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hlt_relval-layouts Namespace Reference


def hltLayoutGammaJet
def hltlayoutW
def trigvalalca
 -— BJET selection goes here: -— def trigvalbjet(i, p, *rows): i["HLT//Preselection" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows) More...
def trigvalbphys
def trigvalegammaZ
 """ Layout file for trigger release validation facilitating organization/regrouping of subsystem histograms -use subsystem top-folder as specified in previous stages eg def trigval<subsys>(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/<subsys>/Preselection" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows) """ More...
def trigvalhiggsH2tau
def trigvalhiggsHgg
def trigvalhiggsHtaunu
def trigvalhiggsHWW
 General. More...
def trigvalhiggsHZZ
def trigvaljetmet
 -— JETMET selection goes here: -— More...
def trigvalmuon
 -— MUON selection goes here: -— More...
def trigvalsusybsm
 -— SUSYEXO selection goes here: -— More...
def trigvaltau
 trigvalmuon(dqmitems, thisPath + "/1: Trigger Path Efficiency Summary", [{'path': "HLT/Muon/Summary/Efficiency_Summary", 'description':"Percentage of total events in the sample which pass each muon trigger"}]) More...
def trigvaltopelectron
def trigvaltopmuon
 -— TOP selection goes here: -— More...


int bphysPlotNumber = 1
 -— HEAVYFLAVOR selection goes here: -— More...
list paths = ['HLT_DoubleMu0', 'HLT_DoubleMu3_v2', 'HLT_DoubleMu3_v3', 'HLT_DoubleMu3_v5', 'HLT_DoubleMu5_v1', 'HLT_DoubleMu6_v1', 'HLT_DoubleMu6_v3', 'HLT_DoubleMu7_v1', 'HLT_DoubleMu7_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu11_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu12_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu12_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu13_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu15_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu15_v5', 'HLT_IsoMu15_v7', 'HLT_IsoMu17_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu17_v5', 'HLT_IsoMu17_v7', 'HLT_IsoMu24_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu24_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu30_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu30_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu9_v4', 'HLT_L1DoubleMu0_v1', 'HLT_L1DoubleMu0_v2', 'HLT_L1DoubleMuOpen', 'HLT_L1Mu20', 'HLT_L1Mu7_v1', 'HLT_L1MuOpen_v2', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu0', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu0_v2', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu0_v4', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu20_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu23_NoVertex_v3', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu35_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu0_NoVertex', 'HLT_L2Mu10_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu10_v3', 'HLT_L2Mu20_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu20_v3', 'HLT_L2Mu30_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu7_v1', 'HLT_L2MuOpen_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_Mu0_v2', 'HLT_Mu11', 'HLT_Mu12_v1', 'HLT_Mu12_v3', 'HLT_Mu13_v1', 'HLT_Mu15_v1', 'HLT_Mu15_v2', 'HLT_Mu15_v4', 'HLT_Mu17_v1', 'HLT_Mu19_v1', 'HLT_Mu20_v1', 'HLT_Mu20_v3', 'HLT_Mu21_v1', 'HLT_Mu24_v1', 'HLT_Mu24_v3', 'HLT_Mu25_v1', 'HLT_Mu30_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_Mu30_v1', 'HLT_Mu30_v3', 'HLT_Mu3_v2', 'HLT_Mu3_v3', 'HLT_Mu3_v5', 'HLT_Mu40_v1', 'HLT_Mu5', 'HLT_Mu5_v3', 'HLT_Mu5_v5', 'HLT_Mu7', 'HLT_Mu8_v1', 'HLT_Mu8_v3', 'HLT_Mu9']
string thisDir = "HLT/Muon/Distributions/"
string thisDocumentation = " ("

Function Documentation

def hlt_relval-layouts.hltLayoutGammaJet (   i,

Definition at line 179 of file

180 def hltLayoutGammaJet(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/Photon Summary" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
181 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/HLT_Photon10_L1R Efficiency vs Et",
182  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon10_L1R_DQMGammaJet/final_eff_vs_et", 'description':"Efficiency of HLT_Photon10_L1R vs Et of generated photon"}])
183 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/HLT_Photon10_L1R Efficiency vs eta",
184  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon10_L1R_DQMGammaJet/final_eff_vs_eta", 'description':"Efficiency of HLT_Photon10_L1R vs eta of generated photon"}])
185 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/L1 EgammaEt5 Efficiency vs et",
186  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon10_L1R_DQMGammaJet/efficiency_hltL1sRelaxedSingleEgammaEt5_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"Efficiency of L1 EgammaEt5 vs et of generated photon"}])
187 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/L1 EgammaEt5 Efficiency vs eta",
188  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon10_L1R_DQMGammaJet/efficiency_hltL1sRelaxedSingleEgammaEt5_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"Efficiency of L1 EgammaEt5 vs eta of generated photon"}])
189 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/HLT_Photon15_LooseEcalIso_L1R Efficiency vs Et",
190  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon15_LooseEcalIso_L1R_DQMGammaJet/final_eff_vs_et",'description':"Efficiency of HLT_Photon15_LooseEcalIso_L1R vs Et of generated photon"}])
191 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/HLT_Photon15_LooseEcalIso_L1R Efficiency vs eta",
192  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon15_LooseEcalIso_L1R_DQMGammaJet/final_eff_vs_eta",'description':"Efficiency of HLT_Photon15_LooseEcalIso_L1R vs eta of generated photon"}])
193 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/HLT_Photon15_TrackIso_L1R Efficiency vs Et",
194  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon15_TrackIso_L1R_DQMGammaJet/final_eff_vs_et",'description':"Efficiency of HLT_Photon15_TrackIso_L1R vs Et of generated photon"}])
195 hltLayoutGammaJet(dqmitems,"/HLT_Photon15_TrackIso_L1R Efficiency vs eta",
196  [{'path':"HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Photon15_TrackIso_L1R_DQMGammaJet/final_eff_vs_eta",'description':"Efficiency of HLT_Photon15_TrackIso_L1R vs eta of generated photon"}])
def hlt_relval-layouts.hltlayoutW (   i,

