8 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
9 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
10 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
14 namespace persistency {
22 static const boost::regex
"PopCon[[:print:]]+?first payload Since ([[:alnum:]]+?),.*");
23 static const boost::regex
"duplicateIOV[[:print:]]+?[S|s]ince[=| ]([[:alnum:]]+?);.*");
24 static const boost::regex
"PopCon[[:print:]]+?;Since ([[:alnum:]]+?);.*");
25 static const boost::regex
"exportIOV[[:print:]]+?;since=([[:alnum:]]+?),[[:print:]]+?; *copied=([[:alnum:]]+?);.*");
38 if( log && !forValidation )
std::cout <<
" Loading source iov..."<<std::endl;
41 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Tag contains 0 iovs."<<std::endl;
53 exists = destSession.
existsIov( destTag );
58 }
else if( policy ==
NEW ){
62 editor = destSession.
editIov( destTag );
73 std::set<cond::Hash> pids;
74 std::set<cond::Time_t>
77 if( sinces.find(
iov.since ) != sinces.end() ){
78 if( log && !forValidation )
std::cout <<
" WARNING. Skipping duplicated since="<<
81 sinces.insert(
iov.since );
83 auto usedIov = p.getInterval(
iov.since );
84 std::pair<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<void> > readBackPayload =
fetch( usedIov.payloadId, sourceSession );
85 cond::Hash ph =
import( sourceSession, usedIov.payloadId, readBackPayload.first, readBackPayload.second.get(), destSession );
89 if( log && !forValidation && niovs && (niovs%1000==0) )
std::cout <<
" Total of iov inserted: "<<niovs<<
" payloads: "<<pids.size()<<std::endl;
91 if( log && !forValidation)
std::cout <<
" Total of iov inserted: "<<niovs<<
" payloads: "<<pids.size()<<std::endl;
92 if( log && !forValidation)
std::cout <<
" Flushing changes..."<<std::endl;
101 std::vector<std::pair<cond::Time_t,boost::posix_time::ptime> >& loggedInsertions ){
103 std::set<cond::Time_t> loggedSinces;
105 q.addCondition<COND_LOG_TABLE::IOVTAG>(
tag );
106 for (
auto row :
q ) {
107 if( std::get<1>( row ).empty() )
108 boost::smatch matches;
112 if (boost::regex_match(std::get<1>( row ), matches,
popcon_many )){
113 since_t = boost::lexical_cast<
unsigned long long>(matches[1]);
115 }
else if (boost::regex_match(std::get<1>( row ), matches,
popcon_one )){
116 since_t = boost::lexical_cast<
unsigned long long>(matches[1]);
118 }
else if (boost::regex_match(std::get<1>( row ), matches,
exportIOV )){
119 since_t = boost::lexical_cast<
unsigned long long>(matches[1]);
120 copied_n = boost::lexical_cast<
unsigned long long>(matches[2]);
121 }
else if( boost::regex_match(std::get<1>( row ), matches,
duplicate )){
122 since_t = boost::lexical_cast<
unsigned long long>(matches[1]);
126 std::cout <<
"ERROR: tag "<<tag<<
": could not parse the PopConLog info entry: \""<<std::get<1>( row )<<
127 loggedSinces.clear();
131 if( loggedSinces.find( since_t ) == loggedSinces.end() && copied_n>0 ){
134 if(sscanf( s_t.c_str(),
s) != 6 ){
135 throwException(
"Tag "+tag+
": time information can't be parsed.",
137 char parsable_s_t[23];
138 sprintf( parsable_s_t,
"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.000",Y,M,D,h,m,s );
140 boost::posix_time::ptime insertionTime = boost::posix_time::time_from_string(
std::string( parsable_s_t ) );
141 loggedInsertions.push_back( std::make_pair( since_t, insertionTime ) );
142 loggedSinces.insert( since_t );
148 loggedInsertions.end(),
149 boost::bind( std::less<cond::Time_t>(),
153 return loggedInsertions.size()>0;
162 template <
typename T>
typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator
const cond::Time_t& val,
const std::vector<T>& container ){
163 if( !container.size() )
return container.end();
164 auto p = std::upper_bound( container.begin(), container.end(), val, IOVComp() );
165 return (
p!= container.begin()) ?
p-1 : container.end();
176 std::cout <<
" Loading source iov..."<<std::endl;
179 std::cout <<
" Tag contains 0 iovs."<<std::endl;
183 std::vector<std::pair<cond::Time_t,boost::posix_time::ptime> > loggedInsertions;
184 std::tuple<std::string, boost::posix_time::ptime, boost::posix_time::ptime > metadata = p.
