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5 // \class MuScleFit
6 // Fitter of momentum scale and resolution from resonance decays to muon track pairs
7 //
8 // \author R. Bellan, C.Mariotti, S.Bolognesi - INFN Torino / T.Dorigo, M.De Mattia - INFN Padova
9 // revised S. Casasso, E. Migliore - UniTo & INFN Torino
10 //
11 // Recent additions:
12 // - several parameters allow a more flexible use, tests, and control handles
13 // for the likelihood. In particular, a set of integers controls the order
14 // with which parameters are released; another controls which parameters are
15 // fixed. A function allows to smear momenta and angles of muons from the
16 // resonance before any correction, using a set of random numbers generated
17 // once and for all in the constructor (this way the smearing remains the same
18 // for any given muon no matter how many times one loops and what corrections
19 // one applies).
20 // For a correct use of these flags, please see the function minimizeLikelihood() in
21 // MuScleFitUtils.cc
22 // - the fit now allows to extract resolution functions simultaneously with the
23 // momentum scale. So far a simple parametrization
24 // of muon momentum resolution and angle resolution has been implemented, but
25 // extensions are straightforward.
26 // - It is however advisable to fit separately resolution and scale. The suggested
27 // course of action is:
28 // 1) fit the scale with a simple parametrization
29 // 2) check results, fit with more complicated forms
30 // 3) verify which is a sufficiently accurate description of the data
31 // 4) fix scale parameters and fit for the resolution
32 // 5) go back to fitting the scale with resolution parameters fixed to fitted values
33 // - Also note that resolution fits may fail to converge due to instability of the
34 // probability distribution to the limit of large widths. Improvements here are
35 // advisable.
36 // - The treatment of signal windows in the Y region
37 // has to be refined because of overlaps. More work is needed here, assigning a different
38 // weight to different hypothesis of the resonance producing a given mass, if there are
39 // multiple candidates.
40 // - Also, larger windows are to be allowed for fits to SA muons.
41 // - File Probs_1000.root contains the probability distribution of lorentzians convoluted
42 // with gaussian smearing functions, for the six resonances. A 1000x1000 grid
43 // in mass,sigma has been computed (using root macro Probs.C).
44 // A wider interval of masses for each resonance should be computed, to be used for standalone muons
45 //
46 //
47 // Notes on additions, TD 31/3/08
48 //
49 // - background model: at least a couple of different models, with two parameters,
50 // should be included in the fitting procedure such that the function massprob(),
51 // which produces the probability in the likelihood computation, incorporates the
52 // probability that the event is from background. That is, if the fitting function
53 // knows the shape of the mass spectrum ( say, a falling exponential plus a gaussian
54 // signal) it becomes possible to fit the scale together with the background shape
55 // and normalization parameters. Of course, one should do one thing at a time: first
56 // a scale fit, then a shape fit with scale parameters fixed, and then a combined
57 // fit. Convergence issues should be handled case by case.
58 // - The correct implementation of the above idea requires a reorganization of pass
59 // parameters (in the cfg) and fit parameters. The user has to be able to smear,
60 // bias, fix parameters, choose scale fitting functions, resolution fitting functions,
61 // and background functions. It should be possible to separate the fit functions from
62 // the biasing ones, which would allow a more thorough testing.
63 // - all the above can be obtained by making the .cfg instructions heavier. Since this
64 // is a routine operated by experts only, it is a sensible choice.
65 // - One should thus envision the following:
66 // 1) a set of parameters controlling the biasing function: parBias()
67 // 2) a set of parameters controlling the smearing function: parSmear()
68 // 3) a set of parameters to define resolution modeling and initial values: parResol()
69 // 3b) parResol() gets fix and order bits by parResolFix() and parResolOrder()
70 // 4) a set of parameters to define scale modeling and initial values: parScale()
71 // 4b) parScale() gets fix and order bits by parScaleFix() and parScaleOrder()
72 // 5) a set of parameters controlling the background shape and normalization: parNorm()
73 // 5b) parNorm() gets fix and order bits by parNormFix() and parNormOrder()
74 // The likelihood parameters then become a vector which is dynamically composed of
75 // sets 3), 4), and 5): parval() = parResol()+parScale()+parNorm()
76 // - In order to study better the likelihood behavior it would be advisable to introduce
77 // some histogram filling on the last iteration of the likelihood. It is not clear
78 // how best to achieve that: probably the simplest way is to make a histogram filling
79 // function run just after the likelihood computation, such that the best value of the
80 // fit parameters is used.
81 // - The muon pair which we call our resonance must be chosen in a way which does not
82 // bias our likelihood: we cannot just choose the pair closest to a resonance.
83 //
84 //
85 // Notes on additions, T.Dorigo 22/12/2008
86 // ---------------------------------------
87 //
88 // - File Probs_new_1000_CTEQ.root now contains a set of 24 additional two-dim histograms,
89 // defining the probability distribution of Z boson decays as a function of measured mass
90 // and expected sigma in 24 different bins of Z rapidity, extracted from CTEQ 6 PDF (at
91 // Leading Order) from the convolution in the factorization integral. See programs CTEQ.cpp
92 // and Fits.C.
93 // - The probability for Z boson events now thus depends on the measured rapidity of the dimuon
94 // system. All functions in file MuScleFitUtils.cc have been suitably changed.
95 //
96 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 // Modifications by M. De Mattia 13/3/2009
98 // ---------------------------------------
99 // - The histograms map was moved to a base class (MuScleFitBase) from which this one inherits.
100 //
101 // Modifications by M. De Mattia 20/7/2009
102 // ---------------------------------------
103 // - Reworked background fit based on ranges. See comments in the code for more details.
104 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 // Base Class Headers
106 // ------------------
114 #include <CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h>
115 #include <vector>
121 #include "MuScleFitBase.h"
122 #include "Histograms.h"
123 #include "MuScleFitPlotter.h"
128 #include "MuScleFitMuonSelector.h"
146 #include "HepPDT/defs.h"
147 #include "HepPDT/TableBuilder.hh"
148 #include "HepPDT/ParticleDataTable.hh"
150 #include "HepMC/GenParticle.h"
151 #include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
162 #include "TFile.h"
163 #include "TTree.h"
164 #include "TMinuit.h"
167 // To use callgrind for code profiling uncomment also the following define.
168 // #define USE_CALLGRIND
170 #ifdef USE_CALLGRIND
171 #include "valgrind/callgrind.h"
172 #endif
175 // To read likelihood distributions from the database.
176  //#include "CondFormats/RecoMuonObjects/interface/MuScleFitLikelihoodPdf.h"
177  //#include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/MuScleFitLikelihoodPdfRcd.h"
179 namespace edm {
180  class ParameterSet;
181  class Event;
182  class EventSetup;
183 }
187 {
188  public:
189  // Constructor
190  // -----------
191  MuScleFit( const edm::ParameterSet& pset );
193  // Destructor
194  // ----------
195  virtual ~MuScleFit();
197  // Operations
198  // ----------
200  // void beginOfJob( const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup );
201  // virtual void beginOfJob();
202  virtual void endOfJob() override;
204  virtual void startingNewLoop( unsigned int iLoop ) override;
206  virtual edm::EDLooper::Status endOfLoop( const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup, unsigned int iLoop ) override;
207  virtual void endOfFastLoop( const unsigned int iLoop );
209  virtual edm::EDLooper::Status duringLoop( const edm::Event & event, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup ) override;
214  virtual void duringFastLoop();
216  template<typename T>
217  std::vector<MuScleFitMuon> fillMuonCollection( const std::vector<T>& tracks );
219  private:
221  protected:
226  void selectMuons(const edm::Event & event);
232  void selectMuons(const int maxEvents, const TString & treeFileName);
235  template<typename T>
236  void takeSelectedMuonType(const T & muon, std::vector<reco::Track> & tracks);
238  bool selGlobalMuon(const pat::Muon* aMuon);
239  bool selTrackerMuon(const pat::Muon* aMuon);
244  void fillComparisonHistograms( const reco::Particle::LorentzVector & genMu, const reco::Particle::LorentzVector & recoMu, const std::string & inputName, const int charge );
249  void applyBias( reco::Particle::LorentzVector & mu, const int charge );
255  void checkParameters();
259  // Counters
260  // --------
266  bool ifHepMC;
267  bool ifGenPart;
269  // Constants
270  // ---------
274  // Total number of loops
275  // ---------------------
276  unsigned int maxLoopNumber;
277  unsigned int loopCounter;
279  bool fastLoop;
283  // The reconstructed muon 4-momenta to be put in the tree
284  // ------------------------------------------------------
287  int iev;
292  bool PATmuons_;
295  // Input Root Tree file name. If empty events are read from the edm root file.
297  // Output Root Tree file name. If not empty events are dumped to this file at the end of the last iteration.
