {
7  if (keyID != refID) {
9  "AssociationVector: trying to use [] operator passing a reference\n" <<
10  " with the wrong product id (i.e.: pointing to the wrong collection)\n" <<
11  " = " << keyID << ", = " << refID << "\n";
13  }
14  }
static void edm::cleanup ( const Factory::MakerMap::value_type &  v)
void edm::clearLoggedErrorsSummary ( unsigned int  iStreamID)

Definition at line 193 of file

References errorSummaryMaps.

Referenced by edm::service::MessageLogger::postEvent().

193  {
194  assert(iStreamID<errorSummaryMaps.size());
195  errorSummaryMaps[iStreamID].clear();
196  }
static std::vector< tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< ErrorSummaryMapKey, AtomicUnsignedInt, ErrorSummaryMapKey::key_hash > > errorSummaryMaps
void edm::clearMessageLog ( )

Definition at line 100 of file

References edm::MessageDrop::clear(), and edm::MessageDrop::instance().

100  { // 11/30/10 mf
101  MessageDrop::instance()->clear();
102 }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
bool edm::combinable ( BranchDescription const &  a,
BranchDescription const &  b 

Definition at line 292 of file

References edm::BranchDescription::branchID(), edm::BranchDescription::branchType(), edm::BranchDescription::friendlyClassName(), edm::BranchDescription::fullClassName(), edm::BranchDescription::moduleLabel(), edm::BranchDescription::processName(), and edm::BranchDescription::productInstanceName().

Referenced by edm::ProductRegistry::copyProduct(), and operator==().

292  {
293  return
294  (a.branchType() == b.branchType()) &&
295  (a.processName() == b.processName()) &&
296  (a.fullClassName() == b.fullClassName()) &&
297  (a.friendlyClassName() == b.friendlyClassName()) &&
298  (a.productInstanceName() == b.productInstanceName()) &&
299  (a.moduleLabel() == b.moduleLabel()) &&
300  (a.branchID() == b.branchID());
301  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::contains ( LuminosityBlockRange const &  lh,
LuminosityBlockID const &  rh 

Definition at line 52 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endLumiID(), and edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startLumiID().

52  {
53  if (rh >= lh.startLumiID() && rh <= lh.endLumiID()) {
54  return true;
55  }
56  return false;
57  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::contains ( LuminosityBlockRange const &  lh,
LuminosityBlockRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 59 of file

References contains(), edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endLumiID(), and edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startLumiID().

59  {
60  if (contains(lh,rh.startLumiID()) && contains(lh,rh.endLumiID())) {
61  return true;
62  }
63  return false;
64  }
bool contains(EventRange const &lh, EventID const &rh)
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::contains ( EventRange const &  lh,
EventID const &  rh 
bool edm::contains ( EventRange const &  lh,
EventRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 49 of file

References contains(), edm::EventRange::endEventID(), edm::EventRange::startEventID(), and edm::EventRange::startLumi().

49  {
50  assert((lh.startLumi() == 0) == (rh.startLumi() == 0));
51  return (contains(lh, rh.startEventID()) && contains(lh, rh.endEventID()));
52  }
bool contains(EventRange const &lh, EventID const &rh)
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::contains_ ( EventRange const &  lh,
EventID const &  rh 

Definition at line 45 of file

References edm::EventRange::endEventID(), and edm::EventRange::startEventID().

Referenced by contains().

45  {
46  return (rh >= lh.startEventID() && rh <= lh.endEventID());
47  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
template<class FwdIter >
FwdIter edm::contextual_find ( FwdIter  b,
FwdIter  e,
char  first,
char  sep,
char  last 

Definition at line 48 of file split.h.

References b, alignCSCRings::e, and CommonUtil::nested.

Referenced by split().

50 {
51  for(int nested = 0; b != e; ++b) {
52  if(*b == first)
53  ++nested;
54  else if(*b == last)
55  --nested;
56  else if(*b == sep && nested == 0)
57  return b;
58  }
60  return e;
62 } // contextual_find()
list nested
bool first
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
template<class FwdIter >
FwdIter edm::contextual_find_not ( FwdIter  b,
FwdIter  e,
char  first,
char  sep,
char  last 

Definition at line 70 of file split.h.

References b, and alignCSCRings::e.

Referenced by split().

72 {
73  for(; b != e; ++b) {
74  if(*b != sep)
75  return b;
76  }
78  return e;
80 } // contextual_find_not()
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
void edm::conversion ( LuminosityBlockAux const &  from,
LuminosityBlockAuxiliary &  to 

Definition at line 11 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary::beginTime_, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary::endTime_, edm::LuminosityBlockAux::id_, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary::id_, edm::Timestamp::invalidTimestamp(), edm::LuminosityBlockAux::processHistoryID_, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary::processHistoryID_, and edm::LuminosityBlockAux::runID_.

11  {
12  to.processHistoryID_ = from.processHistoryID_;
13  to.id_ = LuminosityBlockID(from.runID_, from.id_);
14  to.beginTime_ = to.endTime_ = Timestamp::invalidTimestamp();
15  }
void edm::conversion ( RunAux const &  from,
RunAuxiliary &  to 

Definition at line 11 of file

References edm::RunAuxiliary::beginTime_, edm::RunAuxiliary::endTime_, edm::RunAux::id_, edm::RunAuxiliary::id_, edm::Timestamp::invalidTimestamp(), edm::RunAux::processHistoryID_, and edm::RunAuxiliary::processHistoryID_.

11  {
12  to.processHistoryID_ = from.processHistoryID_;
13  to.id_ = RunID(from.id_);
14  to.beginTime_ = to.endTime_ = Timestamp::invalidTimestamp();
15  }
void edm::conversion ( EventAux const &  from,
EventAuxiliary &  to 
template<typename T >
void edm::convert_handle ( BasicHandle &&  bh,
Handle< T > &  result 

Definition at line 20 of file ConvertHandle.h.

References compareJSON::const, h, edm::Wrapper< T >::product(), edm::handleimpl::throwConvertTypeError(), edm::handleimpl::throwInvalidReference(), and wrapper.

Referenced by edm::detail::NamedEventSelector::fill(), edm::Event::get(), PileUpEventPrincipal::getByLabel(), edm::EventBase::getByLabel(), edm::RunBase::getByLabel(), edm::LuminosityBlock::getByLabel(), edm::LuminosityBlockBase::getByLabel(), edm::Run::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::LuminosityBlock::getByToken(), edm::Run::getByToken(), edm::Event::getByToken(), edm::PrincipalGetAdapter::getManyByType(), and FRDEventOutputModule< Consumer >::write().

21  {
22  if(bh.failedToGet()) {
23  Handle<T> h(std::move(bh.whyFailedFactory()));
24  result = std::move(h);
25  return;
26  }
27  void const* basicWrapper = bh.wrapper();
28  if(basicWrapper == 0) {
30  }
31  if(!(bh.wrapper()->dynamicTypeInfo() == typeid(T))) {
32  handleimpl::throwConvertTypeError(typeid(T), bh.wrapper()->dynamicTypeInfo());
33  }
34  Wrapper<T> const* wrapper = static_cast<Wrapper<T> const*>(basicWrapper);
36  Handle<T> h(wrapper->product(), bh.provenance());
37  h.swap(result);
38  }
void throwConvertTypeError(std::type_info const &expected, std::type_info const &actual)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
void throwInvalidReference()
string const
long double T
static HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper wrapper
void edm::convert_handle ( BasicHandle const &  orig,
Handle< FWGenericObject > &  result 

specialize this function forFWGenericHandle

Definition at line 20 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, edm::hlt::Exception, edm::BasicHandle::failedToGet(), edm::ObjectWithDict::get(), h, edm::BasicHandle::id(), edm::errors::InvalidReference, edm::errors::LogicError, edm::TypeWithDict::name(), edm::BasicHandle::provenance(), edm::Handle< FWGenericObject >::setWhyFailed(), edm::Handle< FWGenericObject >::type(), edm::BasicHandle::whyFailed(), edm::convertException::wrap(), edm::WrapperBase::wrappedTypeInfo(), and edm::BasicHandle::wrapper().

22 {
23  if(orig.failedToGet()) {
24  result.setWhyFailed(orig.whyFailed());
25  return;
26  }
28  WrapperBase const* originalWrap = orig.wrapper();
29  if(originalWrap == nullptr) {
31  << "edm::BasicHandle has null pointer to Wrapper";
32  }
34  edm::ObjectWithDict wrap(edm::TypeWithDict(originalWrap->wrappedTypeInfo()), const_cast<void*>(static_cast<void const*>(originalWrap)));
35  assert(bool(wrap));
37  edm::ObjectWithDict product(wrap.get("obj"));
39  if(!product){
40  throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)<<"FWGenericObject could not find 'obj' member";
41  }
42  if(product.typeOf()!=result.type()){
43  std::cerr << "FWGenericObject asked for "<<result.type().name()
44  <<" but was given a " << product.typeOf().name();
45  throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)<<"FWGenericObject asked for "<<result.type().name()
46  <<" but was given a "<<product.typeOf().name();
47  }
49  Handle<FWGenericObject> h(product, orig.provenance(),;
50  h.swap(result);
51 }
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
void edm::convert_handle ( BasicHandle &&  orig,
Handle< GenericObject > &  result 

specialize this function for GenericHandle

Definition at line 19 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception, edm::ObjectWithDict::get(), h, edm::errors::InvalidReference, edm::errors::LogicError, edm::TypeWithDict::name(), edm::Handle< GenericObject >::setWhyFailedFactory(), edm::Handle< GenericObject >::type(), edm::convertException::wrap(), and edm::WrapperBase::wrappedTypeInfo().

21 {
22  if(orig.failedToGet()) {
23  result.setWhyFailedFactory(orig.whyFailedFactory());
24  return;
25  }
26  WrapperBase const* originalWrap = orig.wrapper();
27  if(originalWrap == nullptr) {
28  throw Exception(errors::InvalidReference,"NullPointer")
29  << "edm::BasicHandle has null pointer to Wrapper";
30  }
32  ObjectWithDict wrap(originalWrap->wrappedTypeInfo(), const_cast<WrapperBase*>(originalWrap));
33  assert(bool(wrap));
35  ObjectWithDict product(wrap.get("obj"));
36  if(!product){
37  throw Exception(errors::LogicError)<<"GenericObject could not find 'obj' member";
38  }
39  if(product.typeOf() != result.type()) {
40  throw Exception(errors::LogicError) << "GenericObject asked for " << result.type().name()
41  << " but was given a " << product.typeOf().name();
42  }
44  Handle<GenericObject> h(product, orig.provenance(),;
45  h.swap(result);
46 }
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Func >
Func edm::copy_all ( ForwardSequence &  s,
Func  f 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename ToT >
void edm::copyFromTo ( ESProducts< T1, T2, T3 > &  iFrom,
ToT &  iTo 

Definition at line 200 of file ESProducts.h.

References edm::eventsetup::produce::ProductHolder< T1, T2, T3 >::assignTo().

201  {
202  iFrom.assignTo(iTo);
203  }
std::string edm::createGlobalIdentifier ( )

Definition at line 6 of file

References edm::Guid::toString().

Referenced by DQMRootOutputModule::openFile(), edm::RootOutputFile::RootOutputFile(), and edm::RootFile::validateFile().

6  {
7  Guid guid;
8  return guid.toString();
9  }
std::string toString() const
ora::Guid Guid
Definition: Guid.h:26
bool edm::decode ( bool &  to,
std::string const &  from 
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< bool > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 82 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

82  {
83  std::vector<std::string> temp;
84  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}')) {
85  return false;
86  }
88  to.clear();
89  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
90  , e = temp.end()
91  ; b != e; ++b) {
92  bool val = false;
93  if(!decode(val, *b)) {
94  return false;
95  }
96  to.push_back(val);
97  }
98  return true;
99  } // decode to vector<bool>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
bool edm::decode ( int &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 129 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, and jetcorrextractor::sign().

129  {
130  std::string::const_iterator b = from.begin()
131  , e = from.end();
133  if(*b != '+' && *b != '-') {
134  return false;
135  }
136  int sign = (*b == '+') ? +1 : -1;
138  to = 0;
139  while(++b != e) {
140  if(!std::isdigit(*b)) {
141  return false;
142  }
143  to = 10 * to + (*b - '0');
144  }
145  to *= sign;
147  return true;
148  } // decode to int
double sign(double x)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< int > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 218 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

218  {
219  std::vector<std::string> temp;
220  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}')) {
221  return false;
222  }
224  to.clear();
225  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
226  , e = temp.end()
227  ; b != e; ++b) {
228  int val = 0;
229  if(!decode(val, *b)) {
230  return false;
231  }
232  to.push_back(val);
233  }
235  return true;
236  } // decode to vector<int>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
bool edm::decode ( unsigned int &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 314 of file

References b, and alignCSCRings::e.

314  {
315  std::string::const_iterator b = from.begin()
316  , e = from.end();
318  to = 0u;
319  for(; b != e; ++b) {
320  if(*b == 'u' || *b == 'U') {
321  return true;
322  }
323  if(!std::isdigit(*b)) {
324  return false;
325  }
326  to = 10u * to + (*b - '0');
327  }
328  return true;
329  } // decode to unsigned
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 383 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

383  {
384  std::vector<std::string> temp;
385  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}')) {
386  return false;
387  }
388  to.clear();
389  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
390  , e = temp.end()
391  ; b != e; ++b) {
392  unsigned int val = 0;
393  if(!decode(val, *b)) {
394  return false;
395  }
396  to.push_back(val);
397  }
399  return true;
400  } // decode to vector<unsigned int>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
bool edm::decode ( long long &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 173 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, and jetcorrextractor::sign().

173  {
174  std::string::const_iterator b = from.begin()
175  , e = from.end();
177  if(*b != '+' && *b != '-') {
178  return false;
179  }
180  int sign = (*b == '+') ? +1 : -1;
182  to = 0;
183  while(++b != e) {
184  if(!std::isdigit(*b)) {
185  return false;
186  }
187  to = 10 * to + (*b - '0');
188  }
189  to *= sign;
191  return true;
192  } // decode to int
double sign(double x)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< long long > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 267 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

267  {
268  std::vector<std::string> temp;
269  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}')) {
270  return false;
271  }
273  to.clear();
274  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
275  , e = temp.end()
276  ; b != e; ++b) {
277  long long val = 0LL;
278  if(!decode(val, *b)) {
279  return false;
280  }
281  to.push_back(val);
282  }
284  return true;
285  } // decode to vector<int>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
bool edm::decode ( unsigned long long &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 349 of file

References b, and alignCSCRings::e.

349  {
350  std::string::const_iterator b = from.begin()
351  , e = from.end();
352  to = 0u;
353  for(; b != e; ++b) {
354  if(*b == 'u' || *b == 'U') {
355  return true;
356  }
357  if(!std::isdigit(*b)) {
358  return false;
359  }
360  to = 10u * to + (*b - '0');
361  }
362  return true;
363  } // decode to unsigned
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< unsigned long long > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 430 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

430  {
431  std::vector<std::string> temp;
432  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}')) {
433  return false;
434  }
435  to.clear();
436  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
437  , e = temp.end()
438  ; b != e; ++b) {
439  unsigned long long val = 0ULL;
440  if(!decode(val, *b)) {
441  return false;
442  }
443  to.push_back(val);
444  }
446  return true;
447  } // decode to vector<unsigned int>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
bool edm::decode ( double &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 479 of file

References infinity, and max().

479  {
480  if(from == "NaN") {
481  to = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
482  } else if(from == "+inf" || from == "inf") {
483  to = std::numeric_limits<double>::has_infinity
485  : std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
486  } else if(from == "-inf") {
487  to = std::numeric_limits<double>::has_infinity
489  : -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
490  }
492  else {
493  try {
494  // std::cerr << "from:" << from << std::endl;
495  to = boost::lexical_cast<double>(from);
496  // std::cerr << "to:" << to << std::endl;
497  }
498  catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast&) {
499  return false;
500  }
501  }
502  return true;
503  }
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
const double infinity
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< double > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 523 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

523  {
524  std::vector<std::string> temp;
525  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}'))
526  return false;
528  to.clear();
529  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
530  , e = temp.end()
531  ; b != e; ++b) {
532  double val;
533  if(!decode(val, *b))
534  return false;
535  to.push_back(val);
536  }
538  return true;
539  } // decode to vector<double>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
bool edm::decode ( std::string &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 569 of file

References b, trackerHits::c, alignCSCRings::e, and from_hex().

569  {
570  /*std::cerr << "Decoding: " << from << '\n'; //DEBUG*/
571  std::string::const_iterator b = from.begin()
572  , e = from.end();
574  to = "";
575  to.reserve((e-b)/2);
576  char c = '\0';
577  for(bool even_pos = true
578  ; b != e; ++b, even_pos = !even_pos) {
579  if(even_pos) {
580  /*std::cerr << "Even: |"
581  << *b
582  << "| giving "
583  << from_hex(*b)
584  << "\n"; //DEBUG*/
585  c = static_cast<char>(from_hex(*b));
586  }
587  else {
588  /*std::cerr << "Odd: |"
589  << *b
590  << "| giving "
591  << from_hex(*b)
592  << "\n"; //DEBUG*/
593  c = static_cast<char>(c * 16 + from_hex(*b));
594  // if(std::isalnum(c)) {
595  /*std::cerr << "Ans: |" << c << "|\n"; //DEBUG*/
596  to += c;
597  //}
598  //else { // keep all special chars encoded
599  //to += "\\x";
600  //to += to_hex_rep(c);
601  //}
602  }
603  }
604  /*std::cerr << "Decoded: " << to << '\n'; //DEBUG*/
605  return true;
606  } // decode to String
static unsigned int from_hex(char c)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< std::string > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 1092 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

1092  {
1093  std::vector<std::string> temp;
1094  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}'))
1095  return false;
1097  to.clear();
1098  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
1099  , e = temp.end()
1100  ; b != e; ++b) {
1101  std::string val;
1102  // treat blank string specially
1103  if(*b == "XXX") {
1104  val = "";
1105  } else if(!decode(val, *b)) {
1106  return false;
1107  }
1108  to.push_back(val);
1109  }
1111  return true;
1112  } // decode to vector<string>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
bool edm::decode ( edm::FileInPath to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 614 of file

References edm::FileInPath::readFromParameterSetBlob(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

614  {
615  std::istringstream is(from);
617  temp.readFromParameterSetBlob(is);
618  if (!is) return false;
619  to = temp;
620  return true;
621  } // decode to FileInPath
void readFromParameterSetBlob(std::istream &is)
bool edm::decode ( edm::InputTag to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 640 of file

640  {
641  to = InputTag(from);
642  return true;
643  } // decode to InputTag
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< edm::InputTag > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 659 of file

References decode().

659  {
660  std::vector<std::string> strings;
661  decode(strings, from);
663  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator stringItr = strings.begin(), stringItrEnd = strings.end();
664  stringItr != stringItrEnd; ++stringItr) {
665  to.push_back(InputTag(*stringItr));
666  }
667  return true;
668  } // decode to VInputTag
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
bool edm::decode ( edm::ESInputTag to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 690 of file

690  {
691  to = ESInputTag(from);
692  return true;
693  } // decode to InputTag
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< edm::ESInputTag > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 709 of file

References decode().

709  {
710  std::vector<std::string> strings;
711  decode(strings, from);
713  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator stringItr = strings.begin(), stringItrEnd = strings.end();
714  stringItr != stringItrEnd; ++stringItr) {
715  to.push_back(ESInputTag(*stringItr));
716  }
717  return true;
718  } // decode to VInputTag
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
bool edm::decode ( edm::EventID to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 739 of file

References event(), fjr2json::lumi, DTTTrigCorrFirst::run, and tokenize().

739  {
740  std::vector<std::string> tokens = edm::tokenize(from, ":");
741  assert(tokens.size() == 2 || tokens.size() == 3);
742  unsigned int run = strtoul(tokens[0].c_str(), 0, 0);
743  unsigned int lumi = (tokens.size() == 2 ? 0 : strtoul(tokens[1].c_str(), 0, 0));
744  unsigned int event = strtoul(tokens[tokens.size() - 1].c_str(), 0, 0);
745  to = edm::EventID(run, lumi, event);
747  return true;
748  } // decode to EventID
tuple lumi
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
std::vector< std::string > tokenize(std::string const &input, std::string const &separator)
breaks the input string into tokens, delimited by the separator
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< edm::EventID > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 770 of file

References decode().

770  {
771  std::vector<std::string> strings;
772  decode(strings, from);
774  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator stringItr = strings.begin(), stringItrEnd = strings.end();
775  stringItr != stringItrEnd; ++stringItr) {
776  edm::EventID eventID;
777  decode(eventID, *stringItr);
778  to.push_back(eventID);
779  }
780  return true;
781  } // decode to VInputTag
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
bool edm::decode ( edm::LuminosityBlockID to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 803 of file

References fjr2json::lumi, DTTTrigCorrFirst::run, and tokenize().

803  {
804  std::vector<std::string> tokens = edm::tokenize(from, ":");
805  assert(tokens.size() == 2);
806  unsigned int run = strtoul(tokens[0].c_str(), 0, 0);
807  unsigned int lumi = strtoul(tokens[1].c_str(), 0, 0);
808  to = edm::LuminosityBlockID(run, lumi);
809  return true;
810  } // decode to LuminosityBlockID
tuple lumi
std::vector< std::string > tokenize(std::string const &input, std::string const &separator)
breaks the input string into tokens, delimited by the separator
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockID > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 828 of file

References decode().

828  {
829  std::vector<std::string> strings;
830  decode(strings, from);
832  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator stringItr = strings.begin(), stringItrEnd = strings.end();
833  stringItr != stringItrEnd; ++stringItr) {
834  edm::LuminosityBlockID lumiID;
835  decode(lumiID, *stringItr);
836  to.push_back(lumiID);
837  }
838  return true;
839  } // decode to VInputTag
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
bool edm::decode ( edm::LuminosityBlockRange to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 862 of file

References begin, decode(), end, edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), edm::LuminosityBlockID::run(), and tokenize().

862  {
863  std::vector<std::string> tokens = edm::tokenize(from, "-");
864  assert(tokens.size() == 2);
867  edm::decode(begin,tokens[0]);
868  edm::decode(end,tokens[1]);
869  to = edm::LuminosityBlockRange(, begin.luminosityBlock(),
870, end.luminosityBlock());
871  return true;
872  } // decode to LuminosityBlockRange
RunNumber_t run() const
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
std::vector< std::string > tokenize(std::string const &input, std::string const &separator)
breaks the input string into tokens, delimited by the separator
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:30
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockRange > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 888 of file

References decode().

888  {
889  std::vector<std::string> strings;
890  decode(strings, from);
892  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator stringItr = strings.begin(), stringItrEnd = strings.end();
893  stringItr != stringItrEnd; ++stringItr) {
894  edm::LuminosityBlockRange lumiRange;
895  decode(lumiRange, *stringItr);
896  to.push_back(lumiRange);
897  }
898  return true;
899  } // decode to VInputTag
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
bool edm::decode ( edm::EventRange to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 919 of file

References begin, decode(), end, edm::EventID::event(), edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), edm::EventID::run(), and tokenize().

919  {
920  std::vector<std::string> tokens = edm::tokenize(from, "-");
921  assert(tokens.size() == 2);
924  edm::decode(begin,tokens[0]);
925  edm::decode(end,tokens[1]);
926  assert((begin.luminosityBlock() == 0) == (end.luminosityBlock() == 0));
927  to = edm::EventRange(, begin.luminosityBlock(), begin.event(),
928, end.luminosityBlock(), end.event());
929  return true;
930  } // decode to EventRange
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:39
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:41
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:40
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
std::vector< std::string > tokenize(std::string const &input, std::string const &separator)
breaks the input string into tokens, delimited by the separator
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:30
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< edm::EventRange > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 953 of file

References decode().

953  {
954  std::vector<std::string> strings;
955  decode(strings, from);
957  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator stringItr = strings.begin(), stringItrEnd = strings.end();
958  stringItr != stringItrEnd; ++stringItr) {
959  edm::EventRange eventRange;
960  decode(eventRange, *stringItr);
961  to.push_back(eventRange);
962  }
963  return true;
964  }
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
bool edm::decode ( ParameterSet to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 1146 of file

1146  {
1147  to = ParameterSet(from);
1148  return true;
1149  } // decode to ParameterSet
bool edm::decode ( std::vector< ParameterSet > &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 1165 of file

References b, decode(), alignCSCRings::e, split(), and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

1165  {
1166  std::vector<std::string> temp;
1167  if(!split(std::back_inserter(temp), from, '{', ',', '}'))
1168  return false;
1170  to.clear();
1171  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = temp.begin()
1172  , e = temp.end()
1173  ; b != e; ++b) {
1174  ParameterSet val;
1175  if(!decode(val, *b)) {
1176  return false;
1177  }
1178  to.push_back(val);
1179  }
1181  return true;
1182  } // decode to vector<ParameterSet>
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double split
unsigned int edm::decodeInt ( unsigned char *  v)

Definition at line 33 of file Messages.h.

References a, b, and trackerHits::c.

Referenced by edm::MsgCode::getCode(), edm::EventMsg::getDataSize(), edm::InitMsg::getDataSize(), edm::EventMsg::getEventNumber(), edm::EventMsg::getRunNumber(), edm::EventMsg::getTotalSegs(), and edm::EventMsg::getWhichSeg().

34  {
35  // first four bytes are code, LSB first
36  unsigned int a=v[0], b=v[1], c=v[2], d=v[3];
37  a|=(b<<8)|(c<<16)|(d<<24);
38  return a;
39  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
std::string const & edm::dictionaryPlugInPrefix ( )
void edm::disableAllSigs ( sigset_t *  oldset)

Definition at line 36 of file

References MUST_BE_ZERO.

Referenced by installCustomHandler(), and MulticoreRunLumiEventChecker::postForkReacquireResources().

37  {
38  sigset_t myset;
39  // all blocked for now
40  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigfillset(&myset));
41  MUST_BE_ZERO(pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,&myset,oldset));
42  }
#define MUST_BE_ZERO(fun)
bool edm::DisableLoggedErrorsSummary ( )

Definition at line 166 of file

References errorSummaryIsBeingKept, and run_regression::ret.

Referenced by edm::LogErrorHarvester::endJob(), and HLTLogMonitorFilter::endJob().

166  {
167  bool ret =,std::memory_order_acq_rel);
168  return ret;
169  }
static std::atomic< bool > errorSummaryIsBeingKept
void edm::disableRTSigs ( )

Definition at line 46 of file

References MUST_BE_ZERO, NULL, and pileupDistInMC::num.

Referenced by installCustomHandler().

47  {
48 #if defined(__linux__)
49  // ignore all the RT signals
50  sigset_t myset;
51  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigemptyset(&myset));
53  struct sigaction tmpact;
54  memset(&tmpact,0,sizeof(tmpact));
55  tmpact.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
57  for(int num = SIGRTMIN; num < SIGRTMAX; ++num) {
58  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigaddset(&myset,num));
59  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigaction(num,&tmpact,NULL));
60  }
62  MUST_BE_ZERO(pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK,&myset,0));
63 #endif
64  }
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
#define MUST_BE_ZERO(fun)
void edm::disableSignal ( sigset_t *  newset,
int  signum 

Definition at line 85 of file

References MUST_BE_ZERO.

86  {
87  // disable the specified signal
88  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigdelset(newset, signum));
89  }
#define MUST_BE_ZERO(fun)
bool edm::distinct ( LuminosityBlockRange const &  lh,
LuminosityBlockRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 74 of file

References lessThan().

74  {
75  return lessThan(lh, rh) || lessThan(rh, lh);
76  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool lessThan(EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
bool edm::distinct ( EventRange const &  lh,
EventRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 72 of file

References lessThan(), and edm::EventRange::startLumi().

Referenced by overlaps(), and cond::persistency::Query< Types...>::Query().

72  {
73  assert((lh.startLumi() == 0) == (rh.startLumi() == 0));
74  return lessThan(lh, rh) || lessThan(rh, lh);
75  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool lessThan(EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
void edm::doBuildRealData ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 31 of file

References edm::errors::Configuration, edm::hlt::Exception, and FDEBUG.

Referenced by edm::StreamerInputSource::buildClassCache().

31  {
32  FDEBUG(3) << "doing BuildRealData for " << name << "\n";
33  TClass* ttest = TClass::GetClass(name.c_str());
34  if (ttest != 0) {
35  ttest->BuildRealData();
36  } else {
38  << "Could not find TClass for " << name << "\n";
39  }
40  }
#define FDEBUG(lev)
Definition: DebugMacros.h:18
void edm::edmodule_mightGet_config ( ConfigurationDescriptions iDesc)

Definition at line 37 of file

References edm::ParameterSetDescription::addOptionalUntracked(), edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::defaultDescription(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::isLabelUnused(), kComment, kMightGet(), and findQualityFiles::v.

Referenced by edm::EDAnalyzer::prevalidate(), edm::EDProducer::prevalidate(), edm::EDFilter::prevalidate(), edm::stream::EDAnalyzerBase::prevalidate(), edm::stream::EDFilterBase::prevalidate(), edm::stream::EDProducerBase::prevalidate(), edm::global::EDAnalyzerBase::prevalidate(), edm::one::EDProducerBase::prevalidate(), edm::global::EDFilterBase::prevalidate(), edm::one::EDAnalyzerBase::prevalidate(), edm::one::EDFilterBase::prevalidate(), and edm::global::EDProducerBase::prevalidate().

37  {
38  //NOTE: by not giving a default, we are intentionally not having 'mightGet' added
39  // to any cfi files. This was done intentionally to avoid problems with HLT. If requested,
40  // the appropriate default would be an empty vector.
41  if(iDesc.defaultDescription()) {
42  if (iDesc.defaultDescription()->isLabelUnused(kMightGet)) {
43  iDesc.defaultDescription()->addOptionalUntracked<std::vector<std::string> >(kMightGet)
44  ->setComment(kComment);
45  }
46  }
47  for(auto& v: iDesc) {
48  if (v.second.isLabelUnused(kMightGet)) {
49  v.second.addOptionalUntracked<std::vector<std::string> >(kMightGet)->setComment(kComment);
50  }
51  }
53  }
static const char *const kComment
static const std::string kMightGet("mightGet")
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELdebugGen ( )

Definition at line 251 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success.

251  {
252  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success );
253  return e;
254 }
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELerrorGen ( )

Definition at line 269 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error.

269  {
270  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error );
271  return e;
272 }
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELhighestSeverityGen ( )

Definition at line 287 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_highestSeverity.

287  {
288  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_highestSeverity );
289  return e;
290 }
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELinfoGen ( )

Definition at line 257 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info.

257  {
258  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info );
259  return e;
260 }
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELsevereGen ( )

Definition at line 281 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_severe.

281  {
282  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_severe );
283  return e;
284 }
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELunspecifiedGen ( )

Definition at line 275 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_unspecified.

275  {
276  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_unspecified );
277  return e;
278 }
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELwarningGen ( )

Definition at line 263 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning.

263  {
264  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning );
265  return e;
266 }
ELseverityLevel const edm::ELzeroSeverityGen ( )

Definition at line 245 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_zeroSeverity.

245  {
246  static ELseverityLevel const e( ELseverityLevel::ELsev_zeroSeverity );
247  return e;
248 }
bool edm::EnableLoggedErrorsSummary ( )

Definition at line 161 of file

References errorSummaryIsBeingKept, and run_regression::ret.

Referenced by edm::LogErrorHarvester::beginJob(), and HLTLogMonitorFilter::beginJob().

161  {
162  bool ret =,std::memory_order_acq_rel);
163  return ret;
164  }
static std::atomic< bool > errorSummaryIsBeingKept
void edm::enableSignal ( sigset_t *  newset,
int  signum 

Definition at line 76 of file

References MUST_BE_ZERO.

77  {
78  // enable the specified signal
79  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigaddset(newset, signum));
80  }
#define MUST_BE_ZERO(fun)
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
bool  from 

Definition at line 71 of file

Referenced by encode(), and edm::Entry::Entry().

71  {
72  to = from ? "true" : "false";
73  return true;
74  } // encode from bool
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< bool > const &  from 

Definition at line 104 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

104  {
105  to = "{";
107  std::string converted;
108  for(std::vector<bool>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
109  , e = from.end()
110  ; b != e; ++b) {
111  if(!encode(converted, *b)) {
112  return false;
113  }
114  if(b != from.begin()) {
115  to += ",";
116  }
117  to += converted;
118  }
119  to += '}';
120  return true;
121  } // encode from vector<bool>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
int  from 

Definition at line 153 of file

153  {
154  bool is_negative = (from < 0);
155  if(is_negative) {
156  from = -from; // TODO: work around this for most negative integer
157  }
158  to.clear();
159  do {
160  to = static_cast<char>(from % 10 + '0') + to;
161  from /= 10;
162  } while(from > 0);
163  to = (is_negative ? '-' : '+') + to;
165  return true;
166  } // encode from int
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< int > const &  from 

Definition at line 241 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

241  {
242  to = "{";
244  std::string converted;
245  for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
246  , e = from.end()
247  ; b != e; ++b) {
248  if(!encode(converted, *b)) {
249  return false;
250  }
252  if(b != from.begin()) {
253  to += ",";
254  }
255  to += converted;
256  }
258  to += '}';
259  return true;
260  } // encode from vector<int>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
unsigned int  from 

Definition at line 334 of file

334  {
335  to.clear();
336  do {
337  to = static_cast<char>(from % 10 + '0') + to;
338  from /= 10u;
339  } while(from > 0u);
341  return true;
342  } // encode from unsigned
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  from 

Definition at line 405 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

405  {
406  to = "{";
408  std::string converted;
409  for(std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
410  , e = from.end()
411  ; b != e; ++b) {
412  if(!encode(converted, *b)) {
413  return false;
414  }
415  if(b != from.begin()) {
416  to += ",";
417  }
418  to += converted;
419  }
421  to += '}';
422  return true;
423  } // encode from vector<unsigned int>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
long long  from 

Definition at line 197 of file

197  {
198  bool is_negative = (from < 0);
199  if(is_negative) {
200  from = -from; // TODO: work around this for most negative integer
201  }
203  to.clear();
204  do {
205  to = static_cast<char>(from % 10 + '0') + to;
206  from /= 10;
207  } while(from > 0);
208  to = (is_negative ? '-' : '+') + to;
210  return true;
211  } // encode from int
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< long long > const &  from 

Definition at line 290 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

290  {
291  to = "{";
293  std::string converted;
294  for(std::vector<long long>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
295  , e = from.end()
296  ; b != e; ++b) {
297  if(!encode(converted, *b)) {
298  return false;
299  }
300  if(b != from.begin()) {
301  to += ",";
302  }
303  to += converted;
304  }
305  to += '}';
306  return true;
307  } // encode from vector<int>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
unsigned long long  from 

Definition at line 368 of file

368  {
369  to.clear();
370  do {
371  to = static_cast<char>(from % 10 + '0') + to;
372  from /= 10u;
373  } while(from > 0u);
375  return true;
376  } // encode from unsigned
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< unsigned long long > const &  from 

Definition at line 452 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

452  {
453  to = "{";
455  std::string converted;
456  for(std::vector<unsigned long long>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
457  , e = from.end()
458  ; b != e; ++b) {
459  if(!encode(converted, *b)) {
460  return false;
461  }
463  if(b != from.begin()) {
464  to += ",";
465  }
466  to += converted;
467  }
469  to += '}';
470  return true;
471  } // encode from vector<unsigned int>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
double  from 

Definition at line 508 of file

508  {
509  std::ostringstream ost;
510  ost.precision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1);
511  ost << from;
512  if(!ost) return false;
513  to = ost.str();
514  return true;
515  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< double > const &  from 

Definition at line 544 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

544  {
545  to = "{";
547  std::string converted;
548  for(std::vector<double>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
549  , e = from.end()
550  ; b != e; ++b) {
551  if(!encode(converted, *b))
552  return false;
554  if(b != from.begin())
555  to += ",";
556  to += converted;
557  }
559  to += '}';
560  return true;
561  } // encode from vector<double>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::string const &  from 

Definition at line 982 of file

References append_hex_rep(), b, alignCSCRings::e, from_hex(), and NONE.

982  {
983  std::string::const_iterator b = from.begin()
984  , e = from.end();
986  enum escape_state { NONE
988  , HEX, HEX1
989  , OCT1, OCT2
990  };
992  escape_state state = NONE;
993  int code = 0;
994  to = "";
995  for(; b != e; ++b) {
996  /*std::cerr << "State: " << state << "; char = " << *b << '\n'; //DEBUG*/
997  switch(state) {
998  case NONE: {
999  if(*b == '\\') state = BACKSLASH;
1000  else append_hex_rep(to, *b);
1001  /*std::cerr << "To: |" << to << "|\n"; //DEBUG*/
1002  break;
1003  }
1004  case BACKSLASH: {
1005  code = 0;
1006  switch(*b) {
1007  case 'x': case 'X': {
1008  state = HEX;
1009  break;
1010  }
1011  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
1012  case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': {
1013  code = 8 * code + from_hex(*b);
1014  state = OCT1;
1015  break;
1016  }
1017  case 'n': {
1018  append_hex_rep(to, 10);
1019  state = NONE;
1020  break;
1021  }
1022  case 't': {
1023  append_hex_rep(to, 9);
1024  state = NONE;
1025  break;
1026  }
1027  default: {
1028  append_hex_rep(to, *b);
1029  state = NONE;
1030  break;
1031  }
1032  }
1033  break;
1034  }
1035  case HEX: {
1036  to += *b;
1037  state = HEX1;
1038  break;
1039  }
1040  case HEX1: {
1041  to += *b;
1042  state = NONE;
1043  break;
1044  }
1045  case OCT1: {
1046  switch(*b) {
1047  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
1048  case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': {
1049  code = 8 * code + from_hex(*b);
1050  state = OCT2;
1051  break;
1052  }
1053  default: {
1054  append_hex_rep(to, code);
1055  state = NONE;
1056  break;
1057  }
1058  }
1059  break;
1060  }
1061  case OCT2: {
1062  switch(*b) {
1063  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
1064  case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': {
1065  code = 8 * code + from_hex(*b);
1066  break;
1067  }
1068  default: {
1069  append_hex_rep(to, code);
1070  break;
1071  }
1072  }
1073  state = NONE;
1074  break;
1075  }
1076  default: {
1077  throw std::logic_error("can't happen");
1078  break;
1079  }
1080  }
1081  } // for
1083  return true;
1084  } // encode from String
static unsigned int from_hex(char c)
static void append_hex_rep(std::string &s, unsigned int c)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< std::string > const &  from 

Definition at line 1117 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

1117  {
1118  to = "{";
1120  std::string converted;
1121  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
1122  , e = from.end()
1123  ; b != e; ++b) {
1124  // treat blank string specially
1125  if(*b == "") {
1126  converted = "XXX";
1127  } else if(!encode(converted, *b)) {
1128  return false;
1129  }
1131  if(b != from.begin())
1132  to += ",";
1133  to += converted;
1134  }
1136  to += '}';
1137  return true;
1138  } // encode from vector<string>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
edm::FileInPath const &  from 

Definition at line 626 of file

626  {
627  std::ostringstream ost;
628  ost << from;
629  if (!ost) return false;
630  to = ost.str();
631  return true;
632  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
edm::InputTag const &  from 

Definition at line 648 of file

References edm::InputTag::encode().