185 boost::posix_time::ptime creationTime = boost::posix_time::time_from_string(
time_0 );
187 creationTime = std::get<2>(metadata);
191 if( !loggedInsertions.empty() ) creationTime = loggedInsertions[0].
203 exists = destSession.
existsIov( destTag );
208 }
else if( policy ==
NEW ){
212 editor = destSession.
editIov( destTag );
218 std::set<cond::Hash> pids;
219 std::set<cond::Time_t>
222 if( sinces.find(
iov.since ) != sinces.end() ){
223 std::cout <<
" WARNING. Skipping duplicated since="<<
226 sinces.insert(
iov.since );
228 boost::posix_time::ptime insertionTime = creationTime;
229 if( !loggedInsertions.empty() ){
230 auto iL =
iov.since, loggedInsertions );
231 if( iL != loggedInsertions.end() ) insertionTime = iL->second;
235 auto usedIov = p.getInterval(
iov.since );
236 std::pair<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<void> > readBackPayload =
fetch( usedIov.payloadId, sourceSession );
237 cond::Hash ph =
import( sourceSession, usedIov.payloadId, readBackPayload.first, readBackPayload.second.get(), destSession );
239 editor.
iov.since, ph, insertionTime );
242 if( niovs && (niovs%1000==0) ) {
243 std::cout <<
" Total of iov inserted: "<<niovs<<
" payloads: "<<pids.size()<<std::endl;
244 std::cout <<
" Last since imported: "<<
247 std::cout <<
" Total of iov inserted: "<<niovs<<
" payloads: "<<pids.size()<<std::endl;
248 std::cout <<
" Flushing changes..."<<std::endl;
266 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Loading source iov..."<<std::endl;
269 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Tag contains 0 iovs."<<std::endl;
274 if( (*p.
begin()).since > begin ) begin = (*p.
276 if( log )
std::cout <<
" No Iov in the selected range."<<std::endl;
285 exists = destSession.
existsIov( destTag );
288 editor = destSession.
editIov( destTag );
290 throwException(
"TimeType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag timeType.",
292 throwException(
"PayloadType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag payloadType.",
299 std::set<cond::Hash> pids;
300 std::set<cond::Time_t>
301 auto iiov = p.
find( begin );
303 while( iiov != p.
end() ){
305 if( sinces.find( newSince ) != sinces.end() ){
306 if( log )
std::cout <<
" WARNING. Skipping duplicated since="<<newSince<<std::endl;
309 sinces.insert( newSince );
312 std::pair<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<void> > readBackPayload =
fetch( usedIov.payloadId, sourceSession );
313 cond::Hash ph =
import( sourceSession, usedIov.payloadId, readBackPayload.first, readBackPayload.second.get(), destSession );
314 editor.
insert( newSince, ph );
317 if( log && niovs && (niovs%1000==0) )
std::cout <<
" Total of iov inserted: "<<niovs<<
" payloads: "<<pids.size()<<std::endl;
319 if( iiov == p.
end() || (*iiov).since >
end ){
322 newSince = (*iiov).since;
325 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Total of iov inserted: "<<niovs<<
" payloads: "<<pids.size()<<std::endl;
326 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Flushing changes..."<<std::endl;
342 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Loading source iov..."<<std::endl;
345 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Tag contains 0 iovs."<<std::endl;
351 auto iiov = p.
find( sourceSince );
352 if( iiov == p.
end() ){
353 if( log )
std::cout <<
"ERROR: No Iov valid found for target time "<<sourceSince<<std::endl;
359 editor = session.
editIov( destTag );
361 throwException(
"TimeType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag timeType.",
363 throwException(
"PayloadType of the destination tag does not match with the source tag payloadType.",
366 if( description.empty() ) editor.