299  // Maximum number of events from root tree. It works in the same way as the maxEvents to configure a input source.
304  std::vector<std::string> triggerPath_;
308  // input collections for PU related infos
312  std::auto_ptr<MuScleFitMuonSelector> muonSelector_;
313 };
315 template<typename T>
316 std::vector<MuScleFitMuon> MuScleFit::fillMuonCollection( const std::vector<T>& tracks )
317 {
318  std::vector<MuScleFitMuon> muons;
319  typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator track;
320  for( track = tracks.begin(); track != tracks.end(); ++track ) {
322  mu = reco::Particle::LorentzVector(track->px(),track->py(),track->pz(),
323  sqrt(track->p()*track->p() + MuScleFitUtils::mMu2));
324  // Apply smearing if needed, and then bias
325  // ---------------------------------------
327  if (debug_>0)
328  std::cout <<std::setprecision(9)<< "Muon #" << MuScleFitUtils::goodmuon
329  << ": initial value Pt = " << mu.Pt() << std::endl;
331  applySmearing(mu);
332  applyBias(mu, track->charge());
333  if (debug_>0) std::cout<<"track charge: "<<track->charge()<<std::endl;
335  Double_t hitsTk = track->innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
336  Double_t hitsMuon = track->innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits();
337  Double_t ptError = track->innerTrack()->ptError();
338  MuScleFitMuon muon(mu,track->charge(),ptError,hitsTk,hitsMuon,false);
339  if (debug_>0) {
340  std::cout<<"[MuScleFit::fillMuonCollection]"<<std::endl;
341  std::cout<<" muon = "<<muon<<std::endl;
342  }
344  // Store modified muon
345  // -------------------
346  muons.push_back (muon);
347  }
348  return muons;
349 }
352 template<typename T>
353 void MuScleFit::takeSelectedMuonType(const T & muon, std::vector<reco::Track> & tracks)
354 {
355  // std::cout<<"muon "<<muon->isGlobalMuon()<<muon->isStandAloneMuon()<<muon->isTrackerMuon()<<std::endl;
356  //NNBB: one muon can be of many kinds at once but with the theMuonType_ we are sure
357  // to avoid double counting of the same muon
358  if(muon->isGlobalMuon() && theMuonType_==1)
359  tracks.push_back(*(muon->globalTrack()));
360  else if(muon->isStandAloneMuon() && theMuonType_==2)
361  tracks.push_back(*(muon->outerTrack()));
362  else if(muon->isTrackerMuon() && theMuonType_==3)
363  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
365  else if( theMuonType_ == 10 && !(muon->isStandAloneMuon()) ) //particular case!!
366  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
367  else if( theMuonType_ == 11 && muon->isGlobalMuon() )
368  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
369  else if( theMuonType_ == 13 && muon->isTrackerMuon() )
370  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
371 }
374 // Constructor
375 // -----------
377  MuScleFitBase( pset ),
378  totalEvents_(0)
379 {
381  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: Constructor" << std::endl;
383  if ((theMuonType_<-4 || theMuonType_>5) && theMuonType_<10) {
384  std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: Unknown muon type! Aborting." << std::endl;
385  abort();
386  }
388  loopCounter = 0;
390  // Boundaries for h-function computation (to be improved!)
391  // -------------------------------------------------------
392  minResMass_hwindow[0] = 71.1876; // 76.;
393  maxResMass_hwindow[0] = 111.188; // 106.;
394  minResMass_hwindow[1] = 10.15;
395  maxResMass_hwindow[1] = 10.55;
396  minResMass_hwindow[2] = 9.8;
397  maxResMass_hwindow[2] = 10.2;
398  minResMass_hwindow[3] = 9.25;
399  maxResMass_hwindow[3] = 9.65;
400  minResMass_hwindow[4] = 3.58;
401  maxResMass_hwindow[4] = 3.78;
402  minResMass_hwindow[5] = 3.0;
403  maxResMass_hwindow[5] = 3.2;
405  // Max number of loops (if > 2 then try to minimize likelihood more than once)
406  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
407  maxLoopNumber = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxLoopNumber", 2);
408  fastLoop = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("FastLoop", true);
410  // Selection of fits according to loop
411  MuScleFitUtils::doResolFit = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("doResolFit");
412  MuScleFitUtils::doScaleFit = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("doScaleFit");
413  MuScleFitUtils::doCrossSectionFit = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("doCrossSectionFit");
414  MuScleFitUtils::doBackgroundFit = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("doBackgroundFit");
416  // Bias and smear types
417  // --------------------
418  int biasType = pset.getParameter<int>("BiasType");
419  MuScleFitUtils::BiasType = biasType;
420  // No error, the scale functions are used also for the bias
422  int smearType = pset.getParameter<int>("SmearType");
423  MuScleFitUtils::SmearType = smearType;
426  // Fit types
427  // ---------
428  int resolFitType = pset.getParameter<int>("ResolFitType");
429  MuScleFitUtils::ResolFitType = resolFitType;
432  int scaleType = pset.getParameter<int>("ScaleFitType");
433  MuScleFitUtils::ScaleFitType = scaleType;
437  // Initial parameters values
438  // -------------------------
439  MuScleFitUtils::parBias = pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("parBias");
440  MuScleFitUtils::parSmear = pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("parSmear");
441  MuScleFitUtils::parResol = pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("parResol");
442  MuScleFitUtils::parResolStep = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<double> >("parResolStep", std::vector<double>());
443  MuScleFitUtils::parResolMin = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<double> >("parResolMin", std::vector<double>());
444  MuScleFitUtils::parResolMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<double> >("parResolMax", std::vector<double>());
445  MuScleFitUtils::parScale = pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("parScale");
446  MuScleFitUtils::parScaleStep = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<double> >("parScaleStep", std::vector<double>());
447  MuScleFitUtils::parScaleMin = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<double> >("parScaleMin", std::vector<double>());
448  MuScleFitUtils::parScaleMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<double> >("parScaleMax", std::vector<double>());
449  MuScleFitUtils::parCrossSection = pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("parCrossSection");
450  MuScleFitUtils::parBgr = pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("parBgr");
451  MuScleFitUtils::parResolFix = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parResolFix");
452  MuScleFitUtils::parScaleFix = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parScaleFix");
453  MuScleFitUtils::parCrossSectionFix = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parCrossSectionFix");
454  MuScleFitUtils::parBgrFix = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parBgrFix");
455  MuScleFitUtils::parResolOrder = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parResolOrder");
456  MuScleFitUtils::parScaleOrder = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parScaleOrder");
457  MuScleFitUtils::parCrossSectionOrder = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parCrossSectionOrder");
458  MuScleFitUtils::parBgrOrder = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("parBgrOrder");
460  MuScleFitUtils::resfind = pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("resfind");
461  MuScleFitUtils::FitStrategy = pset.getParameter<int>("FitStrategy");
463  // Option to skip unnecessary stuff
464  // --------------------------------
465  MuScleFitUtils::speedup = pset.getParameter<bool>("speedup");
467  // Option to skip simTracks comparison
468  compareToSimTracks_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("compareToSimTracks");
469  simTracksCollection_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("SimTracksCollection", edm::InputTag("g4SimHits"));
471  triggerResultsLabel_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("TriggerResultsLabel");
472  triggerResultsProcess_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("TriggerResultsProcess");
473  triggerPath_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("TriggerPath");
474  negateTrigger_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("NegateTrigger", false);
475  saveAllToTree_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SaveAllToTree", false);
477  // input collections for PU related infos
478  puInfoSrc_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("PileUpSummaryInfo");
479  vertexSrc_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("PrimaryVertexCollection");
482  PATmuons_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PATmuons", false);
483  genParticlesName_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("GenParticlesName", "genParticles");
485  // Use the probability file or not. If not it will perform a simpler selection taking the muon pair with
486  // invariant mass closer to the pdf value and will crash if some fit is attempted.
487  MuScleFitUtils::useProbsFile_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("UseProbsFile", true);
489  // This must be set to true if using events generated with Sherpa
490  MuScleFitUtils::sherpa_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Sherpa", false);
492  MuScleFitUtils::rapidityBinsForZ_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("RapidityBinsForZ", true);
494  // Set the cuts on muons to be used in the fit
495  MuScleFitUtils::separateRanges_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SeparateRanges", true);
496  MuScleFitUtils::maxMuonPt_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaxMuonPt", 100000000.);
497  MuScleFitUtils::minMuonPt_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MinMuonPt", 0.);
498  MuScleFitUtils::minMuonEtaFirstRange_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MinMuonEtaFirstRange", -6.);
499  MuScleFitUtils::maxMuonEtaFirstRange_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaxMuonEtaFirstRange", 6.);
500  MuScleFitUtils::minMuonEtaSecondRange_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MinMuonEtaSecondRange", -100.);
501  MuScleFitUtils::maxMuonEtaSecondRange_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MaxMuonEtaSecondRange", 100.);
502  MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhiMinCut_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DeltaPhiMinCut", -100.);
503  MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhiMaxCut_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DeltaPhiMaxCut", 100.);
505  MuScleFitUtils::debugMassResol_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DebugMassResol", false);
506  // MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponents;
508  // Check for parameters consistency
509  // it will abort in case of errors.