Definition at line 110 of file

111 def hltlayoutW(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/Wenu Preselection/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
113 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/total",
114  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_by_step_MC_matched", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"},
115  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_by_step", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"}])
117 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/kinematics",
118  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/gen_et", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"},
119  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/gen_eta", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"}])
121 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/L1 match",
122  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
123  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
125 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/Et cut",
126  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
127  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
129 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/Hcal isolation",
130  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
131  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
133 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/pixel match",
134  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
135  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
139 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/total",
140  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_by_step_MC_matched", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"},
141  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_by_step", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"}])
143 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/kinematics",
144  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/gen_et", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"},
145  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/gen_eta", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"}])
147 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/L1 match",
148  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
149  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional_vs_et_MC_matched" , 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
151 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/Et cut",
152  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
153  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
155 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/cluster shape cut",
156  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
157  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
159 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/Hcal isolation",
160  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
161  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
163 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/pixel match",
164  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
165  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
167 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/ 1oE - 1op cut",
168  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
169  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
171 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/ delta-eta cut",
172  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
173  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
175 hltlayoutW(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/ delta-phi cut",
176  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
177  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMWenu/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalalca (   i,

-— BJET selection goes here: -— def trigvalbjet(i, p, *rows): i["HLT//Preselection" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)

-— ALCA selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 367 of file

368 def trigvalalca(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/AlCaEcalPi0/Preselection" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
def trigvalalca
-— BJET selection goes here: -— def trigvalbjet(i, p, *rows): i[&quot;HLT//Preselection&quot; + p] = DQMItem(la...
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalbphys (   items,