648  {
649  to = from.encode();
650  return true;
651  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< edm::InputTag > const &  from 

Definition at line 673 of file

References encode().

673  {
674  std::vector<std::string> strings;
675  for(std::vector<InputTag>::const_iterator tagItr = from.begin(), tagItrEnd = from.end();
676  tagItr != tagItrEnd; ++tagItr) {
677  strings.push_back(tagItr->encode());
678  }
679  encode(to, strings);
680  return true;
681  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
edm::ESInputTag const &  from 

Definition at line 698 of file

References edm::ESInputTag::encode().

698  {
699  to = from.encode();
700  return true;
701  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< edm::ESInputTag > const &  from 

Definition at line 723 of file

References encode().

723  {
724  std::vector<std::string> strings;
725  for(std::vector<ESInputTag>::const_iterator tagItr = from.begin(), tagItrEnd = from.end();
726  tagItr != tagItrEnd; ++tagItr) {
727  strings.push_back(tagItr->encode());
728  }
729  encode(to, strings);
730  return true;
731  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
edm::EventID const &  from 

Definition at line 753 of file

References edm::EventID::event(), edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), and edm::EventID::run().

753  {
754  std::ostringstream os;
755  if (from.luminosityBlock() == 0U) {
756  os << << ":" << from.event();
757  } else {
758  os << << ":" << from.luminosityBlock() << ":" << from.event();
759  }
760  to = os.str();
761  return true;
762  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< edm::EventID > const &  from 

Definition at line 786 of file

References encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

786  {
787  std::vector<std::string> strings;
788  for(std::vector<edm::EventID>::const_iterator idItr = from.begin(), idItrEnd = from.end();
789  idItr != idItrEnd; ++idItr) {
790  std::string encodedEventID;
791  encode(encodedEventID, *idItr);
792  strings.push_back(encodedEventID);
793  }
794  encode(to, strings);
795  return true;
796  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
edm::LuminosityBlockID const &  from 

Definition at line 815 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), and edm::LuminosityBlockID::run().

815  {
816  std::ostringstream os;
817  os << << ":" << from.luminosityBlock();
818  to = os.str();
819  return true;
820  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockID > const &  from 

Definition at line 844 of file

References encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

844  {
845  std::vector<std::string> strings;
846  for(std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockID>::const_iterator idItr = from.begin(), idItrEnd = from.end();
847  idItr != idItrEnd; ++idItr) {
848  std::string encodedLuminosityBlockID;
849  encode(encodedLuminosityBlockID, *idItr);
850  strings.push_back(encodedLuminosityBlockID);
851  }
852  encode(to, strings);
853  return true;
854  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
edm::LuminosityBlockRange const &  from 

Definition at line 875 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endLumi(), edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endRun(), edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startLumi(), and edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startRun().

875  {
876  std::ostringstream os;
877  os << from.startRun() << ":" << from.startLumi() << "-"
878  << from.endRun() << ":" << from.endLumi();
879  to = os.str();
880  return true;
881  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockRange > const &  from 

Definition at line 902 of file

References encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

902  {
903  std::vector<std::string> strings;
904  for(std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockRange>::const_iterator idItr = from.begin(), idItrEnd = from.end();
905  idItr != idItrEnd; ++idItr) {
906  std::string encodedLuminosityBlockRange;
907  encode(encodedLuminosityBlockRange, *idItr);
908  strings.push_back(encodedLuminosityBlockRange);
909  }
910  encode(to, strings);
911  return true;
912  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
edm::EventRange const &  from 

Definition at line 933 of file

References edm::EventRange::endEvent(), edm::EventRange::endLumi(), edm::EventRange::endRun(), edm::EventRange::startEvent(), edm::EventRange::startLumi(), and edm::EventRange::startRun().

933  {
934  std::ostringstream os;
935  if (from.startLumi() == 0) {
936  assert(from.endLumi() == 0);
937  os << from.startRun() << ":" << from.startEvent() << "-"
938  << from.endRun() << ":" << from.endEvent();
939  } else {
940  assert(from.endLumi() != 0);
941  os << from.startRun() << ":" << from.startLumi() << ":" << from.startEvent() << "-"
942  << from.endRun() << ":" << from.endLumi() << ":" << from.endEvent();
943  }
944  to = os.str();
945  return true;
946  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< edm::EventRange > const &  from 

Definition at line 967 of file

References encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

967  {
968  std::vector<std::string> strings;
969  for(std::vector<edm::EventRange>::const_iterator idItr = from.begin(), idItrEnd = from.end();
970  idItr != idItrEnd; ++idItr) {
971  std::string encodedEventRange;
972  encode(encodedEventRange, *idItr);
973  strings.push_back(encodedEventRange);
974  }
975  encode(to, strings);
976  return true;
977  }
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
ParameterSet const &  from 

Definition at line 1154 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::toString().

1154  {
1155  to = from.toString();
1156  return true;
1157  } // encode from ParameterSet
bool edm::encode ( std::string &  to,
std::vector< ParameterSet > const &  from 

Definition at line 1187 of file

References b, alignCSCRings::e, encode(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

1187  {
1188  to = "{";
1190  std::string converted;
1191  for(std::vector<ParameterSet>::const_iterator b = from.begin()
1192  , e = from.end()
1193  ; b != e; ++b) {
1194  if(!encode(converted, *b)) {
1195  return false;
1196  }
1197  if(b != from.begin()) {
1198  to += ",";
1199  }
1200  to += converted;
1201  }
1202  to += '}';
1203  return true;
1204  } // encode from vector<ParameterSet>
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
void edm::encodeInt ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned char *  v 

Definition at line 41 of file Messages.h.

Referenced by edm::MsgCode::setCode(), edm::EventMsg::setDataSize(), edm::InitMsg::setDataSize(), edm::EventMsg::setEventNumber(), edm::EventMsg::setRunNumber(), edm::EventMsg::setTotalSegs(), and edm::EventMsg::setWhichSeg().

42  {
43  v[0]=i&0xff;
44  v[1]=(i>>8)&0xff;
45  v[2]=(i>>16)&0xff;
46  v[3]=(i>>24)&0xff;
47  }
int i
edm::endpathsAreActive_ ( true  )

Definition at line 373 of file

References actions, all_output_communicators_(), areg, trackerHits::c, filterCSVwithJSON::copy, edm::maker::ModuleHolder::createOutputModuleCommunicator(), i, loadMissingDictionaries(), moduleRegistry_(), n, edm::SystemTimeKeeper::pauseModuleEvent(), prealloc, preg, processConfiguration, edm::SystemTimeKeeper::restartModuleEvent(), edm::pset::setProcessParameterSetID(), findQualityFiles::size, edm::SystemTimeKeeper::startEvent(), edm::SystemTimeKeeper::startModuleEvent(), edm::SystemTimeKeeper::startPath(), edm::SystemTimeKeeper::stopEvent(), edm::SystemTimeKeeper::stopModuleEvent(), edm::SystemTimeKeeper::stopPath(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, groupFilesInBlocks::temp, create_public_lumi_plots::transform, and wantSummary_().

374  {
375  assert(0<prealloc.numberOfStreams());
376  streamSchedules_.reserve(prealloc.numberOfStreams());
377  for(unsigned int i=0; i<prealloc.numberOfStreams();++i) {
378  streamSchedules_.emplace_back(std::make_shared<StreamSchedule>(resultsInserter_.get(),moduleRegistry_,proc_pset,tns,prealloc,preg,branchIDListHelper,actions,areg,processConfiguration,nullptr==subProcPSet,StreamID{i},processContext));
379  }
381  //TriggerResults are injected automatically by StreamSchedules and are
382  // unknown to the ModuleRegistry
383  const std::string kTriggerResults("TriggerResults");
384  std::vector<std::string> modulesToUse;
385  modulesToUse.reserve(streamSchedules_[0]->allWorkers().size());
386  for(auto const& worker : streamSchedules_[0]->allWorkers()) {
387  if(worker->description().moduleLabel() != kTriggerResults) {
388  modulesToUse.push_back(worker->description().moduleLabel());
389  }
390  }
391  //The unscheduled modules are at the end of the list, but we want them at the front
392  unsigned int n = streamSchedules_[0]->numberOfUnscheduledModules();
393  if(n>0) {
394  std::vector<std::string> temp;
395  temp.reserve(modulesToUse.size());
396  auto itBeginUnscheduled = modulesToUse.begin()+modulesToUse.size()-n;
397  std::copy(itBeginUnscheduled,modulesToUse.end(),
398  std::back_inserter(temp));
399  std::copy(modulesToUse.begin(),itBeginUnscheduled,std::back_inserter(temp));
400  temp.swap(modulesToUse);
401  }
402  globalSchedule_.reset( new GlobalSchedule{ resultsInserter_.get(),
404  modulesToUse,
405  proc_pset, preg, prealloc,
406  actions,areg,processConfiguration,processContext });
408  //TriggerResults is not in the top level ParameterSet so the call to
409  // reduceParameterSet would fail to find it. Just remove it up front.
410  std::set<std::string> usedModuleLabels;
411  for( auto const worker: allWorkers()) {
412  if(worker->description().moduleLabel() != kTriggerResults) {
413  usedModuleLabels.insert(worker->description().moduleLabel());
414  }
415  }
416  std::vector<std::string> modulesInConfig(proc_pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("@all_modules"));
417  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > > outputModulePathPositions;
418  reduceParameterSet(proc_pset, tns.getEndPaths(), modulesInConfig, usedModuleLabels,
419  outputModulePathPositions);
420  processEDAliases(proc_pset, processConfiguration->processName(), preg);
421  proc_pset.registerIt();
422  pset::setProcessParameterSetID(;
423  processConfiguration->setParameterSetID(;
424  processConfiguration->setProcessConfigurationID();
426  // This is used for a little sanity-check to make sure no code
427  // modifications alter the number of workers at a later date.
428  size_t all_workers_count = allWorkers().size();
430  moduleRegistry_->forAllModuleHolders([this](maker::ModuleHolder* iHolder){
431  auto comm = iHolder->createOutputModuleCommunicator();
432  if (comm) {
433  all_output_communicators_.emplace_back(std::shared_ptr<OutputModuleCommunicator>{comm.release()});
434  }
435  });
436  // Now that the output workers are filled in, set any output limits or information.
437  limitOutput(proc_pset, branchIDListHelper.branchIDLists());
441  // Sanity check: make sure nobody has added a worker after we've
442  // already relied on the WorkerManager being full.
443  assert (all_workers_count == allWorkers().size());
445  branchIDListHelper.updateFromRegistry(preg);
447  preg.setFrozen();
449  for (auto c : all_output_communicators_) {
450  c->setEventSelectionInfo(outputModulePathPositions, preg.anyProductProduced());
451  c->selectProducts(preg);
452  }
454  if(wantSummary_) {
455  std::vector<const ModuleDescription*> modDesc;
456  const auto& workers = allWorkers();
457  modDesc.reserve(workers.size());
459  std::transform(workers.begin(),workers.end(),
460  std::back_inserter(modDesc),
461  [](const Worker* iWorker) -> const ModuleDescription* {
462  return iWorker->descPtr();
463  });
465  summaryTimeKeeper_.reset(new SystemTimeKeeper(prealloc.numberOfStreams(),
466  modDesc,
467  tns));
468  auto timeKeeperPtr = summaryTimeKeeper_.get();
470  areg->watchPreModuleEvent(timeKeeperPtr, &SystemTimeKeeper::startModuleEvent);
471  areg->watchPostModuleEvent(timeKeeperPtr, &SystemTimeKeeper::stopModuleEvent);
472  areg->watchPreModuleEventDelayedGet(timeKeeperPtr, &SystemTimeKeeper::pauseModuleEvent);
473  areg->watchPostModuleEventDelayedGet(timeKeeperPtr,&SystemTimeKeeper::restartModuleEvent);
475  areg->watchPreSourceEvent(timeKeeperPtr, &SystemTimeKeeper::startEvent);
476  areg->watchPostEvent(timeKeeperPtr, &SystemTimeKeeper::stopEvent);
478  areg->watchPrePathEvent(timeKeeperPtr, &SystemTimeKeeper::startPath);
479  areg->watchPostPathEvent(timeKeeperPtr, &SystemTimeKeeper::stopPath);
480  //areg->preModuleEventSignal_.connect([timeKeeperPtr](StreamContext const& iContext, ModuleCallingContext const& iMod) {
481  //timeKeeperPtr->startModuleEvent(iContext,iMod);
482  //});
483  }
485  } // Schedule::Schedule
int i
roAction_t actions[nactions]
void setProcessParameterSetID(ParameterSetID const &id)
Associated free functions.
moduleRegistry_(new ModuleRegistry())
void loadMissingDictionaries()
tuple size
Write out results.
void edm::ep_sigusr2 ( int  ,
siginfo_t *  ,
void *   

Definition at line 25 of file

References FDEBUG, and shutdown_flag.

Referenced by edm::service::UnixSignalService::UnixSignalService().

26  {
27  FDEBUG(1) << "in sigusr2 handler\n";
29  }
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag
#define FDEBUG(lev)
Definition: DebugMacros.h:18
bool edm::eq ( const ELstring &  s1,
const ELstring  s2 

Definition at line 42 of file

References indexGen::s2.

42  {
44  return s1 == s2;
46 } // eq()
tuple s2
bool edm::eq_nocase ( const ELstring &  s1,
const char  s2[] 

Definition at line 24 of file

References p1, p2, and indexGen::s2.

Referenced by edm::ErrorObj::emitToken().

24  {
25  using std::toupper;
27  if (s1.length() != strlen(s2) ) return false;
29  ELstring::const_iterator p1;
30  const char * p2;
32  for ( p1 = s1.begin(), p2 = s2; *p2 != '\0'; ++p1, ++p2 ) {
33  if ( toupper(*p1) != toupper(*p2) ) {
34  return false;
35  }
36  }
37  return true;
39 } // eq_nocase()
tuple s2
double p2[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:90
double p1[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:89
template<class FP >
bool edm::equal_isnan ( FP  x)

Definition at line 61 of file math.h.

References x.

Referenced by isnan().

62  {
63  return x !=x;
64  }
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
void edm::fillDescriptionFromPSet ( ParameterSet const &  pset,
ParameterSetDescription desc 

Definition at line 88 of file

References edm::ParameterSetDescription::add(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::addNode(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::addUntracked(), python.tagInventory::entries, edm::ParameterSet::getParameterSet(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameterSetVector(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameterSet(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameterSetVector(), getDQMSummary::iter, python.Node::node, edm::ParameterSet::psetTable(), edm::ParameterSet::tbl(), and edm::ParameterSet::vpsetTable().

Referenced by edm::ParameterDescription< std::vector< ParameterSet > >::printNestedContent_(), and edm::ParameterDescription< std::vector< ParameterSet > >::writeOneElementToCfi().

89  {
90  ParameterSet::table const& entries = pset.tbl();
91  for (ParameterSet::table::const_iterator entry = entries.begin(),
92  endEntries = entries.end();
93  entry != endEntries;
94  ++entry) {
95  std::map<edm::ParameterTypes, FillDescriptionFromParameter>::iterator iter =
96  findTheRightFunction().find(static_cast<edm::ParameterTypes>(entry->second.typeCode()));
97  if (iter != findTheRightFunction().end()) {
98  iter->second(pset, entry->first, entry->second.isTracked(), desc);
99  }
100  }
102  ParameterSet::psettable const& pset_entries = pset.psetTable();
103  for (ParameterSet::psettable::const_iterator pset_entry = pset_entries.begin(),
104  endEntries = pset_entries.end();
105  pset_entry != endEntries;
106  ++pset_entry) {
107  edm::ParameterSet nestedPset;
108  if (pset_entry->second.isTracked()) {
109  nestedPset = pset.getParameterSet(pset_entry->first);
110  }
111  else {
112  nestedPset = pset.getUntrackedParameterSet(pset_entry->first);
113  }
114  ParameterSetDescription nestedDescription;
115  fillDescriptionFromPSet(nestedPset, nestedDescription);
116  if (pset_entry->second.isTracked()) {
117  desc.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>(pset_entry->first, nestedDescription);
118  }
119  else {
120  desc.addUntracked<edm::ParameterSetDescription>(pset_entry->first, nestedDescription);
121  }
122  }
124  ParameterSet::vpsettable const& vpset_entries = pset.vpsetTable();
125  for (ParameterSet::vpsettable::const_iterator vpset_entry = vpset_entries.begin(),
126  endEntries = vpset_entries.end();
127  vpset_entry != endEntries;
128  ++vpset_entry) {
129  std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> nestedVPset;
130  if (vpset_entry->second.isTracked()) {
131  nestedVPset = pset.getParameterSetVector(vpset_entry->first);
132  }
133  else {
134  nestedVPset = pset.getUntrackedParameterSetVector(vpset_entry->first);
135  }
136  ParameterSetDescription emptyDescription;
138  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescription<std::vector<ParameterSet> > >
139  pd(new ParameterDescription<std::vector<ParameterSet> >(vpset_entry->first, emptyDescription, vpset_entry->second.isTracked(), nestedVPset));
141  pd->setPartOfDefaultOfVPSet(true);
142  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> node(pd);
143  desc.addNode(node);
144  }
145  }
ParameterSet getUntrackedParameterSet(std::string const &name, ParameterSet const &defaultValue) const
void fillDescriptionFromPSet(ParameterSet const &pset, ParameterSetDescription &desc)
tuple node
#define table(NAME)
Definition: DbCore.h:49
ParameterSet const & getParameterSet(std::string const &) const
boost::shared_ptr<EDLooperBase> edm::fillLooper ( eventsetup::EventSetupsController &  esController,
eventsetup::EventSetupProvider &  cp,
ParameterSet params 

Definition at line 188 of file

References edm::eventsetup::ComponentFactory< T >::get(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getPSetForUpdate(), and edm::ParameterSet::registerIt().

Referenced by edm::EventProcessor::init().

190  {
191  boost::shared_ptr<EDLooperBase> vLooper;
193  std::vector<std::string> loopers = params.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("@all_loopers");
195  if(loopers.size() == 0) {
196  return vLooper;
197  }
199  assert(1 == loopers.size());
201  for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator itName = loopers.begin(), itNameEnd = loopers.end();
202  itName != itNameEnd;
203  ++itName) {
205  ParameterSet* providerPSet = params.getPSetForUpdate(*itName);
206  providerPSet->registerIt();
207  vLooper = eventsetup::LooperFactory::get()->addTo(esController,
208  cp,
209  *providerPSet);
210  }
211  return vLooper;
213  }
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:55
static void edm::fillModuleInPathSummary ( Path const &  path,
size_t  which,
ModuleInPathSummary &  sum 

Definition at line 581 of file

References edm::Worker::description(), edm::Path::getWorker(), edm::ModuleInPathSummary::moduleLabel, edm::ModuleDescription::moduleLabel(), edm::ModuleInPathSummary::timesExcept, edm::Path::timesExcept(), edm::ModuleInPathSummary::timesFailed, edm::Path::timesFailed(), edm::ModuleInPathSummary::timesPassed, edm::Path::timesPassed(), edm::ModuleInPathSummary::timesVisited, and edm::Path::timesVisited().

Referenced by fillPathSummary().

583  {
584  sum.timesVisited += path.timesVisited(which);
585  sum.timesPassed += path.timesPassed(which);
586  sum.timesFailed += path.timesFailed(which);
587  sum.timesExcept += path.timesExcept(which);
588  sum.moduleLabel = path.getWorker(which)->description().moduleLabel();
589  }
tuple path
else: Piece not in the list, fine.
static void edm::fillPathSummary ( Path const &  path,
PathSummary &  sum 

Definition at line 592 of file

References edm::PathSummary::bitPosition, edm::Path::bitPosition(), fillModuleInPathSummary(), i, edm::PathSummary::moduleInPathSummaries, edm::PathSummary::name, edm::Path::name(), edm::Path::size(), groupFilesInBlocks::temp, edm::PathSummary::timesExcept, edm::Path::timesExcept(), edm::PathSummary::timesFailed, edm::Path::timesFailed(), edm::PathSummary::timesPassed, edm::Path::timesPassed(), edm::PathSummary::timesRun, and edm::Path::timesRun().

Referenced by edm::SystemTimeKeeper::fillTriggerTimingReport(), and edm::StreamSchedule::getTriggerReport().

592  {
593 =;
594  sum.bitPosition = path.bitPosition();
595  sum.timesRun += path.timesRun();
596  sum.timesPassed += path.timesPassed();
597  sum.timesFailed += path.timesFailed();
598  sum.timesExcept += path.timesExcept();
600  Path::size_type sz = path.size();
601  if(sum.moduleInPathSummaries.size()==0) {
602  std::vector<ModuleInPathSummary> temp(sz);
603  for (size_t i = 0; i != sz; ++i) {
605  }
606  sum.moduleInPathSummaries.swap(temp);
607  } else {
608  assert(sz == sum.moduleInPathSummaries.size());
609  for (size_t i = 0; i != sz; ++i) {
610  fillModuleInPathSummary(path, i, sum.moduleInPathSummaries[i]);
611  }
612  }
613  }
static void fillModuleInPathSummary(Path const &path, size_t which, ModuleInPathSummary &sum)
int i
uint16_t size_type
tuple path
else: Piece not in the list, fine.
template<typename T , typename A >
void edm::fillPtrVector ( std::vector< T, A > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
std::vector< unsigned long > const &  iIndicies,
std::vector< void const * > &  oPtr 

Definition at line 88 of file fillPtrVector.h.

References edm::detail::reallyfillPtrVector().

Referenced by edm::helpers::PtrSetter< T >::fill().

91  {
92  detail::reallyfillPtrVector(obj, iToType, iIndicies, oPtr);
93  }
void reallyfillPtrVector(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
Definition: fillPtrVector.h:38
template<typename T , typename A >
void edm::fillPtrVector ( std::list< T, A > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
std::vector< unsigned long > const &  iIndicies,
std::vector< void const * > &  oPtr 

Definition at line 97 of file fillPtrVector.h.

References edm::detail::reallyfillPtrVector().

100  {
101  detail::reallyfillPtrVector(obj, iToType, iIndicies, oPtr);
102  }
void reallyfillPtrVector(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
Definition: fillPtrVector.h:38
template<typename T , typename A >
void edm::fillPtrVector ( std::deque< T, A > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
std::vector< unsigned long > const &  iIndicies,
std::vector< void const * > &  oPtr 

Definition at line 106 of file fillPtrVector.h.

References edm::detail::reallyfillPtrVector().

109  {
110  detail::reallyfillPtrVector(obj, iToType, iIndicies, oPtr);
111  }
void reallyfillPtrVector(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
Definition: fillPtrVector.h:38
template<typename T , typename A , typename Comp >
void edm::fillPtrVector ( std::set< T, A, Comp > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
std::vector< unsigned long > const &  iIndicies,
std::vector< void const * > &  oPtr 

Definition at line 115 of file fillPtrVector.h.

References edm::detail::reallyfillPtrVector().

118  {
119  detail::reallyfillPtrVector(obj, iToType, iIndicies, oPtr);
120  }
void reallyfillPtrVector(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, std::vector< unsigned long > const &iIndicies, std::vector< void const * > &oPtr)
Definition: fillPtrVector.h:38
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void edm::fillPtrVector ( SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  toType,
std::vector< unsigned long > const &  indices,
std::vector< void const * > &  ptrs 

Definition at line 473 of file SortedCollection.h.

476  {
477  obj.fillPtrVector(toType, indices, ptrs);
478  }
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void edm::fillPtrVector ( OwnArray< T, M, P > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  toType,
std::vector< unsigned long > const &  indices,
std::vector< void const * > &  ptrs 

Definition at line 489 of file OwnArray.h.

References edm::OwnArray< T, MAX_SIZE, P >::fillPtrVector().

492  {
493  obj.fillPtrVector(toType, indices, ptrs);
494  }
template<typename T , typename P >
void edm::fillPtrVector ( OwnVector< T, P > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  toType,
std::vector< unsigned long > const &  indices,
std::vector< void const * > &  ptrs 

Definition at line 498 of file OwnVector.h.

References edm::OwnVector< T, P >::fillPtrVector().

501  {
502  obj.fillPtrVector(toType, indices, ptrs);
503  }
template<class T , class A >
void edm::fillView ( std::vector< T, A > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  ptrs,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 79 of file FillView.h.

References edm::detail::reallyFillView().

83  {
84  detail::reallyFillView(obj, id, ptrs, helpers);
85  }
void reallyFillView(COLLECTION const &coll, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
Definition: FillView.h:49
template<class T , class A >
void edm::fillView ( std::list< T, A > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  ptrs,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 89 of file FillView.h.

References edm::detail::reallyFillView().

93  {
94  detail::reallyFillView(obj, id, ptrs, helpers);
95  }
void reallyFillView(COLLECTION const &coll, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
Definition: FillView.h:49
template<class T , class A >
void edm::fillView ( std::deque< T, A > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  ptrs,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 99 of file FillView.h.

References edm::detail::reallyFillView().

103  {
104  detail::reallyFillView(obj, id, ptrs, helpers);
105  }
void reallyFillView(COLLECTION const &coll, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
Definition: FillView.h:49
template<class T , class A , class Comp >
void edm::fillView ( std::set< T, A, Comp > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  ptrs,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 109 of file FillView.h.

References edm::detail::reallyFillView().

113  {
114  detail::reallyFillView(obj, id, ptrs, helpers);
115  }
void reallyFillView(COLLECTION const &coll, ProductID const &id, std::vector< void const * > &ptrs, helper_vector &helpers)
Definition: FillView.h:49
template<typename T >
void edm::fillView ( PtrVector< T > const &  obj,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers 

Definition at line 193 of file PtrVector.h.

References edm::PtrVector< T >::fillView().

194  {
195  obj.fillView(pointers);
196  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
void edm::fillView ( RefVector< C, T, F > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 205 of file RefVector.h.

208  {
209  obj.fillView(id, pointers, helpers);
210  }
template<typename T >
void edm::fillView ( RefToBaseVector< T > const &  obj,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers 

Definition at line 250 of file RefToBaseVector.h.

References edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::fillView().

251  {
252  obj.fillView(pointers);
253  }
template<typename KeyRefProd , typename CVal , typename KeyRef , typename SizeType , typename KeyReferenceHelper >
void edm::fillView ( AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers,
helper_vector &  helpers 
template<class T >
void edm::fillView ( DetSetVector< T > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 434 of file DetSetVector.h.

438  {
439  obj.fillView(id, pointers, helpers);
440  }
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void edm::fillView ( OwnArray< T, M, P > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 441 of file OwnArray.h.

References edm::OwnArray< T, MAX_SIZE, P >::fillView().

444  {
445  obj.fillView(id, pointers, helpers);
446  }
template<typename T , typename P >
void edm::fillView ( OwnVector< T, P > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 450 of file OwnVector.h.

References edm::OwnVector< T, P >::fillView().

453  {
454  obj.fillView(id, pointers, helpers);
455  }
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void edm::fillView ( SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &  obj,
ProductID const &  id,
std::vector< void const * > &  pointers,
helper_vector &  helpers 

Definition at line 452 of file SortedCollection.h.

455  {
456  obj.fillView(id, pointers, helpers);
457  }
static void edm::fillWorkerSummary ( Worker const *  pw,
WorkerSummary &  sum 

Definition at line 626 of file

References fillWorkerSummaryAux().

Referenced by edm::StreamSchedule::getTriggerReport().

626  {
627  fillWorkerSummaryAux(*pw, sum);
628  }
static void fillWorkerSummaryAux(Worker const &w, WorkerSummary &sum)
static void edm::fillWorkerSummaryAux ( Worker const &  w,
WorkerSummary &  sum 

Definition at line 616 of file

References edm::Worker::description(), edm::ModuleDescription::moduleLabel(), edm::WorkerSummary::moduleLabel, edm::WorkerSummary::timesExcept, edm::Worker::timesExcept(), edm::WorkerSummary::timesFailed, edm::Worker::timesFailed(), edm::WorkerSummary::timesPassed, edm::Worker::timesPassed(), edm::WorkerSummary::timesRun, edm::Worker::timesRun(), edm::WorkerSummary::timesVisited, and edm::Worker::timesVisited().

Referenced by fillWorkerSummary().

616  {
617  sum.timesVisited += w.timesVisited();
618  sum.timesRun += w.timesRun();
619  sum.timesPassed += w.timesPassed();
620  sum.timesFailed += w.timesFailed();
621  sum.timesExcept += w.timesExcept();
622  sum.moduleLabel = w.description().moduleLabel();
623  }
T w() const
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator edm::find_if_in_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Predicate const &  p 

wrappers for std::find

Definition at line 54 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

54  {
55  return std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), p);
56  }
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::iterator edm::find_if_in_all ( ForwardSequence &  s,
Predicate const &  p 

Definition at line 61 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

61  {
62  return std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), p);
63  }
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator edm::find_in_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Datum const &  d 

wrappers for std::find

Definition at line 32 of file Algorithms.h.

References spr::find().

Referenced by edm::RootFile::fillIndexIntoFile(), edm::ParameterSet::fromString(), edm::EventPrincipal::unscheduledFill(), and edm::BranchIDListHelper::updateFromInput().

32  {
33  return std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), d);
34  }
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::iterator edm::find_in_all ( ForwardSequence &  s,
Datum const &  d 

Definition at line 39 of file Algorithms.h.

References spr::find().

39  {
40  return std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), d);
41  }
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
bool edm::find_nested_type_named ( std::string const &  nested_type,
TypeWithDict const &  type_to_search,
TypeWithDict &  found_type 

Definition at line 31 of file

References edm::TypeWithDict::nestedType().

Referenced by is_PtrVector(), is_RefToBaseVector(), is_RefVector(), value_type_of(), and wrapper_type_of().

33  {
34  // Look for a sub-type named 'nested_type'
35  TypeWithDict foundType = typeToSearch.nestedType(nested_type);
36  if(bool(foundType)) {
37  found_type = foundType;
38  return true;
39  }
40  return false;
41  }
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value const& edm::findOrAssert ( std::map< Key, Value > const &  m,
Key const &  k 

Definition at line 58 of file Map.h.

58  {
59  typename std::map<Key, Value>::const_iterator it = m.find(k);
60  if (it == m.end()) assert("findOrAssert" && 0);
61  return it->second;
62  }
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value& edm::findOrAssert ( std::map< Key, Value > &  m,
Key const &  k 

Definition at line 67 of file Map.h.

67  {
68  typename std::map<Key, Value>::const_iterator it = m.find(k);
69  if (it == m.end()) assert("findOrAssert" && 0);
70  return it->second;
71  }
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value const& edm::findOrDefault ( std::map< Key, Value > const &  m,
Key const &  k,
Value const &  defaultValue 

Definition at line 28 of file Map.h.

Referenced by edm::JobReport::dumpFiles(), and edm::JobReport::JobReportImpl::writeOutputFile().

28  {
29  typename std::map<Key, Value>::const_iterator it = m.find(k);
30  return (it == m.end() ? defaultValue : it->second);
31  }
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value& edm::findOrDefault ( std::map< Key, Value > &  m,
Key const &  k,
Value &  defaultValue 

Definition at line 36 of file Map.h.

36  {
37  typename std::map<Key, Value>::const_iterator it = m.find(k);
38  return (it == m.end() ? defaultValue : it->second);
39  }
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value edm::findOrDefault ( std::map< Key, Value > const &  m,
Key const &  k 

Definition at line 47 of file Map.h.

47  {
48  typename std::map<Key, Value>::const_iterator it = m.find(k);
49  return (it == m.end() ? Value() : it->second);
50  }
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
reco::JetExtendedAssociation::JetExtendedData Value
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
template<typename Key , typename Value >
Value& edm::findOrInsert ( std::map< Key, Value > &  m,
Key const &  k 

Definition at line 18 of file Map.h.

References gen::k.

18  {
19  return m[k];
20  }
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
template<typename T , typename U >
T edm::first ( std::pair< T, U > const &  p)
void edm::FlushMessageLog ( )

Definition at line 94 of file

References edm::MessageDrop::instance(), edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqFLS(), and MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR.

Referenced by lhef::logFileAction(), edm::InputFile::logFileAction(), edm::StreamerInputFile::logFileAction(), dqmservices::DQMFileIterator::logFileAction(), DQMRootSource::logFileAction(), and RFIOFile::retryRead().

94  {
95  if (MessageDrop::instance()->messageLoggerScribeIsRunning !=
96  MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR) return; // 6/20/08 mf
97  edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqFLS ( ); // Flush the message log queue
98 }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
static const unsigned char MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR
Definition: MessageDrop.h:121
static void MLqFLS()
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Func >
Func edm::for_all ( ForwardSequence &  s,
Func  f 

wrapper for std::for_each

Function templates that provide wrappers for standard algorithms, avoiding some duplication and assuring that incommensurate iterators are not used.

Definition at line 16 of file Algorithms.h.

References f.

Referenced by edm::WorkerManager::beginJob(), edm::ParameterSwitch< T >::checkAndGetLabelsAndTypes_(), edm::detail::TriggerResultsBasedEventSelector::clear(), edm::Path::clearCounters(), edm::StreamSchedule::clearCounters(), edm::Schedule::closeOutputFiles(), edm::StreamSchedule::fillEndPath(), edm::StreamSchedule::fillTrigPath(), edm::RootOutputTree::fillTTree(), loadCap(), main(), edm::Schedule::openNewOutputFilesIfNeeded(), edm::Schedule::openOutputFiles(), edm::Schedule::postForkReacquireResources(), edm::Schedule::preForkReleaseResources(), edm::EDLooperBase::prepareForNextLoop(), edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::print(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::print(), edm::ParameterSwitch< T >::printNestedContent_(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupProvider::proxyProviderDescriptions(), edm::WorkerManager::resetAll(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProvider::resetProxies(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupProvider::resetRecordPlusDependentRecords(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProvider::resetRecordToProxyPointers(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProvider::resetTransients(), edm::Schedule::respondToCloseInputFile(), edm::Schedule::respondToOpenInputFile(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProvider::setDependentProviders(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordProvider::usePreferred(), edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::validate(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::validate(), edm::AllowedLabelsDescriptionBase::validate_(), edm::ParameterWildcard< ParameterSetDescription >::validate_(), edm::ParameterWildcard< std::vector< ParameterSet > >::validate_(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::writeCfi(), edm::ParameterDescription< std::vector< ParameterSet > >::writeCfi_(), edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::writeCfis(), edm::Schedule::writeLumi(), edm::Schedule::writeRun(), edm::writeParameterValue::writeVector(), and edm::Factory::~Factory().

16  {
17  return std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), f);
18  }
double f[11][100]
template<typename S , typename T >
S& edm::formatFile ( T const &  f,
S &  os 

Definition at line 40 of file

Referenced by print().

40  {
42  if(f.fileHasBeenClosed) {
43  os << "\n<State Value=\"closed\"/>";
44  } else {
45  os << "\n<State Value=\"open\"/>";
46  }
48  os << "\n<LFN>" << TiXmlText(f.logicalFileName) << "</LFN>";
49  os << "\n<PFN>" << TiXmlText(f.physicalFileName) << "</PFN>";
50  os << "\n<Catalog>" << TiXmlText(f.catalog) << "</Catalog>";
51  os << "\n<ModuleLabel>" << TiXmlText(f.moduleLabel) << "</ModuleLabel>";
52  os << "\n<GUID>" << f.guid << "</GUID>";
53  os << "\n<Branches>";
54  for(auto const& branch : f.branchNames) {
55  os << "\n <Branch>" << TiXmlText(branch) << "</Branch>";
56  }
57  os << "\n</Branches>";
58  return os;
59  }
double f[11][100]
StringSet & edm::foundTypes ( )

Definition at line 181 of file

References foundTypes_.

Referenced by checkDictionaries().

181  {
182  // The only purpose of this cache is to stop infinite recursion.
183  // ROOT maintains its own internal cache.
184  return foundTypes_;
185  }
static StringSet foundTypes_
bool edm::FreshErrorsExist ( unsigned int  iStreamID)

Definition at line 171 of file

References errorSummaryMaps.

Referenced by HLTLogMonitorFilter::filter(), and edm::LogErrorHarvester::produce().

171  {
172  assert(iStreamID<errorSummaryMaps.size());
173  return errorSummaryMaps[iStreamID].size()>0;
174  }
static std::vector< tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< ErrorSummaryMapKey, AtomicUnsignedInt, ErrorSummaryMapKey::key_hash > > errorSummaryMaps
std::vector< std::string > const & edm::getAllTriggerNames ( )
void edm::getCodeTable ( Exception::CodeMap *&  setme)

Definition at line 48 of file

References edm::errors::FilledMap::trans_.

Referenced by edm::Exception::codeToString().

48  {
49  static errors::FilledMap fm;
50  setme = &fm.trans_;
51  }
std::string edm::getEnvironmentVariable ( std::string const &  name,
std::string const &  defaultValue = std::string() 

Definition at line 9 of file GetEnvironmentVariable.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

9  {
10  char *p = ::getenv(name.c_str());
11  return (p ? std::string(p) : defaultValue);
12  }
EventBuffer * edm::getEventBuffer ( int  event_size_max,
int  queue_depth_max 

Definition at line 28 of file

References b.

29  {
30  std::auto_ptr<EventBuffer> b(new EventBuffer(es,qd));
31  holder.v_.push_front(b.get());
32  return b.release();
33  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
int edm::getFileFormatVersion ( )

Definition at line 4 of file

Referenced by edm::RootOutputFile::writeFileFormatVersion().

4 { return 19; }
MallocOptionSetter & edm::getGlobalOptionSetter ( )

Definition at line 219 of file

References global_malloc_options.

Referenced by edm::service::SimpleMemoryCheck::SimpleMemoryCheck().

220  {
221  return global_malloc_options;
222  }
MallocOptionSetter global_malloc_options
ParameterSet const & edm::getParameterSet ( ParameterSetID const &  id)

Definition at line 953 of file

References edm::errors::Configuration, edm::hlt::Exception, edm::pset::Registry::instance(), and query::result.

Referenced by edm::ParameterSetEntry::fillPSet(), edm::VParameterSetEntry::fillVPSet(), findBinOfMaximum(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::OutputModule::setEventSelectionInfo(), and edm::one::OutputModuleBase::setEventSelectionInfo().

953  {
954  ParameterSet const* result = 0;
955  if(0 == (result = pset::Registry::instance()->getMapped(id))) {
956  throw Exception(errors::Configuration, "MissingParameterSet:")
957  << "Parameter Set ID '" << id << "' not found.";
958  }
959  return *result;
960  }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
tuple result
std::string edm::getPassID ( )

Definition at line 8 of file GetPassID.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by edm::DaqProvenanceHelper::daqInit(), edm::ScheduleItems::initMisc(), and edm::LHEProvenanceHelper::lheInit().

