Definition at line 1 of file
1 def pixellayout(i, p, *rows): i[
"Pixel/Layouts/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
4 [{
5 'description':
"Error type of last error in a map of FED channels (y-axis) vs. FED (x-axis). Channel 0 is assigned for errors where the channel number is not known.",
6 'draw': {
"no" }}]
9 [{
10 'description':
"Total number of errors in a map of FED channels (y-axis) vs. FED (x-axis). Channel 0 is assigned for errors where the channel number is not known.",
11 'draw': {
"no" }}]
14 [{
15 'description':
"Total number of errors per error type in a map of error type (y-axis) vs. FED (x-axis)",
16 'draw': {
"no" }}]
18 pixellayout(dqmitems,
"01 - Pixel_FEDOccupancy_Summary",
19 [{
20 'description':
"Average digi occupancy based on FED number (0-31 barrel, 32-39 Endcaps)",
21 'draw': {
"no" }}]
24 [{
25 'description':
"Mean cluster charge (OnTrack) in kilo electrons per barrel Ladder",
26 'draw': {
"no" }},
27 {
28 'description':
"Mean number of clusters (OnTrack) per event per barrel Ladder",
29 'draw': {
"no" }},
30 {
31 'description':
"Mean cluster size (OnTrack) in number of pixels per barrel Ladder",
32 'draw': {
"no" }}],
33 [{
34 'description':
"Mean cluster charge (OnTrack) in kilo electrons per endcap Blade",
35 'draw': {
"no" }},
36 {
37 'description':
"Mean number of clusters (OnTrack) per event per endcap Blade",
38 'draw': {
"no" }},
39 {
40 'description':
"Mean cluster size (OnTrack) in number of pixels per barrel Blade",
41 'draw': {
"no" }}])
43 [{
"<a href=>Description for the Central DQM Shifter</a>"},
44 {
"<a href=>Description for the Central DQM Shifter</a>"}],
45 [{
"<a href=>Description for the Central DQM Shifter</a>"},
46 {
"<a href=>Description for the Central DQM Shifter</a>"}],
47 [{
"<a href=>Description for the Central DQM Shifter</a>"}]
49 pixellayout(dqmitems,
"04a - HitEfficiency_perBarrelLayer",
50 [{
"Barrel Layer 1 Hit Efficiency"},
51 {
"Barrel Layer 2 Hit Efficiency"}],
52 [{
"Barrel Layer 3 Hit Efficiency"}]
54 pixellayout(dqmitems,
"04b - HitEfficiency_perEndcapDisk",
55 [{
"Endcap 1m Disk Hit Efficiency"},
56 {
"Endcap 2m Disk Hit Efficiency"}],
57 [{
"Endcap 1p Disk Hit Efficiency"},
58 {
"Endcap 2p Disk Hit Efficiency"}]
60 pixellayout(dqmitems,
"05 - Barrel OnTrack cluster positions",
61 [{
"Global position of OnTrack clusters in Barrel/Layer_1"}],
62 [{
"Global position of OnTrack clusters in Barrel/Layer_2"}],
63 [{
"Global position of OnTrack clusters in Barrel/Layer_3"}]
65 pixellayout(dqmitems,
"06 - Endcap OnTrack cluster positions",
66 [{
"Global position of OnTrack clusters in Endcap -z Disk_1"},
67 {
"Global position of OnTrack clusters in Endcap -z Disk_2"}],
68 [{
"Global position of OnTrack clusters in Endcap +z Disk_1"},
69 {
"Global position of OnTrack clusters in Endcap +z Disk_2"}]
72 [{
73 'description':
"Mean digi charge in ADC counts per barrel Ladder",
74 'draw': {
"yes" }},
75 {
76 'description':
"Mean number of digis per event per barrel Ladder",
77 'draw': {
"yes" }}],
78 [{
79 'description':
"Mean digi charge in ADC counts per endcap Blade",
80 'draw': {
"yes" }},
81 {
82 'description':
"Mean number of digis per event per endcap Blade",
83 'draw': {
"yes" }}]