Definition at line 416 of file

417 def trigvalbphys(items, title, histogram, description):
418  global bphysPlotNumber
419  items["HLT/HeavyFlavor/HLTValidationReport/" + '%02d) '%bphysPlotNumber + title] = DQMItem(layout=[[{'path':"HLT/HeavyFlavor/HLT/"+histogram, 'description':description}]])
420 # items["HLT/HeavyFlavor/HLT2ValidationReport/" + '%02d) '%bphysPlotNumber + title] = DQMItem(layout=[[{'path':"HLT/HeavyFlavor/HLT2/"+histogram, 'description':description}]])
421  bphysPlotNumber+=1
425 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
426  "Trigger Efficiencies in Di-global Events",
427  "effPathGlob_recoPt",
428  "Trigger path efficiencies in di-global muon events where the muons are associated to the generated muons as a function of di-muon pT"
429 )
433 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
434  "Glob\Gen Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
435  "HLT_Mu3/effGlobGen_genEtaPhi",
436  "Efficiency to find a global muon associated to a generated muon as a function of generated muon Eta and Phi"
437 )
438 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
439  "Glob\Gen Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
440  "HLT_Mu3/effGlobGen_genEtaPt",
441  "Efficiency to find a global muon associated to a generated muon as a function of generated muon Eta and pT"
442 )
443 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
444  "Glob\Gen Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
445  "HLT_Mu3/effGlobGen_genEtaPtX",
446  "Efficiency to find a global muon associated to a generated muon as a function of generated muon Eta"
447 )
448 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
449  "Glob\Gen Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
450  "HLT_Mu3/effGlobGen_genEtaPtY",
451  "Efficiency to find a global muon associated to a generated muon as a function of generated muon pT"
452 )
453 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
454  "Glob\Gen Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
455  "HLT_Mu3/effGlobGen_genEtaPhiY",
456  "Efficiency to find a global muon associated to a generated muon as a function of generated muon Phi"
457 )
459 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
460  "L1\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
461  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt1Glob_recoEtaPhi",
462  "Efficiency to find a L1 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and Phi"
463 )
464 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
465  "L1\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
466  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt1Glob_recoEtaPt",
467  "Efficiency to find a L1 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and pT"
468 )
469 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
470  "L1\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
471  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt1Glob_recoEtaPtX",
472  "Efficiency to find a L1 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta"
473 )
474 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
475  "L1\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
476  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt1Glob_recoEtaPtY",
477  "Efficiency to find a L1 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon pT"
478 )
479 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
480  "L1\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
481  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt1Glob_recoEtaPhiY",
482  "Efficiency to find a L1 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Phi"
483 )
485 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
486  "L2\L1 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
487  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt2Filt1_recoEtaPhi",
488  "Efficiency to find a L2 muon associated to a L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and Phi"
489 )
490 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
491  "L2\L1 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
492  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt2Filt1_recoEtaPt",
493  "Efficiency to find a L2 muon associated to a L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and pT"
494 )
495 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
496  "L2\L1 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
497  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt2Filt1_recoEtaPtX",
498  "Efficiency to find a L2 muon associated to a L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta"
499 )
500 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
501  "L2\L1 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
502  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt2Filt1_recoEtaPtY",
503  "Efficiency to find a L2 muon associated to a L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon pT"
504 )
505 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
506  "L2\L1 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
507  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt2Filt1_recoEtaPhiY",
508  "Efficiency to find a L2 muon associated to a L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Phi"
509 )
511 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
512  "L3\L2 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
513  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Filt2_recoEtaPhi",
514  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a L2+L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and Phi"
515 )
516 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
517  "L3\L2 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
518  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Filt2_recoEtaPt",
519  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a L2+L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and pT"
520 )
521 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
522  "L3\L2 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
523  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Filt2_recoEtaPtX",
524  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a L2+L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta"
525 )
526 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
527  "L3\L2 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
528  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Filt2_recoEtaPtY",
529  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a L2+L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon pT"
530 )
531 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
532  "L3\L2 Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
533  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Filt2_recoEtaPhiY",
534  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a L2+L1+global+gen muon as a function of global muon Phi"
535 )
537 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
538  "L3\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
539  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Glob_recoEtaPhi",
540  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and Phi"
541 )
542 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
543  "L3\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
544  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Glob_recoEtaPt",
545  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta and pT"
546 )
547 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
548  "L3\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
549  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Glob_recoEtaPtX",
550  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Eta"
551 )
552 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
553  "L3\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
554  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Glob_recoEtaPtY",
555  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon pT"
556 )
557 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
558  "L3\Glob Single Muon Efficiency (HLT_Mu3)",
559  "HLT_Mu3/effFilt3Glob_recoEtaPhiY",
560  "Efficiency to find a L3 muon associated to a global+gen muon as a function of global muon Phi"
561 )
565 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
566  "Glob\Gen Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
567  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effGlobDigenAND_genRapPt",
568  "Efficiency to find two global muons associated to two generated muons as a function of generated dimuon Rapidity and pT"
569 )
570 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
571  "Glob\Gen Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
572  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effGlobDigenAND_genRapPtX",
573  "Efficiency to find two global muons associated to two generated muons as a function of generated dimuon Rapidity"
574 )
575 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
576  "Glob\Gen Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
577  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effGlobDigenAND_genRapPtY",
578  "Efficiency to find two global muons associated to two generated muons as a function of generated dimuon pT"
579 )
580 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
581  "Glob\Gen Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
582  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effGlobDigenAND_genPtDR",
583  "Efficiency to find two global muons associated to two generated muons (with pT>7) as a function of generated dimuon pT and DeltaR at Interaction Point"
584 )
585 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
586  "Glob\Gen Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
587  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effGlobDigenAND_genPtDRY",
588  "Efficiency to find two global muons associated to two generated muons (with pT>7) as a function of generated dimuon DeltaR at Interaction Point"
589 )
591 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
592  "L1\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
593  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt1DiglobAND_recoRapPt",
594  "Efficiency to find two L1 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
595 )
596 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
597  "L1\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
598  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt1DiglobAND_recoRapPtX",
599  "Efficiency to find two L1 dimuon associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
600 )
601 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
602  "L1\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
603  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt1DiglobAND_recoRapPtY",
604  "Efficiency to find two L1 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
605 )
606 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
607  "L1\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
608  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt1DiglobAND_recoPtDRpos",
609  "Efficiency to find two L1 muons associated to two global+gen muons (with pT>7) as a function of global dimuon pT and DeltaR in the Muon System"
610 )
611 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
612  "L1\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
613  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt1DiglobAND_recoPtDRposY",
614  "Efficiency to find two L1 muons associated to two global+gen muons (with pT>7) as a function of global dimuon deltaR in the Muon System"
615 )
617 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
618  "L2\L1 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
619  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt2Difilt1AND_recoRapPt",
620  "Efficiency to find two L2 muons associated to two L1+global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
621 )
622 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
623  "L2\L1 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
624  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt2Difilt1AND_recoRapPtX",
625  "Efficiency to find two L2 muons associated to two L1+global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
626 )
627 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
628  "L2\L1 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
629  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt2Difilt1AND_recoRapPtY",
630  "Efficiency to find two L2 muons associated to two L1+global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
631 )
632 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
633  "L2\L1 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
634  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt2Difilt1AND_recoPtDRpos",
635  "Efficiency to find two L2 muons associated to two L1+global+gen muons (with pT>7) as a function of global dimuon pT and DeltaR in the Muon System"
636 )
637 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
638  "L2\L1 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
639  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt2Difilt1AND_recoPtDRposY",
640  "Efficiency to find two L2 muons associated to two L1+global+gen muons (with pT>7) as a function of global dimuon DeltaR in the Muon System"
641 )
643 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
644  "L3\L2 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
645  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3Difilt2AND_recoRapPt",
646  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two L2+L1+global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
647 )
648 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
649  "L3\L2 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
650  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3Difilt2AND_recoRapPtX",
651  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two L2+L1+global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
652 )
653 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
654  "L3\L2 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
655  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3Difilt2AND_recoRapPtY",
656  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two L2+L1+global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
657 )
658 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
659  "L3\L2 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
660  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3Difilt2AND_recoPtDR",
661  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two L2+L1+global+gen muons (with pT>7) as a function of global dimuon pT and DeltaR at Interaction Point"
662 )
663 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
664  "L3\L2 Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
665  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3Difilt2AND_recoPtDRY",
666  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two L2+L1+global+gen muons (with pT>7) as a function of global dimuon DeltaR at Interaction Point"
667 )
669 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
670  "L3\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
671  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3DiglobAND_recoRapPt",
672  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
673 )
674 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
675  "L3\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
676  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3DiglobAND_recoRapPtX",
677  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
678 )
679 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
680  "L3\Glob Dimuon Efficiency (HLT_DoubleMu0)",
681  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effFilt3DiglobAND_recoRapPtY",
682  "Efficiency to find two L3 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
683 )
687 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
688  "HLT_Mu3 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
689  "HLT_Mu3/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPt",
690  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu3 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
691 )
692 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
693  "HLT_Mu3 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
694  "HLT_Mu3/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPtX",
695  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu3 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
696 )
697 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
698  "HLT_Mu3 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
699  "HLT_Mu3/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPtY",
700  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu3 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
701 )
703 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
704  "HLT_Mu5 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
705  "HLT_Mu5/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPt",
706  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu5 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
707 )
708 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
709  "HLT_Mu5 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
710  "HLT_Mu5/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPtX",
711  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu5 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
712 )
713 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
714  "HLT_Mu5 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
715  "HLT_Mu5/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPtY",
716  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu5 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
717 )
719 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
720  "HLT_Mu9 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
721  "HLT_Mu9/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPt",
722  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu9 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
723 )
724 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
725  "HLT_Mu9 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
726  "HLT_Mu9/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPtX",
727  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu9 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
728 )
729 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
730  "HLT_Mu9 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
731  "HLT_Mu9/effPathDiglobOR_recoRapPtY",
732  "Efficiency to find an HLT_Mu9 muon associated to one of the global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
733 )
735 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
736  "HLT_DoubleMu0 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
737  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effPathDiglobAND_recoRapPt",
738  "Efficiency to find two HLT_DoubleMu0 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
739 )
740 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
741  "HLT_DoubleMu0 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
742  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effPathDiglobAND_recoRapPtX",
743  "Efficiency to find two HLT_DoubleMu0 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
744 )
745 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
746  "HLT_DoubleMu0 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
747  "HLT_DoubleMu0/effPathDiglobAND_recoRapPtY",
748  "Efficiency to find two HLT_DoubleMu0 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
749 )
751 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
752  "HLT_DoubleMu3 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
753  "HLT_DoubleMu3/effPathDiglobAND_recoRapPt",
754  "Efficiency to find two HLT_DoubleMu3 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity and pT"
755 )
756 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
757  "HLT_DoubleMu3 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
758  "HLT_DoubleMu3/effPathDiglobAND_recoRapPtX",
759  "Efficiency to find two HLT_DoubleMu3 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon Rapidity"
760 )
761 trigvalbphys(dqmitems,
762  "HLT_DoubleMu3 Efficiency in Di-Global Events",
763  "HLT_DoubleMu3/effPathDiglobAND_recoRapPtY",
764  "Efficiency to find two HLT_DoubleMu3 muons associated to two global+gen muons as a function of global dimuon pT"
765 )
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalegammaZ (   i,