8  {
9  static std::string const passID;
10  // return empty string for now.
11  return passID;
12  }
ParameterSet const & edm::getProcessParameterSet ( )

Definition at line 82 of file

References edm::errors::EventCorruption, edm::hlt::Exception, edm::pset::Registry::getMapped(), edm::pset::Registry::instance(), edm::errors::LogicError, query::result, and edm::pset::s_ProcessParameterSetID.

Referenced by DQMDcsInfoClient::beginRun(), HLTPrescaleRecorder::beginRun(), DQMDcsInfo::bookHistograms(), DQMEventInfo::bookHistograms(), CentralityProvider::CentralityProvider(), ProbeTreeProducer::endJob(), HLTAnalyzer::endJob(), TagProbeFitTreeProducer::endJob(), getCentralityBinsFromDB(), and edm::service::PrescaleService::postBeginJob().

82  {
84  if (!pset::s_ProcessParameterSetID.isValid()) {
86  << "Illegal attempt to access the process top level parameter set ID\n"
87  << "before that parameter set has been frozen and registered.\n"
88  << "The parameter set can be changed during module validation,\n"
89  << "which occurs concurrently with module construction.\n"
90  << "It is illegal to access the parameter set before it is frozen.\n";
91  }
93  pset::Registry const& reg = *pset::Registry::instance();
94  ParameterSet const* result;
95  if (nullptr == (result = reg.getMapped(pset::s_ProcessParameterSetID))) {
96  throw edm::Exception(errors::EventCorruption, "Unknown ParameterSetID")
97  << "Unable to find the ParameterSet for id: "
99  << ";\nthis was supposed to be the process ParameterSet\n";
100  }
101  return *result;
102  }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
tuple result
static ParameterSetID s_ProcessParameterSetID
template<typename T >
T const * edm::getProduct ( RefCore const &  ref)

Definition at line 36 of file RefCoreGet.h.

References compareJSON::const, edm::RefCore::isTransient(), edm::RefCore::nullPointerForTransientException(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and edm::RefCore::productPtr().

Referenced by edm::EventPrincipal::readFromSource_(), edm::RunPrincipal::resolveProductImmediate(), and edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal::resolveProductImmediate().

36  {
37  T const* p = static_cast<T const*>(ref.productPtr());
38  if (p != 0) return p;
39  if (ref.isTransient()) {
40  ref.nullPointerForTransientException(typeid(T));
41  }
42  return refcore::getProductPtr_<T>(ref);
43  }
string const
long double T
template<typename PROD >
std::shared_ptr<Wrapper<PROD> const> edm::getProductByTag ( Principal const &  ep,
InputTag const &  tag,
ModuleCallingContext const *  mcc 

Definition at line 276 of file Principal.h.

References edm::Principal::findProductByTag(), PROD, query::result, edm::handleimpl::throwConvertTypeError(), and edm::ProductData::wrapper_.

276  {
277  TypeID tid = TypeID(typeid(PROD));
278  ProductData const* result = ep.findProductByTag(tid, tag, mcc);
279  if(result == nullptr) {
280  return std::shared_ptr<Wrapper<PROD> const>();
281  }
283  if(!(result->wrapper_->dynamicTypeInfo() == typeid(PROD))) {
284  handleimpl::throwConvertTypeError(typeid(PROD), result->wrapper_->dynamicTypeInfo());
285  }
286  return std::static_pointer_cast<Wrapper<PROD> const>(result->wrapper_);
287  }
void throwConvertTypeError(std::type_info const &expected, std::type_info const &actual)
tuple result
#define PROD(A, B)
template<typename C , typename T , typename F , typename KEY >
T const* edm::getPtr ( RefCore const &  product,
KEY const &  iKey 

Definition at line 40 of file RefItemGet.h.

References edm::refitem::GetPtrImpl< C, T, F, KEY >::getPtr_(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

40  {
41  T const* p=refitem::GetPtrImpl<C, T, F, KEY>::getPtr_(product, iKey);
42  return p;
43  }
T const * getPtr_(RefCore const &product, KEY const &key)
Definition: RefItemGet.h:34
long double T
template<typename C , typename T , typename F , typename KEY >
T const* edm::getPtr_ ( RefCore const &  product,
KEY const &  key 

Definition at line 34 of file RefItemGet.h.

References edm::refitem::GetPtrImpl< C, T, F, KEY >::getPtr_().

34  {
36  }
T const * getPtr_(RefCore const &product, KEY const &key)
Definition: RefItemGet.h:34
list key
template<typename C >
helper::MatcherGetRef<C>::ref_type edm::getRef ( const Handle< C > &  c,
size_t  k 
std::string edm::getReleaseVersion ( )
TClass * edm::getTClass ( const std::type_info &  ti)

Definition at line 78 of file

References edm::TypeID::className().

Referenced by edm::StreamerInputSource::deserializeRegistry(), dumpInitVerbose(), and edm::StreamSerializer::serializeRegistry().

78  {
79  TypeID const type(ti);
80  return getRootClass(type.className());
81  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
UnscheduledHandler * edm::getUnscheduledHandler ( EventPrincipal const &  ep)

Definition at line 97 of file

References edm::EventPrincipal::unscheduledHandler().

97  {
98  return ep.unscheduledHandler().get();
99  }
std::string edm::getUuid ( TTree *  uuidTree)

Definition at line 98 of file

References edm::FileID::fid(), NewTree::fid, and edm::poolNames::fileIdentifierBranchName().

98  {
99  FileID fid;
100  FileID *fidPtr = &fid;
101  uuidTree->SetBranchAddress(poolNames::fileIdentifierBranchName().c_str(), &fidPtr);
102  uuidTree->GetEntry(0);
103  return fid.fid();
104  }
list fid
std::string const & fileIdentifierBranchName()
std::unique_ptr<WrapperBase> edm::getWrapperBasePtr ( void *  p,
int  offset 

Definition at line 11 of file getWrapperBasePtr.h.

References evf::evtn::offset(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

Referenced by edm::RootFile::dropOnInput(), edm::RootOutputFile::fillBranches(), and edm::RootDelayedReader::getProduct_().

11  {
12  // A union is used to avoid possible copies during the triple cast that would otherwise be needed.
13  // std::unique_ptr<WrapperBase> edp(static_cast<WrapperBase *>(static_cast<void *>(static_cast<unsigned char *>(p) + branchInfo.offsetToWrapperBase_)));
14  union {
15  void* vp;
16  unsigned char* ucp;
17  WrapperBase* edp;
18  } pointerUnion;
19  assert(p != nullptr);
20  pointerUnion.vp = p;
21  pointerUnion.ucp += offset;
22  std::unique_ptr<WrapperBase> edp(pointerUnion.edp);
23  return(std::move(edp));
24  }
unsigned int offset(bool)
std::string edm::glob2reg ( std::string const &  pattern)

Definition at line 22 of file

References listBenchmarks::pattern, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by triggerExpression::L1Reader::init(), triggerExpression::L1TechReader::init(), HLTConfigProvider::matched(), and regexMatch().

22  {
23  std::string regexp = pattern;
24  boost::replace_all(regexp, "*", ".*");
25  boost::replace_all(regexp, "?", ".");
26  return regexp;
27  }
void edm::GroupLogStatistics ( std::string const &  category)

Definition at line 112 of file

References edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqGRP(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

112  {
113  std::string * cat_p = new std::string(category);
114  edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqGRP (cat_p); // Indicate a group summary category
115  // Note that the scribe will be responsible for deleting cat_p
116 }
static void MLqGRP(std::string *cat_p)
void edm::HaltMessageLogging ( )

Definition at line 90 of file

References edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqSHT().

90  {
91  edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqSHT ( ); // Shut the logger up
92 }
static void MLqSHT()
HRTimeType edm::hrRealTime ( )

Definition at line 85 of file HRRealTime.h.

85  {
86  return details::rdtsc();
87  }
void edm::installCustomHandler ( int  signum,
CFUNC  func 

Definition at line 93 of file

References disableAllSigs(), disableRTSigs(), installSig(), and reenableSigs().

Referenced by edm::EventProcessor::forkProcess(), edm::service::InitRootHandlers::InitRootHandlers(), and edm::service::UnixSignalService::UnixSignalService().

94  {
95  sigset_t oldset;
96  edm::disableAllSigs(&oldset);
97 #if defined(__linux__)
99 #endif
100  edm::installSig(signum,func);
101  edm::reenableSigs(&oldset);
102  }
void installSig(int signum, CFUNC func)
void disableAllSigs(sigset_t *oldset)
void reenableSigs(sigset_t *oldset)
void disableRTSigs()
void edm::installSig ( int  signum,
CFUNC  func 

Definition at line 106 of file

References MUST_BE_ZERO, and NULL.

Referenced by installCustomHandler().

107  {
108  // set up my RT signal now
109  struct sigaction act;
110  memset(&act,0,sizeof(act));
111  act.sa_sigaction = func;
112  act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
114  // get my signal number
115  int mysig = signum;
116  if( mysig == SIGKILL ) {
117  perror("Cannot install handler for KILL signal");
118  return;
119  } else if( mysig == SIGSTOP ) {
120  perror("Cannot install handler for STOP signal");
121  return;
122  }
124  if(sigaction(mysig,&act,NULL) != 0) {
125  perror("sigaction failed");
126  abort();
127  }
129  sigset_t newset;
130  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigemptyset(&newset));
131  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigaddset(&newset,mysig));
132  MUST_BE_ZERO(pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&newset,0));
133  }
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
#define MUST_BE_ZERO(fun)
bool edm::is_glob ( std::string const &  pattern)

Definition at line 18 of file

Referenced by triggerExpression::HLTReader::init(), triggerExpression::L1Reader::init(), HLTHighLevel::init(), and edm::EventSelector::init().

18  {
19  return (pattern.find_first_of("*?") != pattern.npos);
20  }
bool edm::is_PtrVector ( TypeWithDict const &  possible_ref_vector,
TypeWithDict &  value_type 

Definition at line 56 of file

References find_nested_type_named(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and edm::TypeWithDict::templateName().

Referenced by edm::ProductHolderIndexHelper::insert().

57  {
59  static std::string const template_name("edm::PtrVector");
60  static std::string const member_type("member_type");
61  static std::string const val_type("value_type");
62  if(template_name == possibleRefVector.templateName()) {
63  TypeWithDict ptrType;
64  if(find_nested_type_named(val_type, possibleRefVector, ptrType)) {
65  return find_nested_type_named(val_type, ptrType, value_type);
66  }
67  }
68  return false;
69  }
bool find_nested_type_named(std::string const &nested_type, TypeWithDict const &type_to_search, TypeWithDict &found_type)
Container::value_type value_type
bool edm::is_RefToBaseVector ( TypeWithDict const &  possible_ref_vector,
TypeWithDict &  value_type 

Definition at line 72 of file

References find_nested_type_named(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and edm::TypeWithDict::templateName().

Referenced by edm::ProductHolderIndexHelper::insert().

73  {
75  static std::string const template_name("edm::RefToBaseVector");
76  static std::string const member_type("member_type");
77  if(template_name == possibleRefVector.templateName()) {
78  return find_nested_type_named(member_type, possibleRefVector, value_type);
79  }
80  return false;
81  }
bool find_nested_type_named(std::string const &nested_type, TypeWithDict const &type_to_search, TypeWithDict &found_type)
Container::value_type value_type
bool edm::is_RefVector ( TypeWithDict const &  possible_ref_vector,
TypeWithDict &  value_type 

Definition at line 44 of file

References find_nested_type_named(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and edm::TypeWithDict::templateName().

Referenced by edm::ProductHolderIndexHelper::insert().

45  {
47  static std::string const template_name("edm::RefVector");
48  static std::string const member_type("member_type");
49  if(template_name == possibleRefVector.templateName()) {
50  return find_nested_type_named(member_type, possibleRefVector, value_type);
51  }
52  return false;
53  }
bool find_nested_type_named(std::string const &nested_type, TypeWithDict const &type_to_search, TypeWithDict &found_type)
Container::value_type value_type
bool edm::isAncestor ( ProcessHistory const &  a,
ProcessHistory const &  b 

Definition at line 61 of file

References edm::ProcessHistory::data(), and edm::ProcessHistory::size().

Referenced by isDescendant().

61  {
62  if (a.size() >= b.size()) return false;
63  typedef ProcessHistory::collection_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
64  for (const_iterator itA =, itB =,
65  itAEnd =; itA != itAEnd; ++itA, ++itB) {
66  if (*itA != *itB) return false;
67  }
68  return true;
69  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::isDebugEnabled ( )

Definition at line 71 of file

References edm::MessageDrop::debugAlwaysSuppressed, and edm::MessageDrop::instance().

Referenced by SiStripQualityHotStripIdentifier::algoAnalyze(), FedChannelConnection::apvPairNumber(), L1GtTriggerMenuLiteProducer::beginRunProduce(), CommissioningHistosUsingDb::buildDetInfo(), JetPlusTrackCorrector::calculateCorr(), OldThreeThresholdAlgorithm::clusterizeDetUnit_(), SiStripEventSummary::commissioningInfo(), sistrip::SpyUnpacker::createDigis(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::createDigis(), sistrip::DigiToRaw::createFedBuffers_(), sistrip::DigiToRaw::DigiToRaw(), sistrip::DigiToRawModule::DigiToRawModule(), SiStripBadAPVAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::extractBadAPVs(), SiStripBadAPVandHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::extractBadAPVSandStrips(), SiStripHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::extractBadStrips(), LaserAlignmentEventFilter::filter(), BSCTrigger::getBSCNum(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::handleException(), HLTMuonTrackMassFilter::hltFilter(), HLTMuonL1RegionalFilter::hltFilter(), HLTMuonL2PreFilter::hltFilter(), HLTMuonL1Filter::hltFilter(), HLTMuonL1RegionalFilter::HLTMuonL1RegionalFilter(), HLTMuonL2PreFilter::HLTMuonL2PreFilter(), FedChannelConnection::i2cAddr(), SiStripFedZeroSuppression::IsAValidDigi(), SiStripBadAPVandHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::iterativeSearch(), SiStripHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::iterativeSearch(), JetPlusTrackCorrector::jtaUsingEventData(), L1GtRsObjectKeysOnlineProd::keyL1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrig(), L1GtRsObjectKeysOnlineProd::keyL1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrig(), L1GtRsObjectKeysOnlineProd::keyL1GtTriggerMaskAlgoTrig(), L1GtRsObjectKeysOnlineProd::keyL1GtTriggerMaskTechTrig(), L1GtRsObjectKeysOnlineProd::keyL1GtTriggerMaskVetoTechTrig(), L1GetHistLimits::l1HistLimits(), FedChannelConnection::lldChannel(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::locateStartOfFedBuffer(), jpt::Map::Map(), JetPlusTrackCorrector::matchTracks(), L1GtTriggerMaskAlgoTrigConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtTriggerMaskTechTrigConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtTriggerMaskVetoTechTrigConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtParametersConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrigConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrigConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtPsbSetupConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtTriggerMenuConfigOnlineProd::newObject(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseCalo(), l1t::TriggerMenuXmlParser::parseCalo(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseCastor(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseCorrelation(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseEnergySum(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseHfBitCounts(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseHfRingEtSums(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseJetCounts(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseMuon(), l1t::TriggerMenuXmlParser::parseMuon(), jpt::Efficiency::print(), QuarkoniaTrackSelector::produce(), L1GlobalTriggerRecordProducer::produce(), BSCTrigger::produce(), TriggerSummaryProducerAOD::produce(), sistrip::RawToDigiModule::RawToDigiModule(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::RawToDigiUnpacker(), SiStripHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::setNumberOfEvents(), sistrip::SpyDigiConverterModule::SpyDigiConverterModule(), sistrip::SpyUnpacker::SpyUnpacker(), sistrip::SpyUnpackerModule::SpyUnpackerModule(), SiStripFedZeroSuppression::suppress(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::triggerFed(), L1GtfeExtWord::unpack(), L1GtfeWord::unpack(), L1TcsWord::unpack(), L1GtFdlWord::unpack(), L1GlobalTriggerEvmRawToDigi::unpackHeader(), PedsFullNoiseHistosUsingDb::update(), ApvTimingHistosUsingDb::update(), PedestalsHistosUsingDb::update(), sistrip::RawToDigiModule::updateCabling(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::updateEventSummary(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::workAlgorithm(), l1t::TriggerMenuXmlParser::workAlgorithm(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::workTechTrigger(), l1t::TriggerMenuXmlParser::workTechTrigger(), L1GtPatternWriter::writePatterns(), sistrip::DigiToRaw::~DigiToRaw(), sistrip::DigiToRawModule::~DigiToRawModule(), sistrip::RawToDigiModule::~RawToDigiModule(), sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker::~RawToDigiUnpacker(), sistrip::SpyDigiConverterModule::~SpyDigiConverterModule(), sistrip::SpyUnpacker::~SpyUnpacker(), and sistrip::SpyUnpackerModule::~SpyUnpackerModule().

71  {
72  return ((!edm::MessageDrop::debugAlwaysSuppressed) // 9/27/10 mf
73  && edm::MessageDrop::instance()->debugEnabled );
74 }
static MessageDrop * instance()
static bool debugAlwaysSuppressed
Definition: MessageDrop.h:111
bool edm::isDescendant ( ProcessHistory const &  a,
ProcessHistory const &  b 

Definition at line 119 of file ProcessHistory.h.

References isAncestor().

119  {
120  return isAncestor(b, a);
121  }
bool isAncestor(ProcessHistory const &a, ProcessHistory const &b)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::isErrorEnabled ( )

Definition at line 86 of file

References edm::MessageDrop::errorEnabled, and edm::MessageDrop::instance().

86  {
87  return edm::MessageDrop::instance()->errorEnabled; // 7/6/11 fwyzard
88 }
static MessageDrop * instance()
template<typename T >
bool edm::isFinite ( T  x)
bool edm::isFinite ( float  x)

Definition at line 16 of file isFinite.h.

References prof2calltree::l, findQualityFiles::v, and x.

16  {
17  const unsigned int mask = 0x7f800000;
18  union { unsigned int l; float d;} v;
19  v.d =x;
20  return (v.l&mask)!=mask;
21  }
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
bool edm::isFinite ( double  x)

Definition at line 25 of file isFinite.h.

References prof2calltree::l, findQualityFiles::v, and x.

25  {
26  const unsigned long long mask = 0x7FF0000000000000LL;
27  union { unsigned long long l; double d;} v;
28  v.d =x;
29  return (v.l&mask)!=mask;
30  }
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
bool edm::isFinite ( long double  x)

Definition at line 34 of file isFinite.h.

References isFinite(), and x.

34  {
35  double xx=x;
36  return isFinite(xx);
37  }
bool isFinite(T x)
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
bool edm::isInfoEnabled ( )

Definition at line 76 of file

References edm::MessageDrop::infoAlwaysSuppressed, and edm::MessageDrop::instance().

Referenced by edm::InputSource::issueReports().

76  {
77  return ((!edm::MessageDrop::infoAlwaysSuppressed) // 9/27/10 mf
78  && edm::MessageDrop::instance()->infoEnabled );
79 }
static MessageDrop * instance()
static bool infoAlwaysSuppressed
Definition: MessageDrop.h:112
bool edm::isMessageProcessingSetUp ( )

Definition at line 104 of file

References edm::MessageDrop::instance(), and MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR.

104  { // 6/20/08 mf
105 // std::cerr << "isMessageProcessingSetUp: \n";
106 // std::cerr << "messageLoggerScribeIsRunning = "
107 // << (int)MessageDrop::instance()->messageLoggerScribeIsRunning << "\n";
108  return (MessageDrop::instance()->messageLoggerScribeIsRunning ==
110 }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
static const unsigned char MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR
Definition: MessageDrop.h:121
bool edm::isnan ( float  f)

Definition at line 69 of file math.h.

References edm::detail::isnan().

69 { return detail::isnan(f); }
bool isnan(float x)
Definition: math.h:13
double f[11][100]
bool edm::isnan ( double  d)

Definition at line 71 of file math.h.

References equal_isnan().

71 { return equal_isnan(d); }
bool equal_isnan(FP x)
Definition: math.h:61
bool edm::isnan ( long double  q)

Definition at line 73 of file math.h.

References edm::detail::isnan().

73 { return detail::isnan(q); }
bool isnan(float x)
Definition: math.h:13
template<typename T >
bool edm::isNotFinite ( T  x)

Definition at line 10 of file isFinite.h.

References isFinite().

Referenced by EBHitResponse::add(), HcalSiPMHitResponse::add(), CaloHitRespoNew::add(), EcalHitResponse::add(), CaloHitResponse::add(), ElectronCalibration::analyze(), ElectronCalibrationUniv::analyze(), Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::analyze(), JetTagPlotter::analyzeTag(), DetIdAssociator::buildMap(), GsfVertexWeightCalculator::calculate(), Basic2DGenericPFlowPositionCalc::calculateAndSetPositionActual(), GsfElectronAlgo::calculateShowerShape(), GsfElectronFull5x5Filler::calculateShowerShape_full5x5(), GsfElectronAlgo::calculateShowerShape_full5x5(), KFFittingSmoother::checkForNans(), TwoBodyDecayEstimator::checkValues(), Qjets::d_ij(), HLTScalersClient::endLuminosityBlock(), MagGeometry::fieldInTesla(), AlignmentExtendedCorrelationsStore::fillCovariance(), AlignmentExtendedCorrelationsStore::fillCovarianceT(), MatrixFillMap::fillEBMap(), MatrixFillMap::fillEEMap(), ClusterFillMap::fillMap(), DivisiveVertexFinder::findVertexes(), DivisiveVertexFinder::findVertexesAlt(), BSFitter::Fit(), KFTrajectoryFitter::fitOne(), sim::Field::GetFieldValue(), SequentialVertexFitter< 5 >::hasNan(), ConversionFastHelix::helixStateAtVertex(), MultiHitGeneratorFromChi2::hitSets(), cms::SubEventGenJetProducer::inputTowers(), VirtualJetProducer::inputTowers(), PhotonConversionTrajectorySeedProducerFromSingleLegAlgo::inspectTrack(), GlobalTrackQualityProducer::kink(), fftjetcms::FFTJetInterface::loadInputCollection(), OptOCOPS::makeMeasurement(), Vx3DHLTAnalyzer::MyFit(), SensitiveDetector::NaNTrap(), reco::InverseCrosstalkMatrix::operator()(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), TtSemiLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), EcalUncalibRecHitFixedAlphaBetaAlgo< C >::PerformAnalyticFit(), pat::PATPhotonSlimmer::produce(), cms::CkfTrackCandidateMakerBase::produceBase(), IMACalibBlock::riempiMtr(), IMACalibBlock::riempiVtr(), EBHitResponse::run(), HcalSiPMHitResponse::run(), EcalHitResponse::run(), PVFitter::runFitter(), SimpleCosmicBONSeeder::seeds(), ConversionFastHelix::straightLineStateAtVertex(), KinematicConstrainedVertexUpdator::update(), PrimaryVertexMonitor::vertexPlots(), and VirtualJetProducer::writeJets().

10  {
11  return !isFinite(x);
12  }
bool isFinite(T x)
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
bool edm::isSameEvent ( EventAuxiliary const &  a,
EventAuxiliary const &  b 

Definition at line 17 of file

References edm::EventAuxiliary::bunchCrossing(), edm::EventAuxiliary::experimentType(), edm::EventAuxiliary::id(), edm::EventAuxiliary::isRealData(), edm::EventAuxiliary::luminosityBlock(), edm::EventAuxiliary::processGUID(), edm::EventAuxiliary::storeNumber(), and edm::EventAuxiliary::time().

Referenced by isSameEvent().

17  {
18  return
19 == &&
20  a.processGUID() == b.processGUID() &&
21  a.luminosityBlock() == b.luminosityBlock() &&
22  a.time() == b.time() &&
23  a.isRealData() == b.isRealData() &&
24  a.experimentType() == b.experimentType() &&
25  a.bunchCrossing() == b.bunchCrossing() &&
26  a.storeNumber() == b.storeNumber();
27  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::isSameEvent ( EventPrincipal const &  a,
EventPrincipal const &  b 

Definition at line 223 of file EventPrincipal.h.

References edm::EventPrincipal::aux(), and isSameEvent().

223  {
224  return isSameEvent(a.aux(), b.aux());
225  }
bool isSameEvent(EventAuxiliary const &a, EventAuxiliary const &b)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::isTransientEqual ( ParameterSet const &  a,
ParameterSet const &  b 

Definition at line 866 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, f, i, j, gen::k, Pi, edm::ParameterSet::psetTable(), edm::ParameterSet::tbl(), and edm::ParameterSet::vpsetTable().

Referenced by edm::eventsetup::EventSetupsController::getESProducerAndRegisterProcess(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupsController::getESSourceAndRegisterProcess(), and operator==().

866  {
867  if(a.tbl().size() != b.tbl().size()) {
868  return false;
869  }
870  if(a.psetTable().size() != b.psetTable().size()) {
871  return false;
872  }
873  if(a.vpsetTable().size() != b.vpsetTable().size()) {
874  return false;
875  }
876  typedef ParameterSet::table::const_iterator Ti;
877  for (Ti i = a.tbl().begin(), e = a.tbl().end(),
878  j = b.tbl().begin(), f = b.tbl().end();
879  i != e && j != f; ++i, ++j) {
880  if(*i != *j) {
881  return false;
882  }
883  }
884  typedef ParameterSet::psettable::const_iterator Pi;
885  for (Pi i = a.psetTable().begin(), e = a.psetTable().end(),
886  j = b.psetTable().begin(), f = b.psetTable().end();
887  i != e && j != f; ++i, ++j) {
888  if(i->first != j->first) {
889  return false;
890  }
891  if(i->second.isTracked() != j->second.isTracked()) {
892  return false;
893  }
894  if(!isTransientEqual(i->second.pset(), j->second.pset())) {
895  return false;
896  }
897  }
898  typedef ParameterSet::vpsettable::const_iterator PVi;
899  for (PVi i = a.vpsetTable().begin(), e = a.vpsetTable().end(),
900  j = b.vpsetTable().begin(), f = b.vpsetTable().end();
901  i != e && j != f; ++i, ++j) {
902  if(i->first != j->first) {
903  return false;
904  }
905  if(i->second.isTracked() != j->second.isTracked()) {
906  return false;
907  }
908  std::vector<ParameterSet> const& iv = i->second.vpset();
909  std::vector<ParameterSet> const& jv = j->second.vpset();
910  if(iv.size() != jv.size()) {
911  return false;
912  }
913  for (size_t k = 0; k < iv.size(); ++k) {
914  if(!isTransientEqual(iv[k], jv[k])) {
915  return false;
916  }
917  }
918  }
919  return true;
920  }
const double Pi
int i
int j
double f[11][100]
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool isTransientEqual(ParameterSet const &a, ParameterSet const &b)
bool edm::isWarningEnabled ( )

Definition at line 81 of file

References edm::MessageDrop::instance(), and edm::MessageDrop::warningAlwaysSuppressed.

Referenced by L1GlobalTriggerPSB::receiveGctObjectData(), and L1GlobalTriggerPSB::receiveTechnicalTriggers().

81  {
82  return ((!edm::MessageDrop::warningAlwaysSuppressed) // 9/27/10 mf
83  && edm::MessageDrop::instance()->warningEnabled );
84 }
static MessageDrop * instance()
static bool warningAlwaysSuppressed
Definition: MessageDrop.h:113
template<typename V , typename T >
bool edm::iterateTrieLeaves ( V &  v,
TrieNode< T > const &  n,
std::string const &  label = "" 

visits only leaf nodes

Definition at line 298 of file Trie.h.

References hitfit::char, alignCSCRings::e, diffTwoXMLs::label, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and findQualityFiles::v.

298  {
299  typedef TrieNode<T> const node_base;
300  typedef TrieNodeIter<T> node_iterator;
301  node_iterator e;
302  node_iterator p(&n);
303  if (p==e) return true;
304  for (; p!=e; ++p) {
305  if (iterateTrieLeaves(v,*p,label+(char)p.label()) )
306  v((*p).value(),label+(char)p.label());
307  }
308  return false;
309  }
edm::TrieNodeIter< PDet > node_iterator
bool iterateTrieLeaves(V &v, TrieNode< T > const &n, std::string const &label="")
visits only leaf nodes
Definition: Trie.h:298
static std::string const edm::kBaseType ( "Source"  )
static const std::string edm::kBaseType ( "EDProducer"  )
static const std::string edm::kBaseType ( "EDFilter"  )
static const std::string edm::kBaseType ( "EDAnalyzer"  )
static const std::string edm::kBaseType ( "OutputModule"  )
bool edm::lessThan ( LuminosityBlockRange const &  lh,
LuminosityBlockRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 70 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endLumiID(), and edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startLumiID().

70  {
71  return lh.endLumiID() < rh.startLumiID();
72  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::lessThan ( EventRange const &  lh,
EventRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 67 of file

References edm::EventRange::endEventID(), edm::EventRange::startEventID(), and edm::EventRange::startLumi().

Referenced by distinct(), edm::EventSkipperByID::skipIt(), and DQMRootSource::skipIt().

67  {
68  assert((lh.startLumi() == 0) == (rh.startLumi() == 0));
69  return lh.endEventID() < rh.startEventID();
70  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::lessThanSpecial ( EventRange const &  lh,
EventRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 59 of file

References edm::EventRange::endEventID(), edm::EventRange::startEventID(), and edm::EventRange::startLumi().

Referenced by edm::EventSkipperByID::skipIt().

59  {
60  // First, separate the ranges so that those with 0 lumiID go first.
61  if ((lh.startLumi() == 0) != (rh.startLumi() == 0)) {
62  return lh.startLumi() == 0;
63  }
64  return lh.endEventID() < rh.startEventID();
65  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
void edm::loadCap ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 20 of file

References checkDictionaries(), dictionaryPlugInPrefix(), relativeConstraints::empty, FDEBUG, for_all(), edmplugin::PluginCapabilities::get(), edmplugin::PluginCapabilities::load(), combine::missing, and missingTypes().

Referenced by edm::StreamerInputSource::declareStreamers(), and loadExtraClasses().

20  {
21  FDEBUG(1) << "Loading dictionary for " << name << "\n";
24  if (!missingTypes().empty()) {
26  missingTypes().clear();
27  for_all(missing, loadCap);
28  }
29  }
dictionary missing
std::string const & dictionaryPlugInPrefix()
#define FDEBUG(lev)
Definition: DebugMacros.h:18
Func for_all(ForwardSequence &s, Func f)
wrapper for std::for_each
Definition: Algorithms.h:16
StringSet & missingTypes()
std::set< std::string > StringSet
void checkDictionaries(std::string const &name, bool noComponents=false)
static PluginCapabilities * get()
void load(const std::string &iName)
void loadCap(const std::string &name)
void edm::loadExtraClasses ( )

Definition at line 43 of file

References run_regression::done, loadCap(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by edm::StreamerInputSource::mergeIntoRegistry().

43  {
44  static bool done = false;
45  if (done == false) {
46  loadCap(std::string("edm::StreamedProduct"));
47  loadCap(std::string("std::vector<edm::StreamedProduct>"));
48  loadCap(std::string("edm::SendEvent"));
49  loadCap(std::string("std::vector<edm::BranchDescription>"));
50  loadCap(std::string("edm::SendJobHeader"));
51  }
52  G__SetCatchException(0);
53  ROOT::Cintex::Cintex::Enable();
54  done=true;
55  }
void loadCap(const std::string &name)
static ELmap const& edm::loadMap ( )

Definition at line 62 of file

References ELdebug, ELerror, ELhighestSeverity, ELinfo, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_highestSeverity, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_severe, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_unspecified, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, edm::ELseverityLevel::ELsev_zeroSeverity, ELsevere, ELunspecified, ELwarning, ELzeroSeverity, and m.

Referenced by edm::ELseverityLevel::ELseverityLevel().

62  {
64  static const ELmap m = {
65  { ELzeroSeverity.getSymbol(), ELseverityLevel::ELsev_zeroSeverity }
66  , { ELzeroSeverity.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_zeroSeverity }
67  , { ELzeroSeverity.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_zeroSeverity }
68  , { ELzeroSeverity.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_zeroSeverity }
69  ,
70  { ELdebug.getSymbol() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success }
71  , { ELdebug.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success }
72  , { ELdebug.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success }
73  , { ELdebug.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_success }
74  ,
75  { ELinfo.getSymbol() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info }
76  , { ELinfo.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info }
77  , { ELinfo.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info }
78  , { ELinfo.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info }
79  ,
80  { ELwarning.getSymbol() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning }
81  , { ELwarning.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning }
82  , { ELwarning.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning }
83  , { ELwarning.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning }
84  ,
85  { ELerror.getSymbol() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error }
86  , { ELerror.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error }
87  , { ELerror.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error }
88  , { ELerror.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error }
89  ,
90  { ELunspecified.getSymbol() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_unspecified }
91  , { ELunspecified.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_unspecified }
92  , { ELunspecified.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_unspecified }
93  , { ELunspecified.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_unspecified }
94  ,
95  { ELsevere.getSymbol() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_severe }
96  , { ELsevere.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_severe }
97  , { ELsevere.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_severe }
98  , { ELsevere.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_severe }
99  ,
100  { ELhighestSeverity.getSymbol() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_highestSeverity }
101  , { ELhighestSeverity.getName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_highestSeverity }
102  , { ELhighestSeverity.getInputStr() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_highestSeverity }
103  , { ELhighestSeverity.getVarName() , ELseverityLevel::ELsev_highestSeverity }
104  } ;
106  return m;
108  }
ELslProxy< ELdebugGen > const ELdebug
ELslProxy< ELunspecifiedGen > const ELunspecified
ELslProxy< ELwarningGen > const ELwarning
ELslProxy< ELhighestSeverityGen > const ELhighestSeverity
ELslProxy< ELzeroSeverityGen > const ELzeroSeverity
ELslProxy< ELerrorGen > const ELerror
std::map< ELstring const, ELseverityLevel::ELsev_ > ELmap
ELslProxy< ELinfoGen > const ELinfo
ELslProxy< ELsevereGen > const ELsevere
void edm::loadMissingDictionaries ( )

Definition at line 223 of file

References checkDictionaries(), relativeConstraints::empty, combine::missing, missingTypes(), and throwMissingDictionariesException().

Referenced by edm::WorkerManager::beginJob(), and endpathsAreActive_().

223  {
224  while (!missingTypes().empty()) {
226  for (StringSet::const_iterator it = missing.begin(), itEnd = missing.end();
227  it != itEnd; ++it) {
228  try {
229  gROOT->GetClass(it->c_str(), kTRUE);
230  }
231  // We don't want to fail if we can't load a plug-in.
232  catch(...) {}
233  }
234  missingTypes().clear();
235  for (StringSet::const_iterator it = missing.begin(), itEnd = missing.end();
236  it != itEnd; ++it) {
237  checkDictionaries(*it);
238  }
239  if (missingTypes() == missing) {
240  break;
241  }
242  }
243  if (missingTypes().empty()) {
244  return;
245  }
247  }
dictionary missing
StringSet & missingTypes()
std::set< std::string > StringSet
void checkDictionaries(std::string const &name, bool noComponents=false)
void throwMissingDictionariesException()
std::vector< ErrorSummaryEntry > edm::LoggedErrorsOnlySummary ( unsigned int  iStreamID)

Definition at line 204 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, ELerror, end, errorSummaryMaps, i, combine::key, python.multivaluedict::sort(), and findQualityFiles::v.

204  { // ChangeLog 2
205  std::vector<ErrorSummaryEntry> v;
206  assert(iStreamID < errorSummaryMaps.size());
207  auto const& errorSummaryMap =errorSummaryMaps[iStreamID];
208  auto end = errorSummaryMap.end();
209  for (auto i = errorSummaryMap.begin();
210  i != end; ++i) {
211  auto const& key = i->first;
212  if (key.severity >= edm::ELerror) {
213  ErrorSummaryEntry e{key.category,key.module,key.severity};
214  e.count = i->second.value().load(std::memory_order_acquire);
215  v.push_back(e);
216  }
217  }
218  std::sort(v.begin(),v.end());
219  return v;
220  }
int i
ELslProxy< ELerrorGen > const ELerror
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
list key
static std::vector< tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< ErrorSummaryMapKey, AtomicUnsignedInt, ErrorSummaryMapKey::key_hash > > errorSummaryMaps
std::vector< ErrorSummaryEntry > edm::LoggedErrorsSummary ( unsigned int  iStreamID)

Definition at line 176 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, end, errorSummaryMaps, i, combine::key, python.multivaluedict::sort(), and findQualityFiles::v.

Referenced by HLTLogMonitorFilter::filter(), and edm::LogErrorHarvester::produce().

176  {
177  assert(iStreamID<errorSummaryMaps.size());
178  auto const& errorSummaryMap =errorSummaryMaps[iStreamID];
179  std::vector<ErrorSummaryEntry> v;
180  auto end = errorSummaryMap.end();
181  for (auto i = errorSummaryMap.begin();
182  i != end; ++i) {
183  auto const& key = i->first;
184  ErrorSummaryEntry e{key.category,key.module,key.severity};
186  e.count = i->second.value().load(std::memory_order_acquire);
187  v.push_back(e);
188  }
189  std::sort(v.begin(),v.end());
190  return v;
191  }
int i
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
list key
static std::vector< tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< ErrorSummaryMapKey, AtomicUnsignedInt, ErrorSummaryMapKey::key_hash > > errorSummaryMaps
void edm::LogStatistics ( )

Definition at line 67 of file

References edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqSUM().

67  {
68  edm::MessageLoggerQ::MLqSUM ( ); // trigger summary info
69 }
static void MLqSUM()
void edm::longBranchPrint ( TTree *  tr)

Definition at line 87 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

87  {
88  if (tr != 0) {
89  Long64_t nB = tr->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries();
90  for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nB; ++i) {
91  tr->GetListOfBranches()->At(i)->Print();
92  }
93  } else {
94  std::cout << "Missing Events tree?\n";
95  }
96  }
int i
tuple cout
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator edm::lower_bound_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Datum const &  d 

wrappers for std::lower_bound

Definition at line 91 of file Algorithms.h.

Referenced by edm::RootFile::fillEventHistory(), edm::FileIndex::findEventEntryPosition(), and edm::FileIndex::findPosition().

91  {
92  return std::lower_bound(s.begin(), s.end(), d);
93  }
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
ForwardSequence::iterator edm::lower_bound_all ( ForwardSequence &  s,
Datum const &  d 

Definition at line 98 of file Algorithms.h.