510  checkParameters();
512  // Generate array of gaussian-distributed numbers for smearing
513  // -----------------------------------------------------------
514  if (MuScleFitUtils::SmearType>0) {
515  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: Generating random values for smearing" << std::endl;
516  TF1 G("G", "[0]*exp(-0.5*pow(x,2))", -5., 5.);
517  double norm = 1/sqrt(2*TMath::Pi());
518  G.SetParameter (0,norm);
519  for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
520  for (int j=0; j<7; j++) {
521  MuScleFitUtils::x[j][i] = G.GetRandom();
522  }
523  }
524  }
527  if(theMuonType_ > 0 && theMuonType_ < 4) {
530  }
531  else if(theMuonType_ == 0 || theMuonType_ == 4 || theMuonType_ == 5 || theMuonType_ >= 10 || theMuonType_==-1 || theMuonType_==-2 || theMuonType_==-3 || theMuonType_==-4) {
534  }
535  else{
536  std::cout<<"Wrong muon type "<<theMuonType_<<std::endl;
537  exit(1);
538  }
540  // When using standalone muons switch to the single Z pdf
541  if( theMuonType_ == 2 ) {
542  MuScleFitUtils::rapidityBinsForZ_ = false;
543  }
545  // Initialize ResMaxSigma And ResHalfWidth - 0 = global, 1 = SM, 2 = tracker
546  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
567  MuScleFitUtils::resfind,
568  MuScleFitUtils::speedup, genParticlesName_,
569  compareToSimTracks_, simTracksCollection_,
570  MuScleFitUtils::sherpa_, debug_));
572  MuScleFitUtils::backgroundHandler = new BackgroundHandler( pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("BgrFitType"),
573  pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("LeftWindowBorder"),
574  pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("RightWindowBorder"),
580  // Build cross section scale factors
581  // MuScleFitUtils::resfind
583  MuScleFitUtils::normalizeLikelihoodByEventNumber_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("NormalizeLikelihoodByEventNumber", true);
584  if(debug_>0) std::cout << "End of MuScleFit constructor" << std::endl;
586  inputRootTreeFileName_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("InputRootTreeFileName");
587  outputRootTreeFileName_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("OutputRootTreeFileName");
588  maxEventsFromRootTree_ = pset.getParameter<int>("MaxEventsFromRootTree");
590  MuScleFitUtils::startWithSimplex_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("StartWithSimplex");
591  MuScleFitUtils::computeMinosErrors_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("ComputeMinosErrors");
592  MuScleFitUtils::minimumShapePlots_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("MinimumShapePlots");
595 }
597 // Destructor
598 // ----------
600  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: Destructor" << std::endl;
601  std::cout << "Total number of analyzed events = " << totalEvents_ << std::endl;
603  if( !(outputRootTreeFileName_.empty()) ) {
604  // Save the events to a root tree unless we are reading from the edm root file and the SavedPair size is different from the totalEvents_
605  if( !(inputRootTreeFileName_.empty() && (int(MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair.size()) != totalEvents_)) ) {
606  std::cout << "Saving muon pairs to root tree" << std::endl;
607  RootTreeHandler rootTreeHandler;
609  // rootTreeHandler.writeTree(outputRootTreeFileName_, &(MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair), theMuonType_, 0, saveAllToTree_);
610  if (debug_>0) {
611  std::vector<MuonPair>::const_iterator it = muonPairs_.begin();
612  std::cout<<"[MuScleFit::~MuScleFit] (Destructor)"<<std::endl;
613  for (; it<muonPairs_.end();++it){
614  std::cout<<" Debugging pairs that are going to be written to file"<<std::endl;
615  std::cout<<" muon1 = "<<it->mu1<<std::endl;
616  std::cout<<" muon2 = "<<it->mu2<<std::endl;
617  }
618  }
620  }
621  else {
622  // rootTreeHandler.writeTree(outputRootTreeFileName_, &(MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair), theMuonType_, &(MuScleFitUtils::genPair), saveAllToTree_ );
624  }
625  }
626  else {
627  std::cout << "ERROR: events in the vector = " << MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair.size() << " != totalEvents = " << totalEvents_ << std::endl;
628  }
629  }
630 }
632 // Begin job
633 // ---------
635 // void MuScleFit::beginOfJob ()
636 // void MuScleFit::beginOfJob( const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup )
637 {
638  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: beginOfJob" << std::endl;
639  //if(maxLoopNumber>1)
642  }
644  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: beginOfJob" << std::endl;
646  // Create the root file
647  // --------------------
648  for (unsigned int i=0; i<(maxLoopNumber); i++) {
649  std::stringstream ss;
650  ss << i;
651  std::string rootFileName = ss.str() + "_" + theRootFileName_;
652  theFiles_.push_back (new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"));
653  }
654  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: Root file created" << std::endl;
656  std::cout << "creating plotter" << std::endl;
658  plotter->debug = debug_;
659 }
661 // End of job method
662 // -----------------
664  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: endOfJob" << std::endl;
665 }
667 // New loop
668 // --------
669 void MuScleFit::startingNewLoop( unsigned int iLoop )
670 {
671  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: Starting loop # " << iLoop << std::endl;
673  // Number of muons used
674  // --------------------
677  // Counters for problem std::cout-ing
678  // -----------------------------
681  // Create the root file
682  // --------------------
683  fillHistoMap(theFiles_[iLoop], iLoop);
685  loopCounter = iLoop;
688  iev = 0;
692 }
694 // End of loop routine
695 // -------------------
696 edm::EDLooper::Status MuScleFit::endOfLoop( const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup, unsigned int iLoop )
697 {
698  unsigned int iFastLoop = 1;
700  // Read the events from the root tree if requested
701  if( !(inputRootTreeFileName_.empty()) ) {
703  // When reading from local file all the loops are done here
705  iFastLoop = 0;
706  }
707  else {
708  endOfFastLoop(iLoop);
709  }
711  // If a fastLoop is required we do all the remaining iterations here
712  if( fastLoop == true ) {
713  for( ; iFastLoop<maxLoopNumber; ++iFastLoop ) {
715  std::cout << "Starting fast loop number " << iFastLoop << std::endl;
717  // In the first loop is called by the framework
718  // if( iFastLoop > 0 ) {
719  startingNewLoop(iFastLoop);
720  // }
722  // std::vector<std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> >::const_iterator it = MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair.begin();
723  // for( ; it != SavedPair.end(); ++it ) {
724  while( iev<totalEvents_ ) {
725  if( iev%50000 == 0 ) {
726  std::cout << "Fast looping on event number " << iev << std::endl;
727  }
728  // This reads muons from SavedPair using iev to keep track of the event
729  duringFastLoop();
730  }
731  std::cout << "End of fast loop number " << iFastLoop << ". Ran on " << iev << " events" << std::endl;
732  endOfFastLoop(iFastLoop);
733  }
734  }
736  if (iFastLoop>=maxLoopNumber-1) {
737  return kStop;
738  } else {
739  return kContinue;
740  }
741 }
743 void MuScleFit::endOfFastLoop( const unsigned int iLoop )
744 {
745  // std::cout<< "Inside endOfFastLoop, iLoop = " << iLoop << " and loopCounter = " << loopCounter << std::endl;
747  if( loopCounter == 0 ) {
748  // plotter->writeHistoMap();
749  // The destructor will call the writeHistoMap after the cd to the output file
750  delete plotter;
751  }
753  std::cout << "Ending loop # " << iLoop << std::endl;
755  // Write the histos to file
756  // ------------------------
757  // theFiles_[iLoop]->cd();
758  writeHistoMap(iLoop);
760  // Likelihood minimization to compute corrections
761  // ----------------------------------------------
762  // theFiles_[iLoop]->cd();
763  TDirectory * likelihoodDir = theFiles_[iLoop]->mkdir("likelihood");
764  likelihoodDir->cd();
767  // ATTENTION, this was put BEFORE the minimizeLikelihood. Check for problems.