""" Layout file for trigger release validation facilitating organization/regrouping of subsystem histograms -use subsystem top-folder as specified in previous stages eg def trigval<subsys>(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/<subsys>/Preselection" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows) """

-— EGAMMA selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 12 of file

13 def trigvalegammaZ(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/Zee Preselection/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
15 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"doubleEle5SWL1R/total",
16  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_by_step_MC_matched", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for doubleEle5SWL1R"},
17  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_by_step", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for doubleEle5SWL1R"}])
19 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"doubleEle5SWL1R/kinematics",
20  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/gen_et", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for doubleEle5SWL1R"},
21  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/gen_eta", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for doubleEle5SWL1R"}])
23 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"doubleEle5SWL1R/L1 match",
24  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5L1MatchFilterRegional_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5L1MatchFilterRegional in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_eta"},
25  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5L1MatchFilterRegional_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5L1MatchFilterRegional in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_et"}])
27 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"doubleEle5SWL1R/Et cut",
28  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5EtFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5EtFilter in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_eta"},
29  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5EtFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5EtFilter in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_et"}])
31 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"doubleEle5SWL1R/Hcal isolation",
32  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5HcalIsolFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonHLTnonIsoIsoDoubleElectronEt5HcalIsolFilter in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_eta"},
33  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5HcalIsolFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonHLTnonIsoIsoDoubleElectronEt5HcalIsolFilter in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_et"}])
35 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"doubleEle5SWL1R/pixel match",
36  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5PixelMatchFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5PixelMatchFilter in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_eta"},
37  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5PixelMatchFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoDoubleElectronEt5PixelMatchFilter in doubleEle5SWL1R_vs_et"}])
41 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/total",
42  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_by_step_MC_matched", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"},
43  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_by_step", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"}])
45 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/kinematics",
46  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/gen_et", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"},
47  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/gen_eta", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWL1R"}])
49 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/L1 match",
50  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
51  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10L1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
53 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/Et cut",
54  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
55  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EtFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
57 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/Hcal isolation",
58  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
59  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10HcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
61 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWL1R/pixel match",
62  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_eta"},
63  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10PixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWL1R_vs_et"}])
67 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/total",
68  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_by_step_MC_matched", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"},
69  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_by_step", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"}])
71 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/kinematics",
72  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/gen_et", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"},
73  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/gen_eta", 'description':"per-event efficiency (MC matched) for Ele10LWEleIdL1R"}])
75 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/L1 match",
76  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
77  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional_vs_et_MC_matched" , 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdL1MatchFilterRegional in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
79 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/Et cut",
80  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
81  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdEtFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
83 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/cluster shape cut",
84  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
85  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdClusterShapeFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
87 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/Hcal isolation",
88  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
89  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdHcalIsolFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
91 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/pixel match",
92  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
93  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdPixelMatchFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
95 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/ 1oE - 1op cut",
96  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
97  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdOneOEMinusOneOPFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
99 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/ delta-eta cut",
100  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
101  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDetaFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
103 trigvalegammaZ(dqmitems,"Ele10LWEleIdL1R/ delta-phi cut",
104  [{'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter_vs_eta_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_eta"},
105  {'path': "HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQMZee/efficiency_hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter_vs_et_MC_matched", 'description':"per-object (MC matched) for hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSingleElectronLWEt10EleIdDphiFilter in Ele10LWEleIdL1R_vs_et"}])
def trigvalegammaZ
&quot;&quot;" Layout file for trigger release validation facilitating organization/regrouping of subsystem hist...
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalhiggsH2tau (   i,