98  {
99  return std::lower_bound(s.begin(), s.end(), d);
100  }
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::const_iterator edm::lower_bound_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Datum const &  d,
Predicate  p 

Definition at line 105 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

105  {
106  return std::lower_bound(s.begin(), s.end(), d, p);
107  }
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum , typename Predicate >
ForwardSequence::iterator edm::lower_bound_all ( ForwardSequence &  s,
Datum const &  d,
Predicate  p 

Definition at line 112 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

112  {
113  return std::lower_bound(s.begin(), s.end(), d, p);
114  }
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr<ESHandleExceptionFactory> edm::makeESHandleExceptionFactory ( T &&  iFunctor)

Definition at line 43 of file FunctorESHandleExceptionFactory.h.

Referenced by edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord::getImplementation().

43  {
44  return std::make_shared<FunctorESHandleExceptionFactory<T>>(std::move(iFunctor));
45  }
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr<HandleExceptionFactory> edm::makeHandleExceptionFactory ( T &&  iFunctor)
std::unique_ptr<InputSource> edm::makeInput ( ParameterSet params,
CommonParams const &  common,
ProductRegistry &  preg,
std::shared_ptr< BranchIDListHelper >  branchIDListHelper,
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry areg,
std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const >  processConfiguration,
PreallocationConfiguration const &  allocations 

Definition at line 120 of file

References cms::Exception::addContext(), edm::errors::Configuration, SurfaceDeformationFactory::create(), edm::hlt::Exception, edm::InputSourceFactory::get(), reco::get(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getPSetForUpdate(), edm::ModuleDescription::getUniqueID(), edm::ParameterSet::id(), input, edm::InputSourceFactory::makeInputSource(), edm::CommonParams::maxEventsInput_, edm::CommonParams::maxLumisInput_, edm::CommonParams::maxSecondsUntilRampdown_, popcon2dropbox_job_conf::md, edm::ParameterSet::registerIt(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and edm::convertException::wrap().

Referenced by edm::EventProcessor::init().

126  {
127  ParameterSet* main_input = params.getPSetForUpdate("@main_input");
128  if(main_input == 0) {
130  << "There must be exactly one source in the configuration.\n"
131  << "It is missing (or there are sufficient syntax errors such that it is not recognized as the source)\n";
132  }
134  std::string modtype(main_input->getParameter<std::string>("@module_type"));
136  std::auto_ptr<ParameterSetDescriptionFillerBase> filler(
138  ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions(filler->baseType());
139  filler->fill(descriptions);
141  try {
142  convertException::wrap([&]() {
143  descriptions.validate(*main_input, std::string("source"));
144  });
145  }
146  catch (cms::Exception & iException) {
147  std::ostringstream ost;
148  ost << "Validating configuration of input source of type " << modtype;
149  iException.addContext(ost.str());
150  throw;
151  }
153  main_input->registerIt();
155  // Fill in "ModuleDescription", in case the input source produces
156  // any EDProducts, which would be registered in the ProductRegistry.
157  // Also fill in the process history item for this process.
158  // There is no module label for the unnamed input source, so
159  // just use "source".
160  // Only the tracked parameters belong in the process configuration.
161  ModuleDescription md(main_input->id(),
162  main_input->getParameter<std::string>("@module_type"),
163  "source",
164  processConfiguration.get(),
165  ModuleDescription::getUniqueID());
167  InputSourceDescription isdesc(md, preg, branchIDListHelper, areg, common.maxEventsInput_, common.maxLumisInput_, common.maxSecondsUntilRampdown_, allocations);
168  areg->preSourceConstructionSignal_(md);
169  std::unique_ptr<InputSource> input;
170  try {
171  //even if we have an exception, send the signal
172  std::shared_ptr<int> sentry(nullptr,[areg,&md](void*){areg->postSourceConstructionSignal_(md);});
173  convertException::wrap([&]() {
174  input = std::unique_ptr<InputSource>(InputSourceFactory::get()->makeInputSource(*main_input, isdesc).release());
175  });
176  }
177  catch (cms::Exception& iException) {
178  std::ostringstream ost;
179  ost << "Constructing input source of type " << modtype;
180  iException.addContext(ost.str());
181  throw;
182  }
183  return input;
184  }
static std::string const input
void addContext(std::string const &context)
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
SurfaceDeformation * create(int type, const std::vector< double > &params)
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:55
static std::shared_ptr<cms::Exception> edm::makeNotFoundException ( char const *  where,
KindOfType  kindOfType,
TypeID const &  productType,
std::string const &  label,
std::string const &  instance,
std::string const &  process 

Definition at line 61 of file

References cppFunctionSkipper::exception, PRODUCT_TYPE, and edm::errors::ProductNotFound.

Referenced by edm::Principal::getByLabel().

62  {
63  std::shared_ptr<cms::Exception> exception = std::make_shared<Exception>(errors::ProductNotFound);
64  if (kindOfType == PRODUCT_TYPE) {
65  *exception << "Principal::" << where << ": Found zero products matching all criteria\nLooking for type: " << productType << "\n"
66  << "Looking for module label: " << label << "\n" << "Looking for productInstanceName: " << instance << "\n"
67  << (process.empty() ? "" : "Looking for process: ") << process << "\n";
68  } else {
69  *exception << "Principal::" << where << ": Found zero products matching all criteria\nLooking for a container with elements of type: " << productType << "\n"
70  << "Looking for module label: " << label << "\n" << "Looking for productInstanceName: " << instance << "\n"
71  << (process.empty() ? "" : "Looking for process: ") << process << "\n";
72  }
73  return exception;
74  }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
tuple process
void edm::makeParameterSets ( std::string const &  configtext,
std::shared_ptr< ParameterSet > &  main 

essentially the same as the previous method

Definition at line 54 of file

References PythonProcessDesc::parameterSet().

Referenced by edm::ServiceRegistry::createServicesFromConfig().

55  {
56  PythonProcessDesc pythonProcessDesc(configtext);
57  main = pythonProcessDesc.parameterSet();
58  }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
template<class HandleT >
Ref<typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> edm::makeRefTo ( const HandleT &  iHandle,
det_id_type  iDetID,
typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator  itIter 

Definition at line 484 of file DetSetVector.h.

References cmsHarvester::index, edm::errors::InvalidReference, and edm::Exception::throwThis().

Referenced by makeRefToDetSetVector().

486  {
487  typedef typename HandleT::element_type Vec;
489  typename Vec::const_iterator itFound = iHandle->find(iDetID);
490  if(itFound == iHandle->end()) {
491  Exception::throwThis(errors::InvalidReference,
492  "an edm::Ref to an edm::DetSetVector was given a DetId, ", iDetID, ", that is not in the DetSetVector");
493  }
494  index += (itIter- itFound->data.begin());
495  if(index >= itFound->data.size()) {
496  Exception::throwThis(errors::InvalidReference,
497  "an edm::Ref to a edm::DetSetVector is being made with an interator that is not part of the edm::DetSet itself");
498  }
499  return Ref<typename HandleT::element_type,
501  (iHandle,std::make_pair(iDetID,index));
502  }
uint16_t size_type
Container::value_type value_type
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> edm::makeRefToDetSetLazyVector ( const HandleT &  iHandle,
det_id_type  iDetID,
typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator  itIter 

Definition at line 285 of file DetSetLazyVector.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

Referenced by makeRefToDetSetLazyVector().

287  {
288  typedef typename HandleT::element_type Vec;
290  typename Vec::const_iterator itFound = iHandle->find(iDetID);
291  index += (itIter- itFound->data.begin());
292  return Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> (iHandle,std::make_pair(iDetID,index));
293  }
uint16_t size_type
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> edm::makeRefToDetSetLazyVector ( const HandleT &  iHandle,
det_id_type  iDetID,
typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::iterator  itIter 

Definition at line 297 of file DetSetLazyVector.h.

References makeRefToDetSetLazyVector().

299  {
300  typedef typename HandleT::element_type Vec;
301  typename Vec::detset::const_iterator itIter2 = itIter;
302  return makeRefToDetSetLazyVector(iHandle,iDetID,itIter2);
303  }
Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > makeRefToDetSetLazyVector(const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator itIter)
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> edm::makeRefToDetSetRefVector ( const HandleT &  iHandle,
det_id_type  iDetID,
typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator  itIter 

Definition at line 307 of file DetSetRefVector.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

Referenced by makeRefToDetSetRefVector().

309  {
310  typedef typename HandleT::element_type Vec;
312  typename Vec::const_iterator itFound = iHandle->find(iDetID);
313  index += (itIter- itFound->data.begin());
314  return Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> (iHandle,std::make_pair(iDetID,index));
315  }
uint16_t size_type
template<class HandleT >
Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> edm::makeRefToDetSetRefVector ( const HandleT &  iHandle,
det_id_type  iDetID,
typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::iterator  itIter 

Definition at line 319 of file DetSetRefVector.h.

References makeRefToDetSetRefVector().

321  {
322  typedef typename HandleT::element_type Vec;
323  typename Vec::detset::const_iterator itIter2 = itIter;
324  return makeRefToDetSetRefVector(iHandle,iDetID,itIter2);
325  }
Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > makeRefToDetSetRefVector(const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator itIter)
template<class HandleT >
Ref<typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type> edm::makeRefToDetSetVector ( const HandleT &  iHandle,
det_id_type  iDetID,
typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::iterator  itIter 

Definition at line 506 of file DetSetVector.h.

References makeRefTo().

508  {
509  typedef typename HandleT::element_type Vec;
510  typename Vec::detset::const_iterator itIter2 = itIter;
511  return makeRefTo(iHandle,iDetID,itIter2);
512  }
Ref< typename HandleT::element_type, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::value_type > makeRefTo(const HandleT &iHandle, det_id_type iDetID, typename HandleT::element_type::value_type::const_iterator itIter)
Definition: DetSetVector.h:484
template<typename T >
Ref< LazyGetter<T>, T, FindValue<T> > edm::makeRefToLazyGetter ( const Handle< LazyGetter< T > > &  handle,
const uint32_t  index 

Definition at line 545 of file LazyGetter.h.

References patZpeak::handle, and cmsHarvester::index.

545 {return Ref< LazyGetter<T>, T, FindValue<T> >(handle,index);}
tuple handle
long double T
std::string edm::match ( BranchDescription const &  a,
BranchDescription const &  b,
std::string const &  fileName 

Definition at line 311 of file

References edm::BranchDescription::branchID(), edm::BranchDescription::branchName(), edm::BranchDescription::branchType(), edm::BranchDescription::dropped(), and edm::BranchDescription::fullClassName().

Referenced by edm::RootOutputFile::beginInputFile(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupProvider::checkESProducerSharing(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupProvider::doRecordsMatch(), edm::EventSelector::identical(), ConversionTools::matchedConversion(), ConversionTools::matchedPromptElectron(), edm::ProductRegistry::merge(), reco::modules::MCMatchCandRefSelector::newEvent(), edm::InputTagMatch::operator()(), HLTTauRefCombiner::produce(), and CosmicMuonLinksProducer::sharedHits().

312  {
313  std::ostringstream differences;
314  if(a.branchName() != b.branchName()) {
315  differences << "Branch name '" << b.branchName() << "' does not match '" << a.branchName() << "'.\n";
316  // Need not compare components of branch name individually.
317  // (a.friendlyClassName() != b.friendlyClassName())
318  // (a.moduleLabel() != b.moduleLabel())
319  // (a.productInstanceName() != b.productInstanceName())
320  // (a.processName() != b.processName())
321  }
322  if(a.branchType() != b.branchType()) {
323  differences << "Branch '" << b.branchName() << "' is a(n) '" << b.branchType() << "' branch\n";
324  differences << " in file '" << fileName << "', but a(n) '" << a.branchType() << "' branch in previous files.\n";
325  }
326  if(a.branchID() != b.branchID()) {
327  differences << "Branch '" << b.branchName() << "' has a branch ID of '" << b.branchID() << "'\n";
328  differences << " in file '" << fileName << "', but '" << a.branchID() << "' in previous files.\n";
329  }
330  if(a.fullClassName() != b.fullClassName()) {
331  differences << "Products on branch '" << b.branchName() << "' have type '" << b.fullClassName() << "'\n";
332  differences << " in file '" << fileName << "', but '" << a.fullClassName() << "' in previous files.\n";
333  }
334  if(!b.dropped() && a.dropped()) {
335  differences << "Branch '" << a.branchName() << "' was dropped in the first input file but is present in '" << fileName << "'.\n";
336  }
337  return differences.str();
338  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
EventID const& edm::max ( EventID const &  lh,
EventID const &  rh 
LuminosityBlockID const& edm::max ( LuminosityBlockID const &  lh,
LuminosityBlockID const &  rh 

Definition at line 135 of file LuminosityBlockID.h.

135  {
136  return (rh < lh ? lh : rh);
137  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
const unsigned int edm::maxIDlength ( 200  )

Referenced by edm::ErrorObj::setID().

static void edm::maybeThrowMissingDictionaryException ( TypeID const &  productType,
bool  isElement,
std::vector< std::string > const &  missingDictionaries 

Definition at line 38 of file

References binary_search_all(), checkDictionaries(), edm::TypeID::className(), throwMissingDictionariesException(), and wrappedClassName().

Referenced by edm::Principal::findProductByLabel(), and edm::Principal::getManyByType().

38  {
39  if(binary_search_all(missingDictionaries, productType.className())) {
40  checkDictionaries(isElement ? productType.className() : wrappedClassName(productType.className()), false);
42  }
43  }
void checkDictionaries(std::string const &name, bool noComponents=false)
void throwMissingDictionariesException()
std::string wrappedClassName(std::string const &iFullName)
bool binary_search_all(ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
wrappers for std::binary_search
Definition: Algorithms.h:76
bool edm::merge ( LuminosityBlockRange lh,
LuminosityBlockRange rh 

Definition at line 78 of file

References begin, end, edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endLumiID(), max(), min(), overlaps(), and edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startLumiID().

Referenced by sortAndRemoveOverlaps().

78  {
79  if (overlaps(lh, rh)) {
80  LuminosityBlockID begin = min(lh.startLumiID(), rh.startLumiID());
81  LuminosityBlockID end = max(lh.endLumiID(), rh.endLumiID());
82  rh = lh = LuminosityBlockRange(begin, end);
83  return true;
84  }
85  return false;
86  }
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:30
EventID const& edm::min ( EventID const &  lh,
EventID const &  rh 
LuminosityBlockID const& edm::min ( LuminosityBlockID const &  lh,
LuminosityBlockID const &  rh 

Definition at line 130 of file LuminosityBlockID.h.

130  {
131  return (rh < lh ? rh : lh);
132  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
StringSet & edm::missingTypes ( )

Definition at line 177 of file

References missingTypes_.

Referenced by checkDictionaries(), loadCap(), loadMissingDictionaries(), and throwMissingDictionariesException().

177  {
178  return missingTypes_;
179  }
static StringSet missingTypes_
std::string edm::moduleName ( Provenance const &  provenance)

Definition at line 27 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::Provenance::moduleLabel(), parameterSet(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, triggerResults(), and triggerResultsInserter().

Referenced by cms::ProducerAnalyzer::analyze(), HLTMonBitSummary::beginRun(), FourVectorHLTOnline::beginRun(), FourVectorHLTOffline::beginRun(), edm::DaqProvenanceHelper::DaqProvenanceHelper(), AlignableTracker::detsToAlignables(), SiPixelTrackerMap::drawModule(), edm::LHEProvenanceHelper::fillCommonProcessParameterSet(), egHLT::trigTools::getL1SeedFilterOfPath(), pos::PixelPortcardMap::getName(), PixelToFEDAssociateFromAscii::operator()(), pos::PixelDetectorConfig::PixelDetectorConfig(), HadronAndPartonSelector::produce(), edm::RootFile::reportOpened(), edm::RootOutputFile::RootOutputFile(), and edm::Maker::throwValidationException().

27  {
28  // Trigger results ia a special case
29  if(provenance.moduleLabel() == triggerResults) {
30  return triggerResultsInserter;
31  }
32  return parameterSet(provenance).getParameter<std::string>("@module_type");
33  }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
static std::string const triggerResultsInserter("TriggerResultsInserter")
static std::string const triggerResults
ParameterSet const & parameterSet(Provenance const &provenance)
edm::moduleRegistry_ ( new   ModuleRegistry())

Referenced by endpathsAreActive_().

EDProductGetter const * edm::mustBeNonZero ( EDProductGetter const *  prodGetter,
std::string  refType,
ProductID const &  productID 

Definition at line 69 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception, and edm::errors::InvalidReference.

69  {
70  if (prodGetter != nullptr) return prodGetter;
71  throw Exception(errors::InvalidReference, refType)
72  << "Attempt to construct a " << refType << " with ProductID " << productID << "\n"
73  << "but with a null pointer to a product getter.\n"
74  << "The product getter pointer passed to the constructor must refer\n"
75  << "to a real getter, such as an EventPrincipal.\n";
76  }
static Principal::CacheIdentifier_t edm::nextIdentifier ( )

Definition at line 121 of file

References s_nextIdentifier.

Referenced by edm::Principal::fillPrincipal().

121  {
122  return s_nextIdentifier.fetch_add(1,std::memory_order_acq_rel);
123  }
static std::atomic< Principal::CacheIdentifier_t > s_nextIdentifier
Long64_t edm::numEntries ( TFile *  hdl,
std::string const &  trname 

Definition at line 50 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and MainPageGenerator::tree.

Referenced by format_vstring(), edm::RootFile::readEntryDescriptionTree(), edm::RootFile::readParentageTree(), and ProvenanceDumper::work_().

50  {
51  TTree *tree = (TTree*)hdl->Get(trname.c_str());
52  if (tree) {
53  return tree->GetEntries();
54  } else {
55  std::cout << "ERR cannot find a TTree named \"" << trname << "\""
56  << std::endl;
57  return -1;
58  }
59  }
tuple cout
TFile * edm::openFileHdl ( std::string const &  fname)

Definition at line 24 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and cmsRelvalreport::exit.

24  {
25  TFile *hdl = TFile::Open(fname.c_str(), "read");
27  if (0 == hdl) {
28  std::cout << "ERR Could not open file " << fname.c_str() << std::endl;
29  exit(1);
30  }
31  return hdl;
32  }
string fname
main script
tuple cout
bool edm::operator!= ( FileID const &  lh,
FileID const &  rh 

Definition at line 28 of file FileID.h.

28 {return !(lh == rh);}
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::operator!= ( RunLumiEntryInfo const &  a,
RunLumiEntryInfo const &  b 

Definition at line 47 of file RunLumiEntryInfo.h.

References b.

47 { return !(a==b); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( EventEntryInfo const &  a,
EventEntryInfo const &  b 

Definition at line 56 of file EventEntryInfo.h.

References b.

56 { return !(a==b); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( ProductID const &  lh,
ProductID const &  rh 

Definition at line 58 of file ProductID.h.

58  {
59  return !(lh == rh);
60  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::operator!= ( EventEntryDescription const &  a,
EventEntryDescription const &  b 

Definition at line 60 of file EventEntryDescription.h.

References b.

60 { return !(a==b); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( TypeID const &  a,
TypeID const &  b 

Definition at line 63 of file TypeID.h.

References b.

63  {
64  return !(a == b);
65  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( BranchKey const &  a,
BranchKey const &  b 

Definition at line 66 of file BranchKey.h.

References b.

66  {
67  return !(a == b);
68  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( Parentage const &  a,
Parentage const &  b 

Definition at line 69 of file Parentage.h.

References b.

69 { return !(a == b); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( const TypeIDBase a,
const TypeIDBase b 

Definition at line 74 of file TypeIDBase.h.

References b.

75  { return !(a==b); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
template<class X , class Y >
bool edm::operator!= ( debugging_allocator< X > const &  ,
debugging_allocator< Y > const &   
throw (

Definition at line 75 of file debugging_allocator.h.

75 { return false; }
bool edm::operator!= ( ProcessConfiguration const &  a,
ProcessConfiguration const &  b 

Definition at line 80 of file ProcessConfiguration.h.

References b.

80  {
81  return !(a == b);
82  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( ProductProvenance const &  a,
ProductProvenance const &  b 

Definition at line 82 of file ProductProvenance.h.

References b.

82 { return !(a == b); }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( RefCore const &  lhs,
RefCore const &  rhs 

Definition at line 104 of file RefCore.h.

104  {
105  return !(lhs == rhs);
106  }
bool edm::operator!= ( ProcessHistory const &  a,
ProcessHistory const &  b 

Definition at line 110 of file ProcessHistory.h.

References b.

110  {
111  return !(a==b);
112  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename KEY >
bool edm::operator!= ( RefVectorBase< KEY > const &  lhs,
RefVectorBase< KEY > const &  rhs 

Inequality operator.

Definition at line 112 of file RefVectorBase.h.

112  {
113  return !(lhs == rhs);
114  }
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator!= ( FwdPtr< T > const &  lhs,
FwdPtr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 145 of file FwdPtr.h.

145  {
146  return !(lhs == rhs);
147  }
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator!= ( View< T > const &  lhs,
View< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 372 of file View.h.

372  {
373  return !(lhs == rhs);
374  }
bool edm::operator!= ( FileIndex::Element const &  lh,
FileIndex::Element const &  rh 

Definition at line 153 of file FileIndex.h.

References mathSSE::lh.

153 {return lh < rh || rh < lh;}
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::operator!= ( ProductRegistry const &  a,
ProductRegistry const &  b 

Definition at line 177 of file ProductRegistry.h.

References b.

177  {
178  return !(a == b);
179  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( TypeWithDict const &  a,
TypeWithDict const &  b 

Definition at line 183 of file TypeWithDict.h.

References b.

183  {
184  return !(a == b);
185  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator!= ( ELseverityLevel const &  e1,
ELseverityLevel const &  e2 
bool edm::operator!= ( Entry const &  a,
Entry const &  b 

Definition at line 205 of file Entry.h.

References b.

205  {
206  return !(a == b);
207  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator!= ( RefToBaseProd< T > const &  lhs,
RefToBaseProd< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 208 of file RefToBaseProd.h.

208  {
209  return !(lhs == rhs);
210  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator!= ( atomic_value_ptr< T > const &  lhs,
U const &  rhs 

Definition at line 217 of file atomic_value_ptr.h.

References edm::atomic_value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

217  {
218  lhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
219  return false;
220  }
template<typename C >
bool edm::operator!= ( RefProd< C > const &  lhs,
RefProd< C > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 226 of file RefProd.h.

226  {
227  return !(lhs == rhs);
228  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator!= ( RefVector< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
RefVector< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 227 of file RefVector.h.

227  {
228  return !(lhs == rhs);
229  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator!= ( U const &  lhs,
atomic_value_ptr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 229 of file atomic_value_ptr.h.

References edm::atomic_value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

229  {
230  rhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
231  return false;
232  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator!= ( value_ptr< T > const &  lhs,
U const &  rhs 

Definition at line 230 of file value_ptr.h.

References edm::value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

230  {
231  lhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
232  return false;
233  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator!= ( U const &  lhs,
value_ptr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 242 of file value_ptr.h.

References edm::value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

242  {
243  rhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
244  return false;
245  }
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator!= ( Ptr< T > const &  lhs,
Ptr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 248 of file Ptr.h.

248  {
249  return !(lhs == rhs);
250  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator!= ( FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 291 of file FwdRef.h.

291  {
292  return !(lhs == rhs);
293  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator!= ( Ref< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 298 of file FwdRef.h.

298  {
299  return !(lhs == rhs);
300  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator!= ( FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
Ref< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 305 of file FwdRef.h.

305  {
306  return !(lhs == rhs);
307  }
bool edm::operator!= ( ParameterSet const &  a,
ParameterSet const &  b 

Definition at line 329 of file ParameterSet.h.

References b.

329  {
330  return !(a == b);
331  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator!= ( Ref< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
Ref< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 649 of file Ref.h.

649  {
650  return !(lhs == rhs);
651  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator&& ( ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_left,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_right 

Definition at line 193 of file

194  {
195  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ANDGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
196  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator&& ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_left,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_right 

Definition at line 199 of file

200  {
201  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ANDGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
202  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator&& ( ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_right 

Definition at line 205 of file

206  {
207  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ANDGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
208  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator&& ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_right 

Definition at line 211 of file

212  {
213  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ANDGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
214  }

Definition at line 2431 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::False, edm::ParameterSet::True, and edm::ParameterSet::Unknown.

2431  {
2433  return ParameterSet::False;
2434  } else if(a == ParameterSet::Unknown || b == ParameterSet::Unknown) {
2435  return ParameterSet::Unknown;
2436  }
2437  return ParameterSet::True;
2438  }
#define True
Definition: Types.h:96
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
#define False
Definition: Types.h:97
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
RefVectorIterator<C, T, F> edm::operator+ ( typename RefVectorIterator< C, T, F >::difference  n,
RefVectorIterator< C, T, F > const &  iter 

Definition at line 71 of file RefVectorIterator.h.

References n.

71  {
72  return iter + n;
73  }
template<typename C >
Association<C> edm::operator+ ( const Association< C > &  a1,
const Association< C > &  a2 

Definition at line 121 of file Association.h.

References a.

122  {
123  Association<C> a = a1;
124  a += a2;
125  return a;
126  }
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
ValueMap<T> edm::operator+ ( const ValueMap< T > &  a1,
const ValueMap< T > &  a2 

Definition at line 254 of file ValueMap.h.

References a.

255  {
256  ValueMap<T> a = a1;
257  a += a2;
258  return a;
259  }
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator< ( EventProcessHistoryID const &  lh,
EventProcessHistoryID const &  rh 

Definition at line 22 of file EventProcessHistoryID.h.

References edm::EventProcessHistoryID::eventID().

22  {
23  return lh.eventID() < rh.eventID();
24  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::operator< ( RunLumiEntryInfo const &  a,
RunLumiEntryInfo const &  b 

Definition at line 34 of file RunLumiEntryInfo.h.

References edm::RunLumiEntryInfo::branchID().

34  {
35  return a.branchID() < b.branchID();
36  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator< ( StoredProductProvenance const &  a,
StoredProductProvenance const &  b 

Definition at line 38 of file StoredProductProvenance.h.

References edm::StoredProductProvenance::branchID_.

38  {
39  return a.branchID_ < b.branchID_;
40  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator< ( EventEntryInfo const &  a,
EventEntryInfo const &  b 

Definition at line 43 of file EventEntryInfo.h.

References edm::EventEntryInfo::branchID().

43  {
44  return a.branchID() < b.branchID();
45  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator< ( BranchKey const &  a,
BranchKey const &  b 

Definition at line 46 of file BranchKey.h.

References edm::BranchKey::friendlyClassName(), edm::BranchKey::moduleLabel(), edm::BranchKey::processName(), and edm::BranchKey::productInstanceName().

46  {
47  return
48  a.friendlyClassName() < b.friendlyClassName() ? true :
49  a.friendlyClassName() > b.friendlyClassName() ? false :
50  a.moduleLabel() < b.moduleLabel() ? true :
51  a.moduleLabel() > b.moduleLabel() ? false :
52  a.productInstanceName() < b.productInstanceName() ? true :
53  a.productInstanceName() > b.productInstanceName() ? false :
54  a.processName() < b.processName() ? true :
55  false;
56  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator< ( ProductID const &  lh,
ProductID const &  rh 

Definition at line 12 of file

References edm::ProductID::processIndex(), and edm::ProductID::productIndex().

12  {
13  return lh.processIndex() < rh.processIndex() ||
14  (lh.processIndex() == rh.processIndex() && lh.productIndex() < rh.productIndex());
15  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::operator< ( ProcessConfiguration const &  a,
ProcessConfiguration const &  b 

Definition at line 96 of file

References edm::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::passID(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::processName(), and edm::ProcessConfiguration::releaseVersion().

96  {
97  if (a.processName() < b.processName()) return true;
98  if (b.processName() < a.processName()) return false;
99  if (a.parameterSetID() < b.parameterSetID()) return true;
100  if (b.parameterSetID() < a.parameterSetID()) return false;
101  if (a.releaseVersion() < b.releaseVersion()) return true;
102  if (b.releaseVersion() < a.releaseVersion()) return false;
103  if (a.passID() < b.passID()) return true;
104  return false;
105  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator< ( ProductProvenance const &  a,
ProductProvenance const &  b 

Definition at line 69 of file ProductProvenance.h.

References edm::ProductProvenance::branchID().

69  {
70  return a.branchID() < b.branchID();
71  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T >
bool edm::operator< ( DetSet< T > const &  x,
DetSet< T > const &  y 

Definition at line 90 of file DetSet.h.

90  {
91  return x.detId() < y.detId();
92  }
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
template<class T >
bool edm::operator< ( DetSet< T > const &  x,
det_id_type  y 

Definition at line 97 of file DetSet.h.

References x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

97  {
98  return x.detId() < y;
99  }
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
template<class T >
bool edm::operator< ( det_id_type  x,
DetSet< T > const &  y 

Definition at line 104 of file DetSet.h.

References x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

104  {
105  return x < y.detId();
106  }
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
bool edm::operator< ( RefCore const &  lhs,
RefCore const &  rhs 

Definition at line 110 of file RefCore.h.

References edm::RefCore::id(), edm::RefCore::isTransient(), and edm::RefCore::productPtr().

110  {
111  return lhs.isTransient() ? (rhs.isTransient() ? lhs.productPtr() < rhs.productPtr() : false) : (rhs.isTransient() ? true : <;
112  }
bool edm::operator< ( FileIndex::Element const &  lh,
FileIndex::Element const &  rh 

Definition at line 182 of file

References edm::FileIndex::Element::event_, edm::FileIndex::Element::lumi_, and edm::FileIndex::Element::run_.

182  {
183  if(lh.run_ == rh.run_) {
184  if(lh.lumi_ == rh.lumi_) {
185  return lh.event_ < rh.event_;
186  }
187  return lh.lumi_ < rh.lumi_;
188  }
189  return lh.run_ < rh.run_;
190  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator< ( FwdPtr< T > const &  lhs,
FwdPtr< T > const &  rhs 

The ordering of integer keys guarantees that the ordering of FwdPtrs within a collection will be identical to the ordering of the referenced objects in the collection.

Definition at line 152 of file FwdPtr.h.

152  {
155  return (lhs.ptr() < rhs.ptr());
156  }
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator< ( View< T > const &  lhs,
View< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 379 of file View.h.

379  {
380  return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(),
381  rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
382  }
bool edm::operator< ( TypeWithDict const &  a,
TypeWithDict const &  b 

Definition at line 177 of file TypeWithDict.h.

References edm::TypeWithDict::typeInfo().

177  {
178  return a.typeInfo().before(b.typeInfo());
179  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator< ( ELseverityLevel const &  e1,
ELseverityLevel const &  e2 
bool edm::operator< ( BranchDescription const &  a,
BranchDescription const &  b 

Definition at line 269 of file

References edm::BranchDescription::branchAliases(), edm::BranchDescription::branchID(), edm::BranchDescription::branchType(), edm::BranchDescription::friendlyClassName(), edm::BranchDescription::fullClassName(), edm::BranchDescription::moduleLabel(), edm::BranchDescription::present(), edm::BranchDescription::processName(), and edm::BranchDescription::productInstanceName().

269  {
270  if(a.processName() < b.processName()) return true;
271  if(b.processName() < a.processName()) return false;
272  if(a.fullClassName() < b.fullClassName()) return true;
273  if(b.fullClassName() < a.fullClassName()) return false;
274  if(a.friendlyClassName() < b.friendlyClassName()) return true;
275  if(b.friendlyClassName() < a.friendlyClassName()) return false;
276  if(a.productInstanceName() < b.productInstanceName()) return true;
277  if(b.productInstanceName() < a.productInstanceName()) return false;
278  if(a.moduleLabel() < b.moduleLabel()) return true;
279  if(b.moduleLabel() < a.moduleLabel()) return false;
280  if(a.branchType() < b.branchType()) return true;
281  if(b.branchType() < a.branchType()) return false;
282  if(a.branchID() < b.branchID()) return true;
283  if(b.branchID() < a.branchID()) return false;
284  if(a.branchAliases() < b.branchAliases()) return true;
285  if(b.branchAliases() < a.branchAliases()) return false;
286  if(a.present() < b.present()) return true;
287  if(b.present() < a.present()) return false;
288  return false;
289  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator< ( RefToBaseProd< T > const &  lhs,
RefToBaseProd< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 215 of file RefToBaseProd.h.

215  {
216  return (lhs.refCore() < rhs.refCore());
217  }
template<typename C >
bool edm::operator< ( RefProd< C > const &  lhs,
RefProd< C > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 233 of file RefProd.h.

233  {
234  return(lhs.refCore() < rhs.refCore());
235  }
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator< ( Ptr< T > const &  lhs,
Ptr< T > const &  rhs 

The ordering of integer keys guarantees that the ordering of Ptrs within a collection will be identical to the ordering of the referenced objects in the collection.

Definition at line 255 of file Ptr.h.

255  {
258  return (lhs.refCore() == rhs.refCore() ? lhs.key() < rhs.key() : lhs.refCore() < rhs.refCore());
259  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator< ( FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

for inequality operators, ONLY test the forward ref. the ordering of the backward ref is not relevant.

Definition at line 314 of file FwdRef.h.

314  {
315  return (lhs.ref() < rhs.ref() );
316  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator< ( Ref< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 321 of file FwdRef.h.

321  {
322  return (lhs < rhs.ref() );
323  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator< ( FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
Ref< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 328 of file FwdRef.h.

328  {
329  return (lhs.ref() < rhs );
330  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator< ( Ref< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
Ref< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

the definition and use of compare_key<> guarantees that the ordering of Refs within

a collection will be identical to the ordering of the referenced objects in the collection.

Definition at line 656 of file Ref.h.

656  {
659  return (lhs.refCore() == rhs.refCore() ? compare_key<C>(lhs.key(), rhs.key()) : lhs.refCore() < rhs.refCore());
660  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
TimeOfDay const &  tod 

Definition at line 27 of file

References begin, bookConverter::min, listBenchmarks::pattern, and edm::TimeOfDay::tv_.

27  {
28  std::ios::fmtflags oldflags = os.flags(); // Save stream formats so they can be left unchanged.
29  struct tm timebuf;
30  localtime_r(&tod.tv_.tv_sec, &timebuf);
31  typedef std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > Iter;
32  std::time_put<char, Iter> const& tp = std::use_facet<std::time_put<char, Iter> >(std::locale());
33  int precision = os.precision();
34  Iter begin(os);
35  if(precision == 0) {
36  char const pattern[] = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z";
37  tp.put(begin, os, ' ', &timebuf, pattern, pattern + sizeof(pattern) - 1);
38  } else {
39  char const pattern[] = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S.";
40  tp.put(begin, os, ' ', &timebuf, pattern, pattern + sizeof(pattern) - 1);
41  precision = std::min(precision, 6);
42  os << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(precision) << tod.tv_.tv_usec/power[precision] << ' ';
43  tp.put(begin, os, ' ', &timebuf, 'Z');
44  }
45  os.flags(oldflags);
46  return os;
47  }
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:30
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ParameterSetBlob const &  blob 

Definition at line 6 of file

References edm::ParameterSetBlob::pset().

6  {
7  os << blob.pset();
8  return os;
9  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
FileID const &  id 

Definition at line 6 of file

6  {
7  os << id.fid();
8  return os;
9  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
BranchType const &  branchType 

Definition at line 6 of file

References BranchTypeToString().

6  {
8  return os;
9  }
std::string const & BranchTypeToString(BranchType const &branchType)
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
PlaceInPathContext const &  ppc 

Definition at line 13 of file

References edm::PlaceInPathContext::pathContext(), and edm::PlaceInPathContext::placeInPath().

13  {
14  os << "PlaceInPathContext " << ppc.placeInPath() << "\n";
15  if(ppc.pathContext()) {
16  os << " " << *ppc.pathContext();
17  }
18  return os;
19  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
BranchID const &  id 

Definition at line 14 of file

14  {
15  os <<;
16  return os;
17  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
InternalContext const &  ic 

Definition at line 14 of file

References edm::InternalContext::eventID(), and edm::InternalContext::moduleCallingContext().

14  {
15  os << "InternalContext " << ic.eventID() << "\n";
16  if(ic.moduleCallingContext()) {
17  os << " " << *ic.moduleCallingContext();
18  }
19  return os;
20  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
FileFormatVersion const &  ff 

Definition at line 106 of file

References edm::FileFormatVersion::value().

106  {
107  os << ff.value();
108  return os;
109  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
RunLumiEntryInfo const &  p 

Definition at line 40 of file RunLumiEntryInfo.h.

References edm::RunLumiEntryInfo::write().

40  {
41  p.write(os);
42  return os;
43  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
EventEntryInfo const &  p 

Definition at line 49 of file EventEntryInfo.h.

References edm::EventEntryInfo::write().

49  {
50  p.write(os);
51  return os;
52  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ProductSelector &  gs 

Definition at line 81 of file

References edm::ProductSelector::print().

82  {
83  gs.print(os);
84  return os;
85  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ProcessContext const &  pc 

Definition at line 33 of file

References edm::ProcessContext::isSubProcess(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), edm::ProcessContext::parentProcessContext(), edm::ProcessContext::processConfiguration(), and edm::ProcessConfiguration::processName().

33  {
34  os << "ProcessContext: ";
35  if(pc.processConfiguration()) {
36  os << pc.processConfiguration()->processName() << " " << pc.processConfiguration()->parameterSetID()<< "\n";
37  } else {
38  os << "invalid\n";
39  return os;
40  }
41  if(pc.isSubProcess()) {
42  os << " parent " << pc.parentProcessContext();
43  }
44  return os;
45  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
PathContext const &  pc 

Definition at line 18 of file

References edm::PathContext::kEndPath, edm::PathContext::pathID(), edm::PathContext::pathName(), edm::PathContext::pathType(), and edm::PathContext::streamContext().

18  {
19  os << "PathContext: pathName = " << pc.pathName()
20  << " pathID = " << pc.pathID();
21  if(pc.pathType() == PathContext::PathType::kEndPath) {
22  os << " (EndPath)\n";
23  } else {
24  os << "\n";
25  }
26  if(pc.streamContext()) {
27  os << " " << *pc.streamContext();
28  }
29  return os;
30  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
EventEntryDescription const &  p 

Definition at line 53 of file EventEntryDescription.h.

References edm::EventEntryDescription::write().

53  {
54  p.write(os);
55  return os;
56  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ost,
const MallocOpts &  opts 

Definition at line 26 of file

References edm::MallocOpts::mmap_max_, edm::MallocOpts::mmap_thr_, edm::MallocOpts::top_pad_, and edm::MallocOpts::trim_thr_.

27  {
28  ost << "mmap_max=" << opts.mmap_max_
29  << " trim_threshold=" << opts.trim_thr_
30  << " top_padding=" << opts.top_pad_
31  << " mmap_threshold=" << opts.mmap_thr_;
32  return ost;
33  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Parentage const &  p 

Definition at line 62 of file Parentage.h.

References edm::Parentage::write().