768  theFiles_[iLoop]->Close();
769  // ATTENTION: Check that this delete does not give any problem
770  delete theFiles_[iLoop];
772  // Clear the histos
773  // ----------------
774  clearHistoMap();
775 }
777 // Stuff to do during loop
778 // -----------------------
780 {
782  event.getByLabel(edm::InputTag(triggerResultsLabel_.c_str(), "", triggerResultsProcess_.c_str()), triggerResults);
783  //event.getByLabel(InputTag(triggerResultsLabel_),triggerResults);
784  bool isFired = false;
786  if(triggerPath_[0] == "")
787  isFired = true;
788  else if(triggerPath_[0] == "All"){
789  isFired =triggerResults->accept();
790  if(debug_>0)
791  std::cout<<"Trigger "<<isFired<<std::endl;
792  }
793  else{
794  bool changed;
796  hltConfig.init(event.getRun(), eventSetup, triggerResultsProcess_, changed);
799  const edm::TriggerNames triggerNames = event.triggerNames(*triggerResults);
801  for (unsigned i=0; i<triggerNames.size(); i++) {
802  std::string hltName = triggerNames.triggerName(i);
804  // match the path in the pset with the true name of the trigger
805  for ( unsigned int ipath=0; ipath<triggerPath_.size(); ipath++ ) {
806  if ( hltName.find(triggerPath_[ipath]) != std::string::npos ) {
807  unsigned int triggerIndex( hltConfig.triggerIndex(hltName) );
809  // triggerIndex must be less than the size of HLTR or you get a CMSException: _M_range_check
810  if (triggerIndex < triggerResults->size()) {
811  isFired = triggerResults->accept(triggerIndex);
812  if(debug_>0)
813  std::cout << triggerPath_[ipath] <<" "<< hltName << " " << isFired<<std::endl;
814  }
815  } // end if (matching the path in the pset with the true trigger name
816  }
817  }
819  }
821  if( negateTrigger_ && isFired ) return kContinue;
822  else if( !(negateTrigger_) && !isFired ) return kContinue;
824 #ifdef USE_CALLGRIND
826 #endif
828  if (debug_>0) {
829  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-duringLoop]: loopCounter = " << loopCounter
830  << " Run: " << event.id().run() << " Event: " << event.id().event() << std::endl;
831  }
833  // On the first iteration we read the bank, otherwise we fetch the information from the muon tree
834  // ------------------------------------ Important Note --------------------------------------- //
835  // The fillMuonCollection method applies any smearing or bias to the muons, so we NEVER use
836  // unbiased muons.
837  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
838  if( loopCounter == 0 ) {
840  if( !fastLoop || inputRootTreeFileName_.empty() ) {
841  if( debug_ > 0 ) std::cout << "Reading from edm event" << std::endl;
842  selectMuons(event);
843  duringFastLoop();
844  ++totalEvents_;
845  }
846  }
848  return kContinue;
850 #ifdef USE_CALLGRIND
853 #endif
854 }
857 {
861  std::vector<MuScleFitMuon> muons;
862  muonSelector_->selectMuons(event, muons, genMuonPairs_, MuScleFitUtils::simPair, plotter);
863  // plotter->fillRec(muons); // @EM method already invoked inside MuScleFitMuonSelector::selectMuons()
865  if (debug_>0){
866  std::cout<<"[MuScleFit::selectMuons] Debugging muons collections after call to muonSelector_->selectMuons"<<std::endl;
867  int iMu=0;
868  for (std::vector<MuScleFitMuon>::const_iterator it = muons.begin(); it < muons.end(); ++it) {
869  std::cout<<" - muon n. "<<iMu<<" = "<<(*it)<<std::endl;
870  ++iMu;
871  }
872  }
874  // Find the two muons from the resonance, and set ResFound bool
875  // ------------------------------------------------------------
876  std::pair<MuScleFitMuon, MuScleFitMuon> recMuFromBestRes =
880  if (debug_>0) {
881  std::cout <<std::setprecision(9)<< "Pt after findbestrecores: " << (recMuFromBestRes.first).Pt() << " "
882  << (recMuFromBestRes.second).Pt() << std::endl;
883  std::cout << "recMu1 = " << recMu1 << std::endl;
884  std::cout << "recMu2 = " << recMu2 << std::endl;
885  }
886  recMu1 = recMuFromBestRes.first.p4();
887  recMu2 = recMuFromBestRes.second.p4();
888  recMuScleMu1 = recMuFromBestRes.first;
889  recMuScleMu2 = recMuFromBestRes.second;
891  if (debug_>0) {
892  std::cout << "after recMu1 = " << recMu1 << std::endl;
893  std::cout << "after recMu2 = " << recMu2 << std::endl;
894  std::cout << "mu1.pt = " << recMu1.Pt() << std::endl;
895  std::cout << "mu2.pt = " << recMu2.Pt() << std::endl;
896  std::cout << "after recMuScleMu1 = " << recMuScleMu1 << std::endl;
897  std::cout << "after recMuScleMu2 = " << recMuScleMu2 << std::endl;
898  }
899  MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair.push_back( std::make_pair( recMu1, recMu2 ) );
900  MuScleFitUtils::SavedPairMuScleFitMuons.push_back( std::make_pair( recMuScleMu1, recMuScleMu2 ) );
901  } else {
902  MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair.push_back( std::make_pair( lorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.), lorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.) ) );
903  MuScleFitUtils::SavedPairMuScleFitMuons.push_back( std::make_pair( MuScleFitMuon() , MuScleFitMuon() ) );
904  }
905  // Save the events also in the external tree so that it can be saved late
909  // Fetch extra information (per event)
910  UInt_t the_NVtx(0);
911  Int_t the_numPUvtx(0);
912  Float_t the_TrueNumInteractions(0);
914  // Fill pile-up related informations
915  // --------------------------------
917  event.getByLabel(puInfoSrc_, puInfo);
918  if ( puInfo.isValid() ) {
919  std::vector<PileupSummaryInfo>::const_iterator PVI;
920  for(PVI = puInfo->begin(); PVI != puInfo->end(); ++PVI) {
921  int BX = PVI->getBunchCrossing();
922  if(BX == 0) { // "0" is the in-time crossing, negative values are the early crossings, positive are late
923  the_TrueNumInteractions = PVI->getTrueNumInteractions();
924  the_numPUvtx = PVI->getPU_NumInteractions();
925  }
926  }
927  }
930  event.getByLabel(vertexSrc_, vertices);
931  if ( vertices.isValid() ) {
932  std::vector<reco::Vertex>::const_iterator itv;
933  // now, count vertices
934  for (itv = vertices->begin(); itv != vertices->end(); ++itv) {
935  // require that the vertex meets certain criteria
936  if(itv->ndof()<5) continue;
937  if(fabs(itv->z())>50.0) continue;
938  if(fabs(itv->position().rho())>2.0) continue;
939  ++the_NVtx;
940  }
941  }
945  MuScleFitEvent(event.run(), event.id().event(), the_numPUvtx, the_TrueNumInteractions, the_NVtx)
946  ));
947  // Fill the internal genPair tree from the external one
948  if( MuScleFitUtils::speedup == false ) {
949  MuScleFitUtils::genPair.push_back(std::make_pair( genMuonPairs_.back().mu1.p4(), genMuonPairs_.back().mu2.p4() ));
950  }
951 }
953 void MuScleFit::selectMuons(const int maxEvents, const TString & treeFileName)
954 {
955  std::cout << "Reading muon pairs from Root Tree in " << treeFileName << std::endl;
956  RootTreeHandler rootTreeHandler;
957  std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > evtRun;
959  rootTreeHandler.readTree(maxEvents, inputRootTreeFileName_, &(MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair), theMuonType_, &evtRun);
960  }
961  else {
963  }
964  // Now loop on all the pairs and apply any smearing and bias if needed
965  std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator evtRunIt = evtRun.begin();
966  std::vector<std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> >::iterator it = MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair.begin();
967  std::vector<std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> >::iterator genIt;
968  if(MuScleFitUtils::speedup == false) genIt = MuScleFitUtils::genPair.begin();
969  for( ; it != MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair.end(); ++it, ++evtRunIt ) {
971  // Apply any cut if requested
972  // Note that cuts here are only applied to already selected muons. They should not be used unless
973  // you are sure that the difference is negligible (e.g. the number of events with > 2 muons is negligible).
974  double pt1 = it->first.pt();
975  //std::cout << "pt1 = " << pt1 << std::endl;
976  double pt2 = it->second.pt();
977  //std::cout << "pt2 = " << pt2 << std::endl;
978  double eta1 = it->first.eta();
979  //std::cout << "eta1 = " << eta1 << std::endl;
980  double eta2 = it->second.eta();
981  //std::cout << "eta2 = " << eta2 << std::endl;
982  // If they don't pass the cuts set to null vectors
983  bool dontPass = false;
984  bool eta1InFirstRange;
985  bool eta2InFirstRange;
986  bool eta1InSecondRange;
987  bool eta2InSecondRange;
995  // This is my logic, which should be erroneous, but certainly simpler...
