20 edm::LogInfo(
"ElectronMcFakePostValidator::finalize") <<
"efficiency calculation " ;
21 bookH1andDivide(
22 bookH1andDivide(
"z (cm)",
23 bookH1andDivide(
24 bookH1andDivide(
"p_{T} (GeV/c)",
25 bookH1andDivide(
"#phi (rad)",
34 edm::LogInfo(
"ElectronMcFakePostValidator::finalize") <<
"all reco electrons " ;
35 bookH1andDivide(
36 bookH1andDivide(
"p_{T} (GeV/c)",
38 edm::LogInfo(
"ElectronMcFakePostValidator::finalize") <<
"classes" ;
39 bookH1andDivide(
"Fraction of electrons",
"fraction of golden electrons vs eta");
40 bookH1andDivide(
"eta_bbremFrac" ,
"Fraction of electrons",
"fraction of big brem electrons vs eta");
42 bookH1andDivide(
"Fraction of electrons",
"fraction of showering electrons vs eta");
46 TAxis * etaAxis = p1_ele_fbremVsEta_mean->
getTProfile()->GetXaxis() ;
47 MonitorElement * h1_ele_xOverX0VsEta =
"mean X/X_0 vs eta",etaAxis->GetNbins(),etaAxis->GetXmin(),etaAxis->GetXmax());
48 for (
int ibin=1;ibin<etaAxis->GetNbins()+1;ibin++) {
56 profileX(
57 profileX(
"#phi (rad)",
58 profileX(
"<#eta_{rec} - #eta_{gen}>");
59 profileX(
"#phi (rad)",
"<#eta_{rec} - #eta_{gen}>");
60 profileX(
"<#phi_{rec} - #phi_{gen}> (rad)");
61 profileX(
"#phi (rad)",
62 profileX(
"mean ele transverse momentum vs eta",
"<p_{T}> (GeV/c)");
63 profileX(
"mean ele transverse momentum vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
"<p_{T}> (GeV/c)");
64 profileX(
"mean ele E/p vs eta",
65 profileX(
"mean ele E/p vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
66 profileX(
"mean ele E/pout vs eta",
67 profileX(
"mean ele E/pout vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
68 profileX(
"mean ele Eele/pout vs eta",
69 profileX(
"mean ele Eele/pout vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
70 profileX(
"mean ele H/E vs eta",
71 profileX(
"mean ele H/E vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
72 profileX(
"mean ele track chi2 vs eta",
73 profileX(
"mean ele track chi2 vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
74 profileX(
"mean ele track # found hits vs eta",
75 profileX(
"mean ele track # found hits vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
76 profileX(
"mean ele track # lost hits vs eta",
77 profileX(
"mean ele track # lost hits vs phi",
"#phi (rad)",
78 profileX(
"mean tip (wrt gen vtx) vs eta",
"<TIP> (cm)");
79 profileX(
"mean tip (wrt gen vtx) vs phi",
"<TIP> (cm)");
80 profileX(
"mean tip (wrt gen vtx) vs phi",
"p_{T} (GeV/c)",
"<TIP> (cm)");
81 profileX(
"mean ele seed dphi 2nd layer vs eta",
"<#phi_{pred} - #phi_{hit}, 2nd layer> (rad)",-0.004,0.004);
82 profileX(
"mean ele seed dphi 2nd layer vs pt",
"p_{T} (GeV/c)",
"<#phi_{pred} - #phi_{hit}, 2nd layer> (rad)",-0.004,0.004);
83 profileX(
"mean ele seed dr(dz) 2nd layer vs eta",
"<r(z)_{pred} - r(z)_{hit}, 2nd layer> (cm)",-0.15,0.15);
84 profileX(
"mean ele seed dr(dz) 2nd layer vs pt",
"p_{T} (GeV/c)",
"<r(z)_{pred} - r(z)_{hit}, 2nd layer> (cm)",-0.15,0.15);
85 profileX(
"mean ele seed dphi 2nd layer positron vs eta",
"<#phi_{pred} - #phi_{hit}, 2nd layer> (rad)",-0.004,0.004);
86 profileX(
"mean ele seed dphi 2nd layer positron vs pt",
"p_{T} (GeV/c)",
"<#phi_{pred} - #phi_{hit}, 2nd layer> (rad)",-0.004,0.004);
87 profileX(
"mean ele seed dr(dz) 2nd layer positron vs eta",
"<r(z)_{pred} - r(z)_{hit}, 2nd layer> (cm)",-0.15,0.15);
88 profileX(
"mean ele seed dr(dz) 2nd layer positron vs pt",
"p_{T} (GeV/c)",
"<r(z)_{pred} - r(z)_{hit}, 2nd layer> (cm)",-0.15,0.15);
void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
static std::vector< std::string > checklist log
ElectronMcFakePostValidator(const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
virtual ~ElectronMcFakePostValidator()
MonitorElement * bookH1withSumw2(const std::string &name, const std::string &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, const std::string &titleX="", const std::string &titleY="Events", Option_t *option="E1 P")
MonitorElement * profileX(MonitorElement *me2d, const std::string &title="", const std::string &titleX="", const std::string &titleY="", Double_t minimum=-1111, Double_t maximum=-1111)
void setBookPrefix(const std::string &)
double getBinContent(int binx) const
get content of bin (1-D)
TProfile * getTProfile(void) const
MonitorElement * bookH1andDivide(const std::string &name, MonitorElement *num, MonitorElement *denom, const std::string &titleX, const std::string &titleY, const std::string &title="")