62  {
63  p.write(os);
64  return os;
65  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ProductID const &  id 

Definition at line 7 of file

7  {
8  os << id.processIndex() << ":" << id.productIndex();
9  return os;
10  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oStream,
LuminosityBlockRange const &  iID 

Definition at line 46 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endLumi(), edm::LuminosityBlockRange::endRun(), edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startLumi(), and edm::LuminosityBlockRange::startRun().

46  {
47  oStream << "'" << r.startRun() << ":" << r.startLumi() << "-"
48  << r.endRun() << ":" << r.endLumi() << "'" ;
49  return oStream;
50  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ParentContext const &  pc 

Definition at line 89 of file

References edm::ParentContext::globalContext(), edm::ParentContext::internalContext(), edm::ParentContext::kGlobal, edm::ParentContext::kInternal, edm::ParentContext::kInvalid, edm::ParentContext::kModule, edm::ParentContext::kPlaceInPath, edm::ParentContext::kStream, edm::ParentContext::moduleCallingContext(), edm::ParentContext::placeInPathContext(), edm::ParentContext::streamContext(), and edm::ParentContext::type().

89  {
90  if(pc.type() == ParentContext::Type::kGlobal && pc.globalContext()) {
91  os << *pc.globalContext();
92  } else if (pc.type() == ParentContext::Type::kInternal && pc.internalContext()) {
93  os << *pc.internalContext();
94  } else if (pc.type() == ParentContext::Type::kModule && pc.moduleCallingContext()) {
95  os << *pc.moduleCallingContext();
96  } else if (pc.type() == ParentContext::Type::kPlaceInPath && pc.placeInPathContext()) {
97  os << *pc.placeInPathContext();
98  } else if (pc.type() == ParentContext::Type::kStream && pc.streamContext()) {
99  os << *pc.streamContext();
100  } else if (pc.type() == ParentContext::Type::kInvalid) {
101  os << "ParentContext invalid\n";
102  }
103  return os;
104  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
GlobalContext const &  gc 

Definition at line 22 of file

References edm::GlobalContext::kBeginJob, edm::GlobalContext::kBeginLuminosityBlock, edm::GlobalContext::kBeginRun, edm::GlobalContext::kEndJob, edm::GlobalContext::kEndLuminosityBlock, edm::GlobalContext::kEndRun, edm::GlobalContext::kWriteLuminosityBlock, edm::GlobalContext::kWriteRun, edm::GlobalContext::luminosityBlockID(), edm::GlobalContext::luminosityBlockIndex(), edm::Timestamp::microsecondOffset(), edm::GlobalContext::processContext(), edm::GlobalContext::runIndex(), edm::GlobalContext::timestamp(), edm::GlobalContext::transition(), edm::Timestamp::unixTime(), edm::RunIndex::value(), and edm::LuminosityBlockIndex::value().

22  {
23  os << "GlobalContext: transition = ";
24  switch (gc.transition()) {
25  case GlobalContext::Transition::kBeginJob:
26  os << "BeginJob";
27  break;
28  case GlobalContext::Transition::kBeginRun:
29  os << "BeginRun";
30  break;
31  case GlobalContext::Transition::kBeginLuminosityBlock:
32  os << "BeginLuminosityBlock";
33  break;
34  case GlobalContext::Transition::kEndLuminosityBlock:
35  os << "EndLuminosityBlock";
36  break;
37  case GlobalContext::Transition::kEndRun:
38  os << "EndRun";
39  break;
40  case GlobalContext::Transition::kEndJob:
41  os << "EndJob";
42  break;
43  case GlobalContext::Transition::kWriteRun:
44  os << "WriteRun";
45  break;
46  case GlobalContext::Transition::kWriteLuminosityBlock:
47  os << "WriteLuminosityBlock";
48  break;
49  }
50  os << "\n " << gc.luminosityBlockID()
51  << "\n runIndex = " << gc.runIndex().value()
52  << " luminosityBlockIndex = " << gc.luminosityBlockIndex().value()
53  << " unixTime = " << gc.timestamp().unixTime()
54  << " microsecondOffset = " << gc.timestamp().microsecondOffset() <<"\n";
55  if(gc.processContext()) {
56  os << " " << *gc.processContext();
57  }
58  return os;
59  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
TypeID const &  id 

Definition at line 131 of file

131  {
132  id.print(os);
133  return os;
134  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RunAuxiliary &  p 

Definition at line 68 of file RunAuxiliary.h.

References edm::RunAuxiliary::write().

68  {
69  p.write(os);
70  return os;
71  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oStream,
EventRange const &  iID 

Definition at line 27 of file

References edm::EventRange::endEvent(), edm::EventRange::endLumi(), edm::EventRange::endRun(), edm::EventRange::startEvent(), edm::EventRange::startLumi(), and edm::EventRange::startRun().

27  {
28  if (r.startLumi() == 0) {
29  oStream << "'" << r.startRun() << ":" << r.startEvent() << "-"
30  << r.endRun() << ":" << r.endEvent() << "'";
31  } else {
32  oStream << "'" << r.startRun() << ":" << r.startLumi() << ":" << r.startEvent() << "-"
33  << r.endRun() << ":" << r.endLumi() << ":" << r.endEvent() << "'";
34  }
35  return oStream;
36  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const LuminosityBlockAuxiliary &  p 

Definition at line 70 of file LuminosityBlockAuxiliary.h.

References edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary::write().

70  {
71  p.write(os);
72  return os;
73  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
BranchKey const &  bk 

Definition at line 19 of file

References edm::BranchKey::friendlyClassName(), edm::BranchKey::moduleLabel(), edm::BranchKey::processName(), and edm::BranchKey::productInstanceName().

19  {
20  os << "BranchKey("
21  << bk.friendlyClassName() << ", "
22  << bk.moduleLabel() << ", "
23  << bk.productInstanceName() << ", "
24  << bk.processName() << ')';
25  return os;
26  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ProductProvenance const &  p 

Definition at line 75 of file ProductProvenance.h.

References edm::ProductProvenance::write().

75  {
76  p.write(os);
77  return os;
78  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ost,
InputTag const &  tag 

Definition at line 220 of file

References edm::InputTag::instance(), edm::InputTag::label(), LaserDQM_cfg::process, edm::InputTag::process(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

220  {
221  static std::string const process(", process = ");
222  ost << "InputTag: label = " << tag.label() << ", instance = " << tag.instance()
223  << (tag.process().empty() ? std::string() : (process + tag.process()));
224  return ost;
225  }
tuple process
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
StreamContext const &  sc 

Definition at line 35 of file

References edm::StreamContext::eventID(), edm::StreamContext::kBeginLuminosityBlock, edm::StreamContext::kBeginRun, edm::StreamContext::kBeginStream, edm::StreamContext::kEndLuminosityBlock, edm::StreamContext::kEndRun, edm::StreamContext::kEndStream, edm::StreamContext::kEvent, edm::StreamContext::kInvalid, edm::StreamContext::luminosityBlockIndex(), edm::Timestamp::microsecondOffset(), edm::StreamContext::processContext(), edm::StreamContext::runIndex(), edm::StreamContext::streamID(), edm::StreamContext::timestamp(), edm::StreamContext::transition(), edm::Timestamp::unixTime(), edm::RunIndex::value(), and edm::LuminosityBlockIndex::value().

35  {
36  os << "StreamContext: StreamID = " << sc.streamID()
37  << " transition = ";
38  switch (sc.transition()) {
40  os << "BeginStream";
41  break;
42  case StreamContext::Transition::kBeginRun:
43  os << "BeginRun";
44  break;
45  case StreamContext::Transition::kBeginLuminosityBlock:
46  os << "BeginLuminosityBlock";
47  break;
48  case StreamContext::Transition::kEvent:
49  os << "Event";
50  break;
51  case StreamContext::Transition::kEndLuminosityBlock:
52  os << "EndLuminosityBlock";
53  break;
54  case StreamContext::Transition::kEndRun:
55  os << "EndRun";
56  break;
58  os << "EndStream";
59  break;
60  case StreamContext::Transition::kInvalid:
61  os << "Invalid";
62  break;
63  }
64  os << "\n " << sc.eventID()
65  << "\n runIndex = " << sc.runIndex().value()
66  << " luminosityBlockIndex = " << sc.luminosityBlockIndex().value()
67  << " unixTime = " << sc.timestamp().unixTime()
68  << " microsecondOffset = " << sc.timestamp().microsecondOffset() <<"\n";
69  if(sc.processContext()) {
70  os << " " << *sc.processContext();
71  }
72  return os;
73  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ProcessConfiguration const &  pc 

Definition at line 108 of file

References edm::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::passID(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::processName(), and edm::ProcessConfiguration::releaseVersion().

108  {
109  os << pc.processName() << ' '
110  << pc.parameterSetID() << ' '
111  << pc.releaseVersion() << ' '
112  << pc.passID();
113  return os;
114  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ModuleCallingContext const &  mcc 

Definition at line 92 of file

References edm::ModuleCallingContext::kInvalid, edm::ParentContext::kModule, edm::ModuleCallingContext::kPrefetching, edm::ModuleCallingContext::kRunning, edm::ModuleCallingContext::moduleCallingContext(), edm::ModuleCallingContext::moduleDescription(), edm::ModuleCallingContext::parent(), edm::ModuleCallingContext::previousModuleOnThread(), edm::ModuleCallingContext::state(), and edm::ModuleCallingContext::type().

92  {
93  os << "ModuleCallingContext state = ";
94  switch (mcc.state()) {
95  case ModuleCallingContext::State::kInvalid:
96  os << "Invalid";
97  break;
98  case ModuleCallingContext::State::kPrefetching:
99  os << "Prefetching";
100  break;
101  case ModuleCallingContext::State::kRunning:
102  os << "Running";
103  break;
104  }
105  os << "\n";
106  if(mcc.state() == ModuleCallingContext::State::kInvalid) {
107  return os;
108  }
109  if(mcc.moduleDescription()) {
110  os << " moduleDescription: " << *mcc.moduleDescription() << "\n";
111  }
112  os << " " << mcc.parent();
113  if(mcc.previousModuleOnThread()) {
114  if(mcc.type() == ParentContext::Type::kModule && mcc.moduleCallingContext() == mcc.previousModuleOnThread()) {
115  os << " previousModuleOnThread: same as parent module\n";
116  } else {
117  os << " previousModuleOnThread: " << *mcc.previousModuleOnThread();
118  }
119  }
120  return os;
121  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oStream,
RunID const &  iID 

Definition at line 5 of file

References edm::RunID::run().

5  {
6  oStream << "run: " <<;
7  return oStream;
8  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ModuleDescription const &  p 

Definition at line 101 of file ModuleDescription.h.

References edm::ModuleDescription::write().

101  {
102  p.write(os);
103  return os;
104  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EventAuxiliary &  p 

Definition at line 102 of file EventAuxiliary.h.

References edm::EventAuxiliary::write().

102  {
103  p.write(os);
104  return os;
105  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Provenance const &  p 

Definition at line 106 of file Provenance.h.

References edm::Provenance::write().

106  {
107  p.write(os);
108  return os;
109  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ParameterSetEntry const &  psetEntry 

Definition at line 115 of file

References edm::ParameterSetEntry::dump().

115  {
116  os << psetEntry.dump();
117  return os;
118  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
JobReport::RunReport const &  f 

Definition at line 115 of file

References print().

115  {
116  return print(os,f);
117  }
std::string print(const Track &, edm::Verbosity=edm::Concise)
Track print utility.
double f[11][100]
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ost,
const HLTGlobalStatus &  hlt 

Formatted printout of trigger tbale.

Definition at line 115 of file HLTGlobalStatus.h.

References i, n, edm::HLTGlobalStatus::size(), edm::HLTGlobalStatus::state(), and runonSM::text.

115  {
116  std::vector<std::string> text(4); text[0]="n"; text[1]="1"; text[2]="0"; text[3]="e";
117  const unsigned int n(hlt.size());
118  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n; ++i) ost <<;
119  return ost;
120  }
int i
tuple text
template<class T >
ErrorObj& edm::operator<< ( ErrorObj &  e,
const T t 
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ost,
ProcessHistory const &  ph 

Definition at line 72 of file

References copy_all().

72  {
73  ost << "Process History = ";
74  copy_all(ph, std::ostream_iterator<ProcessHistory::value_type>(ost,";"));
75  return ost;
76  }
Func copy_all(ForwardSequence &s, Func f)
wrappers for copy
Definition: Algorithms.h:24
ErrorObj & edm::operator<< ( ErrorObj &  e,
const char  s[] 

Definition at line 288 of file

References edm::ErrorObj::opltlt().

288  {
289  return e.opltlt(s);
290 }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oStream,
EventID const &  iID 

Definition at line 5 of file

References edm::EventID::event(), edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), and edm::EventID::run().

5  {
6  oStream << "run: " << << " lumi: " << iID.luminosityBlock() << " event: " << iID.event();
7  return oStream;
8  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oStream,
LuminosityBlockID const &  iID 

Definition at line 25 of file

References edm::LuminosityBlockID::luminosityBlock(), and edm::LuminosityBlockID::run().

25  {
26  oStream<< "run: " << << " luminosityBlock: " << iID.luminosityBlock();
27  return oStream;
28  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const edm::FileInPath fip 

Definition at line 142 of file FileInPath.h.

References edm::FileInPath::write().

143  {
144  fip.write(os);
145  return os;
146  }
void write(std::ostream &os) const
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
VParameterSetEntry const &  vpsetEntry 

Definition at line 147 of file

References edm::VParameterSetEntry::dump().

147  {
148  os << vpsetEntry.dump();
149  return os;
150  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
FileIndex const &  fileIndex 

Definition at line 211 of file

References edm::FileIndex::begin(), edm::FileIndex::end(), edm::FileIndex::kEvent, edm::FileIndex::kLumi, and edm::FileIndex::kRun.

211  {
213  os << "\nPrinting FileIndex contents. This includes a list of all Runs, LuminosityBlocks\n"
214  << "and Events stored in the root file.\n\n";
215  os << std::setw(15) << "Run"
216  << std::setw(15) << "Lumi"
217  << std::setw(15) << "Event"
218  << std::setw(15) << "TTree Entry"
219  << "\n";
220  for(std::vector<FileIndex::Element>::const_iterator it = fileIndex.begin(), itEnd = fileIndex.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
221  if(it->getEntryType() == FileIndex::kEvent) {
222  os << std::setw(15) << it->run_
223  << std::setw(15) << it ->lumi_
224  << std::setw(15) << it->event_
225  << std::setw(15) << it->entry_
226  << "\n";
227  }
228  else if(it->getEntryType() == FileIndex::kLumi) {
229  os << std::setw(15) << it->run_
230  << std::setw(15) << it ->lumi_
231  << std::setw(15) << " "
232  << std::setw(15) << it->entry_ << " (LuminosityBlock)"
233  << "\n";
234  }
235  else if(it->getEntryType() == FileIndex::kRun) {
236  os << std::setw(15) << it->run_
237  << std::setw(15) << " "
238  << std::setw(15) << " "
239  << std::setw(15) << it->entry_ << " (Run)"
240  << "\n";
241  }
242  }
243  return os;
244  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ProductRegistry const &  pr 

Definition at line 183 of file ProductRegistry.h.

References edm::ProductRegistry::print().

183  {
184  pr.print(os);
185  return os;
186  }
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
TypeWithDict const &  id 

Definition at line 534 of file

534  {
535  id.print(os);
536  return os;
537  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ProductHolderBase const &  phb 

Definition at line 201 of file ProductHolder.h.

References edm::ProductHolderBase::write().

201  {
202  phb.write(os);
203  return os;
204  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
BranchDescription const &  p 

Definition at line 208 of file BranchDescription.h.

References edm::BranchDescription::write().

208  {
209  p.write(os);
210  return os;
211  }
template<typename PROD >
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Handle< PROD > const &  h 

Definition at line 235 of file PrincipalGetAdapter.h.

References h.

235  {
236  os << h.product() << " " << h.provenance() << " " <<;
237  return os;
238  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ELseverityLevel &  sev 

Definition at line 235 of file

References edm::ELseverityLevel::getName().

235  {
236  return os << " -" << sev.getName() << "- ";
237 }
template<int I>
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Hash< I > const &  h 

Definition at line 245 of file Hash.h.

References h.

245  {
246  return h.print(os);
247  }
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
RefVector< C, T, F > const &  r 

Definition at line 255 of file RefVector.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, i, and alignCSCRings::r.

255  {
256  for(typename RefVector<C,T,F>::const_iterator
257  i = r.begin(),
258  e = r.end();
259  i != e;
260  ++i) {
261  os << *i << '\n';
262  }
263  return os;
264  }
int i
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
JobReport::InputFile const &  f 

Definition at line 109 of file

References print().

109  {
110  return print(os,f);
111  }
std::string print(const Track &, edm::Verbosity=edm::Concise)
Track print utility.
double f[11][100]
std::ostream & edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
JobReport::OutputFile const &  f 

Definition at line 112 of file

References print().

112  {
113  return print(os,f);
114  }
std::string print(const Track &, edm::Verbosity=edm::Concise)
Track print utility.
double f[11][100]
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ParameterSet const &  pset 

Definition at line 946 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::dump().

946  {
947  os << pset.dump();
948  return os;
949  }
std::ostream& edm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
Entry const &  entry 

Definition at line 954 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, edm::Entry::getInt32(), edm::Entry::getPSet(), edm::Entry::getString(), edm::Entry::getUInt32(), edm::Entry::getVESInputTag(), edm::Entry::getVInputTag(), edm::Entry::getVPSet(), edm::Entry::getVString(), i, edm::Entry::isTracked(), kTVESInputTag, edm::Entry::rep, dqm_diff::start, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, sTypeTranslations, edm::pset::TypeTrans::table_, o2o::tags, and edm::Entry::typeCode().

954  {
955  os << sTypeTranslations.table_[entry.typeCode()] << " "
956  << (entry.isTracked() ? "tracked " : "untracked ") <<" = ";
958  // now handle the difficult cases
959  switch(entry.typeCode()) {
960  case 'P': // ParameterSet
961  {
962  os << entry.getPSet();
963  break;
964  }
965  case 'p': // vector<ParameterSet>
966  {
967  // Make sure we get the representation of each contained
968  // ParameterSet including *only* tracked parameters
969  std::vector<ParameterSet> whole = entry.getVPSet();
970  std::vector<ParameterSet>::const_iterator i = whole.begin();
971  std::vector<ParameterSet>::const_iterator e = whole.end();
972  std::string start ="";
973  std::string const between(",\n");
974  os << "{"<<std::endl;
975  for (; i != e; ++i) {
976  os << start<< *i;
977  start = between;
978  }
979  if (whole.size()) {
980  os << std::endl;
981  }
982  os << "}";
983  break;
984  }
985  case 'S':
986  {
987  os << "'" << entry.getString() << "'";
988  break;
989  }
990  case 's':
991  {
993  os << "{";
994  std::string start ="'";
995  std::string const between(",'");
996  std::vector<std::string> strings = entry.getVString();
997  for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = strings.begin(), itEnd = strings.end();
998  it != itEnd;
999  ++it) {
1000  os << start << *it << "'";
1001  start = between;
1002  }
1003  os << "}";
1004  break;
1005  }
1006  case 'I':
1007  {
1008  os << entry.getInt32();
1009  break;
1010  }
1011  case 'U':
1012  {
1013  os << entry.getUInt32();
1014  break;
1015  }
1016  case 'v':
1017  {
1018  //VInputTag needs to be treated seperately because it is encode like
1019  // vector<string> rather than using the individual encodings of each InputTag
1020  os << "{";
1021  std::string start = "";
1022  std::string const between(",");
1023  std::vector<InputTag> tags = entry.getVInputTag();
1024  for(std::vector<InputTag>::const_iterator it = tags.begin(), itEnd = tags.end();
1025  it != itEnd;
1026  ++it) {
1027  os << start << it->encode();
1028  start = between;
1029  }
1030  os << "}";
1031  break;
1032  }
1033  case kTVESInputTag:
1034  {
1035  //VESInputTag needs to be treated seperately because it is encode like
1036  // vector<string> rather than using the individual encodings of each ESInputTag
1037  os << "{";
1038  std::string start = "";
1039  std::string const between(",");
1040  std::vector<ESInputTag> tags = entry.getVESInputTag();
1041  for(std::vector<ESInputTag>::const_iterator it = tags.begin(), itEnd = tags.end();
1042  it != itEnd;
1043  ++it) {
1044  os << start << it->encode();
1045  start = between;
1046  }
1047  os << "}";
1048  break;
1049  }
1050  default:
1051  {
1052  os << entry.rep;
1053  break;
1054  }
1055  }
1057  return os;
1058  }
int i
tuple start
Check for commandline option errors.
static TypeTrans const sTypeTranslations
tuple tags
bool edm::operator<= ( FileIndex::Element const &  lh,
FileIndex::Element const &  rh 

Definition at line 147 of file FileIndex.h.

References mathSSE::lh.

147 {return !(rh < lh);}
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator<= ( View< T > const &  lhs,
View< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 387 of file View.h.

387  {
388  return !(rhs<lhs);
389  }
bool edm::operator<= ( ELseverityLevel const &  e1,
ELseverityLevel const &  e2 
bool edm::operator== ( FileID const &  lh,
FileID const &  rh 

Definition at line 25 of file FileID.h.

References edm::FileID::fid().

25 {return lh.fid() == rh.fid();}
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::operator== ( RunLumiEntryInfo const &  a,
RunLumiEntryInfo const &  b 

Definition at line 21 of file

References edm::RunLumiEntryInfo::branchID().

21  {
22  return a.branchID() == b.branchID();
23  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( ProductID const &  lh,
ProductID const &  rh 

Definition at line 54 of file ProductID.h.

References edm::ProductID::processIndex(), and edm::ProductID::productIndex().

54  {
55  return lh.processIndex() == rh.processIndex() && lh.productIndex() == rh.productIndex();
56  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool edm::operator== ( EventEntryInfo const &  a,
EventEntryInfo const &  b 

Definition at line 25 of file

References edm::EventEntryInfo::branchID(), edm::EventEntryInfo::entryDescriptionID(), and edm::EventEntryInfo::productID().

25  {
26  return
27  a.branchID() == b.branchID()
28  && a.productID() == b.productID()
29  && a.entryDescriptionID() == b.entryDescriptionID();
30  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( EventEntryDescription const &  a,
EventEntryDescription const &  b 

Definition at line 43 of file

References edm::EventEntryDescription::parents().

43  {
44  return
45  a.parents() == b.parents();
46  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( BranchKey const &  a,
BranchKey const &  b 

Definition at line 60 of file BranchKey.h.

References a.

60  {
61  return !(a < b || b < a);
62  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( Parentage const &  a,
Parentage const &  b 

Definition at line 38 of file

References edm::Parentage::parents().

38  {
39  return a.parents() == b.parents();
40  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( ProcessConfiguration const &  a,
ProcessConfiguration const &  b 

Definition at line 71 of file ProcessConfiguration.h.

References edm::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::passID(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::processName(), and edm::ProcessConfiguration::releaseVersion().

71  {
72  return a.processName() == b.processName() &&
73  a.parameterSetID() == b.parameterSetID() &&
74  a.releaseVersion() == b.releaseVersion() &&
75  a.passID() == b.passID();
76  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class X , class Y >
bool edm::operator== ( debugging_allocator< X > const &  ,
debugging_allocator< Y > const &   
throw (

Definition at line 72 of file debugging_allocator.h.

72 { return true; }
bool edm::operator== ( ProductProvenance const &  a,
ProductProvenance const &  b 

Definition at line 85 of file

References edm::ProductProvenance::branchID(), edm::ProductProvenance::noParentage(), and edm::ProductProvenance::parentageID().

85  {
86  if (a.noParentage() != b.noParentage()) return false;
87  if (a.noParentage()) {
88  return
89  a.branchID() == b.branchID();
90  }
91  return
92  a.branchID() == b.branchID() && a.parentageID() == b.parentageID();
93  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( RefCore const &  lhs,
RefCore const &  rhs 

Definition at line 98 of file RefCore.h.

References edm::RefCore::id(), edm::RefCore::isTransient(), and edm::RefCore::productPtr().

98  {
99  return lhs.isTransient() == rhs.isTransient() && (lhs.isTransient() ? lhs.productPtr() == rhs.productPtr() : ==;
100  }
template<class T >
bool edm::operator== ( RefToBaseVector< T > const &  a,
RefToBaseVector< T > const &  b 

Definition at line 98 of file RefToBaseVector.h.

References edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::begin(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::end(), cond::serialization::equal(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::isInvalid(), and edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::size().

100  {
101  if ( a.isInvalid() && b.isInvalid() ) return true;
102  if ( a.isInvalid() || b.isInvalid() ) return false;
103  return a.size() == b.size() && std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
104  }
bool equal(const T &first, const T &second)
Definition: Equal.h:34
bool edm::operator== ( ProcessHistory const &  a,
ProcessHistory const &  b 

Definition at line 104 of file ProcessHistory.h.

References edm::ProcessHistory::data().

104  {
105  return ==;
106  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename KEY >
bool edm::operator== ( RefVectorBase< KEY > const &  lhs,
RefVectorBase< KEY > const &  rhs 

Equality operator.

Definition at line 105 of file RefVectorBase.h.

105  {
106  return lhs.refCore() == rhs.refCore() && lhs.keys() == rhs.keys();
107  }
bool edm::operator== ( Provenance const &  a,
Provenance const &  b 

Definition at line 67 of file

References edm::Provenance::product().

67  {
68  return a.product() == b.product();
69  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator== ( FwdPtr< T > const &  lhs,
FwdPtr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 135 of file FwdPtr.h.

135  {
136  return (lhs.ptr() == rhs.ptr() ||
137  lhs.backPtr() == rhs.ptr() ||
138  lhs.ptr() == rhs.backPtr() ||
139  lhs.backPtr() == rhs.backPtr());
140  }
bool edm::operator== ( FileIndex::Element const &  lh,
FileIndex::Element const &  rh 

Definition at line 150 of file FileIndex.h.

References mathSSE::lh.

150 {return !(lh < rh || rh < lh);}
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator== ( View< T > const &  lhs,
View< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 363 of file View.h.

References cond::serialization::equal().

363  {
364  return
365  lhs.size() == rhs.size() &&
366  std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());
367  }
bool equal(const T &first, const T &second)
Definition: Equal.h:34
bool edm::operator== ( edm::FileInPath const &  a,
edm::FileInPath const &  b 

Definition at line 156 of file FileInPath.h.

References edm::FileInPath::location(), and edm::FileInPath::relativePath().

158  {
159  return a.location() == b.location() && a.relativePath() == b.relativePath();
160  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( ProductRegistry const &  a,
ProductRegistry const &  b 

Definition at line 171 of file ProductRegistry.h.

References edm::ProductRegistry::productList().

171  {
172  return a.productList() == b.productList();
173  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( TypeWithDict const &  a,
TypeWithDict const &  b 

Definition at line 529 of file

References edm::TypeWithDict::typeInfo().

529  {
530  return a.typeInfo() == b.typeInfo();
531  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator== ( ELseverityLevel const &  e1,
ELseverityLevel const &  e2 
bool edm::operator== ( Entry const &  a,
Entry const &  b 

Definition at line 200 of file Entry.h.

References edm::Entry::toString().

200  {
201  return a.toString() == b.toString();
202  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator== ( RefToBaseProd< T > const &  lhs,
RefToBaseProd< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 201 of file RefToBaseProd.h.

201  {
202  return lhs.refCore() == rhs.refCore();
203  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator== ( atomic_value_ptr< T > const &  lhs,
U const &  rhs 

Definition at line 211 of file atomic_value_ptr.h.

References edm::atomic_value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

211  {
212  lhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
213  return false;
214  }
bool edm::operator== ( BranchDescription const &  a,
BranchDescription const &  b 

Definition at line 304 of file

References edm::BranchDescription::branchAliases(), combinable(), and edm::BranchDescription::dropped().

304  {
305  return combinable(a, b) &&
306  (a.dropped() == b.dropped()) &&
307  (a.branchAliases() == b.branchAliases());
308  }
bool combinable(BranchDescription const &a, BranchDescription const &b)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename C >
bool edm::operator== ( RefProd< C > const &  lhs,
RefProd< C > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 219 of file RefProd.h.

References edm::RefProd< T >::refCore().

219  {
220  return lhs.refCore() == rhs.refCore();
221  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator== ( RefVector< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
RefVector< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 220 of file RefVector.h.

220  {
221  return lhs.refVector() == rhs.refVector();
222  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator== ( U const &  lhs,
atomic_value_ptr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 223 of file atomic_value_ptr.h.

References edm::atomic_value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

223  {
224  rhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
225  return false;
226  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator== ( value_ptr< T > const &  lhs,
U const &  rhs 

Definition at line 224 of file value_ptr.h.

References edm::value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

224  {
225  lhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
226  return false;
227  }
template<typename T , typename U >
bool edm::operator== ( U const &  lhs,
value_ptr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 236 of file value_ptr.h.

References edm::value_ptr< T >::this_type_does_not_support_comparisons().

236  {
237  rhs.this_type_does_not_support_comparisons();
238  return false;
239  }
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator== ( Ptr< T > const &  lhs,
Ptr< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 241 of file Ptr.h.

241  {
242  return lhs.refCore() == rhs.refCore() && lhs.key() == rhs.key();
243  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator== ( FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

for two FwdRefs to be equal, both the "forward" and the "backward" Refs must be the same

Definition at line 255 of file FwdRef.h.

References edm::FwdRef< C, T, F >::backRef(), and edm::FwdRef< C, T, F >::ref().

255  {
256  return
257  (lhs.ref() == rhs.ref() ) &&
258  (lhs.backRef() == rhs.backRef() )
259  ;
260  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator== ( Ref< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

for a FwdRef to equal a Ref, EITHER the "forward" or the "backward" Refs must equal to the test ref

Definition at line 267 of file FwdRef.h.

References edm::FwdRef< C, T, F >::backRef(), and edm::FwdRef< C, T, F >::ref().

267  {
268  return
269  (lhs == rhs.ref() ) ||
270  (lhs == rhs.backRef() )
271  ;
272  }
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator== ( FwdRef< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
Ref< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

for a FwdRef to equal a Ref, EITHER the "forward" or the "backward" Refs must equal to the test ref

Definition at line 279 of file FwdRef.h.

References edm::FwdRef< C, T, F >::backRef(), and edm::FwdRef< C, T, F >::ref().

279  {
280  return
281  (lhs.ref() == rhs ) ||
282  (lhs.backRef() == rhs )
283  ;
284  }
bool edm::operator== ( ParameterSet const &  a,
ParameterSet const &  b 

Definition at line 859 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::id(), edm::ParameterSet::isRegistered(), isTransientEqual(), and edm::ParameterSet::trackedPart().

859  {
860  if(a.isRegistered() && b.isRegistered()) {
861  return ( ==;
862  }
863  return isTransientEqual(a.trackedPart(), b.trackedPart());
864  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool isTransientEqual(ParameterSet const &a, ParameterSet const &b)
template<typename T , typename SORT , typename ALLOC >
bool edm::operator== ( SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &  c,
std::vector< T, ALLOC > const &  v 

Definition at line 428 of file SortedCollection.h.

References cond::serialization::equal().

429  {
430  return c.size() == v.size() && std::equal(v.begin(), v.end(), c.begin());
431  }
bool equal(const T &first, const T &second)
Definition: Equal.h:34
template<typename T , typename SORT >
bool edm::operator== ( SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &  a,
SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &  b 

Definition at line 440 of file SortedCollection.h.

References cond::serialization::equal().

441  {
442  return a.size() == b.size() && std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
443  }
bool equal(const T &first, const T &second)
Definition: Equal.h:34
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
bool edm::operator== ( Ref< C, T, F > const &  lhs,
Ref< C, T, F > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 642 of file Ref.h.

642  {
643  return lhs.key() == rhs.key() && lhs.refCore() == rhs.refCore() ;
644  }
bool edm::operator> ( TypeID const &  a,
TypeID const &  b 

Definition at line 59 of file TypeID.h.

References a.

59  {
60  return b < a;
61  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator> ( const TypeIDBase a,
const TypeIDBase b 

Definition at line 71 of file TypeIDBase.h.

References a.

72  { return b<a; }
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
bool edm::operator> ( FileIndex::Element const &  lh,
FileIndex::Element const &  rh 

Definition at line 141 of file FileIndex.h.

References mathSSE::lh.

141 {return rh < lh;}
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator> ( View< T > const &  lhs,
View< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 393 of file View.h.

393  {
394  return rhs<lhs;
395  }
bool edm::operator> ( ELseverityLevel const &  e1,
ELseverityLevel const &  e2 
bool edm::operator>= ( FileIndex::Element const &  lh,
FileIndex::Element const &  rh 

Definition at line 144 of file FileIndex.h.

144 {return !(lh < rh);}
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
template<typename T >
bool edm::operator>= ( View< T > const &  lhs,
View< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 399 of file View.h.

399  {
400  return !(lhs<rhs);
401  }
bool edm::operator>= ( ELseverityLevel const &  e1,
ELseverityLevel const &  e2 
std::istream& edm::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
FileInPath fip 

Definition at line 149 of file FileInPath.h.

References edm::FileInPath::read().

150  {
152  return is;
153  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< bool > > edm::operator>> ( bool  caseValue,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node 

Definition at line 134 of file

References edm::ParameterDescriptionNode::clone().

135  {
136  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> clonedNode(node.clone());
137  return caseValue >> clonedNode;
138  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< int > > edm::operator>> ( int  caseValue,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node 

Definition at line 141 of file

References edm::ParameterDescriptionNode::clone().

142  {
143  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> clonedNode(node.clone());
144  return caseValue >> clonedNode;
145  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > > edm::operator>> ( std::string const &  caseValue,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node 

Definition at line 148 of file

References edm::ParameterDescriptionNode::clone().

149  {
150  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> clonedNode(node.clone());
151  return caseValue >> clonedNode;
152  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > > edm::operator>> ( char const *  caseValue,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node 

Definition at line 155 of file

References edm::ParameterDescriptionNode::clone().

156  {
157  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> clonedNode(node.clone());
158  return caseValue >> clonedNode;
159  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< bool > > edm::operator>> ( bool  caseValue,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node 

Definition at line 162 of file

References python.Node::node.

163  {
164  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionCases<bool> >(
165  new ParameterDescriptionCases<bool>(caseValue, node));
166  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< int > > edm::operator>> ( int  caseValue,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node 

Definition at line 169 of file

References python.Node::node.

170  {
171  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionCases<int> >(
172  new ParameterDescriptionCases<int>(caseValue, node));
173  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > > edm::operator>> ( std::string const &  caseValue,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node 

Definition at line 176 of file

References python.Node::node.

177  {
178  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionCases<std::string> >(
179  new ParameterDescriptionCases<std::string>(caseValue, node));
180  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > > edm::operator>> ( char const *  caseValue,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node 

Definition at line 183 of file

References python.Node::node, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

184  {
185  std::string caseValueString(caseValue);
186  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionCases<std::string> >(
187  new ParameterDescriptionCases<std::string>(caseValue, node));
188  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator^ ( ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_left,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_right 

Definition at line 245 of file

246  {
247  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new XORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
248  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator^ ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_left,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_right 

Definition at line 251 of file

252  {
253  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new XORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
254  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator^ ( ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_right 

Definition at line 257 of file

258  {
259  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new XORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
260  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator^ ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_right 

Definition at line 263 of file

264  {
265  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new XORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
266  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< bool > > edm::operator|| ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< bool > >  left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< bool > >  right 

Definition at line 8 of file

References getDQMSummary::iter, python.multivaluedict::map(), and python.Node::node.

9  {
11  std::auto_ptr<std::map<bool, edm::value_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> > > rightCases = right->caseMap();
12  for (std::map<bool, edm::value_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> >::const_iterator iter = rightCases->begin(),
13  iEnd = rightCases->end();
14  iter != iEnd; ++iter) {
15  bool caseValue = iter->first;
16  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> node(iter->second->clone());
17  left->insert(caseValue, node);
18  }
19  return left;
20  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< int > > edm::operator|| ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< int > >  left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< int > >  right 

Definition at line 23 of file

References getDQMSummary::iter, python.multivaluedict::map(), and python.Node::node.

24  {
26  std::auto_ptr<std::map<int, edm::value_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> > > rightCases = right->caseMap();
27  for (std::map<int, edm::value_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> >::const_iterator iter = rightCases->begin(),
28  iEnd = rightCases->end();
29  iter != iEnd; ++iter) {
30  int caseValue = iter->first;
31  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> node(iter->second->clone());
32  left->insert(caseValue, node);
33  }
34  return left;
35  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > > edm::operator|| ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > >  left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< std::string > >  right 

Definition at line 38 of file

References getDQMSummary::iter, python.multivaluedict::map(), python.Node::node, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

39  {
41  std::auto_ptr<std::map<std::string, edm::value_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> > > rightCases = right->caseMap();
42  for (std::map<std::string, edm::value_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> >::const_iterator iter = rightCases->begin(),
43  iEnd = rightCases->end();
44  iter != iEnd; ++iter) {
45  std::string caseValue = iter->first;
46  std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode> node(iter->second->clone());
47  left->insert(caseValue, node);
48  }
49  return left;
50  }
tuple node
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator|| ( ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_left,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_right 

Definition at line 219 of file

220  {
221  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
222  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator|| ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_left,
ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_right 

Definition at line 225 of file

226  {
227  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
228  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator|| ( ParameterDescriptionNode const &  node_left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_right 

Definition at line 231 of file

232  {
233  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
234  }
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode > edm::operator|| ( std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_left,
std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionNode >  node_right 

Definition at line 237 of file

238  {
239  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterDescriptionNode>(new ORGroupDescription(node_left, node_right));
240  }
static std::atomic<int> edm::ourSerial ( )

Referenced by edm::ErrorObj::set().

bool edm::overlaps ( LuminosityBlockRange const &  lh,
LuminosityBlockRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 66 of file

References distinct().

66  {
67  return !distinct(lh, rh);
68  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool distinct(EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
bool edm::overlaps ( EventRange const &  lh,
EventRange const &  rh 

Definition at line 54 of file

References distinct(), and edm::EventRange::startLumi().

Referenced by merge().

54  {
55  assert((lh.startLumi() == 0) == (rh.startLumi() == 0));
56  return !distinct(lh, rh);
57  }
bool int lh
Definition: SIMDVec.h:19
bool distinct(EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
ParameterSet const & edm::parameterSet ( Provenance const &  provenance)

Definition at line 11 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::existsAs(), edm::pset::Registry::getMapped(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameterSet(), edm::Provenance::getProcessConfiguration(), edm::pset::Registry::instance(), diffTwoXMLs::label, edm::Provenance::moduleLabel(), edm::ProcessConfiguration::parameterSetID(), source(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and triggerResults().

