1 #ifndef ParticleFlowCandidate_PFCandidate_h
2 #define ParticleFlowCandidate_PFCandidate_h
9 #if !defined(__CINT__) && !defined(__MAKECINT__) && !defined(__REFLEX__)
149 unsigned elementIndex );
421 #if !defined(__CINT__) && !defined(__MAKECINT__) && !defined(__REFLEX__)
496 void storeRefInfo(
unsigned int iMask,
unsigned int iBit,
bool iIsValid,
499 bool getRefInfo(
unsigned int iMask,
unsigned int iBit,
double ecalEnergy() const
return corrected Ecal energy
float deltaP_
uncertainty on 3-momentum
void setPs2Energy(float e2)
set corrected PS2 energy
virtual double vz() const
z coordinate of vertex position
void setDeltaP(double dp)
set uncertainty on momentum
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PFCandidate &c)
void setPs1Energy(float e1)
set corrected PS1 energy
particle types
reco::Muon::MuonTrackType muonTrackType_
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
const edm::EDProductGetter * getter_
void setPFPhotonExtraRef(const reco::PFCandidatePhotonExtraRef &ref)
set the PF Photon Extra Ref
double rawEcalEnergy() const
return corrected Ecal energy
void setGsfElectronRef(const reco::GsfElectronRef &ref)
set GsfElectronRef
void setFlag(Flags theFlag, bool value)
set a given flag
bool getRefInfo(unsigned int iMask, unsigned int iBit, edm::ProductID &oProdID, size_t &oIndex, size_t &aIndex) const
void set_mva_e_mu(float mva)
set mva for electron-muon discrimination
virtual void setSourceCandidatePtr(const CandidatePtr &ptr)
Set the ptr to the source Candidate.
virtual bool overlap(const Candidate &) const
Polymorphic overlap.
void set_mva_nothing_gamma(float mva)
set mva for gamma detection
virtual double p() const GCC11_FINAL
magnitude of momentum vector
virtual const LorentzVector & p4() const GCC11_FINAL
four-momentum Lorentz vector
void setPositionAtECALEntrance(const math::XYZPointF &pos)
set position at ECAL entrance
float mva_nothing_gamma() const
mva for gamma detection
float hcalERatio_
corrected HCAL energy ratio (corrected/raw)
int pdgId_
PDG identifier.
virtual int pdgId() const GCC11_FINAL
PDG identifier.
float rawHcalEnergy_
raw HCAL energy
const reco::Muon::MuonTrackType bestMuonTrackType() const
get the Best Muon Track Ref
virtual PFCandidate * clone() const
return a clone
unsigned flags_
all flags, packed (ecal regional, hcal regional, tracking)
double rawHoEnergy() const
return raw Hcal energy
float mva_e_mu_
mva for electron-muon discrimination
static const float bigMva_
size_t numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs() const
float mva_nothing_nh_
mva for neutral hadron detection
virtual void setVertex(const math::XYZPoint &p)
set vertex
float hoERatio_
corrected HO energy ratio (corrected/raw)
edm::RefVector< reco::PFBlockCollection > Blocks
void setSourceCandidatePtr(const PFCandidatePtr &ptr)
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< float > > XYZPointF
point in space with cartesian internal representation
reco::PFCandidatePhotonExtraRef photonExtraRef() const
return a reference to the photon extra
float mva_gamma_nh_
mva for neutral hadron - gamma discrimination
float ecalERatio_
corrected ECAL energy ratio (corrected/raw)
Point vertex_
vertex position
float mva_pi_mu_
mva for pi-muon discrimination
particle ID component tag
const math::XYZPointF & positionAtECALEntrance() const
std::vector< ElementInBlock > ElementsInBlocks
float mva_e_mu() const
mva for electron-muon discrimination
virtual double vx() const
x coordinate of vertex position
float rawEcalEnergy_
raw ECAL energy
reco::TrackRef trackRef() const
float mva_e_pi_
mva for electron-pion discrimination
reco::PFDisplacedVertexRef displacedVertexRef(Flags type) const
void set_mva_pi_mu(float mva)
set mva for pi-muon discrimination
CandidatePtr sourceCandidatePtr(size_type i) const
void set_mva_nothing_nh(float mva)
set mva for neutral hadron detection
void set_mva_e_pi(float mvaNI)
double pS1Energy() const
return corrected PS1 energy
std::vector< unsigned long long > refsInfo_
float mva_pi_mu() const
mva for pi-muon discrimination
void setDisplacedVertexRef(const reco::PFDisplacedVertexRef &ref, Flags flag)
set displaced vertex reference
float mva_nothing_nh() const
mva for neutral hadron detection
float mva_Isolated() const
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, BeamSpot beam)
std::vector< unsigned > Elements
void setVertexSource(PFVertexType vt)
void set_mva_Isolated(float mvaI)
float ps1Energy_
corrected PS1 energy
void addElementInBlock(const reco::PFBlockRef &blockref, unsigned elementIndex)
add an element to the current PFCandidate
void setMuonTrackType(const reco::Muon::MuonTrackType &type)
set the Best Muon Track Ref
void setPFElectronExtraRef(const reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraRef &ref)
set the PF Electron Extra Ref
void setParticleType(ParticleType type)
set Particle Type
reco::PhotonRef photonRef() const
return a reference to the corresponding Photon if any
bool flag(Flags theFlag) const
return a given flag
unsigned short storedRefsBitPattern_
int translateTypeToPdgId(ParticleType type) const
GET_CANDIDATE_COMPONENT(PFCandidate, PFCandidate::ParticleType, particleId, PFParticleIdTag)
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
reco::GsfElectronRef gsfElectronRef() const
return a reference to the corresponding GsfElectron if any
virtual const Point & vertex() const
vertex position (overwritten by PF...)
