1 def hltlayout(i, p, *rows): i[
"00 Shift/HLT/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
8 def hltlayout(i, p, *rows): i[
"00 Shift/HLT/Cosmics/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
11 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"01 HLT_Commissioning_Pass_Any",
12 [{
"Shows total number of HLT Commissioning trigger accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
14 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"02 HLT_Cosmics_Pass_Any",
15 [{
"Shows total number of HLT Cosmics trigger accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
17 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"03 HLT_ForwardTriggers_Pass_Any",
18 [{
"Shows total number of HLT ForwardTriggers trigger accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
20 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"04 HLT_HcalHPDNoise_Pass_Any",
21 [{
"Shows total number of HLT HcalHPDNoise trigger accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
23 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"05 HLT_HcalNZS_Pass_Any",
24 [{
"Shows total number of HLT HcalNZS trigger accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
28 def hltlayout(i, p, *rows): i[
"00 Shift/HLT/Collisions/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
54 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"01 HLT_Jet_Xsec", [{
"HLT/TrigResults/PathsSummary/HLT Counts/HLT_Jet_Xsec",
"Shows total number of Jet PD accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts in this PD. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
72 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"02 HLT_SingleElectron_Xsec", [{
"HLT/TrigResults/PathsSummary/HLT Counts/HLT_SingleElectron_Xsec",
"Shows total number of SingleElectron PD accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts in this PD. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
74 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"03 HLT_SingleMu_Xsec", [{
"HLT/TrigResults/PathsSummary/HLT Counts/HLT_SingleMu_Xsec",
"Shows total number of SingleMu PD accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts in this PD. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
81 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"04 HLT_Jet_Occupancy", [{
"Shows total number of SingleMu PD accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts in this PD. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
82 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"05 HLT_SingleElectron_Occupancy", [{
"Shows total number of SingleMu PD accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts in this PD. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])
83 hltlayout(dqmitems,
"06 HLT_SingleMu_Occupancy", [{
"Shows total number of SingleMu PD accepts and the total number of any HLT accepts in this PD. For more information please click <a href=\"https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/TriggerShiftHLTGuide\">here</a>."}])