Definition at line 4663 of file

4664 def trigvalhiggsH2tau(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Higgs/HiggsValidationReport/H2tau/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
4665 trigvalhiggsH2tau(dqmitems,"semimu channel: HLTMu3 eff vs eta",
4666  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/H2tau/EffVsEta_HLT_Mu3", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu3 versus eta of the generated muon from tau decay passing the selection (1 muon from tau pt>15, eta<2.4)"}])
4668 trigvalhiggsH2tau(dqmitems,"semimu channel: HLTMu3 eff vs pt",
4669  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/H2tau/EffVsPt_HLT_Mu3", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu3 versus pt of the generated muon from tau decay passing the selection (1 muon from tau pt>15, eta<2.4)"}])
4671 trigvalhiggsH2tau(dqmitems,"semielec channel: HLTEle10LW eff vs eta",
4672  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/H2tau/EffVsEta_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10LWL1R versus eta of the generated electron from tau decay passing the selection (1 electron from tau pt>15, eta<2.4)"}])
4674 trigvalhiggsH2tau(dqmitems,"semielec channel: HLTEle10LW eff vs pt",
4675  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/H2tau/EffVsPt_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10LWL1R versus Pt of the generated electron from tau decay passing the selection (1 electron from tau pt>15, eta<2.4)"}])
4677 trigvalhiggsH2tau(dqmitems,"semimuonic channel : global Efficiencies ",
4678  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/H2tau/Efficiencies_MuonTriggers", 'description': "Muon Trigger efficiencies wrt the events passing the muon selection (1 muon from tau decay pt>15, eta<2.4"}])
4680 trigvalhiggsH2tau(dqmitems,"semielectronic channel: global Efficiencies ",
4681  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/H2tau/Efficiencies_ElectronTriggers", 'description': "Electron Trigger efficiencies wrt the events passing the electron selection ( 1 electron from tau pt>15,eta<2.4)"}])
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalhiggsHgg (   i,

Definition at line 4651 of file

4652 def trigvalhiggsHgg(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Higgs/HiggsValidationReport/Hgg/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
4653 trigvalhiggsHgg(dqmitems,"HLTDoublePhoton10L1R eff vs eta",
4654  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/Hgg/EffVsEta_HLT_DoublePhoton10_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTDoublePhoton10 versus eta of the highest pt reconstructed photon in the event passing the selection (at least 2 reconstructed photons pt>20, eta<2.4)"}])
4655 trigvalhiggsHgg(dqmitems,"HLTDoublePhoton10L1R vs pt",
4656  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/Hgg/EffVsPt_HLT_DoublePhoton10_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTDoublePhoton10 versus pt of the highest pt reconstructed photon in the event passing the selection (at least 2 reconstructed photons pt>20, eta<2.4)"}])
4658 trigvalhiggsHgg(dqmitems,"Photon global Efficiencies ",
4659  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/Hgg/Efficiencies_PhotonTriggers", 'description': "Photon Trigger efficiencies wrt the events passing the selection (at least 2 reco photons pt>20, eta<2.4)"}])
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalhiggsHtaunu (   i,

Definition at line 4714 of file

4715 def trigvalhiggsHtaunu(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Higgs/HiggsValidationReport/Htaunu/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
4717 trigvalhiggsHtaunu(dqmitems,"Tau global Efficiencies ",
4718  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/Htaunu/globalEfficiencies", 'description': "Tau trigger efficiencies wrt the events passing the selection ( at least 1 gen tau pt>100,eta<2.4)"}])
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalhiggsHWW (   i,


Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Jet110 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Jet140 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_MET60 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_MET100 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_HT200 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_HT240 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_HT300_MHT100 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Mu9 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Mu11 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_IsoMu9 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_DoubleMu3 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Ele15_SW_LooseTrackIso_L1R Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Ele20_SW_L1R Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_DoubleEle10_SW_L1R Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Photon25_L1R Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Photon30_L1R_1E31 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_DoublePhoton15_L1R Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_BTagIP_Jet80 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_BTagIP_Jet120 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_L2Mu5_Photon9 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_L2Mu8_HT50 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R_HT180 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET HLT_Ele10_SW_L1R_TripleJet30 Reco Electrons Reco Muons Reco Jets Reco Photons Reco MET -— HIGGS selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 4621 of file

4622 def trigvalhiggsHWW(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Higgs/HiggsValidationReport/HWW/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
4624 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"mumu selection: HLTMu9 eff vs eta ",
4625  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/EffVsEta_HLT_Mu9", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 in the dimuon channel vs eta of the highest pt reconstructed muon ( Event selection: at least 2 globalMuons pt>10,20, eta<2.4, opp charge)"}])
4627 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"mumu selection : HLTMu9 eff vs pt",
4628  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/EffVsPt_HLT_Mu9", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 in the dimuon channel vs Pt of the highest pt reconstructed muon (Event selection: at least 2 globalMuons pt>10,20, eta<2.4, opp charge)"}])
4630 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"ee selection :HLTEle10LWL1R eff vs eta ",
4631  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/EffVsEta_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R", 'description':" Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10LWL1R in the ee channel vs eta of the highest pt reco electron (Event selection: at least 2 electrons pt>10,20,eta<2.4,opp charge,H/E<0.05,0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
4633 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"ee selection: EffVsPt HLT_Ele10LWL1R ",
4634  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/EffVsPt_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10_LW_L1R in the ee channel vs Pt of the highest pt reco electron (Event selection: at least 2 electrons pt>10,20, eta<2.4,opp charge, H/E<0.05,0.6< E/p<2.5) "}])
4636 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"emu selection: EffVsEta HLTMu9 ",
4637  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/EffVsEta_HLT_Mu9_EM", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 in the emu channel vs muon eta ( Event selection applied: at least 2 leptons pt>10,20,eta<2.4, opp. charge, muons:globalMuons, electrons:H/E<0.05,0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
4639 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"emu selection: EffVsPt HLTEle10LWL1R ",
4640  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/EffVsPt_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R_EM", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10_LW_L1R in the emu channel vs electron eta ( Event selection applied: at least 2 leptons pt>10,20,eta<2.4, opp. charge, muons:globalMuons, electrons:H/E<0.05,0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
4642 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"mumu selection : global Efficiencies ",
4643  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/Efficiencies_MuonTriggers", 'description': "Muon Trigger efficiencies in the dimuon channel wrt the events passing the selection (at least 2 globalMuons pt>10,20, eta<2.4, opp charge)"}])
4645 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"ee selection: global Efficiencies ",
4646  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/Efficiencies_ElectronTriggers", 'description': "Electron Trigger efficiencies in the dielectron channel wrt the events passing the selection ( at least 2 electrons pt>10,20,eta<2.4, opp. charge, H/E<0.05,0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
4648 trigvalhiggsHWW(dqmitems,"emu selection: global Efficiencies ",
4649  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HWW/TriggerEfficiencies_EmuChannel", 'description': "Trigger efficiencies in the emu channel wrt the events passing the selection ( at least 2 leptons pt>10,20,eta<2.4, opp. charge, muons:globalMuons, electrons:H/E<0.05, 0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
def trigvalhiggsHWW
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalhiggsHZZ (   i,

