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1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # XML must come from MuonGeometryDBConverter; not hand-made
4 # Example configuration that will work
5 #
6 # PSet outputXML = {
7 # string fileName = "tmp.xml"
8 # string relativeto = "container" # keep in mind which relativeto you used when interpreting positions and angles!
9 # bool survey = false # important: survey must be false
10 # bool rawIds = false # important: rawIds must be false
11 # bool eulerAngles = false
12 # int32 precision = 10
13 # }
15 def dtorder(a, b):
16  for ai, bi, name in zip(list(a) + [0]*(5 - len(a)), \
17  list(b) + [0]*(5 - len(b)), \
18  ("wheel", "station", "sector", "superlayer", "layer")):
19  exec("a%s = %d" % (name, ai))
20  exec("b%s = %d" % (name, bi))
22  if awheel == bwheel and astation == bstation:
24  if asector != bsector:
25  if astation == 4: sectororder = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 11, 12]
26  elif awheel == 0: sectororder = [0, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11, 4, 8, 12]
27  else: sectororder = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
28  return cmp(sectororder.index(asector), sectororder.index(bsector))
30  elif asuperlayer != bsuperlayer:
31  superlayerorder = [0, 1, 3, 2]
32  return cmp(superlayerorder.index(asuperlayer), superlayerorder.index(bsuperlayer))
34  return cmp(a, b)
36 def cscorder(a, b):
37  for ai, bi, name in zip(list(a) + [0]*(5 - len(a)), \
38  list(b) + [0]*(5 - len(b)), \
39  ("endcap", "station", "ring", "chamber", "layer")):
40  exec("a%s = %d" % (name, ai))
41  exec("b%s = %d" % (name, bi))
43  if astation == 1 and aring == 3: return cmp(a, b)
45  elif aendcap == bendcap and astation == bstation and aring == bring and achamber != bchamber:
46  if achamber == 0: return -1 # upper hierarchy comes first
47  if bchamber == 0: return 1 # upper hierarchy comes first
48  if achamber % 2 == 1 and bchamber % 2 == 0: return -1 # odds come first
49  elif achamber % 2 == 0 and bchamber % 2 == 1: return 1 # evens come after
51  return cmp(a, b)
53 # External libraries (standard in Python >= 2.4, at least)
54 import xml.sax
56 class Alignable:
57  def pos(self):
58  return self.x, self.y, self.z
59  def covariance(self):
60  return (self.xx, self.xy, self.xz), (self.xy, self.yy, self.yz), (self.xz, self.yz, self.zz)
63  def index(self):
64  i = []
65  try: i.append(self.wheel)
66  except AttributeError: pass
67  try: i.append(self.station)
68  except AttributeError: pass
69  try: i.append(self.sector)
70  except AttributeError: pass
71  try: i.append(self.superlayer)
72  except AttributeError: pass
73  try: i.append(self.layer)
74  except AttributeError: pass
75  return tuple(i)
78  def index(self):
79  i = []
80  try: i.append(self.endcap)
81  except AttributeError: pass
82  try: i.append(self.station)
83  except AttributeError: pass
84  try: i.append(self.ring)
85  except AttributeError: pass
86  try: i.append(self.chamber)
87  except AttributeError: pass
88  try: i.append(self.layer)
89  except AttributeError: pass
90  return tuple(i)
92 class Operation:
93  def __init__(self):
94  self.chambers = []
95  self.setposition = {}
96  self.setape = {}
98 # This class is a subclass of something which knows how to parse XML
99 class MuonGeometry(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
100  def __init__(self, stream=None):
101  self.dt = {}
102  self.csc = {}
103  self._operation = None
105  if stream is not None:
106  parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
107  parser.setContentHandler(self)
108  parser.parse(stream)
110  # what to do when you get to a <startelement>
111  def startElement(self, tag, attrib):
112  attrib = dict(attrib.items())
113  if "rawId" in attrib: raise Exception, "Please use \"rawIds = false\""
114  if "aa" in attrib: raise Exception, "Please use \"survey = false\""
116  if tag == "MuonAlignment": pass
118  elif tag == "collection": raise NotImplementedError, "<collection /> and <collection> blocks aren't implemented yet"
120  elif tag == "operation":
121  self._operation = Operation()
