4 #ifndef TopObjects_TtSemiEvtSolution_h
5 #define TopObjects_TtSemiEvtSolution_h
Analysis-level MET class.
void setFitHadq(const pat::Particle &aFitHadq)
void setLepb(const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
void setMCBestSumAngles(double sdr)
void setFitHadb(const pat::Particle &aFitHadb)
reco::Particle getCalHadW() const
int getLeptonParametrisation() const
void setMCBestAngleHadb(double adr)
void setMCBestAngleHadp(double adr)
int getSimpleBestJetComb() const
pat::Jet getRecLepb() const
void setLRSignalEvtLRval(double clr)
void setMCChangeWQ(int wq)
void setLRSignalEvtObservables(const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > &varval)
reco::Particle getRecLept() const
void setMCBestAngleHadq(double adr)
void setLRBestJetComb(int lrbs)
pat::Jet getCalHadq() const
double getLRJetCombLRval() const
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > lrJetCombVarVal_
Jet correctedJet(const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
const reco::GenParticle * getGenLept() const
reco::CompositeCandidate fitHyp_
pat::Particle getFitLepn() const
int getMCChangeWQ() const
pat::MET getCalLepn() const
void setGenEvt(const edm::Handle< TtGenEvent > &aGenEvt)
const reco::GenParticle * getGenLepW() const
pat::Particle getFitHadq() const
double getLRSignalEvtObsVal(unsigned int) const
reco::Particle getFitHadt() const
std::string getDecay() const
const reco::CompositeCandidate & getMCHyp() const
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitLepb_
const reco::CompositeCandidate & getRecoHyp() const
const reco::GenParticle * getGenHadq() const
reco::Particle getRecHadW() const
const reco::GenParticle * getGenLepb() const
void setHadp(const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
pat::Muon getMuon() const
reco::Particle getRecHadt() const
double getMCBestAngleHadp() const
void setLeptonParametrisation(int lp)
void setMuon(const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Muon > > &muon, int i)
Class to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions...
int getLRBestJetComb() const
edm::Ptr< pat::Jet > hadb_
pat::Electron getRecLepe() const
const reco::GenParticle * getGenHadp() const
pat::Electron getCalLepe() const
pat::Particle getFitHadp() const
reco::Particle getFitLepW() const
double getLRJetCombObsVal(unsigned int) const
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitLepn_
edm::Ptr< pat::Jet > hadp_
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > lrSignalEvtVarVal_
void setJetCorrectionScheme(int scheme)
void setFitLepb(const pat::Particle &aFitLepb)
pat::Jet getRecHadp() const
const reco::GenParticle * getGenHadb() const
void setFitHadp(const pat::Particle &aFitHadp)
const reco::GenParticle * getGenLepl() const
reco::Particle getCalLept() const
double getLRSignalEvtProb() const
reco::CompositeCandidate mcHyp_
void setLRJetCombProb(double plr)
int getMCBestJetComb() const
pat::Electron getElectron() const
void setJetParametrisation(int jp)
void setSimpleBestJetComb(int sbs)
Class to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions...
const edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > & getGenEvent() const
void setElectron(const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Electron > > &elec, int i)
pat::Jet getRecHadb() const
pat::Muon getCalLepm() const
reco::Particle getFitHadW() const
void setLRJetCombObservables(const std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, double > > &varval)
pat::Jet getCalHadb() const
const reco::GenParticle * getGenHadW() const
double getMCBestSumAngles() const
double getMCBestAngleLepb() const
edm::Ptr< pat::Muon > muon_
const reco::GenParticle * getGenHadt() const
edm::Ptr< pat::Electron > electron_
int getJetParametrisation() const
reco::CompositeCandidate recoHyp_
edm::RefProd< TtGenEvent > theGenEvt_
edm::Ptr< pat::Jet > lepb_
double getLRSignalEvtLRval() const
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadb_
Steering class for the overall top-lepton likelihood.
pat::Particle getFitLepb() const
edm::Ptr< pat::MET > neutrino_
void setFitLepn(const pat::Particle &aFitLepn)
double getMCBestAngleHadb() const
Analysis-level particle class.
pat::Particle getFitHadb() const
pat::Jet getRecHadq() const
Analysis-level electron class.
Analysis-level calorimeter jet class.
void setLRSignalEvtProb(double plr)
const reco::GenParticle * getGenLepn() const
void setMCBestAngleLepb(double adr)
void setMCBestJetComb(int mcbs)
pat::MET getNeutrino() const
void setNeutrinoParametrisation(int mp)
pat::Particle getFitLepl() const
pat::Muon getRecLepm() const
void setProbChi2(double c)
void setNeutrino(const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::MET > > &met, int i)
pat::Jet getCalLepb() const
int getNeutrinoParametrisation() const
void setLRJetCombLRval(double clr)
edm::Ptr< pat::Jet > hadq_
const reco::CompositeCandidate & getFitHyp() const
pat::MET getRecLepn() const
double getLRJetCombProb() const
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadp_
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitHadq_
void setFitLepl(const pat::Particle &aFitLepl)
reco::Particle getCalHadt() const
virtual ~TtSemiEvtSolution()
reco::Particle getRecLepW() const
double getProbChi2() const
friend class TtSemiLepHitFit
void setHadb(const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
double getMCBestAngleHadq() const
Analysis-level muon class.
reco::Particle getCalLepW() const
void setHadq(const edm::Handle< std::vector< pat::Jet > > &jet, int i)
reco::Particle getFitLept() const
pat::Jet getCalHadp() const
std::vector< pat::Particle > fitLepl_