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1 def shiftsistriplayout(i, p, *rows): i["00 Shift/SiStrip/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
3 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "00 - SiStrip ReportSummary",
4  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/detFractionReportMap",
5  'description': "Fraction of Good Detector Modules plotted in different parts of the Tracker - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "no" }},
6  { 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/sToNReportMap",
7  'description': "Accepted S/N Ratios in different parts of the Tracker. The values are 1 if the ratio is within the accepted range otherwise it is 0 - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }}],
8  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/EventInfo/reportSummaryMap",
9  'description': "Overall Report Summary where detector fraction and S/N flags are combined together - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "no" }}])
10 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "01 - FED errors",
11  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/ReadoutView/FedSummary/FED/nFEDErrors",
12  'description': "# of FEDs in error per event - Call Tracker DOC 165503 if the mean value is above 10 - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a>"}])
13 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "02 - # of Cluster Trend",
14  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TIB/TotalNumberOfClusterProfile__TIB",
15  'description': "Total # of Clusters in TIB with event time in Seconds - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> "},
16  { 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TOB/TotalNumberOfClusterProfile__TOB",
17  'description': "Total # of Clusters in TOB with event time in Seconds - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> "}],
18  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TID/side_1/TotalNumberOfClusterProfile__TID__side__1",
19  'description': "Total # of Clusters in TID -ve side with event time in Seconds - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> "},
20  { 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TID/side_2/TotalNumberOfClusterProfile__TID__side__2",
21  'description': "Total # of Clusters in TID +ve side with event time in Seconds - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> "}],
22  [{ 'path':"SiStrip/MechanicalView/TEC/side_1/TotalNumberOfClusterProfile__TEC__side__1",
23  'description': "Total # of Clusters in TEC -ve side with event time in Seconds - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> "},
24  { 'path':"SiStrip/MechanicalView/TEC/side_2/TotalNumberOfClusterProfile__TEC__side__2",
25  'description': "Total # of Clusters in TEC +ve side with event time in Seconds - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> "}])
26 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "03 OnTrackCluster",
27  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TIB/Summary_ClusterStoNCorr_OnTrack__TIB",
28  'description': "Signal-to-Noise (corrected for the angle) for On-Track clusters in TIB - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
29  { 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TOB/Summary_ClusterStoNCorr_OnTrack__TOB",
30  'description': "Signal-to-Noise (corrected for the angle) for On-Track clusters in TOB - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" } }],
31  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TID/side_1/Summary_ClusterStoNCorr_OnTrack__TID__side__1",
32  'description': "Signal-to-Noise (corrected for the angle) for On-Track clusters in TID -ve side - <a href=>DQMShiftOfflineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
33  { 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TID/side_2/Summary_ClusterStoNCorr_OnTrack__TID__side__2",
34  'description': "Signal-to-Noise (corrected for the angle) for On-Track clusters in TID +ve side - <a href=>DQMShiftOfflineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" } }],
35  [{ 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TEC/side_1/Summary_ClusterStoNCorr_OnTrack__TEC__side__1",
36  'description': "Signal-to-Noise (corrected for the angle) for On-Track clusters in TEC -ve side - <a href=>DQMShiftOfflineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
37  { 'path': "SiStrip/MechanicalView/TEC/side_2/Summary_ClusterStoNCorr_OnTrack__TEC__side__2",
38  'description': "Signal-to-Noise (corrected for the angle) for On-Track clusters in TEC +ve side - <a href=>DQMShiftOfflineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" } }])
39 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "04 - Tracking ReportSummary",
40  [{ 'path': "Tracking/EventInfo/reportSummaryMap",
41  'description': " Quality Test results plotted for Tracking parameters : Chi2, TrackRate, #of Hits in Track - <a href=>DQMShiftSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "no" }}])
42 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "05 - Tracks",
43  [{ 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTracks/NumberOfGoodTracks_GenTk",
44  'description': "Number of Reconstructed Tracks with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>SiStripOnlineDQMInstructions</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
45  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/HitProperties/GoodTracks/GoodTrackNumberOfRecHitsPerTrack_GenTk",
46  'description': "Number of RecHits per Track with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>SiStripOnlineDQMInstructions</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
47  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTracks/GoodTrackPt_ImpactPoint_GenTk",
48  'description': "Pt of Reconstructed Track with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>SiStripOnlineDQMInstructions</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }}],
49  [{ 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTracks/GoodTrackChi2oNDF_GenTk",
50  'description': "Chi Square per DoF with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>SiStripOnlineDQMInstructions</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
51  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTracks/GoodTrackPhi_ImpactPoint_GenTk",
52  'description': "Phi distribution of Reconstructed Tracks with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>SiStripOnlineDQMInstructions</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
53  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTracks/GoodTrackEta_ImpactPoint_GenTk",
54  'description': " Eta distribution of Reconstructed Tracks with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>SiStripOnlineDQMInstructions</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }}])
55 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "05b - Tracks old layout",
56  [{ 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/NumberOfGoodTracks_GenTk",
57  'description': "Number of Reconstructed Tracks with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
58  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/HitProperties/GoodTrackNumberOfRecHitsPerTrack_GenTk",
59  'description': "Number of RecHits per Track with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
60  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTrackPt_ImpactPoint_GenTk",
61  'description': "Pt of Reconstructed Track with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }}],
62  [{ 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTrackChi2oNDF_GenTk",
63  'description': "Chi Square per DoF with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
64  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTrackPhi_ImpactPoint_GenTk",
65  'description': "Phi distribution of Reconstructed Tracks with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
66  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/GoodTrackEta_ImpactPoint_GenTk",
67  'description': "Eta distribution of Reconstructed Tracks with high purity selection and pt > 1 GeV - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }}])
68 shiftsistriplayout(dqmitems, "06 - Cosmic Tracks",
69  [{ 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/NumberOfTracks_CKFTk",
70  'description': "Number of cosmic tracks - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
71  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/HitProperties/NumberOfRecHitsPerTrack_CKFTk",
72  'description': "Number of RecHits per track - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
73  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/TrackPt_CKFTk",
74  'description': "Pt of cosmic track - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }}],
75  [{ 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/Chi2oNDF_CKFTk",
76  'description': "Chi Sqare per DoF - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
77  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/TrackPhi_CKFTk",
78  'description': "Phi distribution of cosmic tracks - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }},
79  { 'path': "Tracking/TrackParameters/GeneralProperties/TrackEta_CKFTk",
80  'description': " Eta distribution of cosmic tracks - <a href=>DQMShiftOnlineSiStrip</a> ", 'draw': { 'withref': "yes" }}])