Definition at line 1 of file
1 def shifteblayout(i, p, *rows): i[
"00 Shift/EcalBarrel/" + p] = DQMItem(layout=rows)
4 [{
"<a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }])
7 [{
"Frequency of the event types found in the DQM event-stream. If the calibration sequence is ON, histograms should show entries in COSMICS_GLOBAL, LASER_GAP, PEDESTAL_GAP, TESTPULSE_GAP. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }])
10 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBIT integrity quality summary",
"Integrity quality summary. Expected all green color. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }],
11 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBIT PN integrity quality summary",
"Integrity quality summary. Expected all green color. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }])
14 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBSFT front-end status summary",
"DCC front-end status quality summary. Expected all green color. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }])
17 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBPOT pedestal quality summary G12",
"pedestal quality summary. Pedestal is evaluated using the first 3/10 samples of the pulse shape for all the events (on physics events only). Expected all green color. Legend: green = good; red = bad; yellow = no entries. Quality criteria: 175 < mean < 225 ADCs, RMS < 2 ADCs. <a href=>DQMShiftEcalExpert</a>" }])
20 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBTMT timing quality summary",
"Quality summary of the good crystals reconstructed hits with energy > 1 GeV. Hardware timing is adjusted with readout tower granularity, but finer setting can be reached. Expected all green color. Legend: green = good; red = bad; yellow = no sufficient statistics. Quality criteria: Average timing in each TT for calibrated rechits with energy > 1 GeV, good DB status, rechit flag = kGood OR KOutOfTime, and |time| < 7 ns is evaluated if more than 36 hits pass the above cuts. The following criteria are applied: |mean| < 2 ns and RMS < 6 ns. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }])
23 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBOccupancyTask/EBOT rec hit occupancy",
"Map of the occupancy of ECAL calibrated reconstructed hits. Expect uniform color. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }],
24 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBOccupancyTask/EBOT rec hit occupancy projection eta",
"Eta projection of the occupancy of ECAL calibrated reconstructed hits. Expect uniform distribution. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>",
'draw': {
"yes" } },
25 {
"EcalBarrel/EBOccupancyTask/EBOT rec hit occupancy projection phi",
"Phi projection of the occupancy of ECAL calibrated reconstructed hits. Expect uniform distribution. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>",
'draw': {
"yes" } }])
28 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBOccupancyTask/EBOT TP digi thr occupancy",
"Map of the occupancy of ECAL trigger primitives with energy > 4 ADC counts (~2 GeV). Expect uniform color. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }],
29 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBOccupancyTask/EBOT TP digi thr occupancy projection eta",
"Eta projection of the occupancy of ECAL trigger primitives with energy > 4 ADC counts (~2 GeV). Expect uniform distribution. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>",
'draw': {
"yes" } },
30 {
"EcalBarrel/EBOccupancyTask/EBOT TP digi thr occupancy projection phi",
"Phi projection of the occupancy of ECAL trigger primitives with energy > 4 ADC counts (~2 GeV). Expect uniform distribution. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>",
'draw': {
"yes" } }])
33 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBClusterTask/EBCLT BC energy map",
"Average energy (in GeV) of hybrid basic clusters. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }],
34 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBClusterTask/EBCLT BC energy projection eta",
"Eta projection of hybrid basic clusters. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>",
'draw': {
"yes" } },
35 {
"EcalBarrel/EBClusterTask/EBCLT BC energy projection phi",
"Phi projection of hybrid basic clusters. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>",
'draw': {
"yes" } }])
38 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBLT laser quality summary L1",
"Quality summary of blue laser events. Expect green where the laser sequence fired, yellow elsewhere. Red spots are failed channels. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }],
39 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBLT PN laser quality summary L1",
"Quality summary of blue laser events for PN diodes. Expect green where the laser sequence fired, yellow elsewhere. Red spots are failed channels. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" },
40 {
"EcalCalibration/Laser/EcalLaser L1 (blue) quality summary EB",
"Quality summary of the blue laser light source for the last sequence."}])
43 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBPT pedestal quality G12 summary",
"Quality summary of pedestal events for Gain 12. Expect green where the pedestal sequence fired, yellow elsewhere. Red spots are failed channels. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }],
44 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBPT PN pedestal quality G16 summary",
"Quality summary of pedestal events for PN Gain 16. Expect green where the pedestal sequence fired, yellow elsewhere. Red spots are failed channels. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }])
47 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBTPT test pulse quality G12 summary",
"Quality summary of test pulse events for Gain 12. Expect green where the test pulse sequence fired, yellow elsewhere. Red spots are failed channels. Supermodules are filled as the calibration sequence reach them: expected all yellow at beginning of run, then becoming green. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }],
48 [{
"EcalBarrel/EBSummaryClient/EBTPT PN test pulse quality G16 summary",
"Quality summary of test pulse events for PN Gain 16. Expect green where the test pulse sequence fired, yellow elsewhere. Red spots are failed channels. Supermodules are filled as the calibration sequence reach them: expected all yellow at beginning of run, then becoming green. <a href=>DQMShiftEcal</a>" }])