"Created copying iovs from tag "+sourceTag );
370 editor.
insert( destSince, (*iiov).payloadId );
372 if( log )
std::cout <<
" Flushing changes..."<<std::endl;
381 size_t ret =
copyTag( tag, session, destTag, writeSession,
true );
391 size_t n1 =
exportTagToFile( firstTag, firstTag, firstSession, firstFileName );
393 std::cout <<
"Can't compare empty tag "<<firstTag<<std::endl;
396 size_t n2 =
exportTagToFile( secondTag, firstTag, secondSession, secondFileName );
398 std::cout <<
"Can't compare empty tag "<<secondTag<<std::endl;
406 FILE*
file1 = fopen( firstFileName.c_str(),
"r" );
410 FILE* file2 = fopen( secondFileName.c_str(),
"r" );
412 throwException(
"Can't open file "+secondFileName,
"compareTags" );
421 size_t r1 = fread( buf1, 1, N, file1 );
422 size_t r2 = fread( buf2, 1, N, file2 );
424 if( r1 != r2 || memcmp( buf1, buf2, r1)) {
429 }
while(!feof(file2) || !feof(file2));
431 std::cout <<
" "<<totSize<<
" bytes compared."<<std::endl;
455 bool ret =
compareTags( refTag, refSession, refFile, candTag, candSession, candFile );
cond::SynchronizationType synchronizationType() const
void clearIov(const std::string &tag)
DbTransaction & transaction()
static const boost::regex popcon_one("PopCon[[:print:]]+?;Since ([[:alnum:]]+?);.*")
size_t importIovs(const std::string &sourceTag, Session &sourceSession, const std::string &destTag, Session &destSession, cond::Time_t begin, cond::Time_t end, const std::string &description, bool log)
int commit()
commit transaction.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
size_t migrateTag(const std::string &sourceTag, Session &sourceSession, const std::string &destTag, Session &destSession, UpdatePolicy policy, cond::DbSession &logDbSession)
std::string payloadObjectType() const
Transaction & transaction()
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
std::tuple< std::string, boost::posix_time::ptime, boost::posix_time::ptime > getMetadata() const
int start(bool readOnly=false)
start transaction
std::tuple< std::string, std::string, std::string > parseConnectionString(const std::string &connectionString)
IOVProxy readIov(const std::string &tag, bool full=false)
cond::TimeType timeType() const
unsigned long long Time_t
static const boost::regex duplicate("duplicateIOV[[:print:]]+?[S|s]ince[=| ]([[:alnum:]]+?);.*")
tuple path
else: Piece not in the list, fine.
Session createSession(const std::string &connectionString, bool writeCapable=false, BackendType backType=DEFAULT_DB)
size_t copyTag(const std::string &sourceTag, Session &sourceSession, const std::string &destTag, Session &destSession, UpdatePolicy policy, bool log, bool forValidation)
Iterator find(cond::Time_t time)
size_t exportTagToFile(const std::string &tag, const std::string &destTag, Session &session, const std::string fileName)
void start(bool readOnly=true)
static const boost::regex exportIOV("exportIOV[[:print:]]+?;since=([[:alnum:]]+?),[[:print:]]+?; *copied=([[:alnum:]]+?);.*")
cond::Iov_t getInterval(cond::Time_t time)
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
std::pair< std::string, boost::shared_ptr< void > > fetch(const cond::Hash &payloadId, Session &session)
bool getInsertionLogs(const std::string &tag, cond::DbSession &logDbSession, std::vector< std::pair< cond::Time_t, boost::posix_time::ptime > > &loggedInsertions)
std::string connectionString()
bool copyIov(Session &session, const std::string &sourceTag, const std::string &destTag, cond::Time_t souceSince, cond::Time_t destSince, const std::string &description, bool log)
IOVEditor editIov(const std::string &tag)
void insert(cond::Time_t since, const cond::Hash &payloadHash, bool checkType=false)
static const std::string time_0("2008-01-01 00:00:42.000")
coral::ISchema & nominalSchema()
static const boost::regex popcon_many("PopCon[[:print:]]+?first payload Since ([[:alnum:]]+?),.*")
bool existsIov(const std::string &tag)
cond::TimeType timeType() const
bool validateTag(const std::string &refTag, Session &refSession, const std::string &candTag, Session &candSession)
IOVEditor createIov(const std::string &tag, cond::TimeType timeType, cond::SynchronizationType synchronizationType=cond::OFFLINE)
bool operator()(const cond::Time_t &x, const std::pair< cond::Time_t, boost::posix_time::ptime > &y)
std::string payloadType() const
DecomposeProduct< arg, typename Div::arg > D
bool compareTags(const std::string &firstTag, Session &firstSession, const std::string &firstFileName, const std::string &secondTag, Session &secondSession, const std::string &secondFileName)
void throwException(const std::string &message, const std::string &methodName)
std::vector< T >::const_iterator search(const cond::Time_t &val, const std::vector< T > &container)