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topHLTValidationHarvest_cff Namespace Reference


tuple DiElectronHLTValidationHarvest
tuple DiMuonHLTValidationHarvest
tuple ElecMuonHLTValidationHarvest
tuple SingleTopSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
tuple SingleTopSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest
tuple topHLTriggerValidationHarvest
tuple topSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
tuple topSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest

Variable Documentation

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.DiElectronHLTValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/DiElectron"),
3  efficiency = cms.vstring(
4  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
5  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
6  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
7  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll"
8  ),
9  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
10  )

Definition at line 14 of file

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.DiMuonHLTValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/DiMuon"),
3  efficiency = cms.vstring(
4  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
5  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
6  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
7  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll"
8  ),
9  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
10  )

Definition at line 3 of file

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.ElecMuonHLTValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/ElecMuon"),
3  efficiency = cms.vstring(
4  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
5  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
6  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
7  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll"
8  ),
9  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
10  )

Definition at line 25 of file

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.SingleTopSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/SingleTop/SingleElectron"),
3  efficiency = cms.vstring(
4  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
5  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
6  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
7  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll"
8  ),
9  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
10  )

Definition at line 69 of file

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.SingleTopSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/SingleTop/SingleMuon"),
3  efficiency = cms.vstring(
4  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
5  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
6  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
7  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll"
8  ),
9  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
10  )

Definition at line 58 of file

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.topHLTriggerValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  DiMuonHLTValidationHarvest
3  *DiElectronHLTValidationHarvest
4  *ElecMuonHLTValidationHarvest
5  *topSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest
6  *topSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
7  *SingleTopSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest
8  *SingleTopSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
9  )

Definition at line 80 of file

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.topSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/SemiElectronic"),
3  efficiency = cms.vstring(
4  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
5  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
6  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
7  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll"
8  ),
9  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
10  )

Definition at line 47 of file

tuple topHLTValidationHarvest_cff.topSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/SemiMuonic"),
3  efficiency = cms.vstring(
4  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
5  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
6  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
7  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll"
8  ),
9  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
10  )

Definition at line 36 of file