998  eta1InFirstRange && eta2InSecondRange ) ) {
999  dontPass = true;
1000  }
1001  }
1002  else {
1003  eta1 = fabs(eta1);
1004  eta2 = fabs(eta2);
1011  ( ((eta1InFirstRange && !eta2InFirstRange) && (eta2InSecondRange && !eta1InSecondRange)) ||
1012  ((eta2InFirstRange && !eta1InFirstRange) && (eta1InSecondRange && !eta2InSecondRange)) )) ) {
1013  dontPass = true;
1014  }
1015  }
1017  // Additional check on deltaPhi
1018  double deltaPhi = MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhi(it->first.phi(), it->second.phi());
1019  if( (deltaPhi <= MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhiMinCut_) || (deltaPhi >= MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhiMaxCut_) ) dontPass = true;
1022  if( dontPass ) {
1023  // std::cout << "removing muons not passing cuts" << std::endl;
1024  it->first = reco::Particle::LorentzVector(0,0,0,0);
1025  it->second = reco::Particle::LorentzVector(0,0,0,0);
1026  }
1029  // First is always mu-, second mu+
1030  if( (MuScleFitUtils::SmearType != 0) || (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType != 0) ) {
1031  applySmearing(it->first);
1032  applyBias(it->first, -1);
1033  applySmearing(it->second);
1034  applyBias(it->second, 1);
1035  }
1037  //FIXME: we loose the additional information besides the 4-momenta
1038  muonPairs_.push_back(MuonPair(MuScleFitMuon(it->first,-1), MuScleFitMuon(it->second,+1),
1039  MuScleFitEvent((*evtRunIt).first, (*evtRunIt).second, 0, 0, 0) )
1040  );
1043  // Fill the internal genPair tree from the external one
1044  if( MuScleFitUtils::speedup == false ) {
1045  genMuonPairs_.push_back(GenMuonPair(genIt->first, genIt->second, 0));
1046  ++genIt;
1047  }
1048  }
1050  if( !(MuScleFitUtils::speedup) ) {
1052  }
1053 }
1056 {
1057  // On loops>0 the two muons are directly obtained from the SavedMuon array
1058  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1059  MuScleFitUtils::ResFound = false;
1061  recMu2 = (MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair[iev].second);
1063  //std::cout << "iev = " << iev << ", recMu1 pt = " << recMu1.Pt() << ", recMu2 pt = " << recMu2.Pt() << std::endl;
1065  if (recMu1.Pt()>0 && recMu2.Pt()>0) {
1066  MuScleFitUtils::ResFound = true;
1067  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "Ev = " << iev << ": found muons in tree with Pt = "
1068  << recMu1.Pt() << " " << recMu2.Pt() << std::endl;
1069  }
1071  if( debug_>0 ) std::cout << "About to start lik par correction and histo filling; ResFound is "
1072  << MuScleFitUtils::ResFound << std::endl;
1073  // If resonance found, do the hard work
1074  // ------------------------------------
1075  if( MuScleFitUtils::ResFound ) {
1077  // Find weight and reference mass for this muon pair
1078  // -------------------------------------------------
1079  // The last parameter = true means that we want to use always the background window to compute the weight,
1080  // otherwise the probability will be filled only for the resonance region.
1081  double weight = MuScleFitUtils::computeWeight( (recMu1+recMu2).mass(), iev, true );
1082  if (debug_>0) {
1083  std::cout << "Loop #" << loopCounter << "Event #" << iev << ": before correction Pt1 = "
1084  << recMu1.Pt() << " Pt2 = " << recMu2.Pt() << std::endl;
1085  }
1086  // For successive iterations, correct the muons only if the previous iteration was a scale fit.
1087  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1088  if ( loopCounter>0 ) {
1092  }
1093  }
1094  if (debug_>0) {
1095  std::cout << "Loop #" << loopCounter << "Event #" << iev << ": after correction Pt1 = "
1096  << recMu1.Pt() << " Pt2 = " << recMu2.Pt() << std::endl;
1097  }
1101  //Fill histograms
1102  //------------------
1104  mapHisto_["hRecBestMu"]->Fill(recMu1, -1,weight);
1105  mapHisto_["hRecBestMuVSEta"]->Fill(recMu1);
1106  mapHisto_["hRecBestMu"]->Fill(recMu2, +1,weight);
1107  mapHisto_["hRecBestMuVSEta"]->Fill(recMu2);
1108  mapHisto_["hDeltaRecBestMu"]->Fill(recMu1, recMu2);
1109  // Reconstructed resonance
1110  mapHisto_["hRecBestRes"]->Fill(bestRecRes,+1, weight);
1111  mapHisto_["hRecBestResAllEvents"]->Fill(bestRecRes,+1, 1.);
1112 // // Fill histogram of Res mass vs muon variables
1113 // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMu"]->Fill (recMu1, bestRecRes, -1);
1114 // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMu"]->Fill (recMu2, bestRecRes, +1);
1115 // // Fill also the mass mu+/mu- comparisons
1116 // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMu"]->Fill(recMu1, recMu2, bestRecRes);
1118  mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMu"]->Fill (recMu1, bestRecRes, -1, weight);
1119  mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMu"]->Fill (recMu2, bestRecRes, +1, weight);
1120  // Fill also the mass mu+/mu- comparisons
1121  mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMu"]->Fill(recMu1, recMu2, bestRecRes, weight);
1123  //-- rc 2010 filling histograms for mu+ /mu- ------
1124  // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMuMinus"]->Fill (recMu1, bestRecRes, -1);
1125  // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMuPlus"]->Fill (recMu2, bestRecRes, +1);
1127  //-- rc 2010 filling histograms MassVsMuEtaPhi------
1128  // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMuEtaPhi"]->Fill (recMu1, bestRecRes,-1);
1129  // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSMuEtaPhi"]->Fill (recMu2, bestRecRes,+1);
1131  // Fill histogram of Res mass vs Res variables
1132  // mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSRes"]->Fill (bestRecRes, bestRecRes, +1);
1133  mapHisto_["hRecBestResVSRes"]->Fill (bestRecRes, bestRecRes, +1, weight);
1140  std::vector<double> * parval;
1141  std::vector<double> initpar;
1142  // Store a pointer to the vector of parameters of the last iteration, or the initial
1143  // parameters if this is the first iteration
1144  if (loopCounter==0) {
1145  initpar = MuScleFitUtils::parResol;
1146  initpar.insert( initpar.end(), MuScleFitUtils::parScale.begin(), MuScleFitUtils::parScale.end() );
1147  initpar.insert( initpar.end(), MuScleFitUtils::parCrossSection.begin(), MuScleFitUtils::parCrossSection.end() );
1148  initpar.insert( initpar.end(), MuScleFitUtils::parBgr.begin(), MuScleFitUtils::parBgr.end() );
1149  parval = &initpar;
1150  } else {
1151  parval = &(MuScleFitUtils::parvalue[loopCounter-1]);
1152  }
1154  //Compute pt resolution w.r.t generated and simulated muons
1155  //--------------------------------------------------------
1156  if( !MuScleFitUtils::speedup ) {
1158  //first is always mu-, second is always mu+
1161  }
1164  }
1165  if( compareToSimTracks_ ) {
1166  //first is always mu-, second is always mu+
1169  }
1172  }
1173  }
1174  }
1176  // ATTENTION: this was done only when a matching was found. Moved it outside because, genInfo or not, we still want to see the resolution function
1177  // Fill also the resolution histogramsm using the resolution functions:
1178  // the parameters are those from the last iteration, as the muons up to this point have also the corrections from the same iteration.