Referenced by ClusterAnalyzer::analyze(), HLTInfo::analyze(), GsfElectronProducer::beginEvent(), GsfElectronBaseProducer::beginEvent(), edm::EventProcessor::EventProcessor(), EcalSelectiveReadoutProducer::getBinOfMax(), edm::EventProcessor::init(), moduleName(), PFCandidateDQMAnalyzer::PFCandidateDQMAnalyzer(), PFJetDQMAnalyzer::PFJetDQMAnalyzer(), PFMETDQMAnalyzer::PFMETDQMAnalyzer(), SiPixelHistoricInfoDQMClient::SiPixelHistoricInfoDQMClient(), and SiPixelHistoricInfoEDAClient::SiPixelHistoricInfoEDAClient().

11  {
12  ProcessConfiguration pc;
13  provenance.getProcessConfiguration(pc);
14  ParameterSet const& processParameterSet = *pset::Registry::instance()->getMapped(pc.parameterSetID());
15  std::string const& label = provenance.moduleLabel();
16  if (!processParameterSet.existsAs<ParameterSet>(label)) {
17  // Trigger results and input sources are special cases
18  if(label == triggerResults) {
19  return processParameterSet.getParameterSet("@trigger_paths");
20  } else if(label == source) {
21  return processParameterSet.getParameterSet("@main_input");
22  }
23  }
24  return processParameterSet.getParameterSet(label);
25  }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
static std::string const triggerResults
static std::string const source
std::string edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::string > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::string edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::string > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<double> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< double > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<double> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< double > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<ESInputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<ESInputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > ( char const *  name) const

Definition at line 1752 of file

References mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

1752  {
1753  return retrieve(name).getVESInputTag();
1754  }
std::vector<EventID> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventID > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<EventID> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventID > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<EventRange> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<EventRange> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<InputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<InputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<int> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< int > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<int> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< int > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<long long> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< long long > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<long long> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< long long > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<PdtEntry> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > ( char const *  name) const

Definition at line 110 of file PdtEntry.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, edm::pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

110  {
111  Entry const& e = retrieve(name);
113  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector< PdtEntry > getPdtEntryVector(Entry const &e, char const *name)
std::vector<PdtEntry> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > ( std::string const &  name) const

Definition at line 90 of file PdtEntry.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, edm::pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

90  {
91  Entry const& e = retrieve(name);
92  return pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(e, name.c_str());
93  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector< PdtEntry > getPdtEntryVector(Entry const &e, char const *name)
std::vector<std::string> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< std::string > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<std::string> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< std::string > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<unsigned int> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<unsigned int> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<unsigned long long> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<unsigned long long> edm::ParameterSet::getParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<std::string> edm::ParameterSet::getParameterNamesForType< std::vector< PdtEntry > > ( bool  trackiness) const

Definition at line 138 of file PdtEntry.h.

References filterCSVwithJSON::copy.

138  {
139  std::vector<std::string> ints = getParameterNamesForType<std::vector<int> >(trackiness);
140  std::vector<std::string> strings = getParameterNamesForType<std::vector<std::string> >(trackiness);
141  std::copy( strings.begin(), strings.end(), std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<std::string> >( ints ) );
142  return ints;
143  }
std::string edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ( std::string const &  name,
std::string const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::string edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::string edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ( char const *  name,
std::string const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::string edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::string > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<double> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<double> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< double > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<double> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<double> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< double > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< double > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<ESInputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< ESInputTag > const &  defaultValue 
) const

Definition at line 1469 of file

References edm::Entry::getVESInputTag(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

1470  {
1471  Entry const* entryPtr = retrieveUntracked(name);
1472  return entryPtr == 0 ? defaultValue : entryPtr->getVESInputTag();
1473  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector<ESInputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > ( std::string const &  name) const

Definition at line 1477 of file

References mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

1477  {
1478  return getEntryPointerOrThrow_(name)->getVESInputTag();
1479  }
std::vector<ESInputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< ESInputTag > const &  defaultValue 
) const

Definition at line 2099 of file

References edm::Entry::getVESInputTag(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

2100  {
2101  Entry const* entryPtr = retrieveUntracked(name);
2102  return entryPtr == 0 ? defaultValue : entryPtr->getVESInputTag();
2103  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector<ESInputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< ESInputTag > > ( char const *  name) const

Definition at line 2107 of file

References mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

2107  {
2108  return getEntryPointerOrThrow_(name)->getVESInputTag();
2109  }
std::vector<EventID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<EventID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< EventID > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<EventID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<EventID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventID > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< EventID > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<EventRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<EventRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< EventRange > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<EventRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<EventRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< EventRange > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< EventRange > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<InputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<InputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< InputTag > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<InputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<InputTag> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< InputTag > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< InputTag > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< int > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< int > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< int > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< long long > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< long long > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< long long > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockID> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< LuminosityBlockID > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<PdtEntry> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< PdtEntry > const &  defaultValue 
) const

Definition at line 122 of file PdtEntry.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, edm::pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

123  {
124  Entry const* e = retrieveUntracked(name);
125  if (e == 0) return defaultValue;
126  return pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(*e, name);
127  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector< PdtEntry > getPdtEntryVector(Entry const &e, char const *name)
std::vector<PdtEntry> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > ( std::string const &  name) const

Definition at line 96 of file PdtEntry.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, edm::pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

96  {
97  Entry const* e = getEntryPointerOrThrow_(name);
98  return pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(*e, name.c_str());
99  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector< PdtEntry > getPdtEntryVector(Entry const &e, char const *name)
std::vector<PdtEntry> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > ( char const *  name) const

Definition at line 116 of file PdtEntry.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, edm::pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

116  {
117  Entry const* e = getEntryPointerOrThrow_(name);
118  return pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(*e, name);
119  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector< PdtEntry > getPdtEntryVector(Entry const &e, char const *name)
std::vector<PdtEntry> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< PdtEntry > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< PdtEntry > const &  defaultValue 
) const

Definition at line 102 of file PdtEntry.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, edm::pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

103  {
104  Entry const* e = retrieveUntracked(name);
105  if (e == 0) return defaultValue;
106  return pdtentry::getPdtEntryVector(*e, name.c_str());
107  }
Definition: Entry.h:18
std::vector< PdtEntry > getPdtEntryVector(Entry const &e, char const *name)
std::vector<std::string> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<std::string> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< std::string > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<std::string> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< std::string > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<std::string> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< std::string > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<unsigned int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<unsigned int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<unsigned int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< unsigned int > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<unsigned int> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned int > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<unsigned long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< unsigned long long > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::vector<unsigned long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ( std::string const &  name) const
std::vector<unsigned long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ( char const *  name) const
std::vector<unsigned long long> edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ( char const *  name,
std::vector< unsigned long long > const &  defaultValue 
) const
std::string edm::parameterTypeEnumToString ( ParameterTypes  iType)

Definition at line 55 of file

References TYPE_TO_NAME.

Referenced by edm::ParameterSwitchBase::insertAndCheckTypes(), edm::ParameterWildcardBase::print_(), edm::ParameterDescriptionBase::print_(), edm::ParameterSwitch< T >::print_(), edm::AllowedLabelsDescriptionBase::printNestedContentBase_(), edm::IfExistsDescription::throwIfDuplicateTypes(), edm::ORGroupDescription::throwIfDuplicateTypes(), edm::ANDGroupDescription::throwIfDuplicateTypes(), edm::ParameterWildcardBase::throwIfInvalidPattern(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::throwIfWildcardCollision(), edm::ParameterDescriptionBase::throwMissingRequiredNoDefault(), edm::ParameterDescriptionBase::throwParameterWrongTrackiness(), edm::ParameterDescriptionBase::throwParameterWrongType(), edm::ParameterWildcardBase::validateMatchingNames(), and edm::ParameterDescriptionBase::writeCfi_().

55  {
56  switch(iType) {
57  TYPE_TO_NAME(int32);
58  TYPE_TO_NAME(vint32);
60  TYPE_TO_NAME(vuint32);
61  TYPE_TO_NAME(int64);
62  TYPE_TO_NAME(vint64);
64  TYPE_TO_NAME(vuint64);
65  TYPE_TO_NAME(double);
66  TYPE_TO_NAME(vdouble);
67  TYPE_TO_NAME(bool);
68  TYPE_TO_NAME(string);
70  TYPE_TO_NAME(EventID);
72  TYPE_TO_NAME(LuminosityBlockID);
73  TYPE_TO_NAME(VLuminosityBlockID);
74  TYPE_TO_NAME(InputTag);
75  TYPE_TO_NAME(VInputTag);
80  TYPE_TO_NAME(VLuminosityBlockRange);
81  TYPE_TO_NAME(EventRange);
82  TYPE_TO_NAME(VEventRange);
83  default:
84  assert(false);
85  }
86  return "";
87  }
ULong64_t uint64
vector< string > vstring
unsigned int uint32
Definition: MsgTools.h:13
#define TYPE_TO_NAME(type)
ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::string > ( )

Definition at line 36 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< double > > ( )

Definition at line 34 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< EventID > > ( )

Definition at line 39 of file

Definition at line 48 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< InputTag > > ( )

Definition at line 43 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< int > > ( )

Definition at line 26 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< long long > > ( )

Definition at line 30 of file

Definition at line 41 of file

Definition at line 46 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< std::string > > ( )

Definition at line 37 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< unsigned > > ( )

Definition at line 28 of file

ParameterTypes edm::ParameterTypeToEnum::toEnum< std::vector< unsigned long long > > ( )

Definition at line 32 of file

std::auto_ptr< ParameterSet > edm::popSubProcessParameterSet ( ParameterSet parameterSet)

Definition at line 546 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and edm::ParameterSet::popParameterSet().

Referenced by edm::EventProcessor::init(), and edm::SubProcess::SubProcess().

546  {
547  std::vector<std::string> subProcesses = parameterSet.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("@all_subprocesses");
548  if(!subProcesses.empty()) {
549  assert(subProcesses.size() == 1U);
550  assert(subProcesses[0] == "@sub_process");
551  return parameterSet.popParameterSet(subProcesses[0]);
552  }
553  return std::auto_ptr<ParameterSet>(nullptr);
554  }
static void edm::postIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists ( TFile *  tfl,
FileFormatVersion const &  fileFormatVersion,
TTree *  metaDataTree 

Definition at line 150 of file

References edm::IndexIntoFile::begin(), gather_cfg::cout, edm::IndexIntoFile::end(), edm::EventID::event(), edm::poolNames::eventTreeName(), edm::IndexIntoFile::firstAppearanceOrder, edm::EventAuxiliary::id(), edm::poolNames::indexIntoFileBranchName(), edm::IndexIntoFile::iterationWillBeInEntryOrder(), edm::IndexIntoFile::kEvent, edm::IndexIntoFile::kLumi, edm::IndexIntoFile::kRun, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and edmStreamStallGrapher::t.

Referenced by printEventLists().

150  {
151  IndexIntoFile indexIntoFile;
152  IndexIntoFile *findexPtr = &indexIntoFile;
153  if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(poolNames::indexIntoFileBranchName().c_str()) != 0) {
154  TBranch *fndx = metaDataTree->GetBranch(poolNames::indexIntoFileBranchName().c_str());
155  fndx->SetAddress(&findexPtr);
156  fndx->GetEntry(0);
157  } else {
158  std::cout << "IndexIntoFile not found. If this input file was created with release 1_8_0 or later\n"
159  "this indicates a problem with the file. This condition should be expected with\n"
160  "files created with earlier releases and printout of the event list will fail.\n";
161  return;
162  }
163  //need to read event # from the EventAuxiliary branch
164  TTree* eventsTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(tfl->Get(poolNames::eventTreeName().c_str()));
165  TBranch* eventAuxBranch = 0;
166  assert(0 != eventsTree);
167  char const* const kEventAuxiliaryBranchName = "EventAuxiliary";
168  if(eventsTree->FindBranch(kEventAuxiliaryBranchName) != 0){
169  eventAuxBranch = eventsTree->GetBranch(kEventAuxiliaryBranchName);
170  } else {
171  std::cout << "Failed to find " << kEventAuxiliaryBranchName << " branch in Events TTree. Something is wrong with this file." << std::endl;
172  return;
173  }
174  EventAuxiliary eventAuxiliary;
175  EventAuxiliary* eAPtr = &eventAuxiliary;
176  eventAuxBranch->SetAddress(&eAPtr);
177  std::cout << "\nPrinting IndexIntoFile contents. This includes a list of all Runs, LuminosityBlocks\n"
178  << "and Events stored in the root file.\n\n";
179  std::cout << std::setw(15) << "Run"
180  << std::setw(15) << "Lumi"
181  << std::setw(15) << "Event"
182  << std::setw(15) << "TTree Entry"
183  << "\n";
185  for(IndexIntoFile::IndexIntoFileItr it = indexIntoFile.begin(IndexIntoFile::firstAppearanceOrder),
186  itEnd = indexIntoFile.end(IndexIntoFile::firstAppearanceOrder);
187  it != itEnd; ++it) {
188  IndexIntoFile::EntryType t = it.getEntryType();
189  std::cout << std::setw(15) << << std::setw(15) << it.lumi();
190  EventNumber_t eventNum = 0;
192  switch(t) {
193  case IndexIntoFile::kRun:
194  type = "(Run)";
195  break;
196  case IndexIntoFile::kLumi:
197  type = "(Lumi)";
198  break;
199  case IndexIntoFile::kEvent:
200  eventAuxBranch->GetEntry(it.entry());
201  eventNum =;
202  break;
203  default:
204  break;
205  }
206  std::cout << std::setw(15) << eventNum << std::setw(15) << it.entry() << " " << type << std::endl;
207  }
209  std::cout << "\nFileFormatVersion = " << fileFormatVersion << ". ";
210  if (fileFormatVersion.fastCopyPossible()) std::cout << "This version supports fast copy\n";
211  else std::cout << "This version does not support fast copy\n";
213  if (indexIntoFile.iterationWillBeInEntryOrder(IndexIntoFile::firstAppearanceOrder)) {
214  std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is possible in the \"noEventSort = false\" mode\n";
215  } else {
216  std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is NOT possible in the \"noEventSort = false\" mode\n";
217  }
219  // This will not work unless the other nonpersistent parts of the Index are filled first
220  // I did not have time to implement this yet.
221  // if (indexIntoFile.iterationWillBeInEntryOrder(IndexIntoFile::numericalOrder)) {
222  // std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is possible in the \"noEventSort\" mode\n";
223  // } else {
224  // std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is NOT possible in the \"noEventSort\" mode\n";
225  // }
226  std::cout << "(Note that other factors can prevent fast copy from occurring)\n\n";
227  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
unsigned int EventNumber_t
Definition: EventRange.h:30
std::string const & indexIntoFileBranchName()
std::string const & eventTreeName()
tuple cout
static void edm::postIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis ( TFile *  tfl,
FileFormatVersion const &  fileFormatVersion,
TTree *  metaDataTree 

Definition at line 296 of file

References edm::IndexIntoFile::begin(), gather_cfg::cout, edm::IndexIntoFile::end(), edm::IndexIntoFile::firstAppearanceOrder, edm::poolNames::indexIntoFileBranchName(), edm::IndexIntoFile::kEvent, edm::IndexIntoFile::kLumi, edm::IndexIntoFile::kRun, nEvents, and edmStreamStallGrapher::t.

Referenced by printEventsInLumis().

296  {
297  IndexIntoFile indexIntoFile;
298  IndexIntoFile *findexPtr = &indexIntoFile;
299  if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(poolNames::indexIntoFileBranchName().c_str()) != 0) {
300  TBranch *fndx = metaDataTree->GetBranch(poolNames::indexIntoFileBranchName().c_str());
301  fndx->SetAddress(&findexPtr);
302  fndx->GetEntry(0);
303  } else {
304  std::cout << "IndexIntoFile not found. If this input file was created with release 1_8_0 or later\n"
305  "this indicates a problem with the file. This condition should be expected with\n"
306  "files created with earlier releases and printout of the event list will fail.\n";
307  return;
308  }
309  std::cout <<"\n"<< std::setw(15) << "Run"
310  << std::setw(15) << "Lumi"
311  << std::setw(15) << "# Events"
312  << "\n";
314  unsigned long nEvents = 0;
315  unsigned long runID = 0;
316  unsigned long lumiID = 0;
318  for(IndexIntoFile::IndexIntoFileItr it = indexIntoFile.begin(IndexIntoFile::firstAppearanceOrder),
319  itEnd = indexIntoFile.end(IndexIntoFile::firstAppearanceOrder);
320  it != itEnd; ++it) {
321  IndexIntoFile::EntryType t = it.getEntryType();
322  switch(t) {
323  case IndexIntoFile::kRun:
324  break;
325  case IndexIntoFile::kLumi:
326  if(runID != || lumiID != it.lumi()) {
327  //print the previous one
328  if(lumiID !=0) {
329  std::cout << std::setw(15) << runID
330  << std::setw(15) << lumiID
331  << std::setw(15) << nEvents<<"\n";
332  }
333  nEvents=0;
334  runID =;
335  lumiID = it.lumi();
336  }
337  break;
338  case IndexIntoFile::kEvent:
339  ++nEvents;
340  break;
341  default:
342  break;
343  }
344  }
345  //print the last one
346  if(lumiID !=0) {
347  std::cout << std::setw(15) << runID
348  << std::setw(15) << lumiID
349  << std::setw(15) << nEvents<<"\n";
350  }
351  std::cout << "\n";
352  }
std::string const & indexIntoFileBranchName()
tuple cout
UInt_t nEvents
edm::preallocConfig_ ( prealloc  )
static void edm::preIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists ( TFile *  ,
FileFormatVersion const &  fileFormatVersion,
TTree *  metaDataTree 

Definition at line 115 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and edm::poolNames::fileIndexBranchName().

Referenced by printEventLists().

115  {
116  FileIndex fileIndex;
117  FileIndex *findexPtr = &fileIndex;
118  if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(poolNames::fileIndexBranchName().c_str()) != 0) {
119  TBranch *fndx = metaDataTree->GetBranch(poolNames::fileIndexBranchName().c_str());
120  fndx->SetAddress(&findexPtr);
121  fndx->GetEntry(0);
122  } else {
123  std::cout << "FileIndex not found. If this input file was created with release 1_8_0 or later\n"
124  "this indicates a problem with the file. This condition should be expected with\n"
125  "files created with earlier releases and printout of the event list will fail.\n";
126  return;
127  }
129  std::cout << "\n" << fileIndex;
131  std::cout << "\nFileFormatVersion = " << fileFormatVersion << ". ";
132  if (fileFormatVersion.fastCopyPossible()) std::cout << "This version supports fast copy\n";
133  else std::cout << "This version does not support fast copy\n";
135  if (fileIndex.allEventsInEntryOrder()) {
136  std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is possible in the \"noEventSort = False\" mode\n";
137  } else {
138  std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is NOT possible in the \"noEventSort = False\" mode\n";
139  }
141  fileIndex.sortBy_Run_Lumi_EventEntry();
142  if (fileIndex.allEventsInEntryOrder()) {
143  std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is possible in the \"noEventSort\" mode\n";
144  } else {
145  std::cout << "Events are sorted such that fast copy is NOT possible in the \"noEventSort\" mode\n";
146  }
147  std::cout << "(Note that other factors can prevent fast copy from occurring)\n\n";
148  }
std::string const & fileIndexBranchName()
tuple cout
static void edm::preIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis ( TFile *  ,
FileFormatVersion const &  fileFormatVersion,
TTree *  metaDataTree 

Definition at line 247 of file

References edm::FileIndex::begin(), gather_cfg::cout, edm::FileIndex::end(), edm::poolNames::fileIndexBranchName(), edm::FileIndex::kEvent, edm::FileIndex::kLumi, and nEvents.

Referenced by printEventsInLumis().

247  {
248  FileIndex fileIndex;
249  FileIndex *findexPtr = &fileIndex;
250  if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(poolNames::fileIndexBranchName().c_str()) != 0) {
251  TBranch *fndx = metaDataTree->GetBranch(poolNames::fileIndexBranchName().c_str());
252  fndx->SetAddress(&findexPtr);
253  fndx->GetEntry(0);
254  } else {
255  std::cout << "FileIndex not found. If this input file was created with release 1_8_0 or later\n"
256  "this indicates a problem with the file. This condition should be expected with\n"
257  "files created with earlier releases and printout of the event list will fail.\n";
258  return;
259  }
261  std::cout <<"\n"<< std::setw(15) << "Run"
262  << std::setw(15) << "Lumi"
263  << std::setw(15) << "# Events"
264  << "\n";
265  unsigned long nEvents = 0;
266  unsigned long runID = 0;
267  unsigned long lumiID = 0;
268  for(std::vector<FileIndex::Element>::const_iterator it = fileIndex.begin(), itEnd = fileIndex.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
269  if(it->getEntryType() == FileIndex::kEvent) {
270  ++nEvents;
271  }
272  else if(it->getEntryType() == FileIndex::kLumi) {
273  if(runID !=it->run_ || lumiID !=it->lumi_) {
274  //print the previous one
275  if(lumiID !=0) {
276  std::cout << std::setw(15) << runID
277  << std::setw(15) << lumiID
278  << std::setw(15) << nEvents<<"\n";
279  }
280  nEvents=0;
281  runID = it->run_;
282  lumiID = it->lumi_;
283  }
284  }
285  }
286  //print the last one
287  if(lumiID !=0) {
288  std::cout << std::setw(15) << runID
289  << std::setw(15) << lumiID
290  << std::setw(15) << nEvents<<"\n";
291  }
293  std::cout << "\n";
294  }
std::string const & fileIndexBranchName()
tuple cout
UInt_t nEvents
template<typename S >
S& edm::print ( S &  os,
JobReport::InputFile const &  f 

Definition at line 66 of file

References formatFile(), edm::JobReport::InputFile::inputSourceClassName, edm::JobReport::InputFile::inputType, and edm::JobReport::InputFile::numEventsRead.

Referenced by operator<<(), and EcalDigiToRaw::produce().

66  {
68  os << "\n<InputFile>";
69  formatFile(f, os);
70  os << "\n<InputType>" << f.inputType << "</InputType>";
71  os << "\n<InputSourceClass>" << TiXmlText(f.inputSourceClassName)
72  << "</InputSourceClass>";
73  os << "\n<EventsRead>" << f.numEventsRead << "</EventsRead>";
74  return os;
75  }
double f[11][100]
S & formatFile(T const &f, S &os)
template<typename S >
S& edm::print ( S &  os,
JobReport::OutputFile const &  f 

Definition at line 78 of file

References edm::JobReport::OutputFile::branchHash, edm::JobReport::OutputFile::dataType, formatFile(), edm::JobReport::OutputFile::numEventsWritten, and edm::JobReport::OutputFile::outputModuleClassName.

78  {
79  formatFile(f, os);
80  os << "\n<OutputModuleClass>"
81  << TiXmlText(f.outputModuleClassName)
82  << "</OutputModuleClass>";
83  os << "\n<TotalEvents>"
84  << f.numEventsWritten
85  << "</TotalEvents>\n";
86  os << "\n<DataType>"
87  << TiXmlText(f.dataType)
88  << "</DataType>\n";
89  os << "\n<BranchHash>"
90  << TiXmlText(f.branchHash)
91  << "</BranchHash>\n";
92  return os;
93  }
double f[11][100]
S & formatFile(T const &f, S &os)
template<typename S >
S& edm::print ( S &  os,
JobReport::RunReport const &  rep 

Definition at line 96 of file

References edm::JobReport::RunReport::lumiSections, and edm::JobReport::RunReport::runNumber.

97  {
98  os << "\n<Run ID=\""
99  << rep.runNumber
100  << "\">\n";
102  for(auto il : rep.lumiSections) {
103  os << " <LumiSection ID=\"" << il << "\"/>\n";
104  }
105  os << "</Run>\n";
106  return os;
107  }
string rep
template<typename RecordT >
void edm::print_eventsetup_record_dependencies ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iIndent = std::string() 

Definition at line 77 of file print_eventsetup_record_dependencies.h.

References edm::rec_dep::inherits_from_DependentRecordTag(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

Referenced by print_eventsetup_record_dependencies(), and print_eventsetup_record_dependencies_recursive().

77  {
78  oStream<<iIndent<<edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey::makeKey<RecordT>().name()<<std::endl;
80  print_eventsetup_record_dependencies_recursive<RecordT>(oStream, iIndent, rec_dep::inherits_from_DependentRecordTag(static_cast<RecordT const*>(nullptr)));
81  }
boost::mpl::false_ inherits_from_DependentRecordTag(void const *)
template<typename T >
void edm::print_eventsetup_record_dependencies ( std::ostream &  ,
std::string  ,
T const *  ,
T const *   

Definition at line 42 of file print_eventsetup_record_dependencies.h.

45  { }
template<typename TFirst , typename TEnd >
void edm::print_eventsetup_record_dependencies ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string  iIndent,
TFirst const *  ,
TEnd const *  iEnd 

Definition at line 48 of file print_eventsetup_record_dependencies.h.

References GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::next, and print_eventsetup_record_dependencies().

50  {
51  iIndent +=" ";
53  typename boost::mpl::next< TFirst >::type const* next(nullptr);
54  print_eventsetup_record_dependencies(oStream, iIndent, next, iEnd);
55  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
void print_eventsetup_record_dependencies(std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iIndent=std::string())
template<typename RecordT >
void edm::print_eventsetup_record_dependencies_recursive ( std::ostream &  oStream,
std::string const &  iIndent,

Definition at line 63 of file print_eventsetup_record_dependencies.h.

References begin, end, and print_eventsetup_record_dependencies().

63  {
64  typedef typename RecordT::list_type list_type;
66  typename boost::mpl::begin<list_type>::type const* begin(nullptr);
67  typename boost::mpl::end<list_type>::type const* end(nullptr);
69  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:30
void print_eventsetup_record_dependencies(std::ostream &oStream, std::string const &iIndent=std::string())
template<typename RecordT >
void edm::print_eventsetup_record_dependencies_recursive ( std::ostream &  ,
std::string const &  ,

Definition at line 72 of file print_eventsetup_record_dependencies.h.

72  {
73  return;
74  }
void edm::printBranchNames ( TTree *  tree)

Definition at line 73 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

73  {
74  if (tree != 0) {
75  Long64_t nB = tree->GetListOfBranches()->GetEntries();
76  for (Long64_t i = 0; i < nB; ++i) {
77  Long64_t size = 0LL;
78  TBranch *btemp = (TBranch *)tree->GetListOfBranches()->At(i);
79  addBranchSizes(btemp, size);
80  std::cout << "Branch " << i << " of " << tree->GetName() << " tree: " << btemp->GetName() << " Total size = " << size << std::endl;
81  }
82  } else {
83  std::cout << "Missing Events tree?\n";
84  }
85  }
int i
tuple cout
tuple size
Write out results.
void edm::printCmsException ( cms::Exception e,
edm::JobReport jobRep = 0,
int  rc = -1 

Definition at line 13 of file

References cms::Exception::explainSelf(), edm::JobReport::reportError(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by addContextAndPrintException().

13  {
14  std::string shortDesc("Fatal Exception");
15  std::ostringstream longDesc;
16  longDesc << e.explainSelf();
17  LogAbsolute(shortDesc)
18  << "----- Begin " << shortDesc << " "
19  << std::setprecision(0) << TimeOfDay()
20  << "-----------------------\n"
21  << longDesc.str()
22  << "----- End " << shortDesc << " -------------------------------------------------";
23  if(jobRep) jobRep->reportError(shortDesc, longDesc.str(), rc);
24  } catch(...) {
25  }
virtual std::string explainSelf() const
void reportError(std::string const &shortDesc, std::string const &longDesc, int const &exitCode)
void edm::printCmsExceptionWarning ( char const *  behavior,
cms::Exception const &  e,
edm::JobReport jobRep = 0,
int  rc = -1 

Definition at line 28 of file

References cms::Exception::explainSelf(), edm::JobReport::reportError(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by edm::EDLooperBase::doDuringLoop(), edm::Worker::doWork(), edm::Path::handleWorkerFailure(), edm::StreamSchedule::processOneEvent(), and edm::WorkerManager::processOneOccurrence().

28  {
29  std::string shortDesc(behavior);
30  shortDesc += " Exception";
31  std::ostringstream longDesc;
32  longDesc << e.explainSelf();
33  LogPrint(shortDesc)
34  << "----- Begin " << shortDesc << " "
35  << std::setprecision(0) << TimeOfDay()
36  << "-----------------------\n"
37  << longDesc.str()
38  << "----- End " << shortDesc << " -------------------------------------------------";
39  if(jobRep) jobRep->reportError(shortDesc, longDesc.str(), rc);
40  } catch(...) {
41  }
void reportError(std::string const &shortDesc, std::string const &longDesc, int const &exitCode)
void edm::printEventLists ( TFile *  tfl)

Definition at line 229 of file

References edm::poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName(), edm::FileFormatVersion::hasIndexIntoFile(), edm::poolNames::metaDataTreeName(), postIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists(), and preIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists().

229  {
230  TTree *metaDataTree = dynamic_cast<TTree *>(tfl->Get(poolNames::metaDataTreeName().c_str()));
231  assert(0 != metaDataTree);
233  FileFormatVersion fileFormatVersion;
234  FileFormatVersion *fftPtr = &fileFormatVersion;
235  if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName().c_str()) != 0) {
236  TBranch *fft = metaDataTree->GetBranch(poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName().c_str());
237  fft->SetAddress(&fftPtr);
238  fft->GetEntry(0);
239  }
240  if(fileFormatVersion.hasIndexIntoFile()) {
241  postIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists(tfl, fileFormatVersion, metaDataTree);
242  } else {
243  preIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists(tfl, fileFormatVersion, metaDataTree);
244  }
245  }
std::string const & fileFormatVersionBranchName()
std::string const & metaDataTreeName()
static void preIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists(TFile *, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
static void postIndexIntoFilePrintEventLists(TFile *tfl, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
void edm::printEventsInLumis ( TFile *  tfl)

Definition at line 354 of file

References edm::poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName(), edm::FileFormatVersion::hasIndexIntoFile(), edm::poolNames::metaDataTreeName(), postIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis(), and preIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis().

354  {
355  TTree *metaDataTree = dynamic_cast<TTree *>(tfl->Get(poolNames::metaDataTreeName().c_str()));
356  assert(0 != metaDataTree);
358  FileFormatVersion fileFormatVersion;
359  FileFormatVersion *fftPtr = &fileFormatVersion;
360  if (metaDataTree->FindBranch(poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName().c_str()) != 0) {
361  TBranch *fft = metaDataTree->GetBranch(poolNames::fileFormatVersionBranchName().c_str());
362  fft->SetAddress(&fftPtr);
363  fft->GetEntry(0);
364  }
365  if(fileFormatVersion.hasIndexIntoFile()) {
366  postIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis(tfl, fileFormatVersion, metaDataTree);
367  } else {
368  preIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis(tfl, fileFormatVersion, metaDataTree);
369  }
370  }
std::string const & fileFormatVersionBranchName()
static void preIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis(TFile *, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
std::string const & metaDataTreeName()
static void postIndexIntoFilePrintEventsInLumis(TFile *tfl, FileFormatVersion const &fileFormatVersion, TTree *metaDataTree)
void edm::printTrees ( TFile *  hdl)

Definition at line 35 of file

References getDQMSummary::iter, combine::key, and getGTfromDQMFile::obj.

35  {
36  hdl->ls();
37  TList *keylist = hdl->GetListOfKeys();
38  TIterator *iter = keylist->MakeIterator();
39  TKey *key = 0;
40  while ((key = (TKey*)iter->Next())) {
41  TObject *obj = hdl->Get(key->GetName());
42  if (obj->IsA() == TTree::Class()) {
43  obj->Print();
44  }
45  }
46  return;
47  }
list key
void edm::printUuids ( TTree *  uuidTree)

Definition at line 106 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, edm::FileID::fid(), NewTree::fid, and edm::poolNames::fileIdentifierBranchName().

106  {
107  FileID fid;
108  FileID *fidPtr = &fid;
109  uuidTree->SetBranchAddress(poolNames::fileIdentifierBranchName().c_str(), &fidPtr);
110  uuidTree->GetEntry(0);
112  std::cout << "UUID: " << fid.fid() << std::endl;
113  }
tuple cout
list fid
std::string const & fileIdentifierBranchName()
BranchID edm::productIDToBranchID ( ProductID const &  pid,
BranchIDLists const &  lists,
BranchListIndexes const &  indexes 

Definition at line 12 of file

References edm::ProductID::isValid(), edm::ProductID::processIndex(), and edm::ProductID::productIndex().

Referenced by edm::EventPrincipal::pidToBid(), fwlite::internal::BranchMapReaderStrategyV11::productToBranchID(), and fwlite::internal::BranchMapReaderStrategyV17::productToBranchID().

12  {
14  if (pid.isValid()) {
15  size_t procIndex = pid.processIndex()-1;
16  if (procIndex < indexes.size()) {
17  BranchListIndex blix = indexes[procIndex];
18  if (blix < lists.size()) {
19  BranchIDList const& blist = lists[blix];
20  size_t prodIndex =pid.productIndex()-1;
21  if (prodIndex<blist.size()) {
22  BranchID::value_type bid = blist[prodIndex];
23  return BranchID(bid);
24  }
25  }
26  }
27  }
28  return BranchID();
29  }
Container::value_type value_type
tuple pid
std::vector< BranchID::value_type > BranchIDList
Definition: classes.h:18
void edm::public_base_classes ( TypeWithDict const &  type,
std::vector< TypeWithDict > &  baseTypes 

Definition at line 249 of file

References newFWLiteAna::base, edm::BaseWithDict::isPublic(), search_all(), edm::TypeWithDict::typeInfo(), and edm::BaseWithDict::typeOf().

Referenced by edm::ProductHolderIndexHelper::insert().

250  {
252  TypeWithDict type(typeID.typeInfo());
253  if(type.isClass()) {
254  R__LOCKGUARD(gCINTMutex);
255  TypeBases bases(type);
256  for(auto const& basex : bases) {
257  BaseWithDict base(basex);
258  if(base.isPublic()) {
260  TypeWithDict baseRflxType = base.typeOf();
261  if(bool(baseRflxType)) {
262  TypeWithDict baseType(baseRflxType.typeInfo());
264  // Check to make sure this base appears only once in the
265  // inheritance heirarchy.
266  if(!search_all(baseTypes, baseType)) {
267  // Save the type and recursive look for its base types
268  baseTypes.push_back(baseType);
269  public_base_classes(baseType, baseTypes);
270  }
271  // For now just ignore it if the class appears twice,
272  // After some more testing we may decide to uncomment the following
273  // exception.
274  /*
275  else {
276  throw Exception(errors::UnimplementedFeature)
277  << "DataFormats/Common/src/ in function public_base_classes.\n"
278  << "Encountered class that has a public base class that appears\n"
279  << "multiple times in its inheritance heirarchy.\n"
280  << "Please contact the EDM Framework group with details about\n"
281  << "this exception. It was our hope that this complicated situation\n"
282  << "would not occur. There are three possible solutions. 1. Change\n"
283  << "the class design so the public base class does not appear multiple\n"
284  << "times in the inheritance heirarchy. In many cases, this is a\n"
285  << "sign of bad design. 2. Modify the code that supports Views to\n"
286  << "ignore these base classes, but not supply support for creating a\n"
287  << "View of this base class. 3. Improve the View infrastructure to\n"
288  << "deal with this case. Class name of base class: " << baseType.Name() << "\n\n";
289  }
290  */
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  }
295  }
tuple base
Main Program
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
void public_base_classes(TypeWithDict const &type, std::vector< TypeWithDict > &baseTypes)
bool search_all(ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
Definition: Algorithms.h:46
std::string edm::pythonFileToConfigure ( const std::string &  iPythonFileName)

Definition at line 14 of file

References edmPickEvents::command, pythonToCppException(), query::result, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

15 {
16  std::string returnValue;
17  std::string initCommand("import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n"
18  "fileDict = dict()\n"
19  "execfile('");
20  initCommand += iPythonFileName+"',fileDict)";
22  Py_InitializeEx(0);
23  using namespace boost::python;
25  object main_module((
26  boost::python::handle<PyObject>(borrowed(PyImport_AddModule(const_cast<char *>("__main__"))))));
27  object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
28  try {
29  try {
30  object result((boost::python::handle<>(PyRun_String(initCommand.c_str(),
31  Py_file_input,
32  main_namespace.ptr(),
33  main_namespace.ptr()))));
34  } catch(error_already_set) {
35  edm::pythonToCppException("Configuration");
36  }
37  try {
38  std::string command("cms.findProcess(fileDict).dumpConfig()");
39  object result((handle<>(PyRun_String(command.c_str(),
40  Py_eval_input,
41  main_namespace.ptr(),
42  main_namespace.ptr()))));
43  returnValue= extract<std::string>(result);
45  }catch( error_already_set ) {
46  edm::pythonToCppException("Configuration");
47  }
48  }catch(...) {
49  Py_Finalize();
50  throw;
51  }
52  Py_Finalize();
53  return returnValue;
54 }
void pythonToCppException(const std::string &iType)
tuple result
void edm::pythonToCppException ( const std::string &  iType)

Definition at line 6 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception, NULL, and GsfMatrixTools::trace().

Referenced by pythonFileToConfigure(), PythonProcessDesc::read(), readPSetsFrom(), and FWPathsPopup::scheduleReloadEvent().

7  {
8  using namespace boost::python;
9  PyObject *exc=NULL, *val=NULL, *trace=NULL;
10  PyErr_Fetch(&exc,&val,&trace);
11  PyErr_NormalizeException(&exc,&val,&trace);
12  handle<> hExc(allow_null(exc));
13  handle<> hVal(allow_null(val));
14  handle<> hTrace(allow_null(trace));
16  if(hTrace) {
17  object oTrace(hTrace);
18  handle<> hStringTr(PyObject_Str(oTrace.ptr()));
19  object stringTr(hStringTr);
20 //std::cout << "PR TR " << stringTr << " DONE "<< std::endl;
21  }
23  if(hVal && hExc) {
24  object oExc(hExc);
25  object oVal(hVal);
26  handle<> hStringVal(PyObject_Str(oVal.ptr()));
27  object stringVal( hStringVal );
29  handle<> hStringExc(PyObject_Str(oExc.ptr()));
30  object stringExc( hStringExc);
32  //PyErr_Print();
33  throw cms::Exception(iType)
34  << "python encountered the error: "
35  // include python exception type
36  << PyString_AsString(stringExc.ptr()) << "\n"
37  // message in the python exception
38  << PyString_AsString(stringVal.ptr()) << "\n";
39  } else {
40  throw cms::Exception(iType)<<" unknown python problem occurred.\n";
41  }
42 }
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
double trace(const ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, N, N > &matrix)
void edm::read_from_cin ( std::string &  output)

Definition at line 27 of file

References geometryCSVtoXML::line, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

27  {
29  while (getline(std::cin, line)) {
30  output += line;
31  output += '\n';
32  }
33  }
std::string edm::read_whole_file ( std::string const &  filename)

only does the yacc interpretation

Definition at line 10 of file

References edm::errors::Configuration, edm::hlt::Exception, lut2db_cfg::filename, input, query::result, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

10  {
12  std::ifstream input(filename.c_str());
13  if (!input) {
14  throw edm::Exception(errors::Configuration,"MissingFile")
15  << "Cannot read file " << filename;
16  }
17  std::string buffer;
18  while (getline(input, buffer)) {
19  // getline strips newlines; we have to put them back by hand.
20  result += buffer;
21  result += '\n';
22  }
23  return result;
24  }
static std::string const input
tuple result
tuple filename
std::shared_ptr< ParameterSet > edm::readConfig ( std::string const &  config)

Definition at line 42 of file

References PythonProcessDesc::parameterSet().