123  elif self._operation is None: raise Exception, "All chambers and positions must be enclosed in <operation> blocks"
125  elif tag == "setposition":
126  self._operation.setposition["relativeto"] = str(attrib["relativeto"])
128  for name in "x", "y", "z":
129  self._operation.setposition[name] = float(attrib[name])
130  try:
131  for name in "phix", "phiy", "phiz":
132  self._operation.setposition[name] = float(attrib[name])
133  except KeyError:
134  for name in "alpha", "beta", "gamma":
135  self._operation.setposition[name] = float(attrib[name])
137  elif tag == "setape":
138  for name in "xx", "xy", "xz", "yy", "yz", "zz":
139  self._operation.setposition[name] = float(attrib[name])
141  elif tag[0:2] == "DT":
142  alignable = DTAlignable()
143  for name in "wheel", "station", "sector", "superlayer", "layer":
144  if name in attrib:
145  alignable.__dict__[name] = int(attrib[name])
146  self._operation.chambers.append(alignable)
148  # <CSC...>: print endcap/station/ring/chamber/layer
149  elif tag[0:3] == "CSC":
150  alignable = CSCAlignable()
151  for name in "endcap", "station", "ring", "chamber", "layer":
152  if name in attrib:
153  alignable.__dict__[name] = int(attrib[name])
154  self._operation.chambers.append(alignable)
156  # what to do when you get to an </endelement>
157  def endElement(self, tag):
158  if tag == "operation":
159  if self._operation is None: raise Exception, "Unbalanced <operation></operation>"
160  for c in self._operation.chambers:
161  c.__dict__.update(self._operation.setposition)
162  c.__dict__.update(self._operation.setape)
163  if isinstance(c, DTAlignable): self.dt[c.index()] = c
164  elif isinstance(c, CSCAlignable): self.csc[c.index()] = c
166  # writing back to xml
167  def xml(self, stream=None, precision=10):
168  if precision == None: format = "%g"
169  else: format = "%." + str(precision) + "f"
171  if stream == None:
172  output = []
173  writeline = lambda x: output.append(x)
174  else:
175  writeline = lambda x: stream.write(x)
177  writeline("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
178  writeline("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xml\" href=\"MuonAlignment.xsl\"?>\n")
179  writeline("<MuonAlignment>\n\n")
181  dtkeys = self.dt.keys()
182  dtkeys.sort(dtorder)
183  csckeys = self.csc.keys()
184  csckeys.sort(cscorder)
186  def f(number): return format % number
188  def position_ape(ali, attributes):
189  writeline(" <%s%s />\n" % (level, attributes))
190  writeline(" <setposition relativeto=\"%s\" x=\"%s\" y=\"%s\" z=\"%s\" phix=\"%s\" phiy=\"%s\" phiz=\"%s\" />\n" % \
191  (ali.relativeto, f(ali.x), f(ali.y), f(ali.z), f(ali.phix), f(ali.phiy), f(ali.phiz)))
193  if "xx" in ali.__dict__:
194  writeline(" <setape xx=\"%s\" xy=\"%s\" xz=\"%s\" yy=\"%s\" yz=\"%s\" zz=\"%s\" />\n" % \
195  (f(ali.xx), f(ali.xy), f(ali.xz), f(ali.yy), f(ali.yz), f(ali.zz)))
197  for key in dtkeys:
198  writeline("<operation>\n")
200  if len(key) == 0: level = "DTBarrel"
201  elif len(key) == 1: level = "DTWheel "
202  elif len(key) == 2: level = "DTStation "
203  elif len(key) == 3: level = "DTChamber "
204  elif len(key) == 4: level = "DTSuperLayer "
205  elif len(key) == 5: level = "DTLayer "
207  ali = self.dt[key]
208  attributes = " ".join(["%s=\"%d\"" % (name, value) for name, value in zip(("wheel", "station", "sector", "superlayer", "layer"), key)])
209  position_ape(ali, attributes)
211  writeline("</operation>\n\n")
213  for key in csckeys:
214  writeline("<operation>\n")
216  if len(key) == 1: level = "CSCEndcap "
217  elif len(key) == 2: level = "CSCStation "
218  elif len(key) == 3: level = "CSCRing "
219  elif len(key) == 4: level = "CSCChamber "
220  elif len(key) == 5: level = "CSCLayer "
222  ali = self.csc[key]
223  attributes = " ".join(["%s=\"%d\"" % (name, value) for name, value in zip(("endcap", "station", "ring", "chamber", "layer"), key)])
224  position_ape(ali, attributes)
226  writeline("</operation>\n\n")
228  writeline("</MuonAlignment>\n")
229  if stream == None: return "".join(output)
tuple zip
Definition: archive.py:476
double f[11][100]
static std::string join(char **cmd)
Definition: RemoteFile.cc:18
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run