float rawHoEnergy_
raw HO energy
void rescaleMomentum(double rescaleFactor)
particle momentum *= rescaleFactor
virtual ~PFCandidate()
reco::MuonRef muonRef() const
void setEcalEnergy(float eeRaw, float eeCorr)
set corrected Ecal energy
float mva_e_pi() const
mva for electron-pion discrimination
double hoEnergy() const
return corrected Hcal energy
reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraRef electronExtraRef() const
return a reference to the electron extra
void setGsfTrackRef(const reco::GsfTrackRef &ref)
set gsftrack reference
default constructor
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
void setPhotonRef(const reco::PhotonRef &phRef)
set ref to the corresponding reco::Photon if any
void setConversionRef(const reco::ConversionRef &ref)
set ref to original reco conversion
void set_mva_gamma_nh(float mva)
set mva for neutral hadron - gamma discrimination
virtual double vy() const
y coordinate of vertex position
ParticleType translatePdgIdToType(int pdgid) const
PFCandidate & operator=(PFCandidate const &)
std::atomic< ElementsInBlocks * > elementsInBlocks_
void setHoEnergy(float eoRaw, float eoCorr)
set corrected Hcal energy
PFCandidatePtr sourcePtr_
reference to the source PFCandidate, if any
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< float > > LorentzVector
Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm.
reco::VertexCompositeCandidateRef v0Ref() const
return a reference to the original conversion
void setMuonRef(const reco::MuonRef &ref)
set muon reference
std::pair< reco::PFBlockRef, unsigned > ElementInBlock
return indices of elements used in the block
math::XYZPointF positionAtECALEntrance_
position at ECAL entrance, from the PFRecTrack
float mva_nothing_gamma_
mva for gamma detection
reco::PFCandidateEGammaExtraRef egammaExtraRef() const
return a reference to the EGamma extra
reco::GsfTrackRef gsfTrackRef() const
void setPFEGammaExtraRef(const reco::PFCandidateEGammaExtraRef &ref)
set the PF EGamma Extra Ref
double hcalEnergy() const
return corrected Hcal energy
static unsigned int const shift
double pS2Energy() const
return corrected PS2 energy
float ps2Energy_
corrected PS2 energy
void setSuperClusterRef(const reco::SuperClusterRef &scRef)
map for Global Muon refitters
void setV0Ref(const reco::VertexCompositeCandidateRef &ref)
set ref to original reco conversion
float mva_gamma_nh() const
mva for neutral hadron - gamma discrimination
virtual ParticleType particleId() const
void setTrackRef(const reco::TrackRef &ref)
set track reference
const ElementsInBlocks & elementsInBlocks() const
virtual const reco::Track * bestTrack() const
Elements elementsStorage_
reco::ConversionRef conversionRef() const
return a reference to the original conversion
void setHcalEnergy(float ehRaw, float ehCorr)
set corrected Hcal energy
int Charge
electric charge type
std::vector< const void * > refsCollectionCache_
double deltaP() const
uncertainty on 3-momentum
double rawHcalEnergy() const
return raw Hcal energy
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
reco::SuperClusterRef superClusterRef() const
return a reference to the corresponding SuperCluster if any
void storeRefInfo(unsigned int iMask, unsigned int iBit, bool iIsValid, const edm::RefCore &iCore, size_t iKey, const edm::EDProductGetter *)