42  {
43  PythonProcessDesc pythonProcessDesc(config);
44  return pythonProcessDesc.parameterSet();
45  }
std::shared_ptr< ParameterSet > edm::readConfig ( std::string const &  config,
int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

same, but with arguments

Definition at line 48 of file

References PythonProcessDesc::parameterSet().

48  {
49  PythonProcessDesc pythonProcessDesc(config, argc, argv);
50  return pythonProcessDesc.parameterSet();
51  }
tuple argc
std::shared_ptr< ParameterSet > edm::readPSetsFrom ( std::string const &  fileOrString)

finds all the PSets used in the top level module referred as a file or as a string containing python commands. These PSets are bundled into a top level PSet from which they can be retrieved

Definition at line 61 of file

References edm::python::initializeModule(), makePSetsFromFile(), makePSetsFromString(), dbtoconf::object, PythonParameterSet::pset(), pythonToCppException(), and edm::ParameterSet::swap().

Referenced by main().

61  {
64  boost::python::object mainModule = object(handle<>(borrowed(PyImport_AddModule(const_cast<char*>("__main__")))));
66  boost::python::object mainNamespace = mainModule.attr("__dict__");
67  PythonParameterSet theProcessPSet;
68  mainNamespace["topPSet"] = ptr(&theProcessPSet);
70  try {
71  // if it ends with py, it's a file
72  if(module.substr(module.size()-3) == ".py") {
73  makePSetsFromFile(module,mainNamespace);
74  } else {
75  makePSetsFromString(module,mainNamespace);
76  }
77  }
78  catch( error_already_set ) {
79  pythonToCppException("Configuration");
80  Py_Finalize();
81  }
82  auto returnValue = std::make_shared<ParameterSet>();
83  theProcessPSet.pset().swap(*returnValue);
84  return returnValue;
85  }
static void makePSetsFromString(std::string const &module, boost::python::object &mainNamespace)
void pythonToCppException(const std::string &iType)
void swap(ParameterSet &other)
edm::ParameterSet & pset()
list object
void initializeModule()
Definition: vlib.h:208
static void makePSetsFromFile(std::string const &fileName, boost::python::object &mainNamespace)
void edm::reenableSigs ( sigset_t *  oldset)

Definition at line 68 of file

References MUST_BE_ZERO.

Referenced by installCustomHandler(), and MulticoreRunLumiEventChecker::postForkReacquireResources().

69  {
70  // reenable the signals
71  MUST_BE_ZERO(pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK,oldset,0));
72  }
#define MUST_BE_ZERO(fun)
template<typename C >
Ptr<typename C::value_type> edm::refToPtr ( Ref< C, typename C::value_type, refhelper::FindUsingAdvance< C, typename C::value_type > > const &  ref)

Definition at line 18 of file RefToPtr.h.

Referenced by PFEGammaAlgo::attachPSClusters(), PFEGammaProducer::createSingleLegConversions(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::isoMvaValue(), reco::tau::PFRecoTauChargedHadronFromPFCandidatePlugin::operator()(), pat::PATSecondaryVertexSlimmer::produce(), pat::PATTauSlimmer::produce(), pat::PATMuonSlimmer::produce(), pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce(), pat::PATJetSlimmer::produce(), pat::PATGenJetSlimmer::produce(), GEDPhotonCoreProducer::produce(), pat::PATPhotonSlimmer::produce(), TauGenJetProducer::produce(), pat::Muon::sourceCandidatePtr(), pat::Electron::sourceCandidatePtr(), reco::PFTau::sourceCandidatePtr(), and pat::Photon::sourceCandidatePtr().

19  {
20  typedef typename C::value_type T;
21  if (ref.isNull()) {
22  return Ptr<T>();
23  }
24  if (ref.isTransient()) {
25  return Ptr<T>(ref.product(), ref.key());
26  } else if (not ref.hasProductCache()) {
27  return Ptr<T>(, ref.key(), ref.productGetter());
28  }
29  return Ptr<T>(, ref.get(), ref.key());
30  }
Container::value_type value_type
long double T
std::vector< std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator > edm::regexMatch ( std::vector< std::string > const &  strings,
boost::regex const &  regexp 

Definition at line 30 of file

References i.

Referenced by triggerExpression::HLTReader::init(), HLTHighLevel::init(), edm::EventSelector::init(), dqmservices::DQMStreamerReader::matchTriggerSel(), regexMatch(), and dqmservices::TriggerSelector::TreeElement::TreeElement().

30  {
31  std::vector< std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator> matches;
32  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = strings.begin(), iEnd = strings.end(); i != iEnd; ++i) {
33  if (boost::regex_match((*i), regexp)) {
34  matches.push_back(i);
35  }
36  }
37  return matches;
38  }
int i
std::vector< std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator > edm::regexMatch ( std::vector< std::string > const &  strings,
std::string const &  pattern 

Definition at line 41 of file

References glob2reg(), and regexMatch().

41  {
42  boost::regex regexp(glob2reg(pattern));
43  return regexMatch(strings, regexp);
44  }
std::string glob2reg(std::string const &pattern)
std::vector< std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator > regexMatch(std::vector< std::string > const &strings, boost::regex const &regexp)
static const edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< HiMixingModule > > edm::s_filler__LINE__ ( "HiMixingModule"  )
static const edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< HiMixingModule > > edm::s_maker__LINE__ ( "HiMixingModule"  )
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Datum >
bool edm::search_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Datum const &  d 
template<typename ForwardSequence , typename Predicate >
bool edm::search_if_in_all ( ForwardSequence const &  s,
Predicate const &  p 

Definition at line 68 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

68  {
69  return std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), p) != s.end();
70  }
template<typename T , typename U >
U edm::second ( std::pair< T, U > const &  p)

Definition at line 248 of file

Referenced by FilterOR::accept(), TkTrackingRegionsMargin< float >::add(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord::add(), pos::PixelConfigFile::addAlias(), HcalHardwareXml::addHardware(), FWTrackHitsDetailView::addModules(), FWConvTrackHitsDetailView::addModules(), Hector::addPartToHepMC(), SurveyInputTrackerFromDB::addSurveyInfo(), SurveyMisalignmentInput::addSurveyInfo(), gen::EvtGenInterface::addToHepMC(), gen::EvtGenLHCInterface::addToHepMC(), EcalPreshowerGeometry::alignmentTransformIndexLocal(), PFCandConnector::analyseNuclearWPrim(), PFCandConnector::analyseNuclearWSec(), SiStripThresholdBuilder::analyze(), EcalDQMonitorTask::analyze(), RPCGeometryServTest::analyze(), DTNoiseCalibration::analyze(), BxTiming::analyze(), LHEAnalyzer::analyze(), HcalQIEDataCheck::analyze(), DTPreCalibrationTask::analyze(), HcalPedestalWidthsCheck::analyze(), cms::HcalConstantsASCIIWriter::analyze(), DTNoiseTask::analyze(), DTAlbertoBenvenutiTask::analyze(), AnaMuonCaloCleaner::analyze(), TestMuonCaloCleaner::analyze(), HeavyFlavorValidation::analyze(), DTTestPulsesTask::analyze(), L1TRPCTPG::analyze(), DTDigiTask::analyze(), HLTScalers::analyze(), L1GtAnalyzer::analyzeL1GtUtilsCore(), SiStripBadAPVAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::AnalyzeOccupancy(), SiStripBadAPVandHotStripAlgorithmFromClusterOccupancy::AnalyzeOccupancy(), SurveyDataConverter::applyFineSurveyInfo(), TrackerHitAssociator::associateHit(), L1GtTriggerMenuTester::associateL1SeedsHltPath(), ShallowTree::beginJob(), Tracker_OldtoNewConverter::beginJob(), BxTiming::beginRun(), HLTSeedL1LogicScalers::beginRun(), TrigResRateMon::beginRun(), FourVectorHLTOffline::beginRun(), GctFormatTranslateV35::blockToRctEmCand(), GctFormatTranslateV38::blockToRctEmCand(), GctFormatTranslateMCLegacy::blockToRctEmCand(), ora::RelationalDeleter::build(), CSCGeometryParsFromDD::build(), RunRangeDependentPedeLabeler::buildRunRangeDependencyMap(), SeedFromGenericPairOrTriplet::buildSeed(), CocoaUnitDefinition::BuildUnitsTable(), ALIUnitDefinition::BuildUnitsTable(), CSCEventData::calcALCTcrc(), FWInvMassDialog::Calculate(), JetPartonMatching::calculate(), ClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_Covariances(), ClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_e3x2(), ClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_e3x3(), ClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_e4x4(), ClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_e5x5(), MultipleAlgoIterator::calculatePedestal(), ReflectedIterator::calculatePedestal(), PileUpSubtractor::calculatePedestal(), PedeLabelerBase::calibrationParamFromLabel(), cert_plot(), HiggsValidation::MonitoredDecays::channel(), AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkMETMass(), TrackCleaner::cleanTracks(), SimTrackManager::cleanTracksWithHistory(), EcalClusterToolsT< noZS >::cluster2ndMoments(), L1TLSBlock::computeErrorFromRange(), GaussianSumUtilities1D::computeMode(), SiStripFecCabling::connections(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructGeneralVolume(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructGeneralVolume(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructInsideDetectors(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructInsideLayers(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructInsideModule(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructInsideModule0(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructInsideSector(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructInsideSector(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructMidLayer(), DDHCalEndcapAlgo::constructScintLayer(), DDHCalBarrelAlgo::constructSideLayer(), CaloTowersCreationAlgo::convert(), GctFormatTranslateV35::convertBlock(), GctFormatTranslateMCLegacy::convertBlock(), GctFormatTranslateV38::convertBlock(), popcon::PopConSourceHandler< CastorPedestals >::convertFromOld(), copyObject(), FFTJetCorrectorSequence< Jet, InitialConverter, FinalConverter >::correct(), GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator::correctedFirstMean(), GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator::correctedFirstVar(), TauJetCorrector::correction(), JetPartonCorrector::correction(), FourVectorHLTOnline::countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock(), TrigResRateMon::countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock(), FourVectorHLTOffline::countHLTGroupBXHitsEndLumiBlock(), LatencyHistosUsingDb::create(), PFCand_AssoMapAlgos::CreatePFCandToVertexMap(), PF_PU_AssoMapAlgos::CreateTrackToVertexMap(), PFCand_AssoMapAlgos::CreateVertexToPFCandMap(), PF_PU_AssoMapAlgos::CreateVertexToTrackMap(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationByInvMass::discriminate(), SurveyPxbDicer::doDice(), VectorDoublet< Vector3D, Vector3D >::dot(), DTSC::DTSectCollsort2(), MuScleFit::duringFastLoop(), ZeeCalibration::duringLoop(), EcalClusterToolsT< noZS >::e2nd(), EcalDQMonitorTask::EcalDQMonitorTask(), EcalMonitorPrescaler::EcalMonitorPrescaler(), EcalClusterToolsT< noZS >::eMax(), edm::service::ELoutput::emitToken(), TowerBlockFormatter::EndEvent(), IsoTrig::endJob(), AlcaBeamMonitor::endLuminosityBlock(), DTtTrigCalibrationTest::endLuminosityBlock(), DTNoiseTest::endLuminosityBlock(), AlcaBeamMonitorClient::endRun(), cond::serialization::access< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value or std::is_enum< T >::value >::type >::equal_(), cond::serialization::access< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type >::equal_(), cond::serialization::access< std::string >::equal_(), cond::serialization::access< std::bitset< N > >::equal_(), cond::serialization::access< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type >::equal_(), cond::serialization::access< T[N]>::equal_(), DDTIDModulePosAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerXYZPosAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerZPosAlgo::execute(), DDPixBarStackLayerAlgo::execute(), DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo::execute(), DDBHMAngular::execute(), DDPixBarLayerUpgradeAlgo::execute(), DDPixBarLayerUpgradeAlgoCoverage::execute(), DDPixBarStackLinear::execute(), DDPixBarStackLinearGap::execute(), DDPixBarStackTrigLayerAlgo::execute(), DDPixFwdDiskAlgo::execute(), DDHCalForwardAlgo::execute(), DDHCalTBCableAlgo::execute(), DDHCalTBZposAlgo::execute(), DDTIBLayerAlgo_MTCC::execute(), DDTIBRadCableAlgo_MTCC::execute(), DDPixBarLayerAlgo::execute(), DDTECCoolAlgo::execute(), DDTECOptoHybAlgo::execute(), DDTIBLayerAlgo::execute(), DDTIDModuleAlgo::execute(), DDTOBAxCableAlgo::execute(), DDTOBRadCableAlgo::execute(), DDTOBRodAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerLinear::execute(), DDTrackerLinearXY::execute(), DDHCalFibreBundle::execute(), DDHCalLinearXY::execute(), DDTECAxialCableAlgo::execute(), DDTECModuleAlgo::execute(), DDTECPhiAltAlgo::execute(), DDTECPhiAlgo::execute(), DDTIDAxialCableAlgo::execute(), DDTIDRingAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerAngular::execute(), DDTrackerAngularV1::execute(), DDTrackerPhiAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerPhiAltAlgo::execute(), DDPixFwdBlades::execute(), CommissioningHistograms::extractHistograms(), PatZToMuMuAnalyzer::fill(), PatJetAnalyzer::fill(), HLTOfflineDQMTopSingleLepton::MonitorSingleLepton::fill(), HLTOfflineDQMTopDiLepton::MonitorDiLepton::fill(), TopSingleLepton::MonitorEnsemble::fill(), SingleTopTChannelLepton::MonitorEnsemble::fill(), TopDiLeptonOffline::MonitorEnsemble::fill(), OutInConversionSeedFinder::fillClusterSeeds(), GenParticleProducer::fillDaughters(), DTLocalTriggerTest::fillGlobalSummary(), TrigResRateMon::fillHltMatrix(), FourVectorHLTOffline::fillHltMatrix(), edm::RootFile::fillIndexIntoFile(), EcalTrigPrimFunctionalAlgo::fillMap(), SiStripCMMonitorPlugin::fillMaps(), SiStripNoisesDQM::fillMEsForLayer(), SiStripBackPlaneCorrectionDQM::fillMEsForLayer(), SiStripLorentzAngleDQM::fillMEsForLayer(), SiStripPedestalsDQM::fillMEsForLayer(), SiStripThresholdDQM::fillMEsForLayer(), SiStripApvGainsDQM::fillMEsForLayer(), SiStripQualityDQM::fillMEsForLayer(), SiPixelUtility::fillPaveText(), ProbeTreeProducer::filter(), CSCDigiValidator::filter(), Hector::filterD1(), Hector::filterFP420(), Hector::filterZDC(), pftools::SpaceManager::findCalibrator(), EcalTBCrystalMap::findCrystalAngles(), SymmetryFit::findUsableMinMax(), CosmicMuonSmoother::fit(), GsfTrajectoryFitter::fitOne(), KFTrajectoryFitter::fitOne(), alpgen::fixEventHiggsTTbar(), alpgen::fixEventSingleTop(), alpgen::fixEventTTbar(), NuclearTester::fwdEstimate(), edm::RangeMap< int, std::vector< float >, edm::CopyPolicy< float > >::get(), DTTPGParameters::get(), DTLVStatus::get(), edm::helper::IndexRangeAssociation::get(), DTHVStatus::get(), DTRangeT0::get(), DTTtrig::get(), DTDeadFlag::get(), DTPerformance::get(), DTStatusFlag::get(), DTMtime::get(), GctFormatTranslateBase::getBlockDescription(), CalibrationInterface< CategoryT, CalibDataT >::getCalibData(), CaloGeometryHelper::getClosestCell(), egHLT::ComCodes::getCodeName(), egHLT::TrigCodes::TrigBitSetMap::getCodeName(), lumi::fPoly::getCorrection(), SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDcuId(), SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDetectorLocation(), egHLT::trigTools::getFiltersPassed(), LMFCorrCoefDat::getFlag(), metsig::SignAlgoResolutions::getfunc(), EcalLaserDbService::getLaserCorrection(), pftools::IO::GetLineData(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getLMNumber(), PileUpSubtractor::getMeanAtTower(), FillInfoPopConSourceHandler::getNewObjects(), pftools::IO::GetNextLineData(), trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs::getObjects(), PileUpSubtractor::getPileUpAtTower(), LMFCorrCoefDat::getSeqID(), LMFCorrCoefDat::getSequence(), PileUpSubtractor::getSigmaAtTower(), RPCSeedPattern::getSpecialAlgorithmErrorMatrix(), SiStripBaseCondObjDQM::getSummaryMEs(), ZIterativeAlgorithmWithFit::getWeight(), SimTrackManager::giveMotherNeeded(), HLTEgammaDoubleLegCombFilter::hltFilter(), HLTEgammaEtFilterPairs::hltFilter(), HLTJetTag< T >::hltFilter(), HLTJetSortedVBFFilter< T >::hltFilter(), SimTrackManager::idSavedTrack(), L1MuGMTLUT::Init(), init_filter(), L1GtUtils::LogicalExpressionL1Results::initialize(), egammaisolation::EgammaRange< float >::inside(), muonisolation::Range< float >::inside(), TRange< int >::inside(), PixelRecoRange< float >::inside(), EcalTB07DaqFormatter::interpretRawData(), EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData(), APVCyclePhaseProducerFromL1TS::isBadRun(), TtGenEvent::isFullLeptonic(), AntiElectronIDCut2::isInEcalCrack(), RPCFw::isMajor(), CSCDDUMap::item(), CSCCrateMap::item(), CSCChamberMap::item(), TtEvent::jetLeptonCombination(), L1GtUtils::LogicalExpressionL1Results::l1Results(), fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D::LinInterpolatedTable1D(), G4SimEvent::load(), dqmservices::DQMFileIterator::LumiEntry::load_json(), dqmservices::DQMFileIterator::EorEntry::load_json(), CalorimetryManager::loadFromEcalBarrel(), CalorimetryManager::loadFromEcalEndcap(), CalorimetryManager::loadFromHcal(), pos::PixelConfigFile::makeKey(), SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree::makeTKMap(), match(), JetPartonMatching::matchingPtOrderedMinDist(), egammaisolation::EgammaRange< float >::max(), muonisolation::Range< float >::max(), TRange< int >::max(), PixelRecoRange< float >::max(), egammaisolation::EgammaRange< float >::mean(), muonisolation::Range< float >::mean(), TRange< int >::mean(), PixelRecoRange< float >::mean(), cond::persistency::migrateTag(), lhef::LHEReader::next(), Quantile::next(), MultipleAlgoIterator::offsetCorrectJets(), ReflectedIterator::offsetCorrectJets(), PileUpSubtractor::offsetCorrectJets(), DDValuePair::operator const double &(), DDValuePair::operator double &(), PhysicsTools::AtomicId::operator!=(), CastorDbASCIIIO::DetIdLess::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauDiscriminantFromDiscriminator::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin2::operator()(), L1MuGMTExtendedCand::Rank::operator()(), SimpleL1MuGMTCand::Rank::operator()(), PhysicsTools::AtomicId::operator<(), operator<<(), PhysicsTools::AtomicId::operator<=(), PhysicsTools::AtomicId::operator==(), PhysicsTools::AtomicId::operator>(), PhysicsTools::AtomicId::operator>=(), ClusterClusterMapping::overlap(), MomentumDependentPedeLabeler::parameterLabel(), DDLParser::parseFile(), DDLParser::parseOneFile(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::parseStoN(), PartitionGenerator::partitions(), L1MuDTAssignmentUnit::PhiAU(), PhiBorderFinder::PhiBorderFinder(), cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::plot(), HiggsValidation::MonitoredDecays::position(), SiStripRegionCabling::position(), HLTConfigProvider::prescaleValues(), HLTConfigProvider::prescaleValuesInDetail(), Quantile::prev(), TtFullLeptonicEvent::print(), egHLT::TrigCodes::TrigBitSetMap::printCodes(), hcalCalib::Process(), PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons::processBlock(), PFAlgo::processBlock(), cscdqm::EventProcessor::processCSC(), DDLSpecPar::processElement(), DDLNumeric::processElement(), DDLString::processElement(), CandOneToManyDeltaRMatcher::produce(), TtFullLepKinSolutionProducer::produce(), PFConversionProducer::produce(), PFTrackProducer::produce(), DTFakeT0ESProducer::produce(), L1ExtraParticleMapProd::produce(), RunManagerMTWorker::produce(), TrackMultiSelector::produce(), PF_PU_FirstVertexTracks::produce(), PFCand_NoPU_WithAM::produce(), JetPlusTrackProducerAA::produce(), PixelJetPuId::produce(), reco::PhysObjectMatcher< C1, C2, S, D, Q >::produce(), RunManager::produce(), NuclearTrackCorrector::produce(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupProvider::proxyProviderDescriptions(), RBorderFinder::RBorderFinder(), RunSummaryRead::readData(), L1TriggerScalerRead::readData(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder::readLastValueFromFile(), FedRawDataInputSource::readWorker(), RealQuadEquation::RealQuadEquation(), GroupedDAFHitCollector::recHits(), CSCEfficiency::recHitSegment_Efficiencies(), CSCEfficiency::recSimHitEfficiency(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder::reduce(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder::reduction(), CandidateSeededTrackingRegionsProducer::regions(), edm::ESProxyFactoryProducer::registerFactoryWithKey(), jsoncollector::FastMonitor::registerGlobalMonitorable(), pftools::CaloWindow::relativePosition(), L1GtUtils::LogicalExpressionL1Results::reset(), L1TOccupancyClientHistogramService::resetHisto(), SiPixelHistoricInfoEDAClient::retrieveMEs(), TkTrackingRegionsMargin< float >::right(), EcalClusterToolsT< noZS >::roundnessBarrelSuperClusters(), EcalClusterToolsT< noZS >::roundnessBarrelSuperClustersUserExtended(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::Rule::Rule(), DTTSS::run(), DTTSM::run(), DTSC::run(), EcalTrigPrimFunctionalAlgo::run_part2(), DTLocalTriggerLutTest::runClientDiagnostic(), DTTriggerEfficiencyTest::runClientDiagnostic(), SortCollectionSelector< InputCollection, Comparator, OutputCollection, StoreContainer, RefAdder >::select(), FWTableView::selectCollection(), MuScleFit::selectMuons(), PhotonConversionTrajectorySeedProducerFromSingleLegAlgo::selectPriVtxCompatibleWithTrack(), DTLVStatus::set(), DTTPGParameters::set(), DTHVStatus::set(), DTRangeT0::set(), DTTtrig::set(), DTPerformance::set(), DTStatusFlag::set(), DTDeadFlag::set(), DTMtime::set(), PFElectronAlgo::SetActive(), EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter::setEvtRecHitstatus(), egHLT::trigTools::setFiltersObjPasses(), FWEventItemsManager::setFrom(), TauJetCorrector::setParameters(), JetPartonCorrector::setParameters(), DDLSolid::setReference(), ConvBremSeedProducer::sharedHits(), ora::Sequences::sinchronize(), ora::Sequences::sinchronizeAll(), SiStripGainESProducerTemplate< TDependentRecord, TInputRecord >::SiStripGainNormalizationFunction(), egammaisolation::EgammaRange< float >::sort(), muonisolation::Range< float >::sort(), PixelRecoRange< float >::sort(), TRange< int >::sort(), edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric< std::vector< reco::Track >, std::vector< reco::Vertex >, int, unsigned int >::sort(), PF_PU_AssoMapAlgos::SortAssociationMap(), PFCand_AssoMapAlgos::SortPFCandAssociationMap(), DTTSM::sortTSM2(), DTTSS::sortTSS2(), DAClusterizerInZ::split(), DAClusterizerInZ_vect::split(), CombinationGenerator< T >::splitInTwoCollections(), SiStripZeroSuppression::storeCMN(), L1MuGMTLUT::PortDecoder::str(), StringBasedNTupler::StringBasedNTupler(), RPCDigiL1Link::strip(), StripCPE::StripCPE(), cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::summary(), MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::summary(), CompositeLogicalTrajectoryFilter::TBC(), L3MuonTrajectoryBuilder::trajectories(), TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory::trajectories(), GsfTrajectorySmoother::trajectory(), MonopoleSteppingAction::update(), LatencyHistosUsingDb::update(), SiTrackerMultiRecHitUpdator::update(), TauJetCorrector::ParametrizationTauJet::value(), viewNameFrom(), MuonAssociatorByHits::write_matched_simtracks(), and VirtualJetProducer::writeJets().

248  {
249  return p.second;
250  }
template<typename T >
void edm::SetCustomStreamer ( )

Definition at line 41 of file CustomStreamer.h.

References GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::cl, and className().

41  {
42  TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(TypeID(typeid(T)).className().c_str());
43  if (cl->GetStreamer() == 0) {
44  cl->AdoptStreamer(new CustomStreamer<T>());
45  }
46  }
long double T
std::string className(const T &t)
Definition: ClassName.h:30
template<typename T >
void edm::SetCustomStreamer ( T const &  )

Definition at line 50 of file CustomStreamer.h.

References GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::cl, and className().

50  {
51  TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(TypeID(typeid(T)).className().c_str());
52  if (cl->GetStreamer() == 0) {
53  cl->AdoptStreamer(new CustomStreamer<T>());
54  }
55  }
long double T
std::string className(const T &t)
Definition: ClassName.h:30
void edm::setMaxLoggedErrorsSummaryIndicies ( unsigned int  iMax)

Definition at line 198 of file

References errorSummaryMaps.

Referenced by edm::service::MessageLogger::MessageLogger().

198  {
199  assert(0==errorSummaryMaps.size());
200  errorSummaryMaps.resize(iMax);
201  }
static std::vector< tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< ErrorSummaryMapKey, AtomicUnsignedInt, ErrorSummaryMapKey::key_hash > > errorSummaryMaps
template<typename T , typename A >
void edm::setPtr ( std::vector< T, A > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
unsigned long  iIndex,
void const *&  oPtr 

Definition at line 75 of file setPtr.h.

References edm::detail::reallySetPtr().

Referenced by edm::helpers::PtrSetter< T >::set().

78  {
79  detail::reallySetPtr(obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
80  }
void reallySetPtr(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
Definition: setPtr.h:37
template<typename T , typename A >
void edm::setPtr ( std::list< T, A > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
unsigned long  iIndex,
void const *&  oPtr 

Definition at line 84 of file setPtr.h.

References edm::detail::reallySetPtr().

87  {
88  detail::reallySetPtr(obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
89  }
void reallySetPtr(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
Definition: setPtr.h:37
template<typename T , typename A >
void edm::setPtr ( std::deque< T, A > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
unsigned long  iIndex,
void const *&  oPtr 

Definition at line 93 of file setPtr.h.

References edm::detail::reallySetPtr().

96  {
97  detail::reallySetPtr(obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
98  }
void reallySetPtr(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
Definition: setPtr.h:37
template<typename T , typename A , typename Comp >
void edm::setPtr ( std::set< T, A, Comp > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  iToType,
unsigned long  iIndex,
void const *&  oPtr 

Definition at line 102 of file setPtr.h.

References edm::detail::reallySetPtr().

105  {
106  detail::reallySetPtr(obj, iToType, iIndex, oPtr);
107  }
void reallySetPtr(COLLECTION const &coll, std::type_info const &iToType, unsigned long iIndex, void const *&oPtr)
Definition: setPtr.h:37
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void edm::setPtr ( SortedCollection< T, SORT > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  toType,
unsigned long  index,
void const *&  ptr 

Definition at line 463 of file SortedCollection.h.

466  {
467  obj.setPtr(toType, index, ptr);
468  }
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void edm::setPtr ( OwnArray< T, M, P > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  toType,
unsigned long  index,
void const *&  ptr 

Definition at line 469 of file OwnArray.h.

References edm::OwnArray< T, MAX_SIZE, P >::setPtr().

472  {
473  obj.setPtr(toType, index, ptr);
474  }
template<typename T , typename P >
void edm::setPtr ( OwnVector< T, P > const &  obj,
std::type_info const &  toType,
unsigned long  index,
void const *&  ptr 

Definition at line 478 of file OwnVector.h.

References edm::OwnVector< T, P >::setPtr().

481  {
482  obj.setPtr(toType, index, ptr);
483  }
void edm::setRefCoreStreamer ( bool  resetAll = false)

Definition at line 77 of file

References GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::cl, and edm::EDProductGetter::switchProductGetter().

Referenced by edm::StreamerInputSource::deserializeEvent(), edm::RootDelayedReader::getProduct_(), edm::service::InitRootHandlers::InitRootHandlers(), edm::ReducedProvenanceReader::readProvenance(), edm::FullProvenanceReader::readProvenance(), edm::OldProvenanceReader::readProvenance(), edm::RootFile::RootFile(), and edm::RootOutputTree::writeTTree().

77  {
78  {
79  TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass("edm::RefCore");
80  TClassStreamer *st = cl->GetStreamer();
81  if (st == 0) {
82  cl->AdoptStreamer(new RefCoreStreamer());
83  }
84  {
85  TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass("edm::RefCoreWithIndex");
86  TClassStreamer *st = cl->GetStreamer();
87  if (st == 0) {
88  cl->AdoptStreamer(new RefCoreWithIndexStreamer());
89  }
90  }
91  }
92  EDProductGetter::switchProductGetter(0);
93  }
EDProductGetter const * edm::setRefCoreStreamer ( EDProductGetter const *  ep)

Definition at line 95 of file

References GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::cl, and edm::EDProductGetter::switchProductGetter().

95  {
96  EDProductGetter const* returnValue=0;
97  if (ep != 0) {
98  {
99  TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass("edm::RefCore");
100  TClassStreamer *st = cl->GetStreamer();
101  if (st == 0) {
102  cl->AdoptStreamer(new RefCoreStreamer());
103  }
104  }
105  {
106  TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass("edm::RefCoreWithIndex");
107  TClassStreamer *st = cl->GetStreamer();
108  if (st == 0) {
109  cl->AdoptStreamer(new RefCoreWithIndexStreamer());
110  }
111  }
113  }
114  return returnValue;
115  }
static EDProductGetter const * switchProductGetter(EDProductGetter const *)
These can only be used internally by the framework.
void edm::setStandAloneMessageThreshold ( edm::ELseverityLevel const &  severity)

Definition at line 139 of file

References edm::MessageLoggerQ::standAloneThreshold().

139  {
141 }
static void standAloneThreshold(edm::ELseverityLevel const &severity)
void edm::sigInventory ( )

Definition at line 137 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, gen::k, and MUST_BE_ZERO.

138  {
139  sigset_t tmpset, oldset;
140 // Make a full house set of signals, except for SIGKILL = 9
141 // and SIGSTOP = 19 which cannot be blocked
142  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigfillset(&tmpset));
143  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigdelset(&tmpset, SIGKILL));
144  MUST_BE_ZERO(sigdelset(&tmpset, SIGSTOP));
145 // Swap it with the current sigset_t
146  MUST_BE_ZERO(pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &tmpset, &oldset ));
147 // Now see what's included in the set
148  for(int k=1; k<NSIG; ++k) {
149  std::cerr << "sigismember is " << sigismember( &tmpset, k )
150  << " for signal " << std::setw(2) << k
151 #if defined(__linux__)
152  << " (" << strsignal(k) << ")"
153 #endif
154  << std::endl;
155  }
156 // Finally put the original sigset_t back
157  MUST_BE_ZERO(pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, &tmpset));
158  }
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
#define MUST_BE_ZERO(fun)
edm::size_ ( )
edm::size_ ( n  )

Definition at line 185 of file OwnArray.h.

185  : data_{{0}}, size_(n) {
186  }
Definition: OwnArray.h:181
template<typename RandomAccessSequence >
void edm::sort_all ( RandomAccessSequence &  s)
template<typename RandomAccessSequence , typename Predicate >
void edm::sort_all ( RandomAccessSequence &  s,
Predicate  p 

Definition at line 127 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and python.multivaluedict::sort().

127  {
128  std::sort(s.begin(), s.end(), p);
129  }
std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > & edm::sortAndRemoveOverlaps ( std::vector< LuminosityBlockRange > &  lumiRange)

Definition at line 96 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, i, merge(), and sort_all().

96  {
97  if (lumiRange.size() <= 1U) return lumiRange;
98  sort_all(lumiRange, sortByStartLuminosityBlockID);
99  for (std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange>::iterator i = lumiRange.begin() + 1, e = lumiRange.end();
100  i != e; ++i) {
101  std::vector<LuminosityBlockRange>::iterator iprev = i - 1;
102  if (merge(*iprev, *i)) {
103  i = lumiRange.erase(iprev);
104  e = lumiRange.end();
105  }
106  }
107  return lumiRange;
108  }
int i
void sort_all(RandomAccessSequence &s)
wrappers for std::sort
Definition: Algorithms.h:120
std::vector< EventRange > & edm::sortAndRemoveOverlaps ( std::vector< EventRange > &  eventRange)

Definition at line 102 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, i, and sort_all().

Referenced by DQMRootSource::DQMRootSource(), and edm::EventSkipperByID::EventSkipperByID().

102  {
103  if (eventRange.size() <= 1U) return eventRange;
104  sort_all(eventRange, sortByStartEventIDSpecial);
105  for (std::vector<EventRange>::iterator i = eventRange.begin() + 1, e = eventRange.end();
106  i != e; ++i) {
107  std::vector<EventRange>::iterator iprev = i - 1;
108  if (mergeSpecial(*iprev, *i)) {
109  i = eventRange.erase(iprev);
110  e = eventRange.end();
111  }
112  }
113  return eventRange;
114  }
int i
void sort_all(RandomAccessSequence &s)
wrappers for std::sort
Definition: Algorithms.h:120
static std::string const edm::source ( "source"  )
template<class OutIter >
bool edm::split ( OutIter  result,
std::string const &  string_to_split,
char  first,
char  sep,
char  last 

Definition at line 88 of file split.h.

References b, contextual_find(), contextual_find_not(), alignCSCRings::e, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by edm::ParameterSetConverter::convertParameterSets(), decode(), edm::ParameterSet::fromString(), and edm::VParameterSetEntry::VParameterSetEntry().

90 {
91  typedef std::string::const_iterator str_c_iter;
92  str_c_iter b = s.begin()
93  , e = s.end();
95  if(static_cast<unsigned int>(e - b) < 2u) return false;
97  if(*b == first) ++b;
98  else return false;
100  if(*--e != last) return false;
102  // invariant: we've found all items in [b..boi)
103  for(str_c_iter //boi = std::find_if(b, e, is_not_a(sep))
104  boi = contextual_find_not(b, e, first, sep, last)
105  , eoi
106  ; boi != e
107  //; boi = std::find_if(eoi, e, is_not_a(sep))
108  ; boi = contextual_find_not(eoi, e, first, sep, last))
109  {
110  // find end of current item:
111  //eoi = std::find_if(boi, e, is_a(sep));
112  eoi = contextual_find(boi, e, first, sep, last);
114  // copy the item formed from characters in [boi..eoi):
115  *dest++ = std::string(boi, eoi);
116  } // for
118  return true;
119 } // split< >()
bool first
FwdIter contextual_find_not(FwdIter b, FwdIter e, char first, char sep, char last)
Definition: split.h:70
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
FwdIter contextual_find(FwdIter b, FwdIter e, char first, char sep, char last)
Definition: split.h:48
void edm::squelchStandAloneMessageCategory ( std::string const &  category)

Definition at line 142 of file

References edm::MessageLoggerQ::squelch().

142  {
144 }
static void squelch(std::string const &category)
template<typename RandomAccessSequence >
void edm::stable_sort_all ( RandomAccessSequence &  s)
template<typename RandomAccessSequence , typename Predicate >
void edm::stable_sort_all ( RandomAccessSequence &  s,
Predicate  p 

Definition at line 142 of file Algorithms.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

142  {
143  std::stable_sort(s.begin(), s.end(), p);
144  }
std::string edm::stripLeadingDirectoryTree ( const std::string &  file)
std::string edm::stripNamespace ( std::string const &  theName)

Definition at line 97 of file

References trackerHits::c, and cmsHarvester::index.

Referenced by edm::TypeWithDict::unscopedName().

97  {
98  // Find last colon
99  std::string::size_type colonIndex = theName.rfind(':');
100  if(colonIndex == std::string::npos) {
101  // No colons, so no namespace to strip
102  return theName;
103  }
104  std::string::size_type bracketIndex = theName.rfind('>');
105  if(bracketIndex == std::string::npos || bracketIndex < colonIndex) {
106  // No '>' after last colon. Strip up to and including last colon.
107  return theName.substr(colonIndex+1);
108  }
109  // There is a '>' after the last colon.
110  int depth = 1;
111  for(size_t index = bracketIndex; index != 0; --index) {
112  char c = theName[index - 1];
113  if(c == '>') {
114  ++depth;
115  } else if(c == '<') {
116  --depth;
117  assert(depth >= 0);
118  } else if(depth == 0 && c == ':') {
119  return theName.substr(index);
120  }
121  }
122  return theName;
123  }
uint16_t size_type
bool edm::stripTemplate ( std::string &  theName)

Definition at line 72 of file

References first(), customizeTrackingMonitorSeedNumber::idx, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by edm::TypeID::userClassName().

72  {
73  std::string const spec("<,>");
74  char const space = ' ';
75  std::string::size_type idx = theName.find_first_of(spec);
76  if (idx == std::string::npos) {
77  return false;
78  }
81  if (theName[idx] == '<') {
82  after = theName.rfind('>');
83  assert (after != std::string::npos);
84  first = ++idx;
85  } else {
86  theName = theName.substr(0, idx);
87  }
88  std::string::size_type idxa = after;
89  while (space == theName[--idxa]) --after;
91  while (space == theName[idxf++]) ++first;
92  theName = theName.substr(first, after - first);
93  return true;
94  }
uint16_t size_type
bool first
tuple idx
DEBUGGING if hasattr(process,&quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012&quot;): print &quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012 D...
void edm::swap ( ProductID &  a,
ProductID &  b 

Definition at line 49 of file ProductID.h.

References edm::ProductID::swap().

49  {
50  a.swap(b);
51  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( ProductData &  a,
ProductData &  b 

Definition at line 51 of file ProductData.h.

References edm::ProductData::swap().

51  {
52  a.swap(b);
53  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( Parentage &  a,
Parentage &  b 

Definition at line 56 of file Parentage.h.

References edm::Parentage::swap().