Definition at line 4684 of file

4685 def trigvalhiggsHZZ(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Higgs/HiggsValidationReport/HZZ/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
4687 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"4mu selection: HLTMu9 eff vs eta ",
4688  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/EffVsEta_HLT_Mu9", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 vs eta of the highest pt reconstructed muon in the event passing the selection (at least 4 globalMuons pt>10, eta<2.4, opp charge"}])
4690 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"4mu selection :HLTMu9 eff vs pt ",
4691  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/EffVsPt_HLT_Mu9", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 vs Pt of the highest pt reconstructed muon in the event passing the selection (at least 4 globalMuons pt>10, eta<2.4, opp charge"}])
4693 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"4e selection :HLTEle10LWL1R eff vs eta ",
4694  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/EffVsEta_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10_LW_L1R vs eta of the highest pt reconstructed electron in the event passing the selection (at least 4 gsfElectrons pt>10, eta<2.4,opp charge, H/E<0.05, 0.6< E/p<2.5) "}])
4696 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"4e selection: HLT_Ele10LWL1R eff vs pt",
4697  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/EffVsPt_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10_LW_L1R vs Pt of the highest pt reconstructed electron in the event passing the selection (at least 4 gsfElectrons pt>10, eta<2.4,opp charge, H/E<0.05, 0.6< E/p<2.5) "}])
4699 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"2e2mu selection: HLTMu9 eff vs eta ",
4700  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/EffVsEta_HLT_Mu9_EM", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 vs eta of the highest pt reconstructed muon in the event passing the selection ( at least 2 muons and 2 electrons pt>10,eta<2.4, opp. charge, muons:globalMuons, electrons:H/E<0.05, 0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
4702 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"2e2mu selection: HLTEle10LWL1R eff vs pt ",
4703  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/EffVsPt_HLT_Ele10_LW_L1R_EM", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle10_LW_L1R vs pt of the highest pt reconstructed electron in the event passing the selection ( at least 2 muons and 2 electrons pt>10,eta<2.4, opp. charge, muons:globalMuons, electrons:H/E<0.05,0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
4705 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"4mu selection : global Efficiencies ",
4706  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/Efficiencies_MuonTriggers", 'description': "Muon Trigger efficiencies wrt the events passing the selection (at least 4 globalMuons pt>10, eta<2.4, opp charge"}])
4708 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"4e selection: global Efficiencies ",
4709  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/Efficiencies_ElectronTriggers", 'description': "Electron Trigger efficiencies wrt the events passing the selection ( at least 4 electrons pt>10,eta<2.4, opp. charge, H/E<0.05, 0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
4711 trigvalhiggsHZZ(dqmitems,"2e2mu selection: global Efficiencies ",
4712  [{'path': "HLT/Higgs/HZZ/TriggerEfficiencies_EmuChannel", 'description': "Trigger efficiencies wrt the events passing the selection ( at least 2 muons and 2 electrons pt>10,20,eta<2.4, opp. charge, muons:globalMuons, electrons:H/E<0.05, 0.6< E/p<2.5)"}])
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvaljetmet (   i,

