14 const double SigmaDeltaP,
const unsigned int indTrajPoint):
16 GsftrackRefPF_( gsfref ),
17 GsftrackRef_( gsfref->gsfTrackRef() ),
19 sigmadeltaP_(SigmaDeltaP),
20 indPoint_(indTrajPoint){
33 const char* tab )
const {
44 out<<tab<<setw(7)<<
46 out<<setiosflags(ios::right);
47 out<<setiosflags(ios::fixed);
48 out<<
", DeltaP= "<<
49 out<<
", SigmaDeltaP= " << sigmadp;
50 out<<
", Traj Point= " << indextrj;
51 out<<resetiosflags(ios::right|ios::fixed); }
Abstract base class for a PFBlock element (track, cluster...)
math::XYZPointF positionAtECALEntrance_
const math::XYZPoint & position() const
cartesian position (x, y, z)
bool isNull() const
Checks for null.
void Dump(std::ostream &out=std::cout, const char *tab=" ") const
print the object inside the element
const GsfPFRecTrackRef & GsftrackRefPF() const
bool isValid() const
is this point valid ?
A PFTrack holds several trajectory points, which basically contain the position and momentum of a tra...
GsfPFRecTrackRef GsftrackRefPF_
reference to the corresponding track (transient)