Definition at line 9 of file
13 [{
14 'description':
"This shows the fraction of bad cells in each subdetector. All subdetectors should appear green. Values should all be above 98%."}]
18 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/ ProblemDetDiagPedestal",
19 'description':
"Channels with pedestals that have some kind of problem (bad mean or RMS, unstable, or missing)"}]
23 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/ ProblemDetDiagLaser",
24 'description':
"Channels that are outside reference bounds in either time or energy"}]
28 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HBHEHF pedestal mean map",
29 'description':
"Pedestal mean values calculated from orbit gap events for HB, HE, and HF"},
30 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HBHEHF pedestal rms map",
31 'description':
"Pedestal RMS values calculated from orbit gap events for HB, HE, and HF"}],
32 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HO pedestal mean map",
33 'description':
"Pedestal mean values calculated from orbit gap events for HO"},
34 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HO pedestal rms map",
35 'description':
"Pedestal RMS values calculated from orbit gap events for HO"}]
39 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HB Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"},
40 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HE Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"}],
41 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HF Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"},
42 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HO Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"}]
46 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HBHEHF Laser Energy_div_Ref",
47 'description':
"Laser Average energy - reference in HBHEHF"},
48 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HO Laser Energy_div_Ref",
49 'description':
"Laser Average energy - reference in HO"},],
51 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HBHEHF Laser (Timing-Ref)+1",
52 'description':
"Laser Average timing - reference in HBHEHF"},
53 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HO Laser (Timing-Ref)+1",
54 'description':
"Laser Average timing - reference in HO"},]
58 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HB RBX average Time-Ref",
59 'description':
"1D Laser RBX energy - reference in HB"},
60 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HE RBX average Time-Ref",
61 'description':
"1D Laser RBX energy - reference in HE"}],
62 [{
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HF RoBox average Time-Ref",
63 'description':
"1D Laser RBX energy - reference in HF"},
64 {
"HcalCalib/DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/Summary Plots/HO RBX average Time-Ref",
65 'description':
"1D Laser RBX energy - reference in HO"}]
70 [{
71 'description':
"Average energy/hit for each of the 2592 channels in HB"},
72 {
73 'description':
"Average energy/hit for each of the 2592 channels in HE"}],
74 [{
75 'description':
"Average energy/hit for each of the 1728 channels in HF"},
76 {
77 'description':
"Average energy/hit for each of the 2160 channels in HO. (You may see fewer entries than 2160 because of ~30 known dead cells in HO.)"}],
81 [{
82 'description':
"This shows the distribution of HCAL event types received by DQM. Calibration events (pedestal, laser, etc.) are used for additional monitoring and diagnostics."}])