-— JETMET selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 280 of file

281 def trigvaljetmet(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/HLTJETMET/ValidationReport/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
283 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET35 eff vs genMet RelVal",
284  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET35/Gen Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET35 versus genMET wrt full sample"}])
285 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET45 eff vs genMet RelVal",
286  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET45/Gen Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET45 versus genMET wrt full sample"}])
287 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET60 eff vs genMet RelVal",
288  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET60/Gen Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET60 versus genMET wrt full sample"}])
289 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET100 eff vs genMet RelVal",
290  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET100/Gen Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET100 versus genMET wrt full sample"}])
291 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET35 eff vs recMet RelVal",
292  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET35/Reco Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET35 versus recMET wrt full sample"}])
293 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET45 eff vs recMet RelVal",
294  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET45/Reco Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET45 versus recMET wrt full sample"}])
295 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET60 eff vs recMet RelVal",
296  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET60/Reco Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET60 versus recMET wrt full sample"}])
297 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTMET100 eff vs recMet RelVal",
298  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleMET100/Reco Missing ET Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMET100 versus recMET wrt full sample"}])
299 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet15U eff vs genJet Pt RelVal",
300  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet15U/Gen Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet15U versus genJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
301 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet30U eff vs genJet Pt RelVal",
302  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet30U/Gen Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet30U versus genJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
303 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet50U eff vs genJet Pt RelVal",
304  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet50U/Gen Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet50U versus genJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
305 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet70U eff vs genJet Pt RelVal",
306  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet70U/Gen Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet70U versus genJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
307 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet100U eff vs genJet Pt RelVal",
308  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet100U/Gen Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet100U versus genJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
309 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet15U eff vs recJet Pt RelVal",
310  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet15U/Reco Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet15U versus recJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
311 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet30U eff vs recJet Pt RelVal",
312  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet30U/Reco Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet30U versus recJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
313 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet50U eff vs recJet Pt RelVal",
314  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet50U/Reco Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet50U versus recJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
315 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet70U eff vs recJet Pt RelVal",
316  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet70U/Reco Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet70U versus recJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
317 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet100U eff vs recJet Pt RelVal",
318  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet100U/Reco Jet Pt Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet100U versus recJet Pt wrt full sample"}])
319 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet15U eff vs genJet Eta RelVal",
320  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet15U/Gen Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet15U versus genJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
321 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet30U eff vs genJet Eta RelVal",
322  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet30U/Gen Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet30U versus genJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
323 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet50U eff vs genJet Eta RelVal",
324  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet50U/Gen Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet50U versus genJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
325 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet70U eff vs genJet Eta RelVal",
326  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet70U/Gen Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet70U versus genJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
327 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet100U eff vs genJet Eta RelVal",
328  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet100U/Gen Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet100U versus genJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
329 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet15U eff vs recJet Eta RelVal",
330  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet15U/Reco Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet15U versus recJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
331 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet30U eff vs recJet Eta RelVal",
332  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet30U/Reco Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet30U versus recJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
333 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet50U eff vs recJet Eta RelVal",
334  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet50U/Reco Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet50U versus recJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
335 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet70U eff vs recJet Eta RelVal",
336  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet70U/Reco Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet70U versus recJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
337 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet100U eff vs recJet Eta RelVal",
338  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet100U/Reco Jet Eta Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet100U versus recJet Eta wrt full sample"}])
339 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet15U eff vs genJet Phi RelVal",
340  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet15U/Gen Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet15U versus genJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
341 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet30U eff vs genJet Phi RelVal",
342  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet30U/Gen Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet30U versus genJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
343 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet50U eff vs genJet Phi RelVal",
344  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet50U/Gen Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet50U versus genJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
345 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet70U eff vs genJet Phi RelVal",
346  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet70U/Gen Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet70U versus genJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
347 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet100U eff vs genJet Phi RelVal",
348  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet100U/Gen Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet100U versus genJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
349 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet15U eff vs recJet Phi RelVal",
350  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet15U/Reco Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet15U versus recJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
351 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet30U eff vs recJet Phi RelVal",
352  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet30U/Reco Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet30U versus recJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
353 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet50U eff vs recJet Phi RelVal",
354  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet50U/Reco Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet50U versus recJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
355 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet70U eff vs recJet Phi RelVal",
356  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet70U/Reco Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet70U versus recJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
357 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTJet100U eff vs recJet Phi RelVal",
358  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/SingleJet100U/Reco Jet Phi Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTJet100U versus recJet Phi wrt full sample"}])
359 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTHT300MHT100 eff vs genHT RelVal",
360  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/HT300MHT100/Gen HT Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTHT300MHT100 versus genHT wrt full sample"}])
361 trigvaljetmet(dqmitems,"HLTHT300MHT100 eff vs recHT RelVal",
362  [{'path': "HLT/HLTJETMET/HT300MHT100/Reco HT Turn-On RelVal", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTHT300MHT100 versus recHT wrt full sample"}])
def trigvaljetmet
-— JETMET selection goes here: -—
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalmuon (   i,

-— MUON selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 200 of file

201 def trigvalmuon(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Muon/Efficiency_Layouts/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
def trigvalmuon
-— MUON selection goes here: -—
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvalsusybsm ( )

-— SUSYEXO selection goes here: -—

Mc Selections ################.

RA1 RA2 RA3 RA4_e RA4_m RA5RA6_2e RA5RA6_1e1m RA5RA6_2m RA7_3e RA7_2e1m RA7_1e2m RA7_3m Reco Distributions

Definition at line 767 of file

768 def trigvalsusybsm(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/SusyExo/00 SusyExoValidationReport/00 Global Efficiencies/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
def trigvalsusybsm
-— SUSYEXO selection goes here: -—
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvaltau (   i,

trigvalmuon(dqmitems, thisPath + "/1: Trigger Path Efficiency Summary", [{'path': "HLT/Muon/Summary/Efficiency_Summary", 'description':"Percentage of total events in the sample which pass each muon trigger"}])

-— TAU selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 239 of file

240 def trigvaltau(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/TauRelVal/Summary For " + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
def trigvaltau
trigvalmuon(dqmitems, thisPath + &quot;/1: Trigger Path Efficiency Summary&quot;, [{&#39;path&#39;: &quot;HLT/Muon/Summar...
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvaltopelectron (   i,

Definition at line 389 of file

390 def trigvaltopelectron(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Top/TopValidationReport/Semileptonic_electron/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
392 trigvaltopelectron(dqmitems,"HLTEle15SWL1R eff vs eta",
393  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_electron/EffVsEta_HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R versus eta of the highest pt reconstructed electron with pt>20, eta<2.4"}])
395 trigvaltopelectron(dqmitems,"HLTEle15SWL1R eff vs pt",
396  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_electron/EffVsPt_HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R versus pt of the highest pt reconstructed electron with pt>20, eta<2.4"}])
399 trigvaltopelectron(dqmitems,"HLTEle15SWLooseTrackIsoL1R eff vs eta",
400  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_electron/EffVsEta_HLT_Ele15_SW_LooseTrackIso_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLT_Ele15_SW_LooseTrackIso_L1R versus eta of the highest pt reconstructed electron with pt>20, eta<2.4"}])
402 trigvaltopelectron(dqmitems,"HLTEle15SWLooseTrackIsoL1R eff vs pt",
403  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_electron/EffVsPt_HLT_Ele15_SW_LooseTrackIso_L1R", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTEle15_SW_LooseTrackIso_L1R versus pt of the highest pt reconstructed electron with pt>20, eta<2.4"}])
405 trigvaltopelectron(dqmitems,"Electron trigger efficiencies wrt gen",
406  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_electron/Efficiencies_Electrontriggers_gen", 'description': "Electron trigger efficiencies wrt mc acceptance (1 electron from W decay, pt>10, eta<2.4)"}])
408 trigvaltopelectron(dqmitems,"Electron trigger efficiencies wrt gen+reco",
409  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_electron/Efficiencies_Electrontriggers", 'description': "Electron trigger efficiencies wrt mc acceptance+offline (acc: 1 electron from W, pt>10, eta<2.4; off: at least 1 rec electron, pt>20, eta<2.4 and 2 jets Et_raw>13, eta<2.4)"}])
def hlt_relval-layouts.trigvaltopmuon (   i,