1179  // Need to use a different array (ForVec), containing functors able to operate on std::vector<double>
1180  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolPt"]->Fill( recMu1, MuScleFitUtils::resolutionFunctionForVec->sigmaPt(recMu1.Pt(), recMu1.Eta(), *parval ), -1 );
1181  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolCotgTheta"]->Fill( recMu1, MuScleFitUtils::resolutionFunctionForVec->sigmaCotgTh(recMu1.Pt(), recMu1.Eta(), *parval ), -1 );
1182  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolPhi"]->Fill( recMu1, MuScleFitUtils::resolutionFunctionForVec->sigmaPhi(recMu1.Pt(), recMu1.Eta(), *parval ), -1 );
1183  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolPt"]->Fill( recMu2, MuScleFitUtils::resolutionFunctionForVec->sigmaPt(recMu2.Pt(), recMu2.Eta(), *parval ), +1 );
1184  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolCotgTheta"]->Fill( recMu2, MuScleFitUtils::resolutionFunctionForVec->sigmaCotgTh(recMu2.Pt(), recMu2.Eta(), *parval ), +1 );
1185  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolPhi"]->Fill( recMu2, MuScleFitUtils::resolutionFunctionForVec->sigmaPhi(recMu2.Pt(), recMu2.Eta(), *parval ), +1 );
1187  // Compute likelihood histograms
1188  // -----------------------------
1189  if( debug_ > 0 ) std::cout << "mass = " << bestRecRes.mass() << std::endl;
1190  if (weight!=0.) {
1191  double massResol;
1192  double prob;
1193  double deltalike;
1194  if (loopCounter==0) {
1195  std::vector<double> initpar;
1196  for (int i=0; i<(int)(MuScleFitUtils::parResol.size()); i++) {
1197  initpar.push_back(MuScleFitUtils::parResol[i]);
1198  }
1199  for (int i=0; i<(int)(MuScleFitUtils::parScale.size()); i++) {
1200  initpar.push_back(MuScleFitUtils::parScale[i]);
1201  }
1202 // for (int i=0; i<(int)(MuScleFitUtils::parCrossSection.size()); i++) {
1203 // initpar.push_back(MuScleFitUtils::parCrossSection[i]);
1204 // }
1207  for (int i=0; i<(int)(MuScleFitUtils::parBgr.size()); i++) {
1208  initpar.push_back(MuScleFitUtils::parBgr[i]);
1209  }
1210  massResol = MuScleFitUtils::massResolution( recMu1, recMu2, initpar );
1211  // prob = MuScleFitUtils::massProb( bestRecRes.mass(), bestRecRes.Eta(), bestRecRes.Rapidity(), massResol, initpar, true );
1212  prob = MuScleFitUtils::massProb( bestRecRes.mass(), bestRecRes.Eta(), bestRecRes.Rapidity(), massResol,
1213  initpar, true, recMu1.eta(), recMu2.eta() );
1214  } else {
1217  // prob = MuScleFitUtils::massProb( bestRecRes.mass(), bestRecRes.Eta(), bestRecRes.Rapidity(),
1218  // massResol, MuScleFitUtils::parvalue[loopCounter-1], true );
1219  prob = MuScleFitUtils::massProb( bestRecRes.mass(), bestRecRes.Eta(), bestRecRes.Rapidity(),
1220  massResol, MuScleFitUtils::parvalue[loopCounter-1], true,
1221  recMu1.eta(), recMu2.eta() );
1222  }
1223  if( debug_ > 0 ) std::cout << "inside weight: mass = " << bestRecRes.mass() << ", prob = " << prob << std::endl;
1224  if (prob>0) {
1225  if( debug_ > 0 ) std::cout << "inside prob: mass = " << bestRecRes.mass() << ", prob = " << prob << std::endl;
1227  deltalike = log(prob)*weight; // NB maximum likelihood --> deltalike is maximized
1228  mapHisto_["hLikeVSMu"]->Fill(recMu1, deltalike);
1229  mapHisto_["hLikeVSMu"]->Fill(recMu2, deltalike);
1230  mapHisto_["hLikeVSMuMinus"]->Fill(recMu1, deltalike);
1231  mapHisto_["hLikeVSMuPlus"]->Fill(recMu2, deltalike);
1233  double recoMass = (recMu1+recMu2).mass();
1234  if( recoMass != 0 ) {
1235  // IMPORTANT: massResol is not a relative resolution
1236  mapHisto_["hResolMassVSMu"]->Fill(recMu1, massResol, -1);
1237  mapHisto_["hResolMassVSMu"]->Fill(recMu2, massResol, +1);
1238  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolMassVSMu"]->Fill(recMu1, massResol/recoMass, -1);
1239  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolMassVSMu"]->Fill(recMu2, massResol/recoMass, +1);
1240  }
1243  mapHisto_["hdMdPt1"]->Fill(recMu1, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponents.dmdpt1, -1);
1244  mapHisto_["hdMdPt2"]->Fill(recMu2, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponents.dmdpt2, +1);
1245  mapHisto_["hdMdPhi1"]->Fill(recMu1, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponents.dmdphi1, -1);
1246  mapHisto_["hdMdPhi2"]->Fill(recMu2, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponents.dmdphi2, +1);
1247  mapHisto_["hdMdCotgTh1"]->Fill(recMu1, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponents.dmdcotgth1, -1);
1248  mapHisto_["hdMdCotgTh2"]->Fill(recMu2, MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponents.dmdcotgth2, +1);
1249  }
1251  if( !MuScleFitUtils::speedup ) {
1252  double genMass = (MuScleFitUtils::genPair[iev].first + MuScleFitUtils::genPair[iev].second).mass();
1253  // Fill the mass resolution (computed from MC), we use the covariance class to compute the variance
1254  if( genMass != 0 ) {
1256  mapHisto_["hGenResVSMu"]->Fill((MuScleFitUtils::genPair[iev].second), (MuScleFitUtils::genPair[iev].first + MuScleFitUtils::genPair[iev].second), +1);
1257  double diffMass = (recoMass - genMass)/genMass;
1258  // double diffMass = recoMass - genMass;
1259  // Fill if for both muons
1260  double pt1 = recMu1.pt();
1261  double eta1 = recMu1.eta();
1262  double pt2 = recMu2.pt();
1263  double eta2 = recMu2.eta();
1264  // This is to avoid nan
1265  if( diffMass == diffMass ) {
1266  // Mass relative difference vs Pt and Eta. To be used to extract the true mass resolution
1267  mapHisto_["hDeltaMassOverGenMassVsPt"]->Fill(pt1, diffMass);
1268  mapHisto_["hDeltaMassOverGenMassVsPt"]->Fill(pt2, diffMass);
1269  mapHisto_["hDeltaMassOverGenMassVsEta"]->Fill(eta1, diffMass);
1270  mapHisto_["hDeltaMassOverGenMassVsEta"]->Fill(eta2, diffMass);
1271  // This is used for the covariance comparison
1272  mapHisto_["hMassResolutionVsPtEta"]->Fill(pt1, eta1, diffMass, diffMass);
1273  mapHisto_["hMassResolutionVsPtEta"]->Fill(pt2, eta2, diffMass, diffMass);
1274  }
1275  else {
1276  std::cout << "Error, there is a nan: recoMass = " << recoMass << ", genMass = " << genMass << std::endl;
1277  }
1278  }
1279  // Fill with mass resolution from resolution function
1281  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolMass"]->Fill( recMu1, std::pow(massRes,2), -1 );
1282  mapHisto_["hFunctionResolMass"]->Fill( recMu2, std::pow(massRes,2), +1 );
1283  }
1285  mapHisto_["hMass_P"]->Fill(bestRecRes.mass(), prob);
1286  if( debug_ > 0 ) std::cout << "mass = " << bestRecRes.mass() << ", prob = " << prob << std::endl;
1287  mapHisto_["hMass_fine_P"]->Fill(bestRecRes.mass(), prob);
1289  mapHisto_["hMassProbVsRes"]->Fill(bestRecRes, bestRecRes, +1, prob);
1290  mapHisto_["hMassProbVsMu"]->Fill(recMu1, bestRecRes, -1, prob);
1291  mapHisto_["hMassProbVsMu"]->Fill(recMu2, bestRecRes, +1, prob);
1292  mapHisto_["hMassProbVsRes_fine"]->Fill(bestRecRes, bestRecRes, +1, prob);
1293  mapHisto_["hMassProbVsMu_fine"]->Fill(recMu1, bestRecRes, -1, prob);
1294  mapHisto_["hMassProbVsMu_fine"]->Fill(recMu2, bestRecRes, +1, prob);
1295  }
1296  }
1297  } // end if ResFound
1299  // Fill the pair
1300  // -------------
1301  if (loopCounter>0) {
1302  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "[MuScleFit]: filling the pair" << std::endl;
1303  MuScleFitUtils::SavedPair[iev] = std::make_pair( recMu1, recMu2 );
1304  }
1306  iev++;
1309  // return kContinue;
1310 }
1313  //first is always mu-, second is always mu+
1314  double deltaR = sqrt(MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhi(recMu.Phi(),genMu.Phi()) * MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhi(recMu.Phi(),genMu.Phi()) +
1315  ((recMu.Eta()-genMu.Eta()) * (recMu.Eta()-genMu.Eta())));
1316  if(deltaR<0.01)
1317  return true;
1318  else if( debug_ > 0 ) {
1319  std::cout<<"Reco muon "<<recMu<<" with eta "<<recMu.Eta()<<" and phi "<<recMu.Phi()<<std::endl
1320  <<" DOES NOT MATCH with generated muon from resonance: "<<std::endl
1321  <<genMu<<" with eta "<<genMu.Eta()<<" and phi "<<genMu.Phi()<<std::endl;
1322  }
1323  return false;
1324 }
1327  const std::string & inputName, const int charge )
1328 {
1329  std::string name(inputName + "VSMu");
1330  mapHisto_["hResolPt"+name]->Fill(recMu, (-genMu.Pt()+recMu.Pt())/genMu.Pt(), charge);
1331  mapHisto_["hResolTheta"+name]->Fill(recMu, (-genMu.Theta()+recMu.Theta()), charge);
1332  mapHisto_["hResolCotgTheta"+name]->Fill(recMu,(-cos(genMu.Theta())/sin(genMu.Theta())
1333  +cos(recMu.Theta())/sin(recMu.Theta())), charge);
1334  mapHisto_["hResolEta"+name]->Fill(recMu, (-genMu.Eta()+recMu.Eta()),charge);
1335  mapHisto_["hResolPhi"+name]->Fill(recMu, MuScleFitUtils::deltaPhiNoFabs(recMu.Phi(), genMu.Phi()), charge);
1337  // Fill only if it was matched to a genMu and this muon is valid
1338  if( (genMu.Pt() != 0) && (recMu.Pt() != 0) ) {
1339  mapHisto_["hPtRecoVsPt"+inputName]->Fill(genMu.Pt(), recMu.Pt());
1340  }
1341 }
1344 {
1345  if( MuScleFitUtils::SmearType>0 ) {
1346  mu = MuScleFitUtils::applySmearing( mu );
1347  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "Muon #" << MuScleFitUtils::goodmuon
1348  << ": after smearing Pt = " << mu.Pt() << std::endl;
1349  }
1350 }
1353 {
1354  if( MuScleFitUtils::BiasType>0 ) {
1355  mu = MuScleFitUtils::applyBias( mu, charge );
1356  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "Muon #" << MuScleFitUtils::goodmuon
1357  << ": after bias Pt = " << mu.Pt() << std::endl;
1358  }
1359 }
1361 // Simple method to check parameters consistency. It aborts the job if the parameters
1362 // are not consistent.