56  {
57  a.swap(b);
58  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T , class P >
void edm::swap ( CloningPtr< T, P > &  a,
CloningPtr< T, P > &  b 

Definition at line 65 of file CloningPtr.h.

References edm::CloningPtr< T, P >::swap().

66  {
67  a.swap(b);
68  }
void edm::swap ( OrphanHandleBase &  a,
OrphanHandleBase &  b 

Definition at line 75 of file OrphanHandleBase.h.

References edm::OrphanHandleBase::swap().

75  {
76  a.swap(b);
77  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( RefToBaseVector< T > &  a,
RefToBaseVector< T > &  b 

Definition at line 91 of file RefToBaseVector.h.

References edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::swap().

91  {
92  a.swap(b);
93  }
void edm::swap ( ProcessHistory &  a,
ProcessHistory &  b 

Definition at line 98 of file ProcessHistory.h.

References edm::ProcessHistory::swap().

98  {
99  a.swap(b);
100  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( TriggerResults &  lhs,
TriggerResults &  rhs 

Definition at line 99 of file TriggerResults.h.

References edm::TriggerResults::swap().

99  {
100  lhs.swap(rhs);
101  }
void edm::swap ( ESHandleBase &  a,
ESHandleBase &  b 

Definition at line 105 of file ESHandle.h.

References edm::ESHandleBase::swap().

106  {
107  a.swap(b);
108  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( HLTGlobalStatus &  lhs,
HLTGlobalStatus &  rhs 

Free swap function.

Definition at line 110 of file HLTGlobalStatus.h.

References edm::HLTGlobalStatus::swap().

110  {
111  lhs.swap(rhs);
112  }
void edm::swap ( OutputHandle &  a,
OutputHandle &  b 

Definition at line 115 of file OutputHandle.h.

References edm::OutputHandle::swap().

115  {
116  a.swap(b);
117  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename C >
void edm::swap ( Association< C > &  lhs,
Association< C > &  rhs 
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( DetSet< T > &  a,
DetSet< T > &  b 

Definition at line 119 of file DetSet.h.

References edm::DetSet< T >::swap().

119  {
120  a.swap(b);
121  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename KEY >
void edm::swap ( RefVectorBase< KEY > &  a,
RefVectorBase< KEY > &  b 

swap two vectors

Definition at line 120 of file RefVectorBase.h.

120  {
121  a.swap(b);
122  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( edm::RefCore lhs,
edm::RefCore rhs 

Definition at line 122 of file RefCore.h.

References edm::RefCore::swap().

122  {
123  lhs.swap(rhs);
124  }
void swap(RefCore &)
Definition: RefCore.h:116
void edm::swap ( BasicHandle &  a,
BasicHandle &  b 

Definition at line 132 of file BasicHandle.h.

References edm::BasicHandle::swap().

132  {
133  a.swap(b);
134  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( edm::RefCoreWithIndex lhs,
edm::RefCoreWithIndex rhs 

Definition at line 133 of file RefCoreWithIndex.h.

References edm::RefCoreWithIndex::swap().

133  {
134  lhs.swap(rhs);
135  }
void swap(RefCoreWithIndex &)
void edm::swap ( HandleBase &  a,
HandleBase &  b 

Definition at line 134 of file HandleBase.h.

References edm::HandleBase::swap().

134  {
135  a.swap(b);
136  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( ErrorObj &  a,
ErrorObj &  b 

Definition at line 134 of file ErrorObj.h.

References edm::ErrorObj::swap().

134  {
135  a.swap(b);
136 }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( FileInPath a,
FileInPath b 

Definition at line 136 of file FileInPath.h.

References edm::FileInPath::swap().

137  {
138  a.swap(b);
139  }
template<typename K , typename T >
void edm::swap ( MapOfVectors< K, T > &  lhs,
MapOfVectors< K, T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 160 of file MapOfVectors.h.

References edm::MapOfVectors< K, T >::swap().

160  {
161  lhs.swap(rhs);
162  }
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( EDCollection< T > &  a,
EDCollection< T > &  b 

Definition at line 161 of file EDCollection.h.

References edm::EDCollection< T >::swap().

162  {
163  a.swap(b);
164  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename C , typename T , typename F >
void edm::swap ( RefVector< C, T, F > &  a,
RefVector< C, T, F > &  b 

Definition at line 178 of file RefVector.h.

References a, and b.

178  {
179  a.swap(b);
180  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( RefGetter< T > &  a,
RefGetter< T > &  b 

Definition at line 178 of file RefGetter.h.

References edm::RefGetter< T >::swap().

179  {
180  a.swap(b);
181  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename ID , typename C , typename P >
void edm::swap ( IDVectorMap< ID, C, P > &  a,
IDVectorMap< ID, C, P > &  b 

Definition at line 192 of file IDVectorMap.h.

References edm::IDVectorMap< ID, C, P >::swap().

192  {
193  a.swap(b);
194  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
void edm::swap ( PtrVector< T > &  lhs,
PtrVector< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 207 of file PtrVector.h.

References edm::PtrVector< T >::swap().

207  {
208  lhs.swap(rhs);
209  }
void edm::swap ( DataFrameContainer &  lhs,
DataFrameContainer &  rhs 

Definition at line 213 of file DataFrameContainer.h.

References edm::DataFrameContainer::swap().

213  {
214  lhs.swap(rhs);
215  }
template<typename T >
void edm::swap ( value_ptr< T > &  vp1,
value_ptr< T > &  vp2 

Definition at line 216 of file value_ptr.h.

References edm::value_ptr< T >::swap().

216 { vp1.swap(vp2); }
template<typename T >
void edm::swap ( edm::RefToBaseProd< T > const &  lhs,
edm::RefToBaseProd< T > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 220 of file RefToBaseProd.h.

References edm::RefToBaseProd< T >::swap().

220  {
221  lhs.swap(rhs);
222  }
void swap(RefToBaseProd< T > &)
template<typename ID , typename C , typename P >
void edm::swap ( RangeMap< ID, C, P > &  a,
RangeMap< ID, C, P > &  b 

Definition at line 222 of file RangeMap.h.

References edm::RangeMap< ID, C, P >::swap().

222  {
223  a.swap(b);
224  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<int I>
void edm::swap ( Hash< I > &  a,
Hash< I > &  b 

Definition at line 238 of file Hash.h.

References edm::Hash< I >::swap().

238  {
239  a.swap(b);
240  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename C >
void edm::swap ( RefProd< C > const &  lhs,
RefProd< C > const &  rhs 

Definition at line 239 of file RefProd.h.

References edm::RefProd< T >::swap().

239  {
240  lhs.swap(rhs);
241  }
void edm::swap ( InputProductHolder &  a,
InputProductHolder &  b 

Definition at line 259 of file ProductHolder.h.

References edm::ProductHolderBase::swap().

259  {
260  a.swap(b);
261  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( DetSetLazyVector< T > &  a,
DetSetLazyVector< T > &  b 

Definition at line 259 of file DetSetLazyVector.h.

260  {
261  a.swap(b);
262  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename KeyRefProd , typename CVal , typename KeyRef , typename SizeType , typename KeyReferenceHelper >
void edm::swap ( AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > &  a,
AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper > &  b 

Definition at line 263 of file AssociationVector.h.

References edm::AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper >::swap().

264  {
265  a.swap(b);
266  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
void edm::swap ( ValueMap< T > &  lhs,
ValueMap< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 264 of file ValueMap.h.

References edm::ValueMap< T >::swap().

264  {
265  lhs.swap(rhs);
266  }
template<typename T , typename C >
void edm::swap ( DetSetRefVector< T, C > &  a,
DetSetRefVector< T, C > &  b 

Definition at line 282 of file DetSetRefVector.h.

282  {
283  a.swap(b);
284  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename C >
void edm::swap ( MultiAssociation< C > &  lhs,
MultiAssociation< C > &  rhs 

Definition at line 293 of file MultiAssociation.h.

293 { lhs.swap(rhs); }
void edm::swap ( ParameterSet a,
ParameterSet b 

Definition at line 319 of file ParameterSet.h.

References edm::ParameterSet::swap().

319  {
320  a.swap(b);
321  }
void edm::swap ( ScheduledProductHolder &  a,
ScheduledProductHolder &  b 

Definition at line 326 of file ProductHolder.h.

References edm::ProductHolderBase::swap().

326  {
327  a.swap(b);
328  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( UnscheduledProductHolder &  a,
UnscheduledProductHolder &  b 

Definition at line 355 of file ProductHolder.h.

References edm::ProductHolderBase::swap().

355  {
356  a.swap(b);
357  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( RefToBase< T > &  a,
RefToBase< T > &  b 

Definition at line 355 of file RefToBase.h.

References edm::RefToBase< T >::swap().

356  {
357  a.swap(b);
358  }
template<typename T , typename SORT >
void edm::swap ( SortedCollection< T, SORT > &  a,
SortedCollection< T, SORT > &  b 

Definition at line 403 of file SortedCollection.h.

403  {
404  a.swap(b);
405  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
void edm::swap ( View< T > &  lhs,
View< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 406 of file View.h.

406  {
407  lhs.swap(rhs);
408  }
template<typename T , unsigned int M, typename P >
void edm::swap ( OwnArray< T, M, P > &  a,
OwnArray< T, M, P > &  b 

Definition at line 430 of file OwnArray.h.

References edm::OwnArray< T, MAX_SIZE, P >::swap().

430  {
431  a.swap(b);
432  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T , typename P >
void edm::swap ( OwnVector< T, P > &  a,
OwnVector< T, P > &  b 

Definition at line 439 of file OwnVector.h.

References a, and b.

439  {
440  a.swap(b);
441  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( DetSetVector< T > &  a,
DetSetVector< T > &  b 

Definition at line 453 of file DetSetVector.h.

454  {
455  a.swap(b);
456  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
void edm::swap ( SourceProductHolder &  a,
SourceProductHolder &  b 

Definition at line 472 of file ProductHolder.h.

References edm::ProductHolderBase::swap().

472  {
473  a.swap(b);
474  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T >
void edm::swap ( LazyGetter< T > &  a,
LazyGetter< T > &  b 

Definition at line 519 of file LazyGetter.h.

References edm::LazyGetter< T >::swap().

520  {
521  a.swap(b);
522  }
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
static void edm::throwAmbiguousException ( const char *  where,
TypeID const &  productType,
std::string const &  label,
std::string const &  instance,
std::string const &  process 

Definition at line 90 of file

References cppFunctionSkipper::exception.

Referenced by edm::Principal::findProductByLabel().

90  {
91  cms::Exception exception("AmbiguousProduct");
92  exception << "Principal::" << where << ": More than 1 product matches all criteria\nLooking for type: " << productType << "\n"
93  << "Looking for module label: " << label << "\n" << "Looking for productInstanceName: " << instance << "\n"
94  << (process.empty() ? "" : "Looking for process: ") << process << "\n"
95  << "This can only occur with get function calls using a Handle<View> argument.\n"
96  << "Try a get not using a View or change the instance name of one of the products";
97  throw exception;
99  }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
tuple process
static void edm::throwCorruptionException ( char const *  where,
std::string const &  branchName 

Definition at line 54 of file

References edm::errors::EventCorruption, and edm::hlt::Exception.

Referenced by edm::Principal::checkUniquenessAndType().

54  {
56  << "Principal::" << where <<": Product on branch " << branchName << " occurs twice in the same event.\n";
57  }
void edm::throwExceptionWithText ( char const *  txt)

Definition at line 232 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, and edm::errors::LogicError.

Referenced by edm::BranchDescription::throwIfInvalid_().

232  {
234  e << "Problem using an incomplete BranchDescription\n"
235  << txt
236  << "\nPlease report this error to the FWCore developers";
237  throw e;
238  }
void edm::throwMissingDictionariesException ( )

Definition at line 201 of file

References begin, edm::errors::DictionaryNotFound, relativeConstraints::empty, end, edm::hlt::Exception, and missingTypes().

Referenced by loadMissingDictionaries(), and maybeThrowMissingDictionaryException().

201  {
202  if(!missingTypes().empty()) {
203  std::ostringstream ostr;
204  for (StringSet::const_iterator it = missingTypes().begin(), itEnd = missingTypes().end();
205  it != itEnd; ++it) {
206  ostr << *it << "\n\n";
207  }
209  << "No REFLEX data dictionary found for the following classes:\n\n"
210  << ostr.str()
211  << "Most likely each dictionary was never generated,\n"
212  << "but it may be that it was generated in the wrong package.\n"
213  << "Please add (or move) the specification\n"
214  << "<class name=\"whatever\"/>\n"
215  << "to the appropriate classes_def.xml file.\n"
216  << "If the class is a template instance, you may need\n"
217  << "to define a dummy variable of this type in classes.h.\n"
218  << "Also, if this class has any transient members,\n"
219  << "you need to specify them in classes_def.xml.";
220  }
221  }
StringSet & missingTypes()
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:30
static void edm::throwProductDeletedException ( const char *  where,
TypeID const &  productType,
std::string const &  label,
std::string const &  instance,
std::string const &  process 

Definition at line 78 of file

References cppFunctionSkipper::exception.

78  {
80  exception << "Principal::" << where << ": The product matching all criteria\nLooking for type: " << productType << "\n"
81  << "Looking for module label: " << label << "\n" << "Looking for productInstanceName: " << instance << "\n"
82  << (process.empty() ? "" : "Looking for process: ") << process << "\n"
83  << "Was already deleted. This means there is a configuration error.\n"
84  << "The module which is asking for this data must be configured to state that it will read this data.";
85  throw exception;
86  }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
tuple process
static void edm::throwProductDeletedException ( ProductID const &  pid,
edm::EventPrincipal::ConstProductHolderPtr const  phb 

Definition at line 238 of file

References cppFunctionSkipper::exception.

Referenced by edm::EventPrincipal::getByProductID(), and edm::Principal::getForOutput().

238  {
240  exception<<"get by product ID: The product with given id: "<<pid
241  <<"\ntype: "<<phb->productType()
242  <<"\nproduct instance name: "<<phb->productInstanceName()
243  <<"\nprocess name: "<<phb->processName()
244  <<"\nwas already deleted. This is a configuration error. Please change the configuration of the module which caused this exception to state it reads this data.";
245  throw exception;
246  }
tuple pid
static void edm::throwProductNotFoundException ( char const *  where,
errors::ErrorCodes  error,
BranchID const &  bid 

Definition at line 47 of file

References edm::hlt::Exception.

Referenced by edm::Principal::getForOutput(), and edm::Principal::getProvenance().

47  {
48  throw Exception(error, "InvalidID")
49  << "Principal::" << where << ": no product with given branch id: "<< bid << "\n";
50  }
std::vector< std::string > edm::tokenize ( std::string const &  input,
std::string const &  separator 

breaks the input string into tokens, delimited by the separator

Definition at line 57 of file

References copy_all(), query::result, and cmsHarvester::sep.

Referenced by MomentumDependentPedeLabeler::buildMomentumDependencyMap(), RunRangeDependentPedeLabeler::buildRunRangeDependencyMap(), decode(), editESInputTag(), editInputTag(), editVInputTag(), edm::ESInputTag::ESInputTag(), edm::FileInPath::initialize_(), edm::InputTag::InputTag(), AlignmentProducer::makeNonOverlappingRunRanges(), MultiEventFilter::MultiEventFilter(), and PasswordReader::readPassword().

57  {
58  typedef boost::char_separator<char> separator_t;
59  typedef boost::tokenizer<separator_t> tokenizer_t;
61  std::vector<std::string> result;
62  separator_t sep(separator.c_str(), "", boost::keep_empty_tokens); // separator for elements in path
63  tokenizer_t tokens(input, sep);
64  copy_all(tokens, std::back_inserter<std::vector<std::string> >(result));
65  return result;
66  }
static std::string const input
tuple result
Func copy_all(ForwardSequence &s, Func f)
wrappers for copy
Definition: Algorithms.h:24
template<typename T >
boost::python::list edm::toPythonList ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

Definition at line 16 of file PythonWrapper.h.

References i, list(), and query::result.

Referenced by PythonParameterSet::getParameters().

16  {
18  for(unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
19  result.append(v[i]);
20  }
21  return result;
22  }
int i
tuple result
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run
template<typename T >
std::vector<T> edm::toVector ( boost::python::list l)

Definition at line 28 of file PythonWrapper.h.

References i, n, getGTfromDQMFile::obj, dbtoconf::object, and query::result.

29  {
30  std::vector<T> result;
31  unsigned n = PyList_Size(l.ptr());
32  boost::python::object iter_obj(boost::python::handle<>(PyObject_GetIter(l.ptr())));
33  for(unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
34  {
35  boost::python::object obj = boost::python::extract<boost::python::object>(iter_obj.attr("next")());
36  result.push_back(boost::python::extract<T>(obj));
37  }
38  return result;
39  }
int i
tuple result
list object
static std::string const edm::triggerResults ( "TriggerResults"  )
static std::string const edm::triggerResultsInserter ( "TriggerResultsInserter"  )

Referenced by moduleName().

std::string edm::typeDemangle ( char const *  mangledName)

Definition at line 109 of file

References ora::ClassUtils::demangledName(), edm::hlt::Exception, ntuplemaker::status, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::deriv(), PhysicsTools::MVAComputer::evalInternal(), and edm::serviceregistry::ServicesManager::ServicesManager().

109  {
110  int status = 0;
111  size_t* const nullSize = 0;
112  char* const null = 0;
114  // The demangled C style string is allocated with malloc, so it must be deleted with free().
115  char* demangled = abi::__cxa_demangle(mangledName, null, nullSize, &status);
116  if (status != 0) {
117  throw cms::Exception("Demangling error") << " '" << mangledName << "'\n";
118  }
119  std::string demangledName(demangled);
120  free(demangled);
121  // We must use the same conventions used by REFLEX.
122  // The order of these is important.
123  // No space after comma
124  replaceString(demangledName, ", ", ",");
125  // Strip default allocator
126  std::string const allocator(",std::allocator<");
127  removeParameter(demangledName, allocator);
128  // Strip default comparator
129  std::string const comparator(",std::less<");
130  removeParameter(demangledName, comparator);
131  // Replace 'std::string' with 'std::basic_string<char>'.
132  replaceDelimitedString(demangledName, "std::string", "std::basic_string<char>");
133  // Put const qualifier before identifier.
134  constBeforeIdentifier(demangledName);
135  // No two consecutive '>'
136  replaceString(demangledName, ">>", "> >");
137  return demangledName;
138  }
std::string demangledName(const std::type_info &typeInfo)
tuple status
std::string edm::uniqueSharedResourceName ( )

Definition at line 18 of file

References counter, and contentValuesCheck::ss.

Referenced by edm::GeneratorFilter< HAD, DEC >::GeneratorFilter(), and edm::HadronizerFilter< HAD, DEC >::HadronizerFilter().

18  {
19  std::stringstream ss;
20  ss << "uniqueSharedResourceName" << counter.fetch_add(1);
21  return ss.str();
22 }
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
bool edm::untaintString ( char const *  pattern,
char const *  regexp 

Definition at line 13 of file

Referenced by do_work().

13  {
14  boost::regex rexp(regexp);
15  return boost::regex_match(pattern, rexp);
16  }
bool edm::value_type_of ( TypeWithDict const &  t,
TypeWithDict &  found_type 

Definition at line 31 of file DictionaryTools.h.

References find_nested_type_named().

Referenced by edm::ProductHolderIndexHelper::insert().

31  {
32  return find_nested_type_named("value_type", t, found_type);
33  }
bool find_nested_type_named(std::string const &nested_type, TypeWithDict const &type_to_search, TypeWithDict &found_type)
template<typename InputType , typename Function >
auto edm::vector_transform ( std::vector< InputType > const &  input,
Function  predicate 
) -> std::vector<typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(predicate(input.front()))>::type>::type>

Definition at line 11 of file transform.h.

References input, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.

Referenced by CaloTauSelectorDefinition::CaloTauSelectorDefinition(), reco::modules::CandCombinerBase::CandCombinerBase(), EGammaCutBasedEleIdAnalyzer::EGammaCutBasedEleIdAnalyzer(), GenParticleProducer::GenParticleProducer(), reco::modules::NamedCandCombinerBase::NamedCandCombinerBase(), pat::PATElectronProducer::PATElectronProducer(), pat::PATGenericParticleProducer::PATGenericParticleProducer(), pat::PATJetProducer::PATJetProducer(), pat::PATMuonProducer::PATMuonProducer(), pat::PATPFParticleProducer::PATPFParticleProducer(), pat::PATPhotonProducer::PATPhotonProducer(), pat::PATSingleVertexSelector::PATSingleVertexSelector(), pat::PATTauProducer::PATTauProducer(), pat::PATTriggerEventProducer::PATTriggerEventProducer(), pat::PATMuonProducer::readIsolationLabels(), pat::PATPhotonProducer::readIsolationLabels(), pat::PATElectronProducer::readIsolationLabels(), ReducedESRecHitCollectionProducer::ReducedESRecHitCollectionProducer(), ReducedRecHitCollectionProducer::ReducedRecHitCollectionProducer(), SeedCombiner::SeedCombiner(), SiStripClusterizer::SiStripClusterizer(), SiStripZeroSuppression::SiStripZeroSuppression(), and TrackerDpgAnalysis::TrackerDpgAnalysis().

12  {
13  using ReturnType = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(predicate(input.front()))>::type>::type;
14  std::vector<ReturnType> output;
15  output.reserve( input.size() );
16  for (auto const & element : input)
17  output.push_back(predicate(element));
18  return output;
19  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
static std::string const input
std::map< DetId, double > ReturnType
template<typename V , typename T >
void edm::walkTrie ( V &  v,
TrieNode< T > const &  n,
std::string const &  label = "" 

visit each node of the trie

Definition at line 284 of file Trie.h.

References hitfit::char, alignCSCRings::e, diffTwoXMLs::label, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and findQualityFiles::v.

284  {
285  typedef TrieNode<T> const node_base;
286  typedef TrieNodeIter<T> node_iterator;
287  node_iterator e;
288  for (node_iterator p(&n); p!=e; ++p) {
289  v((*p).value(),label+(char)p.label());
290  walkTrie(v,*p,label+(char)p.label());
291  }
292  }
edm::TrieNodeIter< PDet > node_iterator
void walkTrie(V &v, TrieNode< T > const &n, std::string const &label="")
visit each node of the trie
Definition: Trie.h:284
edm::wantSummary_ ( tns.  wantSummary())

Referenced by endpathsAreActive_().

std::string edm::withoutQuotes ( std::string const &  from)

Definition at line 36 of file

References query::result, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

36  {
37  std::string result = from;
38  if(!result.empty()) {
39  // get rid of leading quotes
40  if(result[0] == '"' || result[0] == '\'') {
41  result.erase(0,1);
42  }
43  }
45  if(!result.empty()) {
46  // and trailing quotes
47  int lastpos = result.size()-1;
48  if(result[lastpos] == '"' || result[lastpos] == '\'') {
49  result.erase(lastpos, 1);
50  }
51  }
52  return result;
53  }
tuple result
std::string edm::wrappedClassName ( std::string const &  iFullName)

Definition at line 5 of file

References className(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by edm::PoolOutputModule::beginJob(), edm::StreamerInputSource::buildClassCache(), BareRootProductGetter::createNewBuffer(), edm::StreamerInputSource::declareStreamers(), fwlite::DataGetterHelper::getByProductID(), edm::root::FWLiteDelayedReader::getTheProduct(), edm::BranchDescription::initFromDictionary(), edm::ProductRegistry::initializeLookupTables(), and maybeThrowMissingDictionaryException().

5  {
6  std::string const wrapperBegin("edm::Wrapper<");
7  std::string const wrapperEnd1(">");
8  std::string const wrapperEnd2(" >");
9  std::string const& wrapperEnd = (className[className.size()-1] == '>' ? wrapperEnd2 : wrapperEnd1);
10  std::string wrapped;
11  wrapped.reserve(wrapperBegin.size() + className.size() + wrapperEnd.size());
12  wrapped += wrapperBegin;
13  wrapped += className;
14  wrapped += wrapperEnd;
15  return wrapped;
16  }
std::string className(const T &t)
Definition: ClassName.h:30
bool edm::wrapper_type_of ( TypeWithDict const &  possible_wrapper,
TypeWithDict &  found_wrapped_type 

Definition at line 38 of file DictionaryTools.h.

References find_nested_type_named().

39  {
40  return find_nested_type_named("wrapped_type",
41  possible_wrapper,
42  found_wrapped_type);
43  }
bool find_nested_type_named(std::string const &nested_type, TypeWithDict const &type_to_search, TypeWithDict &found_type)

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 368 of file


Definition at line 368 of file

Referenced by endpathsAreActive_(), and edm::Worker::setActivityRegistry().

int const edm::bufSize = 128
debugvalue edm::debugit
ELslProxy< ELdebugGen > const edm::ELdebug
ELslGen edm::ELdebugGen
ELslProxy< ELerrorGen > const edm::ELerror

Definition at line 273 of file

Referenced by loadMap(), and LoggedErrorsOnlySummary().

ELslGen edm::ELerrorGen
ELslProxy< ELhighestSeverityGen > const edm::ELhighestSeverity
ELslGen edm::ELhighestSeverityGen
ELslProxy< ELinfoGen > const edm::ELinfo

Definition at line 261 of file

Referenced by loadMap().

ELslGen edm::ELinfoGen
ELslProxy< ELsevereGen > const edm::ELsevere
ELslGen edm::ELsevereGen
ELslProxy< ELunspecifiedGen > const edm::ELunspecified

Definition at line 279 of file

Referenced by edm::ELextendedID::clear(), and loadMap().

ELslGen edm::ELunspecifiedGen
ELslProxy< ELwarningGen > const edm::ELwarning
ELslGen edm::ELwarningGen
ELslProxy< ELzeroSeverityGen > const edm::ELzeroSeverity
ELslGen edm::ELzeroSeverityGen
volatile std::atomic<bool> shutdown_flag edm::false

Definition at line 22 of file

Referenced by L1GtTriggerMenuConfigOnlineProd::addJetCountsCondition(), GsfElectronAlgo::addPflowInfo(), SiStripGainFromCalibTree::algoAnalyze(), SiStripGainFromCalibTree::algoAnalyzeTheTree(), ora::MappingToSchema::alter(), ElectronMcSignalValidator::analyze(), ElectronAnalyzer::analyze(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::analyze(), DQMHcalPhiSymAlCaReco::analyze(), L1CondDBIOVWriter::analyze(), L1CondDBPayloadWriter::analyze(), SiStripElectronAnalyzer::analyze(), HLXMonitor::analyze(), L1TdeRCT::analyze(), TrigResRateMon::analyze(), cond::Cipher::b64encrypt(), AlignmentTrackSelector::basicCuts(), HLXMonitor::beginJob(), FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::build(), FWPSetTableManager::cellDataIsSortable(), FWGeometryTableManagerBase::cellDataIsSortable(), pos::PixelNameTranslation::checkFor(), SiStripElectronAlgo::coarseHitSelection(), pos::PixelHdwAddress::compare(), MuRodBarrelLayer::compatibleDets(), GsfElectronAlgo::completeElectrons(), EcalTPGParamBuilder::computeLinearizerParam(), pos::PixelConfigFile::configurationDataExists(), ElectronMomentumCorrector::correct(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::CSCLooseHaloId(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::CSCTightHaloId(), HcalTTPDigiProducer::decision(), DDHtmlLpDetails::details(), DDHtmlMaDetails::details(), DDHtmlRoDetails::details(), DetectorStateFilter::DetectorStateFilter(), DetStatus::DetStatus(), edmtest::DQMReferenceHistogramRootFileEventSetupAnalyzer::DQMReferenceHistogramRootFileEventSetupAnalyzer(), DQMStoreStats::DQMStoreStats(), edmtest::DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer(), SiPixelTrackerMap::drawModule(), EcalDCCTB07UnpackingModule::EcalDCCTB07UnpackingModule(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::EcalLooseHaloId(), EcalTBDigiProducer::EcalTBDigiProducer(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::EcalTightHaloId(), cond::Cipher::encrypt(), equivalent(), ForwardMeasurementEstimator::estimate(), BarrelMeasurementEstimator::estimate(), ElectronAnalyzer::etCut(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::etCut(), DQMAnalyzer::etCut(), L1ExtraParticleMapProd::evaluateForwardRapidityGap(), FWECALDetailViewBuilder::fillData(), TrackerGeometricDetESModule::fillDescriptions(), TrackerDigiGeometryESModule::fillDescriptions(), GenHFHadronMatcher::fillDescriptions(), l1t::DataWriter::fillLastTriggerKeyList(), TopDecaySubset::fillListing(), TopInitSubset::fillOutput(), l1t::OMDSReader::QueryResults::fillVariableFromRow(), EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag::filter(), HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter::filter(), HcalCalibTypeFilter::filter(), RPCRecHitFilter::filter(), ElectronSeedProducer::filterClusters(), FilterScrapingPixelProbability::FilterScrapingPixelProbability(), GenHFHadronMatcher::findHadronJets(), GenHFHadronMatcher::findInMothers(), MuonSeedBuilder::foundMatchingSegment(), ElectronAnalyzer::generalCut(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::generalCut(), DQMAnalyzer::generalCut(), SiStripConfigDb::getDeviceDescriptions(), BTagPerformanceHarvester::getEtaPtBin(), BTagPerformanceAnalyzerOnData::getEtaPtBin(), BTagPerformanceAnalyzerMC::getEtaPtBin(), SiStripConfigDb::getFedConnections(), cond::persistency::IOV::Table::getLastIov(), pos::PixelPortcardMap::getName(), L1ConfigOnlineProdBase< TRcd, TData >::getObjectKey(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::GlobalLooseHaloId(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::GlobalTightHaloId(), DTSegmentCand::good(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::HcalLooseHaloId(), reco::BeamHaloSummary::HcalTightHaloId(), HLTHcalSimpleRecHitFilter::hltFilter(), HLTHcalNZSFilter::hltFilter(), HSCPTreeBuilder::HSCPTreeBuilder(), ElectronAnalyzer::idCut(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::idCut(), DQMAnalyzer::idCut(), MuonSeedBuilder::IdentifyShowering(), reco::GsfElectron::init(), KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm::initializeAlignmentParameters(), CaloSamples::isBlank(), HcalTTPDigiProducer::isMasked(), IsolatedGenParticles::IsolatedGenParticles(), IsolatedTracksNxN::IsolatedTracksNxN(), ElectronAnalyzer::isolationCut(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::isolationCut(), DQMAnalyzer::isolationCut(), JetMETDQMDCSFilter::JetMETDQMDCSFilter(), ESHitResponse::keepBlank(), EEHitResponse::keepBlank(), EBHitResponse::keepBlank(), main(), EcalDeadChannelRecoveryNN< EBDetId >::makeNxNMatrice_RelDC(), EcalDeadChannelRecoveryNN< EEDetId >::makeNxNMatrice_RelDC(), EcalDeadChannelRecoveryNN< DetIdT >::makeNxNMatrice_RelMC(), gen::JetMatchingMGFastJet::match(), cond::SessionImpl::open(), operator<(), CaloCellId::operator==(), HWWFunctions::passMuonRingsMVA(), HWWFunctions::passMuonRingsMVAFO(), PFProducer::PFProducer(), PhotonAnalyzer::photonSelection(), ZToMuMuGammaAnalyzer::photonSelection(), edm::service::PathTimerService::postBeginJob(), HcalTTPTriggerRecord::produce(), GsfElectronCoreProducer::produce(), DistortedPFCandProducer::produce(), HcalCalibFEDSelector::produce(), L1ExtraParticleMapProd::produce(), HiSpikeCleaner::produce(), JetDeltaRValueMapProducer< T >::produce(), AlCaECALRecHitReducer::produce(), JetDeltaRTagInfoValueMapProducer< T, I >::produce(), reco::modules::TrackerTrackHitFilter::produce(), reco::modules::CosmicTrackSplitter::produce(), SiStripElectronAlgo::projectPhiBand(), SiStripPartition::pset(), SiStripDbParams::pset(), gen::Pythia6Gun::Pythia6Gun(), EcalTPGParamBuilder::realignBaseline(), EcalDeadChannelRecoveryNN< DetIdT >::recover(), FWConversionProxyBuilder::requestCommon(), FWElectronProxyBuilder::requestCommon(), FWJetProxyBuilder::requestCommon(), pos::PixelNameTranslation::ROCexists(), MuonSeedCleaner::SeedCandidates(), ElectronAnalyzer::selected(), ElectronTagProbeAnalyzer::selected(), DQMAnalyzer::selected(), SelectedElectronFEDListProducer< TEle, TCand >::SelectedElectronFEDListProducer(), cond::persistency::IOV::Table::selectLatest(), cond::persistency::IOV::Table::selectLatestByGroup(), cond::persistency::IOV::Table::selectSnapshotByGroup(), GsfElectronAlgo::setAmbiguityData(), GsfElectronAlgo::setCutBasedPreselectionFlag(), SimpleEventFilter::SimpleEventFilter(), SimpleMetricsUpdator::SimpleMetricsUpdator(), PedsOnlyAnalysis::summary(), PedestalsAnalysis::summary(), NoiseAnalysis::summary(), PedsFullNoiseAnalysis::summary(), TrackCountingComputer::TrackCountingComputer(), TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory::trajectories(), DQMAnalyzer::trigger(), HLTPerformanceInfo::uniqueModule(), l1t::DataWriter::updateIOV(), TiXmlPrinter::VisitEnter(), CaloGeometryDBReader::writeFlag(), edmtest::DQMReferenceHistogramRootFileEventSetupAnalyzer::~DQMReferenceHistogramRootFileEventSetupAnalyzer(), and edmtest::DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::~DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer().

char const* edm::fmt_Guid
Initial value:

Definition at line 21 of file

Referenced by edm::Guid::toString().

StringSet edm::foundTypes_

Definition at line 27 of file

Referenced by foundTypes().

MallocOptionSetter edm::global_malloc_options

Definition at line 217 of file

Referenced by getGlobalOptionSetter().

const int edm::init_size = 1024*1024

Definition at line 18 of file

EventNumber_t const edm::invalidEventNumber = 0U

Definition at line 16 of file RunLumiEventNumber.h.

Referenced by edm::EventPrincipal::fillEventPrincipal().

LuminosityBlockNumber_t const edm::invalidLuminosityBlockNumber = 0U

Definition at line 17 of file RunLumiEventNumber.h.

RunNumber_t const edm::invalidRunNumber = 0U

Definition at line 18 of file RunLumiEventNumber.h.

unsigned long long const edm::kAveEventPerSec = 200ULL

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by edm::ProducerSourceBase::fillDescription().

unsigned long long const edm::kNanoSecPerSec = 1000000000ULL

Definition at line 16 of file

Referenced by edm::ProducerSourceBase::fillDescription().

StringSet edm::missingTypes_

Definition at line 28 of file

Referenced by missingTypes().

const unsigned char edm::MLSCRIBE_RUNNING_INDICATOR = 29

Definition at line 368 of file

Referenced by endpathsAreActive_().


Definition at line 368 of file

Referenced by endpathsAreActive_().

ProcessHistory const edm::s_emptyProcessHistory

Definition at line 34 of file

Referenced by edm::Principal::fillPrincipal().

std::atomic<Principal::CacheIdentifier_t> edm::s_nextIdentifier

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by nextIdentifier().

thread_local EDProductGetter const* edm::s_productGetter = 0
unsigned int const edm::shift = 8 * sizeof(unsigned int)

Definition at line 9 of file

Referenced by HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyze(), EcalTPGParamBuilder::analyze(), L1TCSCTF::analyze(), HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyzeHF(), BeamSpotAlignmentParameters::apply(), RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::apply(), TwoBowedSurfacesAlignmentParameters::apply(), KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm::applyAlignmentParameters(), MuScleFitUtils::applyScale(), CSCTFTrackBuilder::buildTracks(), barrelUtil::calculatePhiWindow(), SiStripMonitorMuonHLT::createMEs(), DEutils< T >::DEDigi(), PFPhotonClusters::FillClusterShape(), Py8toJetInput::fillJetAlgoInput(), MiniFloatConverter::float32to16round(), RPCTBMuon::PACOut::fromBits(), RPCTBMuon::TBOut::fromBits(), RPCTBMuon::TCOut::fromBits(), RPCTBMuon::HSBOut::fromBits(), RPCTBMuon::FSBOut::fromBits(), popcon::EcalLaser_weekly_Linearization::getNewObjects(), popcon::EcalLaser_weekly_Linearization_Check::getNewObjects(), OptOModifiedRhomboidPrism::getRotatedPlate(), HcalNumberingFromDDD::getShift(), cond::EcalDQMChannelStatusHelper::getValues(), cond::EcalDCSTowerStatusHelper::getValues(), cond::EcalDQMTowerStatusHelper::getValues(), cond::EcalTPGCrystalStatusHelper::getValues(), BeamSpotAlignmentParameters::globalParameters(), RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::globalParameters(), HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalCellTypes(), PixelTripletNoTipGenerator::hitTriplets(), FFTJetPFPileupCleaner::isRemovable(), npstat::ArrayND< Numeric, StackLen, StackDim >::linearFill(), npstat::ArrayND< Numeric, StackLen, StackDim >::linearFillLoop(), fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D::LinInterpolatedTable1D(), L1MuDTPtaLut::load(), HcalTTPDigiProducer::produce(), DistortedMuonProducerFromDB::produce(), pat::PATMETSlimmer::produce(), ParticleReplacerParticleGun::produce(), ShiftedMETcorrInputProducer::produce(), ShiftedPFCandidateProducerByMatchedObject::produce(), ShiftedPFCandidateProducerForPFMEtMVA::produce(), ShiftedPFCandidateProducerForNoPileUpPFMEt::produce(), ShiftedParticleProducerT< T >::produce(), ShiftedJetProducerT< T, Textractor >::produce(), pat::PATMETSlimmer::OneMETShift::readAndSet(), CSCTFSectorProcessor::run(), CSCTFSPCoreLogic::run(), BackgroundHandler::setParameters(), FFTJetPFPileupCleaner::setRemovalBit(), pat::MET::setShift(), pat::MET::shiftedP2(), pat::MET::shiftedP4(), pat::MET::shiftedSumEt(), DTTracoChip::storeCorr(), DTTracoChip::storeUncorr(), SiStripTemplate::sxtemp(), RPCTBMuon::PACOut::toBits(), RPCTBMuon::TBOut::toBits(), RPCTBMuon::TCOut::toBits(), RPCTBMuon::HSBOut::toBits(), RPCTBMuon::FSBOut::toBits(), HcalTrigTowerGeometry::towerIds(), BeamSpotAlignmentParameters::translation(), RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::translation(), DCCEEEventBlock::unpack(), DCCEBEventBlock::unpack(), CSCTFEvent::unpack(), LatencyHistosUsingDb::update(), edm::LuminosityBlockID::value(), and CastorCORData::wasMarkAndPassZS().

volatile std::atomic<bool> edm::shutdown_flag
pset::TypeTrans const edm::sTypeTranslations

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by edm::Entry::Entry(), operator<<(), and edm::Entry::throwValueError().