-— TOP selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 370 of file

371 def trigvaltopmuon(i, p, *rows): i["HLT/Top/TopValidationReport/Semileptonic_muon/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
373 trigvaltopmuon(dqmitems,"HLTMu9 eff vs eta",
374  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_muon/EffVsEta_HLT_Mu9", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 versus eta of the highest pt reconstructed muon with pt>20, eta<2.1 "}])
375 trigvaltopmuon(dqmitems,"HLTMu9 eff vs pt",
376  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_muon/EffVsPt_HLT_Mu9", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu9 versus pt of the highest pt reconstructed muon with pt>20, eta<2.1"}])
378 trigvaltopmuon(dqmitems,"HLTMu15 eff vs eta",
379  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_muon/EffVsEta_HLT_Mu15", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu15 versus eta of the highest pt reconstructed muon with pt>20, eta<2.1"}])
380 trigvaltopmuon(dqmitems,"HLTMu15 eff vs pt",
381  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_muon/EffVsPt_HLT_Mu15", 'description': "Trigger efficiency for HLTMu15 versus pt of the highest pt reconstructed muon with pt>20, eta<2.1"}])
383 trigvaltopmuon(dqmitems,"Muon trigger efficiencies wrt gen",
384  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_muon/Efficiencies_MuonTriggers_gen", 'description': "Muon trigger efficiencies wrt mc acceptance (1 muon from W decay, pt>10, eta<2.4)"}])
386 trigvaltopmuon(dqmitems,"Muon trigger efficiencies wrt gen+reco",
387  [{'path': "HLT/Top/Semileptonic_muon/Efficiencies_MuonTriggers", 'description': "Muon trigger efficiencies wrt mc acceptance+offline (acc: 1 muon from W, pt>10, eta<2.4; off: at least 1 rec muon, pt>20, eta<2.1 and 2 jets Et_raw>13, eta<2.4)"}])
def trigvaltopmuon
-— TOP selection goes here: -—

Variable Documentation

int hlt_relval-layouts.bphysPlotNumber = 1

-— HEAVYFLAVOR selection goes here: -—

Definition at line 415 of file

list hlt_relval-layouts.paths = ['HLT_DoubleMu0', 'HLT_DoubleMu3_v2', 'HLT_DoubleMu3_v3', 'HLT_DoubleMu3_v5', 'HLT_DoubleMu5_v1', 'HLT_DoubleMu6_v1', 'HLT_DoubleMu6_v3', 'HLT_DoubleMu7_v1', 'HLT_DoubleMu7_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu11_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu12_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu12_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu13_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu15_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu15_v5', 'HLT_IsoMu15_v7', 'HLT_IsoMu17_v4', 'HLT_IsoMu17_v5', 'HLT_IsoMu17_v7', 'HLT_IsoMu24_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu24_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu30_v1', 'HLT_IsoMu30_v3', 'HLT_IsoMu9_v4', 'HLT_L1DoubleMu0_v1', 'HLT_L1DoubleMu0_v2', 'HLT_L1DoubleMuOpen', 'HLT_L1Mu20', 'HLT_L1Mu7_v1', 'HLT_L1MuOpen_v2', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu0', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu0_v2', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu0_v4', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu20_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu23_NoVertex_v3', 'HLT_L2DoubleMu35_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu0_NoVertex', 'HLT_L2Mu10_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu10_v3', 'HLT_L2Mu20_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu20_v3', 'HLT_L2Mu30_v1', 'HLT_L2Mu7_v1', 'HLT_L2MuOpen_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_Mu0_v2', 'HLT_Mu11', 'HLT_Mu12_v1', 'HLT_Mu12_v3', 'HLT_Mu13_v1', 'HLT_Mu15_v1', 'HLT_Mu15_v2', 'HLT_Mu15_v4', 'HLT_Mu17_v1', 'HLT_Mu19_v1', 'HLT_Mu20_v1', 'HLT_Mu20_v3', 'HLT_Mu21_v1', 'HLT_Mu24_v1', 'HLT_Mu24_v3', 'HLT_Mu25_v1', 'HLT_Mu30_NoVertex_v1', 'HLT_Mu30_v1', 'HLT_Mu30_v3', 'HLT_Mu3_v2', 'HLT_Mu3_v3', 'HLT_Mu3_v5', 'HLT_Mu40_v1', 'HLT_Mu5', 'HLT_Mu5_v3', 'HLT_Mu5_v5', 'HLT_Mu7', 'HLT_Mu8_v1', 'HLT_Mu8_v3', 'HLT_Mu9']

Definition at line 202 of file

Referenced by RPCLinkSynchroStat.add(), AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcdUpdate.addTriggerLists(), BTagHLTOfflineSource.BTagHLTOfflineSource(), SiPixelFrameReverter.buildStructure(), edmplugin::standard.config(), RPCLinkSynchroStat.dumpDelays(), edm::EventSelector.EventSelector(), FastTimerServiceClient.fillPathSummaryPlots(), FWGeometry.findFile(), FourVectorHLTOffline.FourVectorHLTOffline(), FourVectorHLTOnline.FourVectorHLTOnline(), FourVectorHLTriggerOffline.FourVectorHLTriggerOffline(), ecaldqm::MESetEcal.generatePaths(), SiPixelFrameConverter.hasDetUnit(), HLTJetMETDQMSource.HLTJetMETDQMSource(), RPCLinkSynchroStat.init(), JetMETHLTOfflineSource.JetMETHLTOfflineSource(), RivetAnalyzer.normalizeTree(), pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone.pathsOrAlgorithms(), AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcdRead.printMap(), pat::PATTriggerProducer.produce(), edm::detail::TriggerResultsBasedEventSelector.setupDefault(), edm::TriggerSelector.TriggerSelector(), TrigResRateMon.TrigResRateMon(), and pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone.unpackPathNames().

string hlt_relval-layouts.thisDir = "HLT/Muon/Distributions/"

Definition at line 206 of file

string hlt_relval-layouts.thisDocumentation = " ("

Definition at line 207 of file