1365  // Fits selection dimension check
1367  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: wrong size of resolution fits selector = " << MuScleFitUtils::doResolFit.size() << std::endl;
1368  std::cout << "it must have as many values as the number of loops, which is = " << maxLoopNumber << std::endl;
1369  abort();
1370  }
1372  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: wrong size of scale fits selector = " << MuScleFitUtils::doScaleFit.size() << std::endl;
1373  std::cout << "it must have as many values as the number of loops, which is = " << maxLoopNumber << std::endl;
1374  abort();
1375  }
1377  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: wrong size of cross section fits selector = " << MuScleFitUtils::doCrossSectionFit.size() << std::endl;
1378  std::cout << "it must have as many values as the number of loops, which is = " << maxLoopNumber << std::endl;
1379  abort();
1380  }
1382  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: wrong size of background fits selector = " << MuScleFitUtils::doBackgroundFit.size() << std::endl;
1383  std::cout << "it must have as many values as the number of loops, which is = " << maxLoopNumber << std::endl;
1384  abort();
1385  }
1387  // Bias parameters: dimension check
1388  // --------------------------------
1389  if ((MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==1 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=2) || // linear in pt
1390  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==2 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=2) || // linear in |eta|
1391  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==3 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=4) || // sinusoidal in phi
1392  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==4 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=3) || // linear in pt and |eta|
1393  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==5 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=3) || // linear in pt and sinusoidal in phi
1394  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==6 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=3) || // linear in |eta| and sinusoidal in phi
1395  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==7 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=4) || // linear in pt and |eta| and sinusoidal in phi
1396  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==8 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=4) || // linear in pt and parabolic in |eta|
1397  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==9 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=2) || // exponential in pt
1398  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==10 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=3) || // parabolic in pt
1399  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==11 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=4) || // linear in pt and sin in phi with chg
1400  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==12 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=6) || // linear in pt and para in plus sin in phi with chg
1401  (MuScleFitUtils::BiasType==13 && MuScleFitUtils::parBias.size()!=8) || // linear in pt and para in plus sin in phi with chg
1402  MuScleFitUtils::BiasType<0 || MuScleFitUtils::BiasType>13) {
1403  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: Wrong bias type or number of parameters: aborting!" << std::endl;
1404  abort();
1405  }
1406  // Smear parameters: dimension check
1407  // ---------------------------------
1415  MuScleFitUtils::SmearType<0 || MuScleFitUtils::SmearType>7) {
1416  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: Wrong smear type or number of parameters: aborting!" << std::endl;
1417  abort();
1418  }
1419  // Protect against bad size of parameters
1420  // --------------------------------------
1423  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: Mismatch in number of parameters for Resol: aborting!" << std::endl;
1424  abort();
1425  }
1428  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: Mismatch in number of parameters for Scale: aborting!" << std::endl;
1429  abort();
1430  }
1433  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: Mismatch in number of parameters for Bgr: aborting!" << std::endl;
1434  abort();
1435  }
1438  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: Mismatch in number of parameters for Bgr: aborting!" << std::endl;
1439  abort();
1440  }
1442  // Protect against an incorrect number of resonances
1443  // -------------------------------------------------
1444  if (MuScleFitUtils::resfind.size()!=6) {
1445  std::cout << "[MuScleFit-Constructor]: resfind must have 6 elements (1 Z, 3 Y, 2 Psi): aborting!" << std::endl;
1446  abort();
1447  }
1448 }
1452  reco::TrackRef iTrack = aMuon->innerTrack();
1453  const reco::HitPattern& p = iTrack->hitPattern();
1455  reco::TrackRef gTrack = aMuon->globalTrack();
1456  const reco::HitPattern& q = gTrack->hitPattern();
1458  return (//isMuonInAccept(aMuon) &&// no acceptance cuts!
1459  iTrack->found() > 11 &&
1460  gTrack->chi2()/gTrack->ndof() < 20.0 &&
1461  q.numberOfValidMuonHits() > 0 &&
1462  iTrack->chi2()/iTrack->ndof() < 4.0 &&
1463  aMuon->muonID("TrackerMuonArbitrated") &&
1464  aMuon->muonID("TMLastStationAngTight") &&
1465  p.pixelLayersWithMeasurement() > 1 &&
1466  fabs(iTrack->dxy()) < 3.0 && //should be done w.r.t. PV!
1467  fabs(iTrack->dz()) < 15.0 );//should be done w.r.t. PV!
1468 }
1473  reco::TrackRef iTrack = aMuon->innerTrack();
1474  const reco::HitPattern& p = iTrack->hitPattern();
1476  return (//isMuonInAccept(aMuon) // no acceptance cuts!
1477  iTrack->found() > 11 &&
1478  iTrack->chi2()/iTrack->ndof() < 4.0 &&
1479  aMuon->muonID("TrackerMuonArbitrated") &&
1480  aMuon->muonID("TMLastStationAngTight") &&
1481  p.pixelLayersWithMeasurement() > 1 &&
1482  fabs(iTrack->dxy()) < 3.0 && //should be done w.r.t. PV!
1483  fabs(iTrack->dz()) < 15.0 );//should be done w.r.t. PV!
1485 }
static double deltaPhiNoFabs(const double &phi1, const double &phi2)
Without fabs at the end, used to have a symmetric distribution for the resolution fits and variance c...
static std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > simPair
const double Pi
static std::vector< int > doScaleFit
void readTree(const int maxEvents, const TString &fileName, MuonPairVector *savedPair, const int muonType, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > *evtRun, MuonPairVector *genPair=0)
static std::vector< int > doResolFit
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
scaleFunctionBase< double * > * scaleFunctionService(const int identifier)
Service to build the scale functor corresponding to the passed identifier.
Definition: Functions.cc:3
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
static std::vector< double > parBias
void selectMuons(const edm::Event &event)
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:856
static std::vector< int > parCrossSectionOrder
std::vector< GenMuonPair > genMuonPairs_
Stores the genMuon pairs and the motherId prior to the creation of the internal tree.
Definition: MuScleFitBase.h:82
reco::TrackRef innerTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in the tracker only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) ...
Definition: Muon.h:73
static smearFunctionBase * smearFunction
static std::vector< int > parScaleOrder
edm::InputTag theMuonLabel_
Definition: MuScleFitBase.h:46
static std::vector< int > doCrossSectionFit
static void minimizeLikelihood()
static double maxMuonEtaSecondRange_
std::vector< MuScleFitMuon > fillMuonCollection(const std::vector< T > &tracks)
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:316
static std::vector< int > parBgrOrder
bool selGlobalMuon(const pat::Muon *aMuon)
Function for onia selections.
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1450
static unsigned int loopCounter
static double deltaPhiMaxCut_
static std::vector< double > parResolMax
static std::vector< std::pair< MuScleFitMuon, MuScleFitMuon > > SavedPairMuScleFitMuons
unsigned int loopCounter
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:277
bool muonID(const std::string &name) const
Definition: Muon.cc:374
int totalEvents_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:288
static bool startWithSimplex_
std::string triggerResultsProcess_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:303
static std::vector< int > doBackgroundFit
static std::vector< double > parResol
static bool debugMassResol_
bool saveAllToTree_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:306
virtual void duringFastLoop()
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1055
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
void checkParameters()
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1363
static BackgroundHandler * backgroundHandler
static double x[7][10000]
static int debug
static double ResMass[6]
int pixelLayersWithMeasurement() const
Definition: HitPattern.h:745
edm::InputTag vertexSrc_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:310
static double massWindowHalfWidth[3][6]
static bool speedup
#define DEFINE_FWK_LOOPER(type)
Run const & getRun() const
Definition: Event.cc:61
std::map< std::string, Histograms * > mapHisto_
The map of histograms.
Definition: MuScleFitBase.h:77
static bool ResFound
void fillTreeRec(const std::vector< std::pair< reco::Particle::LorentzVector, reco::Particle::LorentzVector > > &savedPairs)
Used when running on the root tree containing preselected muon pairs.
static scaleFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * biasFunction
bool selTrackerMuon(const pat::Muon *aMuon)
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1471
bool ifHepMC
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:266
virtual void startingNewLoop(unsigned int iLoop) override
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:669
Strings::size_type size() const
Definition: TriggerNames.cc:39
static std::vector< int > parBgrFix
static std::vector< double > parResolMin
static bool minimumShapePlots_
edm::InputTag simTracksCollection_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:291
static int MuonTypeForCheckMassWindow
static double minMuonEtaFirstRange_
static double massProb(const double &mass, const double &rapidity, const int ires, const double &massResol)
void fillComparisonHistograms(const reco::Particle::LorentzVector &genMu, const reco::Particle::LorentzVector &recoMu, const std::string &inputName, const int charge)
Fill the reco vs gen and reco vs sim comparison histograms.
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1326
static struct MuScleFitUtils::massResolComponentsStruct massResolComponents
Strings const & triggerNames() const
Definition: TriggerNames.cc:24
double charge(const std::vector< uint8_t > &Ampls)
static int BiasType
std::vector< std::string > triggerPath_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:304
static std::vector< int > parScaleFix
static bool computeMinosErrors_
MuScleFitMuon recMuScleMu1
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:286
reco::Particle::LorentzVector lorentzVector
Definition: GenMuonPair.h:9
static scaleFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * scaleFunctionForVec
static std::vector< std::vector< double > > parvalue
unsigned int triggerIndex(const std::string &triggerName) const
slot position of trigger path in trigger table (0 to size-1)
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
static double maxMuonPt_
static std::pair< MuScleFitMuon, MuScleFitMuon > findBestRecoRes(const std::vector< MuScleFitMuon > &muons)
static int ScaleFitType
static std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > genPair
std::string outputRootTreeFileName_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:298
std::string theGenInfoRootFileName_
Definition: MuScleFitBase.h:48
int numberOfSimVertices
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:263
resolutionFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * resolutionFunctionVecService(const int identifier)
Service to build the resolution functor corresponding to the passed identifier when receiving a std::...
Definition: Functions.cc:156
static double massResolution(const lorentzVector &mu1, const lorentzVector &mu2)
reco::Particle::LorentzVector recMu2
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:285
bool PATmuons_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:292
static std::vector< double > parScaleMin
reco::Particle::LorentzVector recMu1
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:285
static lorentzVector applyBias(const lorentzVector &muon, const int charge)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
static std::vector< double > parBgr
unsigned int maxLoopNumber
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:276
static int SmearType
MuonServiceProxy * theService
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:257
std::string genParticlesName_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:293
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: Event.h:88
void clearHistoMap()
Clean the histograms map.
int j
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
MuScleFitMuon recMuScleMu2
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:286
bool compareToSimTracks_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:290
static double computeWeight(const double &mass, const int iev, const bool doUseBkgrWindow=false)
static std::vector< double > parScaleStep
static std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > SavedPair
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
MuScleFit(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:376
static std::string const triggerResults
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:41
static lorentzVector applyScale(const lorentzVector &muon, const std::vector< double > &parval, const int charge)
static std::vector< int > parResolFix
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
bool first
Definition: L1TdeRCT.cc:75
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
static std::vector< double > parSmear
void beginOfJobInConstructor()
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:634
smearFunctionBase * smearFunctionService(const int identifier)
Service to build the smearing functor corresponding to the passed identifier.
Definition: Functions.cc:101
reco::TrackRef globalTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector (reimplemented from reco::Muon) ...
Definition: Muon.h:81
static std::vector< int > parResolOrder
static bool sherpa_
std::auto_ptr< MuScleFitMuonSelector > muonSelector_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:312
virtual void endOfJob() override
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:663
bool fastLoop
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:279
virtual edm::EDLooper::Status duringLoop(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) override
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:779
tuple G
Definition: callgraph.py:12
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: TreeUtility.cc:17
int numberOfSimMuons
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:262
void writeTree(const TString &fileName, const std::vector< MuonPair > *savedPair, const int muonType=0, const std::vector< GenMuonPair > *genPair=0, const bool saveAll=false)
static std::vector< double > parScaleMax
scaleFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * scaleFunctionVecService(const int identifier)
Service to build the scale functor corresponding to the passed identifier when receiving a std::vecto...
Definition: Functions.cc:52
void writeHistoMap(const unsigned int iLoop)
Save the histograms map to file.
static std::vector< double > parScale
static double oldNormalization_
void applySmearing(reco::Particle::LorentzVector &mu)
Apply the smearing if needed using the function in MuScleFitUtils.
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1343
virtual ~MuScleFit()
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:599
int numberOfSimTracks
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:261
tuple tracks
Definition: testEve_cfg.py:39
std::string const & triggerName(unsigned int index) const
Definition: TriggerNames.cc:27
std::string theRootFileName_
Definition: MuScleFitBase.h:47
void fillTreeGen(const std::vector< std::pair< reco::Particle::LorentzVector, reco::Particle::LorentzVector > > &genPairs)
edm::InputTag puInfoSrc_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:309
bool init(const edm::Run &iRun, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const std::string &processName, bool &changed)
static double deltaPhiMinCut_
std::string triggerResultsLabel_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:302
static bool rapidityBinsForZ_
MuScleFitPlotter * plotter
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:281
void fillHistoMap(TFile *outputFile, unsigned int iLoop)
Create the histograms map.
Definition: MuScleFitBase.cc:7
std::vector< TFile * > theFiles_
The files were the histograms are saved.
Definition: MuScleFitBase.h:74
double minResMass_hwindow[6]
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:271
static int ResolFitType
static int goodmuon
static bool separateRanges_
static double minMuonEtaSecondRange_
static int iev_
static std::vector< double > parCrossSection
static const double mMu2
tuple muons
Definition: patZpeak.py:38
static lorentzVector applySmearing(const lorentzVector &muon)
static bool normalizeLikelihoodByEventNumber_
std::string inputRootTreeFileName_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:296
bool checkDeltaR(reco::Particle::LorentzVector &genMu, reco::Particle::LorentzVector &recMu)
Check if two lorentzVector are near in deltaR.
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1312
resolutionFunctionBase< double * > * resolutionFunctionService(const int identifier)
Service to build the resolution functor corresponding to the passed identifier.
Definition: Functions.cc:116
int maxEventsFromRootTree_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:300
double maxResMass_hwindow[6]
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:272
static int MuonType
std::vector< MuonPair > muonPairs_
Used to store the muon pairs plus run and event number prior to the creation of the internal tree...
Definition: MuScleFitBase.h:80
static double deltaPhi(const double &phi1, const double &phi2)
tuple cout
Definition: gather_cfg.py:121
static double minMuonPt_
static scaleFunctionBase< double * > * scaleFunction
int numberOfValidMuonHits() const
Definition: HitPattern.h:597
static bool useProbsFile_
int weight
Definition: histoStyle.py:50
static std::vector< int > resfind
void readProbabilityDistributionsFromFile()
Read probability distributions from a local root file.
void takeSelectedMuonType(const T &muon, std::vector< reco::Track > &tracks)
Template method used to fill the track collection starting from reco::muons or pat::muons.
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:353
long double T
static int counter_resprob
static resolutionFunctionBase< std::vector< double > > * resolutionFunctionForVec
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
Definition: Particle.h:27
static int FitStrategy
Analysis-level muon class.
Definition: Muon.h:50
static double maxMuonEtaFirstRange_
tuple size
Write out results.
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
void applyBias(reco::Particle::LorentzVector &mu, const int charge)
Apply the bias if needed using the function in MuScleFitUtils.
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:1352
bool negateTrigger_
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:305
bool ifGenPart
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:267
static CrossSectionHandler * crossSectionHandler
virtual edm::EDLooper::Status endOfLoop(const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup, unsigned int iLoop) override
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:696
static std::vector< double > parResolStep
static std::vector< int > parCrossSectionFix
static resolutionFunctionBase< double * > * resolutionFunction
void addParameters(std::vector< double > &initpar)
Inputs the vars in a vector.
virtual void endOfFastLoop(const unsigned int iLoop)
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:743
int numberOfEwkZ
Definition: MuScleFit.cc:264